MUCH IN LITTLE, ler Never marry for money. tie Two boats propelled by steam an now in operation upon the Schuylkill canal. M.." Ground Hog Glory" and "Slum gul lion Bar" are the named of two towns in Cali. fornia. Sir The Dauphin County Whig COM'CIP tion will meet on the 20th inst., to nominate a County ticket. eir Wisconsin has given charter,; for fifteen thousand miles of Railroad, that will require $300,000,000 to construct. sr,W. A. locomotive engine and machine manufactnring company has been.organized at Lancaster, Pa., capital, $80,000; Cuckley, Pre sident. grie An editor of a newspaper out towards Lake Champlain has discovered a way of keep. ing eggs from spoiling. His method is to eat them while they are fresh. ce - The Whigs of Blair County will hold a County Convention on the 21st inst, to nomi• nate a ticket for their support at the October election. le.. Alexander E. Brown Esq., of North simpton Ca, is now spoken of, and eulogized by the Waynesburg Eayk as a suitable Whig Candidate for Governor. ar S. S. Blair, Esq., has been suggested by the Blair County Whig, as a suitable person to nominate us a Candidate for the Supreme Bench of the State. We heartily approve Major's suggestion. Two individuals, whose names we have not learned, were committed to the county Jail on last Monday, by Justice Africa, for stoning a neighbor's house in one of the back streets of this Borough. lerThe bonds granted by the general go, eminent to the Illinois Central railroad will, it is said, build the road entire, without its cost ing the stock-holders one cent. The same of the Missouri and Pacific railroad. SW— The I iemocratie State Convention which assembled at Harrisburg its March last is call ed to meet again at the same place, on the 28th of July next, to nominate a candidate fur Su preme Judge. cir One and a half tnillion of dollars have been contributed by the Baptist in the United States during the last five years, for the establishment and endowment of collegiate and theological institutions. lir The Mississippi river is said to be tint wearing away the Illinois banks, and it is gravely intimated that St. Louis will find itself six miles distant from that river within the next ten, or possibly the next five years. tar Notwithstanding the Government has near 320 2 000,000 in its treasuries, the Mar shall of Ohio had not a cent of funds to pay Jurors or witnesses at the late United States' Circuit Court held at Columbus. (fir The London Court Journal tells u 3 that a light thread net, suspended before a window, will effectually keep out the house fly, which will not pass through the meshes, even though they be more than an inch in diameter. Ba. Two little girls in Lancaster, slept with a water snake a few nights since. They did not discover the reptile until the morning. The bed was in the second story. The snake was 20 inches long, how it got there is a mys tery. air Hon. Humphry Marshall, U. S. Minis ter to China, lately had an official dinner gi, en to him by Dr. Bowring, the acting British Plenipotentiary, and also one by the Ameri can Consul at Canton, while on a visit to Ma. cao. Car An Indian was ordained to the work of the ministry by the Baptist Home Missionary Society,.in Troy, New York, last week, who, to attend the convention, walked six hundred miles in snow shoes, necompaied by his wife and child. in" Hon. James Buchanan declined deliver ing the anniversary address before the Penn sylvania Historical Society, in consequence of his acceptance of the mission to England, the society have selected Hon. Charles Ingersoll to fulfil that duty. fir The most striking ease of moral turpi tude is related by the lantern:—Ong of the prisoners recently convicted, and being con. ceyod to Sing Sing, said his brother was a New York Alderman, and he wasn't ashamed to own it 1 Sir The individual whose skull was fractur ed, as we stated a few weeks ago, in a fracas among a number of boatmen above town, by a blow from a hatchet directed by anothe - r, died a few days since in the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. pets. The Huntingdon Journal has recently been enlarged; clothed in a new and beautiful dress, and otherwise improved. The Journal is, and always has been, a staunch unwavering Whig paper, and conducted with tact and ability.—Brownsville Clipper. Va. On Friday week six soldiers who had been tried at the Carlisle Barracks for deser tion, and sentenced, were flogged, marked with the letter "D" on the hip, and had their heads shaved and on Sunday morning were drum med out of the garrison. M. Chief Justice Black has decided that a debtor cannot retain $3OO in money, out of the proceeds of a Sheriff's sale—after the sale of the property,although he may select at the time of the levy, that amount of property, which shall be exempt from levy or sale. Heavy Damages Clai»aed—it is said that one suit has already been commenced by the surviving relatives of an eminent deceased physician who was killed by the railroad ac• cident at Norwalk, for $25,000 damages, and another by the friends of one of the deceased Boston passengers for $lOO,OOO. The Noe Territory—Governor Stevens will probably locate the territorial government of the new territory of Washington, at Olympia, a thriving village at the head of Puget's Sound, which, it is thought in the land office, is short. ly to become the great commercial capitol of our northern Pacific coast possessions. It is stated that 27,000 emigrants em barked at the port of Liverpool for America and Australia, during the past month of April, being a larger number than in any preceding month; the increase being mostly in Irish, Ger• mans and Dutch to America, owing to the less favorable accounts by recent arrivals from 3Iel• bourne. A Main Lena Needed--in the recent discus• lion in the British House of Commons, on the hill for regulating public houses in Scotland Mr. Henry Drummond affirmed that every Saturday night Mirk, thousand men get drunk in Glasgow, and lay in a state of insensibility until Monday morning. We should think a Maine law would be very beneficial in Glue. gow, [fly request.] &ones of the Past. 0, ye scenes or the past, vou are ever in my view! 0 could I cull you back, I would freely 'do it ! but you are past; you have fled away I I eon well remember the time When cares and troubles were not mine, When all was joy and happiness I dreamed of nothing but of peace; But alas how soon our hopes are blasted, And we to the cares of the world are rowed, I once enjoyed the snnshine of day; But alas how short was its stay, ..... . It has passed away like a flower When nipt by the frosts of winter: 0 that my stammer joy were come mare more, And the winter of my sorrows were o'er. Then my heart would greatly rejoice, In perfect love, and joy and peace; Then when the birds would sing their song, . . My heart would join the happy throng, 0 that my summer joy were come once more, And the winter of my troubles were o'er. Then I could enjoy the flowers Which grow in amaranthine bowers; 0, why do I languish and mourn; And why are my winters on long Ohl that these clouds were banished front my eyes That I might see the beauties of the skies! It. M. J, Central Route to the Pacific. Col. Benton has been making speeches at Kansas, West port and Independence, Missouri, on the subject of the great central route to California. The people on the frontier arc ve ry enthusiastic on the subject. Superintendent I3eale, Harris, Heape, and their company left Kansas on the Ilth. Ensile Riggs, of the firm of Corcoran & Riggs, and his young brother William Henry, and H. Rodgers, Es,l., mem ber of the bar of Washington city, and son of the late Corn. Rodgers, left St. Louis on the night of the 10th lire Kansas, to join Superin tendent Beale in his new route. As the Su perintendent would have left Kansas when these gentlemen arrived there, they would take a light carriage, drawn by six Mexican mules, and run fifty miles a day until they overtook him. These gentlemen have no government employment, and go as amateur travellers to see the grand features of their own country, and to form their own opinions of the practicability of one of the noblest works which the mind of man ever conceived. Mr. Richard H. Kern, St. Taplin, and the rest of the expedition or ganized by Gen. Davis, Secretary of War, were to reach St. Louis on the 15th, on the way to the frontier to fit out the government surveying party for the same route. Kern and SL Tap lin Were comrades of Fremont in his winter ex 'pedition, where he and his party came near being lost in the mountai• snows, Col. Fre moat himself will not be able to return from London in season to join any of the govern ment surveying parties, but it is said he will he at home in time to make a winter expedition. and prove the, practicability of his cherished central route in winter as well as in summer. LARGE Eon.—Mr. Jacob .Frey, of West King Street, brought to our office on - Wednesday last, the largest hen egg we have ever seen. It weighs 4 ounces, 1 drachm and 40 grains, and measures 81 inches lengthwise. and 61 around the centre. It can be seen at his residence.— It weighs nearly an ounce more than the egg recently mentioned in the Rending papers, and measures more in every direction. his certain ly something to brag or.—Laacastca Whig. It is estimated that within the last six years,there has been ass addition to the curren cy of the world, in the gold of California and Australia, to the amount of $250,000,000. *if' The Public Debt of the United States, on the second of March,lBs3,amounted to U3,- 131,812. IR — The examination of the Cadets at West Point took place 011 the lst inst. CV' POISONING. ja Thousands of Parents who use Vermifitgc com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c.. are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the foundations tier a series of diseases, such as salivation. loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &IL _ _ . In another column will be found the advertise ment of llobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billions type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, llobensack's Liver Pills. Cr,6*"l.3e not Deceived," but ask for llobensack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 110BENSACK'S, as none else are genuine. No. 27.—Mr Joel Thompson, (Commissioner of Chester couniv) says—"l have Mr a long time back, been greatly afflicted with severe spells of headache, originating, as I suppose from a costive and irregular state of my bowels. I have tried several remedies which were recommended to use for the disease, but found none to give permanent relief, until I used Dr. J. W. Cooper's Celebrated Vegetable Anti-Dyspepsia Pills, (prepared by C. I'. Hewes.) Since then toy bowels have been regular, and I have been entirely free from head ache, and would earnestly* recommend all ray acquaintances who may be afflicted with any dis ease originating from a costive or irregular state of the bowels, to try these Pills, believing them to be greatly superior to any other medicine now in use for the same diseases. JOEL TimmrsoN. New Garden, Ches. co., Paw 1851. For the convenience of persons afflicted with the above mentioned disease, (costive or irregular ity of the bowels.) 'T. Read & Son, has been appointed agents for the sale of these Pills. irrir "I DIGEST !" Sucu is THE TRUE MEANING of the word ‘PEPSIN," or of the two Greek words from which it is derived. This is the significant antrappropriate title of the TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, or Gssrnte Juice, prepared by Dr..l. S. HOUGHTON, of Philadelphia, from the fourth stomoeh of the Ox, for the cure of In digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own remedy for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders cool, EATING perfectly consistent with HEALTH. See the figure of the 0; in another part of this paper. ounce of fact is worth a pomp' of theo ry: and the swarm of conclusive facts that cluster round that incomparable preparation, Iloofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia, establishing its value as n tonic and restorative' are such as would prevent incredulity itself from questioning its efficacy. In all cases of phrase of the stomach, whether acute or chron ic, it may be recommended for its soothing, cor dial, and renovating influence. Dyspepsia, heart burn, loss of appetite, nausea, unrvous tremors, relaxation, debility, &c., are relieved, by the Bitters in u very short space of time; and a per severenee in their use never fails to work a thor ough cure. MARRIED, On Thursday the 2dinat., by Rev. A. Brittain, Mr. GEORGE F. MCCABE, of this place, to Mien LETITIA llorrmAx, of Smithfield. TUE MARKETS. IlvsmoDou, Juno 7, 1853. Flour per bbl., $4.30 a $4,73 Clover Seed, per ho., 5,25 Sled Wheat, per bu., 88 White Wheat, per bu., O4 Rye, per bu Corn, per bu Buckwheat, per bu Outs, per bu Flaxseed. per bu• • Ilay, per ton Butter, per 1b.,• • • • Eggs, per doe.,• • • • PHILADELPHIA, •luae 7,1853. Fish, fur medium, per bhl., $12,75 No. l's, $13,50 a 13,75 Flour, per barrel, $4,624 Wheat - per bushel, $1,07 a 1,08 Rye IS 83 Cora " 56 a 62 Iron per tom Anthracite, 535,00 a 36,00 Scotch Pig, 33,50 a 31,00 Plaster per ton, $4,00 a 4,25 Leather, active and prices well sustained. CANDIDATES. Sheriffalty. THE undersigned offers himself to the people of Fluntitylon county, as n candidate for the office of Sheriil, of emit county; subject to the de cision of the IVhig County Convention. SAMUEL COEN. Burr. fiL, June 8, 1852.—tc. SHERIFFALTY. TTIE Subscriber respectfully announces himself to the Voters of Huntingdon county,that he will submit his name to the Whig County Con vention, an a candidate for the office of Sheriff.— If nominated nod elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office with fidelity, JAMES Md.:LIMY. Porter twp., June 1, 's3.—tc. 'Affinity. To thr Voters of Huntingdon County: Fellow citizens, at the solicitation of many warm friends, I offer myself as a Candidate for the next Sher iffitity of Huntingdon county, and most respect fully solicit support. Should I be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office litithfullv and impartially. Subject to the deci sion of the Whig County Convention. Apr. 20, '53. JOSEPH CORNELIUS. BROAD TOP OPENED UP. Louis Schneider, HAVING purchased the Store of Cunningham & Cornprohst nt Marklesburg, Hunt. co., pa., is prepared to accomodate the public at said place; with a splendid and fashionable assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, his assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Has d ware. Liquors, &c., and nll kinds of Goods usually kept in a country Store. Also, a beautiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of &dies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety, also, Bats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, anii a variety of Goods of all kinds. All kinds of Country Vroduee taken in exchange for Goods. And I do hereby notify all persons having ac counts on the hooks contracted at the Markles burg Store, belonging to Cornprobst & Cueing ham, will pa)• the sum over to me, they having been asigned to me. LOUIS SCHNEIDER. June 8, 1853. $5OO CHALLENGE ! Hobensacit's Worm Syrup, An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and has never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case. Worms can never exist when this remedy is once used, from the fact that it only destroys them but removes all the slime and mucus w Welt may remain. The Tape Worm Thin worm is the most difficult ono to destroy of all that inhabit the human body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines and stomach as to produce Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, &e., which, is the cause of many going to the grave, not be lieving that these complaints bars their origin from the Tape Worm; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. No those who are afflicted with this nand fun to health, I recommend the use of my Worm Sy rup, and Liver Pills; the Syrup to ho taken in doss of two table-spoonstuls three times a day, than take from .5 to 8 of my Liver Pills, to dis loge and pass the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of Tape Worm can he speedily cured. Round or Stomach Worm, This worm is usually found in the small intes tines, and is the worm most common to children, yet is not entirely continell to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with then,. The symptoms most promineht while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the belly slimy stools, looseness or the bowels, picking at the nose, a blueish streak under the eyes, If you, or any of your children have any of the above symptoms, llobensack's Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using it you have a certain, safe, and. speedy cure; and if after using it according to the directions, the patient is net restored to health; and the worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my worm Syrup. Ascarides, or Small Thread Worms. These worms, to which the human system is liable, are the most troublesome of all others.— They are generally to be found in the rectutn,and if allowed to remain, from the irritation they pro duce, lay the foundation for set ions disorders, such as intlamation of the bowels, and other de rangements of the stomach. The hest and safest medicine that can be used is Hobensack's Worm Syrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Ascarides, that I defy any 3ne to produce a case where my worm Syrup and Liver Pills ore recommended to be used they will not cure. All that is necessary is to use the Syrup in accordance with directions on each bottle; and in case a gentle purgative is required in order to allay the irritation they produce, the Liver Pills by their sympathising action and healthy opera tion upon the bowels, is the most pleasant medi cine that can be taken. Hobensack's Liver Pills. No part of the system is more liable to disetso than the Liver, it being supplied with numeromi blood-vessels and nerves, and it diseased, the blood of course flowing through all parts of the body produces Liver Complaints, Jaundice. IJit lious Affections; Dyspepsia, &e., &e. Liver Complaint. Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, se vere pains in the region of the Liver, vomiting, bitter tastes, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and bounding, the pain in the side is increased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, the pain is generally in the left shoulder, with a short, dry cough, the skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. This disease can be cured by the use of Hobensack's Liver Pills, as they act directly upon the scat of the disease, and then operating upon the bowels they expel all the corruw and vitiated matter from the system. Dyspepsia The symptoms of Dyspeptia, and its various diseases ore dizziness in the head, heartburn, op pression after eating meals, sournese arising tram the stomach, &c., and sometimes general languor of the whole body, from this it will be seen that the diseaSe owes its origin to a disorganized state of the Liver and Stomach. Ilobensack's Liver Pills is the very medicine to effect a per manent and lasting cure, as they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. To Females. You will find these fills an invaluable medi cine in many complaints to which yon aro subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they hove been found of inestimable benefit in restoring nnd purifying the blood and other tinkle so as to cure all complaints which may arise from female irreg ularities, as headache, dimness of sight, pain in the side, back, &c. These rills are the only safe and effectual remedy to cure the following coin (;out, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, distressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of the diseases that arise from the affections of the Liver, impurity of the blood, or Constipation of the Bowels. Medical Evidence. WE, the undersigned Physicians, having had the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection; say, that the ingredients of which they are composed makes them the Mist Pill in use for all discuses of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, &e. GEAR. Woon, 111. I). F. CROW - LEY, M. BowEN, M. D. • 61• 56 • • 37 I 00 8 00 leirPurchase wino but those it:wing the signa ture of ".I. N. 11011ENSA.C8,” its all oth ers are worthless imitations. . Agonts wishing new supplies, and ail others wishing to become agents, must address tho pro prietor, J. N. 110BENSACK, at his Laborato ry, No. 120 North Second Street, above Race, Philadelphia. illifSold by all Druggists and Merchants in tbo United States. [Juno, 8, 'l3 .—ly. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE. constantly on bawl and for solo by J. 1312ICKER. BARGE 1)1: LAMS, in endless variety, at tls cheap corner of CARMOS. Sale of Real Estate. BY Order of dm Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, in pursuance of certain proceedings in partition. in sold court between Lleorge Borst, dee'il. Timm will be esposed to public sole, on the premises, ON SATURDAY TIIE 9T/I DAY 00 JULY NEXT, at 2 o'clock, P. M., all those two small lots or tracts of land, situate in West township, Hunt. ingdon county, ono thereof, bounded by bind of John limit, Jacob Eberly, mid James T. Wilson, containing 37 Acres, more or less, and basilic thereon erected a small log dwelling house and stable. . . The other tract contains about 13 Acres, ad joins lands ofJuhn limit, Jacob Eberly, and the heirs of Joseph Thompson, leed. and has there on erected n two story frame dwelling house. To be sold together or seperately,7se as to suit pur chase's. TERMS made known on day of sole by W. Ir. zEIGLit, Sheriff. June 8. 1853.-4 t. NOTICE, MO the heirs and legal representatives of Wm- LIAM Connto, late of Springfield township, Hunt. Co., dec'd. . . _ . . Take noiico, that by virtue of a Rule issued out of the Orphans' C ourt of Huntingdon county, on the heirs a n d legal representatives ofsa id deed, you are notified to come into said court, the sec ond Monday and Bth day of August next, and accept, or refuse to take. the real estate of said deed at the valuation 'thereon, to wit t at the sum of $2322 00 or to show cause, if any you have why the same should not he sold. W. B. ZEIGLER, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, June Bth, 1853. Farm Land and Wood Land, FOR SALE. 9 1 11 E Trustees of the estate of John Savage, having determined upon disposing of their interest in Huntingdon and Bedford Counties,are now prepared to sell land, In lots to suit purchas ers, upon accommodating terms. Those wishing to purchase will please call on the undersigned at Savage Forge, or address him by mail, directing to Parsdise Furnace P. 0. Hunt. Co., WM. GRIFFITHS. Trustee of the Estate of John Savage. Juno 8, 'u3.—tf. MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL Scottsville, Huut. Co. Pa. ►7sIIF undersigned respectfully informs the tray eling conununity and the public generally, that he is now prepared, at his new mid commo dious dwelling, to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. Ills lintel is situ ated at the South-east end of the village, neer the Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected with it, are calculated to give satisfaction. GEORGE I). HUDSON. Scottsville, June 8, '53.-61n. Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS, will be received until the 28th of June next, at the Engineers Office in Huntingdon, fur the graduation and masonry or thirty-live miles of the HUNTINGDON AND BROAD Tot' Milt ROAD. Plans and Speeifirations will be exhibited in the office, for three clays prior to the above date. S. IV. MIFFLIN, Engineer. Huntingdon, June 1, 's3.—lt. Dissolution of Partnership. TILE subscribers, recently doing business.. der the name of Cornpropst x Cunningham, in the merchandising business in Portstown and Marklesburg, and in the forwarding and boating business on the reined. canal, and carrying on the Huntingdon mill, has this day been dissqlved by mutual consent, and by agreement, all business of the firm fur the purpose of liquidation, are placed under the control ofJouiah Cuuninghatn, one of the late partners. The business, until liquidated, will be carried on at the old places, by said liquidating partner. Alexander Port, Esq., will be found at the store room of said firm, at all times, who will receive money due the firm, and pay out to those having claims against the .1110. HENRY CORNPROPST, JOSIAH CUNNINGHAM. Juno t, '53.-st. SCHOOL A PPROI'RIATION. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, It.tntttsuuno, April 20, 1853. To the Commissioners of Huntingdon county: GENTLEMEN ,--In pursuance of the thirty-see and section ofan act, entitled "An act for the regulation and continuance of a system of educe tion by Common Schools," passed the 7th day of April, 1849, I herewith transmit to you, a state ment of the amount to which every district in your county is entitled, ottt of the annual appro priation of $200,000, for the school year, 1854, as follows t DISTRICTS. AMOUNT. DISTRICTS. AMOUNT. I3arree, 109,80 Brady, 77.04 Cass, 60,12 Clay: 59,76 Cromwell, 104,04 Dublin, 69,48 Franklin, 93,24 Henderson. 71,28 I fopewell, 65,88 Jackson, 132,12 Morris, 51,12 I 'oder, 77,04 Penn, 57,96 Shirley, 115,92 Springfield, 42,48 Tell, 78,84 'led, 90,72 Union, 43,72 Walker, 87,12 Warriorsmark, 121,32 West, 155,88 Hunt. Bor. 129,96 Alex. for., 53,28 Shirleysh'g do., 29,16 Graysport, 26,64 Yours, very respectfully, C. A. I3LACII, Superintendent of Common Schools. Published by order of the Commissioners of Huntingdon county. ATTEST: a W. MILLER, Clerk. Juno 1, '53.-3t. PUBLIC SA LE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on the premises, in Springfield township, iu said county, on THURSDAY, THE 30Th DAY or down, 185:1. at 10 o'clock, A. ➢I., all that certain messuage, tenement, plantation or trawl of land situate in Springfield township, (being composed of two surreys, or smaller tracts of land) adjoining hind of Jacob E. Bare, Sarah L. Kerr, 111111 John Long, and Black Log Mountain,containing about 283 ACRES, more or less. 100 acres of which are cleared, or thereabouts; with a two story house and log barn, thereon erectefl. TERMS 01 , SALE.—One-third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with in terest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. BENEDICT STEVENS, Adria. of Ludwiek Kekter. June 1,'53.-3t. Auditor's Notice THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to distribute the balance in the bands of 'Phoning Anderson, mini'. of the estate of John Sheeder, Into of Tod township, in said county, deed., amongst those entitled to receive the game here by gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend for the purpose of making said distri bution, on Friday the 25th day of June next at 2 oclock, P. M, at his otlico in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons inter ested may attend. JOHN REED, May 25, '53.-4t. Auditor. (I'M:HAMS—Domestic and . Dress, just re ceived at 1). P. GIN , lig'S Cheap Store. large assortment of Lawna and Borneo do . .Lalues, just received at the cheap store of U. r. cIASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweetla, Icana, for sale at the cheap corner opposite C, Coots' Hotel• D. I'. G WIN. BONNETS and Hats of the latest styles, just received at D. P. GWIN'S Store. Alargo lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, 'Buskins, Misses and Children's at the Store of D. P. (3WXN. A superior lot or Rifles, for sale nt the ELEPHANT. DITTSBUItG Hams anti Flitch fiwasile chetlPl at the ELEPHANT Corner, PARASOLS—un excellent quality, for sale cheap at the LLl'llArr Curlier. M. FETTERHOFF, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Huntingdon, Pa., TAKES this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he still remains in his oil stand, on Ado street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he is prepared to turn out work equal with any eastern manufactory, or in short Inferior to none. Per sons wanting New Furniture, will do well to give him a call before purehasingelsewhere, as he is determined to sell low fur CASH or Country Produce. lie also respectfully returns his thanks to the public. for the liberal patronage heretoiltre received, and hopes by careful attention to busi ness, to merit a continnence of the same. also intends to give his attention the rode, taking business. COFFINS mods and funerals attended, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms, either in town or country. All work warranted. M. P. Muntingdon, June 1, "MAN KNOW THYSELF." An Invaluable Book for 23 cents. “EVERY FAMILY Suouct, HAVE A Cory." SIX Thousand Copies sold in less than three mouths. A new edition, revised and impro ved, just issued. Dn. Medical manual and hand book for the afflicted—Containing an outline of the or igin, progress, treatment and Core of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in tercourse, by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a fitmiliar styleovoiding all medicinal technicali ties, and every thing that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of 20 years' successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of dis eases of n delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp toms and cure for the Fever and Ague, for 25 cents a copy: six copies for $1 ; will be forwar ded to any part of tke United Statcs, free of pos• rage.—Address postage paid, Castles & Co., Publishers., or "Box 195, Post Office, Phila. "This is without exception, the most compre connive and intelligible work published on the Gloss of diseases ofwhich it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the readers; it is free from all objectionable muter. and no parent, however fastidious, ran object to placing it in the hands of his sons. Theauthor has devo ted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years most successful practice."—lieraN. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work; it would save years of pain, mortification and sor row to the youth under their charge."—Peo pie's Athmened A Presbyterian clergyman in [licks, in writing of "llunter's Medical lititual," says t— •‘Thou sands upon thousands ()four youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realising the sin and consequence upon them selves and their posterity. 'lice constitution of thousands, who are raising families have been enfeebled. if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that eau he done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to cheek, and ultimately to re move this wide-spread source of human wretch edness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generation. Intemperance, (or the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thou sands upcn thousands, is not a greater scourge to the !musts race. Accept sty thanks en behalf of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work you are so actively engaged in." One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo ped and postage paid,) on reedpi of 25 cents, or six copies foe $1- Address, COSI)EN & CO., Publishers, Box 196, Philadelphia. a-Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms - . June '53.-Iy. PUBLIC SALE. TN pursunnee of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will he exposed to solo On Tuesday the 28th day of June, 1853, on the premises, the interest of the minor children of Alexander Gwin. late of the borough of Hun tingdon, deceased, it being the undivided third part in a tract of land situate on the Roystown 13raneh of the Juniata river, in Hopewell town ship. in said county, nilioining lands ol'Juhn So- VllDt ' s Trustees and Joints Entrekin, containing 227 Acres, be the stune inure or less, about 110 ACRES of which arc cleared and cultivated, with a log house and log barn thereon; also, a goad Apple Orchard. TerMs . of Sale.—One half of the purchase mon ey on confirmation of the sale, and the remaining lialf in one year thereafter with interest, to he Se cured by the bond and mortgage of the purchase. Attendance will be given by JAMES (MIN, Guardian. N. B. The Widow's dower in 'the undivided third port of the above described tract of land will be exposed for sale nt the time nod place mentioned in the above notice, and James Uwin is hereby authorized to sell the same, by CATHARINE M. GWIN. May 25, 1853.-51. NEW STORE. Myton Mosser, TJAVE recently opened n new Store at Stints -1.1 burg, Huntingdon county, and respectfully invite tlie publa to call and examine their goods. Their stock consists of the dampest and most fashionable that can be secured in the cast. May 25, '53.-3t. Chocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND ICE CREAM SALOON, HHENRYJ. AFRICA, would respectfully in vice the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, where all those who need any good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes found at a Bakery, may be supplied. Ile has just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, NUTS, Sc. His ice Ciemn Saloon is one of the most beau tiful and gorgeously furnished rooms to be found outside of Philadelphia, it is worth n visit there just to see the saloon, mul then, if you should feel like taking a saucer of ice cream the AGENT can supply you with the best article that has ever been manuthetured in this or any other country. Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continu ance of patronage. May 18, '53.-Iy. HUNTINGDON lIIARBIII ItHI). The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally. that he has es tablished a MARBLE YARD, in the borough of Huntingdon, and has just received from Phila delphia a selected stock of choice Marble grave stones, of every description, which he will furnish nt very reduced prices. All orders from any part of the county or ad joining counties, addressed to the undersigned, will be received 'tad promptly attended to. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. May 18, 1851.—ty. A NOTIIEII fresh supply of Berne detains, ( 2 - Lawns, Berne, all wool do Bag% nud part cotton from 20 to 371 ets peryd. Also another fresh supply of Trimmings, just ree'd and fur sale by J. St W. SAXTON. A new supply of low priced Bonnets; ja , 3 cc ceiVOd and for solo by J. &W. SA XTON. Abeautiful lot of White Cnipo Shawls, put re mired and fur Mk by .1. &W. SAXTON. 10 BARRELS of Shad jus, received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ANASSORTMENT of SCUOOL BOOKS fur sale at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER. PERFUMERY—A good , lot, of tho beat, at EDMUND SNARE'S. Ad assortment of Vans, Just received and for sale lOw by J. 4. W. SAXTON. beantifld lot at linai: LOOKING Glasses, just received and fpr sale by J. 6- SAX! O.V: beautiful assortment of Cross-barred India ISilk, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. i:OLD (1/..4/Nzi—A tine variety for sale, ye at LW, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ♦There may be obtained the most speedy rem. edy fur 'SECRET DISEA SES.—Cileets Strictures, Seminal Weakness: Pain in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys, nod all those peculiar affections arising from a secret losbit, part coterie the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutions' debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and in the cud destroys both Mind and Body. Young Men especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and des trnctive habit which annually sweeps to an un timely grave thousands ofyoung men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cestaey the living lyre, nosy call with fnll confidence. Married persons, or tlsomo contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult 1)r. J., and be restored to perfect Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 Sou•h Fredrick St., seven doors front Baltimore Street, east skin up the steps. far Be particular in obtaining the name and number, or son will mistake the place. - . A cure warranted, or nu charge made, in from one to two days. 'l'axc Nudes.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwelling, np the steps. Ills very extensive mac t!i",e is a sufficient guarantee ; that he is the only propel physician to apply to. Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that were aver known, many trou bled with ringing in the ears and bead when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at slid den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A ' CERTAIN DisEAsti.—]tis a melancholy fact that thousands full victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignormit pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their appearance, such as afrections of the head, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful suffiTing, by sending them iu that Bourne whence no traveler returns. TAKE P.tnricur.Alt NOTICE.—Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit ftoquently learned from evil companions. or at school—the effects of which are tightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and de stroys both mind and body. What a pity that a voting man, the hope aids country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence ofdeviating from the path of nature and indulging inn certain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating Marriage, should reflect flint n sound mind and body are the most heeessary requisites to promote COB.- Mal happiness, indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another heroines blighted with our own. CONSTITUTIONAL 131,11111.11,-1)r. J. nildress• es young men, nit nil who have injured them• selves by private and improper indulgence. IMM:lB;A:q.t.—These are some of sad nod melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, Or. MENTALLY—The fagrful effects on the mind are mach to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion of iti=;, Depvesslon or Eorbodings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of &c., ore some of the evils produced. Tbousttnds of persons of all ages,ean notrjudge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have singular appearance about the oyes, cough and vitamins of consumption. married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult 14. J. and be restored to per fect health. Other, No. 7, South Frederick• St., Baltimore, Nlil. ALL SURGICAL Ortm.vrioxs PERFORMED.- N . li. Let no false delicacy prevent you. hut ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To STRANGERS.—The many thousanda, cured at this Institution within the last ten yen's, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. fflovitnessed by the Reporters of • the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have aline:lied again mud again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find is skillful and honorable physifflan. As there are so numy ignorant and wortldess quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would say to•those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. Venkness of the organs immediately cured, and Atli vigor restored n y lettersAltb post paid—reniedies sent y .:14y 22, 1831.-Ir. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. 'DV virtue of an order and decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntin g don county, to me directed, for the purpose of satisfyin g a curtain jud g ment, No. 64, Nor. Term, 1862, ofsaid Court and the costs thereon and expenses of trust, I will expose to sale on the premises, in the bor ough of Shirleyshurg, 014 Friday the 17114 day n/ Jane next, _ - all that certain phite or parcel of ro und situate in and near the borough of Shirk vs rg afqresaid, being the estate of Walter B. for , floe iii 00 the North, a lot owned by the Baptist Church, told lands of the estate of David Fraker, deed.; on the West, lands of the estate of florid Era ker, dee'd.; on the South, lands of Samuel Car others and Eliza Carothers, and On alley, and on the East adjoining or fronting on Main street, in said borough; or so notch thereof as may be ne cessary to discharge said judgment wills its inter est and costs, mid expenses ns aforesaid. The said lot or parcel of ground, containing in all eight acres, he the same snore or less, on part of which is erected a two story lag dwelling house and a barn, and the rest thereof in a high state of cultivation. The above property will he Lid oft in low, of from one to two acres, to suit purcha sers, and offered separately or together, as the same may sell best, untilthe said amount shall be raised. A plan or plot of the same will be exhib ited on the day of sac. TERMS.-- . Cash on confitination of sale or sales, at August Tenn 1854. WM. B. LEAS, Trustee. Shirleysburg, May 25, 1853.-4 t. Pennsylvania Rail Road. Great Rc 'Helton on Loral Rates of Frerya From April lal 1853. Huntingdon to Philadelphia. Ist class 50 ets. per 100 2,1 " 40 " 3rl" 88&1' 4th " 28. il;tr peii,bl. 60 etc, Plaster per Ton $4,25, Huntingdon to Pittsbn% lot class nri cts. per 100 2 ,1 11 4 5 44 64 64 3 n l if 31 ft f 6 St 4th .‘ 30 " " " Floor per bbl. GO es. I'ig Iron, Blooms, Lumber and Bark, will be car ried Eastward in Car loads, at the convenience of the Company, at the following rates per ton of 2000 lbs. Huntingdon and Harrisburg, 121 cts per 100 The. Iluntingduli and Philadelphia, " " " For ford', information relative to the Trans portation 01'1'1140a (or Passengers ' ) apply ut the °lnce of the Compintv. JOILS; D. HERR, Agt. May, 23, '23.-3tn. Hunt. Station. WATERSTREET HOTEL, tilveriber announces to the traveling community, and the publics generally, that he has taken charge anti fitted tip the above house, h on i ng on e of the most pleasant and heautiAd locations ih the country, where he will he happy to wait upon all who may favor hint with their patronage. Thorn is a . good stable, and also a carriage house lichmtptig to the premises, to which the most careful attention will be given, J 0 WS W.IIW. flay 25, '23.—ly Mil BARREL* orliminp^, rucetred and isur J. S. W. !'`AN. James Bricker, At the old stand formerly occupied by Peter Swoope, on ;Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa., has just returned from the City with a Now Stock of Hardware Groceries, Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints, &c., Which are offered at the lowest priers, also re eviviug a large supply of CANDIEB, which will be sold at wholesale price as low as 14 ets. Per lb. Alio, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais ins, l?ige, &c. All of which have been bought with great care, and on the best terms, raid will ho sold low for Cash or to punctual customers. I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods as they can he bought for in this neighborhood.— My friends are requested to call and examine for themselves, feeling confident that those who do so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when I say dial great pains have been taken to get such goods as you admire, Huntingdon, May 18, '53 JAMES BRICKER. KEYSTONE HOTEL. James Haslett respectfully informs his friends and the traveling pOlie generally, that he has taken ^barge of the "Keystone Hotel," at Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., and is well prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. No pains will be spared to render the fullest satisfaction. :Huy no, iss3. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the piddle that he now devotes his whole time mad atten tion to making and repairing pumps and will promptly attend to all orders and culla that Ins may be favoured with warranted all work to be made of the best materials, and done in work manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address Mill Creek I'. 0. Huntingdon cutinty, ISAAC WOOLVERTOX. We tho Subceribers having used of Isaac Wol verton's make of 1 1 =14 and ii not hesitate itt saying that wo believe them to 6, the best pawl, that is now in general use. REFITRENCES Thos. Read. duo. Armitage, William Dorris, William Christy, David 131inr, D. MeMortrie, That. Fisher. J. Porter, Charles Porter, Wm. D. Slntw, Conrad Barber, Jno. Whittaker, Wm. Orbisoo, May 18,1853. Auditor's Notice THE undersigned appointed by the Court of Common Pleas an Audi tor to make distri bution of the fund in the hands of Wm. B. Zeig ler, Sheriff, arising from the sale of the Real Es tate of Allen Green, will tnect for that purpose at his Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, ott Tuesday the 21st day of Juno next, at ten o'clock A. M. All persons interested are required to make their claims before such Auditor or be de barred front coming in upon said fond. A. W. BE EDICT, Auditor. May 18,1833.-41, Auditor's Notice, THE undersigned appointed by the Court of Common Pleas an Auditor to make distribu tion of the fund in the hands of John B. Given and John Snyder, Assignees of Daniel Protzmon, to and amon„, ,, the creditors entitled thereto, wilt meet fur that purposeut his Office, in the borough of Huntingdon on Monday the 20th day ofJune, at ton o'clock A. M. at which time and place OH persons interested will present their claims if they think proper. A. W. BENEDICT, May 18, '33.—at. Auditor. $. WHARTON, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pe nn'a., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office near the Court House. May I I, '53. SCOTT & SWOOPE, Attorneys. at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Mee same as that formerly occupied by John Scott., Esq. May 11, 1853. SCHOOL BOOKS. Ali the new School Books used in our I'ill,llo Schools in town, as well as those throughout the country, fur sale al Colon's New Cheap Book Store. May 11, 1853. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, A TTORNE Y A La 11; Will attend to all husineas entrusted to him. Ott tiee nearly opposite the Court !louse. May 4, 53. SILK Dress Patterns—such as Brocade, Figur ed, Plain and Cross-burred,,ust received and for sale by ,1•. W. SA XTON. VANer Dress Articles—fur gentlemen and !a l. dies, for sale by S. Sc U. LEVI. GnonniEs—Fresh and cheap, at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI. LAMES DRESSES—aII kinds of goods suit - 1 -4 able, at the cheap store of S & G. LEVI. pLOTIIING.-A largo assortmentfor men and boys, at the cheap corner of S. & G. LEVI. HARDWARE. —A good assortment for solo at S. & G. LEVI'S Store. HT A 'S. :I \YI CA PS—of all kinds, of the latest fashion, for sale at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI. FISII,LAT SILT for sale at the store tit & C. LEVI. Ladies' Shoes. A ' pLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes, of the latest biyll,9, just received at the store o f S. & G. LEVI. Asplendid lut of Bonnets just received and fur sale by J. 11'. S.:l XT( 0". CAltl'ET Bags, just receivell and for saftilo• J. 6. 11'. SAX 1191 N. T)ORT MONNA Ili@ front 25 cents up to S 2 50 A at Ed. Snare's. April t 5 ISS2. LVo r rUco L" an ti tl ng tlr d at lo " o k ts w aV Shoe at t iC t! ' fi t store of (IEO. Girl S. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Alas. Delanes, 11. Delanes, 1)e Berege, Lawns, Ginglunns, and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store of GEO. GWIN. CLOTHS ./LAPD C.ISSLIERES, •p 1 in and limey, at very low prices, ut the store) of GEO. G WIN. FISH J.ND fur safe at the store of GEO. GNUS ASPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress Guodsjust received tit' CARMOrs, 11.78 T receiving the handsomest hit of Carpets everodered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by. J. S• Fr. SAXTON• 7EPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen Floss. 4 Cotton Floss, Lace Mitts, Mohair Mitts, Silk Gloves, Kid Waves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, and every variety of Dress Trimming suitable fur spring sod sumuter dress, for sale by J. t i• sAxrox. THE tiinest itssortmont of foots and Shoos erer otrored in town, fur solo low by J. d- SAATQM. r 10111: Ladles will please bear in mind that Pur i asols can be had exceedingly low at the (basis store or .T. W. SsINTON. Amt. - „it.b,r.11'. 1 ,:,:` ptenee'gnie ( 1 8 6 , , l`b:,!topa5t0 eta. per road, just racy/red and for silo by ✓. t f• W. SA X t'ON, Gold Watches will be sold by ED. Sx.trin /ewer then elsewhere. A+plcudid itorttnett tt . AioNNETS,Just re rci~cd at th e ettettp store at &U. LEVI,