Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 25, 1853, Image 3

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it taiik euVvr.
eisT Thoty nummintit AsAoviation of St
1.0ui4 ln , rtll;;ed $10,99u toward; the mor,
Cr A Charter svaß granted, by onr Leg'Ala.
Inre nt iti late ~ e silon, for the establiAhment of
Female College at Ilarrisburg.
Itir Two men, muted Rodger? and Trwin,
had their lev broken on the Poi noylvania
Itoilrorul, near PittAnrg, within the loot few
a To prevent dogs from going nma in
August--cat their tails off close behind their
ems at any time between this and the list of
eitOur farmers have now every reason to
'expect a fine harve,t. The grain generally
loohn very well, and inch in the report front all
vections of the country.
- , 07 A "thluieman in New York, thirty
yea', of ngr, toll (lark a n d handsome, highly
eiluonted, rola posgessing $4OOO a yenr;' *vim
lig. for a wife. Sena in your orderg, girls.
.> By a resolution adopted at the late
Inecting of the Blair County Agricultural
s•ty, a County Fair is to be held in Holliday.
°burg commencing on Thursday, 20th of Oct.
Itar Mr. Jacob Royer, living on the farm of
It. Beigart, Esq., in Huston township Blair
county,has n cowthat has had eight calves with
in the last two years—all but one.
f b ir Our friend A. W. Benedict, Esq., is
making such improvements on his premises, at
the lower end of the town, as will, when com
pleted, present a tasty and handsome appear.
la — A gentleman who has just returned to
this country from a tour in Europe, was ask
ed now he liked the ruins of Pompeii. "Not
eery well," was the reply, "they are so much
4,,,t or repair."
11,97" The small Pox broke out, n few days
Since, among the students of Dickinson Col
lege, in consequence of which the faculty sus
petaled (bates until the first of June, and the
students returned to their homes.
f 0 The Hollidaysburg Register states that
the Blair county jail is again fast filling up
with criminals. Crime evidently has got the
upper hand of virtue, in "Little Blair," at least
fin• the present,
'A Miss Lucy Stone is lecturing on
''Woman's Rights," in New York. The edi
tor of the Mirror thinks she might be better
employed, adds:—
"Go rock the cradle, Lucy."
ler Our Baptist friends are erecting
church on a lot given them by Gen. Wilson,
near the town Mill. From the description we
have had of its contemplated dimensions, itwill
be a large handsome building.
cir A Gentleman on placing his hand too
familliatrly on a lady's kaee was told by her
that lie was rude enough to be a savage.
"What tribe madam?"
'•Of the Patc•lences," replied the young lady.
cir A company, with a capital of $l, 000,000,
for the establishment of a line of steamships be
tween Baltimore and Liverpool, is in course of
formation in Baltimore, Their application for
charter is before the Maryland Legislature.
Good—the administration at Washington is
-Vrewarding its friends and punishing its ene
mies" in a queer way, which will be apt to tell
a year or so hence. One of these is discharg
ing locofoco clerks who had held office under
Mr. Fillmore.
horrible Ancirkni—or.lSaturday week, a ne
gro hired as a laborer a the Columbiana Fur
nace, in Shenandoah county., Va., while in a
state of intoxication, fell into the furnace, when
in full blast, and in a few moments wan burnt
to ashes ?
Air The work on the Capital extension at
Washington has been resumed by the three
hundred hands whose daily wages had been
stopped. The work is recommended by
dues of a legal opinion of Attorney General
itir The dwelling house of Maj. T. P. Camp
bell, in this Borough, was struck by lightning
ou last Thusday evening, but no serious inju
ry occured, the electricity having passed down
the rod. This is another instance of the wili
ly of lightning rods.
er Our townsmen, Wm. Dorris ; Sen.; and
John Scott, Esq., will leave New York, on the
28th inst., in the steamship "Baltic," on a voy
age ko Etttope, the latter, as we stated a week
or two since, carrying with him papers of the
National government.
"IVould you be willing to undertake the
management or lay property fur your victuals
and clothes?' said Girard to a geutlemnn who
was congratulatinghim on his vast possessions.
"No," was the reply. "Well, that's all I get,"
said the millionaire.
fiir Wm. CorniA 'Was arrested near Denton,
Md., a few days ago, and taken to Delaware,
muter a requisition of the 'Governor of that
State on Governor Lowe;to answer a charge of
having murdered a Mr. Saulsbury, of Kent
county, Delaware, in October last.
Disposing of the Scoundrelsthe New York
Sunday Mercury says that, in souse places the
greatest scoundrels are haug,'be-headed, buried
alive, burned, drowned or imprisoned, but in
New York the prime rascals are Made Alder-
men. The Harrisburg Borough Item adds:
"In Pennsylvania they send them to Harris
burg to make laws."
Gen. llarrisoses Tomb—a correspondent of
the Cincinnati Times gives the following ma-
Audioly account of the desecration of the dead
patriot of North Bond: The evergreens are of
ten broken And tarried off, the tomb defaced.,
card-playing and dancing are carried on with
in the enclosure, and even the very doors of
the vault have bleu broken down.
Sarryiee of Mama Fife—Within the lust
'few days, besides several minor disasters of the
same class, we have recorded the loss of 125
li yea by the wreck and burning of the steamer
Independenceon the Pacific Coast; 15 by the
collision on the Central and Southern (Meld
,gan) railroad; 25 by the burning of the Ocean
Wave, on Lake Ontario, and 50 by the New
Raven Railroad accident: To this must be ad
ded scores of persons maimed or disfigured for
A Good Trife—a good wife is one who puts
her husband in at the side of the bed next to
the wall, and tucks him up to keep hint warm
in the winter—splits the wood—makes the tire
in the morning—washes her hnbshand's face,
and draws on his boots for him—never suffers
a rent to remain in her husband's small clothes
—keeps her shoes up at the heel, and her
stockings darned—never wonders what her
husband sees interesting in the young woman
over the way—never shim the door when her hut,
hand is rpeakin7—nnd always rop:ovcs the
Children whim they eat up their father's supper.
pe - T,-WAt. 11. Norf.. forawrir of Ila'Colore,
hut now proprietor' of the ii:tethwlrattio it, in
Philadelphia, it iA ,aid by the Ihtltimore Bten,
it , to o the t•lorl.liti: or
Otte, worth oiglitt.t•it 1,1;0 i dollarA, and
that G. 11. NVe,colt, brother of the Florida ex-
Pfimator, tape , hi., place 113 imhliAhvr Or the.
. . _ .
No. 25. We believe Dyspepsia to be almost,
if not the worst disease with which nny person
enn he idllieted. It renders a person comihrtless
and unhappy. dilqualilics him for lie-lness, he is
not eseable of enjoyment, and in sliori, Le is tru
ly miserable, and a medicine thnt will remove the
cause of such misery, would be, to many, more
valeable loon gold; and therefore, we say to all
who may lie affirmed—lf von will bet give Dr. J.
IV. Cooper's Vegetable Dyspepsia .11itters, (pre
pared by C. I'. Hewes) a fair trial, you will be
just as certain to ho mired.
Yon can get them of T. Rend & Sun agents
for the Proprietor.
re "I DIGEST Svc. to THE Tare
MHANING of the word 'PEPSIN," or of the two
Creek words front which it is derived. This is
the significant and appropriate title of the num
Dionsrivn r un, or GASTRIC Juice, prepared
by Dr. J. S. HouonTox, of Philadelphia, from
the fourth stomoeh of the Ox, for the cure of In
digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own
remuily for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of
mun can equal its curative powers. It renders
GOOD EATIYG perlbctly consistent with 111,1,11.
See the figure of the Ox, in another part of this
Cr-In ou,uv ef fife, is worth a pound of theo
ry: and the SWUM of conclusive fbets that cluster
round that incomparable preparation, Gootland's
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
Philadelphia, establishing its value as a tonic and
restorative' are such as would prevent incredulity
itself from questioning its efficacy. In all cases
of pisease of the stomach, whether acute or chron
ic, it may be recommended for its soothing, cor
dial, and renovating influence. Dysoepsia, heart
burn, loss of appetite, nooses, onrvotts tremors,
relaxation, debility, &c., are relieved, by the
Bitters in u very short space of time; and a per
reverence in their use never fails to work a thor
ough cure.
On 'Wednesday the 18th inst., by James Ilea
Esq., Titom Tonnt - siTun, for
merly of Philadelphia, to lilies 11,mtir B.
Moor, of Burnt Cabins, Pa.
On the lOth inst., by Rev. P. E. Waters, Dr.
T. CAMERON, limmerly of Sinking Valley, to
Miss Emzmurrn; daughter of J. Thomson, Esq.
_ _
On the 12th inst.. by the same Mr. CIIARLE
0. NIIRME, to Miss ELIZA Minton, all of Bir
mingham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
On the 13th day of April, tilt., near Bath,
Morgan co., Va., littusti.t..,, Consort of Samu
el Cornelius, formerly of this county.
In the Borough of Petersburg, on the 20th
inst., Mr. \VI NELSOY, in the 77th year
'of his age. The deceased was a brave and in
trepid soldier, he served his country in the
war of 1812, under Col. Reed Hill, (ten. Har
rison, and with the brave Perry, and at a ripe
old age he was gathered to his dithers.—[Com.
On the 21st inst., in this borough, iIMIERT
Osman, an infant son of Theodore H. and
Margaret Cromer, aged 1 year, 10 months and
1 day.
[Though on Seraph wings babes are carried
to blissful Mansions, where strains of sweet
melody will over greet their little ears, and
their inheritance is tunneling happiness, yet the
ties of nature which bind together the parent
and the child, force a sorrowing tear, when, for
the last time, they stand beside its coffin, and
gaze upon its lovely form sleeping in the cold
embrace of death. But philosophically, why
should the death of an infant OUR a single
tear to Bow, or a glance at its grave, create
one sorrowful reflection 7 Joy should fill the
heart of the parent, at the very thought, that
around its lather's Throne in Heaven, it is
now singing the songs of everlasting praise.
The parents and friends of the infant, whose
body was deposited in the tomb, on last Sab
bath evening, cannot mourn without hope—
without feeling, at the same time, joyful sen
sations in their hearts, at the very fitct, that
their babe ix now bashing in the sweet smiles
of its Redeemer, on the blissful Plains of Par
HUNTINGDON, May 2-1, 1853.
Flour per 10.1., $5.00 a $5,25
Clover Seed, per ha., 5,25
lied Wheat, per ba., 95
White Wheat, per bit.. 1,00
Rye, per ha e2}
Corn, per ha 50-}
Buckwheat, per bu 50
Oats, per ha 37
Flaxseed. per Int 1 00
Bay, per ton 8 On
Butter, per 11,., 15
Eggs, per doz., 10
Fish, fur medium, per bbl., 2! il,`"s
No. Ps, 213,50 a 134'5
Flour, per barrel, 24,871
Wheat per bushel, . 51,14 a 1,18
Rye if
Corn " 56 rt 62
Iron par ton, Anthracite, 235,00 a 36,00
Scotch Pig, 37,00 a 38,00
Plaster per ten, 24,00 a 4,25
Leather, active and prices well sustained.
MBE subscriber announces to the traveling.
community, and the public generally, that
he has taken charge and fitted up the above house,
having one of the most pleasant and beautiful
locations in the country, where he will be happy
to wait upon all who may favor him with their
patronage. There is a good stable, and also a
carriage house belonging to the premises, to
which the most careful attention will he given.
May 25, '58.-Iy.
Two Horses Stolen ,
Was stolen from the stables of the subscribers,
in the borough of Shirleysburg, Huntingdon
county, Pa., a dark Sorrel Horse, about sin sears
old, with a small white spot in the forehead, with
a long flowing tail, when standing nearly touch
ing the ground; with one or two white feet, and a
new shoo on the lett hind foot; shoes on the oth
er feet about half worn; a little rubbed on the side
with the saddle; with a small breaking out along
the big vein below the saddle skirt, his gait is a
pace or rack.
Also,,a Dark Brown Chester Litin horse, star
in the forehead; clean limbed, and large feet; thin
tail, considerably rubbed; one white toot behind,
perhaps left; about eight years old; with new
shoes; shod long; ticklish about the head, and
shy of strangers.
At the moue 'time there was stolen a new Sad
dle, with black stitched leathdr or morocco scat;
an old block double rein bridle, and also a halter.
It it supposed two persons have taken the prop
the above reward will he paid fur the appre
hension of the horses and the persons who stole
the same, of ninety dollars will ho paid for the
horses statue, or furty-fro dollars fur either of
them, and ten fur either of the thieves, or twenty
Or both.
May 23, 1833.
Auditor's Notice.
TIIE undersigned auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court ol• Huntingdon comity to
distribute the balance in the hands of Thomas
Anderson, adm'r. of the estate of John Sheeder,
late of Tod township, in said county, • dee'd.,
amongst those entitled to receive the smno here
by gives notice to nil persons interested that ho
will attend fur the purpose of tanking said distri
bution, on Friday the 25th day of Juno next at
2 oclock, I'. M, at his office in the borough of
Huntingdon, when and where all persons inter
ested may attend. JOHN BEND,
May 25, Auditor.
A beautiful assortment of Cross-burred India
Just received and fur sale by
BARRELS of Berl just received and
tit/fors:4le by & W. SAx rox.
Where may be obtained the most spemly remr
oly rm.
DISEASES.—OIeets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and nll those pecoli.u• ntlections
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility. rendering marriage impossi
ble. nod in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Alen espechilly, who have become the
victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and des
tructive habit which annually sweeps to nn un
timely grave thousands ofyottng men of the most
exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might
otherwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to rectory
the living lyre, may call with rim confidence.
Married persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dr. J., and be restorod to
perfect health.
Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St.,
seven doors from Baltimore Street, east. side up
the steps. Cr Be particular in obtaining the
name and number, or you will mistake the place.
A care warranted, or no charge made, in from
one to two days.
TAKE NOTICIL-Dr. Johnston's office is in his
dwelling, stp the steps. His very extensive prac
tice is a sufficient guarantee, that lie is the only
proper physician to apply to.
Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, graduate frosts ono of the
most eminent Colleges orate .United States, and
tho greater part of whose life has been spent in
the Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere; has effected some of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever known, many trust.
bled with ringing in the ears and bend when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud
den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A C.EnTAIw DtsnAsn.—lt is a melancholy fact
that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful discase'to make their
appearance, such as affections of the bend, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suffering, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler retains.
TA 5} . : PARTICULAR No'rim—Young men who
have injured themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when alone—n habit ftequently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the effects
of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cured renders marriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and hotly. •
Whet a pity that a yoting man, the hope of his I
country, and the darling of his parents should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence ofdeviating from the path
of nature and indulging inn certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that n sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote cotton
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour
ney thraugh life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
es young men, and all who have injured them
selves by private and improper indulgence.
IMPUISBANA.—These ten some of the sail and
melancholy effects produced by curly habits of
youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs,
Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power,
Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of C onsumption, &c.
MENTAI.I,--Jrilo fearful effects on the mind are
much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude,Sc., are Some of the evils produced.
Tousands of persons of nll ages,ean newjage
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their Tiger, becoming weak, pole and emu'.
ted, have singular appearance about the eyes,
cough and symtoms of consumption.
Married persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N. 11. Let sio false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To ST.woens.—The many thousands cored
at this Institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operaticsns
performed by Dr. J.,witnossed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appealed again and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
will find a skillful and honorable physidlan.
As there are so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Flsysicians,ruin
ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
sly to those nmsequainted with Isis reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full vigor restored
Cy All letters post paid—remedies sent by
Alay 22, 1853.-12'.
Pounsylva.nia Rail Road.
Great Reduetii.:4 onLo — erWßate.97l7.l 7 reight
Prom April Ist 1853.
Huntingdon to Philadelphia.
Ist class t 0 cts. per 100 lbs.
2d " 40 44 44 44
3rd " 33 " " "
4th " 28 " " "
Flour per bbl. GO ets,
Piaste; per Ton $4,23.
Huntingdon to Pittsbnrg.
Ist class 55 cts. per 100 lbs.
2i; " 45 "
Br a tc 31 a CI CC
4th " 30 " " "
Flour per bbl. 60 oh,.
Pig Iron, - Blooms, Lumber and Dark, will be car
ried Eastward in Car loads, at the convenience
of the Company, at the following rates per ton
of 2000 lbB.
Huntingdon and Harrisburg, 121 ets per 100 lbs.
Iluntingdoh and Philadelphia, 25 '"'
For further information relative to the Trans
portation of Freight (or Passengers,) apply at
the office of the Company.
May, 25, '53.-3. 110111. Station.
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will ho exposed to sale
On Tuesday the 28th day rif June, 1853,
on the premises, the interest of the minor children
of Alexander (rein, late of the borough of Hun
tingdon, deceased, it being the undivided third
part in a tract of land situate on the Raystolvn
Branch of Hie Juniata river, in Hopewell town
ship, in said county, adjoining lands of John Sa
vage's Trustees and jaunts Entrekin ' containing
227 Acres, be the same more or less, about
HO ACRES of which are cleared and cultivated,
with a log house and leg barn thereon; also, a
good Apple Orchard.
Ternitiof Sale.—Une half of the purchase mon
ey on confirmation of the sale, and the remaining
half in one year thereafter with interest, to be n
eared by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
Attendance will be given by
N. B. Tho Witiow's dower in the undivided
third part of the above described tract of land
will be exposed for solo at the time and place
mentioned in the above notice, and James Gwin
is hereby authorised to sell the same, by
May 25, ism.
Payton & ITlosser,
HAVE recently ()lined is. new Store at %Ills
burg, Huntingdon county, and respectfully
iorite the public to call oral examine their goods.
Their stock consists of the cheapest and most
fashionable %het can be secured in the east.
Slay 25, '113.-3t.
ANOTHER fresh supply of Bone do Loins,
Lawns, Horage, all wool de BUITO, nod part
cotton from 20 to 371 ets per yd. Also another
fresh supply of Trimmings, jitst ree'd nod for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
A new supply of low priced Bonnuts; just re
ceived and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
A beautiful lot of White Crape i;liawlsjibit
eoired nod for sale by J. ez. AV. SAx. rOx.
BARRELS of ShaJ.iiis, reeci,
I" sale by J. W. S.ixi
nr virtue of no order nod decree of the Coon
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon comity, to
me directed, fur the purpose or .thrying o remain
jtulgment, No. 114, Nov. Term, 1252, ofsoid Court
and the costs thereon and expenses of trout,
will expose to sale on the premises, in the bor
ough of Shirleysburg,
On Ilidall the Mk (ht.,/ nt Jane next,
all that certain piece or parcel of ground Atonic
in and near the borough of Shirleysliorg SlNresaid,
being the estate or Walter B. Hudson, adjoining
on the North, n lot owned by the Baptist Church,
and lands of the estate of David Proker, deed.;
on the West, lona. of the estate of David Evo
ker, deed.; on flit South, lands of Simnel Car
others and Elise Carothers, and on alloy, and On
the East adjoining or fronting on Moist street, in
said borough; or so much thereof as may be ne
cessary to discharge said judgment with its inter
est and costs, and expenses as aforesaid. The
said lot or parcel of ground, containing in all
eight acres, he the same more , or less, on port of
which is erected a two story log dwelling house
nod a barn, and the rest thereof in a high state of
cultivation. The above property will he laid oil'
in lots, of from one to two acres, to suit macho- ,
sere, nod olibred separately or together, as the
some may sell hest, until the said amount shall he
raised. A plan or plot of the spine will be exhib
ited on the der of sole.
TERMS.— . Cash on confirmation of sole or
sales, at August Term 1853.
Wm. B. LEAS, Trustee.
Bhirleysburg, May 25, 1853.-4 t.
THEE subscribers to the Stock of the Huntingdon
and Broad Top Mountain Rail Road and
Coal Company are hereby required to pay to the
undersigned, Treasurer of said Company, lire
dollars ou each share by them respectfidly sub
scribed for, (being the second instalment on their
subscriptions) on or befbre the tOth day of June
Huntingdon, May 10, 1853.-ot. Tree,.
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
HENRY J. AFRICA, would respectfully in
vite the public to call at his establishment
lit Railroad Street, where nil those who need any
good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes
found at a Bakery, may be supplied.
lle has just received a very large and fresh
supply 01 Fruit and Confectionaries, such as
His Ice Ct'enm Saloon is one of the most beau
tiful and gorgeously furnished rooms to be found
outside of Philadelphia, it is worth a visit there
just to see the saloon, god then, if you should feel
like taking a saucer of ice cream the A.m. can
supply you with the best article that has ever been
manufactured in this or any other country.
Thankful to the public fur post thvors, he hopes
by strict attention to business to merit a continu
ance of patronage.
May 18, '53.-Iy.
The undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally. that he hes es
tablished a MARBLE YARD, in the borough of
Huntingdon, and has just received from Phila
delphia a selected stock of choice Marble grave
stones, of every description, which he will furnish
at very reduced prices.
All orders from nny port of the county or ad
joining counties, addressed to the undersigned,
will be received and promptly attended to.
Mu 18, 1851.-Iy.
James Haslett respectfully informs his
friends and the traveling puldic generally, that
he haslaken ^linrge of the"keystone ilotel," at
Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., and is
well prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. No pains will be spared
to render the fullest satisfaction.
May 18, 1853.
James Bricker,
At the old stand formerly occupied by Peter
Swoope, on Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa.,
has just returned from the City with
New Stock of
Hardware Groceries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints,
Oils, &c., &c.,
Which are offered at the lowest prices, also re
ceiving a largo supply of CANDIES, which
will be sold at wholesale price as low as 14 cts.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais
inS, Figs, &c. All of which have been bought
with great care, and on the best terms, and will
he sold low fin. Cash or to punctual customers.
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods as
they can be bought for in this neighborhood.—
My friends are requested to call and examine for
themselves, feeling confident that those who do
so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when
I say that great pains have been taken to get such
goods as you admire.
Huntingdon, May 18,'53.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes his whole time and atten
tion to making and repairing pumps and will
promptly attend to all orders and calls that he
may be favoured with warrented all work to be
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address
Mill Creek P. O. Huntingdon count•,
We the Subscribers having used of Isaac WM"
vorton's make of Pumps and do not hesitate in
saying that wo believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Item].
Charles Porter, Joe. Armitage,
Wm. D. Shaw, William Dorris,
Conrad Hitcher, William Christy,
Jr. Whittaker, David Mier,
Win. Orbison, D. McMamie,
Thos. Fisher.
- -
May 18,1853,
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Huntingdon county, there will be -ekpo
- d to public sale,
On Tuesday the 101 k day q(.lime nest,
on the premises, all that Plantation or Tract of
Land, situate in Brady township, in said county,
containing 2SO acres . , more Or less. About
120 acres of this tract arc cleared, and in a rea
sonably good stato of cultivation. Erected there
on are a two story dwelling house, a double barti,
and other necessary outbuildings, there is also a
well of excellent water _ convenient to the house.
Tunais—One-half of the purchase money to he
paitlOn confirmation of the solo end tho residue
within one year thereafter with lawful interest to
be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the
purchaser. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock I'. M.
of said day. To he sold as the property of Ja mes
Ilumpson dee'd., by his odministrator.
May 18, 1853.-31. Adusr.
Auditor's Notice
T ILE undersigned appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas no Auditor to snake distri
bution of the fend in the hands of Win. B. Zeig
ler, Sheriff noising from the sale of the Beal Es
tate of Allen GoCen, will meet for that purpose ut
Ids Office, in the boi.ougli of Huntingdon, 'on
Tuesday the' Ist day of June next, at ten o'clock
M. All persons interested are required to
make their claims before such Auditor on be de
fmed from coming in Upon said bind..
A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor.
May 18, 1853.-4 t.
Auditor's lgotioe,
IMIE undersigned appointed by the Court of
ICommon Pleas an Auditor to make distribu
tion of the fund in the hands of .lohn it. Given
and John Snyder, Assignees of Daniel Protztnan,
to nod among the creditors emitted thereto, will
meet for that purpose at his Office, in the borough
of Huntingdon on Monday the 20th day ot * June,
et ten o'clock A. M., at which thou and place all
persons interested will present their claims if they
think proper. A. W. BENEDICT,
May IR, '53.-4t. Auditor.
Proposals will be received, at Orbisonia, at the
!louse of Mrs. M'Clay, for building n bridge across
Black Log Creek, near Winchester Parnace, op
to 4 o'clock un M'edtresdar the Ist day of June
next. l'roposals to be tot both Opth and covered
bridges. Specifications may be seen at Qthisons'
Stern, to days previous to the letting.
HOB Ela wrirr,
PLIEL SNIITiI, ( 7utars.
S.VMUEI. Will - D.l\, 5
Mdy 11, 185:.1.-nt.
. in thlSu re , cived and for sdlc
;;;! .4, 1:101. ./. ii• •,,.1
J'ERFUJIER) , --A plod lot, Of tile hest, at
Al acHusid
ut. Funs, just received
tahl for sale 1.1" hy J. ,j• W. SA X:r.
novni,,t;sw the 81,1,11 . '411.r, rnr 1 <<crur^rrfx r ,f
in Ihr florentgh
SECTION 1. Be it enacted be the Burgess and
Town Connell of the Borough of ituuUng.ton,
and it librehr enacted and ordained by the
1 / 4 lAtb"rile el the sante. That it shall he the
(boy et the Sweet Regulators, before the lir
trenth day of June next, to regulate, grade, and
mock oil at the proper width , na fixed by exist
ing °rain:owes of thi, Borough, and to mark
ana list the gradation of the getter along
mid outside of said side walks or pavement of
two feet and six inches wide nod cis ;Indies
deep, on the Bitter,, side of St. Clair Street
from Allegheny Street to Mifflin Street—on the
Western side of Smith Street, from the same
points—on the 'Western chit of Montgomery
Street from Mifflin Street to Moore Street, on
the Wc,tore skit. of Bath Street from Hill
Street to Moore Street—On Fratil,lin Street,
from 11111 Street to Mifflin, on the Eastern site.
Ott Washington Street, 1/11 the Northern side,
from Si. Clair Street to Charles Street. (in
Mifflin Street, on the northern side, t'rom the
same p,.int,
Sta..T. 2. That the owner or owners, occupi
er, or occupiers of any house, lot, or part of a
lot of ground, fronting on any of the albresaid
Streets, between the points 'designated in the
preceding Section, shall, on or before the first
day of September next, pave the side-walks or
foot-ways, opposite to such lots, (except where
pavemCnfs are I ready in rule.) with good ha rd
brick, the paving. to be done according to the
grade, as fixed by the Street Regulators—and
to he with a descent of six inches, from the line
(pith, lot to the colt-m..o,—the, curb-stone to
be no less non two feet in length, three inch-'
us thick. and to he set below the established
grade nt least two feet and six inches deep.—
Provided, That only the said pavements shall
lie required to lie made upon the side of the
said Streets, no enumerated and mentioned in
the first Section of this ordinance. And Provi
ded, further, That a pavement with round
stones or pebbles, at the entrance of A I leys, or
places where, horses or wagons are permitted
to cross the said foot-ways, and a pavement of
live feet in width along the outside, or nearest
to the curb -stone, in front of all vacant lots, and
by the side of all lots, which adjoin any Street
Is , ngthways of the lot shall be deemed and held
a sufficient compliance with this ordinance.
SECT. 1. That if any owner or owners, occu
pier or occupiers of any lots, upon the several
Streets as aforesaid, shall refuse, or before the
said first day of September, shall neglect, to
pave and curb opposite the same, in the man
ner provided in the second Section of this or
dinance, he, she, or they, upon such refusal or
neglect, shun ffirfeit a n d pay for the use of the
Borough, the sum of sixty-four cents for each
and every square yard of such side-walks or
foot-ways as shall remain unpaved by reason of
such refusal or neglect. Provided, That no
tenant or lessee shall I ie compelled to pay more
in the milking of said pavements, or by reason
of the refusal or neglect to make the same, than
the annual rent of the lot or premises, by him
or her occupied.
SECT. 4. timit the refusal of any lot hold,
or occupier, to comply with the provisions of
this ordinance, or immediately after the Ist of
September, where the said lot bolder, owner Or
OCEllpiEr, shall have neglected to comply with
the same, it shall be the duty of the High Con
! stable to make report, in writing, forthwith, to
the Chief Bmtgess, and Assistant Burgess, of
any and every such refusal or neglect; and it
shall be the duty of the said Burgess, and Asst.
Burgess, immediately upon such report being
made, to site for and recover, from the person
or persons having incurred the name, the pen
tilts-, mentioned in the third Section of this or
diimnee—to be recovered as fines imposed by
the ordinances of this Borough are now recov
erable; and on the same being recovered, the
Burgess shall direct the Supervisor to pave
such side-walks or foot-ways, or the parts there
of in the manner herein before directed to be
done at the expense of the Borough.
Sect'. 5. That if any person shall hereafter
put down or set curb-stones of a less dimension I
than provided for in the second Section of this
Act. It shall be the duty or tho Chief Burgess
or Supervisor, to remove the same forthwith,
and the neglect or refusal to comply with such
notice for hventy-four hours, 0111111 subject the
person, so neglecting or refusing, to pay a tine
of ten dollars; and the continued neglect or re
fusal, as aforesaid, shall subject such person to
persons to a further penalty of ten dollars for
every succeeding , twenty-four hours, while such
neglect or refusat shall continue, to he recover
ed as fines, and by the existing ordinances of
this Itorong,h recoverable.
SuCT. 6. That it shall lie the duty of the
Town Clerk to have this Ordinance printed,
within one week from this date, and to cause
nt least ten copies ofithe same to lie posted in
the moat public glares in the Borough. and to
have the same ruldi,lied in the q3lobe" and
Approved 1.1111 May, A. D. 1F4.11.
THOS. I'. C.\ MI11E1.1",
Chipr 1111r,,,5.
Attest: S. S. SMITH, T. Clk,
Ma:' 18, 1853.
N persuanco of an alias order of the Orphans'
j Court of Iluntinmlon county, there wilt be ex
posed to public sale, on the premises,
On Saturday lie Ilth day of neat,
at 4 o'clock P. M., the interest of the minor chil
dren of Jacob S. Matters, deed., in nit that cer
tain lot or piece of ground, situnte in Franklin
township, in said county, adjoining another small
lot, lately purchased by the widow of said dee'd.,
Spruce Creek, nod other lands belonging to the
estate of said Jacob S. Mattern, dee'd , containing
Four Acres, One Hundred and Twenty-six Per
ches. Terms to be made known on the day of
sale, by the Guardians of said minor children.
May 18, '53.-St. Guardians.
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Penn'a. )
Will attend to all business entrusted to his
care. Mice near the Court !louse.
May 11, '53.
Attorneys at Law ;
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by JoIM
Scott, Esq.
May I I, 1853.
Attention t
First Battalion, 4th Brigade, 14th Division,
Pennsylvania Volunteers. By an order to mo
directed, from Maj. Charles Mickley at hi s o ffi ce ,
At Paradise Furnace, you are hereby ordered to
Meet ih.Cassville, on the ='hnhtst., nt 10 o'clock
A. M., for battalion training and inspection of
arms. The Wowing oompanics via t Company
A, Capt. A. W. 'Clarkson; Company B, Capt. t).
Sharer; Company 0, Capt. 'Mickley; Company
1), Capt. It. Crotsloy.
By order of the Major,
Cassville, May 11, 1853.
NITICE is hereby given that proposals will be
- 1 .1 received at the Commissioners Ofilee for
building a Bridge across Stono Creek, near
Conches Forge, up to 12 o'clock on Tuesday the
3lst day of 'slay inst. Specifications can ho sects
at the Commissioners 111Hco. Proposals will be
received liar both open and covered bridges.
By virtue of an (,rifer of the
llooting,lon county, there will I,c cold et public
vendoe or outcry on the preini,es on
,Situfthly Mt I Ith t(orN raj .Ittnr wrt, 1833.
the following described real estate in Franklin
township in said comity, the property of George
I liotningin, late of the township nforesahl,
to wit : A certain tnessnage or tract of lime:
stone land at said township, land of
the heirs of - Crain, decd on the east, of the
heirs of James Travis, Esip, deed. , on the South
ofJatnes Morrow the nest, and lands &G. & J.
11. Shoeuberger on the north, containing
229 Acres,
he the same more or less, of which nbout 160
ACRES are cleared mid in a good state of culti
vation; having thereon on apple orchard, two
dwelling houses, one of which is frame and plas
tered, the other log and stone, each two stories
high, one double Fog bunt, one horse stable, one
wagon shed and other buildings. There ere on
said land several springs of good water, and ap
pearance °fa good quality of iron of And elm
one other parcel of mountain or timber land, ad
joining land oldie heirs of the said Evin Crane,
deed., on tho north, of the heirs of the said Jos.
Travis, Esq., on the west, anti of Shorb, Stewart
& Co., on the south, containing eight acres be
the same more or less.
TIMMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase
mon2y to be paid on confirmation of pole, and
residue in two equal nnnual payments thereafter
with interest, to be secured by the bonds and
mortgage of tho purchaser. Sale to cotnmence
at one o'clock, P. M. of said day, when duo at
tention will be given by
May 18, Executor.
Of Different Articles of Clothing
now open and for sale at
Cheap Clothing Store,
Directly in the centre of the town, viz :
Coats from $l,OO to $16,00
Pants 6.00
Vests 4( 75 “ 5,00
Shirts " 50 " 1,50
Also a fashionable selection of Silk and Linen
Pocket and Neck liandkercbiefs, Stocks, Suspen
ders, Buttons, Cravat Buckles, &c.
Also first-rate Silk Dress 111;tS, and any quan
tity of soft huts and Cloth Caps. Ail of the
above will be - sold cheap for cash in opposition to
Jews and Gentiles.
N. D.—Always ready to do Tailoring to order
in the best and most workmanlike manner, not
inferior to any other establishment in the State.
May 11, 1853.
Cornprobst & Cunningham,
Havin g purchased the store of Prank & Neff
at Marklesburg, Pa., arc prepared to accommo •
date the public at said place, with a splendid and
fashionable assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods.
Their assortment consists of
Bry-Goods, Groceries,
queensware, Hardware,
and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country
store. Also, a beautiful, cheap null elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety.
mid SHOES, and a variety of Goods of all kinds.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
change for Goods.
60 cents per bushel will he given for Rye.
50 cc. cc cc ac a if Corn,
and for all other grain prices accordingly.
Marklesburg, May 11, 1853.
The Climax now Completely Capped.
Charles S. Black
Has just returned from the East with the
cheapest and most fashionable assortment of
Boots, Shoes, Gaitors, &c.,
both Gentlemen's and Ladies', that ever was
brought to the borough of Huntingdon. Ito is
thankful for past patronage, and hopes to do as
well in the future, by selling very low and en
deavoring to oblige. The hest Ladies' Slippers
con be bad for 55 cents pet pair—and oil others
at prices corresrondialsty.
Don't forget the sign of the "Yellow Boot."
Levi Westbrook
Respectfully informs his old customers, friends
and the public generally, that be has just opened
a splendid assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's
nut Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaitors, &c.,
of all kinds of the best quality and of the latest
Also, Tints Trunks and Carpet Bags of a su
perior quality. Also. Wax and Shoo Pegs.—
All work warranted. Rips repaired gratis.—
Cheap for casts and no mistake.
Muy 11, '53.-34
Trustees Sale of Land, and Town
Lots in the Town of Mount
Union, Huntingdon Co., by
Order of the Court of
Common Pleas.
By virtue of an order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon County, for the purpose of
satisfying the verdict and fitiding of the Jury ih a
certain action of ejectment No. 83 of August
Term, 1830, William McNite vs. John Dough
erty, George W. Speer and others, rendered the
23d day of April A. D. 1852 for the sum of,
$1743 71, with interest thereon thorn the said
date, with costs. of suit, expenses of trust, &e.,
Will be exposed to public sale on the premises,
commencing on Thursday the Rld day of June
next, A. D. 1853, nt 10 o'clock A. M., all that
Certain plantation, tract, piece or parcel of land
situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon county,
cast of Drake's Ferry, adjoining the Juniata riv
er, lauds of John Sharer, Nicholas & William
Shaver, Andrew Pollock's helm and others,
containing 178 ACRES, or thereabouts—(ex
cepting the land in possession of the Penn'a.
Railroad Company) or such parts or parcels of
the same as may ho necessary for that purpose,
being the land on part of which the town of Mt.
tnion is laid out. Salo to begin with the said
Town Lots, as laid down by the Recorded Plan
of said town, anti to continue front day to day
until a stillitient amount is raised.
'Amis.—Cash to be paid on the =flimflam,
of sal-es at Atigust Term, 1833.
• Trustee.
Shirleysburg, May 11, '33.—ts.
All the new School Books used ht oer Public
Schools in town, as well no those throughout the
country, for solo ut Colon's Nets , Chesil)
Book Store.
May 11, 1833.
Will attend to all business entrusted to him. 01%
flee nearly opposite the Court House.
May 4,'53
S ILK Dress Patterns—such as liroeude,
ed, rlaiu and Cross-barredjust received and
fur sale by J. w.
VANCY Dross Articles—fur gentlemen and la-
I: dies, fur sale by S. &G. LEVI.
GiTto:l re ENES—Fresh and cheap, t c lt taVf i e . ap
I ADIES ESSOES—aII Jsinda of goods snit
able, at the cheap store of S & G. LEVI.
CLoTnISG.—A huge assortment for men and
buys, at the cheap corner of S. & U, LEVI.
Il An"WA"".—Aso & l Ll!V frlle
nt S tore .
l TS I P.!•;—of all kinds, of the latest
fashion, for sale at the vhenp store of
S. & LEVI.
_ .
sub nt the store ut S. S a. LEVI.
Hplentliil asgorlmeut of IIONNE'FS, just re•
lTiVel at 111 C ,EO2, or s. &
m ill l l I , y tiN Alir
.1. E. 1A 0 U L D,
A. Din.
No. 160 Chestnut Street, Ei‘‘minit's
Extengire Musk. Publisher, and Dealer in Mu.
sical Instrantents or every description.
Exe!wive Agent tbr the snlo of Ilultet, Mick
& Co's (Huston) .P.tteNe St,rinSttiti 81t11.13
,ltd other.
L. Gilbert', Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar
tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music
Books, &e.
11% the country will ho supplied by
wog or otherwise with any iniaeie they may wish,
at as low ratee ne if purchased in person. Hay
ingoile of the hugest stud., in the United States
((eel conlitlem of eatiefying idl all who may M
eer me with anon or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most reason
nblc terms. Pianos to let. Second-11310 Pianos
for sale.
May 11, 's3.—ly .
Ito virtue of a certain writ of Vend. Exp. to
me directed, I will sell on Saturday the 28th day
of Mav, on the premises, in West township, at I I
o'clock, ' A. M., of said day, the following do
scribed property, to wit :
A lot aground in the township of West, llnn
tingdon county, being 100 het on the township
road, 100 feet buck to a lot of George Hallman,
on the south, lot of Jesse Henry on the west, lot
of the estate of Joseph Thompson on the cast,
haring thereon erected a two story frame plaster
edtonse, a l'rUnte stable and other improvements.
Seized; taken in execution and to be stiM as
the property of Mitchell Anderson.
May 11, '53.-3t.
Mitered according to At 0 Congress, In the yea
1851. by J. B. HOUGHTON, M. D., In thn clerk's
001ce of din District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania
Another Scientific Wonder!
Prrpared from Itaxxav, or the fourth Syomscit
or vita ox, after directions of BAnns
too, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S.
Ilori;nyox, M. 1)., Philadelphia, Pa.
This NATURE'S OWN REMEDY for an unhealthy
Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative
powers. It contains no ALCIIOIIOI, MYERS,
ACIDS, or NAUSEOUS DRUGS. It is extremely
agreeable to the taste, and may be taken by the
most li:eble patients who cannot ent n water
cracker without Reline distress. Beware of
MUGGED imirAnoxs. Pepsin is not A nurn.
Call on the Agent and get n Descriptive Cir
cular, grade, giving a large amount ofSCIENTIVIC
EVIDENCE from Liebig's Animal Chemistry;
Dr. Comb o's Physiology of Digestion; Dr. Perch
ra on Food and Diet; Dr. John W. Draper, of
New York University; Prof. Dunglison's Physi
ology; Prof. Silliman, of Yale College; Dr. Car
penter's Physiology; kc., together with reports of
ernes from all parts of the United States.
GrOIISERV}: Tills !—Eve;yl;;ttleOrthe gen•
nine PLesix bears the written signature of .T.
Ilurunros, M. D., solo proprietor, Philadelphia
Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark secured.
laWSold by nil Druggists and Dealers in Med
icines. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle.
May 11, 'S9.—ly.
Grocery and Confectionary Store.
RESPECTFULLY informs their friends and
the public in general, that they have opened
a new Grocery and Confectionary Store, under
the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main street,
Huntingdon, where they hove now on hand a full
and general assortment of Groceries, Confection
aries, and Spices of all kinds, which they will sell
wholesale and retail. They have also on hand
Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &e.,
&c., &c., all of which they will soil cheap.—
Country produce taken in exchange for goals—
the cash paid when we have no goods to suit cus
As we are determined to accommodate all who
madte rilall l
atott u r r store, invite all examination
Huntingdon, April 2i, 553,
Huntingdon, Pa.
rt MILLER returns thanks to his numerous
%J. friends fur the liberal patronage his house
received during the post year, and hopes to mer
it a continuance of the same during the present
year. As kis house is most convenient to the
Depot, every exertion will be made to make it
comfortable stopping place for strangers, trav
ellers, and the people of the county generally,
May 4, 1853,-3m.
Administrtitoes Notice.
LETTERS of Administration !laving been
granted to the undersigned on the Estate of
WILLIAM HOUCK, late of Tod township, Hunt.
en., dee'd., all persons knowing themselves in•
debted are regnested to make immediate payment,
and those lowing claims will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
GEoEGE M. Cass township,
lIENEY S. GREEN, Tod township,
May 4, '53.-Gt. Adtainistratots.
Ladies' Shoes.
A sPLENDth nssortmcnt of Ladies' Shots.
of the latest styles, jttst reCeived nt the store
of S. & 0. LEVI.
A splendid lot of Bonnets just reeeiveti,ualor
-cm-sale by .1. 6. 11. s. IA 7'V.\:
C ARPET Bags, just received and tbr side by
POUT 310N} AIES from 25 cents up to $2 20
ut Ed. Snare's. April 15 1852.
T ADIES Lasting and Silk work Gnitors, Hid
-IA Morocco, and Goat Boots unit Shoes, at the
store of GEO. G\VIN.
Mus. Delanes, B. I)elanes, 1)o Berege, Lawns,
Gingbants, and a elioieo variet:i‘ of Goods of all
kinds, at the store ot GEO. GRIN.
plain and fancy, at very low prices, at tint store
of CEO. G WIN.
for safe at the store of
ASPLENDII) assortment of Ladies' Dreas
Goods just Neeived at CAIDION'S.
JUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets
V ever uttered in this place. Also, Oil CMOs,
which will be sold low by
J. 6. n sAxroN,
hWoested, Ligle, Cotton, Linen Hts
Z-- 4 Cotton Floss, Lace Mitts, 31ohnir Mitts, silk
Gloves, Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, und
every Variety of Dress Trimming suitable for
spring and summer dross, for sale IN
liiE littlest assortment of Boots and Shoos
over offered in town , fol. sale low by
J. J•
rmr. Ladies *ill please hear in mind that Par
r' usoll can he hod exceedingly low at the cheap
store Of J. i S• W SAXTON.
Amost bomitim, lot of Bengt) ?mine pat,
terns, nod in the piece, from 18 4 1 etc up to 50
etc, per ;,or,l,jut4 YeVeirt‘i wet for ralc by
.1. t i• H. /OA'. •