Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 06, 1853, Image 3

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    Splinters and Shavings.
ODD—the men with the low•crowned hat.
A silver mine has been found in Izard
county, Arkansas.
eir "Bloomers" have commenced the season
already in Cincinnati.
air The first Federal Congress assembled on
the Ist of April, 1789.
Cr On the i7th inst., 244 convicts from Eng.
land arrived at Bermuda. .
G am') or all description is abundant in the
vicinity of San Francisco..
_ _
grThe first Assembly of Pennsylvania con
veiled March the 12th, 1683.
efir The length of the Allegheny mountian
tunnel, on the Pennsylvania railroad, is 3,570 feet.
cir Edwin Forest has received $250 from Hi
ram Fuller, Editor of the N. Y. Mirror, as dam
ages for a libel.
ga- The faro from St. Louis to Philadelphia
is $22.
i l ar The new State House of Ohio is to cost
$ 125,000.
air The whole number of deaths in Now York
for the year 1852, was 21,601.
er A band of professional Whistlers is an•
flounced to give concerts in Cincinnati.
gar The marble cutters of Pittsburg have struck
fur higer wages.
ifir Senator Dixon is in very delicate health,
at tie rt:sidenee in Ilenderatm, Ky.
Or The shock of an earthquake was sensibly
felt at oVatbi4tmh, HIM., on the 12th ult.
In Couni AGAIN—Mad. Sontag has been again
anal at New York, for $lOO damages, for breach
of contract:
18" At the recent turnout of the draymen, on
it strike at Louisville, their procession was three
tun , in I«ngth. . .
The - United States has now one hundred
millions of acres of land upon which a white man
has never trod. . . .
itEr A man was sent to jail, at Cincinnati, at
his own request, for twenty days, to prevent him
from vmtine intoxicated.
air E. Cornm tn. of the Carlisle Democrat, has
been appointed Superintendent of the public
prinsino. by Gov. Bider.
giir It 14 said the Hon. John P. Hale will re
move to New-York City next month, and there
restime the practice of the law.
a- The salaries of the various offices within
the gift of the President of the U. Slates amount
to upwards of fifty million of dollars a year.
Gir A female was burnt to death at Norfolk,
Va.. on the, night of the I Ith inst., by the explo
sion of a camphene lamp, which set fire to her
clothing and burnt her person in an awful manner.
been made to the Ohio Legislature, showing . that
the nett revenue, derived from the public works of
that State, during the year '5l, was $548,167 90;
and in the following year, '52, but $188,229 17.
Gr A strong association has been formed in
Charleston. S. C., for the purpose of erecting a
monument to John C. Calhoun. It is composed
of committees from the military and fire compa
nies of the city.
Cie Washington's Birthday in Naples, was
celebrated on the evening of the 22d of February
last, at the house of the Hon. E. Jo r Mounts,
our Charge d'Affairs at that court, by some sixty
or seventy Americans.
Missouri Legkluture has appropriated $4,000 for
the proper representation of that State at the N.
York World's Fair in May next. L. M. Kennett
is the agent of the State.
COLEMAN.—"II has been my habit," says
Coleman, "to write chiefly at night; and when
I hare grown heated with my subject' it has so
chilled my limbs, that I hare gone to bed as if I
had been sitting up to my knees in ice."
Q3-" The Black Swan," who now occupies a
prominent position before the musical world, con
templates going to Europe in a short time. There
will then Ise two celebrities from the United
in Europe nt once--the " Black Swan," and Mrs.
Harriet 'Beecher Stowe
Onr townsman, Thomss Fisher, Esq., is
erecting a very splendid Sam nor house in the
yard adjoining his private dwelling. As far as the
comforts of this life are concered, Mr. Fisher's
family have certainly now no reason to complain.
They can enjoy their ottani rum dignitate.
WAXEFILM-Gilbert Waltfield tells us that ho
wrote his own Memoirs (a large ,ctavo) in six or
eight days. It cost him nothing. and, what is ve
ry natural, is worth nothing. One might yawn
scores of such hooks into existence;. but who
could he the wiser or the hotter?
PANTIIERS.-The Elk County AdvoCate says,
six full grown panthers were captured and killed,
in the Eastern part of Elk ennnty, a few weeks
ago, by Erasmus Morey and Peter Smith. The
largest measured thirteen feet from the tip of the
nose to the end of the tail. Elk is a great county.
oir Copt. Dorris is putting up an end porch to
his beautiful and comfortable dwelling. It will he
the work of his own hands, and it will he neat, be
cam the Capt. is a mechanical genitis. Though
n I vrrer stan , Fmt high in his profession, yet not
tit nr, I to ell I the Wane, or handle the Mal
let. .His exlmple is worthy of imitation.
• __
York Journal of Commerce states that in &Uwe-
q , once of the unfavorable state of the weather
during the past month and a temporary delay or
ca.toned hr a want of building materials, the
Crystal Palace will not. probably, ho ready for
the reception of articles before the first of June.
THOMAB.—Thomas, en intense thinker would
sit for hours against a hedge, composing with a
low voice, taking the same pinch of snuff for
half an hour together without being aware
that it Mal long disappeared. When he quitted
Iris apartment, after prolonging his stndies there,
a visilde alteration was observed in his person,
and the agitation of his recent thoughts was still
traced in his air and manner.
gir It is stated in one of our exchanges that
an immense Mass Meeting was held in Market
Square, Cincinnati, on Tuesday night, to nomi
nate an Independent ticket for City Officers to
sustain the Common Scho‘ls, and oppose the en
croachments of Roman Catholics in regard to them.
All political lines were entirely laid aside and the
candidates selected with the single view to the
School question.
Great indignation was expressed at the attempts
of foreign Ecclesiastics to interfere ,ith the Cont.
don Schools.
Protest of England against the Aus
trian Proceedings inSardinia.
HALIFAX, N. S., March 30.
mentary business is very unimportant.—
Lord John Russell stated in the House
that the Mexican Government had reduced
the ditty on printed calicoes and paper, and
measures referring thereto would soon be
Mr. Milli drew the attention of govern
ment to the fact that the only winter route
of British troops to Canada is thorugh the
United States,and asked if the Government
intended to follitate, by guarantee or oth
erwise, the roMpletion of the Marna and
Quebec Railroad,
Mr. Poel, for the Government, was una
ble to state.
Lord John Russell spoke of Austrian
proceedinzs towards Sardinia subjects in
conseqence of tho Mil..n insurrecticn. The
Sardinian Government had requested the
British Government to interfere against Se
questration, and Great Milian .had written
a strong letter to Vienna; but, in the mean
time, the Austrian authorities had stated
that it was their intention to remove se.
queitration from parties proving theni
sel yes innocent.
Lord John Russell also stated that the
Goverment had received notice that the
Grand Duke of Tuscany had liberated the
Madiai family, and slowed them to leave
The Jew bill has been postponed to
April 11.
The estimated import of gold for the
next three weeks is about £2,000,000.
The mail steamer Australian. after four
attempts, has giver up the voyage to Aus
The ship Dernice has been burnt by mu
tineers, Javenese and Manilla men, and the
captain and officers murdered, in the Straits
of Gasper.
The following despatch caused a depres
sion of the English and French funds.
:MARSEILLES, March 18.—Advices from
Constantinople state that the Russians ul
timatum has been repelled. The Sultan
invokes the assistance of France and Eng
land. The British fleet has been ordered
from Malta to Archipelago.
The Emperor's policy at the present mo
ment being to preserve a quiet aspect to
wards all governments, until after the cor
onation, political news is scarce. Great
anxiety is manifested for the Pope's visit
to Paris. It is likely, but not certain, that
he will come. It is very doubtful, too, if
Napoleon will concede anything in spiritu
al affairs to the Pope, if he does come.
On Dit.—The Emperor of Austria in
sists on the Pope coming to Vienna to
crown him; brit to this Napoleon will not
Gen. Cariohert has been again offered St.
Arnaud's portfolio, but declines, unless
Changarnier, La Morriuere, Bedeau and
Leflo, be amnestied.
Mons. Orfilla, the eminent chemist, is
dead, aged seventy.
The Paris exhibition will open on the
Ist of May, 1855.
' The pensions heretofore paid by govern
ment to the polish refugees have been with
drawn. No cause haft been assigned for
the act.
All ewployere on the pablic works have
been required to take the oath to uphold
the present constitution.
The Emperor has completely recovered,
but his physicians have recommended him
to travel in Tyrol. The church ceremony
in honor of the Emperor's escape, passed
of quietly, on the 12th inst.
The government is understood to be ex
tremely dissatisfied with the recent state
ments in the British parliament, to the ef
fect that England would not expel the re
fugees. Tl.e Austrian government thin
it would be quite useless to prosecute Maz
zini or Kossuth in England, as no jury
would find them guilty.
The firm r f Mectane, Lola & Co. of Vi-
Mina, has failed for 200,000 florins. Late
accounts from Moldavia states that the
reigning Prince had left JeSay, and that a
governmental council had been formed.
. .
The inhabitants of Milan have been re
lieved from the order to illuminate their
houses at night, but on a signal of a can
non shot, from the Castle, the whole city,
omit be illuminated, the doors,,,be closed;
and the streets be deserted. The military
are employe.] id strengthening the fortifica
tions and gates. The State of siege is still
rigidly enforced, and no officers go out
without an escort. Der Lloyd states that
the value of the confiscated property is fif
ty millions sterling. Lloyd states that the
new Genoa steam-ship Company, with a
capital of thirty millions, designed to open
steam coiatunniaation betwten the Mediter
ranean and American ports, was progree
ing, with a fair prospect of success.
South Ameitca:
Buenos Ayres dates are to February 2d.
The civil war still waging— but accounts
are rather Cnconnoetedd. An attack on the
City was loOked for on the 3d, and full
preparationi had bcon made for resistance.
The Times says, the foreign resident gen
erally, the bulk of the Yankees excepted,
wish well to the cause of the city.
Gore, the British Charge, had been ex
pelled. Business at Buenos Ayres in Jan
uary, was almost a blank, excepting for
food and amunitigps. There was no price
list published. ffeights light. The stook
of wool had accumulated, and there were
but few hides and a small quantity of tal
low in the market.
outdone, by the magnificent display of Jewelry,
Watches, Clocks, and Fancy Goods just received
from New York and I'iffled6lpltia by the under
signed. His splendid stock consists of Gold and
Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Breast Pins, Finger
Rings,Pencils, Keys, Gold Pens, Ear Rings,Jiil
ver Table Ware, &c., Port Folios, Clocks, Port
Monnaies, and an endless assortment of Fancy
Gonds too numerous to mention.
Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Articles
neatly and substantially repaired and WARRANT
March 30, 1853.
The Murderer Convicted!
The public are hereby informed that the sub
scriber has leased that popular and well known
store room in the Elephant building, opposite the
Railroad Hotel,. where he lies just received and
opened the latest and best Rpidy of
in town. His stock consists of every variety of
all of which will he sold low for the "dust," or
exchanged for country produce.
Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited
to call and "see the Elephant," at least, as no
charge is made fur exhibiting the animal.
March 30, 1853
Administratoti Notice.
L ET TERS of Administration, on the estate.ol
Thomas Crownover, hate of Shirley township,
deed., have been grated to.the undersigned, who
resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county All petsons indebted to said
intestate will please call and make settlement, and
those having claims or dmiiinitis against the es
tate of the said Thomas Ci•Ownover; dec'd., are
requested to make known the same, to the sub
scriber, without delay.
March 30, 1853.-6 t.
Adm nistratoe4 Notice.
-E ETTERS or Administration, on the estate of
Joseph Gifford, late of Shirley township,
dee'd., hare heen granted fo tha undo signed, who
resides in Black Log Valley, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county. All persons indebted to said
intestate will please call 81111 make settlement, and
those haring claims or demands against the es
tate of the said Joseph Gifford, (lee., are request
ed to make known the same to the subscriber,
without delay. JOHN GIFFORD, Admr.
March 30, 's3.—Gt,
1.50,000 CIGARS for bale, wholesale
and retail, at
S. i g• G. LEVIS' STORE.
Ladies' Shoes.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes,
tl of the latest styles, just received at the store
of S. & O. LEVI.
Asplendidassortment of BONNETS, just re
calved at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI.
Gold Watches will be sold by En. SNARE
lower than elsewhere.
GOLD CHAINS—A fine itriety for sale, ve.
ry low, at Eost. SNARE'S.
PERFUMERY—A goot , lot, of the hest, at
:12EAST PINS, Ear Rings, and Finger Rings,
in endless variety, at ERN. SNARE'S.
Ci.ocus—A beautiful lot at ELM. &lames.
Ifir A fine Int b of PISTOLS at EDM. SNARE'S.
Of Spring and Summer Goods, at
The subscribers respectfully return thanks for
the patronage they have received during the time
they have been in business, and would inform the
old customer, of S. Levi, with ns many, new Ones
as may tie pleased to litvor them with their pat
ronage, that they still continue to distriNite Goods
at Maguire's. Old stand, in Market Sotiare, Hun
tingdon, where they will be happy to supply all
who may be its want of anything their line at
the lowest possible rates, Lodi s and Gentlemen
what we are going to tell you now is no "Hum
bug." Oar stock of Goods consists chiefly of a
most splendid assortment of DRY GOODS,
Ladies Dress Goods,
from the plianest to the finest Silks, Alpacas,
Mouslin de Huse, Mous de .Laines, White and
Brown Mastitis, White Dress Muslims, and La
dies' Press Goads In every variety. Also, Ho
siery, Gloves, Veils, Woolen Scarfs &c., &e., with
a variety of Fancy Articles and Jewelry. Also a
splendid stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres & Ready-Made. Clothing:
Fine Coats from $7,50 to r,5; Clots
from $1 to $10; Poets from 75cts. to $6; Vests
front 37lets. to $5.
Men and Boys' Rats &Caps,.
of different qualities.
Also—A splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes,
got up with he latest and most approved pattrens
and styles.
Also—a choice selection of Groceries, Queens
ware, Hardware, Glassware. Be., &c.
As our 100110 is "Quicx SALES AND SMALL
PROFITS," whoever does not come and hoc from
US dims not intend to save money, thinking
nimble ninepence hotter than a slow shilling, we
invite all to come and examine our stork of Goods,
as we charge nothing for looking at them, so it
you don't buy it will cost you nothing but the
pleasure of a pleasant ride or walk—fir we intend
to keep all from a broomstick to a windmill.
A II kinds of country produce taken in exchange
fur Goods.
March 23, 1853.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretolbre aistiog under the
firm of Porter & Bucher, is this day, (March 8,)
dissolved by mutual consent of A° parties. All
persons indebted to the said firm.are requested to
make payment to either of the subscribers, or at
least to mkt) immediate settlement of their ac
counts. JOHN PORTER,
Alexandria, March 23, 1853.-3 t
The subscribers having associated together, un
der the firm of Bucher & Porter, for the purpose
of merchandiziug, respectfully inform their friends
and the public, that they will continue business
at the old stand of Port& & Bucher in the borough
of Alexandria, where they offer a general assort
ment of goods, consisting in part of
together with aThiost every article enquired for in .
a country Store. ..They .are determined, to sell
goods as low as any store in the county for cash,
or in exchapge for country produce. , All kinds
of grain bought, or stored, and forwarded to mar
Alexandria, March 29, '53.-3t
Practice in. the several Cellos of Huntingdon,
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 23, 1853.
The Semi-annual Examination and Exhibition
of Pine Grove Acadeirj,. Centre cc., will
take place on Thursday the,pist of Mareh. Ex
ercises to commence at 8 o'clock, A.. M., end 6
P. M. The friends of education are respectfully
invited to attend.
The next Session will open on the Ist Monday
of May. All the branches of a liberal education
are taught, also the German language.
13. C. WAIW, A. 8., Principal,
Assisted by competent Teachers
WM. MURRAY, Esq., Committee.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS ofadministration hoeing been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of John
Walker, late of Dublin township, deed., all per
sons having claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated fur settlement, awl those
indebted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment to JAMES CREE.
March 16, '53. -61.* Adm'r.
Admiiiistrittor's Notice.
. .
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the Anlervigned, on die &tare of WILLIAM
DEAN, late of Penn township, dee'd., all persons
knowing themselves indebted will make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims will Vresent
them duly authenticated for settlement.
March 16,'53.-6t.• Administrators.
Wnens.:As by a precept to me directed, dated
at Huntingdon, the 18th day of January,
A. I). 1853, undo, he hands and seals of the
Ilon. George Taylor; President of the Court of
Common Pleas Oyer .and Terminer, and gener
al jail delivery of the 9th. judicial district of Penn
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam
bria, and the Hon. Themes F. Stuart and Jona
than McWilliams, his associates, Judgils of ;he
county of Huntingdon. justices assigned, apOctint
ed, to hear, try and determine all find every
dictiniihts made or taken for or concerning all
crimes, Which by the laws of the State are made
capital or felonies of death anti other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pal,
lie proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and tertniner, of COmtdon
Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the
Court House in the Borough of Huntingdbh, on
the second Monday (and .11th day) of ;,April
next, and those who will prosecute the said pri
soners be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroners and Constables within said county be ,
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in
quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
Dated at Huntingdon the 113th day of January,
lh the year of our Lord 1853, and the 76th
year of American IndepehdenCe.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
March 16, 1853.
WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed by
the Judges of the Common Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 18th day
of January, 1853, I tun commanded to make
Public Procliunation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas wiii be
held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and lath day) of
April. A. D.. 1853, for the trial dull issues in said
Court, which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when ant where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in tlfe trial of all issues are iegifired
to appear._.
Dated - ;"tilitintingtion, the 18th day of January,
in the yenr of our Lord 1863, and the 76th year
of American Independence.
WM. B. ZEiGLER, Sherif.
March 16, 1853.
~ .
Thirty Four Mules for Sale,:
THE undersigned has, at his residence, on Sha
vers Creek, Huntingdon county, thirty-tour
MULES, which he offers fur sale.
Mb. 16. '53, WILLIAM AIXTON.
No 171 North 2nd St., (opposite the Camel hotel,)
Having in Store a full and extensive assortment
of Millinery Articles, Trimmings, and Fancy
Gorda, spelt as ltibbonds.l.aces, Blond, Glace
ill s, Bonnet frIMICS, and a large as
sortment of Needle•wo•ked liars., Collars, Caps,
Flounces, Insertings, Edaings„ loge/her with.
a great variety of other articles in our line too
numerous to mention, at
Wholesale & Retail.
N. B. I request all such that are about making
their spring purchases to give mo a call.
March 16, '53.-2m.
The largest stock over offered in Philadelphia,
and the cheapest in the wOrld. Orders promptly
filled. S. M. HOWE,
No.. I I i NOM Third Street,
March 9, '53.-3m. Philadelphia,
. .
R. A. 111( I IT, D. D. S.
ArtUicial Teeth, from ono to a full set, mounted
in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and cleaning done with care and
Teeth Extracted . with all the ease and despatch
thatmodern sciena can furnish.
March 2, 1853.
ALL persons are warned against taking an as
signment of a Note, hearing date September
18, 1852, in litvor of Simon Levi fur $36,79, Said
note was obtnined hyfrandulent representations as
to the contents, amount and character of the pa,
pet, ac the signing thereof, and will not he paid by
me, unless compelled by law. HENRY LEVI.
March 2, 1853.
Abeautiful lotof Cato Iron Pumps, for Wells
and Cisterns, just received, and for sale by
Feb.23', 1853. J. & W. SAXTON
In exchange for merchanilize, 500 bushels of l
dried apples, paired; 250 bushels of Peaches, un
paired. A. S. HARRISON, & Co.
All persons indebted to Robert Grains, by
Book account will call and settle within one
month ; Books left at the in Alexandria.
DY virtue of certain Writs of Vend. Ex, issued
.0 'nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, and to me directed, I will expose
to public sale, at the front door of the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tues
day the 12th day of April, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
of said day, the following described Real Estate,
to wit :
All the right, title and interest of John Rodgers
in and to a tract of land situate in Cromwell town
ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Si
' mon Gratz on the cast, of Thomas E. Orbison on
the south and west, of Enos McMullin and others
lon the north, containing 180 acres, be the same
' more or less, of which about four acres are clear
ed, having thereon a log house and a log stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as.
the property ofJohn Rodgers.
ALSO—A lot of grciind in Barree township,
Huntingdon county, containhig one acre, more or
less, hounded by lands of Ilezekiali Crownover
and Standing Stone Creek, having thereon a two
story frame dwelling house, plastered on the out
side and inside, a one story frame shop, Aventher
boarded, a Game stable and other out buildings.
Also, defts. right, and interest•in and to a
farm or tract of land, in same township, containing
153 acres snore or less, being the• antne.traet of
land sold and conveyed by Crownoverand wife to
defendant by deed, dated February 19th, 1850,
and recorded same slate.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Allen Green.
ALSO—AII the right*, title and interest of Geo.
W. Speer, in and to a tract of land in Tod town
ship, Huntingdon county, surveyed on a warrant
in the name of Samuel Cornelius, containing four
I•undred Ileres more or less, part of which is clear
ed and cultivated—one other tract in said town
ship, in name of Dougherty & Speer, containing
439 acres more or less, unimproved—one other
tract of land in same township, in name of Dough
t ety & Speer, containing 438 acres more or less—
Also, all Defts. right, title and interest in and to
the Mount Union town property, known as the
Poetlethwaite farm, in Shirley township.
• Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of George NV. Speer.
' ALSO—By Virtue of a writ of Levnri Ferias,
I will sell at the sonic time and place, the follow
ing described lot of ground:
A certain messuage, tenement and lot of land,
situate on Moore street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, and bounded as follows, to wit: begin
ning at a post at the corner of a lot belonging to
Robert Lott, thence with twenty-four degrees west
two hundred and twenty-nine feet to a post ad
joining .a lot or land of Dr. Benjamin E. sPslur
trio, thence by the same fifty feet to a post, ad
joining other lots of the said Alexander Port,
thence by a line pantile' to. the first above men
tioned line two !mucked and twenty-nine feet to
Moore street, thence along said Moore street fifty
feet to the place of beginning, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances. •
Se4ed, ; taken in executicm.end to be sold as
the property of Nathan Scofield. •
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Minh 16, 1853. . „ ,
Notice is hereby given to all persons, interested
that the following named per Sons have settled
their accounts in the Register's Office, at Hun
tingdon, and that the said accounts will he pre
sented for confirmation and allowattce, at an Or
phans' Court, to he held at Huntingdon, in and
for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the
12th day of April next.
1. George Hudson and Jonathon Miller, Ad
ministrators of the estate of Richard Bradley, lute
of Clay township. dec'd.
2. John M'Rinstry, Executor of the last will
and testament of Samuel M'Kinatry, late of Shir
ley township dec'd.
. . . .
d 3. 'John W. Matters, acting Administrator of
Jncoh S. Matters, slec'd., who was one of the
Executors of the last will of George Matters, late
of Franklin township, deed.
4. Ephraim Shore and Joshua Shore, Admin
istrators of she estate of John Shore, late of Clay
township, dec'd. „ ,
EtMager, Stewart, Administrator o f f the es
tate of. Andrew Stewart,. deed.
6. AndriW Neff, Executor of the last will
and testament Of Abraham Zinimerman, late of
To township, dec'd.
7. David Stever, Executor of the last will and
testament of Jacob Bumgardner, late of Case
township. dee'cl.
8. Joshua Greenland, Esq., Administrator of
the estate of John Bumgardner, late of Cass
township, dec'd.
9. Isaac Swoope and John Copenhaver, Ad
minktratore of the estate of David Copenhaver,
late of Henderson township, dec'd. •
TO. IVilliain L. Spear, Guircliatn of ,Cathanine
M. Sprig, a minor child of Henry S. Spung, lute
of Morris township, dec ‘ d.
11. Geotge Bramtetter Guardian of Henry
Myers, minor son of Henry Myers, deed.
~ • .
Registers Office,l Register.
Huntingdon, March 16, 1853. 5
Administrators' Notice.
LETTERS of administration on the estate of
John H. W. McGinnes, lute of Dublin town-
Ship, deed., have been granted, by the Register
of Huntingdon County, to the subscribers, ono of
wlitim.,, and the. other in
Dublin township. MI persons indebted to the
said . estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims to present them for settle
ment. R. P. M'CLURE,
March 9,1.853.-6 t
„ .. ...
J , liiN STONE & SONS,
HAVING rehivetl by late arrivals a large and
well seleded a , :orttnent of
are now preparcid to .offer to their customers, at
the lowest market prices.—
Glace Silks for Bonnets, •
Fanny Bonnet end Cap Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flowers,
Crapes, and colors,
Fancy Nets and Laces.
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade. •
March 9,'59.-2m.
• .-
Timber Laid for Sale.
WILL he sold, at Private Sale, TIMBER
LAND, (in small or large quantities,) situ
ated and Iving on the Woodcock Valley side of
Tussey Moionain, in the neighborhood of Mar.
klesburg, and extending several miles. Terms
. Apply toJacob Cromwell, 'rrough Creek, t Inn
tingdort county, or George Rundle 3. AV. Griffith,
Trustees of the Estate of Savage, No. 2, York•pt.,
Philadelphia. March 9, 1853.-tf.•
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of WILLIAX Invino, late of Waitiorsmark
, • township, dec'd.
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the above Estate, all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
lbw having claims will present them daly au
thenticated for settlement.. ; •
March 2, 1853.61.•
THE Summer Session of these Institutions cont
MAY, and continues five months. A fund of
$l3OO has been procured, to be applied to the
purchase of a superior philoscptical apparatus and
a stsndase. library. With these facilities for in
struction, the Principals and Trustees of these In
stitutions eller to all, and especially to those seek
ing to qualify themselves for teaching, advantages
equal to those enjoyed by the academical student
in our colleges.
These Institutions are in the lame• village,
though entirely separate, and some distance apart,
thus affording to parents the opportunity of send
ing their sons and daughters together. Believing
that the same principles sought to he carried cu;
in our system, should, and will
eventually, extend to the highest branches of a
liberal education, the Principals and Trustees view
what they have done only as the nucleus of fur
ther and more extended efforts, which, as they
proceed, will enable them to afford to all clauses,
a liberal course of education, at an expense more'
commensurate with the limited means of a large
number of the youth of our State, who are enga
ged in the praise-worthy endeavor to obtain an
education. And with this expectation, they.eom
mend their Institutions: to the patrontge and kind
assistance of all friends of a sound, liberal and
general education.
Lessons on the Piano, with the use of In.
strument, per quarter,
Latin and French, each,
Painting $3,00, and Drawing
Vocal Music, with the Piano accompani.
Board, lights, washing and tuition, for
the. S u mmeru Sessioriof 22 weeks, $45 00
No incidentals. Day scholars, the usual prices,
according to studies. .
Tuition, $6O, $.0,00, and $12,00, per ses
sion, accordir.g to grade of studies. Boarding
can be had in the village for from $1,50 to $2,00.
No deduction for absence except in cases of
protracted sickness.
or The semi-annual examination of•the•Pn.
pill of the Female .Seminary will commence on
Thursday the 7th day pf April. The friends of
the Seminary, and the public, are respectfully in
vited to attend
Principal of Female Seminary
Principal of Academy
Marc)) 2,1853.-3 m.
More Proof of their Superiority.
The Late Fire in Jersey City.
Mr. Silas C. Herring—Sir t It gives us much
pleasure to state that a Safe of your make was the
means of preserving our books and valuable pa
pers, together with a lot ot.Silvertptions, Forks,
&c., From destruction by the fula that occurred in
our store on the night of the 27th ult., at N9..48
Montgomery st.. The. fire commenced near the
Safe, which, owing to its'situation on a wall, did
not NI into the cellar, but was exposed to the
fall heat of the fire from its commencement, and
when taken from the ruind had all the brass plates
and knobs'completely melted otf.
Yours,' R. B. EARLE & CO.
Jersey City; Feb. 3, 1853.
Great Fire in Strawberry st.—Letter fi ons
Lewis 4* Co.—Phila., March 29, 1852.
Mr. John Farrel—Sir: It affords me much sat
isfaction to inform you that the " Herring Sala+
mender Safe" which we purchased of you a short
time since, preserved our hooks and papers in good
condition, during the severe ordeal through which
it passed at the disastrous conflagration that took
place at our warehouse on the morning of the
28th inst , when the safe was exposed to the most
intense heat for some hours, and when
from the flames was red hot on several sides. We
make this statement by of hearing to:timony
to the worth of these valuable Fire Proofs. Very
.. LEWIS & Co.
The Proprietor of the genuine 7 ' Herring Sala,
mender Safes," challenges the whole world, in
the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to produce their
equal. Awarded the Prize Medal at the World's
Fair, London, and the Gout MEDAL by the Amer
ican Institute. Over 8000 of these safes have been
sold andmre now in use, and more than 100 hare
passed triumphantly through accidental fires.
Second-hand Safes and "Salamanders". of oth
er makers, having been taken in part pay for
"Herring's," for sale at cheap rates.
34 Walnut St., Philadelt7lin.
, -
(fir Ahobleised,Jran Mantl,i , s, Table Tops. 6.c.,
from the Works attic Celebrated "SALAMANDLE
NIATUILE Co." on hand in great variety.
March 2,1853.-3 m.
For Sale or Rent.
the necessary buildings, situate on the waters
of Standing Stone Creek, is now fot sale or rent.
This desirable property, for any person inclined
to enter into the Iron business, offers favorable
fiteilities. Situated, as it ie,,t nilc Ottlke 6.4 -
lie improvements at Huntingdon or Petersion'g,
in the lieirt of a well wooded country, end with
abundance of the finest quality of Iron Ore within
two miles from its location, it oflbrs to the enter
prizing, en opportunity seldom met with, to em
bark in a profitable business.
Persons desiring information on the' sAject,
may apply to William or George Couch, at
Conchs' Mills, Barre() township, Ilunting.don co.;
Mrs. Mary Couch, Altoona, Blair co.; or Thomas
P. Campbell, Esq., huhtingtion.
Ex'rs. of A. Couch, deceased.
Executrix of Wm. Cottch„ decd.
N. B. If not sold or rented, the ungfrided half
part of the above property will he offered for sale
at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting.
dun, on Tuesday the 12th day of April next.
Feb. 9, 1853.
MRS. H. G. SUPLEE. invites the attention
of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to
her unrivaled assornnent of
for full sized Lntlfes' Dressts, Sleeves ' Mantles,
'relines, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sucks, Sm. &c.
The Patterns are embroidered in various de
signs, printed and fringed, showing exactly how
the-Dress will appear when made... ,
Heing•in constant communiention.with the best
houses of London and Paris, and furnished month
ly with every new design as soon as it appears,
the public can always depend on this Old Estab
lished House for the most recherche novelties in
in dress.
Always on hands beautiful assortment of
Children's Clothing,
of the newest styles and materials.
Medals were awarded her in 1848,'30, and '52.
.1115" A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any
one enclosing Three Dollars. : •
; • Mrs. H. G. Suplee's
Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium,
• • 54 South 2d St., Philadelphia.
Feb. 2, 1853.-pm
Just Arrived.
One of the best and largest selected stocks of
Boots and Shoes in LluntmVon. Also full as
sonment of Gum Shoes, of all sizes, at the now
'tore of BiIICREP.
• .4,00
• •