Administrator's Notice. ETTERS Ofluitninistra don haring been grant d to the undersigned on the estrnc of John Walker, late of Dublin township, dcc'd., ell per suns basing claims against snid estate will present them duly aathenticat-ii for settlement, anti those indebted to said Estate will make immediate pay ment to •JAMES CREE. March 16,'53.-6t" Miter. B. A. MILLER, D. D. S. Ai'4ficial Teeth, from ono to a full art, mounted in the most improved modern Ptylc. Filling, Filing and cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth F..rentetcrl with all the MO and despatch that modern science can furnish. March 2, 1853. LATE ARRIVAL Of Spring and Summer Goods, at B. & G. NEVIS' STORE, The subscribers respectfully return thanks for the patronage they have received during the time they have been in business, and would inform the eld'eustomers of S. Levi, with as many now ones as may be pleased to favor them with their pat ronage, that they still continue to distribute Goods at Maguire's old stand, in Market Square, Hun. tingdon, whore they will be happy to supply all who may be in want of anything in their line at the lowest possible rates. 'Ladies and Gentlemen what we are going to tell you now is no "Hum bug." Our stock of Goods consists chiefly of a most splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, Ladies Dress Goods, front the plianest to the finest Silks, Alpacas. Mouslin de Bun', Mous do Laines, White and Brown Mutiny, White Dress Muslins, and La dies' Dress Goods In every variety. Also, Ho, story, Gloves, Veils, Woolen Scarfs &c., &c., with a variety of Fancy Articles and Jewelry. Also a splendid Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres Iteady-Made Clothing: Fine Coats from $7,50 to $l5; Business Costs from $1 to $10; Pants from 75cts. to $6; Vests from 37icts. to $5. Men and Boys' lists it. Caps, of different qualities. Also—A splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes, got up with he latest and most approved pattrens and styles. Also—a choice selection of Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, Glassware, fre-, Rtc. As cur motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL Nome," whoever does not come and buy trom us does not intend to save money, thinking e nimhleninepence better than a slow shilling, we invite all to come and examine our stock of Goods, as we charge nothing for looking at them, so it you don't buy it will cost you nothing but the pleasure of a pleasant ritlenr walk—fur we intend to keep all from a brootnstirk to a windmill. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods, SIMON & GABRIEL LEVI. March 23, 1853. JULIUS STERN. No 171 North 2nd (o , ofzte the Camel Ilote, Phf ad ihia, Baying in Store a full and extensive assortment' of Millinery Articles, Trimmings, and Fancy Gooch, such as Ribbonds, Laces, Blond, Glace- Silks, Florences, Bonnet Cronies, and a large as sortmunt of Needle .worked Rd k fs., Collars, Caps, Flounces, Ingenious, Editions, Ste., together with a great variety of other articles in our line too numerous to mention, ut Wholesale & Retail. N. B. I request all such that are about making their spring pnrchuses to give me a call. Mar r a IV '53.-2m, WOOD & WILLOW WARE. 20,000 FANCY CORN BROOMS, 1,500 DOZ. UCCEETS, ASSORT'D COL ORS, 600 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS, 800 CEDAR.CHURNS. 500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, 300 DOZ. WALL & SCRUB BRUSHES. The largest stock ever offered in Philadelphia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly M. & J. M. ROWE, No. ill North Third Street, March 9, '53.-3m. Philadelphia. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN ,, STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, NO. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Philadelphia. HAVING received by.late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to °Wer to their customers; at the lowest market prices— Glees Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, and colors, Fancy Nets and Laces. Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade: March 9,'53.-2m. SOMETHING NEW. UR, S. 11. G. SUPLEE, invites the attention J.T.A. of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to her unrivaled assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, for full sized Ladies' Dresses, Sleeves, Mantles, Talmas, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sacks, &c. &e. The Patterns are embroidered in various de igns, printed and fringed, showing exactly how the Dress will appear when made. Being in constant communication with the best houses of London and Paris, and furnished month ly with every new design as soon as it appears, the joublic can always depend on this Old Estab lished House for the most recherche novelties iu in dress. Always on hand a beautiful assortment of Children's Clothing,- f the newest styles and materials. Medals were awarded her in 1848, '5O, nuti's2. 07' A sin of Six Patterns will be soot to any nas enclosing Three Dollars. Mrs. 11. G. Suplee's Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium, 54 South 2d St, Philadelphia. Feb. 2,1853.-3 m RfIEISTINE'S DOUBLE REFINED SYR UP, New Orleans, and S. H. Molasses, fur sale cheap at the new store of J. BRICKER. A fresh supply of Garden Seeds from Risley' -M. Gardens, just received; and for sale by Feb. 23, 1853. J. &. SA XTON. Aa bp.itirut lot of Cast jron Pumps, for Wells -M. anti Cisterns, just received, anti for sole by J. & W. SAxToi 7413.23, 4853. • Misting Powder and Safety Fuse always on hand.aukl for sale at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. Fresh Cheese always on hand and for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. (ER Y—A good lot. of the best, at EDMUND SNARL'S. Timber Land for Sale. WILL he sold, at Private Sale, TIMBER LAND, (in small or largo quantities,) situ ated and lying on the Woodcock Valley solo of Tussey Mountain, in the neighborhood of Mar , klesburg, and extending several miles. Terms accommodating. . . Apply to Jujoh Cresswell, Trough . Creek, llnn, ingdon county, or George Rundle & %V. Griffith, rrustees of the Estate of Savage, No. 2, Yurk st., 'hiladelphia. March 9, 1853.—tf. SHIRLEYSIIIIRG FEMALE SEMINARY AND JUNIATA. ACADEMY. THE Summer Session of these Institutions com mences on WLDNESDAY THE 4TII DAY OF MAY, and continues five months. A fund of $l5OO has been procured, to be applied to the purchase of a superior philosophical apparatus and a standard library. With these facilities for in struction, the Principals and Trustees of these In stitutions offer to all, rind especially to those seek ing to qualify themselves for teaching, advantages equal to those enjoyed by the academical student in our colleges,. These Institutions are in the same village; though,cutirely separate, and some distance apart, thus affording to parents the opportunity of send ing their sons and daughters together. Believing that the same principles sought to he carried out in our common school system, should, and will eventually, extend to th e highest branches of a liberal education, the Principals and Trustees view what they have done only as the nucleus of fur ther and more extended efforts, which, as they proceed, will enable them to afford to all classes, a liberal course of education, tit an expense more commensurate with the limited means of a large number of the youth of our State, who are enga ged in the praise-worthy endeavor to obtain an education. And with this expectation, they com mend their Institutions to the patronage and kind assistance of all friends of a sound, liberal and general education. TERMS-FEMALE SEMINARY : Lessons oh the Piano, with the use of it, etrument, per quarter, Latin and French, each, • • • • Painting $3,00, and pig:Ting Vocal Music, with the PienO accompani- ment, ' 50 Board, lights, washing and tuition, for the Summer Session or 22 weeks, $45 00 No incidentals. Day scholars, the nsual prices, according to studies. TERM S--ACADEMY : Tuition, $6,00, $lO,OO, and $12,00, per ses sion, according to grade of studies. Boarding can be had in the village for from $1,50 to $2,00. No deduction for absence except in cases of protracted sickness. tkir The semi-annual examination of the Pu pils of the Female Seminary will commence on Mirada, the 7th dug of April. The friends of the Seminary, and the public, arc respectfully in vited to attend JAMES CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal of Female Seminary If. J. CAMPBELL, Principal of Academy March 2,1833.-3 m. WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM SAFES. More Proof of their Superiority. The Late Fire in Jersey City. Ak. Silas C. Herring—Sir It gives us much pleasure to state that a Safe of your make was tho Timms of preserving our books and valuable pa pers, together with a lot of Silver Spoons, Forks, &c., from destruction by the fire that occurred in our store on the night of the 27th ult., at No. 46 Montgomery at. The fire commenced near the Safe, which, owing to its situation on a wall, did not fall into the cellar, but was exposed to the Nil heat of the fire from its commencement, and when taken from the ruins had all the brass plates and knobs completely molted off: Yours, . It. B. EARLE & CO. Jersey City, Feb. 3, 1853. Great Fire in Strawberry st.—Letter fe um Lewis. ,S• Ca.—Phila., .March 29, 1852. Mr. John Farrel—Sir: It affords me much sat istliction to inform you that the " Herring Sala mander Safe" which we purchased of you n short time since, preserved our hooks and papers in good condition, during the severe ordeal through which it passed at the disastrous conflagration that took place at our warehouse on the morning of the 28th inst , when the safe was exposed to the most intenso heat for sonic hours, and when dragged 'from the flames was red hot on several sides. We make this statement by way of bearing testimony to the worth of these valuable Fire Proofs. Very respectfully, LEWIS & Co. The Proprietor of the genuine Herring Sala mander Safes," challenges the whole world, in the sum of One Thailand Dollars, to produce their equal. Awarded the Prize Medal at the World's Fair, London,and the GOLD MEDAL by the Amer ican ft , itnte. Over 8000 of these safes have been sold a are now in use, and more than 100 hare passed triumphantly through accidental fires. Second-hand Safes and "Salamanders" of oth er makers, having been taken in part pay for "Herring's," tor sale at cheap rates. JOHN FARREL, • 34 Walnut St., Philadelphia. llarblelsed Iron Mantles, Table Tys; from the Worksof the celebrated "SALAMANDER MARBLE CO." on hand in great variety. , March 2,1853.-3 m. NOTICE. ALL persons are warned against taking an as signment of a Note, bearing date September IS, 1852, in favor of Simon Levi for $36,79. Said note was obtained by fraudulent representations as to the contents. amount and character of the pa pal, at the signing thereof, and will not be paid by me, unless compelled by law, HENRY LEVI. March 2, 1853. CAR*, GIESE, & FLOUR , GRAIN dc LUMBER Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE. RErEft JAM Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bank, Balt. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, " John Hutzler, Jr., Esq.; Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnickson, & Co., " I. 'Fame, Esq., Presd't Cecil Bank, Port Deposit. J. Wallower & Son, Harrisburg Col. 11. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove. J. H. App & Co., • " Nagle, Wingate & Co.. Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " Cleo. Bodine, Hughesville. W. Wearer & Co., Moutoursville. Gen. W. F. Packer, Williamsport. 'l'. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, James 11. Haling, Esq., • Lewis G. Hiding, McHenry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. I'. Haling, Lock Haven. Ite- Carr, Giese g• Co. ' have the largest wharf room of any Commission House in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharg ing their cargoes. (Feb. 23-6 m WANTED. in exchange for merehandize, 500 bushels , of dried apples; paired; 250 bushels of Peaches, un paired. A. S. HARRISON, Co. Ola MONNATES from 25 rents op to Olt) nt rel STRAW GOODS. ' ITAKE this opportunity to notify my customers, and the Trade in general, that I have in store a choice nssort m en t of STRAW BONNETS, such as Blonds, Tripolis, "Pearls, French Gimps, Gos samers CHILD RENS' HATS, Bonnets. Straw Trimndngs, and Millinery Goods, such ns Crapes, Tarltonq, Illnbions. Sllkv, Ribbons; Crape and Tarlton Linings, Preach and Americas Flowers, Buckram Frames,Crawns, &c., to which I In vite your attention. I have made arrangements with the principal Importers and Manufacturers so that I will be enabled to receive all the newest Styles of Goods. I feel confident that I can sell my Goods AS LOW as any person in the trade. WM. G. CALVER, No. 59, N. 2nd St., Phila. March 9,1853.—1 m. CUBA ANNEXED. CORNPROPST & CUNNINGHAM Are now offering at their Store and Warehouse in Portstown, The most extensive Stock of DRY-GOODS, Groceries, Glass, Hard, and Queenswarc, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps and Ready made Clothing, • ever offered by one establishment in the county. Their assortment is full and complete, and is un surpassed in quality or cheapness, by any thing in this market. Their operations in the Grain and Produce business are very heavy, and'are allcon ducted on a cash principle. All kinds of mer chantable grain are paid for in cash as soon as delivered, and at the following advanced prices White Wheat, Rend do, Rye, Shelled Corn, Oats, ". After the first of April next, they will also con nect with their business, the HUNTINGDON MILL; they will pay cagh for all grain delivered to them at their Mill and will delis cr, twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday, all the family grinding en trusted to their care, without additional charge. Jan. 12, 1852.-1 r $B,OO -4,00 -1,00 WANTED, PENNSYLVANIA LANDS, from 300 to 20.000 acres in exchange for City Property, Mer chandise or Cash. Apply to J. A. BURDICK, Real Estate Brokers, 106 Walnut St. Jan. 2', '53. Philadelphia. FREE BRIDGE. THE Commierioners of Huntingdon County having purchased the Toll Bridge, near the West end ot the borough of Huntingdon, there fore notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to . the Juniata Bridge Company, in said county, by bond, note, or for yearly subscriptions of toll, to make payment of the same, without delay, to JAMES G W IN, Treasurer. January 10, 1853. • Foundry for Sale or Rent. •. ►T HE old established Stone romidry,.4o by 40 feet, Ware Route 30 by 40 test, En gine House 30 by - 81 feet; Patterns for Cook Stoves, 3 sizes—Patterns for Cook Stoves for Coal and' Wood, 3 sizes; Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal, Tight Ait Stoves, Thrashing Machine Patterns, Patterns for Egg Stoves, 4. sizes; and for runonts for Forges and Rolling Mills, Wagon Box Patterns, Hill-side and Bull Plough Patterns, Iron Wash Kettles, e•ith a variety of other Pat terns, and a largo Lathe for turning Iron or Wood, all in good order. Apply to the subscriber at Alexandria, ISRAEL GRAFIUS. January 12, 1853. MOO: mmlin, WHOLESALE GROCERS -AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN BACON, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES; No. 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to the sale of Blooms and Pig Metal, and CASII advances made. Dec. 9, '59 . .-Iy. --- • WATCHES, - CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, Ono door east of Mr. C. tout's Hotel, Mar- ket street, Huntingdon, where ho Will attend en all who will favor him with their custom, and al- • so keeps on hand a good assortment of WATCHUS, CLocga, JEWELRY, &c., &e., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Wittehes and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with it , good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving itrticles for repairing shall have* them done at the precise time. By paying strict attention to business, and selling at low rates, ho hopes to receive a share of public patronage. ' JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon, Sept. 7,1852.—1 y. NEW STORE, New Goods and New Prices. HARRISON, & COUCH Imrejust opened a magnificent assortment of rich and rain Store Goods, at their now store room in Portstowa. Their stock is entirely now, and consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS, HARD & QUEENSWARE, READY MADE CLOTHING. VARIE • TIES AND NOTIONS, &c., all of which will be cold at the lowest rates for cash or exchanged for country produce. Tho highest price given at all times for every description of merchantable grain. Broad Top Depot, Dec. 30, 1852. NEW GOODS EVERT MONTH, At The Cheap Cash & Proillice Store of .JlllllOB Bricker The undersigned, encouraged during the past year, by the very liberal patronage of a discern ing public, has made pertnament arrangements for receiving, from the Eastern Cities, FRESH GOODS EVERY MON'fill His steel: of Gro ceries, Drugs, Confectionares, Boots & Shoes, Li quors, Notions, and general varieties, is now ex tensive and eotm.lete, of the very finest quality, and sold wholesale or retail, at thevery lowest figures for cash or country produce. Dec. 2,'52.-Iy. R. W. SMITH: DENTIST, WIATING DON, P.l. November 18, 1852. • TOSEPII DOUGLASS, in M.:Connellstown, has constantly on hand, and is prepared to make and repair GUNS of all kinds at the short. est notice. • Nov. 25, '52. Ar b 1 . No. 1 Honing, for sale at the etotO Philadelphia Advertisements. COMMERCIAL HOTEL.' The Subscriber having lensed the Public House, formerly known as the American House, No. 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the same to • THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, • Begs leave-to inform his friemis and the Public, that this house has undergone a thorough remod elling, repairing. repainting and repnpering, from attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni ture, bedding, &c., &c., has been procured from the most celebrated Manufactnrers in this city. Front the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Land ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor oughfares and Public Squares, it offers induce meats to the Merchant visiting the city on busi ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasitre. To fam ilies and females visiting the city, every facility will be offered, and every' comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. September 9. 1852.-6 m THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand and is receiving for the coming season, a fine assortment of cs• N.T,Nr (51.11a.u. 47 , Consisting of Watches ' Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, Medallions, &e. Together with his celebra ted and unrivalled SI 00, 95, 62a, 50, 331, (*co:LIM T MIT 4 Which is ctmal if not superior, to any now in use Each Pen is Engraved with his own name, and eve'r'y Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Mercy on us what a trout; Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen I!' Where did you get it ? __ Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat; Yes, my f!iends,ll:tere'sAc! huynb?gim. In Read's Gold Pent of North Third Street Cr Road's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Side. THUS. READ, Piladelphia. Jan. 8,1852.—tf'. FEATHERS! FEATHERS: For sale by HARTT.HY & KNIGHT, 148 South Second Street, live doors above Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. 101000 lbs. of feathers. all qualities wholesale and retail nt the lowest cash prices; Boos, BOLSTERS, PILLOWS, MATTRESSES Rlltl CUSHIONS constantly on hand or made to order. Also—Tickiugs, Blankets, Morselles Quilts, Comfortable, Sacking Bottoms &c., First floorand Basement 'appropriated to sale of Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry Imperial three ply Carpeting., Ingrain Carpetings from 25cts to $1 00, Stair do 10ets to $1 00, Entry do 20cts to $1 25, Bag do 25 to 40cts. OIL 61.0 7 f11S AND MATTINGS of every width and all prices. HARTLEY & KNIGHT. April 1, 1852. E. S. JONES, & Co., CORNER OF FOURTH ANT) RACE STREETS. Publishers of the Model Ar chitect, by SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be complete in 24 monthly parts. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only ofthose directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared and em bellished, renders if, a tasteful ornament for the .drawing-room, while its accurate delineation give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 3 now ready for delivery. Price-50 cents pet number. Address as [ above, post paid. Dee. 19,1851. BROAD' TOP DEPOT. Hello, Old Hess! Where are you coming to Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen, you shunt he hurt—l merely wish to say to all the world and the rest of mankind, that .I have ut the Broad Top Depot, near the Juniata Bridge, and will keep fin• sale, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &c. If vou don't believe me come and see. A. S. HAYRISON.t Huntingdon, April 22, 1852. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber, either by note or otherwise, ere requested to cull and make settlement, at his store in Portstown, near Huntingdon, as ho is desirous of having his old Books closed. HENRY C 010 PROPST. July 29, 1852. RAILROAD HOTEL, HWiTINODON, PA. The subscriber, having taken the large four sto ry brick Hotel, tortnerly the "WaShingtom," kept by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same for public accommodation. This Hotel is situated within a few yards or the Railroad statiqn, and is one of the most eligible in the place. T he sta bling is extensive, and the lOcation pleasant.— Every attention will be given by the proprietor to promote the comfort of guests. GRAFFIUS MILLER. April 15,1852. JOHN N. "'HOWELL, .ITTORXEY ./1T LrlW, Nriu attend faithfully to all legal business entrust• cd to his earn. Huntingdon, July 29, 1832. d. S. GRIFFITH, 1% D,, Graduate of the University Of Pa., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. Wynn',Noes t—Medieal Facility of University of Pt., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl yenta Hospital and Dr. Jacob llotfinan. Office, \o. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr. May 6,.1052. A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch Herringi, Coca Nuts, 6.c., &c., wholesale and re. tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22i 1852. 1 ISHJar, Cite, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass, Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, be., whole sale and retail, at the cheap store or April 22, 1854. J. 13RICKER. 11Fir Bed Pins, already turned, for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. ASPLENDID AS§ORTMET OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS just opened at the storo GEO. GIVIN. Oct. 14, 's2. --- Ifir 100 Sacks of Salt in stor4., n i o indlji w ir i. 6:llo by KOSSUTH I VI'S for ~.14a nt NOTICE, All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm or Dorsey & Maguire, or to the snit scriber either by note or book account, please call and settle the same no I one determand that no longer indulgence shell be given. JAMES MAGUIIM Huntingdon Aug. 19,1852. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he nosy tl , ,ivotea his whole time and atten tion to making and repairing pumps and will promptly attend to all orders and •calls that he may be favoured with warrentcd all work to he made of the best materials, and done in work.- manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address Mill Creek Y. 0. Huntingdon county, ISAAC WOOLVERTON. We the Subscribers having used of !saac Wol vcrtons make of Pumps tend de not hesitate in saying that we believe theta to be the best pump that is now in general use. REFFERENCES: J. Porter, Thos. Read. Charles Porter, ;Tao. Armitage, Wm, D. Shaw, William Dorris, Conrad Bucher, William Christy, .Ino. Whittaker, David Blinr, Wm. Orbison, D. MeMurtrie, Thos. Fisher. July 22, 1852. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken the above house at MOUNT UNtoN, Huntingdon Cobntv, and assures all those Who may favor him with their custom, that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Baggage taken to and from the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad emy, Shirloyshurg, Orhisonia, Mount Union, April 22, 1832. A. W. BENEDICT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Informs his old friends and the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity anti his best ability. Office in Male . Street, south side, the lastlionse below the Court house. Huntingdon, Mny 13, 1852.-6th. LEWISTOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting don county, that then still continue the manufac turing of all kinds at` Earthenware of the most su perior quality and nt prices to suit the times.— They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of May when they will he aide to supply all who may favor theta with their patronage. Merchants may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to please their customers, soil such as will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ed to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO, Lewistown, I'a. April I, 1852,-tf. Birmingham Female Seminary. The liberal patronage which this School has received in the past, encourages the proprietor and friends of female education, to expect by proper exertion to make it both a I:remanent and important Institution; and no pains will by spar, ed to sustain its growing reputation. Among other considerations which inspire hope as to its future seems, the location is not unim portant. Three years actual experiment has de veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas on for the existence of Birmingham than many which have been assigned—that it is the situation fur a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—easy of access and in itself a phiec where one might al most groan wise in the study of Nature alone un mocked by the works of Art. The school year is shielded into two Sessions of twenty-two weeks ends; the summer tern: corn 'noticing the last Tuesday in April, the winter term the last Tuesday in October, ' Charges to date frOtn time of entering, and no deductions mode for absence except its case of sickness. Tuition $4,00 and 95,00 per quarter--hoarding $1,50 per week. • Music, Latin, French, Draw ing &c., extra. Ifev. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., Principal, Rov. THOMAS WARD, A. M., A:uocinte. Mai , I. IS 2. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Blair county. Lancaster county, DAVID M'MualraiE; Wn.r.rAm GLEIM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county, JAMES GARDNER, RICH', 11. BRYAN, • Blair county. Lancaster county, Ceutral Peuit'a. Ranking.louse, IF BRYAN, ULEIM & CO.— Office on Alle , gheuy street, n few doors west of the Coon Honie, and nearly opposite the Post Office, dol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited for n specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will ha paid at such tares as are usually allowed by Savingr Institutions. Transient de posites received, payable en demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 18.10. H. K. NEFF, M. H., • ITAVING located himself in WARIHOUS3I.Kni: -Li in this county, would respectfully otter his professional services to the citizens of that place and the eouptry adjacent. ItElTPlifE\cEli J. B. Lucien, M. I). GoTi.A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. ()Odeon, Esq. J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Hon. Georgo Taylor. . _ fluntinpdan, Pa. Jacob M, Gomnntl , M. D., Ale.randtto. John M'Cultoch, " Petersburg. ap7,'52 -tr. AAT AsH Rnbbers, White Wash Brindles, ry Combs, Cards ' Brushes, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the ellen!, store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1852. Adams & Co.'s Express. K. SIMONTON, Agent, huntingdon. . - Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re ceived Had furwurded at tho risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United Plate May '52. Are -yen Insured I T F not, insure your property at once in the Cum holland Valley Mutual Insurance Company. Apply to Geo. W. SPEER, Agent, Mtl.l. t, 1852.. Itri.!import, Pu. GLUE, TURPENTINE, .Sand, Paints kidilt Brushes, Solid paper &e. & &e., at the cheap store of J. BRICKER: AN excellent variety of fine PEN KNIVES, nt E. Snare's. April 15, 1853 A splendid article of Carpet Chain, aiway, • IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on hand, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswftld- and Leicester Sheep. The subscriber now offers for sale several very fine Durham Short Horn Ball and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; about five months old, which took the first premium for pigs of that age at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thoreegh bred Pigs of the same breed; about three weeks old; also, eight thorough. Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down flock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he received the highest pre miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and Chester Hogs. Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna., will be attended to: ROBERT HARE PC/WEL. April, 7, 1852. Notice to Tavern Keepers. mOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Intoi IA and Taverns within the county of Hunting don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses, sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain froni. selling or dealing out liquors on that day; and the licenses of such persons es shall disregard thiir injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably td the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming td the knowledge of the Court. _ _ By tho Court, 24th Jou. 1852. THEO. H. CREMER, Clerk May 1.. 1852, CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal putpo; ses, consisting of Best quality FRENCH BRANDY, CONIAC BRANDY, " " HOLLAND GIN. " " MADERIA WINE, " " LISBON WINE, " " SWEET WINE, SUPERIOR PORT WINE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for that pur: pose can he had at the cheap store and April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER: Encourage Your. Own Mechanics! OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully announce to the public, that they are nova carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by Adams & Boat, a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are; now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bareatt ches, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most approved style. 'they have on 'hand now several Buggies and Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who are desirous of 'purchasing vehicles tr; call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at - business, to merit a continuance of the same, under the new firm. We have some see and hand work which is of a good quality, which we will sell right. Give us a call. We wi:l sell tow for cash. Huntingdon, May I, 18.12. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. MCGILL Returns his sincero thanks to his friends and aid public generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the Battle. Ho wouhl f Iraee the present opportunity of informing .I.4—Aldie that ho is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; ho has sT ) ES °r every description, for Willing either wood or coal, such in Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and Ten Plato Stoves, together with I:pa ciL) 'au and Plongh Irons of all patterns used in the State Forgo, Grist and Saw -mill eastim7; Lowistcvri Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of chanthersbug, owl all other castings usually nettle at foundries, all tit which will be sold very low for cash. May, 1, 1852. Lots In Altoona for LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollidaysburg,and about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 2 tst day of May, the Lo'lB in said TOWN will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this pl at , f or th e erection.of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to lhi place. The main inducement at this time in of- fering Lets for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees or Cie Rail Road Company. Early application will secure' Lots at a low price. Pm further information apply to C. 11. NT A Y ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE r Hollidaysburg. May I, IS:l2—tf. Tomkios , British Plate Powder. F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying Silver, Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, A lbata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metal., The undersigned have received from the pa• tentee the exclusive, right to manufacture these preparations for the United States. The Plat• Powder has been most extensively used for a number of years in Great Britain, and is now used by most of the manufacturers ofsilver and' other wares in New York and Philadelphia; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. 'TOMKINS, & CO., 4 (antribeturcr:•l 23. 3 / 4 South Seeondstreet, Philadelphia. For sale at I'. K. SIMONTON'N Store, atintiog don, Pa: May 1, 184 noUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twis FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel , led Guns, from four dollars to thirty each, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A heautillal lot of Carpeting and Oil Cloths for solo by I. & W. SAXTON A splendid lot of Silk Cravat.; and Smirk for 11 sale by J. & W. SAXTON. JUST RECEIVED and for sale Fish, Salt and Plaster by J. & N. SAXTON. G OLD and 4ilvtir Sripotacips at ull prim at E. &nue', April 15,1852'. • 60- Feathers wanted in exchange for noode at' the new onre of J. RRTOICIII.