THE JOURNAL. ''. i - HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday Morning, June 8, 1853. ------ - S. L. GLASGOW, Editor. WHIG STATE TICKET; TON CANAL COMMISSIONERp Moses Pownall, of Lancaster county. FOR SURVETOR GENERA!, Christian Myers, of Clarion county. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co. v. D. PALMER Ts our authorised agent in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, to receive advertisements; and any persons in those cities wishing to advertise in our columns, will please call on him. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Iluntingdon. JOHN W. Thompson, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barree, GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township, JAMES E. GLASGOW, CIO! township, DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. P. Atincom, Penn township, Dr. 11. L. BROWN, Cass township, J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township, SAMUEL STETFET, Jackson township, ROBERT M'BuUNEY, • ts Col. Jai). C. WATSON, Brady township, MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township, War. Horcnisisorr, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES McDowm.n, Brady township, GEORGE W.. Wnirramea, Petersburg, HENRY NEFF, West AUTOS.. JOAN BALSBACII, Waterstrest, Maj. CHARLES Mental.. Tort township, A, M. &Ant, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township, JAME. CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. .JOHN N. Swoors, Esq., Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. tar A good boy, about sixteen years of age, will be taken• sb Shia. Ofce• to•leam the printing. None need apply except such as hare strictly moral habits, and are of an industrious dispo sition. Stir We have just received a large and handsome assortment of new and Fancy Job type, and are now prepared to do all kinds of Sob Work and advertising in the neatest style, at the quickest notice, and do the cheapest terms.. Sie Last week we visited some of our pa trons in eertaib portions of the county, and bad the pleasure of bringing home with us a very handsome list of new subscribers, for which we feel very grateful. All of our readers, so fur as we can learn, appear highly delighted with the present appearance of the Journal, and predict for it now a prosperous career. We hope, in a short time, if possible, to make it still more acceptable to them, and still more worthy of their patronage. It. delights us not a little, to be assured that our services• are' op. preciated, although of an humble nature. Mr Our friend, George DI Hudson, of Scottsville, Clay township, Huntingdon county, as will be seen by reference to his card in an other column, is now premed, at his new and large Hotel, to accommodate Ms friends and the "rest of maukindP Hr. Hudson is a very clever many.p.nd we can assure•the public no pains will be• spared on his part to render sat isfaction. We hope those traveling that direc tion will call with him. He is also erecting Bath Houses at his Springs and fitting them up otherwise, for the accommodation of the public. The nature of the water in them is very similar to that of the Bedford Springs, and is ascertained to possess the same virtue. IlgL. We would ask ourcitizens whether they intend again to suffer the 4th of July, the birth day of our national liberties, to pass by without giving it a suitable celebration? Why is it that this day cannot be properly spent by the citizens of Huntingdon ? Have they none of the feelings of 76 in their bosoms? Cannot the tap of the drum "awake them to deeds of glory again ?" Ipar TWo issues since, we promised to no tice in last week's paper, any important action that was taken at the last meeting of the Direc tors of the Broadtap Railroad, but in our ab sence it was overlooked, and we will refer to the matter this week. It was determined that the road should come down what is called the little valley, past IfeCuban's, and cross the riv er at Gen. Willson's Red Warehouse. The Ba sin, or Depot, is to occupy the space between. the Canal and the Penn'a. Railroad, from the Red Warehouse to the cross street between Whittaker's and Jackson's Hotels. The Com pany must purchase the ground for this , Basin from those who own it. We understand there is difference of opinion among many of our ',Wrens both in town and country, as to the practicability of this location. For our part we are not prepared to say whether the Road should have been located to come in above the river-Beige, or where it now is. All we hope and desire is, that the road will be made as speedily as possibly. 169): We are requested to state that Louis Schneider, of this Borough, has purchased the Store of Cornpropst & Cunningham, at Mar klesburg, Penn township. Mr. S. is a clever man, and well calculated for business of that nature. The people of Marklesburg neighbor hood can place the utmost confidence in him, and we bespeak for him a large portion of pub lic custom. sar Sa th T. Hurd, Eery., late editor of the Washington Coratnonwealar, has started a new paper at Brownsville, ander the title of the "Brownsville Clipper." The "Clipper" has an active and experienced pilot, and if it does not succeed, it will not be for the want of talent and capability. It is a large and handsome sheet, and well deserves a liberal support. air One of min colored yentleracti in town,. under the influence of liquor, or some other stimulant just au badoitruck Edmund Sum mers on the head with a stone, Monday even ing about 5 o'clock. He was committed to prison by Justice Black for the offence. Some of the above gentry are getting a little a head of time, and should be taught to Lnow their ?lace. Gubernatorial Nomination. Judging from the tone of a portion of the Whig press in the State, we think there is al• together too much speculation, at this early day, on the subject of selecting a candidato for oar next Governor. We referred to the matter hut seer, without expressing any preference, only fur the purpose of letting our readers know what individuals have been mentioned in connection with the position. If those editors, who are advocating the claims and setting forth the practicability of the nomination of their respective or partic ular favorites, think they are furthering their interests and making them snore prominent, to the disadvantage or lessening of the pros pects of others, they, in our opinion, are widely mistaken. There is such a thing as saying too much about an indftiduars claims to a certain office, if we arc to judge from the past history of the politics of the country. The public mind becomes satiated and very oftendisgnstcd with having so much said about a candidate, espici ally when there is no excitement on the sub ject, that his friends and the aspirant himself often, have to submit to the mortification of being unnoticed in nominating Conventions.— This has been frequently done with good, and at the commencement, popular men. Better let "well enough alone," and attend to those subjects and interests connected with the party which have a tendency to insure us certain success. All the men now spoken of in con nection with the next Gubernatorial nomina tion are good Whigs, popular and deserving; and we have no doubt the nomination of any one of them will be hailed by the indomitable Democratic Whig Party of the State, as a sig nal of triumphant victory. We have no pref erence yet, nor do we think the Whig party of Huntingdon county has, but we are all ready now in one solid column to do our duty when the pmper time comes. Nobetter set of Whigs lives than those of this county. Their past history shows that, under all circumstances and at all times, they are ready for a full and loyal discharge of every duty the usage and customs of the party impose upon them.— Would that every section of the Union could boast as we can, on account of devotion and unbounded attachment to the Republican and Democratic principles of the Whig Party!— But we do not by thus expressing ourself, in sinuate in the least, any possible degree of declension in Whig strength. We are as per fectly ratified, from demonstrable living facts on the records of the country, of the indestruc tibility of Democratic Whig principles, and of their final triumph in the administration of na tional politics, as we are conscious of our own natural existence. Let all discharge their ob ligations, as members of the party, as faithfully, cheerfully and devotedly, as do the whigs of this county, and all will be well. fly Benjamin Parke, Esq., recently op pointed Post Master, at Harrisburg, by Presi dent Pierce, has been removed, and a Mr. Brandt appointed in his stead. This, we have no doubt, in gratifying to the friends of Mr. ..Parke, and is only one instance out of thous ands, which show the disaffection existing in the organization of the. "firsnuonious Democra cy.' We understand tfie principal reason of his removal was his support of Gen. Taylor for the Presidency in 1848—a valid reason indeed —the crime of unsullied patriotism and a de sire to reward those who are deserving. Nothing we believe was alleged to impeach his demo cracy or prove him an inconsistead member of the lecoloco• party, or to show that he was not deserving in any way, save the single circum stance of his having supported Gen. Taylor. This was the heinous offence to the pure and unspotted patriotism of the great Democratic party of the United States, and disloyalty to the Republican Institutions of our country.— Because he supported an American citizen for the office of President, who never considered himself any partizan, who through all the long years of his life, in Southern clinics and win ters cold, had guarded the flag of our country and carried it to victory and honor. This is Democracy for you in its true light, and Heav en save us from its influence. Mr. Parke held the office only a week or two. The Retiring Senators. With the close of the last session of the Le gislature, the terms of the following named Senators expired. Names of Democrats in italics : 1. Pliiltulillphia City'.—Charles O'Neill. 2. Philadelphia Co . Unty.—Thomas H. For gyllt. U. Adams and Franklin.—Thomas Canon. 13. Cumberland and Perry.—Joseph Bally. 15. Blair, Cambria and Bilntingdon.-11. A. MeMurtrie. 16. Luzerne, Columbia and Moutour.—C. R. Buckalew. 17. Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming.— George Sanderson. 19. Mercer, Vonango and Warren.—John Hoge. 21. Butler, Beaver and Lawrence.--Areb. Robertson. 22. Allegheny.--John Carothers. 25. Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion.—C. Meyers. Of the above Districts, the Ist, 11th, 15th, 21st and 22d are decidedly Whig, and the 2d, 13th, 16th, 17th, 19th and 25th are decidedly Democratic. One of the latter was represented by Judge Meyers, Whig, during the last Sena torial term; but there is no likelihood of such a result at the next election. Should both par ties, therefore, carry the districts next fall in which they preponderate, the next Senate will stand 16 Whigs, 16 Democrats, and 1 Native; and should either party lose one of its districts, the supremacy in the Senate must thereby he given to the other. Mir An individual, in Dublin township, wri• ting to us on business, in the conclusion of his letter, says "I'll do all I can to forward the circulation of your valuable paper, which, unlike the "Trib• one," is not prophesying the Whig party as soon being among the things that were. "Your patrons, in this quarter, are highly pleased with the improvement in the lournol; both in size and reading mutter, and with ouch an organ fur their guide, they are urged on to increased exertion in the ensuing contest." SM. On the third page will ho found a piece of poetry, sent as for publication, written by a boy about ten years of age; and for a youth of his years, it is not badly done Have we no young poets and poetesses in our town?' Try your hand at it, boys and girls, to see what you can do. Ccnius sometimes slumbers, and . frequently requires urgent appeals from its possessor to awake it to action.. THE Mormons of Utah are about to cultivate oysters, crabs and lobsters in the Salt Lake.— If the water should prove too salt, they design to construct sluices to let off the tall water and let in the freth. The State of Parties, Thio may be said to be the dinner-time of the Democracy, says the Baltimore American.— When men are beginning to feed after a long fast their minds and muscles are apt to be re lieved front all occupations, save the task be fore them. During the recess of Congress, and with peaceful foreign relations, the Executive and his Cabinet have no employment but the distribution of patronage. This is a task In which all parties have indulged, and the daily list of appointments at Washington shows that President Pierce is as zenlons as some of his predecessors in making office—which is pro perly only a eerrice—a reward and a bait for politicians. Still we are not surprised to un derstand that he is unsuccessful to satisfying the numerous factions which celebrated a tem porary truce in order to concentrate their vote against the Whigs. The mutual dislike or ha tred amongst these fragments is quite as great as the enmity of the two original parties; and the President is now, in all likelihood, realising the hopelessness of his promised effort to heal the dissensions of the democracy, and to make it once more a united and happy family. A great, controlling will, like that of Jack son, might produce this result; but the circum stances of President Pierce's nomination prove that he is not such an incarnation of the De. tnocratic party as his illustrious predecessor was. Parties in this country, are no longer what they were. Federalist and Democrats faded into each other years ago. Whigs and Democrats have agreed on many fundamental points since the days of Van Buren. The Constitutional changes in most of our States have helped to popularize patronage, and to divert attention from cardinal principles to men. When Legislators not only made laws, but elected Governors, who appointed Judges and possessed an extensive patronage, it was an object for the people to choose good repre sentatives whose functions were so ample.— But now, the Governor, the Judge, the Legis• later, the Councillor and the Constable, stand on the same line before the people, and he who is most skilful in electioneering or intrigue wins the prize. The consequence is that it is the man and not the principle that is becoming daily more and more potent throughout our "re. ionised" Union. This is shown even in the Presidential election. In that struggle it is to be supposed that principles would be diligent. ly scanned, but these obsolete fundamentals are now abandoned for "platforms." which are nothing but skilful evasions of delicate ques tions, or eloquent non-committals. We have long ago declared that we intended to judge President Pierce candidly by his acts, and to this resolution we shall adhere when his executive policy is developed in something else than removals from office. In the meanwhile it is the duty of the Whigs to preserve intact their distinctive character. Their numbers, as indicated by the vote for the Presidency, are very large. Gen. Pierce received 1,607,722 votes; Gen. Scott, 1,386,934, and all others 178,213. Such a number forms the nucleus of a very respectable party, whose conservative tendencies hare been the balance wheel of our government in its most perilous hours. Whig conservatism is not vie inertia.. It is not stu pid immovability. It is a regular march, led by regular officers, proceeding to harmonious music, instead of the headlong rush of an ea ger and and panting crowd; whose disorder is as dangerous as its impetuosity-.—Carlisle 11crald. The Whig Party. Having selected our candidates for State of ficers—men good and true; who are well qual ified to discharge the duties of the offices for which they have been placed in nomination— it becomes us, as a party contending for the maintenance and success of great principles, to do what in nor power lies to secure their suc cess at the polls next fall. To do this, we must be thoroughly organized, and to be thus organ ized, we must commence the good work early, with such an organization as we may effect by commencing in due season, considering the diagordant elements which are already maul fe-sling themselves among our opponents, we may succeed next fall, notwithstandinss we en ter upon the contest with an apparent majority , . of 20,000 against us. Now, it is only an appa rent not a real majority. Last fall the so-called Democracy were united, not upon principle, but in a common desire to obtain the patronage of the Government. Now they have the pat , ronage, and it is doing its work of distraction and mischief among them. Where one obtains a suck at the public teat, twenty ore disappoint ed, and by next fall they will be prepared to wreak their vengeance upon those whom they blame for their own bad luck. It is a sad mistake, under such circumstan ces, to suppose that, because the Whig party was so signally defeated at the last Presidential election, it can never recover its original strength. Gen. Scott received a larger number of votes than any Whig candidate for the Pre sidency ever obtained before; and a party which, under the most adverse influences, suc ceeded in polling a million and a half of votes can never cease to be formidable. Nor is this the only fallacy under which we fear but too many Whigs labor. Those who indulge the notion that the Whig party- will have no occa sion to exercise its strength, and employ its conservative influence within the next four years, are grievously mistaken. The signs of the times indicate otherwise. The lawless spirit of Young America, with its desires for territory, and the expansive views of "Pro gress," that are on every side not only talent. ted, but countenanced and approved by those in high places—the appointment to office of men who entertain opinions as to the nature of our compact, and the extent of our powers, sit terly at variance with the security of our insti tutions, and the efficient administration of our affairs—the certainty that whatever good inten tions the President himself may entertain will he checked by those who move about him— from those, and a hundred other intik/Mons, it is more than probable that it will not be very long before the Whig party will be called upon to interpose its strength as a bulwark to shield us from a long list of evils. When that day comes, let us not be powerless through our own default I But there are other and equally strong in• centiyes to the Whip of this State to arouse to their duty and organise thoroughly. Of these we shall hereafter speak. Suffice it now to say, that they can, if they will, again wheel their own State into the Whig line. They need but do their whole duty, and put forth their en• tire strength to accomplish it. Shall it be done ?--Daily News. Looofooo Organization. The Locofoco State Central Committee met last week at Philadelpnia, and decided on the programme for the coming campaign. They design making their organization conplcte in every district in the State. A State Commit. tee of Correspondence was resolved upon, in tended to embrace in its confidential and im portant operation every County in the State.— During the month of August, the members of the Committee will be subdivided into districts, and will visit the different Counties officially— We trust that the Whigs will profit by this bold example of their opponents. it cannot be de nied that the Whig party in this State have suffered defeat oftener from imperfect organi. cation than any other rause; and it is a grave question for tho consideration of our new State Central Committee how the very best Whig or ganization can he effected. The keener politi cal instincts and stricter discipline of Locofoco ism have defeated the Whigs often enough; and we trust that whether defeated again or victorious next full, the Whig party of Pennsyl vania shall have a complete organisation.-- Cliambersbarg Whig. MAII LT Coe PLIMENTARY.-The Sunbury American, a consistent hut magnaaintows and independent LoeofocoJournal; expresses the opinion that Judge Pollock, of that county, win probably be the next Whig candidate for Governor, and says that Ito is, undoubtedly, the moot popular etmdidete yet named by the Whigs, and if it were possible to elect a Whig ee uhould say the Judge is the man. Duty of the Whig Party. There are some among the now dominant party, who affect, perhaps feel, a great joy in the accent of the Whig party in the late elec tion for President; not only because of the de feat, but because they believe—or rather hope —that with the election of the Democratic nominee to the Presidency, the Whig party was killed. But there are some, too, who flat ter themselves that they were Whigs, who aro disposed to agree that the Whig party was ob literated. They may not "lay flattering unction to their souls."' The Whig party cannot die whilst constitutional liberty and the freedom of legis. lotion lasts. Ti belongs to man. It is not identified with the success or failure of any election. It is founded on principle: and while there is a union to be preserved, law to uphold, right to maintain, and good in legislation to be done, the Whig party call it by what name you will—can never die. It belongs to the people—is of them, and works for them—and is therefore, in no sense, dependent upon the power and patronage of the government to give it life. Tho maxim that had its origin in the pristine days of republican governments— and which "through long reverberations reach. es our own"—tells us that "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance." It was for this that the Whig party was organized—it is for this that it has struggled—it is for this it must live—scan. ding as a sentinel on the watch tower,to guard and protect the liberty and rights of the peo. pie, and to uphold the responsibilities and du , ties of the government. They can have as a party, no hops or desire apart From that which looks to the good of the country. They cannot, then be actuated by any spirit of disappointment in opposing any public office or the administration of the go, ernment. They look to only what is right, and that they support. And so, President Pierce has nothing to fear from the Whig party if he know the right and do it. In soacting he may well fear—ac the experience of his party pre decessors in office admonishes him—that he will engender opposition in the ranks of those who aided in his election—but he has nothing to fear from the Whig party. Will he, then. do the righet? Are our fears idle, that he will not, when we look over the remorseless spirit of proscription which has been evinced by him. and his Cabinet advisers, in tho removal of good and faithful officers? Our fears are not idle, and the Whig party will soon find—has already—cause enough to continue its orgoni zation, and occasion to demand of them their best exertions to stop the wrong and uphold the right. Let then the Whigs, every where, keep themselves ready to do their duty, which the principles on which tbeir party rests, de. mend of every one to do, who truly deserves to be called by that honored name.—Lan. Er. An Important Question. • Arc you in favor of the sale of the Public Works, or not? This question, the Miners' Journal thinks, should be put to every candidate for a seat in the Legislature. We have no hesitation in giving the suggestion our hearty approval. The time has arrived in the history of this State when some definite action must be taken iu regard to the question of disposing of our Pub. lie Works. About ten years ago, the people voted upon this question, and a tremendous majority in its favor was the result. If ire are not mistaken the same feeling, but to a much greater extent, prevails now. We do not see why it should not. The abuses, although great and glaring at that time, have been multiplied, and instead of the management of the Public Works improving, it has actually become worse,—and at no time has there existed a greater necessity for the agitation of this pies. tion. It must be taken hold of, and carried through ! The salvation of the State depends upon it. tillable to pay even the interest on our State debt, we are compelled to borrow money for that purpose. Instead, then, of the resources of the Public Works paying the principal, they don't even pay the interest!— Such being the case, how important to demand of men who are asking for your suffrages an expression of opinion upon this measure.— Strong and decided as we are in the Whig titith—much as we love the party, and dearly as we cherish its principles, we should hesitate sometime before we could be brought to vote even for a Whig, who is not in favor of a sale of the Public Works I We look upon it as a question paramount to every other in the poli• tics of Pennsylvania, and shall be governed accordingly.—Wash. Commonwealth. Louisiana Democracy. The Democracy of this State appear to be in a bad way. They certainly are, if we take for granted what they say of each other. They are not only quarreling, but some of them posi- tively and unequivocally charge the rankest and vilest corruption upon their fellows, which, if facts, ought forever disgrace the indviduals so charged, and lead to an absolute withdrawal of the confidence of the people. The Clinton Slate Paper, of the 21st, one of the ablest and strongest of the Democratic journals of Louisi any. says:. _ _ Amid the desolating simoon of political cor ruption which has recently swept over the De• mocracy of this State, in the way of local feder al appointments, and the fitting sepnel of . the late senatorial fraud, which has chilled the heart, sickened and paralyzed the encrgies,and debased the character of the Democratic party of Louisiana, there is one green spot which has escaped the poisonous and destroying blast— one honored name that stands out prominenly and cheeringly,affording some relief to the dark and dismal back ground of the political picture which has been presented, during the last six weeks, before the astonished gaze of the Demo cracy of Louisiana." Rather strong I A Telling Tale. The administration of Mr. Fillmore was sig. nally abused by the Democratic organs, for its "extravagance, " &c. "waste of public money," "profusion." No admistration was ever purer, not even that bf George Washington, and John Quincy Adams,—the purest we ever had; butit was nevertheless pronounced extravagant and corrupt—just as John Quincy Adams' was.— Time, however, Facts and Figures, in the end, set all right with intelligent minds. The register of the Treasury has issued a statement of the amount of Estimates transmit ted by the Secretary of the Treasury,andof the Appropriations made by Congress for the service of the fiscal years ending June 30th 1851 and '52. We have not room for the 80th, of this statement, but the aggregate result is sum med up as follows : The estimate of the Fillmore ndm in- istraticn for tho fiscal year 1851 were 537,680,017 Appropriations by a Democratic Congress 47,172,505 Democrats appropriated over what the Fillmore admiuistration asked $8,667,489 Fillmore administration asked in 1832 533,667,489 Democratic Congress appropriated 38,162,262 Appropriated over Fillinore's asking $4,494,773 So a Detnoertie Congress in two yoar gave Fillmore more than Ito asked 513,987,9e3 Is not further comment unnecessary? But it should be remarked that Congress gave noth ing for the defence of the country—nothing for Fortification, though he asked in 1852, $739,- 300—and little or nothing for Internal Im provements, to bring out the resources of the country, though the President risked $1,155,- 778. Much of the money Congress gave was wasted in the Indian Dbpartmem, and other wise. To RE Homo Foa KioaArma.--Joseph K. Groves has been tried at Clinton, N. C., on a charge of kidnapping, found guilty, and sea• tentced to be hung on the hen Friday of July. TWENTY thooettnd TabOring men in England contributed a penny each to purcba2c a copy of Shulop,arc fur ho,suth. Reform in Legislation in Pennsylvania. The Minors' .Tournal, one of the most influ ential papers in the State, is 'down' upon the corruption which is said to be practised at Ffar rieburg by men high in office. It presents a horrible and deplorable picture of affairs at the Capital of the State. The Journal says: "Ey cry channel of jastice and legislation seems to be corrupted—laws are passed through the Leg. islature, affecting property and rights, in the most Clandestine and secret manner—hills smuggled on the files by hired clerks—others rend in such a manner that even the members themselves do not understand their nature and diameter; in fact, legislation is becoming a mere farce, and the people are beginning to look both upon the Government and the Legis lature, as an assemblage of 'unpunished crimi nals.' Law, justice, equity and the whole spirit of our institutions are trampled under foot, in a general scramble for speculations,and robberry of the public Treasury." Should this be the case, and it seems to us, there can be little doubt of it, reform is cer tainly needed in Legislation in this State.— Pennsylvania has been trifled with too much already—her citizens, relying with the utmost confidence upon the integrity of her public ser vants, have been shamefully abused. The in terests of the people are seldom regarded, so long as plunder can be procured with which to enrich oflice-hullers—public interests are dia. regarded, and self-aggrandizement is the only object at which many public officers look. That such has been the case, the present state of af fairs in Pennsylvania will abundantlyprove, and whether it shall continue, remains for the people, in their sovereignty, to say. We do hope, for the sake of the tax-paying citizens of the State, as well as for the reputa tion of Pennsylvania, that something will soon be done to relieve our over-burdened people.— One of the most effectual means we think, would be, to make a clean sweep of the men who now control the affairs of the State, and put in their places, new and good men—men, who, regardless of "fear, favor or affection," will do their duty to their fellow-men, and un veil to the astonished gaze of our people, the monster. 'Corruption,' which has been, and now is, consuming to the very vitals the great State of Pennsylvania—be these men Whigs or Democrats, so that they will produce a change for the better, and place the State in that posi tion to which she is so justly entitled. As we are now situated, and it is almost impossible to make tiny progress in the great race of improves. ment. What,then,is is to be done? This is a ques tion, as we have said before,for the people to an swer. Thad, who are so directly inteaested in proper legislation, certainly ought to arouse themselves to the importance of guarding more fully the interests of the State. They have the power to produce a change—if theffitil,through neglect, to do it, they will be censurable in the highest degree, and show themselves unfit to live in a free country, whose governors they are I—Washington Commonwealth. The Gold Excitement in Texas. We copy from the New Orleans Picayune some aditional intelligence on this subject, as follows A gentleman from Lockhart informs the ml. itor of the News that a party of citizens of that place (some of whom had experience in the California mines) recently returned from the reputed gold region of Texas. They state that gold is found in the mountains between the Llano and Sab Sabn, some seventy or eighty miles noethwest of Lockhart. Thee found gold not only on the surface, but also by dinggtng, and they brought back some lumps valued at from fifty to one hundred and fifty dollars. It is but justice to state that the highly fa vorable account here given is very flatly con tradicted by others. The Victoria Advocate is of the opinion that there is "more humbug and speculation than gold in these stories," and ad vises the public to wait fbrfurtherdevelopments before quitting their regular pursuits to em bark in gold hunting. The Austin State Gazette has the following upon the st!bject:. "A considOrable excitement is prevailing throughout western Texan on the subject of the gold discoveries in our neighborhood ; and we have had several letters, and observe notices in onr exchanges, asking information on the sub ject That there is gold, and in great quanti ties, on the tributaries of the Colorado, a short distance above this city, we can no longer en tertain a doubt, for some specimens shown us are of the mostbeautifulcharacter We under stand, upon good authority, that one specimen has be found with twenty-four dollars' worth of gold. This report we lave no hesitation in crediting, as it was brought by a gentleman of undoubted veracity. The number of persons now at the mines is very considerable, set down by tha reports at from two hundred to five hun dred most of whom are greatly encourged by their success. Persons are flocking in to the mining district from all parts of the country, and we shall not be surprised to hear soon of discoveries equaling in importance the golden stories of California. The district of country in which gold has been found is a very extensive one, and easy of access from this city." Capt. Southern, of Indiana, received a letter from a gentleman at Hamilton's Valley, in which the writer says : • "I am at work digging gold in a neighbor. hood where there are about three hundred per sons, who, with myself, are averaging from five to six dollars per day, and the prospects are certainly improving." The editor of Galveston News is assured by reliable authority thiit the writer of the above statement may be strictly relied upon. Female Printers. The recent strikes among the printers in the Eastern cities, have induced some of the news. paper offices to employ female compositors.— They have heretofore, in some places, been employed in job and book printing offices, and as the recent demands of the compositors have compelled the . proprietors to make the experi ment of employing them on newspapers, it may possibly happen that a very considerable part of the composition on news papers may hereof. ter be done by them. The Boston Olive Branch has employed girls for a number of years and thus speaks of its experience: We have for sixteen years employed at least half females, not on account of cost only or principally, but because they were more to he depended upon than many journeymen. We always employ a first rate foreman, who is a good proof reader. Him we hire on a salary; also, men to do the heavy work, and the others have been females. They have never failed to do their work in season and well. Not a sin. gle one has ever left us willingly, except on marriage, and no loss than five have been well married from our otlice, most of whom, in case of sickness of hands or other contingency, were ready occasionally to lend a few days or hours' help, if needed afterwards, though the necessi ties of none compelled it. Our rooms are well carpeted, and the girls do not come in till 9 or 10 o'clock in the morn ing, retiring in good season, Seldom making over seven or eight hours a day. Smart com positors can in that time earn from $6 to $8 a week. We have also one female clerk out of the three we employ. Added to this, one desk has been occupied by a female editor as our assistant at a salary of $9OO. She has spent seven hours a day in the office for five days in the week, and wo have offered her nearly $l,- 100 to engage herself two years more for the same service; but her health is so feeble that she will probably have to decline the onerous task of readiag and correcting manuscript, and examining exchanges, and will be able only to write editorials. The publisher states that there is usually a piano and organ in the 'minting oilier, and that out of working hours the %mule assistants en. joy the recreation of music. RES-Chief Justice Parsons said : "I have been so long in the habit or hearing criminals of all grades refer -all their miseries to intern• penmen that I have ceased to ask them the cause of their ruin." ROBERT fa•. CAMPBET.I, formerly private Sec retary to President Fillmore, died in Yew York last week. [For the Huntingdon Journal] Every Sunday, and often through the week we see children and frequently grown persons coming from the grave-yard with their hands full of flowers. Where do they get them ? With a rude and careless hand, or with a hard, unfeeling heart, they pluck them from the •raves where affection has planted them, over the loved ones who rest 'beneath. Is it nut enongh that we must part with those we love, and with grierstrieken hearts, consign them to their lonely graves. Must our affections be weekly renewed by seeing the flowers we have planted above them, torn away by careless persons who care not for, or bhnish persons who despise or grief. God has scattered flow ers in abundance, all over our earth. Our gardens are full of them, go pluck them there. On the graves where they have been planted by the hand of affection, and watered by the tears of sorrow, let them grow. Let them bloom, and fade, and die there, fit em blems of the departed, fit emblems of ourselves. The tomb stones which wo have raised to mark the spot where loved ones lie, and carved their names upon them to perpetuate theirmemory, must they be defaced and broken, and is there no remedy ? Will not parents instruct their children, will not teachers instruct their pupils, that it is wrong to do such things ? Our cent etery might be made one of the most beautiful spots on earth, if we could only be assured that the labor and expensive improvements which affection prompts us to put there, would not be destroyed or mutilated, almost as soon as they are completed. Tn some places, the mann ments that are reared to the memory of depart ed friends, the flowers that are planted on their graves, the wreaths that are hung on their tomb-stones, are sufferred to remain un touched. Do we love our friends who have gone before, less than they love theirs? Why cannot it be so here ? 11. Execution of a Slave. Charkston, (Va.) May, 20.—1 n obedience to the sentence passed in the March term of the county court, of Jefferson county, the execution of the negro boy George, a slave, the property of Er. James Roper, of said county, fur an at tempt to take the life of S. Howell Brown, Esq., took place hero to-day, at 12 o'clock. At 25 minutes of 12 o,clock,the criminal, es. corted Inc the military of Shepardstown, left the jail for time place of execution. Here followed a scene of the greatest confusion—men on horseback riding as fast as their horses could speed, while those on foot were rushing and jostling each other about in their hurry to get to the field. It is remarkable that no accident occurred. When arrived at the scaffold, George ascen ded the steps with a feeble and trembling step, and indicated much alarm. He was followed by Sheriff J. W. Moore, and Rev. W. B. Dut• ton, of the Presbyterian church, who spoke a few words to him,• and then offered up a very feeling prayer. The Sheriff then told hint if he had anything to sac he was at liberty to speak, when, in a broken and choked utterance, he said: "Farewell! gentlemen, I am pin' to die! I am willin' to die, but I never dune nothin' to die fur. But we are all sinners, and must die some day, and i would as lief die today as to morrow. There are many sinners here lookin' at me to- day, that must all die. 0, I hope I will meet you in Heaven! I hope the Lord will forgive my soul. Farewell, gentlemenand ladies all." Ile was then given a handkerchief, and al lowed time to offer up a prayer•, at the close of which he was to throw thehandkerchief from the stand. A few moments elapsed when this was done, and the Sheriff cut the rope. The door dropped just one minute before 12 o'clock; he struggled till 12, when he made no more motion. He hung till 25 minutes past 12 o'clock, when the body was examined by Dr. W. A. Douglass, and pronounced dead. It was then taken down and placed in a coffin, and taken away to be interred. The crowd was great, and everything passed oil with respect nod or ,,der.—Bult. Sun. Two Stolen Horses Recovered. During the latter part of the past week two stolen horses were recovered in.the north of this county in the following manner. On Thurs day a person was observed loitering about the premises of Mr. Limerick in North Mnhaning township. He feigned unsotindness of mind, being engaged in casting pebbles in the spring, dm., and walking in and about the barn. Mr. L. was absent from home at the time, but hav ing returned he discovered the next morning that some feed had been stolen from the barn. Mr. Limerick obtained the assistance of his neighbors and a search of the vicinage common ced. A spot where some person or perms had encamped had been previously noticed and was surrounded and closed in upon. Two of the party came suddenly upon the horses and two men, one of whom was engaged in shoeing one of the horses, and the other was eating his breakfast. Observing their danger, they in,. mediately took refuge in flight, leaving the hor ses in the hands of the searching party. The two scamps made good their escape and noth ing has since been heard or seen of them. The horses were brought to this place on Saturday, and indentified as the property of Dr. Lightner Dr. Brewster, of Shirleysburg, Huntingdon county.—lndiona I?egister. A Smart Woman. In Lexington, last week, an Irish woman, named McGrath, was engaged in baking bread, when, from a defect in the flue, an out building connected with the pig-sty took fire, and not being able to lilt the pig, with an axe she knocked away a portion of the sty, took away the pig, and tied it at some distance from the house. On returning she discovered the roof of the house in flames, and there being. no per- son near excepting her three children, her first movement was to carry them away from den ger. Then, returning, she removed every ar ticle of furniture, excepting one bedstead, which having lost the key, she could not take apart. She then removed every door and window safe ly from their places almost before any assis tance arrived, and was only prevented by force from entering the flames and saving her bread from the brick oven. In little more than an hour from the breaking out of the fire, she walked over the smoking ruins and took out her bread, which was found to be nicely ba ked.—Bunker Hill Aurora. A Law• Snit Threatened. The citizens of Mereersburg who subscribed $lO,OOO to obtain the permanent locotionof the Seminary and High school of the German Re formed Church, which high school was merged into Marshall College, and a charter obtained from the Legislature of Pennsylvania, accom panied with the payment of $12,000 for the es tablishment of the same, have held a meeting protesting against the removal of said College to Lancaster without the consent of said con tributors of refunding to them their donations. They also appointed a committee of seven to confer with the corporate authorities of the bor ough, to obtain their consent to the laying of a borough tax for the purpose of defraying the expenses of instituting and carrying on a suit before, the proper tribunals of this Stase,for the recovery of their just and legal rights taken a way by said removal, and in case said corporate authorities refuse to levy a tax for said purpose, then the said committee is reryested to obtain subscriptions for the purpose of carrying on a suit for the redress of their wrougs. It has been stated on the part of those inter ested in the Seminary, that but a small part of the subscriptions made was paid. ----- NEW YORK CRYTTAL PA LACE.—Thc tone of censure which the Ncw•York press has lately indulged in regard to the management of the Crystal Palace has induced the architects of the building to put on a large number of extra workmen, and report in writing tothe directors that the building will be completed so as to be ready for the reception of goods by the mid. die of June, and the directors thereupon state that they feel confident they will beabletoopen the exhibition between the lot and the sth of July. The charge for adirti.,tion i. fixed at fit ty emit•.•—C'or(ls!e lfrrafri. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. . riryinioPvtime. BO amain Jane 2. —Lewis, independent Democrat, has been elected to Congress front the Parkersburg District in Virginia, over J. F. Snodgrass, regular Democrat, and A. 31. Sterritt, Whig. The Huns.: of Delegates solar stands, Whigs 51; Democrats 39. A Whig gain of 6. The Seinde, Whigs J , Democrats 13. A Whig gain of 1. .'.:eeretury ql the 11Iiry. Norfolk, June 3.—Mr. Dubbin, Secretary of the Navy, visited the line•otbattio ship Penn sylvania yesterday, and was received with the customary salute. Parcha:ws qt Maryland Cud Land and Coed. Baltimore, June 3.—J. Stokes Dickerson, and other gentlemen of New York, have pur chased one thousund acres of coal lands in Georges Creek Valley, Allegheny county, in this State. The price paid was $180,000. Thoir object is to establish a new company, and transport coal to New York and other pla• ces by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The Government has purchased two thous. and tons of coal ut Cumberland fur the Japan Squadron. Appointment llitshinyton, June 3.—Mr.Strecter,of Penn mrivania, eas today appointed Solicitor of the Treasury. Swretory of Legation to Berlin. TVashington, June 3.—A son of Hon. Henry A. Wise bus been appointed by the President as Secretary of Legation to Berlin. Steamboat Accident. Chimp; June I.—The steamboat Eclipse burst her boiler this morning at this place, kil ling the fireman and a buy, and fatally iujur ing the engineer, captain and several other persons. Last Moments of Vice President King. The Southern Republic has received from F. K. Beck—a kinsman of the Vice President —a brief account of the last moments of Mr. King. It onyx "He was quiet and resigned tee the fate which he had seen for some time await ed him. Shortly before six o'e:oek on Monday evening, while a few friends were sitting around his bedside, the only ones that he would allow in his sick room, he suddenly remarked that he was dying. The watchers arose to their feet, under some excitement, when the Colonel said: 'Be still—make no noise—let me die quietly.' He refused to have the balance of his household notified of his dying condition. His physician came in and examined him.— The Colonel said to him: 'Doctor, I am dying. It seems as though I shall never get through with it. lam dying very hard. Take the !Al lows from under my head.' The pillows were accordingly taken from under his head; but af fording no relief, the doctor turned him from his back on his side, when he died in a mu. Arthur Spring. The following paragraph is from an "Irish paper, the Kerry• Evening That, of April 16th: "Since the publication of our lust, we have heard, on good authority, that the wretched culprit whose trial was copied from the Phila delphia papers, though calling himself Spring, in America, was never known by that name in this country—having always been called Ar thur Crospie, after his mother, Peg Crospie, a woman of such notoriously bad character that her son's claim was never admitted by the gen tleman after whom she chose to call him; and consequently, as before seated, he always went by her name. Besides him, the miserable wo man had several other illegitimate children,. all named after different fathers. Left to the sole guidance of such a mother, it is no won der the unfortunate wretch should have been no better than he was.', SWINDLING.—On Wednesday, the 18th inst., halIC Stibnite hired a horse and rockaway at Rees's Livery Stable, in this city, fin. the par. pose, as he alleged, ofgoing to the Spread Eagle m Chester county. It appears, however, he took adifferent course and went to York, where he sold the horse and vehicle to a man by the , name of Spats for $BO. He in torn sad the horse to a man named Weidman for $5O. High Constable Myers received a letter on Saturday last, from some one in Turk, who suspected that the horse and vehicle were stolen, and re quested him to make inquiry in relation to it. (In Mondav,a similar letter wasreceivedby Mr. Reese, who started in pursuit, and succeeded in recovering the horse and carriage, butnotShin dle, who had made his escape as soonashe had made the sale. Ho has not since been heard of. The county will pay a reward of 520 for hie art prehension, if convicted of horse stealing.— Lancaster Whig. AVAGES OF THE FLY--The Bucks County Intelligetwer says that within a week the grow ing wheat in that county has exhibited signs or extensive ravages of the Fly. The information from all parts of that county is to the effect "that a very large portion of the crop will be destroyed by this insect—whole fields that late ly presented a promising appearance,now show strong indications that half the crop at least will be lost. Here and there a field may be seen with a vigorous, healthy appearance, but even these are attacked, and may be seriously injured." Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, and other great wheat growing counties appear to be suf fering in the same manner. This was particu larly observed after the high wind on Thursday last. Fields that promised an abundant yield before the storm, were found afterwards to have the appearance of half the stalks broken down, where they had been injured by the fly. GREAT SNOW STORM IN ENGLAND IN MAY.- The English papers give accounts of a severe: snow storm at Holmfirth, in England on the• 9th of May. It commenced snowing violently at nix o'clock in the morning, and continuett without intermission throughout the day. The railway trains were delayed in their trips sever al hours, the snow being four feet deep on the hills, and 18 inches on the plains and valleys. The trees on the verge of bursting intofull leaf; were covered with snow. Three men got stuck fast in the snow, and but for timely assistance must have perished- Accounts from various parts of the north and south of France, refer to the unseasonableness of the weather, and state that the fields as well as the mountains are covered with slum—Carlisle Herald. Round the World. It estimated, that when the Pacific Railroad shall be completed—its ultimate, nay earlv,con. struction, being now a mutter of certainty—a jaunt round the world can be made in minly•three days—au follows: New York to San Francisca, 4 days; San Francisco to Hong Kong 25 days; Hong Kong to Calcutta, 6 days; Calcutta to. Bombay, 13 days; Bombay to Eugland3s dap; London to New York, 10 days—total 98 days. ANOTHER alt EAT ramox.---A despatch from Washington, says that advices have been received at the State Department from thn American legation in Parris, to the effect that a universal exhibition of agriculture and mai, ufactures is to be held In Paris, on the first of May, 1835, to which all nations are cordially invited to send contributions, The Emperor Napoleon has informed the Amesican Ambas sador of the fact. Con.. BENTON Went: FEDER.I I. AProl TM ENTS FOR MIBSOITRI.—CoI. Benton, in a late letter to the citizens of Springfield, Missouri, speaks in the strongest terms of condemnation of someof President Pierce's appointments for that State. "The President," hesays, "was deceived by false representations to give offices to tramps, whose legs were never seen crossed under a gentle- Man's table—who were the scum and dregs of all parties—who were fugitives from scouted lields.ordest.rors front pledges given to tho pen. ple. hen 6.7 obtained their arrintracm,."