Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 13, 1853, Image 2

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IVednesady Morning, April 13, 1853.
s. L GLASGOW, Editor;
Moses Pownall, of Lancaster county.
Christian Myers, of Clarion county.
Alexander li. McClure; of Franklin cu
We wish it distinctly undtrstoocl,
that it is our rule to insert no communica
tion, of any kind or character, which has
not the name of the anthor, or the person
requesting its publication, accompanying
the same.
New Advertisements,
In this week's paper appears the adver
tisement of John Skees, Chairmaker; and
whoever wishes substantial and neat chairs,
settees, &c., at the lowest prices : cannot
possibly do better than to patronise his es
tablishment. Mr. Skees is a clever fellow,
and deserves the confidence and patronage
of the public.
In another eulumu will be found the ad
vertisement of Col. Geo. Gwin's splendid
assortment of Spring and Summer Goods,
of all kinds, qualities and prices. The
Colonel is fully prepared now to accommo
date his customers and 'the rest of man
kind." Give him a call, and you will not
leave without being satisfied of the cheap
ness and elegance of Isis Goods.
See advertisement in another column, of
Mr. Colon's Book Store. lie keeps con
stantly on hand an elegant assortment of
Books of all kinds and prices. Mr. Colon
is a clever fellow and is always ready to
oblige those who favor him wih a call.
Cornpropst S. Cunningham have now
the Huntingdon Mill, and aro prepared to
accommodate all who may favor them with
I call.
Valuable Real Estate and Mill Proper
ty, in West township, tor sale by Robert
Moore. •
Blair & Burkholder are now in town rea
ds to take Daguerreotype Pictures, in the
most approved style.
Sealed proposals will be received ut Al
toona, Blair co., by Thoe. 13urchinell, for
the delivery of 170,000 Bricks, &c.
Executor's Notice, by D. Stewart.
Final Adiournment.
Both branches of the Legislature have
passed a resolution to adjourn sine die on
Tuesday the 19th inst. We think it would
have been strictly in accordance with the
wishes of their constituency had they pass
ed such resolutions several weeks ago.
As usual, the present Legislature thus
far, has done nothing for the general
advantage of the people; and we presume,
as has heretofore been the ease, every im
portant bill will ho passed the last two or
three days of tLe session. And then the
sage law-makers, the Solons of the Penn
syltania Legislature, will return to their
constituency and endeavor to induce them
to believe that their labors during the past
Session• were very severe, and the people
ought to feel under greet obligations to
them for the careful and scrutinizing vigi
lance they exorcised over their interests,
and fur the entire devotion of attention to
the peremptory claims connected with the
MO and responsible office of Representa
tive or Senator.
Since we have been presiding over the
columns of the Journal, we have published
very few of the proceedings of the present
Session, because we could discover nothing
in them, we thought, that would in the
least be interesting to our readers.
We hope the period is not distant when
wen will be sent to the Legislature who
will feel a substantial interest in the wel
fare of the people generally, as well as in
their own sectional fame or boasted popu
O."H. Bite ER S wooPE,. Esq., was ad
mitted on last Monday morning to practice
in the several Courts of Huntingdon CJitn-
Mr. S. is a young inau of considerable
talent, and be cannot fail to succeed in the
profession of law, if he uses the proper dis
cretion. We wish biro success in his new
sphere of life.
(Cr The communication from Birming
ham; the notice from our friend in Hill
Valley, and some other matter, did not
appear in our last issue, having reaohed
us too late for publication, but they appear
in thin •vvek'r paper.
The Consistency of Democracy.
The message of Gov. Bigler, sent to the
Senate and Rouse of Representatives on
the sth instant, on signing the Bill to in
corporate the Erie City Bank, is a strange
document after the sentiments he has so
frequently expressed adverse to the in
crease of banking capital, or the extension
of paper currency. In this message even,
he alleges that daily observation has more
than satisfied him of the soundness and
practicability of his, or the locofoco poli
cy, on this subject, and yet does the very
thing which, according to his argument,
has a direct tendency to impoverish the
people, and destroy the institutions of the
State. lie wishes it to be distinctly under
stood by the people of Pennsylvania, that
in giving his consent to the creation of the
Erie City Bank, there is no evidence of a
change in the views he has hitherto main
tained. Actions speak louder than words,
we bold, and if he is so well satisfied of the
correctness of the locofoco policy, why vi
olate the principle he holds so dear and do
that which ho knows to be detrimental to
the interests of the citizens of the Com
monwealth '1 From what he says, we infer,
that the reason he gave his sanction to the
' Bill, was because the people in that partic
ular locality wanted and needed the Bank
for trading and commercial purposes. This
we believe to be true, and we believe the
signing of the bill was right, but diametri
cally opposed to locofoco policy, and there
fore inconsistent., on the part of Gov. Big
ler. To have been consistent, he should
never have dared put his name to any bill
of the kind. What he did, with his rea
sons why he signed the bill, is nothing
' more nor less than Whig doctrine. . The
bill incorporating the Erie City Bank was
one among others which he vetoed last Ses
sion, and now he sanctions it. To us it
seems to be very pusilanimous conduct, on
the part of the Governor of a great State
like Pennsylvania. We hope hereafter to
hear no more crusade preaching by him,
with some semblance of sincerity, against
chartering Banks in cases of necessity.
Spring, the Murderer, Convicted.
Arthur Spring, the man who was charg
ed with the murder of Mrs. Lynch and Mrs.
Shaw, after a second trial, was convicted,
on last Thursday morning in the Court of
Oyer and Terminer, Phila., of murder in
the first degree. He made an address to
the Court, avowing his innocence and de
ckling his son to bo the real murderer.
This degraded wretch was clearly proven
to be the perpetrator, whose guilty hand
suddenly and unexpectedly hurried two in
nocent and uneffending women into eterni
ty, and we hope he will hang by the neck
until dead. We do not so hope, because
we are particularly in favor of Capital pun
ishment, but because if such heinous and
fiendish crimes are perpetrated in an intel
ligent community— such as ours is—with=
out receiving their just reward prescribed
by law, the inevitable tendency must be
the degeneracy of moral sentiment. We
think we have as much sympathy for frail
and erring humanity, as most any tan, but
if we have laws for the protection of the
eemmunity in such cases and believe their
effect salutary, why not enforce them ?
The extra Session of the U. S. Sen
ate still continues, but little is doing ex
cept confirming the nominations to office,
sent in by General Pierce. We would most
cheerfully give a detailed account of the
proceedings at the National Capitol, for
the perusal and examination of our readers,
were it not that we think there is nothing
transpiring which would be regarded by
them as at all interesting. There has been
no intimation, so fur as•our knowledge ex
tends, when the Senate will make a final
adjournment. We hope they will soon;
because as• it is; they are unnecessarily
wasting their time and squandering the
peoples' money.
Prohibitory Liquor ResolutiOns.
In the Senate, April 6th, the resolutions
to submit the question of a prohibitory
quor law to a vote of the people, came up
in order on their final passage; and were
passed by the following vote : •
Fear.—Messrs. Carothers, Darsie, E
vans Forsyth, Frick, Hu ai'cony Byron D.
Ephraim W. Hamlin, Hendricks,.
Hoge, Kunkel, McFarland, McMurtrie,
Quiggle ' Robertson, Sanderson, Skinner,
and Slifer.—lB.
NAY4.—MessrB. Baily, Buokalow, Dar
lington, Goodwin, Haldeman, Hester, Kin
zer, Myers, M'Caslin, O'Neill, Sager, and
Carson Speaker.
ri A• remarkable instance of self-sao
ritleing bravery iii a boy, took place in Cass
county, Georgia, not long sihee. The house
of Mr. Jesee Windsor had takenlire, and
while the flames were raging, his son; a
boy of 12 years of age, rushed into the
house and rescued two of his younger
brothers. Thinking that a third was left,
he again advanced into the flames, but ho
never returned. Was he not a hero'
Penutqlvania Legtillature.
April 7.
Senate.—Mr. Darsie reported ; as com
mitted, the bill to repeal the tonnage tax
on goods and merchandize passing over the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Senate then proceeded to the con
sideration of the bill providing for the pro
tection of fruit, add the punishment of
the tresepassers thereon, in the counties
of Allegheny and Philadelphia.
The bill was amended so as to inelhde
also the counties of Northampton, Lehigh,
Delaware, Erie, Somerset, Union, Wayne,
Deaver, Bucks had Schuylkill, and, as
amended, passed.
On motion of Mr. Myers, the bill to in
corporate the Farmers' High School of
Pennsylvania, was taken up and phssed
Committee of the Whole.
The following bills were severally taken
up and passed.
A supplement to the act relative to the
registration of births, marriages and deaths:
A bill relative to acts of partition.
lititim—Tito House met at 10 o'clock,
wh en a great variety of unimportant busi
oss was considered and disposed of.
The committee appointed to investigate
the frauds in the allotment of work upon
the Allegheny Portage Railroad, had
leave granted to report to-morrow.
The House again resumed the consider
ation of the general appropriation bill.
Mr. Flanigen moved to increase the ap
propriation to the North Branch Canal, to
A long and animated discussion, of a
personal and exciting character, ensued.
The amendment was finally agreed to.
Several amendments were offered and
debated at some length.
afternoon Session.—The house re
sumed the consideration of the general
Appropriation bill.
The section of the bill making an appro-
priation to continue the work on the road
to avoid the Inclined Planes on the Por
tage Railroad being under consideration.
Mr. Hart moved to increase the appro
priation to $lOO,OOO, which was agreed to.
The bill was then further considered for
some time, and a number of amendments
offered and rejected.
The bill is now about half through see
and reading. The House adjourned.
April, 8,
The bill to authorize the Sunbury and
Erie Railroad Company to borrow money
to complete their road, was then taken up,
on motion of Mr. Quiggle.
Tne bill was debated for a time, and an
amendment proposed and adopted, requi
ritig the western termination of the road to
be fixed at Erie.
The bill passed finally.
Mr. Crabb read itt place a bill to vest
the title of the Commonwealth to the
Wind Mill Island Canal, in the Delaware
river, in the authorities of Philadelphia
HOVSE.—The House again resumed the
consideration of the general appropriation
bill, and a number of amendments were of
fered and debated at length.
afternoon Session.—The House re
assembled at 5 o'clock, when Mr. Hook
introduced a bill supplementary to the
$3OO exemption law, and which provides
among other things, that printer's bills
shall bo paid before the benefits of exemp
tion act shall b 3 of effect.
The House then again resumed the con
sideration of the General Appropriation
Bill, which was further debated at consid
erable length, and finally laid aside.
Hon. Henry M. Fuller.
The Wilkesbarre dvocate, in noticing
some complimentary articles to this able
and popular Whig of Northern Pennsylva
nia, expressos the opinion that the notices
referred to indicate quite clearly that there
are those in various parts of the Common
wealth who are casting an eye to Mr. Ful
ler with a view to bringing him forward on
no very distant day, as a candidate for the
Gubernatorial chair ; and says :
We are - not surprised, nor will we be, if
we should see him filling that important
post with honor. Mr. FUller possesses tal
ent rend intelligence of no - common order,
an industry and application that never lags;
and qualities that render Mtn popular
wherever known. As a member of the
when but little past his youth, 1 1
he made adeeidedly favorable - impression'
throughont the State. Even warm politic
chins of the opposite party highly esteemed
him for qualities. of both head and heart.l
An a member of the last Congress, and in
his intercourse with distinguished men of
the Nation, Mr. Fuller sustained himself
most honorably, and won the esteem and
confidence of men - who are cal able of- ap
preciating ability and merit. Mr. Fuller
will maintain a favorable position among
the more prominent Whig Statesmen - of the
Commonwealth. There is not among them
one who would bo a more available candi
date for the Gubernatorial chair--nor one
who would make a safer helmsman, or who,
if plimed in that' position, would devote
himself more ardently, faithfully, and hoe
, estly to the public good.
For the Joartml,
Examination of Mountain
It is every day becoming more and more
apparent, that in youth the Mind is capa
ble of making great literary attainments;
that much can be acquired in a short time
by having competent and enterprising
teachers every candid observep must admit.
The citizens of Birmingham and vicinity
had a demonstration of this on Wednesday
March 30th. In witnessing the examine
, don of, the students of "Mountain Acade-
My," the second session of this institution
I classed on that day, when classes were ex
mined in many of the branches taught, in
such schools. All present were convinced
from the readiness in answering, and the
expertness in solving problems that the
students had improved their time, and that
the teacher was in every. ivey _eminently
qualified for the respectable station he oc
cupies. Expinples were solv,ed on the
"blaek-board" in the different branches of
Mathematics, giving evidence of great
concentration of mind on the part of the
pupils, as well as the assurance that. the
best .modes of teaching, that difficult Seienee
were well understood be the teacher. Not
only were problems readily solved but the
rules and definitions were well understood
and satisfactorily explained to the audi
ence. The members of the classes in
English Grammar and in Latin acquitted
themselves no less creditably than the
classes in mathematics. The questions I
proposed were all promptly and correctly
in the evening also, there were some
exceedingly interesting and profitable ex
ercises, which consisted in reading compo
sition, declaiming and delivering original
addresses. The compositions were alto
gether original with the scholars and in
our opinion could not have been surpassed
by any of their age and opportunities.—
The declamations . were very good. The
appropriateness of the gestures, emphases,
and cadence of the juvenile class truly en
titles them to much credit. Their grace
fulness in corning before the audience and
their strict observance of the rules of rhet
oric and elocution would have made some
of our beet orators blush. The original
addresses were no less worthy of cowmen
du,tion. They were delivered with force
and animation and elicited the highest on
comiums that could be bestowed on such
The variety given to the exercises of the
whole evening by some most excellent in
strumental music added increased life and
interest to the occasion. The audience
was highly entertained and delighted with
the whole day's proceedings: The pauci
ses of the young men were smiled upon
and witnessed with admiration by all.
This Institution is under the supervision
and immediate instruction of the Rev. T.
WARD. It is yet in its infancy but thus
far has surpassed the most sanguine ex
pectations of its friends, and is now rapid
ly establishing for itself a reputation sec
ond to no other institution in the country.
Birmingham, April 1, 1853.
The Whigs Alive and Kicking.
CoLtimnus j 0.--=The Whig ticket, with
the exception of Marshal, is elected by a
large majority. knglishc whig, is Mayor;
Stevens, loco, is Marshal; Butler, whig, is
Solicitor; Armstrong, whig, is Treasurer;
Joseph Sullivant and J. J. Janney, whigs,
are School Directors. Whig councilmen
were elected in four of the five wards by
large majorities. The Whig township
ticket was elected by ahandsome majority,
being the first thing of the kind for some
CLEVELAND I O.—The Whigs hove a
majority of the Council, and the Whigs and
Frec-soilers a majority of the ticket.—
Mayor Brownell is re-elected. •The con
test was very close for some of the city of
ficers. The people have voted the water
loan by 637 majority.
PAINESVILLE, o.—After an exciting
contest, William L. Perkins, (whig) has
been elected Mayor. Lewis Miller, Esq.,
was re-elected Justice of the Peace without
ADRIAN, MICH.-. Hon. Addison J.
Comstock, (whigY bas been elected Mayor
by 200 majority.
YORK, PA.—The Wkige of the borough
of York made a clear sweep,at the election
on Friday, the Ist day of April, electing
their entire ticket, save the candidate for
constable, by a large majority.
The Rhode bland Election---The
Liquor Law Approved.
PROVIDENCE, April 7, 1853.-1 he re
turns are all in, with the exception of New
Shoreham. The vote on the repeal of the
Liquor Law shows 900 majority in favor
of sustaining the present law. The vote
of New Shoreham will not vary the major
ity much:• The Assembly is undoubtedly
opposed te• the prohibitory law.
40Veleil101e anMiley.
Tho Senate of the United States have
passed a resolution authorizing the Presi
dent to take measures for the investigation
of the charge of fraud against Gov. Ram
sey as Indian Agent in the matter of the
payment of the gratuities to the Lidians.
His Excellency, it appears, has one or two
violent personal' eitcuiies in the Territory,
wilt) have resorted ttcet , dry means of an
noyancb against hint ih theif power, and
this is one of the results of their efforts.—
They allege that he deducted a per cog
age from the amount paid'oetensibly, in fa.
vor of their attorneys. We have no doubt
he will pass the ordeal unscathed.--Pa.
State Lunatic Hospital.
IThe Annual Report of the Trustee of
the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital,
contains much interesting and valuable in
formation. From it we learn that the hos
pital contains apartments for more than
three hundred patients. At the date of
the last report it contained thirty-seven,
since which time one hundred and eigh
teen have been received, and forty-eight
have been discharged or died, leaving one
hundred and six under care at the elote Of
the year. Of the patients admitted, sixty
three were sent by the public authorities,
and fifty-five were supported by their
friends. Of thole discharged, thirteen
were in different states of improvement,
ten. were without.material improvement,
and seven died. The institution is in its
in fancy, but alreimlY has been the means
of doing much good: The Trultees say,
that the very marked improvement in the
chronic easel generally; since their transfer
to .a Hospital, has been of the most graft
, fying character, and offer's one of the strong
est arguments for promptly placing all ca
ses of insanity under the most favorable cir
cumstances for promoting their recovery,
and for a steady perseverance in an enlight
ened course of treatment. If the complete'
recovery of all is not possible, the improve
ment of their mental and physical health,
and the new sources of enjoyment afforded
to them in the Wards of a well regulated
Hospital, will prove an ample return to the
community for the additional expense that
may be incurred. Reliable statistical
information renders it quite certain, that
there are at the present within the bounds
of the Commonwealth, more titan enough
cases of insanity unprovidcd with the com
forts proper for their situation, and subjec
ted to no regular treatment to fill the Hos
pital. A proper regard for the best inter
ests of the afflicted, no less than a wise
economy, demands that all these should be
sent to the State Asylum.
Dr. Cumin, the Superintendent, allu
ding to the fact that thirteen cases were
entirely restored, and sixteen were greatly
improved during the year, says that such
results constitute a source of great satis
and he expresses . the opinion that,
had a number of those designated as impro
ved, been permitted to remain longer un
der treatment, they also would have been
entirely restored. He says that. in the
great majority of cases, so soon as the vio
lence of the attack has been overcome, the'
patient expresses a longing desire to return
home, and to this feeling, the friends and
relatives too often imprudently yield. Al.
though the Institution has been in opera
tion now more than a year, no occasion has
yet been found to break through the rule
which was adopted at the opening, viz :
never to use mechanical restraint, if it
could by any possibility be avoided.
Attention is earnestly called to the pro
priety and necessity of early treatment in
all cases of insanity. Procrastination is
almost uniformly attended with bad effects.
Dr. Curwin also protests against the most
invariable resort to blood-letting in all ca
ses of insanity. All hospital experience
both in this country and in Europe, is cal
culated to show that the loss of blood is
attended with evil consequences. Insanity,
according to Dr. C. is simply a nervous
disorder ; and must be treated as end] and
the greater cure should be taken to distin
guish between that excitement which is
truly nervous, and the delirium caused by
inflammatory action.
We regard this Hospital as an honor to
the generous and benevolent feelings of
Pennsylvania, and we feel satisfied that it
will prove the means of softening and re
lioveing a vast amount of human suffering.
Heretofore, the insane poor have been con
fined in the almshouse and jails of the Com
monwealth, and have been subjected, in
many eases, to treatment calculated to ag
grivate rather than to relieve their condi
tion. Fortunately, a better policy has
been adopted and is in practice, and thus
in the course of time, hundreds of unfortu
nate beings who, under other circumstan
ces, would have gone down to the grave in
wretchedness and degradation, will be re
stored to the light of reason, the compan
ionship of friends and relatives, and to the
useful and honorable paths of society.—
Crystal Fountain.
correspondent of the Boston Journal gives
this sketch of Looms Napoleon :
"As for the Emperor, he doe's not im
prove on near acquaintance. Contrary to
What I hid supposed, and to what is the
general opinion, derived from his portraits,
he is a short man; shorter than the average
of his guests. He looks' best on' horse
back, and ought to contrive sonic) way of
parading through his apirtmeiits on his
horse. This arises from his tintistiany
short legs, which give him a verYdwkward
appearance. As a friend has it, his legs
are failures, consequently he cannot dance
well. Moroover,his long moustache, grad
ually tapering of to one sully waxed hair,
is not ornamental, whatever he may think
to the contrary."
through a private letter front Europe, that
oat' Midster at Madrid, Mr. Barringer, has
fully succeeded hi his efforts, through his
persona influence • with the Government!
there, in proeurinerom the Queen of Spain
a pardon and ! release of the" Hungarian
prisoners of the topez expedition of 1851
against the Island of Cuba, who have been
so long couffned ! in the Spanish presidia at
Ceuta, in Africa, and who were made an
exception to the general pardon granted to
the American and other prisoners of the
emedition. They aro eight in number.-1
Nal inna Intelligencer.
Annexation of the Sandwich Is.
The 'rational Democrat has a Wash
ington correspondent that makes a wonder
tut revelation. ire says a number of
wealthy Texans, who have made themselves
as rich as princes in California, have just
entered into negotiations with the copper
colored king of the Sandwich Islands, to
buy out his kingdom—crown and sceptre,
throne and even regality, down to the last
bead of the royal adornment, and the last
yam-patch of the royal domain. If the
bargain is agreed to, we are told, these
gentlemen intend snaking Uncle Sam a
present of the Islands, The Democrat
writer says :
"This is the simple and literal truth,
strangely as it may sound in the United
States. The consideration proposed and
accepted, was an annuity of some $lO,OOO
a year, during the life of the king of the
Islands, who, it may be observed, has no
children, and is therefore, loss anxious
about a kingdom which he cannot transmit
to a lineal heir. The bargain was secretly
concluded sonic time in 1850, and the de
lighted negotiators despatched one of their
number to lay the affair before our Secre
tary of State. Judge of their vexation
when they found the British minister had
anticipated their news, through the activi-
Ity of the English merchants at the Sand
r wich Islands, and forestalled all their
plans. Directly after the California en
voys had left the Islands, in the full con
, vietion that the purchase was an accom
plished fact, the British agents obtained
from the timid and changeable king, a
negation of the whole business of sale, and
met at Washington the written proffer to
cede the Islands to the United States, by
a later writing, that "the only and deter
mined wish of tl.e King of the Sandwich
Islands, was to preserve the independence
of his kingdom, and make its ports the
hospitable haven of all friendly nations."
This would seem to end the matter, but
the Californians who had embarked in it,
were determined not to give up the ship,
and are very busy in bringing the King
back to his bargain. If they succeed, it
is their plan to declare the Sandwich Is
lands a county of the State of California,
and they say the legislature of California
will unanituous:y agree to take temporary
jurisdiction, and then formally apply to
Congress for its sanotion to permanent an
nexat is n.
Thirty Californians have positively sub
scribed of their own means, one hundred
thousand dollars, to meet the expenses and
first instalment of the purchase; nor do
they entertain the slightest doubt of suc
An Idea for a Fourth of July
Happily for mankind, despotism is short
sighted. In other words,—Providence
means well to the human family, and can
not be thwarted—absolutely cannot! Ex
cept fur this certainty, many would con
template the present condition of continen
tal Europe with dispair. But the truth is,
that every ounce which is added to the
burden of the continent, contributes a
pound to Freedom. In the first place, the
infliction of that ounce costs the despot
who lays it on much in money and more
in attention. It weakens him, while it
seems to strengthen. In the second place,
an oppressed nation is not a gi owing nation,
and is sure to be left behind (like Spain)
in the march of the world. In the third
place, since the world has to go on, its
progressive force, which, but for the des
potism which binds down part of the world,
might be universally applied, is concentra
ted in helping forward the free nations
which can march. Hence, America and
England, the only free nations, and to
which the best part of the civilized globe
belongs, are now going onward to univer
sal doininion i at a pace which . takes away
one's breath to think of. And every step
gained by them is gained for freedom.—
The madness of those despots is something
quite inconceivable. They aro driving
away their best minds to England, their
bust workmen to America, and are bending
all their endeavours to render their soldiers
blocks and their subjects lackeys; and so
become great and powerful! It was
not for nothing that the Austrian Emperor
lately announced that emigrants to Ameri
ca would net be permitted to return• to
their own country. There was a two-fold
reason for this mandate. One is sufficiently
obvious; but the immediate and pressing
reason was, that the rage for emigration
has now reached a class which has, hith
erto, in every country, preferred to re
main at house--a class in the enjoyment of
of wealth and respectability. Official ar
rogance has even induced them to turn
their eyes inquiringly to the land of free
dom across the channel, or to the land of
freedom across the sea. Therefore we
may, with the utnioet confidence, conclude,
that either the continental nations will
break the yoke under which they now
groan, or else their vital force will be ab
sorbed by those nations whose progress is
the progress of freedom and civilization.
Goma To TExas.LGovernor Ujhazy,
the Hungarian refugee and leader of the
Hungarian settlement at New Buda, has
sold out his land, and leaves in the Spring
for Texas, where he has bought some hun
dreds of acres.
Cannon BURNT.—The Presbyterian
Church at Ausable Forks, Clinton county,
New York, was destroyed by fire on the
evening of the 'Nth ult. No insurance..