Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 27, 1853, Image 3

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    Splinters and Shavings.
eir The pay of a London policeman is about
$4,50 per week.
cr snow fell at Now Bedford, on the 17th
ifir Heaven's great view is one, and that the
or Sheep sell in Buenos Ayres for 18 pence
per dozen.
vir Turning up—vast gantities of gold in Aus
air A sensitive young lady recently blushed
deeply at a bare idea.
Cr "An hour with the beautiful"—sitting up
with a snug piece of calico.
The battle of San Jacinto was fought on
the 21st of April, 1836.
cir Miss Frederica Bremer promises to pub
lish a work on American slavery.
Cr The lawyers of Rochester, N. Y., it is said,
are about to strike for higher fees.
Mr. J. F. Mays, of West Alexander, was
robbed of $325 on the night of the 19th inst.
far A negro girl, Sarah, is to be raffled for at
New Orleans, Hcr value is fixed at $900! ! !
Cr A Postmaster, in Scriven co., Geo., has
been fined $5O for unlawfully detaining a letter.
tlr" The Albany Register declares "spiritual
ism" and "camphine" to be nuisances. Right.
A LADY BARDER.-11118S Caroline E. Putnam
advertises herself as a barber, in the Salem (Mass.)
cir Ten poor men can sleep tranquilly upon a
mat; but two kings are not able to live at peace
in a quarter of the world.
Cr To keep yourself in a state of discontent,
set your heart on having everything exactly to
your nund.
Cr Counterfeit quarter eagles are in circula
tion at New Orleans. One house had no less
than six presented at its counter in one day.
air The receipts of the Erie Railroad, it is
thought, will average during the present year
$14,000 a day.
t(Fir Why is a lawyer inserting something in a
will like a crab holding to a dog's tail? Because
he is inserting the clause in it.
1E A man by the name of John Murphy, at
Full River, murdered his wife, on the 11th ipst.,
by pouring oil of vitriol down her throat.
CAGED—Johnston M'Kee, alias Black Hawk,
Is now confined in the Dauphin county prison, on
the charge of counterfeiting.
eir England now exports more of her manu
factures to the United States than she did to the
whole world, when we were her colonies.
Om It is thought that the receipts of the Erie
Railroad will average during the present year,
$14,000 per day
air The Arkansas Whig states that large num
bers of cattle are being driven from that State to
At the late municipal election at St. Louis,
the voters contributed $53 54 to the Washington
National Monument.
tar Three hundred and thirteen persons were
killed owl ninety-seven injured on the New York'
State Railroads, during the last year.
A—the Whale taken off Montauk
Point, a few days ago, It is fifty feet long, and
supposed to weigh nearly forty tons.
dir The Dutchman suggest a plan for giving
pigs an extra kink in their tails. It is by mixing
pulverised cork screws with their feed.
dir "A flow of Spirits"—some one entered a
Distillery at Medford, Conn., one night recently,
and let loose about 2000 gallons of whiskey into
the river.
WOMANS TASTES-''are suspended between
beaux, babies and bonnets—lovers and laces—
diamonds and dolls—flirtations and feathers—
silver and silks—tears and tea."
dir A new "Anti-Benton" paper is spoken M
as about being established at St. Louis. Mr.
McCracken, formerly editor of the Jefferson Me
tropolitan, is talked of as editor.
0" "Don't count your chickens before they
are botched is now rendered—"Ovarious compu
tations, undertaken tinieeedaneously to active in
cubation, are very opt to prove abortive."
fr Dr. Roberts has been sent to the Georgia
State prison for nineteen years, Gideon Compen
hagon for fourteen, and Lewis Clark for four, I'm
robbing an old man of SGSOO in silver.
Ifr. illiiseunn—lf a dog's tale is kut nwf
ly would it interim with his locomotion?
Arusser—Not exactly--it mite not street his
carriage, but it would entirely stop his waggin.
Cr The ratite of the coral taken last year on
the coast of Algeria was $400,000; a hundred
vessels were engaged in the business most of the
coral was sold at Naples.
ci r Col. Fremont, bought the residence oppo
cite the President's house, erected by the late
Mathew St. Clair Clarke, fur the stint of $300,-
000. This is one of the finest dwellings in
man Catholic, murdered George W. Solly, a Pro
testant, in Philadelphia, on the night of the 18th
eir The 'Natives' of New Mexico are rallying
a party to run candidates for the Legislature and
Congress of their own class exclusively, and es
pecially in opposition to the Americans settled
among them.
er Tim Free Soil or 'Free Democratic' State
Central Committee have called a State Conven
tion to assemble at Harrisburg, on Wednesday,
the first day of June next, to nominate a State
ticket, and perfect their organization.
'John IBldebraud,Esq.,of this Borough,
blinded 114 a largo beautiful apple the other day,
which had been deposited with a barrel of others
in buckwheat bran since lust fall—and the apples
were perfectly sound and looked and tasted as
well as the day they were first deposited. This is
an item of information which ought to claim the
attention of such as wish to preserve apples for
private or other purposes.
Cr Mr. CARSON resigned the Speakership of
the Senate on Tuesday morning a week, accor
ding to custom, when Jour; C. KUNKEL, of Dau
phin, was elected, having previously received the
Whig Caucus nomination. Mr. CARSON dischar
ged the duties as Speaker during the late session
with groat ability and impartiality, and won the
respect and confidence of Senators of all parties.
Mr. M'CAimm was the candidate in opposition to
Mr. KuntzL, and received the vote of the party.
Mr. Soule's Appoinment.
The New-York Tribune has the follow-
ing in reference to the appoininent of Mr.
Soule as Minister to Spain :
We are a little surprised at the intelli
gence brought to us last night•by tele
graph that Mr. Soule has been appointed
Minister to the Court of Madrid, notwith
standing our Washington correspondents
some days since predicted the appointment.
It has been 9upposed that Louisiana would
be ally tw first grads 'nd
not be allowed two sgt missions,ant.
when Mr. Slidell was appointed to Central
America, it was reckoned to settle Mr.
Soule's prospects in the diplomatic line.
Another reason for the supposition that
Mr. Soule would not receive the mission
particularly, is, that it was applied for by
a distinguished legal gentleman of Louisi
ana, who came to Washington at Mr.
Soule's suggestion, and with a promise
from him, Mr. S., that he would render
the aforesaid gentleman all the needed aid
to obtain any position he desired. When it
transpired, some days ago, that Mr. Soule
was himself a candidate fur the mission, he
was applied to promptly by the gentleman
in question to know if it were so, and if he
bad been brought to Washington on a wild
goose chase. To this Mr. Soule replied
that he would not accept the Spanish mis
sion, except upon one condition, and that
condition be did not suppose the Adminis
tration would grant. Upon being ques
tioned as to what it was, be replied that it
was that he should have unlimited powers
for the purchase of Cuba.
Important from New Mexico,
NEW ORLEANS, April 20.—The Pica
yune has received late and highly impor
tant intelligence from New Mexico. The
accounts state that Gov. Lane had issued a
proclamation claiming Mecilla Valley (?) as
a portion of the American territory. Tee
Governor asserts that this Valley was left
out by the neglect of Commissioner Barlot,
and he had, therefore, given ordert to Col.
Summer to proceed to the spot with an
armed force and secure it.
Col. Summer, however, it is stated, had
refused to obey his instructions. In the
mean time, the Mexican authorities receiv
ed notice of what was on foot,and immediate
ly sent a body of several hundred soldiers,
who were commanded to resist, at any sac
rifice, all attempts to seize the valley,
which the Government of Mexico looks
upon as a p)rtion of its own possessions.
When the above accounts left, the most
intense excitement prevailed, and bloody
work was anticipated. [This is very
doubtful. ]
(r.-" A survey of the route to California,
from the South Pass across the different
ranges of mountains to the Pacific slope of
the continent, is said by the St. Louis Re
publican to be undertaken by parties inde
pendent of all governiental connection. It
will be in the hands of civil engineers of
undoubted merit and capacity accompanied
by a geologist, who will institute a thor
ough examination of the country.
A Declination
WASHINGTON, April 20.- , —The Intelli
gencer of this morning announces that Sen
ator Borland declines the appointment ten
dered him by President Pierce as (lover
nor of New Mexico.
ar Alexander nailed two thousand cap
tives to as many crosses, by the sea side,
after the capture of Tyre.
i 1 o. 20. A bad case of Dyspepsia cure.i—l do
hereby certify that I was severely afflicted with
Dyspepsia for several years, think it was brought
on by taking Thompsonian medicine. I had the
disease worse than any person I ever saw with it.
I had applied to different kinds of Doctors, Alio
pathy, Donuppathy, and everything else that I
could hem• of I gave theta all a fair trial, and a
fair opportunity to core me if they could; but in
stead of getting better, I got worse. I called on
Dr. J. W. Cooper, and he gave me his Dbspcpsitt
Bitters and Pills, (prepared by C. I'. Hewes,
which have cared tne sound and well. I can eat
any kind of diet, and have gained 20Ibs in weight.
Thornbury township, Delaware county.
(hi Thursday, the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr.
Williams, Mr. \VILLIAM STEEL to Miss ELIZA
ANN AFRICA, both of this borough.
With the above we received a large anti very
handsome cake, for which the newly married coup
ld will please accept ousethanks. They have our
itst wishes for their prosperity and happiness in
life, and alto contentment of mind in the care of
all the little re.cpeesildt;iire incident its the same.
In Hollidaysburg, on the 20th inst., Col. IS . EN;
ass Buoy, aged about 50 Years.
In this borough, on Thursday morning last,
LCANNA ELIZAUETH, only daughter of P. G. and
Hannah Nash, aged 4 months and Mays:*
" I take these little lambs," said He.
"And lay them in my breast;
Protection they shall find in me,
In me be ever blest.
"Death may the bands of life unloose,
But can't dissolve my love:
• Millions of infant souls compose
The family above."
HUNTINGDON, April 26; 1853.
$5.00 a $5,25
Flour per bbl.,
Clover Seed, per bu.,•
Red Wheat, per b 0.,•
White Wheat, per bu.
Butter, per lb.,
Eggs, per doz.,
1 . 1111„\DELPIIIA, April 26, 1853.
Fish, fur medium, per bbl.,• • • .. 512,75
No. l's, $13,50 a 13,75
Flour, per barrel, $5,00 a 5,25
Wheat per bushel, $l,lB a 1,20
Rye if RR
Corn "
Iron per ton, Anthracite,.
Scotch Pig,
Plaster per ton,
air We have frequently heard the celebrated
German Bitters, sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120
Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of
the highest commendation, and we honestly be
lieve that it is one of the hest medicines advertised
for the cdthplaints for which it is recommended.
They ate pleitaftnt to the taste, and can be taken
under any circumstenees by the most delicate
stomach. The press fats and wide, have united in
commending this invaluable remedy for dyspepsia,
debility, &C.; Mal such are the healihg affliets Of
this panacea, that We
,libpb it May be introduced
into every family where dyspepsia has, Or is like:-
ly to have, a victim. 4.
Feb. 2, 1853.
No. 12, Sixth Street,
The most Extensive and Best Manufacturer in
the United States,
Originator of all New Styles !
Has taken the highest premiums at all the Exhi
bitions; buys the hest materials cheap for cash,
which enables him to sell SUPERIOR
As LOW nq others sell inferior articles.
Painted and l lilt Shades of beautiful designs.
BOY and White Holland Shades, ,Trimmings,
Fixtures, &e.
Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order.
Old Blinds Painted and Trimmed. Purcha
sers, please call.
April 27, 1853.-Iy.
Grocery and Confectionary Store
D ESPECTFULLY informs their friends end
it the public in general, that they have opened
a new Grocery and Confectionary Store, under
the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main street,
Huntingdon, where they have now on hand a full
and general assortment of Groceries, Confection
tides, and Spices of all kinds, which they will sell
wholesale and retail. Thee have also on hand
Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags,.Fancy Articles, &c.,
&c., &c., all of which they will sell cheap.—
Country produce taken in exchange for goods—
the cash paid when we have no goods to suit cus
As we are determined to accommodate all who
may call at our store, we invite an examination
and trial of our stock.
Iluntinplon, April 27, '53.
TosErn 11. THOMPSON returns thanks for
0 the liberal patronage he has heretofore receiv
ed, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance of the sonic. Tin and Sheet
Iron Wares always on hand, of all sorts and si
nes, and made of the hest material.
Cooking Stoves,
large and small, to burn wood or coal, warranted
not to cut in the eye.
Please esll, at the cheap corner, in the diamond
and see for yourselves.
Huntingdon, April 27, 185:3.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JAMES N. STITT, late of Dublin town.
ship, llunt. co., dee'd.
LETTERS of administration having been grant
ed-1J to the undersigned, who reside in Dublin
township, on the above estate. all persons indebt
ed will make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ISABELLA STITT,
Apr. 27, t53.-6t•
Real Estate at Private Sale.
rpm; subscriber, wishing to move to the West,
will sell his farm, situate in Union township.
Ilunting.lon count•. two or three miles from the
Penna. Canal and Central Railroad, consisting of
Three Hundred Acres, one hundred of
which are cleared, and in a good state of Native
tion, the balance well timbered. On the premises
there aro erected too goad dwelling !tosses, one
double log barn, and a saw-mill; there are also a
large number of fruit trees, consisting of Apple,
Peach, l'ear, and Plum, of the best quality. Ap
ply to the subscriber living on the premises.
April 20, 1853.-3 m.
To the Voters of Huntingdon County: Fellow
citizens, at the solicitation of many warm friends,
I offer myself as a Candidate for the next Sher
itrulty of Huntingdon county, and most respect
fully solicit support. Should I be elected. I
pledge myself to discharge the ditties of the office
faithfully and impartially. Subject to the deci
sion of the Whig County Convention.
ATS.—Moleskin No. 1 and 2, of the latest
11 styles. Kossuth Hats of various styles and
qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of
A LARGE and splendid assortment of Bun
nets, Misses' Flats and ehildrens' lists and
Cups, soiling at low prices at the store of
CEO. C 11,7 N.
for men and boys, a good assortment, at the store
T AMES' Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
14 - Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the
store ut
Mos. Dainties, B. Delanes, 1)o Berege, Lawns,
Ginghanjs, and a choice variety of Goods of all
kinds, at the Mire of GEO. GWIN.
. ,
plain and titney, at very low prices, at the store
of (4EO. GWIN:
fur safe at the store of
ASPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress
Goods just redeivdd ut: CAItItION'S
UST receiving the hundsoniest or
ever uttered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths,
which will be sold low by
"ETTS—such as Moleshin, Kossuth, for mini
11 and boys, also Calcutta, Leghorn and Chip,
just received and for sale cheap by
J. 6. W. SAXTON.
Asplendid let of Bonnets just received and for
sale by J. 6- W. SAXTON.
Bags, just received and for sale by
J. d- W. SAXTON.
56 a 58
$35,00 a 36,00
• • 37,00 a 38,00
. • • $4,00 a 4,25
T OOKINU Glasses, just received and for eal4
INFORMS his friends and the public in general
that he has just received from Philadelphia, ithd
is now opening at the corner of Hill and Bath
streets, opposite Costs' Hotel, an
Entire New Stock of Goofs,
Consisting of Cloths, Cansimeres, Cotton Goods,
Silks, Fancy and Black &rept de Lanes,
Deboise, Lawns, Gingham, Linens, Mos
lint, anti Pinta of every description.
fic) , krY> Gloves, Silk Wks, rongand short, Veils,
Collara...Usider.siceveS, Ribbons, ShaWls, Fancy
and Plain Crape. and a general variety of Dress
Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Hats,
Shoes, &c.
Also, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish
and Salt.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goads, as I am determined to sell
them CHEAP.
All kinds of country Produce taken to exchange
for Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 20; 1853.
Orphans' Court Sale,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will be sold at Pub
lic Volatile or Outcry, on the premises, 011 SAT
following described Real Estate, situated in
Springfield township, Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Peter Hess, late of the township end
county aforesaid, dec'd., to wit A certain mes
suage or tract of land situated in the township of
Springfield, in the county of Huntingdon afore
said, adjoining lands of James 0. Madden on the
east end north, lands of Thotnas Sutlers on the
south, Richard Madden on the west, Joseph Parks
on the north-west, containing 130 Acres, more
or less, about sixty acres of which are cleated,
with two log dwelling houses, and a log barn
thereon erected.
Also, at the same time and place, a small lot of
land of about one fourth of an acre, lying adja
cent to the above mentioned tract, bounded on
all sides by land now owned by John Marshall,
upon which a school house was formerly erected,
stud through which the public road now runs, sit
uate in the township and comity aforesaid, and
part of the real estate of the said Peter Hess, dec.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
its two equal annual . payments thereafter, wills
interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage
of the purchaser. Sale to commence at one o'-
clock, of said day, when attendence will be given
Administrator with the Will annexed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
April 255, 1853.-3 t.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to
the estate or ;Martin Grating, deed., lute of Den
derSoll township, to make payment, and all hav
ing claims against said estate will present them
duly ittollenoeated for settlement, to the under
April 20, '53.-Gt.
Valuable Real Estate, Mill Proper+
ty, &c.,
At Public or Private Sale.
Tin, undersigned will expose to public sole, on
the premises, in West township, Huntingdon
comity, PO, 05 THURSDAY Tills 16TH DAY or
Just:, A. D. 1853, the valuable limestone farm
eu which he resides, containing 152 Acres,
more or less—having thereon is large three story
Gri , t Mill with four run of stone, and a good Saw
Mill, a large bank barn, is large stone dwelling
house and kitchen, two frame houses nod a log
house. A fine apple orchard, all grafted fruit.-
120 Acres cleared, and in a good state of etiltira
thin. Situate in a tine healthy neighborhood.—
Fine wider power. -
Also, another farm in same township, contain
ing 100 Acres, more or less—about 30 Acres
cleared—having thereon a log house and stable,
and a good orchard, and excellent seat and water
power for Saw Mill.
All the above land is about six miles front the
Penna. Canal and Railroad, in Shavers Creek
settlement. An indisputable general warranty
title will be given. Terms node known on day
of sale. Persons wishing information, write to
West Barrer, Huntingdon county.
April 13, 1853.—t5.•
Securethe shadow ere the substance fades.
Milk: undersigned me again in Huntingdon,
-I- operating in the Daguerreon Art, and can he
found in their rooms at any hour during the day,
ready, willing, and competent, to take us good
pictures as any of their predecessors. Their in
struments are all new, and of the best quality, and
they hope, by strict attention to business, and by
combining the highest artistic style with the low
est cash prices, to merit a liberal share of patron
• I lours of operating from 8 A. M., to 5 P. M.
hark clothing is preferable, (avoiding light
blue,) except fur children.
„ .
April 13,1852.
Parsons Indebted to the Huntingdon Journal
011 ice for advertising, or Job work, done during
the past year will please settle the same iu u nedi•
(defy. No further notice will be given.
J. A. lIALL.
Huntingdon, April, 13, 1853.
7EPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen floss,
Cotton Floss, Lane Mitts, Mohair Mitts, Silk
Gloves, Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, and
every variety of Dress Trimming suitable for
spring and slimmer dress, tin sale by
J. d• S.:IXTON.
Tllr tiinest assortment of Boots and Shoes
ever offered in town, for sale low by
THE Ladies will please bear in mind that Par
mints can be had exceedingly low at the cheap
store of J. f k TV. SAXTON.
Amost bea.utifttl lot of &rage do Leine pat
tern;i, and in the piece, from 181cts up to 50
en. per yard, just feceived and for sale by
J. 4. W. SAXfiON.
SILK Dress Panterns—sucli as Brocade, Figur
cd, Plain and'Crois-barred, just received and
for sale by J. 6.. W. SAXTON.
. ,
. . ... ..
A .splendjd.. assortment of Fans, last received
..C 1 - and For liSde !Ow by J. ( I. IV. .s.,IXTON.
CIGARS for sale, wholesalo
15%000 and retail, at
Ladles' Shoes.
ASPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shods,
01 the latest styles, just received at the store
of S. & G. LEVI.
A splendid assortment of BONNETS, just re
ceived us the cheap store of S. & G. .'LEVI.
Gold Watches will be sold by Eti. SNARE
lower than elsewhere.
or A fine lot of PISTOLS at Enht. Stuns's.
Executor's Notice.
1. 4. W. SAXTOM.
riIHE undersigned respectfully informs the pub
-1 lie that he still continues to carry on the
above business at his old stand, on Main Street,
nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where
he has constantly on hand an extensive assort
ment of well-made work, which consist of, a va
riety. of Windsor Chairs, Settees, &c. The sub
scriber feels 'no hesitation in warranting all his
work, as it consists of the best of material, and
made in the best workmanlike style; he Hatters
himself to be able to turn out a ork unsurpassed
by any East of the mountain. He returns his
thanks to the public for the liberal- patronage
heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention
to business, to receive a continuance of the same.
Persons desirous of purchasing :11y thing in his
line, will do well to give him a cull, as he is de
termined to sell very low, to suit. the times.
A boy will ho taken, if application be made
soon, to learn the Chair making.hasinese
April 13, '53,
HAS J ust returned front the Eastern Cities with
a large end siAndid neoriment of
Notwithstanding all kinds of (foods have ad
vanced in price, he is determined to s@R at the
old rates, His assortinent consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries,
and all kinds of Gnedg, usually kept in a country
store. Also, a beautiful ,sortment of
and SHOES and a variety of Goods of all kinds.
Feeling thankful for the encouragement he has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, April 13, 1853.
rr" HE subscriber has opened, permanently, an
J. extensive New Book Store, opposite Whitta
ker's lintel, on Rail Road Street. 10,000
Volumes in Store, and for sale, wholesale and re
tail, extremely low for cash. His stuck consists of
Law, Medical, Theological, Poetical, Historical,
Mechanical, Scientific and Miscellaneous Works,
together with a general
.assortment of Blank
work, School Books and Stationary, and in short,
every variety in the Book and Stationary way,
can lie procured of him at the glletftit notice, and
upon the moot favorable tenth,. Call and exam
ine lie yourselves. • • WM. COLON.
Iluiiiimplen, April 13, 's3.—ly.
CMUprobst & Cunningham,
HAVE, how connected their present business
with the linntingdon Mill, and are prepared
to accommodate all who maftifroe them with a
call. Thew Grain Bushiest i. 9 ttiien . vy one, and
will be conducted altogether on CA S H principles,
mid they will hot deviate froth it for any one,
deeming it the only true mode of safety, both for
themselves and those who deal with them.
Portstown, April 13, 1853.
'I BALED .proposals will be received fur 170,-
L 000 Back, to be delivered at Altoona,
Blair cOnniy, for the building of a Methodist
Episcopal ChariA, also, for the carpenter work
and materials for the same. The plan and.speci
livid ions can be seen hr calling on Thos. Burch-
Ibis place. the receiving of proposals_
will close 30th inst. Address either of the fol
lowing, at Altoona P. 0., Blair Co._
Secretary a the Board..
Altoona, April 13,'53.-2w.
Executor's Notice.
T ETTERS testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned, who resides in Morris
township, on the estate of JOHN HAnxtem, late of
Morris township, tlee'd., all persons indebted to
said estate ore requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present them
duly unthentieuted fir settlement.
April 13, 185:1.-61.
ALLpet sons are hereby cautioned against par
chasing or receiving a transfer of a note given
by George IV. Cornelius, (Hill Valley,) to one
.loel Hersh, dated 7th of June, 1952, payable
twelve months after date. Thu said Cornelius
having never received value, and therefore de
clares he will not pay the sum specified in said
note. [April 13, 1853.
IV. SAXTON have just received from
J• Philadelphia the finest assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods ever brought to this place,
consisting as follows :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cotton Goods, Silk
Dress Patterns. Berge do Laines, Debages,
Lawns. Muslins; bleached and unbleach
ed, Black Silk, and a great variety
orr r imm logs, suitable for
Summer Dress Goods.
ALSO-500 Prints, of every variety and shade;
a beautiful assortment of Gingham, Linen Lus
tros. Also—an endless variety of Hoziery, such
as Gloves of all sorts, colors, and sizes; Stockings
of every size and color; Black Silk Mitts, long and
short; Black Veils, and a great variety of Trim
mings too numerous, to mention, which we arc de
termined to sell as . low, and lower, than any
House in town.
of which we have the very best the market affords.
a general assortment, Matiaing
of which we always keep the largest and best as
summit ever kept in this place.
consisting us follows—flow-Lines, Stern-Linos,'
Tow-Lines, lied-Cords, &c., &c.
Salt, Fish, and Plaster, always on hand. We al
so store and buy Grain, and it is admitted ou all
hands that we have the most convenient place of
unloading grain in town. Our old stock of Goods
we are determined to sell at cost, and under. Also,
Please give us a call, and you will, we have no
doubt, be satisfied of the fact. [ap. 6, '53.
School Teachers . Wanted.
SEVERAL male and female teachers will be
paid Moral salaries, for ten months, by the
SChool Directors of Huntingdon Borough. Ap
plication to be made, and examination het, on or
btifore Saturday the 30th of April inst. The
Schools will tio opened on the 9th of May next.
April 6, 1831:-3t.
Just Arrived:
One of the best and largeit select6d stocks of
Boots and Shoes in Huntingdon. Also full as
sorunent of GUM Shoos, of all sites, at the new
store of :f. Bnicintn.
. .
Heidricki Horning, & brother.
M. 221, N. 2nd St. above Pine,
tityrbiutsaidn busin es s, an d
e a n s rs a gr , a vo ctr s l oi e d xp b e y ri u e
s i
manufactured under our immediate supervision,
we are enabled to offer to pnrchasers superior ar
ticles, in every hranch of our trade, upon thelllOP'
favorable terms. At our Store may- be found
every variety and at, le of finish, Gas and Lamps,
Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets, for Halls.
Churches, &c. The improved Pine Oil Lamp, al
so,,Fluid, Lard, and Oil Lamps, Gerandoles, Bo
quet holders, Parlour, Night, and Reading. Lamps,
or hand lainps, glasses, globes, Wicfti, Shades, &c
All Ti'ork warranted or no sale.
Factory, No. 86, Noble St., near Fourth. Re
member Store Mt N. 2nd st., next door to J.
Stewart Depny's Carpet Store. [up.
HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices foe
half-made FI:RNITTAIIa Call at No. I, Noel
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding it
the city. Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What.
not+, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogin4 .French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads.,
Faiiey Stisfred Sent, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools,
Settee .and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and.
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and worranted lc
give satisfactlbn, and sold at the lowest prices.
April 6,1853.-1 y
ISAAC & WILLIAM nrintft, tho present Propri•
etors of the above Hotel,.at Mount Union, Hun
tingdon county, respectfully inform their friends
and the public generally, that they arc prepared
to accommodate all who are disposed to favor ,
them with their custom, and that no pains will be
spared to render satisfaction. • •
The Hotel is convenient to the Rail Road sta
tion, and the closest attention will be given to bag
gage, &c., in having it conveyed to and front the
depot. [April 6,1853.—1 y
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration hav,a.this day
been granted to the suliscribets upon the es
tate et* Jacob Frank, late of Penn township, Hun
tingdon county, deceased. All persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to ANDREW G. NEFF,
April 6, '53.-61.
outdone, by the magnificent. displaY of Jewelry,
Watches, Clocks, and Fancy Goods just received
from New York and philadelphin by the under
signed: Ills splendid stock consists of Gold and
Silver Witches, Gold Chains, Breast Pins, Finger
Rings,Pencils, Keys, Gold Pens. Ear Rings, ha
ver 'able Ware, &c., Port Folios, Clocks, Port,
Monnaies, and an endless assortment of Fancy
Goods tou numerous to mention.
gir Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Articles
neatly and substantially repaired arid Nvaiutaxr-
Mardi 30, 18.53,
The Murderer Convicted !
The public are hereby informed that the sub
scriber has leased that popular and well know:,
store room in the ElepitanL building, opposite tlic
Railroad Hotel, where he has just received awl
opened the latest and best„ supply of
in toxin: nis stock, consists of every variety of
all of which will be sold low kir the "dust," ut
exchanged for country produce.
Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited
to call and "see the glephanc," at least, as or
charge is made forexhibiting
March A 1853
Administrator's Notice.
of Administration, on the estate of
LThomas Crownover, late of Shirley township,
dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned, who
resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley tdwnship,,
lluntingdon county All persons indebted to said
intestate will please call and make settlement, and
those having claims or demands against the es
tate of the said Thomas Crownoyer, dee'd., aro
requested to make known the same, to the sub
scriber, without delay.
March 30, 1853.-fit.
Administrator's Notice.
L •
ETTERS of Administration, ou the estate of:
Joseph Gifford, late of Shirley township,
dec'd., have been granted to the undersigned, who
resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county . . All persons indebted to said
intestate will please call and make settlement, and
those having claims or demands against the es
tate of the said Joseph Gifford, dec., are request,.
ed to make known the same to the subscriber,
without delay. JOHN GIFFORD, Admr.
March 30,'53.-6t,
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon,
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. 51a Mt 23, 1853.
Administrator's Notice.
T EWERS of administration having been grant
to the undersigned on the estate of John
Wtilker, late of Dublin township, deed., all per
sons having claims against will present
them duly authenticated for settlement, and those,
indebted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment to • JAMES CREE.
March 16; '53. -6t . Adm'r.
B. A. MILLER, D. D. S.
Artificial Teeth, ftdin one to a full set,niouuteti
in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and
Teeth Extracted with all the cash and dhspatob'
that modern science can furnish.
March 2, 1853.
All personi to Robert Grating, by
Book, account will call and settle within,one
mouth, Books left at the Tin-shop in Alexanria.
BEAST I 3 INS, Ear Rings, and Finger Rings,
in endless variety, at Dom. SNAUE'S.
GULP CHAINS—A fino variety for sale, ve
ry low, at ED3I. SNARE'S.
PERFUMERY—A good lot, of tho best, at
ecocio—A benutiftillot nt EDM. SNAIty7L