VOL. 18. TERMS : • The "HCXTINGDOW JovaxaL" is published at the following yearly rates: If paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing. 1,75 If paid at the end of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till after the expiration of the year. No subscription will hr taken for a less period than six months, sr ' paper will be discontinued, except at the .on of the pnblisher, until all arrearages are id. Subscribers living in distant counties. or in :her States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. far The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square of sixteen lines or less For 1 insertion $0,50, For 1 month $1,25, it 2 li 0,75, " 3 " 2,75, . 3 i/ 1,00, " 0 " 5,00, PROFESSIONAL Canna, not exceeding ten lines, and not changed during the year. • • •$4,00, Card and Journal, in advance, 5,00, BUSINESS CARDS of the same length, not chan ged, 53,00 Card and Journal in advance, 4,00 G ir Short, transient advertisements will he ad mitted into our editorial columns at treble the usual rates. _ . . . . On longer advertisements. whether yearly or transient, a reasonable deduction will ho made and a liberal discount allowed for prompt pay ment. POETICAL. I Wait for What a beautiful picture is the following Ah, it would almost make one throw away even the pen, and hurry home to his wife—if he has one. What shall repay the loss of such a wel come as this to the bachelor? Not even the luxuries of negative cares—not the silent hours of study—not the independence as a man For without the love of woman in the gentle corner of the heart, all welcomes are indeed i tie hearth is swept, the fire is bright, The kettle sings for tea; The cloth is spread, the lamp is light, The muffins smoke in napkins white, And now I wait for thee. Come, come, love, home, thy task is done; The clock ticks lixteningly; The blinds are shut, the curtains down, The warm chair to the fireside drawn, The boy is on my knee. Come home, love, come; his deep fond eye Looks round him wistfully, And when the whispering winds go by, As if thy welcome step were nigh, He crows exultingly. In vain—he finds the welCome vain, And turns his glance on mine, So earnestly, that yet again His form unto my heart I strain, That glance is so like thine. Thy task is done—we miss thee here; Where'er thy footsteps roam, No heart will spend such kindly cheer, No beating heart, no listening ear, Like those who wait thee home. Ah, now along the crisp walk fast That well-known step doth come; The bolt is drawn, the gate is past, The babe is wild with joy at last— A thousand welcomes home I Carry me Home to Die. RT CARRIE CARLTON. Oh! carry the hack to my childhood's home, Where the ocean surges roar, Where its billows dash on a rock bound coast, And moan forever more. I am pining away in a stranger's land, Beneath a stranger's eye: 0! carry me home, 0! carry me home, 0! carry me home to die. I sigh in vain for my native hills, Their sweet and balmy air, Would waft away from my yautliful brow, Each trace of gloomy care. I sigh to breathe the air of home, To gaze on a starry sky, ! carry me home, 0 ! carry me home, 0 ! carry me home to die. I long to see my mother again, And hear her sweetly say, "Come weary dove, here is thy home, Then fold thy wings nod stay." 'Twould ease my pain to hear her voice, When death had darkened my eye, 0 ! carry rue home, 0 ! carry me home, 0 ! carry me home to die. Then let me rest in a peaceful grave, Beside the loved and dead, For the quiet esrth is the only place, To rest my weary head. I would sweetly sleep, if you buried me there, Beneath New England's sky, 0 ! carry me home, 0 ! carry me home, 0! carry me home to die. Education in America. It is evident that the United States is pro gressing at an unexampled rate, partly from the enormous annual increase of its population by emigration and other caries—partly owing to the extent and fertility of its soil, the cheap rate at which all the necessaries, and even comforts of life can be procured, and, above all, from the indomitable energy and enterprise of its inhabitants. The important subject of the education of the people appears to engage the peculiar attention of the States, and the ef fects of this judicious foresight will, no doubt, be observable in the still higher social position and status of the rising generation in America. Wherever a few houses are erected, the school. house is the most prominent; and although separated from the secular, the religious in struction of the people is equally well attended to. The educational statistics of some of the large cities of America, and the almost nomin al rate nt which an excellent education can he procured, would put to shame noise of the boasted pre-eminence of the old world in this respect. Whatever the character of the peri odical literature may be, the wants of the Amer icans in this respect are equally well attended to, for they have no less than 2800 newspapers and periodicals, having an average circulation of about five millions, the entire number of co pies published annually amounting to no less than 122,000,000.—L0nd0n Morning Herald. 4Fir An old huelielor Wing ill, Ids Mister pre• scnted r cup of medicine, "Whiot is it 1" he u4cd. Slienn , :wered—'•lt ie 4.lixir arithmetic, it is very evoinutie, and will make yuu fuel very estatic." hr replied with n mil • e,:ou 111 . 0 VCIT lit - ting Dit itillticti: - I . 1 1 BXt BpTAR ABOVE THE HORIZON, PROMISING LIGHT TO GUIDE US, BUT TUE INTELLIGENT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WHIG PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES."-IWEBEITER ESSAY. olny follow their own rules while in the school room's they must be on the alert, always en deavoring to have the pupil see they require no thing they would not, and could notdothemselves. Teachers must make themselves thoroughly un derstood, to do this they must feel, and produce the same emotion in the soul of the pupil. All children would rather be praised than , blamed, and by extolling the good, the rebellions and unkind may be brought to do right, because its results please themselves. If teachers love and respect their pupils, many will return the feel ing. Let them make the path of truth and kind ness pleasant, keeping in their own and the mind of the pupil, that happiness is the reward of virtue, misery of vice. Instructors should teach their pupils, kind ness, politeness and care of the feelingsof those around them, kindness often wins, when all else fnils, who would not prefer seeing children do ing good actions, to seeing them engaged in malicious mischief. See them help the poor, rather than pass them by unnoticed, and when any one has done a kindness to his mate, let the teacher speak of it with pleasure, and it will be an incentive to another action, thus having a ESSAY, lasting influence on both parties concerned. Read by Miss C. T. Benedict before fhi The conduct of the teacher when free from Teachers' Institute of Huntingd,,,, the care of school, must still he the same, must County, April 22. 1853. be a never varying, changing., kind, truthful, polite teacher' It may be called reserved,spe. On the Influence of the Teacher. oantic proud, but such it must be, to have the Next to the parent, there is no person; t io desired influence. Every word,action,thought, has more influence on the habits and char r gesture, let it be on the street, at places of of children, than the teacher to whose eareiliqy , amusement, home, church, any where and eve are entrusted, they are expected to instil into ry where, the same integrity of purpose must the minds of their pupils, thoughts and ideas ; be visible. for their advancement, to form their minds for ! Influence of the teacher what should it be? receiving impressions, and to judge between One never ending life of truth. Every word good and bad. The duty of the school teacher that shall be spoken, should be an emotion is analogous to that of the parent. A parent, from a mind trained to integrity! Every nc who did not restrain a wayward child would tion, should seem to be dictated, by the earn bri.ak the commands of God. The first of the est love, and untiring zeal, to maintain the ten commandments, teaching our duty to our right and expose the wrong. Creator, the fifth, our duty to our parents, are Let the atmosphere that surrounds the teach the source of all order and good management, cc, at all times, be filled with his kindness and in the minor relations of life, and on them de. care to the helpless .and afflicted. With his Pend the comfort of society. The teacher be- fearlessness to rebuke the heartless and heed ing a delegated authority, derived immediately less, with his own purity of purpose; and a de from the parents,must do his duty as such nail, termination, to abide by the, good, because it is it is his orher duty,to enforce obedience, as on it, good; let all this be and brighter light shall the education of the young vitally depends. 1 gladden our hearts; and I can conclude in no Children are sent to schoolwhen very young,. other way than by saying, the influence of the and to them their teacher is an ever present. teacher should be an ever living exemplifiea example. It is their teacher they first endeavii tion of moral precepts, taught in the school or to imitate. How careful must teachers be t l room. that their conduct savour, not of ill-temper, uni, • Miss C. T. BENEDICT a . Being mach pleased with your very excellent Essay on the once of the Teacher," rend before the Institute, on Friday evening, April 22d, and having heard thewish by many other members, to see itin print—we xed earnestly request of eress you copy for publication. Respectfully, S. T. rinow R. MeDIVITT,., J. B. MACKLEROY. April 24, 1853. GENTLEMEN : At your request I Bcnd Ton a co- PS of the Essay to which you refer. When rend before the Institute, I thought it had fulfilled its mission. If, however, you think it worthy of general perusal, it is at your service. Respectfully, CURRANCE T. BENF.IICT. To Messrs. Meows, M'Etivrrr and 11 keICLE ROY. kindness, injustice, or anything which wish mislead the minds of their pupils, nothing excite in them contempt and aversion of theteach A Broken Heart. ' - • ' er. Teachers must apply themselves with al One of the most distressing and heart nen- I diligence to the cause they have undertaken. concerning themselves for those placed nip ' ''. ding events has recently oecured, in the oro of Bethel; in Bethel township, neigh theirDela- care, reasoning with them in the school room, exemplifying their words, by their cot- ' ware co., Pa., near the Delaware line, that we 'ever recollect having heard, or read of, either duct and conversation, in the daily walksof life.. in the pages of romance or the more, startling Give to the young minds, in language suited to ''incident their capacity, reasons for their actions, sate- sof real life. The consequence has been, that a young and lovely woman, a bride ments and suppositious and endeavor by getb,' of only five months, died a few weeks ago of a nets and kindness to give to each pup' broken heart. thoughts of his own and a way to expressth A Mr. C., a hi _lily respectable farmer living with readiness. in the neighborhood courted and married the Children, come into this world, posse, it,' daughter of another highly respected and weal nothing but a collection of impulses and r pa. thy farmer living as we stated above in Bethel bilities ;• These must be enlarged and dir .eted township. He took her to his home, where his for the benefit o f th emse l ves , an d those co: cousin, who kept house received her with nected with them ; on the parent and scion., smiles, and bade her welcome. Boot sloe soon teacher this duty devolves. Teachthem toiod,, found that some other tie was drawity.floor hus of actions and things, to love and obey theirpn. band's affections away from her. He left her rents, to reverence and respect old age. rem" , to sleep alone at night, which she often passed bering that a parents love seeks only their se... in tears. She soon saw enough to confirm her cess and their good; and they say is to the ao. suspicions that his cousin had withdrawn her complishment of these ends. Teachers m. 4 husband's affections, and that with Min she have a care, that their example atoll time... engaged in the enjoyment of illicit love. She im vines the child, that all the really good and ju,t mediately addressed him telling him that she commend their precepts and their practice. should go for a week, and that during that Genius was given not only for the benefit of time he must send his cousin away—and float its possesor, but for the benefit of others.— she would then come back and live with him, The sooner the possessor is taught, the nreesii• and forgive and forget all. He made her a ty of exerting and useing, for practical ptri"• limromise that he would. She went home.— ses, the talents with which his Creator es. , he first. second, and third week elapsed, and dowed him, the better for himself, and the het' still no husband came. She then told her sis ter for society. Until he does use it thus,he ' ter that it was time for her to go home. The may be likened to a hot-house-plant, nothin/.. carriage came, and her sister accompanied her. but a tender slip until warmed, strenghtened.an 1 When she arrived at her husband's residence invigorated, by the strong sun of public life. she found that her husband was absent. that None can have more than a few yearn lord lie was engaged in the woods. She was coldly themselves for the duties devolving item received by the cousin, who made no effort to them, in what ever station they are placed— get refreshments. She was placing a pie in Would it not be better to educate themi,el the stove when she remarked rather insulting thinkers, to give the time mainly to pm"' lv, "this is for Toni." The wife remarked knowledge, to things having a connection , ith that there was enough for him and others too, the business of life? As the season is brief ' i but the cousin reiterated float none else could surely this time should be put to the best a" , have any. Up to this time she had not told and the quantity learned should be of thAest quality. More regard should he had for future her grief to any member of the family. The for riving, soon after departed, and the lonshiind or thinking, and that would prepare the V . ,', r riving, she reminded him of his promise or send future action. Rather to knowledge which ' ing the cousin away, when she was startled by lasting than to that appertaining to overhang- ;his absolute refusal. She immediately walked ing circumstances, or to particular pursuits, — iup stairs, put a few things in a bandbox, and i the preference should be given to nstruction, ! started to her father's house on foot. She had which forms thoughts, refines taste, givess , tock of ideas, ever needful, though small, instead of . in a not gone far before her husband overtook her ~ carriage, and offered to take her home abstract science only, having but little inuu ence on the life. I but she refused and insisted on walking; and • 'et the whole distance on foot. She then Education aims at the health of the 0111, it embraces not the trades, the callings ht the humanities. As such is the case, can parents be too careful, in seleetingan instructorortheir children? Endeavoring to find one t r,t only capable of instructing them in their &dies, but their morals also, one who will feeloninter- ' cot in the welfare of the child, and promote its present and future happiness. How rolmnsi• ble a situation is the teacher's, they nist,gon duct themselves so that their actions , :q.nnr the public scrutiny, so not only one, bcaterm judge them. Their school-room is thei• lie.. pal field of labor. There, they reign op me. r, There, lay down laws to irect thecou, ma ny, who are shortly to present thems4 es to the world Ss men and women, exercisig. n in fluence over those surrounding them. piece, they form the future generation, for nob!), and no small amount of labor will satisfy tlie en quiring minds of the young. Their itiittls arc ever ready for ally impression. If to tiem the actions, the words, the voice of their instructor seems 'pleasing—Zit is enough; awarrant for their repeating it any time. If the conduct of the teacher, shou'l do vio lence to truth and virtue, the connection ought to be dissolved—the teacher however should not swerve from the line of duty. Let them use theia own sense of right and moron", their owi judgments, in governing and teaching, thei own skill and intellect in the exercise Of thei own profession, and the use is to be interfered with by no one.—ln ofter years how happy will it make them feel, to think they have done their duty. Set to their pupils an example worthy of imitation, one which will spook loudly for their fine sense of right and wrong; for the Sri. ginality of their ideas, for the good of society, and to fuel though then it was difficult now are they amply repaid. On the contmrv,thosewho are so desirous to please and to lie pleased, abandon their own . views at the atiggi;gtiou or complaint of a patron, and hock tti - iecomino• data themselves to the opinions of all: thus de• straying all system, and convincing the pupils that their teacher's opinionsarevalueless• now infinitely better to hear pupils once, but now no longer such say of the teacher of their youth, "They did their duty by roc, they made me what I am, , than "we are sorry our teachers were not more strict, for on them rests the shame of nor ignorance anddisgracc. ra,M :Alt: , if HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1853. MISCELLANEOUS, went unburthened her grief to her family. The next day her father ordered his wagon, and went to the husband's house for the purpose of procuring the furniture he had supplied her with on her marriage. Upon arriving. at the house, the husband was absent, the cousin alone being there. She had locked up all the doors, and drawers, and refused them admittance.— The father addressed his daughter, telling her she was mistress, to give orders to break open the door. She did so. The doors were accor dingly broken open, and most of the furniture and clothes belonging to the deserted bride were taken to her father's, where upon her ar rival she took her bed, and died solely of a broken heart. Thus was a young and lovely being whom "none knew but to love" or "nem. .1 her but to praise," only five months a bride, through crushed and alighted affection, hurried to her tomb. The funeral was attended by a vast concourse of this people of the neighbor. I hood.—Blue Hen's Chicken. Gums AND Born.—Airs. Bloomer imagines that the reason women differ from men. is be muse they are schooled and educated differently. Girls differ from boys not incidentally hat • radi cally. The first thing a boy does after he is weaned, is to straddle ti eitanisters and ride down stairs. The first things n girl 'sets her bean on' aro a doll and a sett of WV-fledged cups and saucers. Girls ate given to neatness and hate soiled garments of all kinds; boys on the contra ry, set a high value on dirt,and ore never so hap py as when sailing a shingle ship with a brown paper sail, inn mud puddle. Mrs. Bloomer may reason Its she may but she will fin; in the OW that Nature is stronger than either philosophy or sue• penders.—[Ex, BEAVTIFUL EXTRACT.—TIM veket MOPS grows on a sterile rock—the misletoe flourishes ou the naked branches—the ivy clings to the mouldering ruins—the pine and cedar remain fresh and fadeless amid the mutations of the passing year, and Heaven be praised, some thing green, something beautiful to see, and grateful M the soul, will, in the darkest hour of flute, still twine its tendrils around the cram hling altars and broken arches of the desolate huu,sn Political Science. Political Science is the science of Govern ment. Ever since the organization of our own Republic, it has received a large amount of consideration. It is a singular fact, that the first great political work on this subject, was published in the same year that the Declara tion of Independence was made. This wan "Smith's Wealth of Nations." The greatest minds, both in this country and in Europe, have been and are still devoted to the study of governments. Political Science is divided into two grand departments. The one is that of Pure Poli tics, or the ascertaining of the best principles. tinder which States may lie organized and and governed. Under this head the legisla. tine, judicial, and executive departments are considered; the proper functions dead); the restrictions in the supreme power; and how the various subordinate officers shal be elm. sen. The department of Pure Politics, in cludes subjects of vast interest. The intelli gence, morality, and capability of the people constituting nations, have to be taken into con sideration in the discussion of this department. The second greed division of Political Set ence, or that which is commonly understood as belonging to Political Eeonomy, contemplates governments as they exist; and considers the laws, by which the amount of wealth, civiliza tion, and happiness may be secured to the peo ple constituting the nation. The first thing to be done by a person who wishes to study Political Science, especially the second grand division, that of Political Econo my, is to ascertain the true and proper mean ing, of the terms employed in the Science. In deed, it is proper, in entering on the study of every department of human knowledge, to the definitibn of the terms which are used. The utility of this course is seen in the study of the mathematics. The point, the line, the surface, are all defined before the study of figure is commenced. The difficulties connected with the study of Political Science vanish quickly, where the technical or specific terms used are fully understood. Among the terms Most demanding attention ; at the outset are the words, value, wealth, and labor. Some of the ablest writers, on Political Economy, have evidently not paid sufficient attention to the exact meanings of these terms. In some parts of their discussions, they give a specific meaning to these terms; while in other parts, they either add an additional thought, or take something away from their first mean ing. The words, value, labor, and wealth, arc . . in the mouth of every politician; but it is the fewernumber who' have taken the trouble to inquire into their true signification. There is a sort of charm in the study of Po litical Economy. The enquiring mind, which lays hold of this study, is insensibly led to pur sue it to its close; this is peculiarly the case with our enterprising business men. Groat and substantial results cannot fail to follow.— Such men ultimately become our prominent merchants, This subiect should be attractive to all.— How important and interesting is it,to consider the adrant a 'cc crowing out of the Division of La bor. the Emnloyment of Capital. and the Dis tribution of Wealth I The mind expands by such considerations. The importance of more, knowled-te is seen at eye, step. The intelli rent man, other things behrg ecptal.has always the.ndvanta re. The necessity of History and Statistics is felt. Political Economy has something more than a common interest for n certain class of our citizonsAhose destined to be Diplomatists. It is in this department of knowledgeonorethan in any other, that they are to arm themselves for the intrigues and political contests among the representatives of nations. If they are to succeed in their missions and honor their coon. try, they must be as familiar with its discus. lionsand the practical workings of all (plea. tions involved In these discussions, in all the appropriate circumstances of the human fami ly. as a logician is familiar with the a•t and de tail of reasoning. Political Economy mu-4 oe copy a high place in the education of Diploma tists. There is vet one more important view of the subject. Political science is one demanding theeareful study of every American citizen.— In countries where the people have no privi leges, it may do for the covering few to under stand it. But in this republic, where every man's opinion is respected, and where every freemen exerts a controlling influence on the charaeter of a nation, it is eminently impor tant, that he should understand thoroughly the Treat questions of political economy. To. deed the safety and perpetuity of our institu tions depends; under the Divine sovereignty,on the intelligence and virtue of the people. The Dream of Happiness. Often had I heard of happiness, but was ig norant of it myself: My heart inquired if it was all a phantom—a thing of fiction merely, and not of fact ? I determined to travel through the earth and see if it was in the pos. session of one mortal. I beheld a king on his stately throne. Sub. jects obeyed his laws. Amultitude of servants came and went at his bidding. Palaces of the most costly materials were at his service, and his tables groaned with the richness of their burdens. He seemed furnished with all he could desire, but hit countenance betrayed that he was unhappy. I taw it man of wealth. He retitled in an elegant mansion, and was surrounded by ev. ery luxury; but he lived in a constant fear of loosing finis possessions. He was constantly imagining that all his property would be con. slimed or taken from him. Thus picturing to his own mind the miserable condition of him self and family, he was not satisfied with his present wealth. The more ho had. the more he desired Surely, here was not happiness.. .• , I looked upon a lovely valley. surrounded by hills. It the midst of it stood a neat little vil lage. Gurgling streams came murmuring clown the hillside. The lambs frolicked merri ly about. Cattle grazed in the verdant pas tures, and now and then went to quench their thirst at the nearest spring, or the purling brook. Everything seemed pleasant. I thought certainly here is happiness. But. I visited the inhabitants of this beautilla spot, and saw that they were not happy. They lived not peacea bly among themselves, and murmured because great wealth was not their portion, or that they were not horn to high station. _ _ I behold n fair young, creature. blessed with health and beauty. She was the life of the ballroom, nod received the most constant at tentions. But I preceived that she was not truly happy. These things could not satisfy the longings of her heart. I saw a true and heartfelt Christian. Tie was constantly exercising love to his fellow men, and doing all in his power to extend tlo• knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He trusted not in the vanities or this life for happiness. lie nought not thin world's riches. but mid up for himself' a treasure in Ih‘oven, His :Told was nt rest, and at peace with etod, , and with mankind. • Although he experiunced - many trials, both In public and private, ,t ill h. was cheerful, and content with his lot. Ile on • ly of all these was possessed of true happiness. [PelOngilr a Reporfew. "(VA C,olish mf.,nrkn'::'um •ron: Slavery in England. The following frightful account of white A very in London, which we extract from an English paper, is commended to the special attention of the hundreds of thousands of ladies in England, who are preparing to give Mrs. Stowe a national welcome, for exposing the evils of negro slavery in the United States. As . Mrs. Stowe has so largely profited by her first novel, we commend this as 3 subject for a sec ond, in which her ininginati )n would not be so severely taxed in search for the pathetic. The article is from the London re,M, , and is written by what is called a "First Aland" Sempstress, for which she has been proscribed by her hu man? employers: " I have been engaged in this business for fourteen years at different 'fiTst-class houses,' and as my health is now suffering from the 'late hour system,' I have been prevailed upon by thil medium to give that information which experience has taught me, in th.' hope that some enterprising and humane individuals will exert themselves to break the chains of that slavery under which so many thousands of their country-women are hound. I will now speak of a recent engagement of mine, and which in the 'one' ease will illustrate the majority of the 'West-end houses' I held the position of what is called 'first-hand,' and had twelve young people under me. The season commenced aboathe middle of March. We breakfasted at six A. M., which was not allowed to occupy more than a quarter of an hour. The hard work of the day begun immediately. At elev en o'clock a small piece of dry bread was brought to each as luncheon. At that hour the young people would often ask my permission to send for a glass of beer; but this was strictly prohibited by the principals, as they insisted that it caused a drowsiness, and so retarded the work. At one the dinner bell rang, which re past consisted of a hot joint twice in the week, and cold meat the remaining five days, no pud ding, and a glass of toast and water to drink. To this meal twenty minutes were given.— Work again till the five o'clock summons for tea, which occupied fifteen minutes. Again to work till called to supper at nine, which also occupied fifteen minutes, and consisted of bread dry cheese, and a glass of beer. All again re turned to stitch, stitch, till one, two, or three o'clock in the morning, according to the busi ness, while Saturday night was being anticipa ted all the week, because then no one would work after twelve. With this one night's ex ception, all the rest we had for three weeks, from the end of May to the middle of June, was from three to six, while two nights during that time we never lay down. I leave your readers to imagine the spectral countenances of us all. I shudder myself, when I recall the picture. " At midnight I very frequently let all put down their werk to doze for ten minutes, while, with my watch on the table, I kept guard, and at about one o'clock each one received a cup of strong tea—as the principals case we should feel sleepy, to amuse all to work.' In what state of health could July. the termination of the 'season.' he expected to find us poor 'En glish slaves ?' The sequel is easily told. Each one, instead of going to enjoy a little recrea tion, went home to lie upon a sick led. For myself, I was attacked with a serious illness. which laid me up for three months, and has greatly impaired my constitution. ' T would endeator to make known another got-yin,: evil' which, in 'millinery and dress-ma kin, houses,' demands, also, immediate soros motion. I allude to the 'sleeping rooms,' or more properly 'sleeping pens,' in which young people, after n laborious day's work, of perhaps twenty hours out of the twenty-four, are expect ed to rest, to obtain that refreshing sleep so ne cessary to fit them for the duties of the day. In most of these dormitories, six, eight, and even ten sleep. Imagine the putrid air generated by the breath of ten persons sleeping in one close room, without a chimney, or any sort of ventilation, with scarcely space to move in, 1 1 their own trunks and boxes supplying the place of washstand; throwers, and dressing-table.— This, I assure you, is the ease with all the 'as sistants.' except the 'first band: who always make an arrangement to hove either a roam to themselves, or shared only with the other 'first hand' But this is more than the other young people dare to ask for—even dare to wish for —nn pain of dismissal. with the reproach, 'O, you are too particular for houses of business!'" The London Times comments with great se verity on this odious system of degradation, and charges it, in no small degree, to the very ha dies who, while weeping over the fictions of Uncle Tom's Cabin, can thus countenance the oppression and murder of their own white sis terhood. Referring to their change from their working to their sleeping rooms, the Times "The alternation is from the tread-mill (and what a tread-mill I) to the Block Hole of Cal cutta. Not a word of remonstrance is allowed, or is possible. The seamstresses may leave the mill, no doubt: but what awaits them on the other side of the door? Starvation, if they be honest; if not. in all probability, prostitution and its consequences. They would scarcely escape from slavery in that way. Surely this is a very terrible state of things, and one which claims the anxious consideration of the ladies of England, who have pronounced themselves so loudly against the horrors of negro slavery in the United States. Had this system of op pression against persons of their own sex been really exercised in New Orleans. it would have elicited from them many expressions of sympa thy for the sufferers, and of abhorrence for the cruel task-masters who could so cruelly over work wretched creatures so unfitted for the toil. It is idle to use any further mystification in the matter. The scenes of misery we have described exist at our own doors, and in the most fashionable quarters of !incurious London. It is in the dress-making and millinery estab lishments of the 'West-end,' that the system ts steadily pursued. The continuous labour is bestowed upon the gay garments in which the 'ladies of England' love to adorn themselves.-- It is to satisfy their whims and caprices, that their wretched sisters undergo these days and nights of suffering' and toil." Indian and Yankee. The water at Mackinaw is very clear and cold, so cold as to be almost unendurable. A gentleman lately :unused himself by throwing a small coin in 'twenty feet of water, and giving it to an Indian who would bring it up. Down they plunged, but after descending ten or twelve feet, they came op so chiled that alter several attempts they gave it up. A Yankee standing by observed that "if he would give it to hint for getting it, he'd swing it up quicker than lightning;' to which ho consented: when Pentium instead of plunging In, as was expee• NA - quietly took up a setting pole and dipped :14.01 iii a tar barrel, reached it down to the snip Arid brought it up, and slipping it in his pikket' and wined ofT, to the nem/etyma of the Indian Divers and to the no small chagrin of the donor. to drown grief it Sar•Foolisline. -trying The Crystal Palace. This great enterprise is being pnshed forward with flanging energy, and there is no doubt will he completed, by the first of June. Pour hun dred men are constantly employed on the struc ture under the direction of J. E. Detnold, super intending engineer, The N. Y. Journal of Com merce says: With the exception of the dome, the iron work of this portion is now eery near completion, and the Crystal Palace begins to dovelope. in its stately proportions, the design originally eon. ceived by itsprojeetor. The interior presents a labyrinth of pillars, rode, ropes and timbers, with men thickly scattered, and making the air re sound with the clatter, clang end creaking of their implements. Cartons visitors arc excluded by a woden enclosure, with gate-keepers, but the vicinity is daily visited by increasing numbers. The summit of the Reservoir is the favorite look out place. On Thursday last, it M estimated,not less than 5000 persons visited the Reservoir to avail themselves of the prospect there afforded.— A large number of strangers are already attrac ted to the city by the presence of the palace. The entire 'auililing is ready to he roofed, ex cepting the dome, the glazing of the first story is nearly finished, and that of the second has been commenced; the roof of one section has been pat on, and the floor of the second story tins been Isid as far as the roofing extends. The dome, which is 100 fret in diameter, will be supported by 24 iron co . :urns. Immediately over these is placed an iron massing, made to enstain a massive east iron bed-plate, on which rests the 32 ribs of the dome. The trussing and lied-plate ere now be ing adjusted. and tint a few days, perhaps a week, will he speedily laid down, the arrangement of gentle commence, and the aspect of things be ma terially changed. The sides of the dome will display 32 esentelienns, in colored glass, repre senting the United States coat of arms, and those of other nations. The floor-timbers and roof-boards are the only parts that will he of wood, and to render loss by fire impossible, there are 16 hydrants on the low er floor and the same number above. The quan tity of iron used in the construction of the whole building will be nearly 1,400 tons. The east iron girders, or beams, supporting the floor-timbers, have each been tested for the support of 15 tons. but are capable of supporting 35 tone without breaking. The greatest weight that can he put on any one of them is 7 tons. The floor hoards are pot together with small crevises, to facilitate weeping. There will he four spacious entrances to the building, each having two flights of iron stairs leading to the galleries. The stairs are al ready in their place. The galleries, which aro 54 feet wide, 62,000 'roar° feet, or about one acre and a half; and the ground floor 111,000 eqnare feet. or about two acres and a half, ma king a total area of 173,000 square feet, or nearly four acres. The extreme length of the structure, or of each of the arched naves forming the transverse err. dons of the cross, is 365; its height from the ground to the crown of the arch, is 67 feet, or the crown of the dome 118 feet and the top of the lantern surmounting the dome 149 feet.— Ventilation is amply provided for in every part. On each floor there are 372 cast iron ventilmors, arranged to admit or exclndo air as may he de sired, beside ventilators near the roof on every side. The glans used is made to appear an if ground, by a peculiar process, to subdue the light. It is covered with it virtuous enameling, which is ap plied in the form of a paste, and made to adhere to the glass when in a fused state. This obviates the use of a cloth covering, such as was used on the London palace. The construction of the New York palace re flects honor on Mr. Detnold, who devised and executed the plans on which it in built. In point of symmetry it is centered it, surpassing its Lon don progenitor. As the variourand almost in numerable parts were marls in half a dozen dif ferent States, employing eight diffeient foundries, tt is no easy matter to insure accuracy in their construction, so that all shall exactly fill the place for which they wore designed. Notwithstanding this difficulty, comparatively little detention has been experienced from this source. The palace will cost about $300.000. A great quantity of goods designed for exhi bition have already arrived from abroad, and are stored in the 1.7 S. bonded warehouses. Over 4,600 applications from exhibitors have been re ceived from this country alone, while those from Europe number about 3,000, of which 700 are from England. 800 from Germany, and 500 from France. We learn that so strict are the limits available for exhibitors compared with the de mand, that it has been determined to construct other buildings without the palace as n means of relief. The boilers with which to drive the ma chinery. are six in number and forty feet in length placed in a building distinct from the Palace.— The latter will be enclosed with a suitable railing. TH. OBSERVATORY, LARGE TELESCOPE, &c. —A mushroom city has sprung up in the neigh borhood of the palace, comprising about a dozen hotels of various descriptions, catch-penny-shows. a great number of temporary wooden structures intended for refreshment saloons, stores, drinking shops. &e., besides dwellings intended for hoard ing houses. For such as are eligibly situated, the most extravagant rents are readily obtained. One small wooden structure, 90 by 30 feet, rents for $lOOO per annum; bat tho occupant receives more than this amount by leasing out his stoop and the protection of his awning, for apple and soda stands. Tho most conspicuous ohject, aside from the Palace, is the "Latin Observatory," so called from the name of its projector. It will be 75 feet diameter at the base, 350 in height, built of tim ber, bolted in the strongest manner. The Grand Jury pronounced it perfectly secure. At the dis tance of about 100, 900 and 300 feet from the base will ho landings, with lookout places, to which passengers will be elevated by a steam car. At the highest will be placed a telescope of great power, and which, we are informed, will be the largest in the country, with a sixteen inch glass, or a glass' ono inch larger in diameter than the Cambridge telescope. The glass is being mann facturedin Europe, and until this is completed a ten Inch glais will be used. The instrument will cost about 22.000. At the lower landings the ' 'vision will be aided by achromatic telescopes with four inch openings. The view commanded will be very extensive, from the second landing the ascent will he by means of a spiral stairany.— , 'Nfr. Thulium nit rentionel tl4, cliterri.e NO. 20. WI line been reported. The Observatory will cost $75,000. Next to this may he mentioned *machine with lone revolving arms, to the ends of which are attached large wooden boxes. It is proposed to whirl people around in these boxes, elevating them eighty feet from the ground. Terms Is for three turns, or 64 for one. Close by is a circular railroad, inclosed in a wooden building and covered with canvas.— People will here be turned around till satisfied. At a short distance is Corporal Thompson's largo circus, nearly completed; also, one or two pano ramic exhibitions, a large ice -house, &c., &e., The American flag Is sees displayed from the moct of these structures. A golden harvest is anticipat ed. From the American lifeasonger. The Young Wife's Prayer. Harry B- was a wealthy young planter in one of our southern Atlantic states, uniting in himself all those amiabilities andexcellenees which in the eve of the world make up the gentleman and the good companion. He had lately married a gentle, loving maiden; and their days were speeding by in the enjoyment, as they fondly fancied, of every thing that could confer pleasure or add a greater zest to life. But in the midst of their round of dissi pation, the young wife felt an undefined long ing for something purer, holier, than she had yet experienced. The Spirit of God was gent le leading her, though she realized it not, to the possession of real pleasure, and the pros. pea of unending bliss. In this feeling of dissatisfaction with world ly joys, her steps were providentially directed to a religions service attenecd by the poorer class of her neighbors. The deep seriousness of the humble throng, the fervid earnestness of the preacher, and the inward monitions of the awakening Spirit in her troubled breast, told her that here was to be found the lasting joy she sought, even in the ennobling service of Christ. The conflict was short. Shit found repentance and submission sweet. She found her Saviour gracious. The news fell like a thunderbolt upon the ear of the astonished husband. She so gentle. ao winning, the idol of the festive throng, and the acknowledged queen of every gay assem. blage, a humble follower of Jesus? Was she to forsake the world, of which she had been so long a bright and shining star? Was she who had lived so long for him alone, to give up all for Jesus? Ah, how the deep malignity of his evil heart burst forth. But though she trembled and wept at his angry expostulations she faltered not. At length the time drew near when the new convert, with other fruits of the pastor's faithful ness, were publicly to avow their renunciation of the world. B--'s anger was nowfully ex cited. Had his wife been willing to NATI:et herself with any of the more fashionable con gregations of the neighboring city, he could have the better endured it; but to behold the shrinking form of her he loved with those of a lower grade of society, and even in company with slaves, profess faith in Christ, was most galling to his proud spirit. To his anger he sent word to the minister that he would pub. licly castigate him, if he dared to baptize his wife. But a short time had elapsed, when, as he returned one night from a scene of revelry and mirth, his noiseles step was unperceived; and as he approached the door ofhis room, the'tonos of a gentle voice, in earnest pleading before the throne of grace, fell upon his ear. It was his threatened ill-used wife, bending in prayer for her erring husband's salvation. His heart was touched; the sword of the Spirit pierced its adamantine sheath of rebellion and sin; and silently, with the tears streaming from hiseyes. he too knelt beside her—he too joined in the prayer for mercy. What a change had God wrought! He who in his pride had despised the humble followers of Christ, was now foremost in deeds of humil ity and love. Instead of being engrossed in the pursuit of pleasnre, the ordinances of God where now his delight, the story of redeeming love his changeless theme; and husband and wife, sundering the ties that hound them to' the gay world, pressed in singleness of mind, "toward the mark for the prize of the high• calling of God in Christ Jesus." S. The Twilight of the Grave. The Gravel into its dark portals enter the !wad and the plane:, and they return no more! Their mortal frames have fallen, and now, how awfully mysterious is the grave! And nought can reveal its secrets, until the last trump shall sound, awakening Earths countless millions to life and immortality. Yet the night of death is not all darkness.— When the Christian is laid to rest, when the toils and cares of his pilgrimage are over, a glorious halo surrounds his tomb, a beauteous twilight reigns ever there. When the Son of God arose triumphant over the grave, he rob bed it of ita terrors. The Christian rests in hope. Wherever his ashes repose, whether side by side with much loved friends, or in a strait gets grave, they will rise in imperishable glory, and throughout eternity, live ever on. Then why should we fear the grave? It is a quiet resting place for the weary pilgrim, and when its portals open to receive his toil-worn frame, his ransomed spirit arises to mansions of eter nal light and glory. Then let us no . longer look upon the grave. as the end of all our hopes, nor feel that the loved ones there entombed, must lie in ever lasting silence, but may we hope to be re-united when the night of death is passed. Let us no longer consider the torah a dreary abode, but feel that the gloom of earth, and the brightness of heaven combine to render it a glorious twi light. 'The Christian's grave is a hallowed spot.— The depraving one stands at the threshold of eternity, and the hopes and fears, the logs and sorrows of life move him no longer. The sands of life are nearly spent. and when the last one falls, he departs to the spirit world; to that heavenly home, where the changing scenes of time cannot enter, where farewell tears are never shed, whore sorrows are unitnown.—Lis• zit. velar you wish to make a good-looking girl take to intellectual pursuits, push her down stairs some day and break her nose. Beauty is a shocking enemy to books, and no more taste for study than it has for wrinkles and cow-hide boots. As a general thing, girladon't take to Algebra till the beaux wade to take them. A Smtr.e.—A word spoken pleasantly is ft large spot of sunshine on the and heart—and who has not seen its effects? A smile is like the bursting out of the sun from behind a cloud, to him who thinks he b 3 no friend in the wide world, mar A man who shoe* any desire to do good is at once made a pick-li orset and those who cannot me hint : call hint a Iln,,rite.