Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 08, 1853, Image 4
ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of au order of the Orpliatts Court of Bunting-don county, there will be sold at public oonduo or outcry on the premises on Saturday the l I Na day of June next, 1853. the following described real estate in Franklin township in said county, the property of George Thompson, late of the township aforesaid, dec'd., to wit : A certain messunge or tract of lime stone land in said township, adjoining land of the heirs of - Crain, dee'd on the east, of the heirs of James Travis, Esq., dec'd., on the South of James Morrow the west, and lands of G. &J. Shoenberger on the north, containing 209 Acres, be the same more or less, of which about 160 ACRES are cleared and in a good state of culti vation; having thereon an apple orchard, two &welling houses, one of which is frame and plas tered, the other log and stone, each two stories high, one double log barn, one horse stable, one wagon shed and other buildings. There are on said land several springs of good water, and ap pearance of a good quality of iron ore. And also ono other parcel of mountain or timber land, ad joining land of the heirs of the said Erin Crane, dee'd., on the north, of the heirs of the said Jas. Travis, Esq., on the west, and of Shorb, Stewart & Co., on the south, containing eight acres be the same more or less. THRIUR or SALE.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, end residue in two equal tnnual payments thereafter with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Salo to commence at one o'clock, I'. M. of said day, when duo at tention will be given by JONATHAN M'WILLIAMS, May 13,. 's3.—ts. • Executor. 1000 PIECES Of Different Articles of Clothing now open and for sale at JACOB SNYDER'S Cheap Clothing Store, Directly in the centre of the town, viz : Coats from $l,OO to $16,00 Pants 6.00 Vests 4S 75 44 5,00 Shirts " 50 " 1,50 Also a fashionable selection of Silk and Linen Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Suspen ders, Buttons, Cravat Buckles, &c. Also first-rate Silk Dress Hats, and any quan tity of soft Hats and Cloth Caps. All of the above will be sold cheap for cash in opposition to Jews and Gentiles. N. B.—Always ready to do Tailoring to order in the best and most workmanlike manner, not inferior to any other establishment in the State. May 11, 1853. BROAD TOP OPENED UP. Cornprobst & Cunningham, *Having purchased the store of Frank & Neff, at Marklesburg, Pa., are prepared to accommo • date the public at said place, with a splendid and thshionable assortment of Spring and Summer Goods. Their assortment consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country store. AlSo, a beautiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, lIATS, CAI'S, BONNETS, BOOTS and SHOES, and a variety of Goods of all kinds. kinds of Country Produce taken in es:- change for Goods. 60 cents per bushel will be given for Bye. 50cg CC will CC 4C C orn, and for all other grain prices accordingly. Marklesburg, May 11, 1853. Trustees Sale of Land, and Town Lots in the Town of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co., by Order of the Court of Common Pleas. By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, for the purpose of satisfying the verdict and finding of the Jury in a certain action of ejectment No. 93 of August Term, 1850, William MeNite vs. John Dough erty, George W. Speer and others, rendered the 234 day of April A. D. 1852 for the sum of $1743 71, with interest thereon from the said date, with costs of suit, expenses of trust, &c., will be exposed to public sale on the premises, commencing on Thursday the 23d day of June next, A. 1). 1853, at 10 o'clock A. M., all that certain plantation, tract, piece or parcel of land situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, east of Drake's Ferry, adjoining the Juniata riv er, lands of John Sharer, Nicholas & William Shaver, Andrew Pollock's heirs and others, containing 176 ACRES, or thereabouts—(ex cepting the land in possession of the Penn'. Railroad Company) or Such parts or parcels of the same as may be necessary for that purpose, being the land ou part of which the town of Mt. Union is laid out. Sale to begin with the said Town Lots, as laid down by the Recorded Plan of said town, and to continue from day to day until a sufficient amount is raised. Tcums.—Cash to be paid on the confirmation of sales at August Term, 1853. WILLIAM B. LEAS. . Trustee. alitrieyabarg, May 11 j 553.—t5. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FOIT.) No. 164 Chestnut Street, Swaitu , s Building, PHILADELPHIA, Extensive Musk Publisher, and Dealer in Mu sical Instruments of every description. Exclusive Agent for the solo of Pallet, Davis & CO r s (Boston) I . ATE.NT SI:BI'E\aIUK BUIDGE dEolian and other PIANOS, L. dilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. Residents in the country will be supplied by snail or otherwise with any music they may wish, at as tow rates at if purchased in person. Hav ing one of the largest stocks in the United States I feel confident of satisfying all all who may fa vor me wills a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most reason able terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos tot Me. May 11, The Climax now Completely Capped. Charles S. Black Tlu just returned from the East with the cheapest and most fashionable assortment of Boots, Shoes, Calton, &c., both Gentlemen's and Ladies', that ever was /*relight to the borough of Huntingdon. He is thankful for past patronage, and hopes to do as well in the future, by selling very low and en deavoring to oblige. The best Ladies' Slippers can be had for 55 cents per pair—and all others at prices correspondingly. Don't forget the sign of the "Yellow Boot." MILLER'S RAIL-ROAD HOTEL. Huntingdon, Pa. GMILLER returns thanks to his numerous . friends fur the liberal patronage his house received during the past year, and hopes to mer it a continuance of the same during the present year. As his house is most convenient to the bepot, every exertion will be outdo to make it it comfortable stopping place for stranger::, trav ellers, and the people of the county generally. May 4, 1853.-3,n. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration having been -I-4 granted to the undersigned on the Estate of WILLIAM Korea, lute of Tod township, Hunt. no., dec'd., ell persons knowing themselves in debted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE M. GREEN, Cass township, HENRY S. GREEN, Tod township, Msy 4, Administrators, F•ntrrrA eceo,llne to Act of Congress, In the you 1851. by .1. S. If O OIITOY, 5L P. , In the clerk's 00Ico of Om District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Another Scientific Wonder! GREAT OURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! DR. J. 8. HOUCHTONA • . • TEPSIN THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, AR C GASTRIC JUICE. Prrpared from RENNET, or the fourth STOMACH OF TILE Olt, after directions of 13Aaou Lin- ate, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. ItouonTow, M. I)., Philadelphia, Pa. This NATURE'S OWN REMEDY for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of loan can equal its curative powers. It contains no Atcnotior., ACIDS, or NAUSEOUS nnuos. It is extremely agreeable to the taste, and may be taken by the most feeble patients who cannot eat a water cracker without acute distress. Beware of DRUGGED IMITATIONS. Pepsin is not A DRUG. Call on the Agent and get a Descriptive Cir cular, grade, giving a large amount OfSCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, from Liebig's Animal Chemistry; Dr. Combe's Physiology of Digestion; Dr. Perei ra on Food and bict; Dr. John W. Draper, of New York University; Prof. Dunglison's Plivsi ology; Prof. Silliman, of Yale College; Dr. ear pewees Physiology; &c., together with reports of cun. from all parts of the United States. .ETOISSERVE THlS!—Every bottle of the gen ume PEPSIN bears the written signature of J. S. Houcirrox, M. D., solo proprietor, Philadelphia Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark secured. ffirSold by all Druggists and Dealers in Med- lentos. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. May 11, '33.-Iy. Grocery and Confectionary Store. LONG & DECKER, RESPECTFULLY informs their friends and the public in general, that they have opened It new Grocery and Confectionary Store, antler the Sons of Temperance Hal 4 on Main street, Huntingdon, where they have now on' hand a full and general assortment of Groceries, Confection aries, and Spices of all kinds, which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have ah , o on hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &c., &c., &c., all of which they will sell cheap.— Country produce taken in exchange for goals— the cash paid when we have no goods to suit cus tomers. As we arc determined to accommodate all who may call at oar store, we invite an examination and trial of our stock. LONG DECKER. Huntingdon, April 27,'53. DR. MARCHISPS UTERINE CATHOLICON ...„ is respectfully of '', fere(' to the citizens iftwrmoooN trinity as a prep. lion of earnest incidence to fealt ies, and destined become identifl . with the health and happiness of Females• This CATIIOL -ICON will cure 95 per cent. of all chronic diseases in idental to the re 3ectable female, married or unmarried, and usually known under the name of Female Complaints. Of these are Prolupsas Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, noir Alhnn, or Whites; Chrome hyla motion and Veen - Won of the lromb; Incidental Hamoophoge, or Flooding; Painfid, Suppressed, and Irregular MenAtruation,&c., with all their ac companying evils, (Cancer exhepted,) rto matter how severe or of how long standing. MANY PROMINENT PHYSICIANS in the city of New York and other places, finding them; selves without a remedy in inveterate cases of the above complaints, and having due regard for the welfare of their patients, hen recommended the use of this medicine; and, after witnessing its salutary encts are now manifesting i their appro bation, not only by resorting to it n their treat ment of all the diseases for which it is intended, but in some instances accepting the agency of it to facilitate its introduction into more general use by the Faculty. 'The influence of this composition upon the fe male constitution is of the most friendly kind; the most delicate and feeble female need have no tear in its use for any length of time, for it con tain any mercury, nor any article which can pore in any way injurious, being made entirely of vegetable extracts, and prepared to taste like a pleasant cordial. The marks operandi of this remedy, in the cure of this class of diseases, is through the general economy of the system, with the peculiar deter mination to the female organs. ADDITIONAL PROOF of this Catholicon being worthy of the confidence of the afflicted, as a Succesigal, Safe and Cheap Remaly, will be found in the pephletf together with important observations touching the stature and symptoms of the diseases, to which the attention of Ladies and Practitioners is respectfully invited. THE INGREDIENTS, as certified by high medical authority, (see pamphlet,) are All reye tale; and are not associated with any article un friendly to the animal economy. TILE subscriber loss opened, permanentiv, an extensive New Book Store, opposite Whitta ker's Hotel, on Rail Road Street. 10,000 Volumes in Store, and for sale, wholesale and re tail, extremely low for cash. His stock consists of Law, Medical, Theological, Poetical, Historical, Mechanical, Scientific and Miscellaneous Works, together with a general assortment of Blank work, School Books and Stationary, and in short, every variety in the Book and Stationary way, can be procured of him at the, shortest notice, and upon the most favorable terms. Call and exam ine fur yourselves. WM. COLON. , Sold by leading Druggists in toll the adjoining I Huntingdon, April 13, 's3.—ly. counties. REFERENCES: Prof. Dunbar, M. D., Baltimore, MIN J. C. Orrick, M. I). Baltimore; P. B. Peckham, M.D. Utica, N. Y.; D. Y... Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y.; M. 11. Mills, M. D., Rochester, N. Y.; L. 1). Fleming, M. D., Canandaigua, N.Y.; W. W. Reese, M. D., City of Now York; W. Prescott, M. D., Concord, N. H. Pamphlets can ho had gratis at the store of Thomas Read & Son, Agents, Druggists, &c., Huntingdon, pa. J. B. MARCHISI & CO.; Proprietors, Cen• Oral Depot, 304 Broadway, Now York. Mar NOTICE. Persons indebted to the Huntingdon Journal Office for advertising or Job work, done during the past year will please settle the same inuuedi• (tidy. No further notice will be given. Huntingdon, April, 13, 1853. A:HALL. HATS—such as Moleshin, liossuth o for men and boys, also Calcutta, Leghorn and Chip, just received and for sale cheap by .1. d• W. SAXTON. HATS.—Moleskin No. I and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth Hats of various styles and qualities—will he sold low at the cheap store of GEO. G IVLV ALARGE and splendid assortment of Bon nets, Misses' Flats and children,' Hats nod Caps, selling at low prices at the store of CEO. GIVEV. BOOTS 4ND SHOES, - , for mon and boys, a good assortment, at tbe store of GEO. GWIN. BREA ST MS, Ear Rings, and Finger Rings, in endless variety, at Ear. SNARE'S. _gir A tine lot of PISTOLS at Eum. SNARE'S, Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re ceived mut forwarded ut the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United State May , A fresh supply or Garden Seeds from Eisler Gardens, just received, and for sale by Feb. 23, 1853. J. &. B.tx.rox. A N excellent variety of flee l'Ex KNIVES, at E. Suare's. April c 5, 1.252 NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. DAVID P. GRIN, SFOII MS his friends and the public in general I that he has just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the corner of 11111 and Bath streets, opposite Costs' Hotel, nn Entire New Stock of Goods, Consisting Cloths, Cassimeres, Cotton Goods, Silks, Fancy and Black Berens de Lanes, Debnise, Lawns, Ginenons, Linens, Alas lins and Prints o/ every description, Hosiery, dloves, Silk Mitts, long and short, Veils, Collars, Under-sleores, 'Ribbons, Shawls, Fancy and Plain Crape, and a general variety of Dress Goods too numerous to mention. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Hats, Shoes, &e. Also, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish and Salt. The public nro respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods, as 1 am determined to sell them CHEAP. All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest nmrket prices. Huntingdon, April 20, 1853. Sheriffalty. To dm rotors of Iluntinydon County: Fellow citizens, at the solicitation of many warm friends, I oflisr myself as a Candidate for the next Sher ifthlty of Iluntingilon county, and most respect. tally solicit support. Should I ho elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office fisithfullY and impartially. Subject to the decl aims of the Whig County Convention. Apr. 20, '53. JOSEPH CORNELIUS. BLINDS & SHADES, B. J. WILLIAINS, No. 12, Sixth Street, A FEW DOORS ABOVE MARKET ST., PHIL.IDELPHIJI. The most Extensive and Best Manufacturer in the United States, Originator of all New Styles! Has taken the highest premiums at all the Exhi bitions; buys the best materials cheap for cash, which enables him to sell SUPERIOR WINDOW BLINDS ei• SJMDES As LOW as others sell inferior articles. Painted and [lilt Shades of beautiful designs. Buff and White Holland Shades, ,Trimmings, Fixtures ' &c. Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order. Old Blinds Painted and Trimmed. Purcha sers, please call. 117' IFE STUDY TO PLEASE. April 27, 1853.-Iy. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JAMES N. STITT, late of Dublin town. ship, Hunt. co., deed. LETTERS of administration having been gramt ed to the undersigned, who reside in Dublin township, on the above estate, all persons indebt ed will make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them duly nutheruleated for settlement. ISABELLA STITT, WILLIAM HARPER, Apr. 27, 153.-Gt . Admrs. TLN AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY. TOSEPII H. THOMPSON returns thanks for LP the liberal patronage ho has heretofore receiv ed, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit continuance of the some. Tin and Sheet Iron Wares always on Ilona, of all sorts and si zes, and made of the best material. Cooking Stoves, large and small, to hurts wood or coal, warranted not to cut in the eye. Please call, at the cheap corner, in the diamond nod see for yourselves. Huntingdon, April 27, 1853. A GREAT BARGAIN. Real Estate at Private Sale. rpnr, subscriber, wishing to move to the West, will sell his farm, situate in Union township, Huntington county, two or three miles from the Penna. Canal and Central Railroad, consisting of Three Hundred Acres. one hundred of which are cleared, soul in a good state of cultiva tion, the balance well timbered. 00 the premises there are erected two good dwelling houses, ono double log barn, and a saw-mill; there are also a large number of fruit trees, consisting of Apple, Peach, Pear, and Plum, of the best quality. Ap ply to the subscriber living oltn.ztpremises. ELIEL SMITH. April 20, 1853.-3 m. Valuable Iteal Estate, Mill Proper ty, At Public or Private Sale. THE undersigned will expose to public sale, on 1 the premises, in West township, Huntingdon county, Pa., on THURSDAY THE 16TH DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1853, the valuable limestone farm on which lie resides, containing 152 Acres, more or less—having thereon n large three story Grist Mill with four run of stone, and a good Saw Mill, a large bank barn, a large stone dwelling house and kitchen, two frame houses and a log house. A fine apple orchard, all grafted fruit.- 120 Acres cleared, and in a good state of cultiva tion. Situate iu a tine healthy neighborhood.— Fine water power. Also, another farm in same township, contain ing lOU Acres, more or less—abgut 30 Acres cleared—Loving thereon a log houlb and stable, And a good orchard, mid excellent seat and water power for Saw Mill. All the above had is about six miles from the Penna. Canal and Railroad, in Shavers Creek settlement. An indisputable general warranty title will be given. Terms made known on day of sale. Persons wishing information, write to West Berm, Huntingdon county. ROBERT MOORE. April 13, 1853.-ts.• BOOKS ! BOOKS !! LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS J& NV. SAXTON have just received from • Philadelphia the finest assortment of Spring and Siunnier Goods ever brought to this place, consisting as follows Cloths, Casshneres, Tweeds, Cotton Goods, Sill: Dress Patterns, Berge do LaMes, Debug., Lawns, Muslim; bleached and unbleach ed, Black Silk, and a great variety of Trim in in gs, suitable for Summer Dress Goods. ALSO-500 Prints, of every variety and shade; a beautiful assortment of Ginghams, Linen Lus tres. Also—an endless variety of Hosiery, such as Gloves of all sorts, colors, and sizes; Stockings of every size nail color; Black Silk Mitts, long and short; black Veils, nod a great variety of Trim mings too numerous to mention, whirl, we aro de termined to sell as low, and lower, than any House in town. GROCERIES, of which wo have the very best the market affords. QUEENS WARE, a general assortment, including GLASSWARE. 11ARD WARE, of which we always keep the largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. ROPES AND CORD, consisting as follows—Bow-Lines, Stern-Lines, lied-Cords, Sze. Salt, Fish,'und Plaster,'ltlivtiyilat hand. We al so store and buy Grain, and it is admitted on all hands that we have the most convenient place of unloading grain in town. Our old stock of Goods we are determined to sell at cost, and under. Also, WOODEN AND IVILLOW IVARE. Please give us a cull, and you will, we have no doubt, be satisfied of the fitct. [up. 6, '53. WANTED. To exchange for merchandise, 50t1 bushels of dried apples, paired; 250 bushels of Peaches, un paired. A. b. UARRISON, & Co, CHAIR MANUFACTORY. rpm , . undersigned respectfully informs the pnb -1 lie that he still continue, to carry on the above business at his old stand, on Main Street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he has constantly on band an extensive assort ment of well-made work, which consist of a va riety of Windsor Chairs, Settees, &c. 'Flue sub scriber feels no hesitation in warranting all hie work, as it consists of the best of material, and made in the best workmanlike style; he flatters himself to be able to turn out cork unsurpassed by any East of the mountain. Ile returns his thanks to the puble fur the liberal patronage haretofoie received, and hopes, by strict nttention to business, to receive n continuance of the same. Persons desirous of purchasing any thing in his line, will do well to give him n call, as he is de termined to sell very low, to suit the times. A boy will be taken, if application be made to learn the Chair making Amines,. JOHN SKEES. Huntingdon, April 13, '33.-Iy.. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! GEORGE GWIN, TTAS just returned from the Eastern Cities with n large and splendid nssortment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. • Notwithstanding all kinds of Goods have aid vanced in price, ho is determined to sell at the old rates, llis assortment consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries,! QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country stare. Also, a beautiful assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS ON EVERY VARIETY• Also, 11l TS, CA PS, BONNETS, BOOTS, and SHOES and a variety of Goods of all kinds. Feeling thankful for the encouragement ho has received, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Huntingdon, April 13, 1853. CUBA ANNEXED! Cornprobst & C Ingham, 11" E now connected their present business with the Huntingdon Mill, and are prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. Their Grain Business is n heavy one, and will be conducted altogether on CASH principles, and they Ai ill not deviate from it for any ono, deeming it the only trite mode of safety, both for themselves and those who deal with them. rortstown, April 13, 1833. GAS FIXTURES AND LAMPS. Heidrich, Horning, & Brother, No. 221, N. 2nd Si. above Vine, PHILADELPHIA, ITAVING had many years practical experience lI m the business, and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate supervision, we are enabled to offer to purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our Store may be found in every variety and sty le of finish, Gas and Lamps, Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets, for Halls, Churches, &c. The improved Pine Oil Lamp, al so, Fluid, Lanl, and Gil Lamps, Gerandoles, Bo quet holders, Parlour, Night, and Heading Lamps, or hand lamps, glasses, globes, Wicks, Shades, &c. All Work warranted or no sale Factory, No. Se, Nolte St., near Fourth. Re member Store 221 N. 2nd at., next door to J. Stewart Depny's Carpet Store. _[op. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. hum, Itirtatm, rho pregeot rroprt °tors of the above Hotel, at Mount Union, Hun tingdon county, respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are prepared to accommodate all who are disposed to favor them with their custom, and that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. The Hotel is convenient to the Rail Road sta tion, and the closest attention will be given to bag gage, &c., in having it conveyed to and from the depot. [April 6,1853.-1 y HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for half-made Fcatirrunr.? Call at No. 1, North NIN'I'II streit, and examine the largest assort ment ot' the best made Furniture land Bedding in the city, Feather Beds, flair, Busk, and Straw Mattresses; a largo assortment of fancy What nots, Soft 'fables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stalled Sent, Cane seat, Windsor, and of fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-sent Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and wArranted to give satisilietion, and sold at the lowest prices. April e, 1833.-1 y TILE GOLD MINES OF CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA outdone, be the magnificent display of Jewelry, Watches,.Clocks, and Palley Goods just received from Now York and Philadelphia by the under signed. Ili, splendid stock consists of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Pencils, Keys, Gold Pens, Earnings, Sil ver Table Ware, &c., Port Polies, Clocks, Port, Monnaies, nod an endless assortment of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. 1B - Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Articles neatly and substantially repaired and WARTIANT ED. EDMUND SNARE. March 30, 1853. TWO FEMALES MURDERED! The Murderer Convicted! The public are hereby informed that the sub scribe• has leased that populv and well known store room in the Elephant building, opposite the Railroad Hotel, where he has just received and opened the latest and best supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS in town. Ills stock consists of every variety of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HABDIVAIIE, QUENSIVARE, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., all of which will be sold low for the "dust," ur exchanged for country produce. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call nod "tree the Elephant," at least, as no charge is made for exhibiting the animal. ALEX. CA RIION. March 30, 1853. LATE ARRIVAL Of Spring and Summer Goods, at S. & G. LEVIS' STORE, The subscribers respectfully return thanks for the patronage they have received during the time they have been in business, and would inform the old customers of S. Levi, with as many. new ones as may be pleased to favor theta with their pat ronage, that they still continue to distribute Goods at Maguire's old stand, in Market Square, Hun tingdon, where they will be happy to supply all who may be in want of anything in their line at the lowest possible rates. Ladies and Gentlemen what we are going to tell yott now is no "Hum bug." Oar stock of Goods consists chiefly of a mast splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, Ladies Dress Goods, from the plianest to the finest Silks, Alpacas, Mouslin de Base, Mutts de ',eines, White and Brown Bluslins, White Dress Muslins, and La dies' Dress Goods in every variety. Also, Ho siery, Gloves, Veils, Woolen Scarfs &c., &c., with a variety of Fancy Articles and Jewelry. Also a spit .alid stock of Cloths, Cassinicres & Ready-Made Clothing Fine Coats from $7,50 to $l5; Business Coats from $1 to $ tO; Pants from 75cts. to $6; Vests froth alas. to $5. Mon and Boys' Hats & Caps, of different qualities. Also—A splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes, got up with he latest and most approved mavens and styles. Also—a choice selection of Groceries, Queens ware, lined ware, Glassware, &c., &e. As our motto is "Quinn SALES AND SMALL 1'II01 , 178," whoever does not come and buy tram us does not intend to save money, thinking a nimble ninepence better than a slow shilling, wo invite all to come and esamine our utook of Goods, as we charge nothing for looking at them, so it you don't buy it will cost you nothing but the pleasure of a pleasant ride or walk—for we intend to keep all from a broomstick to n windmill. All kind. )r country erudury takuu in excliaugo fur Goods, BINION & GABRIEL LEVI. 4 4larelt 9:1, 1853. 150,000 eiGARs for sale, wholesale and retail. at G. LEVIS' sranz LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY. DISEASES OE TILE KIDNEYS, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, cidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Ilcart-turn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the (tenet, Choking or Stffibeating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Defi ciency of perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and limes,Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, &c., Sudden Fl eshes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great depres sion of Spirits, can be effectually cured by DR. lIOOFLAND'S CELEBRA7'ED GERMAN DITTF.RS, Pre p ared red by DR. 11 1. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch Street, Their power over the above diseases is not ex celled—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cores attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exer cising the most searching powers in weakness and nifections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. From the "Boston Bee." The editor said , Dec. 22nd Dr. Hogltand's 'Celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he had himself received an effec tual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in tast and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circum stances. We are speaking from experience, and` to the afflicted we advise their use. "SCOTT'S WEEKLY," one of the best Literary papers published, said Aug. 25 "Dn. Hoori„txu's GERMAN BITTERS, mono• factored by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as an article of moth efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary elrect they have upon weak systems." MORE EVIDENCE. The lion. C. D. IItxr.LINE, Mayor of the city of Camden, N. J., says "Boost, x GERMAN BITTERS.—We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inqui ry we were persuaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, and the powerful in fluence it exerts ttpou nervous prostration is real ly surpristing. It calms and strenghtens the nerves bringing them into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing o "If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, end nervous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. This extra ordinary medicine wo would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial—it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every tinnily. No other medicine can produce such 'ev idences of merit. Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) front all 'sections of the Union, the also fling years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the prac tice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, titan all other nostrums combined, n fact that can easily be esablished, end fully proving that a scientific Praperation will meet with their quiet approval when presented oven in this form. That this Medicine will cure Liver Complaim net Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it (If directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach end liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious dis. eases—the effect is immediate. They can be ad. ministered to female or infant with safety and re. liable benefit at any time. Look well to - the works of the genuine They have the written signature of •C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without whirl, they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Resale nt the. GERMAN MEDICINE. STORE, No. 120 Arch street, ono door below Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers generally through the country. PRICES REDUCED. To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad vantages of their great restorative powers: Single Bottle 75 rents. Also for solo by Thomas Reed & Son, Runt. ingdon, I'a.; John Lute, Shippensburg, Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa.; J. & J. Kelly, Burnt Cabins, Pa. [July 22.—'52-Iy. A. P. IVicsoN. lt. BRUCE PETIIIKIN• IVILSON & PETRIKIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata ties. • March 23, 1853. WOOD & WILLOW WARE. 20,000 FANCY CORN BROOMS, 1,500 DOZ. BUCKETS, ASSORT'D COL ORS, 600 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS, 800 CEDAR CHURNS, 500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, 300 DOE. WALL & SCRUB BRUSHES. Tha hugest stock ever offered in Philadelphia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. & J. M. ROWE, No. 1 l 1 North Third Street, March 9, '53.-3m. Phi/Me/Min. R. A. MILLER, D. D. S. Artiflrial Teeth, from one to a Ad! set, mounted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth Extracted with all the case and despatch that modern science can furnish. March 2, 1853. Timber Land for Sale. WILL he sold, at Private Sale, TIMBER LAND, (in small or large quantities,) situ. cacti and lying on the Woodcock Valley side of Tussey Mountain, in the neighborhood of Mar klesburg, and extending several miles. Terms accommodating. Apply to Jacob Cresswell, Trougliereek, lltm tingdon county, or George Rundle & W. Griffith, Trustees of the Estate of Savage, No. 2, York st., Philadelphia. March 9, 1853.—tf. CUBA ANNEXED, CORNPROPST & CUNNINGHAM Are now offering at their Store and Warehouse in Portstown, The most extensive Stock of DRY-GOODS, Groceries, Glass, Bard, and Queensware, . Boots & Shoes, Bats, Caps and Ready made Clothing, ever offered by ono establishmelt in the county. Their assortment is full and complete, and is un surpassed iu quality or cheapness, by any thing in this sachet. Theo• operations in the Grain and Produce business aro very heavy, and'are falcon ducted on is cash principle. All kinds of tnor• ehantable grain aro paid fur in cash as soon as delivered, and at tho following advanced prices White Wheel, $1 00, Road do, 95, • use, 84., Shelled Corn, 50, oats, • 33,1 After the fug of April next, they will nisi, con. nett with their business, the HUNTINGDON MILLI they will pay cash for all grain delivered to them nt their Mill end will deliver, twine a week, nit Tuesday and Friday, all the family grinding an imated to their care, without additional charge. Jan. 12, a - ZOO Sacks of Salt in :Awe, nod for solo by WA:, STRAW GOODS. ITAKE this opportunity to notify my customers, and the Trade in general, that I hero in store a choice assortment ofSTRAW BONNETS, such as Blonds, 'Tripolis, Pearls, French Gimps, Gos samers, CIIII.DRENS' myrs, Bonnets. Straw Trimntinue, and MiMurry Goode, such as Crepes, 'Portions, Illusions. Silks, Ribbons, Crape nod Tarlton Linings, French and American Flouvrs, Buckram Framee,Crowns, Tips, to which I in vite your attention. I have mado arrangements with the principal Importers and Manufacturers so that I will ho enabled to receive all the newest Styles of Goods. I feel confident dint I can sell my Goods AS LOW as nny person in the trade. WM. G. CALVER, No. 59, N. 2nd St., Phila. March 9,1851.-3 m. CARR, GIESE, & CO., FLOUR, GRAIN & LUMBER Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE. REFETI TO- John Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bunk, Balt. A. I'. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, " John Hertzler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. lingers, Sinnickson, & Co., " J. Tome, Esq., Presd't Cecil Bank, Port Deposit. J. Wallower & Son, Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove. J. H. App & Co., " Nagle, Wingate & Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " Gco. Bodine, Hughesville. W. Wearer & Co., Montoursville. Gen. W. F. Pucker, Williamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cushier, " James 11. Haling, Esq., Lewis G. Iluling, McHenry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hiding, Lock Ilaven. CT Carr, Giese d• Co., have the largest wharf room of any Commission House in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharg ing their cargoes. [Feb. 23—Gm Foundry for Sale or Rent. mIIE old established Stone Foundry, 40 by 40 feet, Wore Room 30 by 40 feet, En gine house 30 by 31 feet; Patterns for Cook Stoves, 3 sizes—Patterns for Cook Stoves for Coal and Wood, 3 sizes; Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal, Tight Air Stoves, Thrashing Machine Patterns, Potterns for Egg Stoves, 4 sizes; and for runouts for Forges and Rolling Mills, Wagon Box Patterns, Hill-side and Bull Plough Patterns, Iron Wools Kettles, with a variety of other Pat terns, and a large Lathe for turning Iron or Wood, all in good order. Apply to the subscriber at Alexandria. January 12, 1833 ISRAEL CIRAEIUS. RING 4kXOORESAID, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN BACON, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES; No. 23 Wood St : Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to the sale of Blooms and Pig Metal, and CASH advances made. Dec. 9, '52.-Iy. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continues to carry on nt the same stand, one door east 01 Mr. C. Cost's Ilotel, Mar ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom, and al so keeps on hand a good assortment of WATonns, ewe., JEWELRY, &C., &v., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving articles for repairing shall have them done at the precise time. By paying strict attention to business, and selling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 11352.-Iy. NEW STORE, New Goods and New Prices. lIAItItISON, COUCH Imre just opened a magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store Goods, at their new store room in Portstown. Their stock is entirely new, nod consists of -- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS, HARD & QUEENSWARE, READY MADE CLOTHING, VARIE- TIES AND NOTIONS, &c., - - - - - , all of which will he sold at the lowest rates for cash or exchanged for country produce. ltr The highest price given at all times for every description of merchantable grain. Broad Top Depot, Dec. 30, 1832. J. 8. GRIFFITH, M. D., Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon end adjacent country. Hat : EitexeLs:—Sledical Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Holliunn. OMee, ,";:o. 189, Blitllin Street, nl;;;with Dr. Harman. May 6,1852. THOS. READ , Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he hits on hand and is receiving for the coming season, a flue assortment of ctl®•uu•®SllPu a Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with his;celebra tett and unrivalled • cfrOILM Which is equal if not superior, to any now in use. Each Pen is Engraved with ilk own name, and every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Mercy on as what a treat; Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen Where did you get it? Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be heat; Yes, my f!iey!d?,. t!?ero'sil humbuging In Road's Gold Pons of North Third Street giff'Road's Gold Pen Is.found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Silo. THOS. READ, Plink!phial. Jun. 8,1852.—tf. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken the shove house at Mouse UNION, Huntingdon County, and assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that no pains will be sparna. render satisfaction. Bag..”age taken to mid from the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Alilnwood Acad emy, Shirleysburg, Orbisouia, Mount Union, April 22, 1852. A. W. BENEDICT, .ATTORNEY lIT LaW, • Informs his old friends and the public that he fins returned to his old home, and will attend to nll business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. Office in Main Street, south side, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, 1832.—0 m. LEWISTOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of I hinting don county, that they still continue the manufac turing, of all kinds of Earthenware of the most su perior gustily aryl at prices to suit the times.— They will make a trip by Canal, In the month of May when they will be able to supply all who may favor them with their patronage. Merchants may rely on getting an article that cannot foil to Ideate their customers, and such us will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ed to, Address J. A. MATHLWS 4 11110, Lewistown, Ps. Anta I, 1852.-if. A beautiful lot of Cast lion Pumps, for Well, and Cisierns, just received, and for sale by 1 ub,23, 185 a, J. 4 W. SA.rom Birmingham Female Seminary. The liberal patronage whirls this School has received in she past, encourages the proprietor and friends of female education, to expect by proper exertion to make it both a promancut and important Institution; and no pains will by spar ed to sustain its growing reputation. Among other considerations which inspire hope as to its future osseous, the location is nut smins. portant. Three years actual experiment bas de veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas on fur the existence of Birmingham than many which have been assigned—that it is the situation for a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—easy of access and its itself n place where one might al most grow wise in the study of Nature alone un mocked by the works of Art. The school year is divided into two Sessions of twenty-two „weeks each; the summer torm com mencing the last Tuesday in April, the winter term the last Tuesday in October. Charges to into from time of entering, and no deductions made for absence except in case of sickness. nation $4,00 and $5.00 per quarter—bonraing $1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw ing &c., e x tra. _ _ Her. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., Principal, Rev. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associate. Mao I. 1852. THOXAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Blair county. Lancaster county. DAVID M'MURTRIE, WILLIAM GLEIM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county, JAMES GARDNER, Moen. R. Baymt, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central l'enn'a. Banking trouser, (IP BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on Alle k gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact bust. ness. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de... posites received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. 11. K. NEFF, M. D., ITAVING located himself in WAnnionsmAnrc AI. in this county, would respectfully otter his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFERENCES: J. B. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Esq. J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. . _ - . Huntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Cemmill, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. • ap7;52-tf. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on band, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle Chester Hogs, South Down, Cobaltld and Leicester Sheep. The subscriber now offers for sale serest very fine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves ; two Chester Boars; about live months old, which took the first premium for pigs of that tip at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thorough bred Pigs of the same breed, about three weeks old; also, eight thorough Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down flock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, ho received the highest pre miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and Chester Hogs. Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna., will be attended to. ROBERT HARE TOWEL. April, 7, 1852. Notice to Tavern Keepers. NNOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inns and Taverns within the county of Hunting don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses .sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective lours on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on that day; and the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act at' Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. • By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. THEO. H. CREMER, Clerk. May 1. 1852. CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal purpo ses, consisting of Best quality FRENCH BRANDY, " " CONIAU BRANDY, "" HOLLAND GIN, " MADERIA WINE, " LISBON WINE, • " SWEET WINE, • SUPERIOR PORT WINE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for:that pur pose can he hail at the cheap store 01 April 21, 1852. J. BRICKER. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. 411cGILL Returns-his sincere thanks to his friends rind the public generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Ile would embrace the present opportunity of informing the public that he is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; lie has STOVES of every description, for burning either wood or coal, sitch as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and Ten Plate Stoves, together with a cra. cya as and Plough Irons of all patterns used in the State Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of . Chambersbug, and all other castings usually made at foundries, all of which will be sold very low fur cash. May, 1, 1852. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollidaysburg,and about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said Town will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that tne Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For further information apply to C. H. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTR.II.4, stay 1,-1852--.U. British Plate Powder. F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifyi ng Silver, Silver Plated Ware, Gorman Silver, A lbata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metals, The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these preparations for the United States. The Plate Powder has been moot extensively used for st number of years in Great Britain, and is now used by most of the manufacturers ofsilver and' other scares In New York and Philadelphia; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors to the , Union. WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers 231 South Second street, Philadelphia. . Y For sale at T. K. Sialox•rox's Store, Hewing don, ra.- • • • May I, 1852. Dr 10GBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twin FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single- Barrel led Guns, front four dollars to thirty each, for side by J. & W. SAXTON. A beautiful lot of Carpeting and Oil Moths for s ale by J. & W. SAXTON Asplendid tot of Silk erasers mut Seale., flit. sale by J. W. SAXTON.. JUST nEclavEu awl tia sal P 7,1 I, Salt and Plower by J. & W. tiasToN. (101.4) and. Ur... Spat:N.9lw at all iniees,'at Saar:, April 1834,