Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 23, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesady Morning, March 23, 1853
S. L. GI.ASGOW,4IEditor.
13 our authorised agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to receive advertisements; and
any persons in those cities wishing to Advertise
in our columns, will please call on hint. •
New Advertisements.
Dissolution of Partnership, by Porter R.
Bucher. Aisti New Firm, Bucher & Por
ter. Late arrival of New Goods, by S. &
G. Levi. Card of Wilson & Petrikin.
3:?' The reason the Address of T. P.
Campbell, Esq., did not appear in last
week's Journal was the fact that its col
umns were too much crowded with other
rt 1r Our readers must excuse the sour
nal's appearance and matter, this week, if
they discover any discrepancy or inadver
tency on its face, as this is our first issue.
We hope to do better hereafter.
Subscription Accounts.
• Settlements for all moneys, accounts,
due the Journal office on last Friday,
the 18th inst., no mutter of how long stand
ing; or all such as may thereafter become
due, or subscription, will be made with
the present editor.
7 ,G - We notice that Col. Jno. J. Patter
has retired from the Juniata Sentinel,
Miffiintown, as its. Editor, and has been ap
pointed agent to collect the subscriptions,
in Juniata Comity, to, the Jefferson Col
lege Endowment Fund., and to grant certi
ficates of scholarship for the same.
Thomas P. Campbell, Esq.
On our first page will be found the very
able and eloquent address of this gentle
man, delivered before the 4 , Zetamathean
Society," of the Juniata Academy, at
He has portrayed the mission of the
American Scholar in very brilliant terms,
and the speceh is worthy of a careful pe
rusal, It is instructive and eloquent be
cause Mr. Campbell is its author. We
hope the young gentlemen, to whom it was
delivered, will be hem:fitted by it.
Our Paper.
As soon as we can make the preliminary
arrangements, we purpose enlarging and
improving the 'Journal' considerably, so
an, to make it, in appearance and size, to
equal, if not surpass, any one of a similar
kind in the interior of the State. And we
hope our friends in the country and else- 1
where, will, give us their aid and influence
in this very desirable undertaking. Our
wish is to make it a family as well as a
political paper, and to do so, we must bare
the encouragement of our friends, and we
doubt not, we shall receive it. We desire,
if possible, daring the former part of the
coming summer, to.increase our subscrip
tion het several• lezindred; and this will
afford us an opportunity to renew our ac
quaintance with many or all of you, and to
make additional ones, for we intend to vis
it you personally. Our county ought, and
can, with great ease, support w much lar
ger and better paper than the "Journal"
now is, and since we have the disposition
to make it so, we hope those who feel in
terested in the project, will stand by us.—
We should be much pleased, at any time,
to take by the hand any of our friends from
the country, when they aro in town, and
feel disposed' to. favor us with a call. We
would be happy to cultivate their acquain
tance more extensively,, and counsel to
gether as to the best policy to pursue to
increase the usefulness of the Journal and
disseminate the principles it advocates.
Borough and Township Elections.'
The folloWing are the names of the gen
tlemen elected on Friday last :
Bono UGH :
Constable—Robert Woods.
School Directors.A.,W. Benedict, Ja
cob. Snyder.
Overseers of the Poor—T. K. Simonton,
A, Willoughby.
Auditor--William Lewis.
TowNsfur :
Judge—James Port.
Inspectors—John Simpson, Thomas Ad
Assessor—David Thompson
Constable—Jacob Miller.
Supervisor—James Hight..
Charles A. Black, Esq., of Green County,
to be Secretary of State.
Francis W. Hughs, late Secretary, to be
Attorney General, in the room of James
Campbell, who was appointed Postmaster
President Pierce.
PATRONS AND Famps.—After a brief
but pleasant acquaintance, we this day
make to you our parting bow, and commit
the destinies of the Journal into younger
and more zealous hand's. Our connexion
with your paper was merely an experiment,
designed to answer a single purpose—the
weaning of our thoughts from intense,
health-destroying application to the Pro
fession of our young life's choice, and
whole life's affections. The experiment
has been eminently successful; and has
done for us, what medical skill and many
months of more indolent relaxation had
failed to accomplish •—restored us to com
pavative, physical and mental health. We
therefore, resign to another, the control of
the Journal, with feelings of gratitude to
a kind Providence, who has so signally
blessed it to our use, and with many thanks
to our generous and indulgent patrons,
who have kindly borne with our inexperi
ence, and nobly rewarded our poor efforts
to serve them.
:n selecting a successor we have been
governed entirely by the unanimous voice
of the Whigs whose wishes we were able to
learn; having satisfied them, we have, of
course, pleased ourself, and we hope, dis
charged our duty to the party.
The accounts for subscription are now
in the hands of Mr. Glasgow; and all that
were not adjusted and receipted prior to
Friday, the 18th inst., must be settled with
him. Those who have paid in advance will
receive the paper just as if no change had
taken place.
The jobs and advertising that hc,ve
been done in• the office during the past
yeas, or that shall be.done prior to thefirst
day of May next; will belong to us. Mr.
Nash, who is still Foreman in the office, is
authorized to settle these accounts in our.•
'absence; and we hope our friends and all
these indebted will call as soon as possible
and make payment. J. A. HALL.
March 23, 1853.
Readers, the political editor is com
pelled to withdraw from the conduct of the
Journal, as suddenly as he commenced his
labors. Only on the assurance, that my
services would be temporarily needed, did
I consent to take, from my profession, the
time and labor, which I have bestowed up
on the editorial columns of the Journal;
and it is a source of gratification to me that
my release from that toil has been sooner
than I then anticipated. I then felt, and
still feel, an enduring interest in the Hun
ing,don Journal.. I brought it into•beitig,
and have ever rejOiced in its prosperity.—
You will, I know,excuse me, when, in reti
ring, I commend it to your warmest con
sideration.. It passes into the hands of one
abundantly able to make it worthy, of the
patronage of all; and one who purposes to
spend his whole strength, to make it valu—
able, and efficient, as a newspaper, and•as.
the organ of that party to which it has ever
been attached. A. N. BENEDICT.
To the Patrons and Friends of the
. 6 Huntingdon Journal.”
Having resigned the praotice of the Law,
for the present, and assumed the Editorial
Chair, I regard it my duty, as custom seems
to have established the rule, to give you a
short programme of the principles by which
I shall be governed iu the discharge of the
obligations therewith connected. And I
have not made this assumption without feel
ing deeply sensible of my inability to pro
perly meet the grave responsibilities con
nected with the position of an Editor; but
I pledge myself, whatever little ability I
may have, it shall be exclusively employed
to their legitimate discharge.
I' hum that I shall be unable to gratify
the wisheaof all—to fulfil the expectations
of, every one— and to accord with every di
versity of opinion, nor indeed is there such
desire on my part; but I shall spare no
pains, nor consider any task too laborious,
in the endeavor to meet the demand of pop
ular sentiment, and secure the general ap
probation of the Journal's readers and pa,
Reflection on the past history. of" the
public Press, recalls to memory many sad
incidents connected with the career of ed
itors. The biographies of many, there is
no doubt, have been written in fieep sorrow
on the hearts of affectionate and esteemed
companions. But I shall try to avoid the
shoals on whiels many have wrecked, and
sail around the rock against which others
have split, and guided by the Vest reason
nature has given me, aided by. the intelli
gence of the community, I shall endeavor
to pursue the course that leads to prosper
ity and success.
The political complexion of the Journal
shall continue to be what it always has been.
To me Whig principles and measures are
dear; and through me they will ever find a
willing and ready advocate; because I be-
lieve their proper, practical development! ,
will tend to elevate the character of our
common country to that high position to
which, in the destiny of nations, she is en
titled—and because I believe their influ
ence will result in the prosperity of our
people—secure the happiness of our citi
zens, and cover our national name with un
fading glbry.
The management of the press is my own
voluntary act. No special influence, on
the part of any individuals, was used to in
duce me to assume its responsibilities; and
of course, I am under no obligations for
any private agency, from any source, and
I will not, under any circumstances, devote
its columns to the advancement of views or
opinions of any faction, clique, or coterie,
whatever. I will strive to make the paper
not only of general utility to the whole
Whig party, but of general advantage to
all classes of the community.
As Editor, I deem it expedient or politic
to remain neutral on the subject of forming
county or district tickets for the support
of the party, until after the nominations
!lave been made. But as soon as tickets
shall have been formed, by regularly called
Conventions, the Journal will heartily en
dorse them, by hoisting the names of the
nominees to the bead of its columns, and
advocating their elections.
The retiring Editors have my wishes for
their happiness and continued success in
their respective professions.
Accidents on the 'Pa. Rail Road.
We cannot refrain from saying a word on
this subject, although it has been several
days since the last melancholy accident ee
curved, and might be considered past the
titodwilen public presses should notice it.
Whether these accidents have taken
place on account of carelessness on the part
of those employed on the trains, or of a
waist of prudence on the part of the Com
pany itself, or by the mere ordinary course
of things, may possibly, in the minds of
some, be a question; but with us it is none.
We are well satisfied, from what informa
tion we can glean, that tbey wore the re
sult of outrageous negligence on the part
of the employees on the cars, and of a se
rious want of prudence on the part of the
Company. Why don't they procure the
services of men who are competent and tem
perate, and who have some regard for hu
man life?
Now, in our opinion, judging from‘ the
tone of popular sentiment, it would be po
litic and wise, in those divested with the
authority, to see to this matter.
If this state of things long conticue, it
will evidently injure the reputation of the
Road, and induce Western travel, going
East, to take a different route.
It is exceedingly sad to reflect, that the
accident which occurred only a few days
ago, on the Pennsylvania Railroad;.near
Newton Hamilton, by a passenger train
running hito a freight train, has caused the
loss of eight lives., and othersostill,• we are
told, who received mangled woundsi• in the
'melancholy catastrophe, are •expected eve
ry hour to pass away. If the Company,
wish to save and increase the reputation of.
the Road, and thereby secure travel or pa
tronage, they must adopt such measures
as will ,be considered, by the travelling
public, a safer guaranty for human life.
We have nothing to say against the con
ductors-on the several passenger trains.—
They are all, we think, clever and efficient
mon, and as far as our knowledge extends,
the community, generally, so regards them.
State Agricultural School Conven-
This body assembled in the Senate
Chamber, Harrisburg, on the 9th day of
the present month. Nearly all the coun
ties in the State were well represented by
delegates appointed for the purpose. A.
mong those not represented was Hunting
don County, which was certainly not inten
tional on her part, for we feel satisfied, that
she is as much interested in agriculture,
and contains as many good men engaged in
it, as perhaps any other county in the
State, except one or. two.
The objcet•of this Convention was to
take into consideratien the. expediency or
practicability of establishing in Pennsylva
nia an Agricultural College, or High
School, for the purpose of affording our
farmers' sons and others an opportunity to
acquire a knowledge of the sciences con
nected with agriculture and the usual
branches of a common education, necessa
ry to make them good,ckillful tillers of the
soil, and at the same time, useful and Intel
' ligent citizens of society.
This io evidently, to the mind of every
reasonable matt, a very commendable un
dertaking, and should by all means, in our
.!opinion, receive not only the encourage-
ment and hearty support of the people gen
erally, but also the sanction, and if neces
sary, the material aid of the Legislature.
Of course we are not infavor of promoting
the interests of one branch or class of labor
at the sacrifice, or to the total neglect of
others, but the purpose of the proposed
School demands as immediate attention as
perhaps the claims of any other depart
ment of labor at this time. It will be an
honor to the State to have such a School ;
and it will be a projeot sacred to the mem-1
ories of those who were principally instru
mental i 3 securing its organization. We
wish success to the undertaking, and .we
hope those in the State interested or enga
ged in agriculture will not be backward in
lending their influence and support in ac
complishing the object proposed by the con
vention. We may have more hereafter to
say on this subject when we have room.
The Murderer Found.
Evidence was discovered on Monday
morning which fixes the murder of Han
nah Shaw and Ellen Lynch, who was bru
tally murdered, in the district of South
wark, Philadelphia County, on the 10th
inst., On ARTIIIIR SPRING, one of the per
sons under arrest. The•evidence, although
necessarily circumstantial in its chatacter,
is still so complete, as to reduce the ques
tion of his guilt almost to a certainty.
Tribute Us President Fillmore troi
his Cabinet.
We have much pleasure, says the National In
telligencer, in giving publicity to the following
correspondence, which reflects equal honor upon
President Fillmore •nd the members of his Ad
miniktratiom ft has, we presume, rarely happen
ed• that so grant a degree of harmony has existed
between a President and every member of his
Cabinet. It may he supposed by some that the
relations of Mr. Webster and Mr. Fillmore, as
candidates for the Presidency, formed an excep
tion to this remark. We have, however, the best
reasons for believing that their friendly and con
fidential intercourse, personal and political, woo
never for a moment Interrupted.
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1833,
Su t: As our connexion with yon is about to
terminate, we cannot forbear to give utterance to'
the feelings of unmingled satisfaction with which
we look hack upon our official and pereonatinter.
course. We have witnessed with adMikatibu your
untiring devotion to the pablie service, and your .
patience and . assidnity in . discharge of the in
cessanc and' labOrlous duties of your office. Near
observation has afforded us innumerable proofs of
the enlightened and comprehensive regard for the
best interests of the whole Union, which you have
brought to the execution of . the hith trust which
devolved upon you under circumstances of peen
! liar embarrassment. For the fidelity to its best
interests which yon have thus Manifested, the
country, we believe, will yet, with one voice; do
you . ample justice.
We hare the greatest pleasure in adding, that
the unbroken harmony which has prevailed in
your Cabinet, and between yourself and all its
members, has greatly Iheilitated the performance
of our ordinals labors.
With our united hest wishes that your health
may be preserved, and that the county may long
have the benefit of your patriotism, experience,
and high intelligence, wo remain, dear air, your
sincere friends. EDWARD EVERETT,
.1. J. therm:minx,
T. his Excellency, MILLAito F I LLMORE,
ne'sident of the United States.
GENTLEMEN t Your kind note, which was han
ded me last evening, was as unexpected as it was
gratifying. While I cannot flatter myself with the
idea that I am• justly entitled to all the praise
which your friendship has so generously bestowed,
I am frank to confess that I do feel a conscious
ness that Mayo spared'no pains to merit it. Of
thii, however; you are the best judges. Yon have
been daily companions, and can hest appreciate
the motives with which! have discharged my of
ficial duties. But it is duo - to • yen, and 'to those
who preceded some of you, as my officitiradvisers,
to say thee the success °luny Administration' is
chiefly owing to the wisdom, harmony, fidelitY,
and ability of my counsellors; and that the coun
try, us well as myself, owes them a debt of grati
tude which I doubt not it will recognise in due
time, and cheerfully discharge.
No President was ever more fortunate than.i
have been in-the' selection of his cabinet. No
manifestation of unkind feeling, or even a hard
word, has ever distarbeci' the harmonious action
of the councithoard. This cordial unanimitrhas
not only advanced the • publio• service; hut has
been at all times to me a source, of unalloyed
satisfaction. I shall ever reflect upon our social
and official intercourse with great pleasure, and
cherish, to my latest breath, the disinterested
friendship with which it has been ntarked.
Please to accept my sincere thanks for the
faithful, able and satisfactory manner in which
you have respectively discharged the arduods and
responsible duties of your several offices, and
also my best wishes for j our health and prosperi
ty; anti believe. me, gentlemen, your sincere
friend. Iffn.LAtio FILLMORE.
Hon. Edward Everett; 'horn. Corwin,. Alex.
H. 11. Stuart, Charles M. Conrad, John P.
Kennedy, John J. Crittenden, S. D. Hubbard.
Exhibition at Cassville.
Mr. Editor :—lf you can find space in
the columns of your able paper, please in
sert the following brief communication.—
We were present at the Exhibition of the
Cassvillo Seminary, on the evening of the
2cl inst., and take pleasure in saying it was
a grand affair, and deem it worthy of no
tice in your paper. Notwithstanding the
inolomenoy of the weather, the house was
crowded. The Hall was beautifully deco
rated with laurel wreaths and paintings,
executed by the pupils. The music class,
under the instructions of Mr. BLEtstimade
a grand display.. The. Essay read by Miss
E. V. Mann, (subject Woman's rights)
and the Oration, delivered by Mr. J. Speer,
attracted much attention and were highly
creditable to themselves and the institu
tion. The exercises throughout, far Bur
-1 passed our expectations. W---.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
In the Senate, on the 17th inst., the
consideration of the bill providing for the
appointment of a State Agricultural Chem
ist, was resumed, and after debate was ne
gatived yeas 13, nays 17.
rfotteE.—.-Mn Wharton, from the Judi
ciary Committee, reported a bill to &tend
the powers of the Justices of the Peace,
giving to them the trial of criminal cases of
a certain grade, with a jury of six persons.
A bill passed the House repealing the
law laying a State tax on passengers pass
ing over the York and Cumberland Rail
The Senate took up the bill from the
House repealing the law levying a tax on
passengers passing over the York and Cum
berland Railroad, which, after scme de
bate; passed finally.
Mr. Hiester, from the Committee to
whom the subject had been referred, re
ported negatively upon the bill providing
for taking a vote of the people of the State
upon the matter of the enactment of a
Prohibitory Liquor law.
The bill to enable illegitimate children
to inherit the property of the mother was
taken up, and passed committee of the
Hryant offered a resolu
tion requesting the Auditor General to
furnish the House a detailed statement of
the payments of taxes made by Notaries
Public, the amount paid by each, &c.
Mr. Henderson read a bill relative to
the fees of Sheriffs. •
Mr. Eyster, a bill to prevent Banks
from dealing in uncurrent money.
The Magazines.
Gotley . end Graham for April, arc fully
up to the high standard of these truly ex , -
cellent and popular works% Graham's still
further enlargement; and Gorfey c 3 riNew
Features" aro additional' inducements tb
the reading public, to subscribe.
England in ilondurasi
Our telegraphic dispatches from New-
Orleans on Monday announce that a Brit
ish frigate has anchored off Truxillo, in
Honduras, and forcibly taken possession of
that place, and that the sound of a cannon
ade had been heard at Limas probably from
a repetition there of the same process.
Truxillo is the chief sea port of Hondu
ras, and is a town with about two thousand
inhabitants, and sotto considerable fortifi
catibns remaining from early Spanish times.
.In fact it was dine of the first places on the
Continent dikes , eted and Settled by the
Spaniards, Columbus himself hating touch
ed there. Since the establishment of Cen
tral American independence it has always
belonged to Honduras, and no pretence to
claitult for any other proprietor was ever
thought of till November, 1847, when Mr.
Walker, H. 13. M. Consul General in Mes
quite, being on a flibustiering excursion
with the frigate Alarm, suddenly descended
on this unsuspecting place and ordered the
inhabitants to haul down the Honduras flag
and acknowledge the King of the slosqui
toe as their sovereign. This they utterly
refused to do, and Mr. Waker not daring
to bombard then, went off with the Alarm,
first having sot up the Mosquito flag on a
lonely beach without the harbor. For
this escapade he received front his superi
om a more or less serious reprimand, and
there the matter ended for the time. Lf the
report frotilNew-Orleans is not exaggera
ted, his attempt is now renewed, the triutu
phant experiment with the Bay Islands,
having probably developed 'the taste for fur
ther operations in the same line. This time,
however, the demand is made in earnest
with bombs and round shot to enforce com
pliance: But while this affair of Mr. Walk
er in 1847, and the equally unjustifiable 1
seizure of the Bay Islands, concur to ren- 1
! der Tts i t i ts t er o ipe i ;s us h i a ie v i ie t 7ts r oc e iatel together, un-
der possible just such an outrage as this I
present teported act of burglary, it is pto
lot' merehundizing, respectfully .. t iu r tiirm ar t t li i e le ir p r i i r c l inds e
per toss nit for further and more certain de
tails. before . forming a decided opinion on • and the public, that they will continue business
s A til
Dm Goons,
wherethey otter a general assort
the ease; In truth there Is a slight improb-1 at the old stand of Porter & Bucher in the borough
of p
ability about it. If England is determined I
to have Truxillo why should she resort tb
b '
": goods , jorl oon ' s' e°67o'c E ung
in part
so very transparent a fraud as to pretend READY-MADE I CLO R T i I fr; II ' I: al B oors
that 8'
that it belongs by any sort of right OILS, PAINTS, Dares, Fan, SALT,
.together with almost every article enquired for in
to the Mosquitos! Why not say 'that Hon- AND PLASTER, d'1.1., &s.,
o cLult g ry k, S i to a r s e... They . a i r n e
i t , letermined to sell
duqui .ewes—linitty r faiq or fifty thousand
dollars to British subjects, and that hay- a
in exchange for y e s u t u o t r ary p t ro e d e uTe t . inY i b li r !Ti l t
lug already waited tallbng for payment,
the Imperial Government have concluded of grain bought, or stored, and forwarded to mar
to pay themselves by taking that place? GEORGE C. BUCHER,
Certainly this would be the more respecta- I March
Itle and the moro natural way of the tiro, • ---
and'we accordingly suspect that the ru- A. P. WILM°N. R. BRUCE PETRIKIN.
mor is in correct: WILSON & PETRIKIN,
Meanwhile, , wbether England has seized 4TTORNEYS iIT LaW,
Truxillo or not, it is certain that site has
taken the Bay Islands by a highway pro- ; DUNTINGDON, Rt.
cess, and in violation of her own treaty ob. Practice in the several Courts of Iluntingdon,
Blair Cambria, centre, Mifflin and Juniata Conn
' ligation& We wait with anxiety to see tics. '
ExaminationDl iA T 101 . .
March 23, 1853.
I the course our new Administration will ,
and Exhibition
take with the transaction, front which the '
capture of Truxillo, as reported, does not ! The Semi-annual
essentially differ.. Wo have had a great ' of Pine Grove Academy, Centro co., Pa., will
deal of talk; does any feel sure that we take place on Thursday tho 31st of March. Ex
shall now stand up to 54 degrees and 40 ; l c igs •t n
tr. commence at 13 o'clock, A. M. and 6
Thelends of education are respectfull
minutes?—.A. Ir. .Tribune. ; invited to attend. y
lit -.4.- i The next Session will open on the Ist Monday
of May. All the branches of a liberal education
taught, also the German language.
—An arrival at Now Orleans on Friday, B. C. WARD, A. 13., Principal,
reported that an English Steamer was met Assisted by competent Teachers
seven days previous, entering the port. of WM BUROUFIELD,
Vera Cruz, with Santa Anna on board. Wu '. M u u ""' Esq.,Committee '
No. 17. We, ourselves, and perhaps no other'
person, ever knew a set of medicines to gain such
universal confidence as Dr. J. W. Cooper's In. ,
dian Vegetable Preparations, prepared only by
C. P. Hewes, neither have we ever known any
medicines to be so universally successful in the
cure of the disease for which they are recommen
ded. They. are also different from most other
preparations before the public, inasmuch as they
are offered for the cure of but one disease, and we
must say, that even if we knew nothing of their
wonderful success, the simple fact of their being
recommended each to cure but one disease, would
give us more confidence in them, and be sufficient
to induce us to give them a trial, in preference U . ;
any others, for we must say that we have but little
confidence in any medicine which is recommen
ded to cure mote than one disease. But this is
not all; the universal success and wonderful cures
which these medicines ate every day performing
is sufficient to warrant any person who may be
afflicted with .y of the diseases for which they
are recommended, in diving them a fair trial.—
They consist of Dr. J. W. Cooper's Indian Vege
table Cough or Consumptive Syrup, for the cure
of Coughs, Colds and Consumption. Dr. J. W.
Cooper's Vegetable Dyspepsia Bitters. They
are a certain and never failing cure for Dyspep
sia, even in its worst forms. Dr. J. W. Cooper's
Vegetable Rheumatic Drops. These drops oper
ate upon a principle entirely different from all
other Rheumatism Medicines, and are universal
ly successful in effecting a cure. Dr. J. W.
Cooper's Vegetable Compound Fever and Ague
Pills. The Pills are a certain and never-failing
cure for this disease in from three to six days.—
Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Worm Powders;
for Use destruction of Worms, nod pleasant for
children to take. Dr. J. W. Cooper's Anti-Dys
pepsia Pills; for the cure of Costiveness, and for
all diseases requiring a purgative medicine, they
cannot be surpassed, they operate without causing
the slightest pain. These medicines are for sale
by T. Read, do Sou, Huntingdon; G. W. Brach
man, McVeytown; and J. M. Belford, Mifflin
town, who is agents for the Proprietor, C. P.
6 6 - We have frequently heard the celebrated
German Bitters, sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 126
Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of
the highest commendation, and we honestly be
lieve that it is one of the best medicines advertised
for the complaints for whin it is recommended.
They are pleasant to the taste, and can' betoken
under any cirednlsfences b 7 the most delicate
stomach. The press far and wide, have united in.
commending this invaluable remedy for dyspepsia,
debility, &b.; and such are the healing effects of
this panacea, that we hope it may be introduced
into every family where dyspepsia has, or is like
ly to have,,a victim. 4.
Feb. 2, 1853.
Of Spring and Summer Goods, at
The subscribers respectfully return thanks fur
the patronage they have received during the time
they have been in business, and would inform the
eld customers of S. Levi, with ns many new ones
as may be pleased to favor. them with their pat
ronage, that they still continue to distribute goods
at Maguire's old stand, in Market Square, Hun
tingdon, where they will he happy to supply all
who may be in want of anything in their line at
the lowest possible rates. Lodi, and Gentlemen
what we arc going to tell you now is no "Hum
bug." Our stock of Goods consists chiefly of a
most splendid assortment of DRY GOODS,
Ltidies Dress Goods,
from the lamest to the finest Silks, Alpacas,:
Mouslin de Base, thous de Litmus, White and •
Brown Muslim, White Dress Muslins, and La
dies' Dress Goods in every variety. Alto, Ho
siery, Gloves,Veils, Woolen Scarfs &c., &c., with
a variety of ancy Articles end Jewelry. Also it'
splendid stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres & Ready-Made Clothing:
Fine Coats from $7,50 to $l5; Business Coats
from $1 to $10; Pants from 75ets. to $6; Vests'
from 37kets. to $5.
Men and Boys' Hats dt Caps,
of different qualities.
Also—A splendid assortment of Ladies' Shoes,
got up with he latest and most approved pattreis
and styles. . . _
A IsZ,—a clinics selection st Groceries, Queens
ware, Liardtvare, Glassware, &c., &c.
As our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL
l'uorms, b whoever does not come and buy from
us dons not intend to save money, thinking a
nimble ninepence better than a slow shilling, wo
invite all to come and examine our stock of Goods,
as we charge nothing fur looking at them, so it
you don't buy it will cost you nothing but the
pleasure of a pleasant ride or walk—fur we intend
to keep all frum a broomstick to a windmill.
. .
. -.. ..,
All kinds Dr country produce token in exchange
for Goods.
March 23, 1853.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing under the
firm of Porter & Bucher, is this day, (March 8,)
dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. All
persons indebted to the said firm aro requested to
make payment to either of the subscribers, or at
least to make immediate settlement of their ac
Alexandria, March 29, 1853.-3 t