Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 04, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesady Meriting, May 4, 1833.
S. L. ot.ILASGOW, Editor.
Moses Pownall, (,f Lithermer countf.
Christian Myers, of Clarion county.
:Ilexander K. McClure, of Franklin co.
V. IL rAuttn
to onr authorised agent in Philadelphia, lien•
York and Ele,ton, to receive advertisements; and
any persons in those cities wi•ltiltg to advertise
in oar columns, will please call on him.
Agents for the Journal.
The fillowing persons we have appointed Agents
for the HVNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription. and to take the names of new aubscri
hers at nor published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri•
hors tiring at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jonsr W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren.
Geonoe W. Commune, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASGOW. Clay township,
DANIEL TEAGUE, Eger, Cromwell township,
Dr. J. P. ASHCOM, Penn township,
Dr. Bnown. Cass township,
J. WAREIIAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
CaI..TNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN. Springfield township.
WM. HUTCHINSON, Isq.. Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
Ilestror NEFF, West Barren.
I.l7'The JOURNAL appears one day ear-
Her than it usually has, for the reason that
the next issue will be the enlarged sheet,
and we have considered it prudent to dis
pose of the old edition,this week,as soon &I
possible, in order to make room for the in
creased labor which will necessarily attend
the first issue of the new and enlarged
cr...' We forgot to call thb attention of
the public, in last week's paper, to the new
advertisements of Messrs. Leg & Decker,
and Joseph 11. Thompson. Those wanting
good and handsome Stoves, and every thing
else generally obtained at a Tin Shop, in
order to save money, had better patronize
Mr. Thotupson's establishment. And those
wishing any article in the Grocery and
Confectionary line would do well to deal
with our friends, Long & Decker. All
these gentlemen are clever and accommo
Err The notice sent us a few weeks
since, inviting proposals to erect a new
Bridge over the Juniata River above
Newton Hamilton, was mislaid immediate
ly on its reception, and the subject entirely
escaped our memory, until accidentally the
other day our eye caught the original man
uscript among other papers. The notice
appears this week, to which the attention
of Bridge builders and others is specially
C7' Col. Miller still continues at the
EMU Road•liotel with an extensive patron
age. h would be singularly strange, if a
man with his- habits of 'industry, and dispo
sition to accommodate, could not obtain any
amount of custom. See his advertisement
in another column.
12Cr" On the first page of this week's pa
per our readers-will find'the speech of Mr.
Strong of Philadelphia on the sale of the
Main Line of the Public Works. We ask
them to give it a careful perusal, that what
he says on the subject may be remember
ed. He shows first the plausibility of their
sale at $15,000,000,and then exhibits very
satisfactori:y the advantage to bo di/ri
ved therefrom. And also further he shows
the worthlessness of them to the State as
they are at present managed.
rt- -- e.. Co b R. F. Hitslett, of tho Keystone
Hotel; at Spruce Creek, has taken charge
of the Columbia House, Philadelphia.
The Col. is a clever man, and possesses all
the requisits for a successful landlord. He
has hosts of warm friends in this-section of
the country who were carry to part with
him. We here no dotht they will remem
ber him where be now is. lie took pos-.
session on Monday last.
1.7" We understand that Gen. Ayres, a
few evenings since, gave the Engineer
Corps employed on the Broadtop Railroad,
an Oyster Supper served up by Mil.
lianipson. We were not present ourself
but learn it was a grand affair.
iC J. S. Barr, Esq., hue been elected
an Honorary member of the Union Liter
ary Society of taesville Seminary. This
gentlem•m is now canvassing the upper end
of the County, 46 Agent for the Hunting.
utw Journal
Candidate for Governor.
We see the name of Col. A. G. Curtain,
of Centre county, mentioned in connection
with the next Whig Gubernatorial nomina
tion. The Colonel is one of the ablest men
in our ranks, and would certainly fill the
position of Chief Magistrate with great
credit and ability. He is a young and en&
ergetic man, a very eloquent stump-speak
er, and with all, very popular. Whether
the Convention gives us Curtin, Pollock,
or Fuller, we will have a candidate with
whom we can enter the contest with the
fondest hopes of a triumphant victory.—
We are not certain, just at thib moment,
which one of these men the Whigs of Hun
tingdon county would prefer as their lead
er in the next campaign for Governor, but
we have no doubt they would heartily sup
port the nomination of any one of the above
The Legislative Entertainment,
It is remembered, we presume, that sev
eral weeks before the ajournment of our
Legislature, the members passed a resolu
tion inviting the Governor and Legislature
of Maryland to pay them a visit. The lat
ter accepted the invitation, and on Satur
day prior to the close of the Pa. Legisla
ture, the jubilee came off at Harrisbnrg,
amidst dense fumes and any quantity of
In relation to the incidental expenses of
this grand exhibition, the State Jounal,
pnblished at Harrisburg, has the fallwing :
"Mr. GOWEN'S bill for the entertain
ment of the Legislature and their "distin
guished guests" front ).aryland, amounted
to the very moderate sum of four thou
sand two hundred dollars ! A very pret
ty little "operation," by which Mr. (low-
EN would have realized a clear profit of I
more than three thousand dollars—but
for hint the Legislature ad- I
journed without making any provision for
the payment of the bill. We know not
which is most deserving of censure, the
bold attempt of Mr. GowEN to extort front
the people, or the meanness of the Legis
lature in refusing to pay for the entertain
ment of their "guest." It is said that. Gov.
BIGLER assumed the responsibility of pay
Mr. GOWEN fifteen hundred dollars,
with the expectation, of course, that the
next Legislature would remunerate him,
and probably pay the whole exorbitant bill,
amounting in alt (including several hotel
bills) to seven thousand dollars ! How
do you like it, tax-payers of Pennsylvania?
Answer at the ballot-box."
The Party Lash.
We noticed the other day the manner in
which our neighbor of the Pennsylvanian
cracks the party lash about the head of the
refractory spirits who are diSposed not to
submit to all the behests of Buchanan,
Campbell, Bigler, Hughes & Co.—
The Lancaster latelligencer, the Home
Organ of Buchanan, we percieve, follows
in the wake of our neighbor, so that we
may regard it as the settled policy of the
Butthananites to force those of their own
party who are hostile to them in unqualified
and unconditional submission to their sway.
The intelligence,. frankly admits that
"the administration of President Pierce
and Governor Bigler are destined to meet
'with opposition from a quarter other than
the •Whig party proper;" and then proceeds
to say that "there has uniformly been, for
the last twenty years, a band of unprinci
pled guerillas hanging to the skirts of the
party, who are actuated in their poli
tical movements exclussvely by a desire for
the loaves and fishes, and whose selfishness
at all times is the prominent feature of
their character." Not content with this
sweeping denunciation of the I .3assites, it
goes on thus : "These political desperadoes
are to•be found in almost every county of
this Commonwealth, and occasionally they
have been able, by their affiliation with the
enemy, to effect a temporary prostration of
the Democrtio party. They defeated us iv
1840 and I'B4B—tried to do so again in
1851—and judging front the signs of
the times, will repeat the attempt in 1853.
These are the men who defeated Judge
Campbell,• when a. candidate for the Su
dretue Bench, and at the saute election at
tempted to defeat Judge Lewitt and Gen.
Clover; and now, because they are known
at Washington and Harrisburg, and cannot
dragoon President Pierce and Gov. Bigler
into measures, are attempting to prejudice
them with the people, and thus pave the
way for the future triumpn of the Whig
This is certainly a bold and defiant tone
to assume thus early by the dominant fac
tion; and, if it be intended to overawe and
frighten the Cassites, those who counsel
this bold and defiant policy, show a woeful
- ignorance of the true character of the Cass
leaders.—Daily News.
°' The Crystal Palace Exhibition
promises to attract a great number of
visitors to New York city. The St. Lou
is Democrat tells us that the fame of it'
has-spread oven to the most secluded lab
yrinths of the bacll• woods, and that the
West wilt this summer pour out many thou
sands to see it
rr It has been reported in some of our
exchanges that Judge Gibson of tho Su
preme Bench of Pennsylvania is dead.—
This is not correct, although his health is
said to he in very had nondition
Mr. Brawlers Distinguished
A Locofoco paper, with a reckless disre
gard of truth characteristic of the organs
of that party ; says it is "admitted by the
Whig press of Harrisburg;" that Mr.
littAwt.rr "has always discharged the tiff
ties of his office with distinguished ability."
We have too inueh self-respect and too
much regard for the truth to make any
such silly admission. Here where Mr.
BRAWLEY is-known, and aniofig a people
familiar with his habits of life, it would
subject any editor to ridicule and contempt'
to say that he "discharged his official du
ties with distinguished ability!" We have
no desire to interfere with Mr. BRAW
LEY'S private character; but we cannot
permit lying Locofeee editors to falsify our
position by representing us as endorsing
the qualifications of a man who-is denoun
ced by his own party as excessively humor
al, and unfiterl, by his habits of life, to
discharge the duties of his office! If the
people of Pennsylvania could see Mr.BRA tv-
Lay as he is, and know bin, as the people
of Harrisburg know him, he would be bea
ten fifty thousand votes in the State.—
Harrisburg. State Journal.
COI. 8. 8. Wharton
We copy the following from the Whig
State Journal, published at Harrisburg:
"The Whigs of Fluntingdon county have
always been fortunate in the ezlection of
legislators. Their representative in the
last House of Representatives, Col. S. S.
Wharton, discharged his duties with a fi
delity and ability which won him the res
pect and confidence of his fellow members
of all parties. Enlightened and liberal
in his views of r üblic policy, he pursued an
open, honorable,dignified and manly course,
at the same time faithfully guarding the
interests of his party and of its immediate
constituency. It affords us pleasure to be
able to say that Col. Wharton's' whole
course did great credit to himself; and that
the people of Huntingdon county have red
son to be proud of a Rlpresentative so well
qualified to advocate their interests in the
legislative halls of the Commonwealth. In
returning to his constituents we feel assu
red that the Colonel will be greeted with
the welcome plaudit, "well done good and
faithful servant."
The Teachers , Institute of Hunt.
ingdon County.
, -
_ .
The first annual meeting of this body was
held, April 21st, in the School-room of Mr.
J. A. Hall, in this place, and in the ab
sence of Mr. Campbell, the presiding offi
cer, was organized by the appointment of
J. S. Barr, President pro tem.
Reading of the report of the Executive
Committee, wh:chi on motion, - was laid on
the table until the last session of the In:-
Different modes of teaching the Alphabet
discussed by Baker, Brcwn, Barr, Babcock,
Atherton" C. T. Benedict, E. Fisher, Ew
ing, Hall,- McDivitt, 4•e.
On motion; wljourued till 2 o'clock P. M
Different methods of teaching Spelling,
by the eye acid by the ear, discussed by
teachers above named, also McElroy, Mil
ler and Pierce.
Recess of ten minutes.
Exercises on Dr. Comstock's Chart of
Elementary Sounds.
On motion, adjourned till I P. 3f'
Exercises on Elementary Sounds.
First lessons in reading - , where entered
upon, and how conducted—Lan animated
discussion sprung upon these snbkets, in
which most of the members participated,
and which occupied the tune until alate
On motion adjourned to meet next morn.
Mg at 8 A. M.
Prayer by Rev. R. Place:
Subject of text books introduced and
discussed by most cf the members. A va
riety of opinion seemed to exist on thit to
pic, but it was generally conceded that the
diversity of text books, and not their de
feels, is the principal evil in this depart
ment, and that the uniform use of any o.le
book or series in the different branches,
would secure the desired result.
Recess of ten minutes.
The following resolutions were then
adopted : .
Resolved, That we consider the diver
sity of books one of the greatest evils in
our schools, and we respectfully recommend
to directors, the propriety of exercising the
authority vested in them by law, for estab
lishing a uniformity of teat books in the
various branches taught.•
Resolverl,• That to effect the desired unite
fortuity of books we urge upon directors
the necessity of a rule or oiler on thiS
subject, directing teachers to banish all
books from their schools which have n6t
received the sanction of the Board.
Primary lessons in Arithmetic, at wl at
age commenced and how eondueted with
lustrations on the blaok-board,- &c., dia
cussed at length.
Adjourned to meet at 2 P. Dr.
Benediction by Rev. R. Pierce,
Report of Ezeoutive Committee read and
Constitution and By-Laws' read and
adopted by Sections.
On motion, Resolved, That the next an
nual meeting of the Institute be held on
the last Tuesday of Deo. next, to continue
three days.
Resolved, That the' Board of managers
&moist of five members.
The following officers were then chosen
for the ensiling year. :
President—Rev. R. Pierce. •
V. Presidents—J. A. Hall, T. M'Elroy.
Seeretaries—Cor., S. T. Brown, Rec.,
It. McDivitt.
Librarian—J. S. Barr.
Treasurer--D. F..Tussey.
xebutire &otiiMittieLZD. Baiter, G.
W. Smith, J. B. M'Elroy, J. A. Hall, A.
Financial Committee—Z. Hornberger,
T. Metlin, H. ‘Vi leoh.
Managers—S. T. Brown. R. Mcbiritt,
H. Miller, Miss E. Fisher, Miss C. T. Ben
The following resolutions were then of
fered; and, after some discussion; adopted :
Resolved, That the members of this In-
stitute unite with the teachers of other In
stitutes in urging upon the Legislature the
propriety of establishing a State normal
Resolved, That the school directors of
each township be invited to attend the next
annum! meeting of the Institute.
The following persons were then chosen
as delegates to the State and National
Converitiona, viz : J. S. Barr, It. MM'Dir•itt,
S. T. Brown.
Resolved, That the thanks of the In
stitute be tendered to Mr. Hall, for the use
of his school-room during the meeting.
Resolved, That the pros, edimrs of this
meeting be prepared and sent to the "Penn
sylvania School Journal" for publicati , m.
Resolved, That the members of this In
stitute return a vote of thanks to the Offi
cers, for the able and faithful manner in
which they have discharged their several
On motion, adjourned to meet in the
Town Hall this evening at 7 o'clock.
Prayer by Mr. Miller.
Lecture by Rev. It. Pierce, subject,
Teachers' Institutes.
.Lecture by S. T. Brown, subject, Gen
eral Education.
Essay by Miss C. T. Benedict, subject,
nfluence of the Teacher.
Lecture by D. Baker, subject, School
Lecture by R. 3PDivitt, subject, Pho
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Britain.
J. S. BARR, President,
S. T. BRowN, { Secretaries.
“The spoils of Victory.”
The tyrant Nero fiddled while Dome was
enveloped in flames; ltobespiere danced
while human blood was flowing in impetu
ous streams down the streets of Paris, and
the pleasure with which Locofoco editors,
and the kind-hearted Gen; PIERCE witness
the strokes of the Democratic battle-axe—
which is now spattering the country with
11'hig blood—may be infered from the fol
lowing wh;ch we clip from a Southern Lo
ci:doe.°organ :
. . . .
e‘The Whig cedars are already beginning
to tumble and full around us. The sap
lings will begin soon. Pierce and his Cab
inet• will have about the best. cleared field
in six months that history gives no account
of: There will hardly be a Whig stubble
left. Those who have ever gone among a
number of hands engaged in deadning and
fellling the forest trees, preparatory to
opening a' plautation, and listened to the
clear ringing of a hundred axes as they box
out the chips, and the occasional crashing
noise as a huge old monarch goes rumbling
to the ground, eau form sonic faint concep
tion of the pleasure with which President
Pierce listens to the political clearing going
on around him. Box, box— , box f box ; goes
the axe, and co-jam, a JVing. Gosh, what
music !"
A bloody set, are the locofocos, accor
ding to their own showing; and determined
are they to riot and revel in this the dity
of their power and vengeance. Woe to
the IVhigs! they are to be deprived of all
participation in the government of their
country —the Democratic axe is poised,
and while the work of taking off heads
goes on, none have even a , 6fitint concep
tion of the pleasure" Which it affords
Pres:dent Pierce. To what is the coun
try cowing Widthr will the wild spirit
of Dewocracy lead us? The chosen Presi
dent of this groat nation; the head of twen
ty-five millions of intelligent freemen—de
lights only in turning out of little govern
went officers won whose faces he has nev
er seen, and whose offence bath this extent;
they did not vote for Franklin Pierce
of .Aretv limps/Lire, for President. A
noble work, truly, for a President of Gen
eral Pierce's calibre, but a work which a
Washington, a Jefferson, u Madison, a
Monroe ; would have scorned with a virtu
ous'indiguation.—lPhig State Journal.
V' Our nominee for qpnal Commisston4
er Moses Pownall of this county, is one of
the present Representatives' in the State'
Legislature. He is a firm, reliable, and
unflinching Whig, and one of the most
popular men in the State. Ile is a practi
cal man in every sense of the word. Hav
ing lived all his life along the line of the
Public works; and engaged actively for . the
past fifteen years in •the general 'rranspor-t
tation and Counui ,ion business, he is fa ,
miller with the manner in which the Pub
lic works should be managed. He thus
combines all the requi=tes of a most faith
ful and efficient officer for the Canal
Board. His nomination is a compliment
of the 'Old Guard,' and she will most hear
, tily responded to it on the second Tuesday
of next October.—Lancaster Examiner.
IP' One detests vanity because it shocks
ones own vanity.
Central America—Mr. Everett.
Vhe Hon. Edward Everett, late Secre
tary of State, recently addressed the Sen
ate in relation to the affairs of Central
America. The points of his speech may
be summed up briefly as follows
1. There . are five States in Central
Ameaica, the aggregate population of
which is 520,000, only 10,000 being of
pure Spanish blood.
2. These States are yet in their infancy,
but the soil is rich and the climate beauti
fulond a magnifivient future is before them.
3. Authority for an inter-oceanic canal
is desirable, and bothe Great Britain and
the U. States are in favor and and willing
to co-operate to secure its early completion.
itat in consequence of the difficulty between
Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the matter has
not yet been consumated. Nicaragua of
fers to give en exclusive grant, but this
she has not the power to do.
4. The Mosquito Kingdom is merely the
shadow of a name, nothing more.
5. England has no interest or motive in
keeping up the Protectorate, and is willing
at once to enter upon an amaieiable ar
aangement ; and such an arrangement is
, likely to be affected, should the U. States
send a proper Minister to Central Atue.i
-i ca i _as shin is about to do. _ _ • _
b. He does not think that England
meant tovoilate the treaty, although some
difference has arisen as to its meaning. She
has given up San Juan, and professes to
be willing to get out of the whole matter
as soon as possit le.
7. He supposes that at the time of the
negotiation, the settlements at the Belize
and Bay Islands were not in contempla , ion.
8. And further, he thinks that the Home
Government will disavow the act, erecting
the Is'ands into a colony, and he does not
apprehend any disturbance of the relations
between this conutrfand Great. Britian, in
consequence of the condition of affairs in
Central America,
These views are at once interesting and
important, cowing from a source so wall
informed. They are calculated to soothe
the public mind, anti to induce the opinion
that the little cloud that has so alarmed a
portion of the public, and excitnd Senators
Cuss, Douglass, and one or tgn others, will
speedily disappear. Much now will depend
upon a character of the Minister who is a
bout to be sent to Central America. lie
should be a man of more than ordinary dis
cretion' abilty, and sagacity. The fact. sta
ted by Everett, that Central America con
tains a population of only apout 250,000 or
about half as many as Philadelphia, anti of
these only 10,000 of pure Spanish blood, is
well calculated to set the imagination at
ut work as to the future. What a wide
field for adventure, colonization, and An
glo-American enterprise!
An Act relative to Tstses paid by
certain ranks.
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the Sen
ate and House of BepresentativeS, of the'
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same: That such of
the Banking. and Saving Instituthin of
this Commonwealth as were chartered or
re-chartered prior to April 1850, shall be
subjected to such local taxes only as are
now by law levied and assessed upon the
~Banking and Saving Institutions re-char
' tered in 1850. Provided that the amount
of taxes which the said Institutions are
now by law required to pay unto the State
Treasury, shall in no manner be lessened
or affected by the operation of this Sec
'Hon. W P. SCHEI I
Speaker of the House.
• Speaker of the Senate.
Approved this sixth day of April, A. D.,
1853. W3I. BIGLER.
N. B. The clot. of 1950 refered to, pro
vides that the Capital Stock of all Banks
shall not be subject ttr taxation for any
other than State purposes, consequently
all the Bank Stock is exempt from taxa
tion fur County, Road, Borough or School
purposes. For State purposes the Balks
are liable to pay dh mills on each dollar of
their Capital Stock; and on their divi
dends 8 per cent. for 6 par cent. dividends.
9 .. t 7 .. ..
10 44 44 8 g. 44 41
12 4‘ 64 9 44 64 ,t
13 " " 10 " " " &c.
These taxes a•e paid by the Cashier of
the Bank, and are nut assessed to the in
dividual Stockholders.
Meeting of Burgesses and Council
of the Borough of Hunting
don, April 25th, fft3s3.
Present—Campbell, Chief Burgess—
Asst. Burgesses, Black and Adams—Town
Council, 1). Black, Lewis, Boat, Saxton,
Fockler and Snyder.
The following standing committee were
appointed for the ensueing year.
Vice and Immorality—Bout, Benedict
and D. Black.
Pavements—Benedict, Adams and Sny
Streets and Highways—C. S. Black,
Lewis and Fockler.
Town Property—Lewis, Saxton and
acc .ants—Adams, Lewis and Fockler.
The following persons were elected
Street Regulators fur the ensuing year :
David Black, Jacob Miller uud J. S Africa.
Resolved, That the High Constable be
directed to notify the property holders and
occupiers, to clean the gutters opposite
their lots, and remove all nuisances and
obstructions in front of the saute.
Resolved, That the mooting now adjourn
to meet at the saute place, on Monday even
ing 9th May, at i t pant 7 o'clock P. 31.
S. S. SMTII4 (14,4,
Later and Important from New
Meilco--A !lexical' Force
Despatched to Drive out
Governor• Lane from
Mescada Valley.
NE* bitt.rts, April 25.—Milliard B.
Farwell, Bearer of Despatches from the U.
S. Legation at Mexico, arrived here in the
steamship Teas, and reports that on the
Bth an express arrived a the City of 3lex
ieo, bringing, news of the occupation of Mes
cado, or Mecilla Valley, in Chihuahua, by
the Government of New Mexico, and states
that a determination was expressed by the
inhabitants to drive out the Auterieans at
the point )f the bayonet.
_ _
An armed force was ordered to proceed
immediately to the seene of action, to aid
the State of Chihuahua in expelling, Gov;
Lane and his troops.
Mr. Farwoll represents that an intense
excitement existed among all classes at
Gov. Trias, of Chihuahua, had made a
reply to Gov. Lane's proclamation ; which
was considered to be a most unansweauble
document, and a powerful vindication of
the rights of Mexico.
The Employment of Women
A movement is evidently on font to ex
tend the avocations of women. It is con
tended that a false policy is pursued in this
country as well as in many others, and
that the services of the gentler sex might
be made useful and availalle in many
forms and capacities 'o which they are not"
applied. This is doubtless true. and the
wonder is, that something has nut been
done upon the subject before this. In
Boston and New York, the experin ent has
been made, of introducing women into
printing offices adapted espedally to the
sex, and thus far with considerable suc
cess. Some of the leading hotel keepers
of New . York arc also considering the poli
cy of employing women as waiters, while
the Baltimore American remarks that it is
a false and cruel pride that compels wo
' men to toil severely in their homes, at la
' borit servant at six dollars a month could
perform, while their husbands and broth
ers measure tape and 'mitering at three
hundred a year, instead of pursuing snore
active and appropriate duties at twice or
• thrice the amount of compensation. These
are the first indications, but may they not
result in important con.equences! Cur
-1 twin it is, that the field of industry for wo
men might be extended with advantage.--
State Journal.
World's Fair at New Fork.
The following interesting announcement
is made in an English paper:
Royal Highness Prince Albert is
among the contributors of works of art to
the industrial exhibition about to be open
ed at New York on the '2d of May next.
The portraits of her majesty, himself,
Prince Arthur, and of the late Duke of
Wellington, forming the pictures painted
by Winterhalter, is his contribution. The
13arron Marochetti has completed a colos
sal equestrian statue of General IVashing
ton, which is about to be embarked for
the exhibition. Mr. Corew has executed
a colossal statue of Daniel Webster, for
the san e place. It represents the Ameri
can Statesman in the act of addressing the
Senate. The State of Missouri has appro
printed 4,000 dollars for its proper repro
sentation at the opening of the exhibition,
land Congress, on the 26th of February last,
voted '20,000 &lisp to defray the expen
ses of the Turkish steam frigate during her
visit to the New-York World's Fair.
—We learn from the Charleston Mercury
that the U. S. District Court in that city
last week sustained the validity of the laws
of South Carolina requiring the imprison
ment of colored seamen. An action was
bought against the Sheriff of Charleston,at
the instance of the British Consul, to re
cover $lOOO damages fur the alleged false
imorisonment of Manuel I'ureira, a colored
British subject, and a verdict was given in
favor of the sheriff. The case is to be ta
ken to the U. S. Supreme Court.
Arrival of the Uncle Sam,
NEW YORK, April 27.—The steamship
Uncle Sam with California dates to the Ist,
four huldred and fifty pasßengers, and
$570,000 in gold, inoludinz $3•L0,000
freight, arrived hero adout 7 o'clock this
Aumng the passengers is the Chinese
Dramatic) Company, numbering fifty per
The steamship Georgia, with the Cali
fornia mails end $2,234,000 in gold on
freight, left Kingston on the 21s for New-
rrr Lola Montez has appeared in a new
light as a ..Printeress." A short time
since she astonished the hands in the Cin
cinnati ./Vbnpared office, by going there
and taking the astiA" and "rule," and
sorting up a counnunication abe had written
in reply to some assersion wade by the
editor of the Sun. The Sundusky Register
says she astonished the "devils." It is
not the first time she has done that.
tor of the N. Y. Mirror has recently re
turned from Cuba. Ile says the Cubans
do not desire annexation; he thinks if a
petition to be admitted into the Ameliami
Union were circulated in to-day, wi.h
full permission from the Spanish Govern
ment for every nominally free man to sign
it, not one-fifth of the islanders would
place their names on the list.
ar' The Miuister from Peru — to Bogota
was heely robbed of fourteen thousand