Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 23, 1853, Image 1

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• The "HUNTINGDON JOVRAL" is pnblished at
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Delivered before the Juniata Acad-
emy, at Shirleysburg.
On the withdrawal of the audience, at the close
of the exercises, on Wednesday afternoon, the
directors of the .Tuninta Academy of ShirAeysburg,
convened, D. Manptm in the chair, and SL.
SPANOGLE, Seretary—when the following resy
lutirm was adopted :
Resolved, That we express oar acknowledgments
to T. P. CAMPIIPILT„ Esq., for the very able and
courteous address delivered before the Zetamathe
an Society and the Students of the Juniata Acad
emy; and also request a•copy of the seine for pub•
lleatiop. D. MADDEN, President.
S. L SPANOGLE Secretary.
others, Truftees.
Gentlemen of Me Juniata Academy, Directors and
members of the Zetamathean Society :
My address, imperfect as it is, is submitted to
your control. Consider my answer to this as to
you all
Yours, &c.,
.by young friends of the “Shirleysburg
Collegiate Scarlemy," and “Zdania-
Mean Literary Society" :
Upon an occasion so interesting as , this,
it is no affectation in me to say that it af
fords me sincere pleasure to meet with you,
to address to you a few words on the ob
jects of your enterprise and pursuits—to
congratulate you on the interest you man
ifest in a cause so intimately connected
with the public good, and with which, in
deed, your own usefulness, happiness, and
destinies are so inseparably interwoven.—
You are now at a most interesting period of
life—and to yourselves and others, enga
ged in a most interesting vocation. You
aro now laying the foundation upon a hich,
afterwards, you are to rear the superstruc
ture ; and as you would that the fabric so
to be built, should exhibit its proportions,
in utility, baauty and grace, so should you
be careful that the base itself is solid, sub
stantial and true—au abiding subsstratum
of elementary truths.
The great importance of a solid education
—a thorough education of the mind in ele
mentary truths, my young friends, com
mends itself to us with a force that no ar
guments of mine could strengthen or illus
trate. The human mind, though immortal
in its nature, encumbered with mortal
trammels, and operating but imperfectly
through frail and mortal organs, gropes its
way through darkness, by the aid of fitful
and uncertain lights ; and it requires all
that mankind have ever drawn and tested
from the aroana of nature, providence, and
revelation, or that time and experiment
have discovered, arranged, condensed and
systemized, to form even a tolerable guide
to. all but what belongs to man's immor
tality. Except in this—man's individual
duties in relation to his Creator, and an
life, he is left to investigate with but
the desire to know. In. all else, clouds
and dirknesa aro round about him; and a
knowledge of the hidden laws of nature, of
matter and mind, are to be but the reward
of Libor, the same as he is ordained to "eat
his bread by the sweat of his brow." And
the wisdom of the design is manifest ; that
lie should labor both physically and intel
lectually— that his very wants should de-
Mand it, and his pleasures and enjoyments
be enhanced by an obedience to the eon?.
multi. The physical life and appetites
are sustained and gratified by the one,
whilst the intellectual are invigorated and
enraptured by the other.
Man is constituted of two natures, and
both aro to be nourished by the natural I
ailments provided for each, or want—both
are to enjoy or suffer. That inaotivity and
indolence debilitate, and want emaciates
and destroys, whilst industry and plenty
strengthen and nourish the one, the merest
human animal is sensible. But who can
explain the mental ailment the mind of the
student drinks from the well-springs of
learaisk, or describe hie spirits rapture un-
•;„ lAssma.,A,ta.-;
aer the blaze of each new light that bursts
in upon his soul—at the demonstration of
tangled problem, or the eureka" of the
hidden truth brought from its dusty con
fines as the reward of his busy labor—the
()Spring of his intellectual toil? As far
as.the spirit is superior to the flesh, so are
the , gratifications•ef its Heaven-born de
sires above the satisfaction• of the merely
sensual appetitar of the other. As durable
and ethereal the one; as the other is tem
porary and grovelling. The one classified
amongst the insects common to the brute,
whilst, he other soars towards the fields of
Paradise, and claims kindred with the tal
lest angels around the throne on High!
The reward of the student for his labor,
is indeed a rich reward. If it were not so
—..if ignorance were bliss, 'twere folly to
be wise." If it were not so, the breath
which God blew into his nostrils in the be
gluing, were indeed a curse, and the spir
its' reachings after the far and unseen, but
a tantalising evil entailed upon our race,
born amid the councils, and winged upon
errands of of vindictive wrath.
The reward of the student is a double
reward. For whilst by his researches he
is adding to the worlds store of knowledge,
and is thus rewarded in a consciousness of
personal consequences, and usefulness to
others, his own capacities of enjoyment are
enlarged and refined, whilst others are ben
°fitted by the fruits of his intellectual la
bors; the enternal law of recompense de
crees that he himself shall taste Lts rich
est consolations—
"1-lis Are the joys no stronger heart can fuel,
No slit define,—no utterance reveal."
The elementary principles of knowledge In
which you should bo well grounded, from
whence are they., and where are they to be
found? They are the ripe and unripe fruits
that have grown and aro gathered from the
brainseil of- those. who have gone before,
and- are to be found in the folios of your
class books, and the teachings of your kind
preceptors. They.are the hoarded wisdom
of all past-ages, digested and systemized,
until they aro received and known as phil
osophical truths. At first bogining in
mere speculation, the successive genera
tions of men, have explored the depths,
and toiled amid the mazes of hidden misti
ries, until many of their mightiest and
most astonishing secrets have been brought
to light. With these, then, known and
understood, what may not the scholar of
the present day—what may not the Amer
ican scholar of the present day —accom
plish ! The present, age is indeed fruitful
in schemes, and facilities for education.—
Abroad, over all the world, a deeper inter-'
est i s felt on this subject than in former
times. Learning is no longer confined to
the murky chambers of the cloister or the
abbey, where, as if unfitted for men enga
ged in the stern battle of life, its parch
minted lore was open only to the Philoso
pher and Priest. The day has past when
learning entails upon its votaries suspicion
and reproach.
The art of printing has broken down the
barrier and partition wall between the clerk
and people, and education is now every
where honorable, and everywhere sought
after and desired. It is a passport of re
spectkbility, and a patent of social caste.
But it is here, particularly where the high
ways of education, like all else American,
are open and free, nor hedged in'or ob
structed by any concentrated dogmas, ec
lesiastioal or civil, that speak to us as the
oracles of the mitre or the crown. No re
ligious or political paradoxes to' fetter or
circumscribe the mind in its freest range
of inquiry, after the true, and the fullest
faith in its sublime teachings:
I propose, then, to say a few words to
you on the mission of the scholar of the
present day—and particularly of your mis
sion as iluierican scholars. And if iu so do
ing I,shall be able to add auy now inoontive
to a more unremitting perseverance in your
present pursuits, or a single encouragement
toward a more untiring effort in the acquisi
tion of a profound and practical education,
I shall be indeed gratified, and more than
repaid for the feeble offores of a half in
hour spent in your service.
That, mission. is to accumulate all the
wisdom of the past—apply to it that of the
present, and to add to it that of the future.
The Literature of the old schools is to be
acquired, but acquired only as a means of
understanding the new, and revealing the
yet unknown. Language itself is but the
vehicle of thought, and useful only as a
means of communicating it from one anoth
er. But the more correctly language is
understood, the more perfectly will thought
be communicated. Language is to the ear
what the painter's pencil is to the eye, and
its words are signs capable of conveying
every thought,every light and shade of emo
tion or passion ' • of feeling, attitude or ac
tion which the human mind can receive or
imagine. So whilst indeed, philosophically
speaking, the study of a language is but
the study of a medium of communication of
thought, and not the acquisition of any
substantive knowledge, yet in such study,
especially of those languages in which the
soleness of dead nations are recorded, and
tb.o genius of dead sages displayed, there
is much to be gained,in addition to the meti
tal training such studies give to the young
mind ; And now, although there is no im
portant branch of knowledge, nor any val
uable historical fact, but is accessible in
any popular living language or tongue,
still a correct understanding of the etymol
ogy of our own, renders it profitable.that a
reasonable portkiri of time be devoted to
that of the dead: What I would say is
this, that whilst much is to be gained by a
correct knowledwe of the Hebrew, Greek,
and Latin languages, in • a familiarity with
the feelings, intpultes arid opinions of the
races composing these communities,of which
they present perhaps the truest mirror;their
systems of religion and government, their
genius and learning, and the literary caste
and finish it gives a modern soholar,it should
ever be remembered that, after all, language
is not learning, but a means only of acqui
ring and emainunicating it. Study, then,'
to acquire the sign, for the sake of the
substance; the sound, for the sake of the
You will explore. deeply the laws and
properties of matter; its relations and pro
portions, its affinities and antipathies, so
that from a knowledge of these, the results
of new combinations may be discovered.—
You will descend to the earth and unwrap
her vesture, that the process and mystery
of creation may be aevealed ; and there
amid her incrustations, finger the work of
each age as it fell upon her from the day
of chaos, and decipher the hieroglyphics of
her history, from the folds that envelop
her bosom, from now till before God said
"let their be light." From around the
throat of the volcano you will gather the
product of her mighty womb in the burn
ing scoria she expels, and from the inten
sity of the fires that consume her bowels.
You will ascend to the regions of space,
and with the rapt astronomer, revel amid
the spheres! It will be your delight to
become familiar with the stars; to measurs
their proportions and distances, to calcu
late their orbits and revolutions ! And the
winged wanderer of the skies, that like a
mighty sceptre appeared to the unenlight
ened mind of old, surrounded by omens
and portents, whose fiery tail prefigured
pestilence and war, is contemplated by the
eye of science with awe, but no longer with
fear.!!' As he plunges from his perihelion
down.into diti.dark chambers of spud be
neath the plane of the ecliptic, the eye of
science still follows him in his unseen track,
and foretells his return to a single day !
The whole system• of nature is to be the
field of your explorations—her organic,
physical and moral laws,—as they compose
her sentient and insentient s creation; as
they govern the rational and irrational sub
ject. From the lowliest living thing only
instinct with life, to the master peen of
God's handiwork here, "but a little' lower
than the angels"—from the atone of, the
world, extends your great encyclopedi,i.—
the circle and range of your mighty mis
sion. And when from these you have
drunk in the streams of gathered wisdom
the portals of duty, and present and future
usefulness will open to your power. It
will be for you, then, with the key of ac
quired knowledge in your hands, to go for
ward in the great race after the unknown;
to open the sealed books of the hidden
mysteries that have been locked away
heretofore, forever, in the tombs of the
Omumicient Creator himself.
It will be your privilege to discover in
their application to natural laws, many
now antidotes to human suffering; to allo
viato physical pain: to prevent and heal
By an increased familiarity with the
springs and motives of vital action,
to re
move the obstructions to the machinery of
human life, that now sing and wreck it
long before the time of its'ordivary decay.
By a deeper knowledge of the character of
man,—his passions, his vices, his impul
ses,—his social and domestic wants, vir
tues and instincts, you will be enabled to
add new and wholesome improvements to
the codes of municipal and domestic laws,
bey which die guilty arc.punishod, the in
nocent protected, and the rights and hap
piness, both of the individual and commu
nity, vindicated and secured. It is your
mission to go abroad in search of all that•
can minister to man's comfort, his wealth,
his dignity. To call upon the earth to
yield her ores, and discover the riches of
her miner, on the ocean, from her coral
beds, to give up her pearls and jewels,
which amid her slimy caverns, it has taken
a thousand ages to form. On the gasses
that encircle our earth, to developo their
agencies, in their decomposing and Tegen
ernking influences,—and the lightning it
self, whose erratic' gambols amid the
clouds of Heaven, appear to ur4 Ws the aw
ful ucintellations from,the eye of Deity,
how its subtile, incomprehensible and in-
tangible fluid pervades, sustains and modi
fies all matter; which withdrawn, would
leave us what all would be without God's
breath—"what genius, power and beauty
would be forever and forever, if there were
no God!"
From a familiarity which man's struo
tire, physical and mental, to point out the
true philbsophy of health and comfort.—
tho'ttid of science, inventing schemes,
by which physical labor is' telieged'of its
burtheng. In increasing the, Means aid
facilitating.tlic way to mental cldturgt,"iii
drawing wisdbm frotn earth, air and 'ocean
--in harnessing the elements themselves
and the lightning's arm", to tho purposes
and service of man; in removing every fet
ter, and breaking every chain, by which
the rights of man are bound contrary to
the laws of nature.---in the immolation of
false systems; the destruction of every
kind of unwarranted tyranny of the strong
over the weak, and the substitution so far
as practicable in a world like ours, of the
law of reason for the law of force. This
is the mission of the scholar of the present
ago, and particularly of the American
The present age is distinguished beyond
all preceding ones for the rapidity with
which science has thrown upon the world
new and astonishing discoveries. From
the tune that Franklin first drew electrici
ty from the clouds, succeeding revelations
have broken upon us, like the lurid flashes
of its own light. The discovery which
immortalized the nante.of Newton, appears
but as a dint and shadowy outline of the
true philosophy, since it is apparent that
the circulation of the electric fluid around
the earth gives it its • magnetic influence,
known as attraction of gravitation. By
tho use of the same fluid, distance and
space have been annihilated; earth pre
sents no circuit over which uteri's thoughts
cannot travel in a moment of time. Truly
we can now "send the lightnings that they
may go, and say unto thee, hero wo are.
Since Fulton applied the power of steam,
or expanded vapor, as a propeller of boats
upon our waters, but a few years slued,
discovery has followed discovery, and im
provement, improvement, with such rapid
ity that it has left scarcely time to look
back upon past imperfections, or opportu
nity for wonder or admiration in the pau
ses of its advance. How changed the
scene from that day, when the poor child
of genius, broken in health and fortune,
but not in patience and hope, launched be: ,
fore the world his enterprise to test itg
success, and was gladened when tho words,
"It moves," fell upon his ear from the in
-eredulous multitude, till this, when in
every civilzed land, and over every eery,
the panting of the laboring engine is heard.
"It moves !" magic words' But not
only did that power dreamed of, and ap
plied by the world-called madman, move
that little craft, on that day upon the bo
som of the•Hadson, but it has, since then,
the true leer of Archimedes, moved the
world ! Diiected by its mighty power, un
der- every flag known to the Heraldry of
the seas,
stately vessels nrt'cigated the
deep; and on plain, through gorges' "along
precipices, end over
,mouritain brivriarS,•
thousands of feet above the ocean-level,
long trains traverse the land. • ,Its deep
breathing, and the groaning earth over
which it flies with eagle swiftness; the
churned waves of ocean, as they are dash
ed bank crested With foam, from the pad
dle-wheel, are the witnessess of the tri
umph. Nations are brought into proximi
ty and neighborhood by its agency, and ci
ties, grown into greatness as by magic,
point you to the smoke that issues from the
lungs of their thousand work-shop, as the
very breath of their life.
Whore once wo could only look to the
painter for a transcript of the features of
ourselves or friends, of some wild land
scape, or gorgeous and enrapturing scene,
the agency of light is now invoked, and be
hold 111 a moment of time the work of the
artist is done; and the living feattires stadd
out to the eje, in life-like exactness and
out-line, upon the plate.
And now, while the power of steam, of
which. I have spoken; has as we suppose
been just brought to perfection, suddenly
l a new force springs up before us; that of
heated air, by which even steam itself may
be superseded. -Astonishing disooVeries !-
Wonderful triumpli%of art and Science !
And what now and mighty wonders are we
yet to see l Who can toll what the fu
ture will next reveal .1 • ' _ _
it is your mission to go eyed beyond
these. , Think you that there are no more',
mysteries to unravel—no more discoveries
to bo made—no more victories for the vo
taries of science to gain I Think you that
beceuse of the rapid streakings of the
morning sky, that the toll day-light has
come I tell you tro: The sluggish va
' pors still hang around the horizon, and
only hero and there a ray penetrates the
rifts in the Ands which the boming Sun
has made. But the mists will diApate—
the shades of darkness will roll back upon
the sky as the folding up of a Mighty cur
tain. It is for you . to be instrumental in
hastening the advance of that light; in her
alding its day-spring to the world."
But I have-said my young friends; that
it is as American scholars that your •mis- ,
sion beconfes most Important, and its pri
vileges and responsibilities valuable and
magnified. Aside from the noble desire,
fostered by patriotic sentiments, of leading
all mankind in the race after the knowl-
6, ii.011111A,7
edge, this nation stands the silent, but ef
fective teacher of human rights to all the
world, in the very view of the old mon
archies,in sublime antagonism to their false,
but time consecrated systems, the practi
cal workings of
,the new political faith is
exhibitOd. beauties and harmonies are
perceptible to all, of wliittever order or
station in the social scale; and ilia light of
its contrast is revealing the hidedusness of
Did old dogmas to every eye from the pal
ace to the cot.
That the true philosophy cf human ,gov,
ernment may be undeistend ilf our came
ple, and Its hlesaings become universal,
the 4roat' committed to us must be fully
discharged. And as these were establish
ed and ordained in wisdom, so, only by
wisdom, can the principles of political lib
erty be maltifaltied. Their, foundations
are laid in virtue,; and no perma
nent public virtue ever rested;tei fiver can
rest upon an ignorant and unenlightened
public mind. Your knowledge therefore,
is not to be confined, like the miser's hoar
ded wealth, to tho selfish stewardship of
your own coffers; but diffused like the
dews and light of Heaven amongst and
,Yours is a mission of duty and
beneficence tciitord,Our fellows, end. the
products of your labors must be dispensed !
as common riches, with a free and gener
charity. You are to communicate
your knowledge; 'to assist, to encourage,
to instruct others, that the individual con
tributions to the great store house of na
tional intelligenoe, may go out in fructify
ing streams over the land, that its very
distribution may be the unfailing sources
of natural greatness, and political and in
tellectual power.
Hero we have no hereditary rule by
which the right and power to govern is pla
cod by. lett. hi a single family or line of
blood. ' for all are indeed rulers. A por
tion of sovereignyt rests with every citizen,
and it is his duty to exercise it for the
common advantages and welfare. It is to
the people we must look for the perpetua
tion of the blessings we have been selected
to enjoy, and it is, after all, to the people
we must look for that instruction by which
we are guided as a nation, and that force
by which our rights aro defended. It is
true, looking towards our pulpits, colleges,
academies, and schools—our bar, our lah
&stories, our army, we find these placei
filled by particular classes of men, but they
are nevertheless the people; they are from
and of the people ; parts of the whole so
cial body: Particular individuals select
for theinsplves, different professions and
pursuits—and particular individuals are
selected by the whole to exercise the func
tions of government.; nintexecute the laws,
hilt, their power and right fci ao so proceeds
from the ems, and is no more of themselves
than of the humblest citizen in
And there is rto situation et.umernied, but
may be reached by any ono of you.
.It is
your birth-right as freemen, to aspire to
the hightest posts of honor or duty known
to our constitution, whatever these may be,
to sway the destinies of the greatest nation
on earth, represent her abroad, or defend
her rights and honor in the field. It may
be the future lot of some of you to take
part in het councils; in a Senate wiser and
greater its its character than any the proud
est nations of the old world, in their palmi
est days, beheld—grander and nobler than
any assembly cf Peers, who arrogate to
themselves exclusive titles, privileges and
superiority as the accidents of birth. It
may be your privilege to represent abroad
the interests and character of your pee'ple
in kingly courts. And what child of lib
erty but sympathises hi our horor and atti
tusde then ? Who would desire to see such
truths committed to incompetent hands?—
Surely no one. An insult to our flag can
be resented, and the stain washed out in
blood, but the wrong done a nation by a
weak or inefficient minister, affords neither
means or opportunity of reparation. Our
attitude both at home and abroad must be
worthy our character and institutions.—
From the Senate Hall the voice of freedem
should speak trumpet-tongued the rights of
man, until its reverberations arousid the
walls of old dynasties shall cause'• theni to
crumble and fall,like Jerico of old, before
the blasts of the Hebrew horn. '
Before the courts of earth' we should
present ourselves in our stern,
yet siniple
grandeur. In the midst of the glitter of
artificial rank and the paraphernalia of 'llll
gal pride—proudest of all;—bist proud on
ly in our virtue and intelligence, and the
embodied principles 'we represent. Thus
boldly must our position be taken and
maintained. Our potent pretest must be
entered against all violation'of national or'
natural jaw, in the sacredness, of which as
a nation, we aro interested; against all in
violence and wrong; our voice'
must be lifted, and our judgment spoken.
And to what manner of persons insist these
duties be confined? Who are to 'he 'the or
acles of a political faith like ours, iniplans
ed in the hearts 'of Out thinking Millions ?
It is truly the office of groat and cultivated
minds—of bold, fearless, earnest men'.• It
is the mission of the American Scholar. A
mission that has for its aim the preserve.-
VOL. 18, NO. 12.
tion of our Own' liberties, the political ele
vation and dignity of Our own people, and
which rests not in its 'purpose,, until the
curse of oppression shall 'no longer 'smite
the earth with its desolations; but like the
eagle, when it soars into the Heavens, fixes
its eyes upon the sun, and in its onward
and upward course scarcely pauses amid
its gyrations to gaze upon its shadow on the
plains beneath.
This, then, my yelitt4 •,filetidv . , your
mission. 4ow you rimy nett maycause
infielf and many anxious hopes
and fears, on the part of your excellent
professor, and your numerous friends.—t-
How you will fulfill it, depends upon .
yourselves. The ram is not alway "to
the swift o nor the battle to the strong,".
for: industry and perseverance will do itz
work. And to the bold in heart, and the
energetic in purpose, there is no such word
as fail. The aphorism of the great Hun
garian Statesman and orator, deserves to
be engraven on tablets of ,bold, "there is
no difficulty to 'Min who
The temple of knowledge may appear far
in the distance, and the way to its ambro
sial arbors and classic porches, steep, rug
ged and impassable to the eye; new dilh 4
culties may intkrpate at every step toward
the ascent, whilst in the vista beyond,
"Hills on 'hills,
And Alps on Alps arise."
But press forward. Re-nerve the faintius
energies, and revive the fainting hope.--t
Press forward ! The road to success in all
things lies through difficulty and toil; why
Should, yours be strewn ; with.flotTers l Re
member there is .
nothing ttprth,
enjoying that is not worth a struggle to
obtain. Have you met, f.rtt,in your path ?
Him, the ghostly Dimon of the threshoid!.
and do you startle at the frightful appari-.
tion ? Ho is a foe that every real student
must prepare to meet and vanquish. The
Demon of the threshold ! he is a ghastly
spectre. But as darkness comes before thd,
light, so are his haunts upon the confines
and outer verge of knowledge, and before
the first flickering of the mind's morning
he will disappear. Wo to the student of
any science who has never encountered the
Demon of the threshold; he has not yet
reached the outer boundaries of Cimmerian ;
gloom— he has not yet began to see and
VIA your obstacle may bo time, whioh
you felil you have not to spare. Then
economise your leisure 'hours, and always
—at the ple7, the ,bench,; tlie:woon.ter—
wherever you are, at hothe and abroadfill
every interval With thought. Perhaps you
are too old—you did not commence till
mankind hal Oomeupon you ~and it is now,
too late. You have indeed loat or wasted
a propitious season of your life—but it is
not too late. Scout the sluggard sugges
tion'from your thotigtts. Press on! Think
what Franklin did for science, after the
sun of hie life had passed its meridian. Or
does puverty : interpose an apparently . initif-*
mountable barrier across your way l This,
perhaps, :of all, is most diadouiagtng, but
press on, my brave boy. Remember peri
arty is no disgrace, and that you bring
clean and honest hands to your task. Press
on—and you will win the prize at last.—
' “Time, faith, energy," and you will sur
mount all. "Time, faith, energy." What
are they ? "The three friends God has
given to the poor."
Press on! It will not always be to you
a dry and dheirless task. The threshold
once priised, the cheerful day will take the
place of the dark night watches. No long.;
er drudging through rudimental and orinWl
labors after knowledge, but reveli9 in'ilie
full blaze of its noon-guy glories : —en in
habitant of earth, but privilegecLiti spirit
to communion with the skies; to draW
tellootual riches from its ether fields; ind
recline in fancy beneath its gorgoous.domes.
With mortal' eyes to catch glimpses, even,
of immortality itself. •
'Like angols' wino, the' partiiig clouds,
Just seen, and then witivirawn,"
and whilst the extatic visions linger around
the sOul, forget even earth itself, in the
entrancing raptures of the free spirit.—
Press on—let your mission be fulfilled,.
and 'your rewards will be greater, higher,
nobler than ever hero received as the vic
tor of bloody fields—richer indeed, than
the brightest gained tiara that ever bound
a monarch's brow, '
INSANITT.—"Did you say, sir, that you
considered 'Jr. Smith insane," asked, a
lawyer of a witness in . a criminal cafe.—
“Xep,.Sir, I did:” "Upon what grounds:
did you base the inference h" "Why
lent him 'a silk timbriillaand five dollars in
cash, and he returned theni both."
tr...rTiuthfulluese is a corner-atone in
character, and if it is not firmly laid in'
yOuth, there will ever after be a weak spot
in the foundation.
neVet knew," said Lord Erskine,
::, mari remarkable for heroic bravery
whose vory aspect was not liNhted np by
gpntlenesa and humanity."