Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 25, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, May 25, 1853.
S. L. GLASGOW, Editor.
Moses Pownan, of Lancaster county
Christian Myers, of Clarion county
Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co.
Is oar authorised agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to receive advertisements; and
any persons in those cities wishing to advertise
in our columns, will please call on him.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the llowrisovott JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subseri
berg at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
hers living at a distance front Huntingdon.
tone W. Triosrrsow,pq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barcee,
GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASGOW, Cloy township,
DANIEL TEAOUE, Esq., Cromwell township,
Dr. J. P. ASIICOM, Penn township,
Dr. IL L. Bnoww, Cass township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL Srurpar, Jackson township,
Bonnier IlPBunwrr, "
' Col. Jwo. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Mortars BROWN, Springfield township,
War. HurernwsoNiEsq., Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
Jimmy NEFF, West Barren.
JouN BALSDACII, Watcrstreet,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Joust N. Swoon:, Esq., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
'MC "JovaNtl OFFICE' has been removed
one door East from the room it has heretofore
been, to the Brick Building recently occupied
as the Globe Office, where our subscribers and
others will hereafter find us ; always ready to
receive the names of new subscribers and mon•
oy due for subscription,
gar A good boy, about sixteen years of age,
will be taken at this Office to learn the printing.
None need apply except such as hare strictly
moral habits, and are of an industrious dispo
13e.. We call the attention of the public to
the fact that we are prepared, at this Office, to
do all kiuds of Job Work on the shortest notice
and on the most reasonable terms. Hand bills
and notices of all kinds and sizes, for any pur
pose; also, Professional Cards of most any qual
ity, can be obtained immediately on application.
The inducements, also, for advertising in the
Journal, are certainly very favorable, for the
reason that its circulation is now very large in
the County, and is becoming more so every day.
All business men now concede that it is vastly
to their interest to advertise in some paper that
has an extensiv circulation.
val. Our friend, Mr. Ward, who keeps a Ho.
tel at Waterstreet, is a very clever man, and is
worthy , of a very large portion of piddle patron
age. The land-lady is one of the politest women
in the country., and possesses a great disposi.
tion to accommodate. We hope those travel
ling that direction will not neglect to call with
them. See his advertisement in another col
tar Two horses, saddles Mid bridles, were
stolen at Shirleysburg, on last Saturday night,
from Dr. Wm. Brewster and Dr. J. G. Light
ner. They have offered a liberal reward for
the apprehension of the thieves and the return
of the horses.
State Central Committee.
Charles Thompson Jones, Phila., Chairman.
John Price Wetherell, "
Charles Gilpin,
.Tohn H. Diehl,
George T. Thorn,
Hon. Henry D. Moore, "
Jacob S. Roberts,
John Kessler,
Robert L. Marlin,
John Bishop, Delaware,
Henry S. Evans, Chester.
David E. Stout, Berks.
Caleb N. Taylor, Bucks.
Moth Hoopes, Lancaster.
Daniel Herr, "
Hon. Thomas M. Bibighaus, Lebanon.
Hon. James Pollock, Northumberland,
Wm. K. Mehaffey, Dauphin.
Wells Covorly,
Henry D. Maxwell, Northampton.
James W. Fuller, Lehigh,
0. H. Wheeler, Carbon.
Hon. John Torrey, Wayne,
A. K. Corn., Franklin.
Robert G. Harper, Adams.
Joseph Garrotson, York.
A. B. Sharp, Cumberland.
Wm. T. Wilson, Clinton.
Edmund Blanchard, Centro.
Thomas IV. Lloyd, Lveming.
S. L. Glasgow, Huntingdon.
Ceorge Raymond, Blair,
C. H. Frick, Montour,
John R. Vie, Somerset.
Franklin Rewart, Columbia,
Wm. P. Miner, Luzern,.
.Tohn Sturdevant, Wyoming.
John C. Adams, Bradford.
H. H. Frazier, Susquehanna.
John Miles, Erie.
lion. A. Robertson, Beaver.
Josiah King, Allegheny.
John Major, "
James Campbell, Clarion.
David Leech, Armstrong.
T. J. Coffee, Indiana.
Lloyd Jones, Montgomery.
Hon. Jos. H. Kuhns, Westmorland.
John Fenlon, Cambria.
James 31. Sellers. Juniata.
D. Washabaugh, Bedford.
John Fulton, Clearfield.
Wm. F. Wagonseller, Union.
G. V. Lawrence, Washington.
Benjamin Barman, Schuylkill.
In accordance with the Resolution adoptci
by the late Whig State Convention, the ahoy,
named gentlemen have been appointed th
State Central Committee.
Wilkes Barre, May trait, 1853.
e ar Our friend, George W. Whittaker. of
Petersburg, is sue of the Justices of the Peace
of West township, and a more capable man for
that office could not have been found. We have
t in doubt Lis services in that poiition will live
Making Nominations.
The subject of inaing County and District
nominations is already claiming the attention
of a portion of the Whigs in the County, awl
we consider it nothing more than prudent to
refer to this matter, even at this early day, so
at, if possible, we may impress the patty
mind with the importance of acting discreetly
in regard to forming a ticket, when the proper
time comes, for the support of the people. As
far as we arc concerned, we have no personal
preference—all are alike to us, thus far, and
we do not intend to interfere with any man's
right to seek fin• office. But at the same time,
it is alhim portant that we should have good and
unobjectionable men for our nominees, if w•e
ish to preserve harmony and union in our
ranks and secure their election. To insure
success, we slauld not be influenced by per
sonal or local prejudice to the extent we some
times are, nor should we permit our feelings to
become too warmly enlisted in favor of our
particular friends who are candidates, for such
things always have a bad tendency. Victory
for the party should be the object at which ev
ery Whig in the county should aim, and every
effort should be directed for that purpose. We
cannot possibly expect to succeed if we do not
work together as one man, and endeavor to
select for our candidates, the hest and most de
serving men. The party, in selecting nominees
and electing them, acts in its sovereign capa
city, and what it does under those circumstan
ces, judiciously influenced, is right, without
respect to Action, person, or friouleldp. Let
every man act independently and discreetly in
reference to the choice of candidates, and there
will be no difficulty to encounter. In a word,
we hope, and confidently trust, that the gov
erning motive among our friends in the coun
try, will be the promotion of the party's best
Post Master at Huntingdon.
Time has at last developed who has been the
successful competitor, among our opponents,
for the Post Office in this Borough. The mat
ter, so far as our knowledge extends, was not
very warmly contested, although a number of
the "unterrified DemoCracy" bad been aspi
rants. William Lewis, editor of the Globe,
triumphantly gained the victory, and left on the
field several badly wounded, whose countenan
ces evidently bear the marks of deep distress
within. Gentlemen, of the school of "Old
Buck," never mind this—it all goes in a man's
life time—disappointment you know is the lot
of man. It was all perfectly fair, and besides
"there is a good time coming." The protest,
entered in the Locofoco Convention, last Spring,
against the nomination of James Buchanan for
President, has been entirely forgotten; end the
Post Master General, Mr. Campbell, don't re
mentber nay more the disgraceill defeat he
received at the hands of his party, two yours
ego, when he ran, as the regular nominee, for
Supreme Judge. All these things are very
natural, and you have no reason to complain.
The members of the Catholic Church, in the
State, don't care about Campbell's having been
defeated when he ran for Judge; they know VC.
ry well that a portion of the locofoco party did
not wish hint to occupy that position, and they
dia'nt vote for him—that was all—they could'nt
bear the idea of a Catholic being a member of
the Supreme Bench; and woe there any thing
wrong in that?
However, our ['Head, Mr. Lewis, though of
the opposite school of polities, is a clever inan,
and we hate no doubt will make a very good
Post Master. So far as our personal feelings
are concerned, apart from political considers•
lions, we are very well satisfied with the ap
pointment. He is a printer by trade, and we
believe if there is a class of the community that
, labors harder than another, for the necessaries
to sustain life, it is that class called the prin
ters. Mr. Lewis deserved some party patron
age, and we are glad he got the office.
The retiring Post Master, Peter C. Swoope,
has made an efficient officer, and so far as we
can learn, has rendered universal satisfaetion
in the discharge of his duties. We are sorry
to part with him, but it chn't be helped. "To
the victors belong the spoils."
The Suprene Bench.
The death of Judge Gibson, renders it ne;
cessary on the part of the people of Pennsylva
nia to fill that vacancy again nt the next Octo
ber election. Judge Knox was appointed un
til the position can be filled by the voice of the
people at the ballot box, and we presume the
Chairman of the Whig Central Committee will
in due time take the necessary steps to have a
man placed in nomination for the support of
the Democratic Whig party of the State. We
understand that our tocoloce friends will soon
tall a Convention for that purpose. We have
seen no names of suitable persons in the Whig
party mentioned as yet in connection with the
office, bet as we have a host of competent and
distinguished jurists who would do honor to
the Bench and the Commonwealth., - we presune
there will be no difficulty in making a proper
selection. Among others we have in our
midst, John G. Miles, Esq., of this Borough,
and Hon.. James T. Hale, of Bellefonte.
Monument to Daniel Webster.
The Massachusetts House of Representatives,
on Monday a week, ordered to a third reading,
by a vote of 110 to 00, the resolution providing
for the erection of a monument to Daniel Web
ster, at an expense of $lO,OOO, under the ott
perVision of a commissioner.
This is very right, if it is but a distinguished
mark of respect, for to perpetuate his fame us
an American Statesman and as an Orator, he
needs no colossal statue towering to the heav
ens, at which posterity may gaze in after times
to call to memory the fact, that there once lived
such a man as Daniel Webster. His fume will
never die—as ages pass away, it will increase
in brightness, and his deeds will live in the
hearts of his countrymen, as long as Republi
canism survives.
II& • We understand theta number of Whigs
in the county have signified their intention to
become candidates, for nomination at the Au
gust Convention, tbr the office of Sheriff, and
we would be pleased to leave their cards to in
sert in the Journal. Gentlemen, you cannot
procure a better method to give publicity to
your purpose, and to become generally known
throughout the county, by reputation, than
through the columns of the Ilunlintplun Jour-
The Directors of the Broad Top Rail•
road Company 'net in this borough yesterday,
but we have not yet learned what notion was
had. 11e will state next week, any thing that
Revolution in China.
On a little reflection, it seems scarcely rea
sonable to attach any importance to reports
coming tout, of a revolution in China. For
two centuries Imperial power has uninterrupt
edly controlled that docile and epuct people, but
it appears, that the flames of rebellion now
sweep over their valleys and mountains, threat
ening destruction to all their old political insti
tutions and aceting a complete revolution in
popular sentiment. It commenced in the south
ern portion of the old Empire, in which the
city of Canton is situated, and has already as
sumed a very formidable character. If the re
ports we have are true, there is reason to be
lieve that the revolutionists now have posses
sion of the heart of the Empire. They enter
ed Nankin on the 18th day of February last,
which is said to be one of the principal cities
of the country, and were steadily and success
fully approaching PEKIN, the CAPITAL, through
very populous districts, infusing the spirit of re
bellion into every family. Misgovernment and
servile oppression ACM to be the cause of this
insurrection, the two prominent incentives to
action, in cases of popular or provincial revo
lution. Their object is to' better the condition
of the people, physically, morally and political
ly; lint we are not aware that they contemplate
establishing a Republican form of government,
in the event of success.
After reading the accounts we have from the
Ohl World, of the occasional outbreaks of the
fires of liberty among nearly all notions and
classes of the people, accompanied with so
much determination and zeal, though general
ly of short visible existence, we cannot but con
clude that the slumbering energies of living
freedom will soon be aroused all over the East
ern Continent, and the powers of ignorance and
tyranny will find one common grave—no more
to exercise the sway they once slid.
Frauds on the Public Works.
The monstrous peculation and high-handed
robbery daily perpetrated on our Public Works,
at last, are beginning to arrest the attention of
a portion of the politibal party now in power.—
The Whig press, for years, has been denounc
ing the manner the Works of the State have
been conducted, and endeavoring to expose
the outrageous frauds almost hourly commit
ted, but no voice, until lately, was heard from
the ranks of the opposition proclaiming to the
people the corruption practised by the Theofoco
Board of Canal Commissioners and their em
ployees. A number of the leaders of the oppo
sition have become disgusted and alarmed at
these wholesalerobberies; but prominent among
all, stands George Merriman, Esq., for the last
two years an honest locofoco Representative
from Cra*ford . county.
the lorryiwo press has all along been, and is
j -et, chanting integrity and honesty of purpose
on the part of the public functionaries and their I
subordinates, but Mr. Merriman, like an honest
man, as be undoubtedly is, in the face of all
his party organs say, appears in a communica
tion addressed to the editor of the Crawford
Democrat, reiterating and specifying some of
the grave but evidently true charges, he prof
fered last winter against the present Canal
Board. Below is his communication, which
we hope, will be read by at least the good
meaning portion of the loalfoco party:
FAIRFIELD, April 29, 1853.
JAME D. ITIO.taLAxn: Sir—l noticed in the
Democrat of the 26th, that you say the charges
made against the Canal Commissoners were
unfounded, notwithstanding every opportunity
was allowed to those makingthechargetoprove
their assertion. Probably you are not aware of
all the facts, and in order to let the public un
derstand the whole matter propirly,lwill make
a short statement, for the present, of facts.
In the first place, I am one of the men who
made charges of. fraud against the Canal Bead,
and every word I said was provenbymenwhom
the Canal Board had subpcenaed themselves.—
It was clearly proven,. attil the facts entered on
the Journals of the ouse, diddle Canal Board
defrauded the tax payers out of $150,000 in
letting 20 miles of grading on the New Portage
Railroad; by letting the work to favorites,when
as good men as are in the State bid for thework
that much lower; and not satisfied with that,
the Board has been raising the prices of sever
al of the Contractors since the first contracts
were made. The Tunnel on the mountain was
• bid for by g ood contractors from 20 to $30,000
lower than it was let at; the Sections were bid
from 5 to $20,000 lower than the Boardletthem
at, and many contracts were made that no no
tice had been given publicly thatsuchworkwas
to be lot, and at prices one.thirdhigherthan the
work was worth; and $200,000 might have been
saved if the interest of the Commonwealth had
been consulted.
It is true that the Committee made two re
ports; three of the Committee went in for white
washing, their report. I believe, was writtenby
Threes Wilson, Clerk to the Canalßoard, who
is kept under the influence of New Whiskeyall
the time in order that he may be more ready
to do the dirty work of the Board. The minor
ity report, signed by Myself and Geo. H. Hart,
gives all the testimony that WAS taken, is on
and will appear on the Journals of the House,
when the public can judge for themselves..
This was not a fight between myself and the
Canal Board; but because I had the indepen
dence to stand up forthepeople's rightsand was
unwilling to give my vote :to appropriate any
more money for the Canal Board to squander,
and I further went in for selling the Public
Works, which is what every hottest man should
do. But it appears by the readingof anumber
of the papers of the State that a man cannot,
lie a Democrat unless he will violateevery prin.
ciple of honesty,ant break lip time Canal Board
in all their rascality, and give them what mon.
(..)- they ask to squnder and lavish out to their
favorites. But I can tell them that what is
their wish, is not my Democracy.
One word is due to Col. Hopkins; hewasnot
a member of the Board when those transactions
took place which the public has good regson to
complain of. lam prepared to meet my constitu
ents, or any one else, and back up my course.
Yours, Respectfully,
"Enlarged.—The Huntingdon Journal made
its appearance last week in nn enlarged form,
new type, :be. If three Or four hundred new
subscribers should give us a call, and souse old
ones stick a little closer to advance payments,
we might take it into our head some day to en
large the Gazette, otherwise they'll have to wait
until we relit "fishing" before that consumation
will be ollected."
Se' Our friend Frysinger, of the LEWIS.
TOWN 0 AZETTE, expresses himself very sensibly
in the above paragraph, and we hope the cir
cumstances to which he refers will speedily take
place. As to his "fishing," we would advise
him to continue, for if "Beef," in his market, is
as high as it is hi ifuntingdon, we think he
would make by the operation of "fishing," es
pecially if he would succeed in catching any
Hon. John C. Knox, whe_lins for some
time past filled with distinguished ability the
position of President Judge of the Clarion
District, has been appointed by Governor Big
ler, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylva
nia, to fill the vacancy oceasioned by the death
Opinion of the Press.
.Pr 'lke last number of the llnntinTlon
.Tottructi conies to no CC/Wilder:o)lv enlnrged and
improved. It presents a beautiful appearance
—an evidence, we tru,t, of Ito prosperity.—
Ptrry Freeman.
11£4) Hunting,: Airmal line appeared
in an enlarged form, and is now one of the lar
gest, as well mute of the best conducted Whig
papers in the State.—Chambersbueg Whig.
Me' The Huntingdon Journal came to us
last week, enlarked and otherwise improved.—
Friend Glasgow has our best wishes to regard
to pecuniary matters. As regards politics he is
evidently in the "wrong boat."—Puscurora
119 M. The Huntingdon Anntal ram, to us
last week materially enlarged and improved.—
We are pleased to see this evidence of the Jour
nal's prosperity, and hope that the Whigs of
Huntingdon will give it a support worthy of the
talent and energy bestowed upon it. Mr. Glas
gow is a sound Whigs and an able editor, and
under his guidance the Journal wil be of inval
uable service to the Whigs of Huntingdon,
Juniata Sentinel.
ger The Huntigdon Journal has been en
larged; and is printed on new type. It looks
well, and deserves success—Lebanon Courier.
MS.. The "Huntingdon' Journal," an able
and well conducted Whig Journal, has been
considerably enlarged and improved in ap.
penrance. Mr. GLASGOW deserves to be well
supported by the Whigs 'of Huntingdon.—The
Star and fanner.
IVir The Huntingdon Journal, edited by S.
L. Glasgow, Esq., has been considerably en•
larged, awl improved in appearance. The
Journal is a good Whig paper, and merits the
hearty support of the party in that County.—
Fitlion I:republic.
DS. The Huntingdon Journal comes to us
enlarged and improved. It presents quite a
handsome appearance, and we hope its enter
prising editor will be amply remunerated by
his party for the expense lie has iaeured to
make his paper worthy of their patronage.—
Dentoeratie Slanders?.
don Aro litt/ appears in a new dress and -en
larged. We
s wish the editor, Mr. GLAsnow,
abundance of prosperity. The Whigs of Hun
tingdon County are a noble and generous, and
good hearted people, and we lkve that they will
give the Editor of the Journal sufficient addi
tional encouragement to compensate him well
for his improvement.—Blair County Whig.
*M. The Huntingdon Journal has been en
larged, improved and beautified very greatly,
by its new conductor, Mr. Glavout, and mar
now be classed amongthe handsomest and best
country journals in the State. We hope its
able Editor may receive a rich return for his
liberal enterprise.—lfollidaysburg Register-
Ext.:titer:D.—The Ihntingilon Journal, nn
ably conducted Whig Journal, has been en
larged and is printed an new type. It pre
sents a fine appearance, and is liberally patron
ised by the Whigs of Huntingdon county.—
Long may it flourish.-3fatonian.
Way. The Huntingdon Journal comes to us
enlarged and otherwise improved. It is a good
paper_ and the enterprise of its publisher
should induce a large necession tolls sub.
scription Journal.
NES- The Ibutingdon Journal comes to us
enlarged and otherwise improved. It is a
good paper, and the enterprize of its publisher
should induce a large accession to his subscrip•
tion list.—Bucks Cotuzly Intelligence?.
Duty of the Whig Party.
There aro some among the now dominant
party,says the Lancaster Examiner, who affect,
perhaps feel, n great joy in the defeat of the
Whig party in the late election for President,
not only because of the defeat, but because they
believe—or rather hope—that with the election
of the Democratic nominee to the Presidency,
the Whig party was killed. And there are
some, too, who flatter themselves that they
were Whigs, who are disposed to agree that
the Whig party was then obliterated.
They may not "lay that flattering unction to
their souls.'; The Whig party cannot die whilst
constitutional liberty and the freedom of legis
lotion lasts. It belongs to no man. It is not
identified with the success or failure of any
election. It is founded on principle; and while
there is a Union to be preserved, law to up
hold, right to maintain, and good in legislation
to lie done, the Whig party—call it by what
name yon will—can never die. It belongs to
the people—is of them, and works for them—
and is, therefore, in no sense, dependent upon
the power and patronage of the government to
give it life. The Maxim that had its origin in
the prisi ine days of republican governments—
and which "through long reverberations reach
es our own" tells us that "the price of liberty
is eternal vigilance." It was for this that the
Whig party was organized—it was for this that'
it has struggled—it is for this that it must live
—standing ns a sentinel on the watch-tower, to
guard and protect the liberty and rights of the
people, and to uphold the responsibilities and
duties of the government.
They can have as a party no hope or desire
apart from that which looks to the good of the
country. They cannot, then, lie actuated by
any spirit of disappointment in opposing any
public office or the administration of the gov
ernment. They look only to what is right, and
that they support. And so, President Pierce
hes nothing to fear from the W hig party if he
knows the right and does it. In so acting he
may well fear—as the experience of his party
Predecessors in office admonishes his—that
he will engender opposition in the ranks of
those who aided in his election—but he has
nothing to fear from the Whig party. Will he,
than, do the right? Are our fears idle, that
lie will not, when we look over the remorseless
spirit of proscription which has been evinced
ins him, and his Cabinet advisers, in the remo
val of good and faithful officers? Our fears
are not idle, and the Whig party will soon find
—has already—cause enough to continue its
organization, and occasion to demand of them
their best exertions to stop the wrong and to
uphold the right- Let then the Whigs, every
where, keep themselves ready to do their duty,
which the principles on which their party rests,
• demands of every one to do who truly deserves
I to be called by that honored name.
Post Masters Appointed.
The following appointments have been made
in Pennsylvania.
Charles Ritz, Lewistown.
Benjamin Parke, Harrisburg.
John B. Walton, Carlisle.
B. Franklin Sloan, Erie.
J. Anderson, Pittsburg.
Charles F. tittel, Northundierland.
Thomas Farley, Allegheny.
John Noel, Chambersbur,
Win.," Murray, Hollidaysburg.
John G, Sherwood, 1L ne•dale.
J. E. McFarland, Meadville.
Lorenzo Wunder, Reading.
Wm. Lewis, Huntingdon.
stor Some of the Whig papers in the State
have stated.that Capt. S. D. Karns, a few years
ago the nominee for Canal Commissioner, on
the Whig ticket, and more recently an employee
in the Custom Douse, nt Philadelphia, under
Mr. Lewis, has been appointed ono of the re,
erne agents at the port of Philadelphia, by M.
Brown. This is incorrect, and in justice to
Capt. Karns, we state that he was one of the
first made "walk the plank," and is still as good
a Whig as ever he was.
The June number of Gotley's Magazine
is on our table, containing, no usual, a large
quantity of interesting matter on various sub
jects. It contains several very handsome en
gravings. Those having a taste for polite lit
erature, especially young ladies, should not he
without Ibis monthly periodical, ns it is certain
ly, for many reason-, a very valuable Public:,
General Scott.
The. Mine .horrnal alludes to the removal of
this distinguisliel man to the city of New York,
in the following just manner t
By the removal of Gen. Scott and his family
to New York, no of the most attractive
tires of Washington society will be added to
our own. The mere presence among us of so
distinguished a person—the Comtnander-in-
Chief of the Army, the first of living soldiers, a
anti whose career is part of one country's his
tory, and whose name is world-wale—swims of
itself to elevate the city toicurds metropolitan
rank. llis residence, the hospitalities of which
will he so gracefully dispensed, will be the cen
tre of an extensive and most attractive circle.
And of necessity, New York will lie hereafter
more frequently visited by military men, who
form always a welcome addition to the society
of a city, ;chore a too exclusive devotion to the
practical, prevents the development of the or
namental, or makes it blush for its existence.
We are glad to perceive that the General looks
as well and as young ns he did before lie en
countered the fatigues of a political campaign.
His tall form is unbent by the weight of three
score years, and his hair is not yet of that hue
which is said to render it a "crown of glory."—
He has been frequently seen of late in public
places and private assemblies, and his presence
never fails to awaken great interest, and to eli
cit unequivocal marks of respect and admira
tion. We trust lie will find his new place of
residence agreeable and exhilarating, and, for
many years, continue to be the commanding
ornament of its society.
The Pardoning Power.
The excitement caused by the pardon of Mar
garet McCormick, has barely subsided, ere Gov.
Bigler once more outrages law and justice by
turning loose upon society an offender convicted
of a moat hellions crime. Last Angus a man by
the name of John Lettick, of Dauphin county,
broke into the carriage house of a fanner, by
the name of Andrew Lentz, at the hour of mid
tight, and maliciously cut and destroyed a new
Rockaway. Lettiek was tried at the November
sessions held at Harrisburg, and by a jury of
his country convicted of the crime; motion for
a new trial was made by his counsel, and upon
argument, the Court relnetantlygranted it. He
was tried a second time and was again convict
ed, on wilds conviction he was sentenced to one
year's imprisonment. The case was one of a
most aggravated nature, and called forth agreat
degree of public indignation. The Judge in
passing sentence alluded to the circumstances
under which the crime had been perpetrated,
and said that he felt it his duty to' inflict it hea
vy punishment, in view both of the circumstan
ces and the nature of the offence. Scarce three
months of that imprisonment had been served,
when Gov. Bigler, in amost unwarrantable and
unjustifiable manner interposes his power be
tween the criminal and his punishment. What
reason could have induced him to do so, we are
nt a loss to conjecture. After two fair and im
partial trials, Rise, mistaken, nay, a corruptmo
tive of clemency, to let the offender run to com
mit other and more outrageous acts. From all
quarters the Governor receives the censureand
condemnation of right thinking men. John Let
tick is now among the citizens, a pardoned con
vict• and Win time to come Goy. Bigler shall
not feel the pangs of remorse for strange antic,
we know nothing of human nature.—State Tour.
Hon. Henry M. Fuller .
The Butler B7iig in noticing the name of this
gentleman as spoken of for Governor, says Mr.
Fuller is it gentleman of eminent ability and
unrivaled eloquence, and on the stump would
prove more than a match for any eandidateour
opponents could present. Although quite a
young man, he has served with distinction in
the Legislature of this State and the Congress
of the United States, having been elected in
districts which gave immense majorities to the
opposition.—State .Tote.
State Elections for 1853.
The following table giving the dayson which
the General Elections are held in the several
giaies of the Union,
during the present year,
will bo found useful as a matter of reference :
Alabama, let Monday in August.
Arkansas, Ist Monday in August.
California Ist Tuesday in January.
Connecticut lot Monday in April.
Delaware 2d Tuesday in November.
Florida lot Monday in October.
Georgia Ist Monday in October.
Illinois lot Tuesday in Novethber.
Indiana lot Monday in August.
lowa Ist Monday in August.
Kentucky lot Monday in August.
Louisiana Ist Monday in November.
Maine Ist Monday in September.
Maryland Ist Wednesday in November.
Massachusetts 2d Monday in November.
Michigan Ist Tuesday in November.
Mississippi Ist Monday and Tues. in Nov.
Missouri Ist Monday in August.
New liamp. 2,4 Tuesday in March.
Newlersey Ist Tuesday in November.
New York - Ist Tuesday in November:
N. Carolina 2d Thursday in August:
Ohio 2d Tuesday in October.
Pennsylvania Id Tuesday in October.
R. Island Ist Wednesday in April.
S. Carolina 24 Monduy in October,
Tennessee Ist Thursdav in August.
Texrs lot Monday in August.
Vermont Ist Tuesdoy in Seember.
Virginia 4th Thursday in May.
Wisconsin Ist Thursday in November.
The Babies of Egypt.
W. C. Bryant is writing letters front Egypt
for the Evening Post. He says
"Among them were women in blue cotton
gowns, barefooted, with infants perched upon
their shoulders. This is the war in which the
Arab mothers of the laboring class in Egypt,
carry their children ; as soon as the little crea
tures get the voluntary use of their limbs, they
are transfered from the netts to the shoulder.—
I have seen instances of this custom which
would supply striking subjects for the pencil.
At Old Cairo, the other day, a Coptic woman,
in the loose blue dress of the country, bare
footed, her face unveiled, with symmetrical fen
tures, silent and sad looking, opened to us the
door of the old worm-eaten church in which is
the little grotto, where the Holy Virgin with her
child is said to have eluded the pursuit of Her
od. On the woman's shoulder oat an infant of
seven or eight months, as silent as the mother,
with well burned brown cheeks, and long dark
eye-lashes, its head bowed upon hers, and one
little hand premed against her forehead, while
the other arm was passed around tho back of
the neck. The Egyptian mothers treat their
children with great tenderness, and though I
see infants everywhere, I do not know that I
hate yet heard one of them cry. The expres
sion of quiet resignation in their faces is often
quite touching. The Egyptian, born to a lot
at' dirt, poverty and oppression, may well learn
patience eprly.
Attempt of Shirley to Escape.
JANES SHIRLEY', a prisoner in stir countyjai
under sentence of death, through the vigilance
of SIM: Reed on Tuesday morning last was ilia.
covered to have in his possesion 3 small saws,
suitable for cutting iron, with whichitwasdoubt•
Ins his purpose toattempt anescapc. Theywere
nicely secreted between the soles of his slippers.
Upon being eornfrouted with his design, be re
marhed to the Sheri ir that life was sweet.' Ile hall
excited the suspicions of the Sherif by ',mark.
ing it day or two before that he could'a cut
OA it ho had no axe.—//o/lidaysburg /leg.
Pmneiseo Herald stuns up the marine losses in
the Pacific waters, during the last three years ;
as fidlows ;
City of Pittsburg', burnt in Valparaiso, $200,.
0001 North America, wrecked on the Isle de
Margarita, $100,000; Tennessee, wrecked in
Indian Cove. $200,000: Oen. Warren, wrecked
on the Oregon cnnst,sso,ooo; Pioneer, wrecked
in San Simon Hay, $75,0001 tudora, wrecked
on the Oregon coast, $50,000; Com. Penile,
wrecked it the Oregon coast, $50,000.
The estimate shows at least a loss of $925,-
non, 1 0 m y n(ltiiti i , of the
Taking a Newspaper.
Timm nre now FOP , hed in the United
rour Thousand Periodicals, of which we
estimate that Three Tl.osand are mainly de
voted to P,lities,Miseellany and t:eneral New,:
the rest more especially to Literaturo. Edam:
tion, Religion, the. Probably Five Unwired
of the Newspapers are now published Nile. as
many more oftener than once a week, and the
remainder weekly. Probably theWeeldv issue
of Newspapers in not less than Ten Millions of
copies, and of other periodicals nt least Two
Millions more, makinga total of Twelve Millions
of periodicals weekly, or about two copies for
every family in the Vnion.
But these issues are very unequally distribu.
uted. New England's proportion of them in
largest; that. of New York and Ohio next; after
after these rank the Free Western Staten; then
Pennsylvania and New .Tersey; lastly the Slave
Staten, which have nearly one Million families
precluded by law front learning to read, and of
course neither enabled or inclined to take any
periodical whatever. The almost inevitable
lack of Common Schools in those States, cann
ed by the incompatibility of Slave culture with
that * density of Free Population to lifelong
norance of letters. There are more natives of
Virginia who cannot read to-day than of New
York and New England together, and hardly a
Southern Post-office at which the number of
periodicals received bears as a large propor
tion to the population of its district anatalmost
every nothern oilier. Slavery in perpetually
evatably at war with the intellectual develop.
ments of the great mass of the Free as well as
the Slave population over whom its baneful
shadow is thrown.
Throughout the Free States there is more
than one periodical taken in average, to each
family; but some families take a dozen, and a
great many none at all. It would probably be
near the truth to estimate that one-half the tbm-
Hies in the Free States take some sort of peri
odical. The remainder, including a majority
of our immigrants, from the Old World take
nuns at all, and what meager, confused, imper
fect notions they gather of the history of the
times is obtained by occasional borrowing a
neighbor's jotwnal or running one through in
some convenient bar-room.
Do not the:heads of these destitute families
make a grave misfit]e in neglecting to take a
Some few of them, we know, contain no mem•
her who can read, and of course could make lit
tle use of a paper. Some are absolutely too
poor to afford even three or four cents a week
for n paper. These are destitute, helpless in
valids or poor widows with young children, and
nothing but the meagre product of the common
est needlework to depend upon. Yet these last
must be very few; for the widow who cannot
spare or dress her children for school, may do
much to ease the heaviness of their lot and in-
form their mines by paying two or three cents
occasionally for a gond newspaper and have it
rend to her by one of her little ones as she pur
sues her work. The poorest household may
thus he insensibly transported into an humble
but not inefficient school. And so the poor
immigrant who never learned to read, and must
delve through every hour of daylight to earn a
mew; subsistence, may wisely taken good peri
odical so soon as he has one child who can
read it, while the rest of the family listens and
improves. Simply as an impulse to study and
a helper to Education, a good newspaper in a
family is worth far more than its cost.
But the farmer, merchanic or artist who un
dertakes to do without a newspaper ns a matter
of economy, can hardly fail to lose ten dollars
fur every one he saves. If he makes or grows
anything to sell, he needs to lie promptly ad
vised of everyincident or influence likely to ef
fect for good or evil the „cost of the materials
lie must buy and the products he has or will
have to sell. Many a man has saved five dol
lars by doing without a newspaper, and lost
hundreds in the sale of his wares, his crop; or
his farm which the newspaper would have sav
ed him. Thus in 1846-7, when Bread-stuffs
rose in consequence of the Potato Rot in Eu
rope, there were many farmers who took no
paper because they 'couldn't afford it,' and
sold their grain for fifty to a hundred dollars
less than it was really worth when and where
they sold it fiw waist of the information which
any good paper would have given them. And
this case illustrates a general principle.
We believe the day rapidly approaches when
the poorest head of a family who can earn day
wages will understand that he cannot afford to
do without a newspaper—that the cannot with
out serious loss dispense with the information
it imparts and the impulse to the men
tal development of his children. We believe,
mureover, that the active, thrifty farmer or ar
tisan will realize that lie cannot afford to be
content with so slow a coach as a Weekly must
relatively be, but really needs a Daily to bring
him all the transpires or impends with regard
to Markets, War-clouds, Inventions, &c., &c.,
at, the earliest moment. There are thousands
who are now loosing many dollars by not ta.
king a daily paper, while the education of their
children proceeds far more slowly and imper
fectly} than it would if a fresh, fair sheet ; full of
all that the day has done or meditated, is laid
on thecentre-table every evening, toberead and
commented on by every familyetrole. It takes
time to adapt human habits to the new condi
tions evolved in the progress of Society, but
their ultimate adjustment is certain.—X E
_The Liquor License.
Bo:don, May 11.—The House has under
consideration to-dav the amendment to the
quer lawprovidini for the granting of licenses
for the sale of liquor where public opinion fa
vored the selling of ardent spirits; but it was
rejected by a vote of 111 yeas to 141 nays.—
The old !memo system is, therefore, virtually
The Foreign Appoint ment.l, &e.
Washington, May 20.—The last authority
confirms the appointment of Goy. Seymour, of
Connecticut, as Minister to Russia; Gen. ])ix,
of New York, Minister to France, and Col.
Gadsden, of South Carolina, Minister of Mexico.
The Gardiner Case.
lruskinglon, May 21,—After waiting until
after 12 o'clock to-day, the criminal Court ad
journed until Monthly, the jury in the Gardiner
case having sent word that there was no pros
pect of agreeing upon a verdict.
ireiral of the Steamship Falcon at Hilo Or.
leans —52,300,000 in Gold on the Way.
Kew Othan-9, May 21.—The steamship Fal
con, from Aspinwall, with the California mails
for this city, and sixty passengers, arrived here
. . _
Tice Georgia was to sail on the 15th, for
New York, with the mails and $2,300,000 in
The Falcon reports that the passengers from
New York, by the Uncle Sam and Union, were
obliged to take passitge on board the Pacific
mail steamship, in consequence of an accident
to the Windlield Scott.
Later fro'n Thirana,
Kew Orleans, May 2L—The steamship Em
pire City has just arrived from llamas, with
date to the Nth inst. The news I: quite un
important- Thomas Strickland, third °Meer
of the Empire City, fell overboard on the 18th
instant and was drowned.
Steamboat Accident.
Portland, Me., May 21.—The Steamer Om
cram, on her passage front thiaport to Bangor,
last night met with an accident to her machin.
cry, and was compelled to anchor oil the Ralf
way Rock, from whence she was this morning
towed hack to this pore
M. ,Seeretay bobbin.
Ilradkidigion, May 21.—The Secretary of the
Navy, Mr. bobbin, will visit his home, in North
Carolina, in the eowe of the eamiti. , ..! fortnight,
cloppin; . • en his way at Nortiilk insiiert the
[For the Junrould
The Teachers' Institute,
~(It. r7IITOJt:--
di,cow•red that the pro.
cledings of the Teachers' I wahine of limiting
don County were publi.died last week is the
columns of the "Journal," and we have no
doubt they have been read with interest and
satisfaction by the true lovers of education.—
it . was our happyjirivilege to be present nt the
orgnnization of that Institute, and also at its
first Session on the 21st and 22d ult. Being so
highly delighted with all the exercises and 111S
CIISSIOUS, we have thought a ti,v ideas concern
ing that Institute might not be iminteresting to
twine of your readers, especially to those who
feel an interest. in the improvement of our
Common Schools and the establishment of that
reputation to which they are entitled. It is to
be regretted that not mods of the citizens of
Huntingdon were present to witness all that
was dune, awl hear all that was said, and ac.
quaint the suspicious part of the community
with it. In justice to the members of that ho.
dv, we would say, we were present nt every
gession, and on no occasion did we hear even
an intimation, from a single member, that the
remuneration of teachers was too small—much
less did we find the whole body taking action
upon that subject and adopting ineasures to in
crease their salaries no some unkihdly supposed
was the object of the meeting. No, they had a
far higher and noble motive in view then any
personal consideration. They assembled toter
suit with each other, and exchange views in ref.
seance to the most suceessfid modes of impart..
ing instruetion to the youths committed totheir
charge, and in order thereby to better qualify
themselves for the anions and responsible du.
ties devolving upon them as teachers. There
conduct and zeal in thismatterare surely praise.
worthy. Young men coining from all parts of
the County, spending their time and money, with
out any compensation, solely for the purposeof
learning how they may be mom useful to their
fellow, and to their country,- for on them in a ---
great measure, it must be admitted, depend the
perpetuity of our liberties, and the prosperity of
our country. And desire to learn, seemed to
have been the'object of every one, present.—
There were none of those persons there who
know too much already to learn, and are too
selfish and contracted, if they know anything
themselives, to itnpartthat information toothers.
It 1C:14 the remark of many, that ‘•I came here
not to give, but to receive instruction." How.
ever, when celled upon, none were found to
shrink from their duty; each one successfully
related his experience and gave his mode of
teaching the various branches brought np for
consideration. The methods of teaching were
so various and so very dissimilar in many re
spects that no one teacher could ever have
thought of them all. Here, then, was an op
porti.inity afforded to all who wished toimprove,
to select' and introduce into their schools, that
which they considered hest. A difference of
opinion not unfrequontly would arise, and
spirited and animated discussions follow, add
ing lin, and interest to the exercises. But in
those discussions, no harsh cutting, or improp
er language Was used ; the greatest harmony
and good feeling prevailed throughout the en
tire session. They worked together, with a
spirit and magnanimity which showed they had
at heart the great subject for whiehthey assem
bled to promote. And no doubt that time will
be reverted to by some as a few days employed
as pleasantly mid as profitably as any thnothey
ever spent in all their lives.
It would have allured us much pleasure to
have seen more ladies present, but the few that
were evinced an interest in the canoe of educa
tion not usually manifested and to their credit,
it most be said. participated in some of the dis-
CII4BIOIIA. Their ardent zeal in favor of the
cause thus fir be regarded as the most impor
tant event in the history of the Institute. That
all present were benefited and instructed is
freely admitted, and that much good will grow
out of such associations, is evident when wo
look at the condition of the Schools in those
States were Institutes have long existed. In
view of the good that has resulted, and is like
ly Is result from such efli rts ! would it not be
wiser policy for the School Directors of Hunt
ingdon county to urge their teachers to attend
the next meeting? Surely it would, and wobe
lieve it to be not only their duty to encourage
them to go, but to allow them for their time
when they do go. The community, we are sat
isfied, would lose nothing, but in the end be
greatly the gainers.
For a detailed account of all that *Ts done,
refer to the proceedings. AN OBSERVER.
May sth, 1853.
Our Commerce--Imports and Exports.
An appendix to the report of the late Secre
tary of flue Treasury, cominunicated to the U.
States Senate, gives some important informa
tion relative to our Imports,Exportsand Debts.
It states that our average annual imports . from
1821 to 1826, specie included, were $80,878,-
140; from 1848 to 1852 they were $181,966,-
579, allowing that they more than doubled in
thirty years. That our average imports from
1821 to 1826 were $69,439,785, and from 1848
to 1852, $175,943,360. That in 1821 the ton
nage of the U. States was only 1,298 2 928 tons;
iu 1852 it was 4,138,411 tons, showing that it
has more than trebled in thirty years. Next
to Great Britain, we have a 'larger tonnage
than any nation in the world, and in five years,
at the present rate of increase, we shall surpass
Great Britain.
The value of our annual products exceeds
three thousand millions of dollars, of which on
ly about $170,000,000 are sent abroad, leaving
$2,830,000,000 to be consumed at home by in
tea change among the States. At least 600,000,-
000 is thus interchanged, in the reciprocal system
which prevails between the States of the Union.
The total debt of the several States in 1851
was $201,541,624, which was less by some mill
ions than it had been during the previous ten
years. The value of property assessed in Um
same States was $5,983,149,407, the real value
being, however, $1,068,156,779—a pretty good
security, we think, for their debts, whether ow
ing at home or abroad.
The above facts relative to our home con
sumption of home products, will give some idea
of the importance of fosterinr , this invaluable
trade and exchange between the, States, and
the meagre consequences of the mach boasted
"foreign markets."
Fajta like these should speak trumpet tongu
ed to the people of this L Ilion in favor of the
eneuragement of our men manufac
turers by every prudent and lawful means. Let
the same system bepursued by our Government
that for a century and a half was pursued by the
British Government, and the result would be to
make us not only the mistress of the Hens, but
the . greatest manufacturing nation on the
globc.—Harrisburg 2Wegraph.
Coxsrmrriox or Tomteco.—The Journal
of the Statistical Society says; if the popula
tion of the earth he taken at 1000 millions, and
the consumption reckoned as equal to that of
the kingdom of Denmark, or seventy ounces a
head, the produce of the whale world will amount
to near two millions of tons (4933,125) a year.
Seventy ounces a head, of course, far exceeds
the average consumption of Europe, in most of
the countries of which tobacco is heavily taxed.
It is certain, however, on the other hand, that
is falls Lfar short of the consumption of Asia,
containing the majority of mankind, where wo
men and children smoke as well as men, and
where the article is, moreover, untaxed. Near
half of the British tonnage which "entered in
ward" or "cleared outward" last year would be
required to convey the quantity of this Ameri
can weed, of which the value, at twopence a
.pound, will amount to nearly thirty-six and a
half million sterling, ,C 30,162,500.
Re~ttisi/iwt /; :Ineyrd K 7,1 11,1111,8.-Tho
Lancaster, l'a., Doily Maud stoics that John
I L. Thompson, Esq., District Attorney tiro that
county, has menred a requisition t'rom flov.
Bigler on the firrvernor of Maryland, f', two
men, named Striae and Senders, now in the
pity of Baltimore, who are charged with
lug and participating in the recent kidnaping
near Maytown, in Lancaster county.
IRA.. Potato,: are selling in Ontario coaats ,