Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 15, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, June 15, 1853.
S. L. GLASGOW, Editor.
Moses Pownall, of Lancaster county.
Christian Myers, of Clarion county.
Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co.
Is our authorised agent in Philadelphia, New
Turk and Boston, to receive advertisements; and
any persons in those cities wishing to advertise
in our columns, will please call on him.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who arc author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jonx W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
GEonon W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASGOW, Clay township,
DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township,
Dr. J. P. ASHCOM, Penn township,
Dr. 11. L. Bnowx, Cass township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
Col. J,eo. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Monnis Bnoww, Springfield township,
Wor. Hurcurssost, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
3 . .tstEs McDotrAtti, Brady township,
BENnY NEFF, West Berme.
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
JOHN N. Swoore, Esq., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, IThion Furnace.
tar A good boys about sixteen years of age,
will be taken at this Office to learn the printing.
Nonq need apply except such as have strictly
in Jral habits, and aro of an industrious dispo
Vir We have just received a largo and
handsome assortment of new and Fancy Job
type, and are now prepared to do all kinds of
Job Work and advertising in the neatest style,
at the quickest notiee, and. on the cheapest
New Advertisements.
111,,,..5ee notice of Exhibition of Cassville
Seminary. Also, notice to Supervisors of Bra
dy, Union and Cass townships.
q67- Notice of Orphans' Court Sale. Also,
Steam Engine for sale cheap.
,gar In another column will be found the
advertisement of our friend Elias Wilson,
Coaehmaker, Cassville, this county.
Mr. Wilson is considered a superior work-
man, and is a very clever and obliging man.—
He is always ready to accommodate his friends
and the public, on the shortest notice, and we
are confident, he will spare no pains to please
his customers. Those wanting good, neat, sub-
stantial and exceedingly cheap articles in his
line, cannot do better than to purchase from
him. He makes good Buggies, Rockaways,
&c., and we hope the public will patronize
Star The advertisement of James E. Glas
gow's Store, at Scottsville, Huntingdon county,
will he found in this week's issue. He has re
moved his stbre from Geo. D. Hudson's house
into the new and spacious room Stted up by
him, directly in the centre of the village. His
stock consists of all articles usually kept in a
country store, and he sells at very low prices.
The public are invited to call and examine his
*Er The members of the Deagnothean Lit
erary Society of Milnwood Academy, at Shade
Gap, will please accept our thanks for the dis
tinguished honor they have conferred upon us
in electing us an Honorary Member of their
Association. We are emphatically a friend
to education, and any thing we can do in our
power to advance the cause, no matter where
it is, what it is, or among what class of people,
we will cheerfully do it at any time.
A6l" Last week we visited some of our pa.
trons in and about Cassville, and we must say,
a more clever set of men are hard to find.—
They all treated us very kindly, for which they
have our most cordial thanks. The village
was incorporated into a borough, last winter,
by the Legislature, and its citizens are now
improving the streets and alleys. The Female
Seminary, now in operation there, has thrown
considerable life into the place, and, seeming
ly, changed the whole face of things. This In
stitution is certainly in a very prosperous con
dition, numbering about seventy students, and
we hope it may always continue so. We had
also, the pleasure of adding quite a large num
ber of new subscribers to our list, whilst we so
journed among them, for which, of course, we
are not at all sorry.
le' The Whig State Journal published at
Harrisburg the last three years by J. J. Clyde,
has passed into the hands of Col. John J. Pat.
terso'n, formerly editor of the Juniata Sentinel.
Col. Patterson is a sound Whig, a man of en•
orgy and talent, and wo have no doubt, will
succeed admirably in the present undertaking.
We hope the Whigs of Dauphin will liberally
reward him for his services, which, we are con
fident, will be directed to the advancement of
their interests.
itiy- We have received the July numbers of
Graham's and Gedey's Magazines, and as for
merly, they contain interesting and useful mat
ter. It is really surprising to us that these
periodicals do not find their way among morn
families than they now do. Though their cir
culation is extensive, yet it is not half as much
as it should be, considering the quantify and
valise of the matter they contain.
ies-We have received a copy of the first
No., Ist. Vol., of the l'Standing Stone Banner,"
the now paper established in this Borough. It
Is a neat little sheet, and deserves success.—
The next number is not to be izzued untill
sometime in July ensuing.
Mind Wasted by Neglect.
ft i :Ind to think how much of Mind is wne•
mil by Neglect. Of the millions that have
peopled earth, how ninny have come into exis7
tenee, breathed out their allotted terra, and
sunk into the grave, whose mental powers were
developed but a few degrees beyond the point
at which they commenced their being. Their
minds have made no impression. Like pebbles
cast into the ocean they have gone, andsleft no
mark on the face of the heaving world. With
in their breasts were energies, which, if called
into action, might have swayed the destinies of
their age, and given them an undying remem
brance. But those energies were neglected by
themselves, and by others, who might have
given them activity. They were not conscious
of their nobler nature. Their minds were left
mimed for. Their talent remained buried.—
And thus they lived on and died, and the world
was little wiser, better, or happier because of
their havinEulived.
We have, but, to let our thoughts dwell fur
a moment on some prominent facts in past
time, to be deeply impressed with this truth.—
Xerxes once led an army of three millions of
Persians against the devoted Greeks. How
many of those three millions of minds had any
higher ideas than to bend the bow, or hurl the
javelin, or march and counter-march at the
bidding of their ruler? When the children
of Israel took possession of the land of promise,
thousands on thousands of the Canaanites fell
before them. How many of those thousands
had taken any steps towards mental improve
! ment? The wars of the Crusades swept away
vast multitudes of Christian and Moslem men.
But how few of the slaughtered victims of blind
fanaticism carried with them from the world
minds, which had been developed, and grown
to noble Nature! Count if you can the hun
dreds of myriads that have peopled Europe
since the Christian era, and say, of those my
rinds, how many of these minds have been oth
erwise than wasted. Over the broad acres of
this great Republic, once roamed numerous
tribes of Red-men. How many, of the minds
that animated their bodies, now mingled with
the dust on which we tread, ever emerged from
rudest ignorance ?
And so at the present day, how small a pro.
portion of all the mind, that exists in our world,
is employed in the manner for which it is fit
ted! The children of Ignorance in other lands
may be counted by thousands: in lands, not
only, where the darkness of barbarism sits
brooding, but in those too, in which civilization
prevails, and christianity has erected her altars.
Think, for a moment, of the millions that dwell
under the burning sun of Africa, or those that
crowd the towns and plains of Asia; of the
rough mountaineers of Arabia and Turkey, the
serfs of Russiti, the peasantry of Ireland, the
operatives of England! They neglect their
own minds because they have not light enough
to see their wants and their capacities. They
are neglected by others who care not for them,
or basely oppress them and use them as their
• slaves. And thus they die, even with the bow
ed frame and hoary head of age, infants in in
tellect. Their minds have been almost totally
The same thing holds true, though perhaps
to a less extent, iu our own country. There is
here also a sad waste of power that might be
used to extend the boundaries of Science, to
elevate the character of our nation; and add to
human happiness. There are hundreds who
live and dio with minds uneducated; hundreds
who never think beyond the supply of their
wants, or the gratification of their senses. And
thus there is a waste of strength which no ar
ithmetic can compute; a loss to the world in
calculably great.
It may be said, that the mon here spoken of
perform a useful part in life; that there nre
spheres which they can fill, and do fill with
credit and advantage; that it is not expected
that all men should be men of intelligence and
cultivation; that to some are allotted the physi
cal duties of life, and that these answer the end
of their being, and are not useless to the world,
if they are faithful in the performance of those
physical duties, though their minds are left un
improved. These things are in the main true.
The bodies of these men have performed their
part in the world: they have dug, and felled,
and tilled, and cleared the world for those who
were to come after them—much as the soldiers
who fall at the first fire, fill the moat with their
dead bodies, and thus enable their surviving
comrades to scale the rampart. But were not
their minds wasted? Did they make such an
improvement, as they might have made, of the
costly talent which God gave them? Has the
world reaped all the benefit that it might have
received from them? We would not speak
lightly of the honest laborer. We despise the
feeling, which leads any set of men to look with
scorn on those who gain for themselves a live•
liliood by physical exertion. The name of the
laborer is honorable, and if faithful his reward
is sure. But ought he to he content with mere
physical efforts, while there resides, within that
strong frame of his, a mind capable of °lava•
tion, of holding converse with spiritual things,
of discovering, and admiring, and enjoying im
tellectual truths ! When it was written of all
men, "in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
thy bread," was it also written against him—
thine eye shall be blind and wisdom shall he a
stranger to thee ? As he turns up the furrow,
or gathers in the harvest, shall he not read the
book of nature, and derive from it instruction
and delight, and make his fellow men wiser by
unfolding its truth ? Must ho remove the
thorns and thistles which the Earth bears, and
never pluck the fair flowers, and sweet fruits,
that may cheer him after his toil? As he toss
es on the ocean shall the rude sailor see no
glory on the sky? Wherever the laborer may
be, whatever his occupation, shall what he be.
holds, and hears around him never lead him to
contemplation? Never excite within his breast
a thirst for knowledge ? Never make him feel
the power within, and call it into use? Surely
the mind was made to be improved. Surely
man was not intended for ignorance• Surely
they who neglect such opportunities of im
provement, as are within their reach, are
blame worthy, and do a grievous wrong.
But it is not alone the waste of whole minds
by neglect that claims our attention. The ag
gregate waste made up from the partial neglect
of individuals is immensely great. By this is
meant the wilful neglect on the part of those
who are, to a higher or lower degree, educated,
and whose circumstances give them opportuni
ties for mental improvement, and for calling
into action the powers which they are conscious
of posiessing, and who suffer to lie unused en
ergies which might be employed with high ad.
vantage to themselves, and to the world. How
many of our merchants, mechanic:, fumes,
and artisans in general, fail to make a right
use of the mental power, which then possess.—
. . .
We do not find fault with them for not being
men of learning, versed in the mysteries of
science, or familiar with the walks of literature.
But do they in their several callings employ as
much mind us they might employ? Might
they not by a proper exertion of that intellect,
which is left unemployed, make their ]tabor
more productive, add to their sources of..enjoy
ment, and increase the general amount of
knowledge, and thus the general good? Does
not the farmer, who is content to plod year af-
ter year through the same course, ploughing,
and sowing, and reaping, without exerting his
mind by inquiring into the laws of Nature, by
investigating her modes of action, by attempts
to increase her productiveness, by careful ob
servation of every ocenrrenee that may tend to
the improvement. of his profession—to say
nothing of attention to other subjects, which
though not bearing directly on that profession,
will contribute to the better discharge of his
ditties as a citizen and a man—does not such
a man incur the charge of neglect ? The me
chanic, who goes forth to his toil in the morn
ing, and comes back weary at night, and never
asks, whence the material on which he has been
laboring, what its nature and uses, what its
connection with other matter, why a blow,
struck Owe, availed more than one struck 11103;
the manufacturer who grinds, or spins, or
weaves, while the power within him is suffered
to lie still; the merchant, who from morning to
fight buys and sells and gets gain, but heeds
not the voice of wisdom, nor cares to garner
knowledge—may not each of these be justly
charged with waste of mind by neglect?
Nor is the waste of mind by neglect confin
ed to these classes. If we look at those, who
are called Educated men, filling the professions
of Law, Medicine, or Divinity; at our States
men, our Scholars, our men of Science; it can
not be denied that among them much mind is
wasted—wasted not orjy by being abused, and
wrongly employed, or through ignorance of the
proper mode of applying it, or through the in
[Nene° of circumstances, which could not be
avoided, but by actual neglect: as true neglect
as that which allows one part of a field to lie
year after year unlined; or that of him, who
daily passes near a sparkling diamond, yet nev
er stoops to take it up.
Excitement at Montreal.
An individual by the name of Gavazzi, who
we understand was formerly a Catholic Priest,
lectured in this city on last Thursday evening
on the subject of Catholicism which gave offence
to many of this denomination, and the conse
quence was a serious disturbance occurred du
ring which quite a number lost their lives on
both sides, and others wore badly wounded.—
Whilst Gavazzi was.leeturing the Catholics at
tempted to force their way into the church for
the purpose, we presume, of committing some
unlawful assault, but they were repulsed. Ga
vazzi finished his discourse, but not without
having been much annoyed, and the congrega
tion on their return home was again attacked
when much injury ensued, a number of per.
sons losing their lives. In all about fifty in
dividuals were killed, besides about a dozen
that were badly wounded.
We have no disposition to stand as an um
pire in cases of the above nature, especially
when the disagreement is in reference to reli
gious tenets, but we do think Caroni had a
right, if there was no confliction with the laws
of the country, to discuss the subject of Catho
licism freely. That denomination, has hereto
fore, both in this country and others, made
free use of the pulpit and the press to discuss
and disseminate the principles of its religious
faith, never sparing Protestantism in the least,
and if they have God for the author of theirre
ligion, they need notfear any attack or attempt
on the part of any other sect or individual on
earth to destroy it. It will exist in the full
lustre of its original brightness amidst all op
position and oppression. And after the earth
with all things in it, shall have been burnt up,
and the Heavens rolled together as a scroll, it
will be a beacon star to guide souls to their
place of everlasting rest. But if they think
they can establish and perpetuate their religious
creed by compulsory measures, in our opinion,
they will find themselves badly mistaken. Pub
lic opinion is becoming fast enlightened, and
we believe the clay is almost here, when, if
there is anything rotten or inconsistent with
the doctrines of Scripture, in any of the religious
sects, it must ho removed. We have now no
particular antipathy to any religious association,
and hope they may peaceably continue the
work of evangelizing the world, but wo would
like to see it without the use of the sword or
the shedding of human blood.!
Hon. George Taylor.
A correspodent of the Franklin Whig re
commends our distinguished townsman, lion.
George Taylor, as a candidate for nomination
to the Supreme Bench, to fill the vacancy oc
casioned by the death of Judge Gibson.
That Judge Taylor is eminently qualified for
the position; that he is a man of unsullied in
tegrity; and that he is a lawyer clear-headed
and profound, there is no doubt at all.
He would certainly be an ornament and hon
or to the Supreme Bench of the Commonwealth,
and we have no doubt, if lie will accept of the
nomination, he can obtain it almost unani
Arthur Spring.
We have published a detailed account, in nn•
other column, of what took place during the
night previous and on the day of the execution
of this unfortunate individual, believing it
would be interesting to our readers. Ho wus
hung on last Friday in the City of Philadel•
phia,for the murder of Ellen Lynch and Honors
Shaw. lint he made no confession of his
guilt, declaring up to the last moment, that
he had no hand in the murder of these women.
Ho also exculpated his boy to a certain degree.
The facts and circumstances connected with
the brutal murder of those individuals clearly
fix the guilt on Spring, and if he is guilty, there
is but one way or accounting for his non con•
fession of the crime.
Sfir The Directors of the Broadtop Railroad
Company, met in Philadelphia on yesterday,
to transact some important business and elect
three additional Directors, who, it was suppos
ed, would be selected, from Stockholders in the
VS— One of the Counties in Maine has elec•
ted a lady for Register of Deeds in the person
of Miss Olive Rose, formerly an Assistant in
the office. Miss Rose had two•thirds of the
votes. This is a 'Rain Law' that will pleat,
the ladies.
Our latest tulvices from this country repre
sent civil affairs to be in a very precarious con•
dition. The insurgents, to whom we referred
a few weeks ago, have succeeded in raising an
army of 30,000 strong, and was still increasing.
Shanghai dates of the 20th April, ult., state
that the city of Nankin bad fallen into the hands of
the rebels, and that the commander of the British
fleet had refused to permit merchants to go np
the river with stores or munition for either
party. It was supposed the American com
mander would adopt the same course.
The French steamer Cassini, and the
United States steamer, Susquehanna, cad both
proceeded up the Yangtsekiang, and Col. Mar
shall, the American Commissioner, had deter.
mined to place the latter before Nankin. The
British Commissioner at Hong Kong had also
ordered Her Majesty's Steamships Salamander
and Lily, to the same place, and they had al
ready arrived. Great excitement was prevail
ing throughout the entire Empire, and the Chi
nese themselves alleged that it theyshould lose
lc city of Nankin, their hopes of successfully
quelling the rebellion and restoring the Em
pire to peace, would sink with the city and they
would abandon all for lostomless timely foreign
interference would again reinstate orderand law.
Probable War between Russia and
MenschicotT, the Itussian Ambassador who
was engaged in negotiations with the Govern
ment of Turkey, had taken his departure on
the 22d ult., from Constantinople for Odessa,
having been unable to effect his purpose. The
Ambassadors of France and England, and the
Ministers of Prussia and Austria, had agreed to
make a reconciliation between the Divan and
the Russian Envoy, but the attempt was fruit
less. 100,000 soldiers of the Southern Army
bad received orders to approach the Turkish
frontiers, and military preparations were pro•
grossing on an extensive scale. A petrnument
bridge is in course of erectipn over the River
Pruth. If war seriously commences between
these two powers, it will prove a bloody con
flict. •
Bigler and State Debt.
When Governor Bigler was before the people
as a candidate for Governor, the Whig press
warned the tax payers that if elected, his ad.
ministration would be followed by extravagant
expenditures and an increase of the State
Debt. The prophecy is being speedily vcri•
phia Ledger states that the somewhat extrava-
L ia r ag i r s oxri n a n tl a o , nLi e t r, n i ale tu a r t e tl i i , e as l e tts m t session i
it ne
cessary for the Executive to make a loan of
some $700,000 from the Banks of Philadelphia.
The loan in fbr one near, and bears six' per
cent. All the city tanks participate in it,
loaning about six per cent. of their respective
capitals. The money is to be applied to the
North Branch Canal, to the Mountain Division,
and to other permanent improvements. No
part of it will be used for the payment of State
interest, which is fully provided. The recourse
to a loan at this time has been made the more
imperative from the fact that the Attorney
General lies decided that the bonus of $250,000
from the Girad and Mechanics' Banks, (whose
charters are
,jest renewed by the Governor
signing the bills,) and whirls was originally in
tended for the North Branch, cannot go to that
important improvethent, but, under a general
law, Lust go to the sinking fund.
The Victors and the Spoils.
We of course do not . presume to offer any
opinion on this subject; but we are privileged to
hear the wise reflections of the triumphant vic
tors themselves. It is thus the Richmond I.'n•
quirer discourses :-
"that a pity it is that the days of miracles
have so hopelessly passed away I How bitterly
to be regretted by the myriad applicants for of
fice and the envied dispensers of public favors
that-there is no longer any posibility of multi
plying the five loaves and the few small fishes
into a satisfactory meal for the multitudes,with
the prospect that the fragments of crumbs of
comfort for the outsiders will amount to more
than the original stock in hand. We have
painfully come to the conclusion that President
Pierce, whatever his civil and military abilities
may be, is neither holy prophet nor expert ma
gician. He has now been for more than two
moths at the head of the bread and butter de
partment, diligently dealing out treasury
pap, and endeavoring to repeat the ancient
miracle; but such is the ingratitude of
humanity in general, and office hunters in par
ticular, that he has not met with the success
which should attend his laudable efforts to ren
der a feast of the Barmeeides as aceeptable to
the expectants which hover round him as the
blood of oxen and the fat of goats. He has
charitably, and with the best grace which the
nature of the ease would permit, clothed the
naked and fed the hungry, but he has been
compelled to send many empty away. There
was a due sense of the fitness of things, a keen
insight into the mysteries of political and soci
al organisation on the part of those old Anglo-
Saxons who gave to their chiefs or bead-men
the significant designation of llalford or Lord
—the divider of the loaf. If the breaking and .
distribution of bread was the highest civil fune.
tion of those antique savages, the ancient duty
has not been extinguished in our day, but still
retains its former prominence, and constitutes
the great labor of the President of the United
States. A fearful labor indeed it is. The dan
ger of bread riots, and the proclivity of men to
stir them up, are the eoncomitants of all times,
and the trouble of all organisations, from the
treasury bench to the country school; and it
requires wonderful diplomacy and g reat states
manship to prevent or appease the tumults oc
casioned thereby. Those same old Anglo-Sax
ons had a way, which answered very well in
their barbarous times, of checking discontent
by devolving this onerous task upon deputy
bread-dividers. They gar the great charge
into the hands of the principal men throughout
the country, and by various 9naint processes,
such as tenantry-in chief, subin-fewlation, &c.,
Ste., required each chief to satisfy the cravings,
and be answerable for the propriety of his own
followers- The Turks, on the contrary, have a
preference for the depression of the able and
illustrious, and for the elevation of those whom
no one ever thought of before; list this plan has
been stigmatised with the harsh-names of des
potism and arbitrary rule. The Anglo-Saxon
project was tolerably successful in its day, and
has been sometimes imitated in our OWII coun
try; but of course it is now out of date, and
other procedures must be resorted to. But any
change of system will produce clamor; the sail
ferers will yell, and it cannot be prudently as
serted, till a new Presidential election, whether
their cry is reasonable or causeless. It is un
fortunately the fact that much dissatisfaction
has been excited among the multitude of intim
ential office-seekers throughout the country, by
the performance of the new administration as
chief carvers and dispensers of provision; but
time, which cures all complaints, wilt soon re
store the equanimity of all the disappointed."
IIErA. We have received the June number of
the School Journal. It contains many very
interesting articles on the subject of education,
and is a periodical which should be in the
hands of every family.
11Cir The Whigs of New Haven achieved a
glorious triumph at their charter election lust
Monday. They elected their Mayor by 359
majority, Aldermen, Councilmen, &c. Hawse
for New Riven! There arc a few live Whigs
left pl.
Gen. rierae's Appointments.
The Union Democrats at the South are very
much dissatisfied with the appointments made
by President Pierce. Neither are the North
ern Hunkers any better pleased. Pierce op.
pears, says the ITurtibrd Courant, to be con,
pletely under the guardianship of Jefferson
Davi; and Marcy, and to give the best of the
offices to rank Secessionists at the South. The
Union Democrats and Union Whigs that acted
with them imagined, when they supported
Pierce, that the Compromise, was to be the
corner stone or the new Administration, and
that the upholders of the Union would be the
chief friends of the Throne. But all their ht
hot. to save the Union has been in vain. The
Union is saved, but the Secessionists and the
Barnburners who attacked it, have run off with
all the spoils I The list of ministers, Charges
and Consuls, eontaing not a single friend of
Gen. Cass. nor a single prominent Union De
mocrat of New York.
The whole course of Franklin Pierce's ap
pointments from the beginning shows an utter
disregard of the great compromise question on
the back of which he rode into office. The
Cabinet, the Bench of the Supreme Court, the
foreign Ministers, all manifest the favors he is
exhibiting to Secessionists of the straitest sects.
It is very evident to see what the man is aiming
at—a renomination by the ultras of both see-
ions of the Democratic party, knowing that if
m can secure the favor of • t hese, the ties of
mrty discipline will bind the followers of Cass
and the Un'ion Democrats to him. Meanwhile,
the Union Whigs who left Gen. Scott because
he was not sufficiently devoted to the Compro-
mise, are having a jolly time.
Another State Loan.
Gov. Johnston during his official term reli
c:Nl the State Debt several hundred thousand
dollars. Gov. Bigler is pilling it up again.—
A week or so ago a new loan of 5700,000 was
made, to be applied to the North Branch Ca
nal, and other improvements—money to hear
interest at 6 per cent. Over 52,000,000 were
appropriated by the last Legislature for the re
pairs of State Canals, &c., all of which will go
into the pockets of State Contractors and pub
lic officers, and come out of the pockets of the
people in the shape of taxes. The Loeofoco
party understand economy' like a book I They
are always preaching about it, and yet a more
reckless, extravagant and corrupt organization
never existed. Our enormous State Debt of
over 4.10,000,000 owes its existence entirely to
their foolish, corrupt and unprincipled prac
The Mesilla Valley Difficulty.
The Washington Union of Monday contains
an article on the subject of our relations with
Mexico. It takes the ground that the conduct
of Governor Tries, in seizing the Mesilla
ley with no armed force, is an act of outrage
combined with folly. That considering the
weak condition of Mexico, it would hardly be
magnanimous in the United States to make a
hostile demonstration, but if the act is not dis
countenanced by the Mexican authorities, then
the United States cannot hesitate how to net.
The article bears the stamp of authority.
The National Intelligoneer also refers to the
following extract of a letter from the Washing
ton Correspondent of the N. Y. Journal of
Commerce, as of serious import:
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, June 1.
Gen. Garland, who has been here en route
for New Mexico, has left for his important
command. He arrived here in much less time
than was expected, after he had been summon
ed to this place. He has received his instruc
tions, and I conjecture that they embrace both
diplomatic and military powers. He is un
doubtedly to proceed forthwith to New Mexico,
and to march into the Mesilla Valley with a
force that will enable hint to encounter Gov
ernor Prim, who is there before him, and who
is prepared to expel him or any other Ameri
can intruder . It may he that * Governor Tries
will retire before Gen. Garland, and that Santa
Anna will suffer the United States to take and
keep possession of that disputed territory.—
But such is not the apparent intention of . the
Our executive Government hare decided that
the disputed territory belongs to us under the
treaty, and would be oars supposing the boun
dary line to he run from "a point immediately
north of El Paso" westward.
It is no use now to go into the merits of this
controversy. I say again that one Exmitive
hoe decided the guodion, and it is to the results
that we are to look. It is to be hoped that
this dispute will be allowed to be settled in the
manner contemplated in the treaty of Guada
lupe, by running the line over again, or, in
case of a final disagreement, to refer the dis
pute to the arbitration of some third party.—
But arms are now introduced by both parties
in the dispute, and both parties indicate a re
solute intention to settle the question by arms.
Governor Tries may give way, but he has sot
occupied the Mesilla for the purpose of yielding
it. He has not gone there with a force of a
thousand men for the mere purpose of giving
up the territory to G.. Garland. With a
smaller escort he could do that.
Wo have seen the first Mexican war, and
know ite immediate provocation. The circum
stances of the present case are similar to those
of the former. The advance on Corpus Christi
and Matamoros kindled the first war, and the
second may be occasioned by the movement
upon the Mesilla Valley.
Ex-Governor Johnston is in New York
on the business of the Allegheny Valley Rail
road, which, says the papers, is destined to
bring Pittsburg within eighteen hours of that
city, and the Great Coal Basin of Western
Pennsylvania within six hours of Buffalo, Roch
ester and the Lakes. The Pennsylvania por
tion of the road is one hundred and seventy-five
miles lone, and is estimated to cost $5,000,000,
of which $3,000,000 have been subscribed as
stock. The road is all under contract to be
finished in 1855, and 800 men are now at work
on it being all that eon be obtained at present.
The Tribune says New York—not the city only,
but the State—bas a deep interest in the con
strution of this road.
Aa OutotAN Iv ArSTRALIA.—James Camp•
hell who went from Guernsey county to Cali
fornia, thence—when the gold fever broke out
—to Australia, has written home to his friends,
under date of August last :
"Sydney is full'of gold. I have seen it drawn
through tho streets in cart loads—some of the
largest lumps I ever saw—lumps weighing from
80 to 80 pounds. Is fact, I have seen some
pieces as large as your boot. These statements
you may rely on as strictly correct. The com
mon report or news from the mines is, that the
miners generally malm from two to ten hun
dred dollars per day, and many of them much
more. The deposits of gold is very extensive;
it has now been traced 1000 stiles, and no
doubt reaches much further."
received by a gentleman in Newark, from Rev.
Charles Beecher, states that his sister, Mrs. H.
B. Stowe, has received from Constable & Co.,
publishers at Edinburg, an offer for a Temper
ance Tale, like Uncle Tom's Cabin, of $lO,OOO
in hand, and half the proceeds of the work after
that sum is realized.
BANK AT A urooNA. --- -iessrs. Bell, Johnston,
Jack & Co., are erecticg a building in Altoona
and intend opening immediately on its COM
pletion, (which will be in n very short time,) a
banking house there, under the charge of
Messrs. - Lombmrt and Wm. M. Lloyd.
110. A hog has boon shipped from Illinois,
for the Worlds Fair. It is 20 months old, and
its weight is 1100 lbs. The owners are confi
dent of making it reach 1800 lbs., live weight,
when failed. Tao hundred dollars was tho
price poll for
The Three Hundred Dollar Law,
As the rights of Debtors under this law are
very much misapprehended in the community
we publish fin• their benefit the following opin•
ion delivered by Judge Black a short time since.
1 , 3 Pzw.—ln the Northern Di -
trict. Appeal from the Common Pleas of North
umberland Co.
Freese 's personal property Wile levied on end
sold. The proceeds amounted to $45 , 1 11.—
The defendant in the execution was present
when the levy was made, but did not claim that
any of the goods were exempted by the Act of
1019. The Sheriff sold the property and paid
the proceeds into Court, and the * Court, on
Freese 'e petition, ordered $3OO of the money to
he paid to him-
We are of opinion that the debtor cannot,
under any circumstances, entitle himself to
three hundred dollars of the money for which
personal property sell at Shea's sole. The
Act speaks of property, not money. It requires
Lim to select the goods which he wishes to re
tain, and have them appraised, and property
thus chosen and appraised, shall be exempt
from levy and sale. This excludes the idea
that he into have his choice between retaining
the property, and demanding the money out of
the proceeds. There are coned reasons why he
should take the goods or take nothing. The
law was made for the benefit of the families of
the debtors. rather than for the debtors them
selves; and a fancily, stript of every comfort,
might not be much the better of $3OO in the
pocket of a thriftless father. Property which
appraisers would value at $3OO, might not sell
for the half of it, and if debtors had this choice,
it would deprive the creditorsof twice as much
property as the law intended to take from them.
A convenient friend coulti be got to buy it in
at a price far below its value, and a part of thee
money awarded by the Court would pay for it.
The former law on this subject specified the
particular articles which might be retained.—
_ _ _
'rho Act of 1849 gives the right of designating
them to the debtor himself, fixes the quantity
of them by the value; but if he may be silent
until after sale, he can virtually take property
which he bas not selected, to an amount far
greater than the law allows him, without ap
plying the legal standard of its value. Such a
construction is against the spirit as well as the
letter of the statue.
The debtor not being entitled to money un
der any circumstances, would have no other
remedy than sus action against the officer, even
if he had demanded his right in a proper way,
and been refused; but he did not make the de
mand in a manner which the Sheriff was bound
to notice. He did not point out the property
which he elected to retain, nor asked for an ap.
praistnent. He said nothing on the subject un
til it was too late. Regularly, a debtor who
wishes to avail himself of this Act, should snake
his selection at the time of the levytthe Legisla
ture could have meant nothing else by saying
that propertyso selected should be exempt from
levy. But he may be in time if he demands it
after it is seized, provided that he does not
wait so long that a compliance with his request
would postpone the sale. His right is clearly
gone, if he waits until the sale has begun.
The decree of the Court of Common Pleas
is reversed, and it is ordered that the fund in
Court be paid to the execution creditors in the
order of their Icins.
Singular Funeral.
A novel fnnerni occurred in New York a few
days ago, according to the Tribune. The de
ceased. was Calvin Brown, who was the husband
of Mrs. Fish, so extensively famous as the in
ventor of the "Rochester Knockings." The
services were commenced by prayer and read
ing the scriptures, and the Rev. S. B. Brittan,
who is known as a writer on "Spiritual Mani
festations," followed with an address. We
quote the Tribune's account of the remaining
exercises:—"At various points in his address,
there were rappings. sometimes apparently on
the bottom of the coffin, and others on the
floor, as if in response to the sentiments utter
ed. The rappings were loud enough to be dis
tinctly' heard in every part of the room, but
they elicited no remark from any one. Prof.
Brittan read a communication, purporting to
have come from the deceased since his entrance
into the spirit world, through a medium who
was not present, and apparently intended for
those assembled. While it was being read, the
rappings were very distinctly heard. At the
close of the address, several friends sung the
piece, "Come ye disconsolate," after which
Rev. Mr. Densing made a few remarks, during
which the rappings were heard more distinctly
than before."
CHERRIES IV rrnon - riroNEs.—Cherries with
out stones have been produced in France, it is
said by the following method:—lu the spring,
before the circulation of the sap, a young seed
ling cherry tree is split from the under extren,
itV ° down to the fork of its roots; then, by means
ot a spatula, the pith is carefully removed from
the tree, in such a manner as to avoid any ex
coriations or other injury; a knife is used only
for commencing the split. Afterwards the two
sections are brought together, and tied with
woolen, ears being token to close hermetrical
ly with clay the whole length of the cleft. The
sap soon re-unites the separated portionsof the
tree, and, two years afterwards, cherries are
produced of the usual appearance, but instead
of stones, there will only be small soft pellicles.
A MAN IN Drscr rsE.—Last summer a (repu
ted) female was going the rounds, instructing
ladies in the art of cutting dresses, .te., hailing
from the North, we believe. We understand
that this person recently died in one of the up
per counties, when the discovery was made
that the cutter of ladies' garments was a man
in disgnise—one who had donned the petticoats
for some unexplained reason, and passed for a
female until after death.—Fred. Her.
DEATIT FROM CimonoFomir.—Rev. J. Whip
po, of Youngstown, Ohio, inhaled chloroform
preparatory to submitting to a surgical opera.
tion on the face. After inhaling the chloro-
form ten or fifteen inspirations, his countenance
changed, ho straightened himself in his chair,
drew several breaths and died. He was a
member of the Erie conference of the 11i. E.
Church, and we understand, has a brother and
other friends living in Halfmoon township, in
this county.—Ex.
Free Democratic Nominations,
The Free Soil State Convention met at Har ,
risburg last week and nominlted the following
ticket :
Supreme Judge —W. M. Stephenson, of
Canal Commissioner. Dr. R. Mitchell of
Auditor General—Nevill B. Craig, of Alle
Surveyor General—Lawrence E. Corson, of
Eduoational Convention.
A card appers in the Lycoming county pa
pers, signed by A. H. Lackey, E. B. Parker, J.
W. Barrett, and J. Flinn, calling upon the
friends of education to assemble in Convention;
at Williamsport, on Thursday, the 7th of July
next, fur the purpose of devising means of pro
moting the advancement of education in the
several counties of northern Pennsylvania.—
The teachers and' citizens of Clinton, Potter,
Tioga, Sullivan, Northumberland, Union and
other adjoining counties are invited to scud
strong delogatiuns to the Convention, that a
general interchange of sentiment may be ob
tained, and a more effectual reform in the pre
sent system of education accomplished.
Juno 9.—General Windfield Scott, while pas
sing, down Fifth avenue, last evening, stumbled
against a flag stone, and fell headlong on the
pavement. His face was badly brused, and it
Is feared he has received other injuries, not now
appearent. The General WAS promptly assis
ted to his residence, and every attention shown
se...William P. Taylor, bus been appointed
Post Mustorat Scottsville, Huntingdon county.
Mr. Tuylor, we have no doubt, will. make an
efficient and obliging officer.
His Last Words Upon tho (know.
The dread sentence of the law was carried
into effect on Friday morning last, upon Arthur
Spring, sr., murderer of Ellen Lynch anti Flonorn
Shaw, in the yard of the county prison, in prey.
once of a large concourse of persons. Thou .'lt
the public are generally acqmtinted with all the
circumstances of the murder of these unfortu
nate women, it may not be out of place, at this
time to recapitulate a few of the leading facts.
The double murder was perpetrated on tha
night of the 10th of March, 1853, in the house
of Min W. Carroll, No. 260 Federal street.—
The murder was of so diabolical character,
perpetrated as it was for a row dollars, and at
tended with circumstances of suchunparalleled
atrocity, that our community exhibited an un
usual degree of excitement. The day subse
quent to the murder, Arthur Spring and son
were arrested at the house of Patrick Maguire,
in the west end of Market street.
The inmates of the Federal at. house were
also arrested, and held in custody until young
Spring made the fearful revelation which con
signed his father to a thlon's grave. The first
trial began on 21st of March, in less than two
weeks from the commission of the murders,and
during its continuance the court-house was be
sieged daily with au excited crowd, eager to
catch a glimpse of the criminal. Tho trial
lasted for several days, andendedin theprompt .
conviction ache prisoner. On that trial, Mr.
Heed, the District attorney, made an eloquent
and forcible speech, from which we make a few
extracts. Of the murdered women he thus
spoke :
Mrs. Shaw was a temptress, known to many
of our citizens. Her sister, Mrs. Lynch, was
the wife of Bartholomew Lynch, a man much
older than herself—a plain man, an honest,con
tiding man, and a gallant soldier, bearing on
his person the scars of many a wound. He will
be examined before you, and will tell his tale
of sorrow plainly and ingeniously. On the
Monday before the murder, he left the marine
service of the United States, and was paid
about eighty dollars, in twenty dollar pieces,
which, for safe keeping, he left with his witi,
She had, besides, other money, and at leastons
tea dollar piece. Lynch left ins wife on Wed-
nesday morning fir New York. It will be
proved to that the prisoner was acquainted
with Lynch and his family, knew that he hod
gone to New York, and that his wife had flair
money. It will further be shown to you that
with Mrs. Shaw the prisoner was on terms of
friendliness, and that he wasnt the house in
Federal Street on both Tuesday awl Wednea:
Of the murders Mr. heed gave the following
narration :
"This house of Carroll's, it will be remem
bered, had been often previously the scene of
disorder, so that noises from within attracted
no attention. Little, however, did the neigh
bors or passers by think of the deed of horror
that was doing that night. The next neigh
born, both above and below, heard this fearful
struggling and suppressed cries—a citizen and
neighbor, passing along, stopped on the pave
ment, and listened to what seemed to hint a
more than usual disturbance. He heard two
screams and a heavy fall, and then all wasstill.
When he reached home it wanted ten minutes
of ten o'clock. The strnggle was soon over.—
The deed of blood was done. The victim;
were silenced forever. The money wasearned.
The murderer crept up stairs to the room where
the infants were sleeping, and with his bloody
knife burst open Mrs. Lynch's trunk, leaving
the point in the hasp, and secured his coveted
plunder. He then set fire to the house, and
left the poor infants to their fate. In the dark
ness he fled."
Of the testimony showing the prisoner's con
nection with the murders, independent of tin,
revelation of the son, the following allusion was
made :
"Just at that }Our or rather at just such
time as was needed to walk so far, Arthur
Spring, who, as early as half past seven, had
pretended to go to bed at his lodgings in Mar
ket st. near the bridge, was seen in the street,
muffled up and hastening home. At 9 o'clock
he was not in bed. Arthur Spring was at Car•
roll's house with Mrs. Shaw on Tuesday night,
knew of the money, and knewof Lynch's inten
tion to go away the next morning. He was
there again on Wednesday, and knew that tho
Carroll's were going to the ball, and that these
poor women would be alone and unprotected.
Arthur Spring was a left-handed man, and
these wounds were given by a left-handed man
Arthur spring had in his possession a finr
cornered dirk knife, corresponding with the
piece found in the trunk.
"Ono of the deadly weapons found covered
with blood and hair was a piece of lead pipe,
and in the cellar of the house where Spring
lived were pieces of the same sort of pipe. The
other weapon was a dirk knife, the sheath of
which, identified as Spring's was found under
Mrs. I..ynch's body. He pretended to go to
bed, and yet was in the street at or near elev
en o'clock, and got in at the back door of his
lodgings. He had not a cent of money on
Thursday, and on Friday he had a sum of mo.
ney, anirthe kind of money that was stolen.—
At a little after daylight on Friday morning ho
sent to purchase shirts, his own being wet and
stained with blood. Nis coat was found hear'.
ly smeared with blood.
Mr. Reed next proceeded to narrate the re.
velations of the son, which must still be fresh
in the recollection of our readers. With all
the care that had been taken with the trial of
the case, however, it did not stand; andfor rea
sons assigned, which were argued before the
Court in bane on the 29th of March' the Court
granted a new trial. The second trial began
on Tuesday, the Gth of April, and though fol-
lowing so closely as it did upon the first, led
to the same exciting scenes in and about the
Court house. The second conviction of Spring
followed, and upon the rendition of the verdict.
the prisoner obtained the consent of the presi
ding Judge to make a speech, which he did.—
Spring was sentenced on Saturday, the 16th of
April, by Judge Kelley, on which, occasion ho
made another long speech, differing somewhat
from the first. In this he said that his son had
told him of killing Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Shaw,
which he did not on the former occasion. This
was the last appearance of Arthur Spring, in
public, but since then his sayMgs and doings
from time to time have.been duly chronicled..
Spring's Life o clConfession,
On the Bth and 9th of the present month,
Siring gave to the Rev. Messrs. Street and
hensil, who were in attendance upon him, a
narrative of his life and what ho wished to bo
understood to be his dying declaration in re
gard to the murders imputed to him. In it ha
states that his father was a Presbyterian and
his mother a Catholic; that ho came to this
country at an early age, and worked at labor
ing fur some time; he then started a store in
Market street, a confectionary. in which for a
period he did remarkably well, but ho finally
lost considerable on perishable fruit which ho
had bought. Though ho was married in Ire-
land, lie married soon after his arrival in this
country a Miss Margaret Carr, by whom ho
has six children. After alluding to his rover
sea in fortune, and to his removal to New
York, he details particularly the account of his
arrest and conviction in New York for robbing
a man named Dillon, of which he protested his
innocence. It happens that his son Arthur
Was charged with theft in that city, also, of
which the father said he was innocent, for the
robbery was committed by the man alleged to
be robbed. Ho thou goes on to reiterate the
same story as told by hint on other occasions.
We give this in his own words as copied front
the Argus :
"On the night of the murder I went to my
bed at 7 o'clock. When I went up stairs the
boy followed me. I had my coat off. 'Are
you goiog to bed,' soil he. I took the hand
kvrehief (root sty pocket, and he tied it about