PETITION. the linnr, , No, the Judges of the Court of ::aarter 9,s,ions athe County of Huntingdon. he itett•i , , of William nuckentterry respect , :y she Thut your petitioner has teased, . . u r now ..c, ii, , ies that convenient house in the v„.age of ri:aole Gap, in Dublin township, which was formerly kept as a public house by John Ja mison and others, and which is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neighborhood and situation, is suitable, as well as necessary, for the accommodation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travelers; that he in well provided with stabling for horses, and all conveniences for the entertainment of strangers and travelers. He therefore respectful ly prays the Court to grant him a license to keep en Inn or Public House of entertainment there, and your Petitioner will pray, Ste. WILLIAM HOCKENBEHRY, We, the undersigned citizens of the township of Dublin aforesaid, being personally acquainted with William Hockenherry, the above named petition er, and also having a knowledge of the house for which the license is prayed, do hereby certify that such house is necessary to accommodate the pub lic and entertain strangers or travelers, that he is a persun of good repute for honesty and temper ance, and that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travelers. We therefore beg leave to recommend him for a license agreeably to his petition. David Peterson, Chas. C. Burkholder, Alexan der Cree. J. S. Hunter, John McKeley, JrM. W. Carl, .Alex. Kennedy, George Mills,ohnPeel, Geo. Waggoner, James Peterson, ohn Reader, William A. Logan. March 9, 1853. PETITION, To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the CpuntyofHuntingdon ._ . The petition of Sat;uel Steffey,ofJackson town ship, and county aforesaid, humbly sheweth : That your petitioner is desirous of keeping a pub lic house of entertainment on the road leading from Pine Grove to Lewistown, and ho bath pro vided himself with materials for the accommoda tion of strangers, travelers, and others, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grunt him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and your petitioner, as in duty hound, will ever pray, SAMUEL STEFFEY. We, the subscribers, citizens of Jackson town ship, do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenience for the accommodation, of strangers, travelers, and others, and that said tavern is necessary. William Brun, Mathias Lightner, Jacob Val entine, William Mitchell, William Hays, Henry Walborn, Roberti Wilson, William Mars, John J. Greer, Washington Randolph, N. W. Scott, Dan iel Troutwine, Solomon Hamer. George Steffey, George Rudy, March 9, 1853. SOMETHING NEW. MRS. B. G. SUPLEE, invites the attteltion of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to her unrivaled assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, for full sized Ladies' Dresses, Sleeves, Mantles, Telma', Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sacks, &c. &c. The Patterns are embroidered in various de signs, printed nod fringed, showing exactly how the Dress will appear when made. Being in constant communication with the beet houses of London and Paris, and furnished month ly with every new design as soon as it appears, the public can always depend on this Old Estab lished House for the most recherche novelties in la dress. _ Always on hand a beautiful assortment of Children's (11(!tiliing, of the newest styles and materials. Medals were awarded her in 1848, '5O, and '52. Q T A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any one enclosing Three Dollars. Mrs. M. G. Suplee's Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium, 54 South 2d St., Philadelphia. Feb. 2, 1853.-3m NEW STORE, & NEW GOODS. Simon & Gabriel Levi, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general, they will open on Saturday next at the old stand in Market Square, In the Borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied by one of the firm, AN ENTIRELY NEW AND CHOICE SE LECTION OF STORE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, consisting of DRY GOODS, of every description, of the la test styles and hest qualities. GROCERIES of all kinds, fresh and of the best. READY-MADE CLOTHING—a large stock for men and boys, of the best material and sell made. BOOTS AND SHOES—a large assortment of coarse and line. HATS AND CAPS for men and boys. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, GLASS WARE, &o. &c., all of which will be sold low, for 'cash or country produce. The public generally, and the old customers of 6. Levi, in particular, are earnestly invited to call and examine the Goode and prices. Jan. 26, '53. RAILROAD HOTEL, ' HUNTINGDON, PA. The subscriber, having taken the largefoursto ry brick Hotel, tormerly the .‘Washington," kept by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same for public accommodation. This Hotel is situated within a few yards of the Railroad station, and is one of the most eligible in the plate. Tile sta bling is extensive, and the !citation pleasant:— Every attention will be given by the proprietor to promote the comfort of guests. GRAFFIUS MILLER. April 15,1852. NOTICE; All persons knowing themselves indebted to Mel subscriber, either by note or otherwise, are requested to cell and make settlement, at his store in Portstown, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous of having his old Books closed. HENRY CORNPROPST. July 29, 1852. JOAN N. PROWELL, STTORNEY 47' LAW, Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust. ed to his care. Huntingdon, July 29,1852. ASPLENDID ASSORTMET . OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS just opened at the Store GEO: G WIN. Oct. 14, '52. s",r 100 Sacks of Shit in•stdre, and for sale by Ono. Ginn. KOSSUTII HATS for sale at the new store J. Bricker. PORT MONNAIES from 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. April IS 1812. Blasting Powder awl Safety Fuse always on hand and lbr sale at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. FANCY Articles in endless variety at E. Snare's Store. sr Feathers wanted in exchange for goods at smre of J. Spicxxa. FREE BRIDGE. TBS Commissioners of Iluntingdon County having purchased the lull Bridge, near the West end of the borough of Huntingdon, there fore notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the Juniata Bridge Company, in said county, by bond, note, or for yearly subscriptions of toll, to make payment of the same, without delay, to JAMES (MIN, Treasurer January 19, 1853. Attention, Lumbermen 11 The undersigned oiler for sale one of GEORGE Iltoe's Second Clots Portable Saw Mills, with a fifteen horse power engine attched, and in com plete running order. It was bought and put up in June last, and the mill and engine is made of the best material. This mill will cut 1000 feet of lam. bar Pei' hour, and is at present situated near Bald Eagle Furnace, Blair Co. For further particu lars enquire of E. L. Shultz, Bald Eagle Furnace MAIM & SHULTZ. Jan. 19, 1852.-2 m, Foundry for Sate or Rent. THE old established Stone Foundry, 40' by 40 feet, Ware Room 30 by 40 feet, En gine House 30 by 31 feet; Patterns for Cook Stoves, 3 sizes—Patterns for • Cook Stoves for Coal and Wood, 3 sizes; Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal, Tight Air Stoves, Thrashing Machine Patterns, Patterns for Egg Stoves, 4 sizes. and for runouts for Forges and Rolling Mills, sizes; I3ox Patterns, Hill-side and Bull Plough Patterns, Iron Wash Kettles, with a variety of other Pat terns, and a large Lathe for turning Iron or Wood, all in good order. Apply to the subscriber at Alexandria, ISRAEL GRAFIUS. January 12, 1853. WANTED, PENNSYLVANIA LANDS, from 300 to 20,000 acres in exchange for City Property, Mer chandise or Cash. Apply to J. A. BURDICK, Real Estate Brokers, 106 Walnut St. Jan. 25, '53. Philadelphia. H. W. SMITH, DENTIST, HUNTINGDON, Pa, November 18, 1852. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in McConnellstown, has constantly on hand, and is prepared to make and repair GUNS of all kinds at the short est notice. Nov. 25, '52. CUBA ANNEXED. CORNPROPST & CUNNINGHAM Are now offering at their Store and Warehouse in Portstown, The most extensive Stock of DRY-GOODS, Groceries, Glass, Hard, and Queeuswarc, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps and Ready made Clothing, ever offered by one establishment in the county. Their assortment is full and complete, and is un surpassed it} quality or cheapness, by any thing in this market. Their operations in the Grain and Produce business are very heavy, and are allcon ducted on a cash principle. All kinds of tner• chantable grain are paid for in cash as soon as delivered, and at the following advanced prices viz; White Wheat, $1 00, Read do, 95, Rye, 62/, Shelled Corn, 50, Oats, 33/, After the first of April next, they will also con nect with their business, the HUNTINGDON MILL; they will pay cash for all groin delivered to them at their Mill and will deliver, twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday, all the family grinding en trusted to their care, without additional charge. Jan. 12, 1852.—1 y ZING & moonmatax, W HOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN BACON, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES; NIX 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh. Portion* attention paid to the sale of I3looms audPig Metal, and CASII advances made. Dec. 4 's2.—ly NEW GOODS EVERY MONTH, At The Cheap Cash & Produce Store ofd James Bricker. The undersigned, encouraged during the past year, by the very liberal patronage of a discern ing public, has made permament arrangements for receiving, from the Eastern Cities, FRESH GOODS EVERY MONTH! His stock of Gro ceries, Drugs, Confectionares, Boots & Shoes, Li quors, Notions, and general varieties, is now ex tensive and complete, of the very finest quality, and sold wholesale or retail, at thevery lowest figures for cash or country produce. De. 2, 'at- Dy. NEW STORE, New Goods and New Prices, A. S. mutrusurg, & Co., have just opened a magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store Goods, at their new store room in Portstown. Their stock is entirely new, and consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. AND CAPS, GLASS, HARD & QUEENSWARE, READY MADE CLOTHING, VARIE• TIES 'AND NOTIONS, &e., all of which will be sad 'at the lowest rates for' cash or exchangetrfeeetitibtry Froduce. The highest price given at all times for every deScriptton'Of merchantable grain. Broad Top Depot, Dec. 30,1852. To 44 AR thelVoild and the Rest of• Mankind tv KNOW YE TH.IT GEOUGE oink; Flea just received ironr the Eastern Cities a large and splendid assortment errl'esit FALL and WINTER GOODS, • at his old stand in Market Square, where he will he pleased to see his old customers, and the pub lic generally. His Goods were selected to suit this market, and he is determined to sell on terms to suit pur chasers. His assortment consists of DIZY-GOODS;. Groceries, Queensware, Hats and Caps, Glassware, roots and Shoes, Hardware, dLc. end a great variety of Goods of all kinds. Feeling thankfril for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the tame. • [oct. 14,'52. Beat 'Family Flour, by the Barrel or retail, at J. Bricker's Store. ap. 22,'52. Gr. Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro sin, toh, Oakum, Ropes, &c., for sale by J. & W. Saxton THE ELEPHANT s',t7 A . .,.;"..'*''''_. . 7 AES.: 'o'o,‘' . ,- ;‘4 ~", ,:,,,- 4- 4 !IV " V k ‘ \ ,... , '''' \ ,. --'-' \", '';4• ' 'v,.: I : , i .!!, 10,,,, v,, ' '. A% -:: , .,A410/'''' -- ' - '''; \ ___,. r - ' ; , v,IvA.;/) , /, / ,, y , ";tr. % . ; 1? .., . 1 : ;;;,, ' 1 ; ' ii . i :;')- , , t. -4 k - ,...riA`i :; . . :;t: ;‘. ': ia.k. :. ,;.; - ...... kvi'.*:' 4 1 111 w --„,...! jp,-4,61,00 tNEW GOODS. The public are hereby informed that the sub scriber has leased that popular and well known store room in the Elephant building, opposite the Railroad Hotel, where he has just received and opened the latest and hest supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS in town. Ms stock consists of every variety of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QtrElvs WARE, HOOPS, SHOES, &c., all of which will be sold low for the "dust," or exchanged for country produce. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and 'see the Elephant," at least, as no charge is *Mae foe exhibiting the animal. ^ :ILEX. CARMON. October 14, 1852. • "ALL'S GOLD THAT GLITTERS" I the Large and Splendid Stock of Watches, Jewelry and Clocks, jest opened by EDMUND SNARE. He has by far the most extensive and best se lected assortment ever brought to Huntirigdon, comprising Gold and Silver 'Watches, (Hunting Watches, Patent Levers, Anchors, Lepines and Quartiers,) Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Finger and Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Cuff and Scarf Pins, Medallion Cases, Seals, Keys, Pencils, Silver Table Ware, Coral Beads, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Fine Knives, Port Monaies, and an endless vari ety of Fancy Gsods. IRI" Pers'ons having fine Watches and Jewelry needing repairing, can confidently leave them with him, as he has employed one of the best workmen in the State. Work WARRANTED. Huntingdon, Oct. 14, 1852, J. & W. SAXTON Have just received the most magMficent supply of Fall and Winter Goods ever offered to the citizens of Huntingdon. They consist of every variety of Dress Goods, such as Silk Dress Paterns, plain and figured—Merinos, Parinetta Cloth. Muslin do Lane, Alpacas of dif ferent colors, Silk Lustros, &e., &c., and every thing in the shape of.Ladies' Dress Goods. Also, Black Silk, Bonnet Silk, Sack Flannels of every variety and color; Cloths, Cassimerand Vesting of every variety and color. Sattinetts at all prices. ALSO, 500 pieces assorted Prints, Long Shawls, Thihett Shawls, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Carpet bags, Gent. Cravats, Ladies Collars; La ces, Bonnet Ribbons, Feathers, Linings, Gloves of every variety; Ladies Dress Trimmings, Mar tin, Tippets, Muffs, Bonnets, German Hoods, Hoziery, &e. HARDWARE, the best assortment ever offered in this place. QUEENSWARE, a beautiful assortment of every variety and at ex ceedingly low prices. BOOTS and SHOES, such as Grain Loather, and coarset. rogan Boots. Also—all kinds of Ladies and GenßShoes; please call and examine our stock. HATS and CAPS, No. I Moleskin Hats, No. 2 Moleskin Hats, and an endless variety of Caps for Men and Boys. GROCERIES at such prices as cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Also—every other article, such as are commonly kept in a country store, which we are selling lower than any other house in town or country; call and see. We are determined to sell off our old stock at cost, or under. [Oct. 14, '52. CHEAPER THAN TILE CHEAPEST JACOB SNYDER, To his old frinds, end the Public Greeting. Whereas I hnvo just returned from the East, with a full supply of Ready Made Clothing for Men and Boys—l am prepared to sell Coats, from $2,50, to $14,00. Pants, from $1,75, to $5,00. Vests, from 75 cents, to $5,00. Shirts, and Shirt Collars, Hats, Caps, Cloves, Suspenders, &c, &e., of all sorts, 6. sizes, at prices to suit all purchasers. Call and examine, before you buy, at the Ohl Stand in Market Street. Huntingdon, October 21, 1852. Mn. EDITOR:— I was owe of the many of our citizens who wemattracted by the " (;rand Exhibition," of our neighbor Charles S. Black, Esq., and I of course attended the opening exhibition. lam also one of the few who understand the value of a good newspaper: Being therefore "booked up" in the facts, and the price of the press, and anxious to impart substantial knowledge to the understand ings of my neighbor, I hove taken this method to say to all,—lf you would have your Soles well cared for, call at Black's, and examine his stock of Lathes, and Gentleman's, shoes and boots, he warrants the work not rip; and stitches w ithuot charge if it does. Neighbors try him. PEDESTRIAN Oct. 14,1852. GRAND o F OPENING Fall and Winter Clothing AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTH- MG STORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from the easti with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods rOimO9 and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be' dressed better and cheaper than any body else in town, let him cull at WILLOUGHBY'S Clothing Store," one door West of Thos. Reed & Son, drug stord'iti Huntingdon. Call and soefof yotiNefirob: • October 21, 1852. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends anti pa irons, and to the'Public generally, for their pa tronage,.still continues to curry on at the same stand, one floor east at Mr. C. Cot*Ps Hotel ; Mar, ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom, and al so keeps ontiandi good assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKNIEWELRY ' &r., all of Which he is determinEd to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving articles for repairing shall have them dono at the precise time. By paying strict attention to business, and selling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon; Sept. 7, 1852.-Iy. Philadelphia Advertisements. `COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The Subscriber having leased the Public House, formerly known as the American House, No. 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the same to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, . Begs leave to, inform his friends and the Public, that 'this house has undergone a thorough remod elling, iepairing. repainting awl reptMerib'g,..irom attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni ture, bedding, &c., &c., has been procured front the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city. • From the central location, and its domprox imity to the Railroad bepots, Strainboat Land ings,Places bf Amusement, Fashionable Thor oughfares and Public Squares, it oilers induce• meats to the Merchant visiting the city on busi ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam ilies and females visiting the city, every facility will be offered, and every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. September 9. 1852.—Gin. THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand and is receiving for the coming season, a fine assortment of tUCt. C5.1132.W 9 Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, Medallions, &e. Together with hikeelebra ted and unrivalled * , ( O ID MIT Which is equal if not superior, to any now in use, Each Pen is Engraved with his own name, and every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Mercy do us what a trent; Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen !!' Where did you get it 7 Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat; Yes, my friends, there's no hombuging In Read's Gold Pens of North Third Street 'Reed's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Side. THOS. READ, Piladelphia. Jan. 8,1852.—tf. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! For sale by HARTLEY & KNIGIIT, 148 South Second Street, the doors above Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. 10000 im wholesale . o n of f a ea l retailher es • t sash prices, BEDS, BOLSTERS, PILLOWS, MATTRESSES and CUSHIONS constantly on hand or made to order. Also—'Pickings, Blankets, Mantillas Quilts, Comfortable, Sacking Bottoms &c., &. First tloorand Basement appropriated to sale of Velvet. Brussels, Tapestry Imperial three ply 1 Carpetings. 01 grain Carpetings from 25cts to $1 00, Stair Octs to; $1 00, Entry do 20cts to $1 25, Ra 025 to 40ets. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS of every idth and all prices. HARTLEY & KNIGHT. April 1, 1852. E. S. JONES, & Co., CORNER OF FOURTH' AND RACE STREETS. Publishers of the Model Ar chitect, by. SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be complete in 24 monthly parts. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The hand Some manner in which it is prepared and em bellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineation give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & 3 now ready for delivery. Price-50 cents per number. Address as above, post paid. Dec. 18,1851. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken the above house at MOUNT Usto,r, Huntingdon County, and assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that no pains will be spared to render satistliction. Baggage taken to and from the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad emy, Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, &c. Mount Union, April 22, 1852. A. W. BENEDICT,. .11TTORMEY 4T L.dW, Informs his old friends and the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. Office in Main Street, south side, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.—8 m. BROAD TOP DEPOT. , Hello, Old Hoes! Where are you coming to? Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen, you chant be hurt—l merely wish to say to all the world and the rest of mankind, that 1 have tit the Broad 'fop Depot, near the Juniata Bridge, and will keep for sale, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &c. Ryon don't believe me come and see. A. S. HARIUSON.t Huntingdon, April 52, 1852. J. S i GRIFFITH, hl," Graduate of the University of Pa., qffore his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. REFERENCES: -Medical Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr..facoh Hoffman. Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Di. Hainan. May 6,1852. 8. L. GLASGOW, ATTORNEY AT fAW, HUNTINGDON, PA, Will attend to all bushiest entrusted to his care. He will make collections, draw Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, &c., and state Administrator's, Exec utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most rea sonable terms. Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res donee of Dr. Henderson, near the Court House. Aprir l, 1852. A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs, RiisinS, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch Herring;, Coca Nuts, to., &c., wholesale and re tail, (It the:cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22; 1852. • L'ISH, Tar, Oifi, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,• 1' Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, dc., whole sale and retail, at the cheap store of April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER. ea- A splendid article of Carpet Chain always on and and for sale at the cheap store of J. BRIOICRR. ffir Bed Plus, already turned, for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebtgd to the late firm of Dorsey & Maguire, or to the sub scriber, either by note or book account, please call and settle the same as I am determand that no longer indulgence shall be .JAMES MAGUIRE. Huntingdon Aug. 19,1852. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he now devotes his whole time and atten tion to making and repairing pumps and will promptly attend to all orders and calls that he may be favoured with warrented all work to be made of the best materials, end done in work manlike manner at reasonable. lirieeti. Address Mill Creek P. 0. Huntingdon county, , . ISAAC WOOLVERTON. We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol vertons make of Pumps hesitate in saying that we believe. them to be the Vest pump that is now in gon . pray9sll; z REFFERENCES J. Porter, Thos. Read, : Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage, Wm. 1). Shaw, Milani Dorris, Conrad Bucher, William Christy, Jno. Whittaker, David Bliar, Wm. Orbison, 1). MeMamie, Thos. Fisher. July 22, 1852. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on hand, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and Leicester. Sheep. The subscriber now offers for sale several very tine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; about five months old, which took the first premium for pigs of that age at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thorough bred Pigs of the same breed, about three weeks old; also, eight thorough Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down flock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he received the highest pre miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and Chester Hogs. _ _ _ Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna., wilt be attended to. ROBERT HARE POWEL, April, 7, 1852. LEWIS TOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting don county, that they still continue the manufac turing of all kinds of Earthenware of the most su perior quality and at prices to suit the times.— They will snake a trip by Canal, in the month of May when they will ho nhld to supply all who may favor them with their patronage. Merchants may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to please their customers, and such as will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ed to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO, Lewistown, Pa. April 1, 1852.—ff. Birmingham Female Seminary, The liberal patronage which this School has receive(' in the past, encourages the proprietor and friends of female education, to expect by proper exertion to make it both a premanent and important Institution; and no pains will by spar ed to sustain its growing reputation. Among other considerations which inspire hope as to its future sucess, the location is not unim portant. Three years actual experiment has de veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas on for the existance of Birmingham than many which have been assigned—that it ix the situation fur a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by most romantic sconery—retired—healthfuleasy of access and in itself' a place where one might al most grow wise in the study of Nature alone un mocked by the works of Art. The school year is divided into two Sessions of twenty-two weeks each; the summer term mom ' mencing the last Tuesday in April, the winter term the last Tuesday in October. Charges to date from time of entering, and no deductions made for absence except in case o sickness. Tuition $4,00 and $5,00 per quarter—hoarding $1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw ing, &c., extra. Rey. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., Principal. Rev. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associate. Mac 1. 1852. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKLIN Blair county. Lancaster county, DAVID NI'MURTRIE, WILLIAM GLEIM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county. JAPES GARDNER, RICII'D. R. BRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county, Central renn'a. Banking House, OF mtvAN, & CO.— Office on Alle gheuy street, a few doors west of the Cour House, and nearly opposite the Post Offite,-Hol. Ifdaysburg, Pa. The Co c inpaiiy is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Saving Institutions. Transient de. posites received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1820. Q. K. NEFF, M. 'll., lIAVING located himself in WARRIORSMAILK in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to tho citizens of that place and the country adjacent. ncrptitriiroas : J. B. Luden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, . M. A. Henderson, " Wnl. P. Orbison,.Esq, J. H. Dorsey, .• Ilon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. Huntingdon, Pa, Jacob, M, %wail', M. D., Alexandria. Johii . ulloch, " Petersburg,: 47,'52—tf. W'ASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur ry Combs, Cards ' Brushes, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton,. Baskets, Slates, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and en endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the cheap store of J. BRICI{ER. April 22, 1852. Adams & Co.'s Eipress, T. IC. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re ceived and forwarde d the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United State May 1,'52. Are you Insured ? Tr not, insurb your property at once in the Cum berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company, Apply to Gao. W. SPgER, Agent, Mad I, 1852. Bridgeport, Pa. QILS, GLUE, TURPENTINE, Sand, Paints' Paint Brushes, Sand paper &c. & &c., at the cheep store of J. BRICKER. A N excellent variety of line PEN Knivaa, at E. Snare's. April 15, 1852 Abeautiful assortment of Fancy Capinga and Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. REMOVAL. GLASGOW It STEEL, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacturers, The undersigned respectfully inform their zjiends and the public generally that they have re. moved their manufactory to the building in Mar ket Square, for many years occupied as a dry goods store, by Samuel Steel deed., where every thing in their line of business will be furnished on tho shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to suit ell.. They manufacture the most of their work themselves, and can therefore assure the pudic that every article will be made in the best and most durable manner. 6 6 -A large assortment of superior SADDLES READY MADE, always on hand. Cr Hides, and country produce generally, taken iu exchange for work. They return thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore exteded to them, and hope that their old patrons will continue to patronize them. WM. GLASGOW, WM. I. STEEL. - March, 18, 1852. Notice to Tavern Keepers. VOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inns IN. and Taverns within the county of Hunting - don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sas. aloes of said county, enjoin upon the keepers o! such Inns end Taverns that they close their res• pectin; bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on that clay; and the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this Injunction bo revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such ease made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. By, the Court, 24th Jan. 1852, THEO. H. CREMER, Clerk. May 1, 1852. CHOICE.LIQUORS for medicinal purpo ses, consisting of Best quality FRENCH BRANDY, it 11 CONIAC BRANDY, " " HOLLAND GIN, " " HADERIA WIiVE, " LISBON WINE, " SWEET WINE, SUPEPIOR PORT WINE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for:that put , pose can be had at the cheap store of April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER. Encourage Your Own Mechanics! OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its variirts branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by Adams & Boat. a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bareau ches, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most approved style. They have on hand now several Buggies an.' Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and Invite those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at-. tention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, under the new 11.1. We have some sec and hand work which is of a good quality, whir h we. will sell right. Give us a call. We will' sell low for cash. Huntingdon, May i 832. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, R. C. McGILL Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Ile would etnbraco the present opportunity of informing the public that he is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; he has STOVES of every description, for burning either wood or coal, such as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and Ten Plate Stoves, together with Lpa co csa 0 au 03 and Plough Irons of all patterns used in the State Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of Chambersbug, and all other castings usually made at foundries, all of which will be sold very low for cash. May, 1, 1852. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north or liollidaysbura,and aboutone mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 2lst day of May, the LOTS in said Tows will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall' throwing at once a' large amount of trade to this place. The mein inducerrkrerat this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for, the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail ' . Road Company. Early application will secure Lots att low price. Foi further infiirmation apply to C. H. MAY . ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. MeMURTRIE. Hollicleysbnrg. May 1, 1852—tf. Tomkins , British. Plate Powder. FOR: cleansing, pOlshing, and beautifying Silver, Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, Albata Plate, Britannia Ware, And aFI white Metals. The undersigued have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these preparations for the United• States. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used for c number of years in Great Britain, and is now used by most of the manufacturers ofsifver and other wares In New York,.an4,,Philadelphia likewise by nearly all respectable families ani.; hotel proprietor* in the Union. WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers, 23 South Secondstreet, Philadelphia. For sale at T. IC. SiatoSyroN's Stare, Hunting don, Pa. May 1, 1852. DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twist FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel- Gntis, front four dollars to thirty each, for .rile by J. & W. SAXTON. A beautiflxl lot of Carpeting and Oil Cloths for s ale by J. & W. SAXTON s s p o l l o o n g) i . d lot or siir c j ay s: tt lc an s rl Ak i g 3 il f . or JUST RECEIVED and for solo Fish, Sak ano Plaster by J. & W. SAXTON. B . EEF HIDES, taken in exchange forgood, at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER. GUN LOCKS tend BARRELS, for solo low k.. 7 by J. & W. SA .tot.