Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 04, 1853, Image 3

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    Splinters and Shavings.
Cr The Proteetunts in Fence number 3,000 ;
gir Dandies when first-rate, are generally very
agreeable men.
itar Miss Fitzpatrick is playing an engagement
in Pittsburg.
Cr Twenty miles of now houses are built
every year in London.
er A dog that will fetch a bone will take one,
No allusion to tattlers,
'The pen of the tongue should bo ,lipped in
ihe ink of the heart.
air English ships are wrecked at the raw of
twu per day the year round.
ei r There is a breed of sheep in California, of
which the wool is two feet long, and very fine.
Cr President Pierce's Cabinet is said to be
united against hint on most leading appointments.
C 7 T There is talk at Nome about the formatio n
of a regiment of Irishmen, to support the Papacy.
er Hun •Jonee A. CAmPar.m., the new Judge
Of the U. S. Supreme Court, was qualified at
Mobile, a few days ago.
ow The New York Journal of Commerce thinks
the loss at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, by the late
iire, will reach $350,000.
t ar The eyes of needles are punched by a ma
chine which superintended by one hoy, can punch
20,000 in n day.
cr An infant was almost killed in Pittsburg,
on Sunday, by its intim:in parents administering
whiskey to it.
tfir Honors to the memory of Vice President
King were paid at Fort Munroe, on Saturday, by
firing 'nitrate guns.
Russel Jarvis, Esq., for many years connected
with the public press, died in New York city on
Saturday. April 17.
"The Seuthinan's prayer.—Keep my purse
from the lawyer—my body from the doctor—and
my soul front the devil.
Cir Fifteen hundred houses are to be turn
down and rebuilt in New York city after May I st,
their general moving day.
Cr A submarine telegraph wire is about be
ing stretched acro4s the Mississippi, from Baton
Rona (La.) to Plaquemine.
eir A gentlemill down south wants to know
whether the '•Maine Low" interdicts the use of
"cotton gin?" If so lie is dead against it.
dir Some of the leading hotel-keepers ht the
cities ore employing females as waiters. In the
Mint at Philadelphia, females count the coin.
Cr The ship John McKenzie, with a large
cargo, cleared at New Orleans on the 18th ult.,
kfor Augralia, being the first one from that port.
tEr Gideon .1. r 3,11, Esq., has resigned his post
of chief clerk in the Sixth An liter's office, at
Washington, and returned to his Lome iu Erie,
The Honorary Degree of 14 L. D. has
been . conferred by the M trshall CJliege upon
Judge Krause, of Norristown, and Judge Pear
son, of Harrisburg.
'Ninety-live of every too letters which gO
from this Country to Ireland, arc said to contain
money to pay the passage of relatives of the wri
ters to thu United States.
l ir A man by the name of Selm2sehenhayen
hiptrusisteNicalapileyxoegrya9t.9rian,lias announ
ced hi 4 intention of becoming a citizen of the
United State,
or The American steamers on Lake Ontario
are now in line and in motion. Navigation open
er from Montreal to Quebec on Thursday last,
the 21st inst.
ar- A Law cr in Easton, Pa., recently cowhi.
Aed a clergyman for marrying his sister to a New
York newsboy, neither of the parties to the mar
riage being of age.
Or Switzerland has sent a block for the
Washington National Monument, with this in
seritnion-6•To ti memory of Washington.—
The Swiss C .nfetleration, 1852."
fkir The :en with which the Signers of the
Declaration of Indipendenee signed their tunes
to that imt nmei.t, is now in the Mike of the
Secretary of State, in Washington.
tir In what respect do ",eminaries" differ
from schools, that "young ladies" are always
sea! to the one and boys to the other. The com
mittee on rattan will please answer.
Cul. James Burnside has been appointed
President Judge of the new district lately formed,
comprising Clearfield, Centre and Clinton coun
ties, and presided at Bellefonte last week.
WISCONSIN—the Whig State Convention is
called to meet at Miulison, Juno 7, for the transac
tion attach business as may he deemed necessa
ry. The call is signed by the State Central
'Professor William G. Allen, it colored
gentleman, has consumm • ted his purpose of mar
rying Miss Mary E. King.a white glrl,the daught
er of the Rev. Lyndon King, an Abolitionist of
Fulton, N. Y.
rVr In Baltimore on Tuesday, a fiend, named
Patrick Collins, sat u•ntrd a little dog with spir-
Its turpentine, and then set fire to him. The
animal run through the streets, howling in the
most piteous manner.
gr "Now, Patrick," said a Judge, "what do
you say to the charge, aro you guilty or not
"Faith, hui that's dinky lt for yer honor to tell,
let alone meself. Wait till I hear the evidence."
(fir The Minnesota 1,4 islature has incorpo
rated a Railroad Company to build a road from
the Falls of St. Anthony to Pucci', Sound on the
Pacific. The distance between Chicago and the
Pacific on this route is estimated at 1,765 miles.
A bill has passed to a third reading in the
Matomelinsetts Senate to form a new County in
that State, to be called Webster County. It will
consist of eighteen towns of Worcester County,
and five from Middlesex County. Its shire town
will be Fitchburg.
4 Nigger, who am de fuss man dat intardn
ced salt perwisshuns into do nary?"
"Dar, now you's too hard for die cullered
"It was Noah, nigger, when he took Ham nn
bo rd de ark." . . . .
ar A lady who was in the habit of spending
a lap portion of her time in the society of her
neighbors, happened one day to be taken sudden
ly ill, and sent her husband in great haste for a
physician. The husband ran a few rods, but soon
• .
A New War with Mexico.
It will be seen that filo news this morn
ing doubly confirms the account of Gover
nor Lane's warlike, or war-looking, pro
ceedings in 'New Mexico. First, we have
intelligence direct from the Paso del Nor
te, embracing the proclamation of the Gov
ernor, which has inflamed the ire of the
Mexicans on the spot, and induced them
to resort to military preparations; and,.
next, we have advices from the city of
3lixico, showing the exeitentent produced
there, and the determination Of the nation
al authorities to attempt something better,
or worse, in the way t f resistance, than the
protest against Governor Lane's measures,
formally made to, or through, the Ameri
can Minister, Judge Conkling. If Mexi
can spirit were equal to Mexican suscepti
bility, we should have no difficulty in au
guring evil from this new turn of events;
and, indeed, the affair is a very disagreea
ble, and may perhaps prove a very serious
Mecilla, the town which gives name to
the territory in dispute between New Mexi
co and Chihuahua—or between Governor
Lane of the one ane Governor Trias of the
other— is a new settlement on the Rio
Grande—so new, that it is not marked on
the ordinary snaps. It is about thirty
eight or forty miles above the Paso, and
at no great distance below the famous des
ert plain known as the Jornado del Muer
to. It is—or was—rather more an Amer
ican than a Mexican settlement, always
being supposed to be within the American
line, until the observations, or blunders,
of the Commissioners appointed to lay
down the boundary according to the trea
ty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, appeared to
throw it on the Mexican side; upon which
the Mexicans took—and were allowed to
take—possession; all, however, we believe,
in a peaceable way. Our claim was a good
one— better, perhaps, than that of the
Mexicans; but abandonment on our part is
an argument in their favor, which should
have suggested a moderate course to Gov
ernor Lane, even had this not been dicta
ted by other eiriumstances. He ack
nowledges in his proclamation that he acts
upon his own responsibility, "without or
ders from the Cabinet at AVashington"--a
fact which renders his movements the
wore surprising; and front a letter; dated
at l'eso del Norte, which we find in the
Picauyne of Wednesday evening, it would
seem that Col. Summer, to whom he appli
ed for military and in occupying the dis
puted territory, had refused it, doubting
the right and policy of the seizure alto
gether. It is difficult to understand his
motives; but, it is clear enough, he thinks
he will be sustained by the Government at
home, and that his act will carry out the
wishes of Congress. To wrest the terri
tory from the Mexicans, he must call out
the naillitia, or issenibie tt force of volun
teers; iu which case the Mexicans must
fight or run, and if they do fight—and run
afterwards, as they are very likely to do
-why then, we suppose, we shall have
another war existing "by the act of Maxi-
There is one particular, not without in
terest, which may be mentioned in this
Connection. Mecilla is bui a few miles
distant from the well known field of the
Brazito, where Doniphan obtained his first
victory, fur hundred and fifty of his men
flogging twelve hundred Mexicans—heroes
of Chihuahua, with the black flag—in
twenty minutes. This was a mere prelude
to the battle of the Sacramento, fought—
or run--by the same heroes, only in vastly
greater numbers. Governor Trias defends
the disputed territory with these valiant
gentry. We may guess what the result
will be, should Governor Lane march
against them with a force of American vol
unteers, and should the first battle be
fought in sight of the Brazito.—JV . .qnter
icon, 16.
The Difficulty in New Mexico.
.Aew Orleans, April 26.—The Picayune
learns that Judge Conkling, the American
Minister at Mexico, has dispatched a special
messenger to Washington, with a full ac
count of the difficulties in New Mexico.
No. 22 Another bad case of Dyspepsia cured
by Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Dyspepsia Bit
This is to certify that I have been afflicted with
the Dyspepsia fur upwards of seven years, and
doctored with several of the moat skillful Physi
cians, and received very little or no benefit, until
I began to use Dr. J. W. Cooper's Dyspepsia
Bitters, (prepared by C. P. Hewes.) I took three
Bottles, and now I am councletelv well.
East Goshen, Chester co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1851.
er We have frequently heard the celebrated
German Bitters, sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120
Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of
the highest connnendation, and we honestly be
lieve that it is one of the best medicines advertised
for the complaints for which it is recommended.
They are pleasant to the taste, and can he taken
under any circumstances by the most delicate
stomach. The press far and wide, have united in
commending this invaluable remedy for dyspepsia,
debility,. &c.; and such are the healing effects of
this panacea, that we hope it may be introduced
into every finally where dyspepsia has, or is like
ly to have, a victim. 4.
Feb. 2, 1853.
limyrisoooN, May 3, 1853.
Flour por bhl., $5.00 a $.5,25
Clover Seed, per hu., 5,00
Red Wheat, per bn., 92
White Wheat, per bu.,
Butter, per lb.,
Eggs, per doe.,
-- -
PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1853.
Fish, for medium, per bbl., $12,75
No. l'e, $13.50 a 13,75
Flour,*por barrel, $5,00 a 5,25
Wheat per bushel, $l,lB a 1,20
Rye If 88
Corn " 56 a 58
Iron per ton, Anthracite, 535,00 a 36,00
O, An - 00 Aft
Huntingdon, Pa.
GMILLER returns thanks to his numerous
* friends for the liberal patronage his house
received during the past year, nail hopes to mer
it a continuance of the same during the present
year. As his house is most coni•cniedt to the
Depot, every exertion will be .made tommke •it
comfortable stopping place for strangers, trav
ellers, and the people of the county generally.
May 4, 1853.-3 M.
DHOPOSALS will ho received by the tinder- I
r signed in Yes ton Hamilton, Mifflin co., un
til the 10th of May Ow the, building of a bridge
across the Juniata:nivel. above Newton Hamil
ton. Proposals will be received for the masonfi
and superstructure, separately or collectively.—
Plan and specification to be seen at the house of
Mr. L. Johnston. The work to be completed by
the lat of December. •
By order of the President and board of mana
gers of the Union Bridge Company.
A. 11. CLARK, Seey.
May 4, 1853.
Administrator's Ndtice.
LETTERS' of Administration having been
Lal granted to the undersign.d on the Estate of
WiLLIAN HOUCK, lute of Tod township, Hunt.
co., dee'd., all persons knowing themselves in
debted are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
GEORGE M. GREEN, Cass township,
HENRY S. GREEN, Tod township,
Maly 4, '53.-6t. Administrators.
Will attend to all business entrusted to him. Of
fice neatly opposite the Court House.
May 4,'53.
FANCY Dress Articles—for gentlemen and la.
dies, for sale by S. & 0. LEVI.
GRO7,ERIES—Fresh and cheap, at the cheap
store of S. & G. LEVI.
LADIES DRESSES—aII kinds of goods suit
able, at the cheap store of S & G. LEVI.
CLOTIIING.—A large assortment for men and
‘.- 1 boys, nt the cheap corner of S. & G. LEVI.
HARPWARE.—A good assortment fbr sale
nt S. & G. LEVI'S Store.
HAT'S AND CAPS—of all kinds, of the latest
fashion, for sale at the cheap store of
5...% G. LEVI.
S. & G. LEVI.
for sale at the store at
Grocery and Confectionary Store
IESPECTFULLY informs their friends and
LL the public in general, that they halve opened
a new Grocery and Confectionary Store, under
Inc :ion.,, t.littPriaCi? f l ai l . en Main Street.
Huntingdon, where they have now on hand n
and general assortment of Groceries, Confection
aries, and Spices of all kinds, which they will sell
wholesale and retail. They have also nn hand
Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags,'Fancy Articles, &c.,
&c., &c., all of which they will sell cheap.—
Country produce taken in exchange thr goods—
the cash paid when we have no goods to suit cus
As we are determined to accommodate all who
may call at our store, we invite an examination
and trial of our stuck.
Huntingdon, April 27,'53.
TOSEPII IT: THOMPSON returns thanks for
d the liberal: patronage he has herettif,,re receiv
ed, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance of the MM. Tin and Sheet
Iron Wares always on,hami, Of all sorts and si
zes, and made of the 1,6,-4 Mitterial.
Cooking finiveei
large and small, to burn wood or coal, warranted
not to cut in the eye.
Please call, at the cheap corned, in the diamond
and see for yourselves.
Huntingdon, April 27, 1853. . .
No. 12, Sixth Street.
The most Extensive and Best Manufacturer in
the United States,
Originator of all New Styles!
Has taken the highest premiums at all the Exhi
bitions; buys the best materials cheap for each,
which enables him to sell SUPERIOR
As LOW as others sell interior articles.
Painted and Gilt Shades of beautiful designs.
Butf and White Holland Shades,
Fixtures, &c.
Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order.
Old Blinds Painted and Trimmed. Purcha
sers, please call.
April 27, 1853.—1 y.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JAMES N. STITT, late of Dublin town
ship, Hunt. co., deed.
T ETTERS of administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned, who reside in Dublin
township, on the above estate, all persons indebt
ed will make immediate payment, and those Isav,
ing claims will present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ISABELLA STITT,
Apr. 27, t 53.-60
Real Estate at Private Sale.
TIIE subscriber, wishing to move to the West,
will sell his farm, situate in Union township,
Huntiog.lon county, two or three miles from the
Penna. Cmml and Central Railroad, consisting of
Three Hundred Acres, one hundred of
which are cleared, and in a good state of cultiva
tion, the balance well timbered. On the premises
t h ere a re erected two go3rl &welling houses. one
double log horn, and a saw-mill; there are also a
Large namber of fruit trees, consisting of Apple,
Peach, l'ear,nnd l'lum, of the host quality. Ap-
I ply to the subscriber living untie premises.
April 20, 1853.-3 m.
Asplendid lot of Bonnets juFtseceived end felt
sale by J. i t IV. SAXTON.
CARPET Bags, just received and for sole by
PORT MONNAIRS fr om 25 cents up to $2 50
at Ed. Snore's. April 15 1852.
PERFUMERY—A gm' lot. of the beet, at
TNFOUMS his friends and the public in general
I. that lie has just received from Philadelphia, and
is now opening at the corner of Hili and Buth
streets, opposite Coots' Hotel, an
Etiiire New Stock of Goods,
Consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cotton Goods,
Silks, Fancy and Black Beteg,' de Lanes,
Deboise, Lawns, Gingham, Linens, Mos,
lins, and Prints of awry de.criptiOn.
Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Mitts, bog foul short,
Collars. Under-sleeves, Ribbons, Shawls, Fancy
and Plain Crape. and a general variety of Dress
Goods too nattier.. to mention.
a lalte assortment of Bonnets, Hata,
Shoes &e.
Queensware, Hardware, Fish
and Salt.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as I um determined to sell
tliem CHEAP.
All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange
for Goods at the highest market prices.
Iluntingdon, April 20, 1853.
Orphans , Court Sale.
- Fly virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will he sold at Pub
lic Vendue or Outcry, on the preniises, on SAT
URDAY Tit 14TH DAY OF MAY NEXT, 1853, the
following described Real Estate, situated in
Springfield township, Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Peter Mess, late of the township and
county aforesaid, deed., to wit A certain mes
silage or tract of land situated in the township of
Springfield, in the county of Hiiiithigithh. eftfre
eaid, adjoining lids of James G. Maultlen on the
east and north, lands of Thomas :fullers on the
south, Richard Madden on the west, Joseph Parks
on the north-west, containing 130 Acres more
or less, about sixty acres of which are etc:tied,
with two log dwelling houses, and a lUg barn
thereon erected.
Also, at the same time and place, n small lot of
land of about one fourth of an titre, lying adja
cent to the above mentioned tract, Initialled oh
all aides by land now owned by John Marshall,
upon which a school house was formerly erected,
and through which the public road now runs, sit
uate in the township mid county aforesaid, and
part of the real estate of the said Peter Hess, MT.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
ha two 'equal annual payments thereafter, with
interest, to he secured by the lanais and mortgage
of the purchaser. Sulu to commence at one o'-
clock, of said day, when aftewlence will be given
Administrator with the Will annexed.
April 20, 1853.--3 t.
To the. Voters of Mott:lye/on County: Fellow
citizens. zit the saticitation of many warm friends,
1 otter myself as a Candidate fur the next Siter
iHidn Huntingdon county, and most respect
tally sulait support. Should I hu elected. I
pledge in.,: elf to discharge the duties of the attire
hilthinny HIM impartiahv. Subject to the de c i.
ion of the Whi g ; County coevehtiee.
2,;, '53,
Executor's Notice.
Notice is lieteliy given to Oil persons indebted to
the estate of Martin Grains, ilee'd., late of Hen
derson township, to make payment, and all hav
ing club. against said estate will present them
duly uudieutieuted for settlement, to the under
April 20, '53.-Gt. Executor.
Persons indebted to the Huntingdon Journal
Office fur advertising or Job work, dune during
the past year will 'dense settle the saute inunedi•
utely. Nu further notice will be given.
Huntingdon, April, 13, 1853.
HATS—such as Mu!cabin, Kossuth, for men
J l - 1 and hors, also Calcutta, Leghorn and Chip,
just received and for sale cheap by
J. L i , W. S.IXTON.
HATs.—Ali.le:Ain No. and 2, of- the' latest
styles. Kossuth lists of various styles and
qualities—will be sold low ut the cheap store of
LARGE and splendid assortment of. Ram
.L. nets, Misses' Flats and childrens' Hats dud
Caps, selling at low prices at the store ut:, •
tot men and boys, a guud assortment, at the store
T AI)IES Lasting and Silk work Gaiters, Kid
Morocco, and Goat Bouts and Slaws, at the
store uf GEL). Ull'lN.
Mus. Dainties, 11. Dehaws, 1)u lierege, Lawns,
Gingham's, and a choice variety of Goods of ull
kinds, ut the store ot GEO. (MIN.
plain and fancy, at very low prices, ut tlyc store
for safe at the store of
A SPLENDID assortment of Lodi& l)ress
Goods just received ut CARMON'S
TUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets
d ever offered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths,
which will be sold low by
ZEPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen 1104,
Cotton Floss, Lace Mitts. Mohair Mitts, Silk
Gloves, Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, end
every variety of Dress Trimming suitable fur
spring and summer dress, t a r sale by
MILE fiinest assortment of Boots and Shoos
over offered in towa, for sale
J. i t ll'. SAXTON.
MBE Ladies will please hear in mind that Par
asols can be had exeeedinelv low at the t heal ,
store of J. W. SAXTON.
A most beautiful lot of Berage de Leine pat
terns, and in the piece, from 182 cts up to 50
cts, per yard, just received and for sale he
J. 4. W. SAXTON.
SILK Dress Patterns—such RP Brocade, Figur
ed, Plain and Cruss-harred,just received and
fur sale by IV. SAXTON.
pleodsid assortment of Farts; ferst 'received
la• and for sale low by J. if. IV. SAXTON.
150,000 CIGAR S for sale, wholesale
end retail. at
Ar, SPLENDID assortment of Lailies' Shoes,
of the latest styles, ju,t received m the store
of S. es G. LEVI.
A„uplendid us.ortment of BONNETS, just re.
ceived ut the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI,
T 001t1NG GLueses, jutt received and,
Valuable Real Estate, Mill Ptbper•
ty, &c,
. .
At Public or Private Sale.
'I'HE undersigned will expose to pahlicsale, on
I the premises, in West township, Huntingdon
county, Pa., on TIIERBDAY THE 16TU EAT OF
JUNE. A. D. 1853, the valuable liniesta'ric farm
un which be resides, containing 132 /ides,
more or less—having thereon a large three stur.,
Grist Mill with thur run of stone, and a guest So"
Mill. a large bunk horn, a large stone dwelling
house and kitchen, two frame houses and a log
lions. A tine apple orchard, all grafted fruit.-
120 Acres cleared, and in a good state of cultiva
in a tine healthy neighborhood.—
Finll water power.
Alsp, another tarm in same township, contain
ing 100 Acres, more or less—about 30 Acres
cleared—hiving thereon a lug house and stable,
mud a good orchard, and excellent sent and water
power fur Saw Mill.
• All the above land is about six miles from the
Penna. Canal and Railroad, in Shavers Creek
settlement. An indisputable general warranty
title will be given. Terms made known on day
of sale. rerions wishing information, write to
West Efurree, Huntingdon county.
April 13, 11323.—t5.•
Secure the shadow ere the substance fades.
TIIE under-It:lied are again in Huntingdon,
operating in the Ditguerreon Art, and can he
found in their rooms at any hour during the day,
ready, willing, and competent, to take as good
pictures its any of their predecessors. Their in
struments are all new, mind of the best quality, and
they hope, by strict attest' to business ' and by
combining. time highest artistic stele with the low
est cash prices, to merit a liberal share of patron
- flours of operating from 8 A. M., to 5 P. M.
Dark clothing is preferable, (avoiding light
blue,) except for children.
Aptil 13. 1'852,
rrHE undersigned respectfully inlbrms the ptfb
-1 that he still continues to carry On the
above business at his old stand, on Main Street,
nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where
he has constantly on hand an extensive assort
ment of well-made work, which eQusist of a va
riety of Windsor Chairs. Settees. &c.
The snb
scriber feels no hesitation in warranting all his
%,,rk, its it consists of the best of material, and
made in the best workmanlike style; he flatters
himself to lie able to turn out nark unsurpassed
by any East of the mountain. Ile returns his
thanks to the pubic fbr the libelist patronage
herendine received. HMI hope, by strict attention
to business. to receive a continuance of the same.
Person: de,iron: of purchasing any thing in his
line, will do well to give him a call, am he is de
termined to sell very low. to suit the times. • •
A boy will be taken, if application be made
soon, to learn the Chair making business. • •
April 13. '53.
HAS just returned front the Etistern Cities with
a large and splendid assortment of
Notwithstanding all kinds of Goods hare ad
r,trieed in prier, hu is determined to sell at the
old rates, Ills assortment etimists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries,
And all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country
more. Also, a beautiful assortment of
aril 8110 ES *nisi n variety of Good, of all kinds.
Feeling thankful for the encouragenietit he has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, April 13, 1853.
'VIE subscriber has opened, permanently, an
extensive New BHA Store. opposite Witint
ker's lintel, on Rail Roail Street. 10,000
Volumes in Store, and for sale. wholesale and, re
tail, extremely low tin' cash. His stuck consists of
Law, Medical. Theological. Poetical, Historical,
'Mechanical, zicientific and Miscellaneous Works,
togeth,c with a general - assortment of Blank
work, School Books and Stationary, and in short,
every variety in the Book anal Stationary way,
can he procured of him at ilw shortest notice, and
upon the most favorable terms. Call and exam
ine -Mr yourselves. WM. COLON.
Huntingdon, April 13,'53.-Iy.
ALL pci sons are hereby cautioned against par
chasing or revel% ing tninsfer of ornate given
by George W. Cornelius, (Hill Valley,) to one
Joel IlerA, dated 7th of June, 1852. parable
twelve months after date. Thu said Cornelius
having never reettived• value, and therefore de
clims be will not pay the sum specified in .id
note. [April 13, 1853.
J& W. SAXTON have just received from
• Philadelphia the finest assortmen• of Spring
and Summer Giiods ever brought to this place,
consisting as fidlows :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cotton Goods, Silk
Dress Pittterius. Berge de Laines. Dehages,
lamas. filtiSlimi bleached 1111 d unbleach
ed, Slack Silk. and a great variety
of Tr im m ings suitable fur
Summer Dress Goods.
ALSO-500 Prints, of every variety and shade;
a beautiful assortment of Gingham, Linen Lus
tros. Also—on endless variety of Hoziery, such
as Gloves of all sorts, colors. And sizes; Stockings
of every size awl color; llack Silk Mitts, long and
short; Black Veils, and a •great variety of Trim
mings too numerous to mention, which we are de
termined to sell as low, and lower, than any
House in town." .*:
of which we have the very hest the market affords.
a general assortment, including GLASSWARE.
of whi c h we always keep the largest and beat as•
surtment ever kept in this place.
consisting as follows—Bow-Lines, Stern-Lines,
Tow-Lines, Bed-Cords. &c., &c.
Salt, Fish, end Plaster, always on hand. We al
so store and buy Grain, and it is admitted on all
hands that we have the most convenient place of
übloading grain in town. Our old stock of Goods
we aro determined to sell at cost, and under. Also,
• Please give us a call, and you will, we have no
doubt, be satisfied Li! the fact. [op. 6, '53.
Just Ardied.
One of the hest and largest selected stocks of
Boots and Shoes in Huntingdon. Also full as
sortment of Gum Shoes, of all sizes, at the new
store of J. Batmen.
Gold Watches will be sold by F.D. 87tAsts ,
Cornprobat & Cunningham,
HAVE tam connected their present 'Ado,
with the Huntingdon Jlill, nod arc prepart,
to accommodate all who may Incur them with
call. Their Grain Busine , s is a heave one. and
will be conducted altogether on CASH
..nd they will not deviate from it for any ono;
deeming it the only true mode of anfety, both for
thetrptelvea had those who deal with them.
Purtstuwn, April . l3, 18;0. ,
• Executor's Notice.
TETTERS. testamentary having been granted
• to the thaersigned. who resides in Morris
township, on the estate of Joan limeasu, late of
lorris township, tree'll. - all persons indebted to
said estate are reqiiested to Make immediate pay
ment, and thug 'haring claims to present them
duly anthenticate(i for settlement.
April 13, 1868.765.
Heidrick, Itchting, & Brother;
No. rd, N. Mgt
,St. above Tine,
iTAVING had many years praCtical ezpenencc
L in the business, and as all work sold by as is
manufactured under our immediate supervision,
we are enabled to offer to purchasers superior ar
ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon themost
favorable terms. At our Store may he found in
every variety and st, le of finish, Gas and Lamps,
Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets. for Halls,
Churches, &c. The improved Pine Oil Lamp, al
so, Fluid. Lard. and Oil Lamps, Oentudoles, Bo
nnet holders, Parlour, Night. and Reading Lamps,
or hand lamps, glasses, globes, Wicks, Shades, &c.
All Work warranted or no sale.
.Factory. No. 86, Noble St., near Fourth. Re
member Store 221 N. 2nd St., next door to J.
Stewart Depuy'a Carpet Store. [op. 6,—'53.-3m.
fIOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why'
- 1 - 1 go to Auction stud pay extravagant prices lot'
half-made FURNITURE? Call at No. I, North
NINTH street,and examine the largest assort
ment of the hest amide Furniture and Bedding in
.city. Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What
nots. Sofa . Tattles, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete•a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrolies, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stalled Seat. Cone seat. Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Connting-honse. and cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and warranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
April 6,1853.-1 y
ISAAC & WILLIAM AI VERS, 'the present Prnpri
etors of the above Hotel, tt Mount Union, Hun
tingthm county, respectfUllY inform their friends
and the public generally, that they are prepared
to accommodate all who are disposed to favor
them with their custom, and that nu pains will be
spared to render satisfaction.
The Hotel is convenient to the Rail Road sta
tion, and the closest attention will be given to bag
gage, &c., in having it conveyed to and from the
depot. [April 6,1853.—1 y
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have this day
been granted to the subscribers upon the es
tate of Jacob Frank, late (Wrenn township. Gen.
tingdon county. deceased. All persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to ANDREW G. NEFF ,
April 6,
outdone, luv the magoiiticent display of .lovelty;
Watches, Clocks, and Fancy Glligig imt received
from New York and Philadelphia by the under
skned. His splendid stock consists of Gold and
Silver %Vouches, Gold Chains, Breast Puns, Finger
Rings, Pencils, Revs, OM Pens Ear Rings, liii.
ver Table Ware, Port Folios, Chucks, Por,
Mummies, and an endless assortment of Fancy
Goods ton numerous to mention.
le Watches, Jewelry. and Policy Articles
neatly and substantially repaired ...ft *ARRANT
March 30, 1853.
The, Murderer Couvfcted I
The public are hereby inflamed that the
scriber has leased that popular and well known
store room in the Elephant building, opposite the
Railroad Hotel; where he has just received and
opened the latest mul best supply of
in town. His stork consists of every variety of
all of which will be sold Mw fur the "dust," ur
exchanged for country produce.
r .
Ladii; and gentlemen are reepeetfully invited
to call and "see the Elephant," at least, an no
charge is made for exhibiting the animal,
March 30, 1853
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration, on the estate of
Thomas Crownorer, bite of Shirley township.
dee'd., hare been granted to the undersigned, who
rt side.. in Black Log Valley, - Shirley township,
II mai:whin county All pefsons indelned to said
intestate will please call acrd make settlement, and
those haring claims or demands against the es.
tate of the said Thomas Crownorer, deed., are
requested to make known the same, to the sub
scriber, without deiny. •
March 30, .1853.-6 t,
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTHRS of •Adittinistnttion, on the estate of
-EA Joseph Gifford, lute of Shirley township;
ilee'd.,liatre been granted to tha under signed, who
resides in Muck Log Volley, Shirley township.
Hutithigilim county. All penanis indihted to said
intestate will please cull and make settlement, and
those haelog claims or demands 'against the ea. •
tate of the said Joseph Chiron', dec., are request
ed to make known the•Sanie to the subscriber,
without delay. JOHN GIFFORD, Admr.
March SO. '53.-6t.
A. P. WILSON. • B. Ihtpcs Pgriusar.
Prnetice in the several Courts of Huntingdon.
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 23, 1853.
AU persons indebted to Rohert Grefins, by
Book account will call and settle within one
month. Books teft at the Tin•shop in Alexandria.
BREAST PINS, Ear Rings, and Finger Rings;
in endless variety, at EDX.
GOLD CIL4INS--A fine variety for sale, ve
ry low, at Box. SXASX'S.