Splinters and Shavings, figrA wager is a fool's argument. lE6 — Belgium has recognised the independence of Liberia. Noconfidencc can be placed in thoSe who are in the habit of telling lies. Cr Franklin's treaty with Sweden was con summated on the 3d of April, 1783. CrThcre aro 5,800 idiots iu the State of New Yolk. (WA machine for dusting carpets is in opera• tion at Louisville. What next. Ca - The pen of the tongue should be dipped in the ink of the heart. Cr Alexander the Great, died on the Gth of April, 323 B. C. W'New potatoes, Cabages, radishes &c., are now very plentiful in Mobile. cr Plato, tho Grecian, Philosopher, died on the sth of April, 347 B. C. cir Have the courage to let your ignorance be known in order that you may learn. P. T. Barnum, Esq., the great showman, has beets elected to the Connecticut Legislature from Bridgeport. IWPresident Harrison died on the 4th of April, 1841—Goldsmith died on the 4th of April, 1774. Praise prepares the tray for offence, nt the cessation. The desire of flattery is an appetite that grows by what it feeds on. 0 -The uninformed man is like a city with its walls broken down, defenceless, end exposed to the inroads of the enemy. 'The earthquake which recently shocked northern New York was also felt on the other side of Lake Ontario, in Canada. tpr The officers attached to the Surveyor's Department of the Philadelphia Custom House have presented to William B. Norris, Esq., the Surveyor, a silver tea set, composed of six pieces as a tribute of regard. a 'The nomination of Senator Borland, of Arkanias, by President Pierce; for Governor of the Territory of New Mexico, was confirmed by U. S. Senate on the Bth inst. erln Pittsburg, on Tuesday, April 56, the jury in the case of B. Matthcs vs. the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, returned a verdict of MOO for the plaintiff. tar Gen. Lorimer, of Pittsburg, declines hay. ing his name used as the Whig Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. fa" The lower house of the N. York Legisla tore has ordered to a third reading, the bill ap propriating $5,000 for a monument to General Worth. arGen. Winfield Scott has purchased for his own private use the splendid residence of Chas. Partridge, New York city, where hereafter will be the Head Quarters of the U. S. Army. C,i — One greet and kindling thought front a re tired and obscure man, may live when thrones have fallen and the memories of those who filled them obliterated, and, like an undying fire may illnminate, and quicken alt future generations. Erne funeral of Mrs. Fillmore took place in Buffalo on Saturday, the al instant. Her re mains were followed to their resting place at Forest Lawn by her family and a large procession of sorrowing friends. Car Col. James Burnsides, it is rumored, is to he appointed President Judge of the new Judicial District, composed of the counties of Centre, Clearfielld and Clinton. If appointed, he will serve until the October election, when there will be a Jtulge elected. GrThat man who is in the habit of traducing or constantly pointing out defects in the charac ter of his neighbor, ought to he shunned by nn honest community and kicked out of decent sari et y. There are several of that sort in this coin- au pity (fir Hon. Pierre Sonic of Louisiana hai been appointed Minister to Spain by President Pierce. Thos. 11. Benton is spoken of in connection with the minktership at the Court of St. JaMes, Eng land; and Robert J. Walker with that of France. oLord ;Utley, before he charged at the bat tle of Endehill, made this short prayer: "0 Lord, thou knowest how busy I meat be this day. If I forget thee, do not thou forget ms." There was certainly, says Flume, much long er prayers said in the Parlimentary army, but I (lonia if there was so good a one. gia-Hun . Thomas F. Marshall has not been murdered as was announced in a telegraphic des. patch publi shed in some of yesterday morning's papers. The Louisville papers state, however, that Gen. Thomas Marshall was shot in Lewis county, Ky., on Tuesday, by a man named Tyler one of his tenants. (fir Hawthorne, the fiction writer, who wrote the Life of Gen. Pierce, when he was a candidate for President, has received the appointment of Consul at Liverpool, one of the most lucrative appointments in the gift of the President, being worth from thirty to forty thousand dollars a year. l This is a good recompense thr that produetidn. or The Political Guillotine, at Washington, already reeks with the blood ofu thousand victims. Yet arc not a tenth of the applicants siipplied with places. There is no end to the nuniber and the variety of the demands upon the appointing pow er. Among other petitions before the President is one from a waggish Freesoiler in the East, for merly a prominent Locoforio, who has applied to: Gen. Pierre for an appointment ps agent to sell Uncle Tom's Win. CHURCH FOE TIIE DEAF AND DU)111.-211Sh op Wainright and others have issued a circular, inviting donations to the amount of $30,000, for the erection of a church in New York city for the deaf and dumb. About ono hundred each per' sons have been gathered into a congregation by the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, who for nye months past has preached to them on the Sabbath, in the University. A few of them have been organized into a church, under the sanction of the Provis ional Bishop. THE LATE flits. CASS.—TiIe Intelli gencer says, of all the estimable ladies who have resided at the seat of government, with their hus bands holding public stations, not ono was more esteemed for goodness and sweetness than the amiable and gentle wife of Gcn. Case, or the Memory of whose virtues will be more warmly sod sincerely cherished by the survivors of the Circle in which she was best known. Death of liaynau. Intelligence has been received from Vi enna, Austria, of the death of General Haynau, famous for his alleged cruelties to the Hungarians in their late rebellion.— We copy the following sketbli of him from the New York Mirror : , "Julius BarOn Von Hayntly, field mar shal in the Austilan service, was born at Cassel in 1876. He was a natural son of the Duke of Hesse by a goldsmith's daughter. In early life he was so notori ous for his eccentricities, as to be consid ered on the verge of insanity. He ,was educated at Cassel, and entered the. Aus trian army as lieutenant in 1801. In the campaign of 1805 ho distinguished him self so much as to be promoted to the rank of captain in one of the most notable reg iments in the service. In 1813 he was elevated over his seniors to the rank of a major, and acquired new laurels in the campaigns of Italy during 1814-15 for his brilliant audacity and reckless bravery.— Little was heard of him during the peace which succeeded the downfall of Napoleon, until the revolutionary ferment of 1848. In May, 1849, he was made commander in-chief of the Austrian army in Hungary and Transylvania. He it was who led the AuStrian army in that sanguinary conflict, which terminated in the utter defeat of the Hungarian cause. Georgey surrendered, arid the disgraceful cruelties with which Haynau treated the captive Hungarians; both women and men, are fresh in every mind. Since his disgrace at the court of Vienna in 1850, he has spent his time ih travelling over Europe. His visit to Lon don, and the manner in which he was mob bed by the brewers of Barclay & Perkins' establishment, need not be repeated. Of late ho has resided on his estate in Blame . ha. He died at Vienna, beneath the shadow of that despotic court which he served so faithfully in so mean a cause." The Oath Administered to Vice President King. Advices received at New Ybrk from Hat vans, dated March 29th, report that the oath of office was administered to Vice Presdent King, on the 25th, at the estate of Ariadne. The ceremony was performed by Judge Sharkey, U. S. Consul at Hava na, assisted by Hon. George W. Jones, U. S. Senator from lowa, and in the presence of several American citizens. The party were entertained by M. Chautraud, the proprietor of the .estate, with generous, hospitality, and every facility was offered for the appropriate performance of the du ty. The gentlemen present, twelve or fif teen in number, represent Mr. King to be in an exceedingly delicate state of health, and that he has not improved under the sugar-house treatment. Another account says Mr. King.when sworn hi was too feeble to stand without assistance, and was supported on the right by G. NV: Jones, M. and ou the left by T. M. .Rodney, Esq., consul. The ccreindnv, although simple, was ve 'ry sad and impressive; and will never be forgotten by any who were present. To see an old 'man, on the very verge of the grave, clothed with honors which he cared not for, and invested with authority which he could never exercise, was truly touch ing. It was only by persuasion that Mr. King would go through the cerernony, iiS he looked on it as an idle forth; for he said he was Conscious he could not live many weeks. After the ceremony was over, Mr. King conversed with the gentlemen pre sent for a short time, and then retired to his couch. THE NEW SILVER COIN.—The first issue of silver coin under the late law of Con gress was made on the Ist. The only dif ference is that the new issue has rays around the eagle and a spear head at each side of the date. The new coin makes a handsome appearance but is somewhat lighter than the old., All o: the silver coins are now to be made of one purity— nine parts silver and one part alloy.. The issue of three cent pieces now in circula tion contains 75 parts silver and 25 parts alloy. Creditors have better weinories than debtors. tigr We have frequently heard the celebrated German Bitters, sold by 1)r. 0. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of the highest commendation, and we honestly be lieve that it is one of the best medicines advertised for the complaints for Which it is recommended. They are pleasant to the taste, and can be taken under any circumstances by the most delicata stomach. The press far and.wide, have united in commending this intaluable remedy fur dyspepsia, debility, &c.; and such ned the healing eflodts Of this panacea, that we hope it may he introduced intti every family where dyspepsia has, or is like ly to have, a victim. 4. Feb. 2,4853. No. 19. For the benefit of our readers who may be afflicted with Dyspepsia, we give below a remedy which lies never been known to fail in ef fecting a complete and permanent cure. This re medy is Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Dyspepsia Bitters, prepared by C. P. Hewes, and may be bud of.T, Aced & Son, Huntingdon, win, is agent for the Proprietor. nIAUDIED. the 17th .ult., by Rev. A. Itrittain, Mr. THOMAS B. IitotKELL to Mrs. MARY Ootioy, both of Warriorsooirk. On the 29th ult., by the sante, Rev. A. M. BAnNtr a, of the Baltimore Annual Conference, to Miss SARAN Is., (laughter of Col. Jacob Gray, of * llulf Moon, Centre co. On the 31st alt., by the same, Mr. At:unarm; HILDEBRAND to Miss t LIZABETII CODER, both of M'Connellstown. DIED. On the 25th ult., at the residence of her son, in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, Mrs. C•THARINT MA TTERN, aged 69 years. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lie Clint he still continues to carry on the above business at his old stand, on Mein Street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he has constantly on hand nn extensive assort ment of well-made work, which consist of a va riety of Windsor Chairs, Settees. &c. The cab scriber feels no hesitation in warranting all his work, ns it consists of the best of material, and made in the best workmanlike style; he flatters himself to be able to turn out a ork unsurpassed by any East of the mountain. He returns his thanks to the pub'ic for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to receive a continuance of the same. Persons desirous of purchasing any thing in his line, will do well to give him a call, as he is de ' terrnined to sell very low, to suit the times. A boy will be taken, if application be made soon, to lentil the Chair making business. April 13,'5'3. JOHN SKEES. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! GEORGE GRIN, just returned train the taSiern Cities with a large and splendid assortment Of SPRING- and SUMWIER GOODS. Notwithstanding all kinds of Goods have ad vanced in price, he is determined to sell at the old rates. His assortment consists of. Dry-Goods, GrocerieS, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country store. Also, a beautiful assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS OF EVERY VARIETY, Also, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS, and SHOES and a variety of Goods of all kinds. Feeling thankful fur the encouragement he has received, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Huntingdon April 5, 1853. BOOKS ! BOOKS !! THE subscriber has opened, permanently, on extensive Newßook Store, opposite Whitta ker's Hotel, on Rail Road Street, 10,000 Volumes in Store, and for sit!ct, wholesale.and re tail, extremely low fur cosh. his stock consists of Law, Medical, Theological, Poetical, Historical, Mechanical, Scientific and Miscellaneous Works, together with a general assortment of -Blank work, School Books and Stationary, and in short, every variety in the Book and Stationary way, can be procured of him at the shortest notice, and upon the most favorable terms. Call and exam ine for yourselves. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 13,'53.-Iy. Valuable Meal Estate, Mill Proper- ty, &c., At Public or Private Sale. 9 1 11 E undersigned will expose to public sale, on the premises, in West township, Huntingdon County, Pa., on THURSDAY THE 16TH DAY OF Juse, A. D. 1853, the valuable limestone farm on w hich he resides, containing 152 Acreii, more or less—having thereon a large three story Grist Mill with four run of stone, and a good Saw Mill, a large hank barn, a large stone dwelling house and kitchen, two frame houses and a log house. A line :wide orchard, all grafted fruit.- 120 Acres cleared, and in a good state of cultiva tion. Situate in a fine healthy neighborhood.— Fine water power. Also, another litrtn in same township, contain ing 100 Acres, more or less—about 30 Acres cleared—having thereon a lug house and staliln, and a good orchard, and excellent seat and water power tbr Saw Mill. All the above land is about six miles from the Penna. Canal and Railroad, in Shavers Creek settlenient. Au indisputable general warranty title will be giimn. Terms made known on day of sale. Persotis wishing information, write to West Barrer, Huntingdon county. ROBERT MOORE. April 13, 1833.-ts.* CUBA ANNEXED! Corilprobst & eunninghana, HAVE now connected their present business with the Huntingdon Mill, and are prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a cull. Their Grain Business is a heavy one, and will be conducted altogether on CASH princij,lo, and .tttey; 101 .not deviate from it for any one, &Omit% it the only true mode of safety, both for themselves and those who deal with them. Portstown, April 13, 1853. DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES. Securethe shadow ere the substance fades, TE undersigned are. again in Huntingdon, operating in tlae Paguerreon Art, and can be found in their rooms at any hour during the day, natty, willing, and competent, to take as good pictures as any of their predecessors. Their in struments are all now, and nt i he best quality, and they hope, by strict attention io basinessoind by combining the highest artistic sink with.the..l4w est cash prices, to merit ti lib,ral shunt of patron age. . _ — Hours of operating front 8 A. M., to 5 I'. M. Dark clothing is preferable, (avoiding light blue,) except Inc children. BLAIR & BURKHOLDER April 13, 1852. NOTICE. Persons indebted to the Huntingdon Journal Office for advertising or Job work, dune daring the post year will please settle the some way; No further notice will be given. J. A. HALL. Huntingdon, April, 13, 1853. ZEPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen floss, Cotton Floss, Lace Mitts, Mohair Mitts, Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread; Cotton, and every variety of Dress Trimming suitable for spring and summer dress, for sale by J. I. lir. SAXTON. rrilE fiinest assortment of Boots and Sho6s over offered in town, for sale low by J. 6. IV. SAXTOM: rrIHE Ladies will please bear in mind that Par asola can be bad exceedingly low at the cheap store of J. 4- W. SAXTON. A most baeiaitrifitidtitioat piece, Berme do . Lamas pat tents,eta. pe r yard, just b y to 50 J. W sAxiroAr. SILK Dress Patterns—such as Brocade, Figur ed, Plain and Cross-harred,just received and fur sale 11 J. 6.. W. SAXTON. Asplendid assortment of Fans, just received and fur .;:t!: low by J. di. IV. SAXTON. FEIST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets 01 ever btlered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold lbw by .1. 6. W. SAXTON. HATS - 7 -141 a us Moleshin, Kossuth, tbr men and hdysi also Calcutta, Leghorn and Chip, just received and for sale cheap by • J. d• W. SAXTON. A • Asplendid lot of Bonnets just received and for sale by J. 6. W. SAX7'ON. CARPET Bags, just received and for mile by J. er W. SAXTON. LOOKING Glasses, just received and for sale by J. f f. TV. SA X TON. PROPOSALS. QEALED proposals will he received for 170,- k , 000 Brick, to be delivered at Altoona, MO. county, for the building of a Methodist Episcopal Church , ,' alsq, for the carpenter work and materials for the same. The plan and speci fications can be seen by calling riti Thos. Burch enell, in this place. The receiving of proposals will close.3oth inst. Address either of the fol lowing, at Altoona P. 0., Blair Co. 3. A. LEIGHTON, THOS. BURCHENELL, THOS. ELWAY, JOHN LIAS, URI A 1-1 GREEN; PRTER GREEN, ALLEN GREEN, JOHN TROUT, JOHN SHOEMAKER, Secretary of the Board. Altoona, April 13,'53.-2w. Executor's Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted -Li to the undersigned, who resides in Morris township, on the estate ofJoux HARN nu, late of Morris township, deed., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those haring claims to present them duly unthentieated for settlement. DAVID STEWART, Ex. April 13, 1853.-6 t. NOTICE. ALL p'elsons are hereby cautioned against pnr chasing or receiving a transfer of a note given by George W. Cnynelius, Valley,) to one Joel Hersh, dated 7th of JOY., 1832, payable twelve months after date.' Tho said . Cornelius having never received Yelue,, and therefore de clares he will not pay the sum specified. in said note. [April 13, !FM LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! J& W. SAXTON have just received from • Philadelphia the finest assortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this place, Consisting as follows Cloihs, Cassiineres, Tweeds, Cotten Goods, Silk Dress Patterns.. Berge de ',nines. Debages, Lawns. Mnslins; bleached and unbleach ed,.Black Silk, And a great variety ofTrirh,m.ings,suitablefur Siinirher Dress Gtids. ALSO-500 Prints, of every variety:and shade; a beautiful assortment of Ginghains, linen Lus tres. Also—an endless variety of lloziery, such as Gloves of all sorts, colors, and sizes; Stockings of every size and color; Black Silk Mitts, long and short; black Veils, and a great variety of Trim mings too numerous to mention, which we are de termined to sell as low, and lower, than any Muse in town. GROCERIES, of which we have the very best the market allitrds. QUEENSWARE, a general essortment, ingluding GLASSWARE HARDWARD, of which we always keep the largest and hat as sortment ever kept in thin place.. . ROPES AND CORD, consisting as follows—Row-Lines, Stern-Lines, Tow-Linen, Bed-Cords. &c., &c. Salt, Fish, and Plaster, always on hand. , We al, so store and hue Grain, and it is admitted on all hands that we hare the most convenient place of unloading grain in town. Our old stock of Goods We are determined to sell at cost, and under. Also, WOODEN AND WILLOW IVJRE. Please give us a call, and you will, we !MVO nu doubt, be satisfied of the fact. lap. 6,'53. HOUSEKEEPERS; OUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why H go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for hall'-made FeatmonE? Call at No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of the best made Furniture. and Bedding in the city, Feather Beds, Bair, usk, and Straw Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads Fancy Stalled Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of fice Chaihs, Vomiting-house, and cane-seat Stools, Settee. and.Atm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture Made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, Wholesale and retail, and warranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. April 6,1853.-1 y MOUNT UNION HOTEL, ISAAC & WILLIAM Mvana, the present Propri etors of the above Hotel, at Mount Union, Hun tingdon county, respectfully iitform their friends and the public generally, that they are prepared to accommodate all who tire disposed to favor them with their custom, ana that no pains will be spaieil fo render satislitetiom The Hotel is convenient 40 the Roil Rood sta tion, and the closest attention will he given to bag gage, le., in having it conveyed to and front the depot. [April 6,1853.-1 y GAS FIXTURES AND LAMPS. idadiicik, Horning; & Birother, N 0.221, N. 2nd St. above Vine, - • PHILADELPHIA, I TAVING had many years practical experience Li in the business, and nq.all work sold by is is manufactured under our immediate supervision, we are enabled to offer to purchasers superior ar• titles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our Store may be found in every variety and st 3 le of finish, Gas and Lamps, Chandeliers,.Pendant,s, • Side Brackets, for Halls, Churches; &c. • The nrproved Pine Oil Lamp, al- so, Milk]; ard, and Oil Lamps, Gerandoles, Bri quet holders, Parlour, Night, and Reading Lamps, or hand lamps, glasses, globes, Wicks, Shades, &c. .411 Work warranted or no sale. FactOry, No. BC, Noble St., neat Emulh. member Store 221 N. 2iid St., next door to J. Stewart Deptiy's Carpet Store. [op. 6.—'5:3.41m, Ad olio istra tor% Notice, LETTERS of Administration haye this day been granted to the subscriheratprih the. es tate of.facoh Frank, late of Penn town Ship, Ilan tingdon county. deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment; tied those having claims will present them for settle ment to ANDREW G. NEFF, J. I'. ASHCOM, April 6, '53.-6t. Admrs. School Teachers Wanted. SEVERAL male and female teachers will he paid liberal salaries, for ten months, by the School Directors of Huntingdon Borough. Ap plication- to be made, and examination bad, on or before Saturday the 36th of Aril inst. The Schools will be °Poled on•the Oth of May next. OWEN BOAT, .Prest. April 6,1853.-3 t. Just Arrived. One of tho.hest and latgeot selected stocks of Boots and ,Shoes in Huntingdon. Also full as sortment of Gum Shoos, of all sizes, at the new store of J. BRICKER. NOTICE. All persons indebted to Robert Grains, by Book account will call and settle within one month, Books teft at the Tin•shop in Alexandria THE GOLD MINES OF CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA outdone, by the magnificent display of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, nod Fancy Goods just received from New York and Philadelphia by the under signed. His splendid stock consists of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Pencils, Keys, Gold Pens, Ear Rings, Sil ver Table Ware, &e., Port Folios, Clocks, Port Monnaies, and an endless assortment of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. eisr Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Articles neatly and substantially repaired and WARTIANT ED. EDMUND SNARE. March 30, 1853, TWO, FEMALES MURDERED I The Murderer Convicted! The public are hereby iiiformed that the sub scriber has leased that popular and well known store room in the Elephant building, Ct4osite the Railroad Hotel, where he has just received and opened the latest and best supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS in town. Ills stock consists of every variety of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDIVAiIE, QUENSWARB, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., all of which will be sold low for the "dust," or exchanged for country produce. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and "see the Elephant," at least, as no charge is made for exhibiting the animal. XLEX. CARMON March 30, 1853 Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration, on the estate of Thomas Crownover, late of Shirley township, deed., have been granted to the undersigned, who resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley township, Huntingdon county All persons indebted to said intestate will please call and make settlement, and those having claims or demands against the es tate of the said Thomas Crownover, deed., are requested to make known the same, to the sub scriber, without delay. PETER CROWNOVER, Admr. ',larch 30, 1853.-6 t. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration, on the estate of Joseph Gatird, late. of . Shirley township,, deed., have been granted to the unite' signed, who resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley township, Huntingdon county. All persons indebted to said intestate will please cull and make settlement, and those having claims or demands against the es tutu of the said Joseph Gifford, dee., are request ed to Make known the came to the subscriber, without delay. JOHN OIFFO RD, /Winn March 30. 's3.—Gt, LATE ARRIVAL Of Spring and Summer Goods, at S. & G. LEVIS' STORE. The subscribers respectfully return thanks for !, the patronage they have received during the time they have been in business, and would inform the old customers of S. Levi, with no many new ones • as may be pleased to favor them with their pat ronage, that they still continue to distribute Goods at Maguire's old stand, in Market Square, Hun tingdon, where they will he happy to supply all who may be in want of anthing in their line at the low,est possible rates. 'Lodi- s and Gentlemen whit we are goit ' , .to.tell you now is no "Hum bug." Oar stock of Goods consists chiefly of a most splendid vurtment of DRY GOODS, Ladies Dress Goods, from lite pliimest to the finest Silks, Alpacas.; Mouslin dr Base, Moats de ].nines, White and Brown Muslim, White Dress Muslins, and Lit dies! Dress Goods in every variety. Also, Ho- Story, Gloves. Veils, Woolen Scarfs &c., &c., a variety of Fancy Articles and Jewelry. Also a splendid stuck of Cloths, Cassinteres& Ready-Made Clothing: Fine Coats from $7,50 to $l5; Business Coats from $1 to $10; Pants front 75ets. to $6; Vests from 37,icts. to $5. Men snd Boys' Hats & Caps, of different qualities, . Also—A splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes, got up with be latest and most approved pattrens and sqles. A lso—a Aoki, selection of Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, Glassware, &c., As our motto is "Quicx SALES AND SMALL Pitofita," Whoever dues not come and buy from us does not intend ..to save. money, thinking in nimble ninepence better than a slow shilling, we invite all to come and examine our stork of Goods, as we charge nothing for looking at theth, so it you dun% buy it will cost you nothing but the pleasure of a pleasant ride or walk—for we intend to keep all from a broomstick to a windmill. All 'kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Gouda. SIMON & GABRIEL LEVI. March 23, 1853. A. P. WILSON. B. BRUCE PETRIKIN. WILSON & PETRIKIN, 4TTORNEYS ./IT II US TINGDON, PA. IPraetice in the several Courts. Alf Buntittgdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mitllin and Juniata Coun ties. March 23, 1853. 150 wholesale 5000 „t e l i d G r iß e l tai? o f "le' LEVIS' STORE Ladies' Shoes. A SPLENDID nssortineut of Ladies' Shoes, of the latest styles, just received at the store of S. & G. LEVI. Asplendid assortment of BONNETS, just . calved at the cheap storo of 9. & G. LEVI. Gfold Watehes will be sold by En. SNARE lower than elsewhere. GOLD. CHAINS—A tine mkt) , for sale, ye. ry low, at Evid. SNARE'S. PEAFUMER Y—A good, jui, of the best, at EDMUND SNARE'S. -I,RE,AST PINS, Ltr Rings, and Finger Rings, in endless variety, at Elm. SNARE'S. CLoctcs- 7 A . boautillil lot at EDM. SNARK's. eir A fine Int of PISTOLS at Hum. SNARE'S. Ad in n Istia tor% Notice. T ETTER S of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of, John. Walker, late of Dublin township, deed., all per sons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment to JAMES CREE. March i 6, '53. -60 Adm'r. Administrator's Notice; Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the eshue of WitAtAst DEAN, late of Penn township, deed., all persons knowing themselves indebted will make immedi ate payment, and those having claims will present Skein drily authenticated for settlement. DAVID MOUNTAIN, ELIZABETH DEAN, March 16,'51 -61 Adminiptraters, PROCLAMATION. WHEW :AS, by n precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 18th day of January, 1853, Lam commanded to• make Public Proclamation throeghoat my whole baili wick, that a Court of Commoir 'Pleas will be held in tha.Court House in the Borough of Hun• tingdon, on the third Monday (and • 18th day) ot April, A. D., 1853, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which remain •undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesac , and suitors, in the trial of all issues are require,' to appear., • Dated at Huntingdon, the 18th day of January in the year of our Lord 1853, and the 76th yetu of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Ellerin. Mardi 16, 1853. Thirty Four Mules for Sale. MIIE undersigned has, at his residence, on Sh, cers Creek, Huntingdon county, thirty-four MULES, which he ofYers for sale. Mb. 16. '53. WILLIAM MYTON. JULIUS STERN. ' , to IVrth (oporte the Camel Mt, PliiiaikVAia, Having in Store a full and extensive assortment of Millinery Articles, Trimmings, and Fancy Goods, such as Ribbowls, Lases, Blond, Glace- Silks, Floretices, featites, and a large as sortment of Needle-worked Hdkfs., Collars, Caps; Flounces, Insertings, Edgings, &c., together with a great variety of other articles in our line too numerous to mention, nt • Wholesale & N. B. I request all such that me about making their spring purchases to give me a call. March 16, '53.-2m. WOOD tij WILLOW WARE. 20,000 FANCY' CORN BROOMS, 1,500 DOZ. BUCKETS, ASSORT'D COL. URS, soo NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS, 800 CEDAR CHURNS. 500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, 300 DOZ. WALL & SCRUB BRUSHES. The largest stock ever offered in Philadelphia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly M. & J. M. ROWE, No. 111 North Third Street, March 9,'53.-3m. Philadelphia. Administrators' Notice. L ETTERS of administration on the catate of John H. W. Malizines, late of Dublin town ship, deu?d,have been granted, by the Register of Hantingdori County, to tho subscribers, one of whom resides.at Shippensburg, and the other iu Dublin township. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment. R. P.-. M'CLUI3g,.- SAMUEL CAMPBELL, . Administrators March 9, 1853.-Gt SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. „ .... .„„ JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALEIId IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, NO. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Philadelphia. HAVING received by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to offer to their customers; at the lowest market prices— Qlace. Silks for Bonnets, Faro) , Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, and colors, • :Pappy-Nets_and Laces. Toge,thes with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. , March 9, '53.-2m. Timber Land tor Sale. WILL he sold, at Private Sale, TIMBER LAND, (in small or large quantities,) situ ated and lying on the Woodcock Valley side of Tussey Mountain, in the neighborhood of Mar klesburg, and extending several miles. Terms accommodating. Apply to Jacob Cresawell, TroughTreck, Hun tingdon.county, or Georgellandle & W. Griffith, Trustees of the Estate of Savage, No. 2, Ydrk.at, Philadelphia. March 9, 1853.—tf. • SOMETHING NEW. MRS. SUPLEE, invites the attention , of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to her unrivaled assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, for full sized Ladies' Dresscs, Sleeves,Mantles, Talmes, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sacks, &c. &c. The Patterns are embroidered in various de signs, printed and fringed, showing exactly how the Dress will appear when made. Being in constant communication with the be a st houses of London and Paris, afulfurnislied month ly with every. new design as soon as it appears, the public can always depend on this Old Estab lished House for the most recherche novelties in in dress. Always, on hand a benatiful assortment of Chilaren% Clothing, of the newest styles and materials. Medals were 'awitrded her in 1848, '5O, and '52. 13:" A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any ono enclosing Three Dollars. ' Mrs. H. G. Suplee's Childreu's Clothing & Pattern Emporium, 54 South 2d St., Philadelphia, Feb. 2,1853.-3 m B. L MILL I, H. DI S. Ariffiaial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and neatness. . Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatch that modern science can tarnish. March 2, 1853. NOTICE. ALL persons are warned against taking an as signment of a Note, bearing date September 18, 1852, in favor of Simon. Levi fgr536,79. Said note nuni Amin ed by frandulent representations as to the contents. ainount and character of the pa pet, at the signing thereof, and will not he paid by me, unless compelled by law. HENRY LEVI. March 2, 1853. Administrator's Notice. Estate of•WlLLiau IRVINE, lato of Warrioremayk tawnship, Cloc'd. - - Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above -Estate, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settjaufbni. JACOB STEVENS, Adm'r. March 2, 1853.6 t.• Abeautiful lot of Cast Iron Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns, just received, and tar sale by Feb. 23, 1833. J. & W. SAXTON WANTED. Iu exchange for merchandiae, 500 bushels of dried apples, paired; 950 bushels of Peaches, un paired. A. S. HARRISON, & Co.