Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 16, 1853, Image 1

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    BY J. A. HALL.
Of the Executive Committee .of the
- _
Teachers , Institute pf. Hunting
don County.
A Besolution of the Teachers' Institute, organ
iged, itt Huntingdon, on the 22 ultimo, has made
it the duty of the undersigned "to draft a Consti
tution and By-Laws for the government of the
Institute; to prepare an Address to till Teachers
of Schools, and persons intending to become
Teachers, and invite their attendance at the First
,Session of the Institute to commence on Titers
day. the 21st day of April next, iu the Town
Hall, in the borough of Huntingdon, and Continue
till Saturday noon ; --to name and arrange ttppro-
Judaic exercises for the meeting; appoint the ne
cessary Committees, dT. ; and to publish the same
in the papers of the County."
In compliance with this resolution, we present,
With much respect nod deference, the following
Report, and bespeak for it the earnest attention of
our brethren.
To the Teachers and Citizens of
Huntingdon County.
Teachers' Institutes are nos• held in most of
the Eastern and Northern States, and they usual
ly continue in session front one to four, or even
six weeks. In several States, material Legislation
aid is obtained.
In these Institutes the main subject is the Art
of Teaching. The various methods and resour
ces which have occurred to experienced Teachers:
the secrets of success in different departments;
the most efficient plans, rules, mid practical illus
trations, are freely communicated, interchanged,
discussed, questioned, and compared.
No rule is made to affect others, no system is
built to confine ourselves, each one notes what he
finds adapted to his own wants ; and all retfirn to
their arduous, but now welcome labor, refreshed,
strengthened nail encouraged. The most accom
plished Teachers are benefitted no less than oth
ers. There is no limit to excellence in the Teach
er's noble Art.
Not the least happy remit of those meetings is
a marked increase of self-respect among Teach
ers, and a higher appreciation of them us s class,
by those who witness their deportment and pro
ceedings. A Teaches comes front his secluded
field, timid, shrinking, unaccustomed to inter
course with other members of his profession ; oft
en affected with petty conceits, and lithe notions.
But after spending some days in intimate associ
ation with his fellow-laborers, and seeing so sunny
others earnestly mad nobly engaged, he is anima
ted with a like lofty spirit, and becomes a source
of animation to others. It is no longer an enigma
to him, how so many who occupy high stations in
the Republic, refer to the time when they ruled a
country school, as the date of their first and best
Where County Institutes are held, Township As
sociations follow. Th. Teacher goes home an
Educational Missionary; he visits round Isis dis
trict, and talks earnestly ; at meeting is called at
the School-house, mot w ell attended; the Teach
er shows his work and his wants ; certain im
provements seem very desirable, and quite prac
ticable, and all unite in carrying them forward.—
Intercourse between Teachers becomes frequent,
familiar, and pleasant. They meet occasionally
of evenings, and they visit easels others schools,
vs ithout backwardness sat the one Mimi, ot• a chur
lish, forbodings, or frightened manner on the oth
er, such as is sometimes seen; ~but there is real
delight, and it is participated in by the scholars,
who, accustomed to note every gesture of the ob
ject of their youthful reverence, easels the spirit
and feeling of the Teacher.
It is the noble object of our Common School
System to educate all the Youth of else State, and,
to educate them ns 'hearty us may be, equally and
together. If ;some be suffered to remain in igno
rance, they grow up in antagonism to the rest.—
The establishment of n County Superintendency
will prevent this in some degree. It will be his
duty to penetrate to, and examine every district
and school in else County. We hope that no
Teacher essay he found so indifferent to his char
oder, or so remiss as to the ditties of his starred
profession, as to neglect any menus of qualifying
himself to receive the visit of such an offices wills
Let every Tember de every grade of School
make it a point to at tend this first session of the
Institue. If he does, he will assuredly find reason
for congratulation—if he does not, regret is cer
tain, and. opportunity is lost which cannot he
There is a want of PCIIIIIIO Teachers. Nu one
wins higher or inure sincere respect : than the gen
tle, accomplished, and sucessful Instructress.—
We hope that many inure than at present may be
Induced to enter• upuu this path of usefulness, and
especially that every lady who contemplates enga
ging it school will become a member of the Insti
Teachers are requested to bring with them for
inspection specimens of test books, books of ref
once, writings, drawings, mappings, or other ob.
jeets of Educational interest. Eneh member
should be provided with pen, ink, and a memoran
dum book.
Persons attending the Institute as members are
requested to register their names at the first desk
on entering the room, where they will receive
from the Committee on inception, ti card which
Will serve to indiCatt;their membership, and will
direct them to lodgings.
We will hope, Fellow Teachers, to meet such an
assemblage in Huntingdon, as the hopes excited,
—the invitation of the citizens—the great public,
social, moral and religious importance of the sub
ject—and the individual interest of every Mem
ber of the coliim unity, demands.
WhereaS the safety and perpetuity of our
free institutions chiefly depend, under God,l
on the general intelligence and virtue of
our citizens: Whereas knowledge can only
be universally diffused"nd virtuous prin
extensively inculcated, through the
instrumentality of efficient Common Schools,
in which all the youth of our country,
shall be faithfully trained, and qualified to
discharge the various duties of life—inru
ed to habits of order, industry, patience,
perseverance, and self-government—im
bued with a love of truth, a high sense of
honor, respect for the laws of the land, and
reverence for the paramount laws of the
Creator: Whereas this training and nur
ture of the rising generation, though pre
marily the duty of parents,tlevolves, in this
country principally upon Teachers :
Whereas the undersigned, to whom a por
tion of this momentous trust has been del
egated, feel painfully sensible of our pri
sent inability, as a body, to discharge, ef
ficiently, the solemn responsibilities it im
poses: And whereas, the only available
remedy for this, our deficiency, is found
within ourselves, and can only be success
fully developed and applied b 3; our own
exertions : Therefore, acting on these con
victions, and impelled by motives of per
sonal interest and feelings of self-respect,
as well as by a sense of public duty, we
do hereby agree to unite ourselves in an As
sociation, to be called the "Teachers' Insti
tute of Huntingdon County;" and to secure
order in our deliberations, we pledge our
selves to be governed by the following
Constitution and By-Laws :
Art. Ist. This Institute shall he composed of
Teachers of temperate and exemplary habits, and
persons intending to become such, who shall sign
this Constitution and he governed by its provi
Art. 2d. 'file meetings of the Institute shall be
annual, commencing on the first Tuesday in
, mull coi4intiing
.471. 3d. The objects o r i the Institute sluill be
the individual improvetnent Of its nimbus in the
Art of teaching, the elevation of the Teachers'
profession, and the advancement of the cause of
Education, generally.. . . . .
Art. 4t/i. — The m o de of instruction shall not be
by forming classes as in schools, to he drilled by
the more experienced or forward ; but shall con-'
Mist in lectures, discussions, anti general, practicsl
exercises, in which all the members shall pmtiei
pate on a basis of perfect equality.
Art. 5111. Tim officers of the Institute shall be a
President, and two Vice Presidents; one Record
ing, and one Corresponding Secretary; a Libra
rian, and Treasurer—all of when shall be chosen
by ballot, on the last. day of each annual meeting,
shall enter-upon the duties usually pertaining to
these offices, nt the commencement of the next
meeting, and respectively discharge the same, ac
cording to their best abilities. •
Art. nth. 'rho Standing Committees of the In
' stitute shall be an Executive Committee of live
members, a Finance Committee of three, and a
Board of Mansgers—all to be chosen at the same
time, and in like manner as the etlti.‘ Lacers,
enumerated in slit. 511.
Art. nth. It shall he the (hay of the Executive
Committee; on the first day of each annual meet
ing, to notninate the officers to be elected at that
meeting ; to prepnre appropriate exereises'for the
morning and sfte•noos sessions ; and perform such
other services OS the institute may direct.
Art. 8111. The Committee of Pittance shall as
certain, before the close of each meeting, the whole
expense of the Institute , apportion the sane
amongst the male members present; receive sod
pay it over to the Treasure•, and report to the In
Art OM. The Board of Managers shall consist
of members of whont the Corresponding
Secretary shall be Chairman. It shall be the du
ty of the Board to carry into affect all orders and.
resolutions of the Institute, not otherwise disposed •
of; determine the place of electing, select speak
ers to deliver evening lectures, prepare dreairs
of invitation, and devise 11114 execute such uthe•
measures, net incomdstent with the objects of the
Institute, as shall to them seem proper and pro
fitable. They shall keep a full record of their
proceedings, and report the same to the atonal
Are iinh. A majority of each Committee shall
constitute It cptorten for the transaction of busi
ness, and shall have power to fill vacancies.
• Art. Ilth. Two-thirds of the members present
at any annual meeting of the Institute, tnay alter
or amend this Constitution: Provided such amend
meet shall have been stated in writing, at least
two days previous to its adoption by the Institute.
1. Each Session of the Institute shall
be opened with prayer, and closed with a
2. Clergymen, Physicians, and others
may be elected honorary memberS of the
Institute, ou recommendation of the Board
of Managers : Provided that no person
shall be so recommended, whose pursuits,
habits or associations are inconsistent with
the Teacher's high calling, or improper
examples for the young.
. _
3. 'School Directors, and the members of
other similar Institutes, or associations,
may be admitted to sit as corresponding
members, and shall have a right to speak,
but not to vote on any question before the
4. The necessary expenses of each meet
ing snail be defrayed by equal contribu
tions from all the male members present;
and any member who shall refuse to pay
his quota, shall bo excluded from the pri
vileges of the Institute for one year.
5. At least eight weeks before each an
nual meeting, the Board of Managers shall,
fix on the place of meeting, select persons
to deliver the evening lectures, and oauso
the same to bo published in the papers of
the county; issue circulars of invitation, dm.
6. Members who take part in the dis-
missions of the Institute, shall not indulge
in tedious excuses, or frequent reference
to the remarks of others; but confine them
selves strictly to the question, or subject
before the meeting—the Institute not be
ing a school of polemics, but an associa
tion of brethren, equally ready to receive
and impart instruction.
Programme of first days Exercises.
Tuunsony, Armr, 21, 1853.
Reading Report of the Executive Committee.
Discuss the different Modes of teaching the At
phabet, for one hour.—Speakers to he limited to
six minutes each.
A Recess of fire minutes.
Remarks on Spelling by the eye and the car, to
occupy ono hodr—same ride as to time in speak-
Exercises on the Elementary Sounds, five min•
On motion, edjourn till 2 o'clock, I'. M.
Close with singing nod benedicton.
PHA, El,
Adopt n Rule to fix the time and manner of
Discuss First Lessons in Heading, when enter
ed upon, how conducted ; and the best text books
—time, one hour and a half.
Recess of ten minutes.
Discuss, for on, hour and a quarter, the sub
ject of primary, or First Lessons in Arithmetic,
at what age commenced, and how coudueted , with
illustrations on the black-board.
Exercises on the Elementary Sounds, fire min.
On motion, adjourn till 7 o'clock, P. M.
Close with singing Rini benediction.
E1 .. .1L . ..N . 1.W; SESSION:
PRA Ynn,
Further Report of the Executive Committee.
Lecture, by Rev. R. Pierce—subject, Teachers'
Essay, by Miss Schuyler—subject, Music in
Lecture, by R. McDivitt—subject, Phonetics,
Essay, by Miss pi..pp—subject: Importance of
- - .
04er 'in the School-room.
Lecture, by W. P. Brown—subject, History
On moti o n, adjourn till Friday wonting, half
past eight o'clock.
It will be seen this the Committee have chosen
the first lessons in learning as the first subjects for
discussion in the Institute. Out of a list of sixty
different topics, till eligible, mid all relating to the
every-day business of the Teacher, we could find
none of greater practical importance. Indulging
a hope that this unpretending programme of the
first day's proceedings will lin:Hittite business, by
conveying some idea of the exercises, we respect
fully decline, at present. suggesting topics for the
subsequent days; believing that a more profitable
selection can be made after the assembling of the
Institut, and consultation with the other mem
bers. Ter like re,tsons we omit, also, the propo
sed series of mid close oar very
crude atoil hurried labors, hyns.:i;ningspefiker,,,
and subjects for Friday evening, and appointing
the necessary Committees, as fblllows ;
01:1.:i WITH PltATElt.
Further Report of Executive Committee.
Lecture by S. T. Brown—subject, General Edu-
Lecture be .1. S. Barr— " Elocution.
Essay a Miss Benedict— " Out-dour Winon
a, of the Teacher.
Lecture by D. Baker—subject, School Govern
Lecture by .1. A. Hall—subject, The Teacher.
SINGING, &G.,-Adjourned.
H. W. Miller, J. S. Barr, W. I'. Brown, and
J. A.
It will he the duty of this Committee, to pre ,
pare the "Hall," or place of meeting, and act as a
Committee of Finance, until superseded by a re
gular Committee as proviged by the Constitution.
Miss Fisher, Mr. Atherton,
" Benedict, " McDivitt,
" Drayton, " L. Smith,
" Schuyler, " J. S. Barr,
" Snyder, " J. A. Ilall.
The Committee of Reception will receive the
Teachers as the arrive in town, furnish them with
card and budge indicating their membership; and
as far as practicable, perform generally, theduties
of a Board of Managers, until after the election of
such Board by the Institute.
It is respectfully suggested that those Commit
tees meet in one of the Public School Rooms in
Huntingdon, on Thursday evening, the 14th of
April, for the purpose of consultation; and that
they then, appoint a sub-committee of three
of their number, to wait on slue Clergymen
of the Borough, and invite Merit to attend the
meeting of the Institute on the 21st, stud during its
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. G. wAinnb,
J. Al Committee.
Feb. 23, 1853.
GREAT COUNTRY.—The Mexican news
paper "Orden," has au article headed "Six
Presidents in ono month." It says that
Arista was President till the sth of Janua
ry. At cloven o'clock at night Ceballos
took the_govermuent,from Arista's resigna
tion. On the 6th, the Chambers mot to
elect some ono to govern until thu States
should designate sonic one for tho TOkt of ,
Arista's term, and it resulted in glee-j
tion of the same Ceballos against Almahto,
Riva, Palacio, and Alvarez•
Is it not bettor that your friend tell
you your faults privately, than that your
enemy talk of them publicly 1
The President of the United States.
MARCH 4, 1853.
It is a relief to feel that no heart but
my own can know the personal regret and
bitter sorrow, over which I have been
borne to a position,, so suitable for others,
rather than desirable for myself.
The circumstances, under which I have
been called, for a limited period, to preside
over the destinies of the Republic, fill me
with a profound sense of responsibility, but
with nothing like shrinking apprehension.
I repair to the post assigned me, not as to
one sought, but in obedience to the unso
licited expression of your will, answerable
only for a fearless, faithful, and diligent
exercise of my best powers. I ought to be,
and am, truly greatful for the rare mani
festation of the nation's confidence ; but
this, so far from lightening my obligations,
only adds to their weight. You have sum
moned use in my weakness; you must sus
tain me by your strength. When looking
for the fulfilment of reasonable require
ments, you will not be unmindful of the
great changes which have occurred, cress
within the last quarter of a century, and
the consequent augmentation and complex
ity of duties imposed, its the administration
both of your home and foreign affairs.
Whether the elements of inherent force
in the Republic have kept pace with its
unparalleled progression in territory, pop
ulation, and wealth, has been the subject
of earnest thought and discussion, on both
aides of the ocean. Less than sixty-three
years ago, the Father of his Country made
'the' then "recent accession of the impor
tant State of North Carolina to the Oonsti
tution of the United States," one of the
subjects of his special congratulation. At
that moment, however, when the agitation
consequent upon the revolutionary strug
gle had hardly subsided, when we were
just emerging from the weakness and em
barrassments of the Confederation, there
was an evident consciousness of vigor, equal
to the great mission so wisely and barvely
fulfilled by our fathers. It was nct a pre
sumptuous assurance, but a calm faith,
springing from a clear view of the sources
of power, a government constituted like
ours. tis no paradox to say that, altho'
comparatively weak, the newborn nation
was intrinsically strong. Inconsiderable
in population and apparent resources, it
was upheld by a broad and intelligent com
prehension of rights, and an all pervading
purpose to maintain them, stronger than
armaments. It came from the furnace of
the revolution, tempered to the necessities
of the times. Tho thoughts of men of that
day were as practical as their sentiments
wore patriotic. They wasted no portion of
their energies upon idle and delusive spec
ulations, but with a firm and fearless step
advanced beyond the governmoutal land
marks, which had hitherto circumscribed
the limits of human freedom, and planted
their standard where it has stood, against
dangers, which have threatened from a
broad, and ir.tornal agitation, which has at
times fearfully menaced at home. They
approved themselves equtil to the solution
of the great problem, to understand which
their minds had been illuminated by the
dawning lights of the revolution. The ob
ject sought was not a thing dreamed of : it
was a thing realized. They had exhibited
not only the power to achieve, but what
all history affirms to be so much more un
usual, the capacity to maintain. The op
pressed throughout the world, from that
day to the present have turned their eyes
hitherward, not to find those lights extin
guished, or to fear lest they should wane,
but to be constantly cheered by their
steady and increasing radiance.
• in this, our country has in my judgment
thus far fulfilled its highest duty to suffer
ing humanity. It has spoken, and will
continue to speak, not only by its words
but by its acts, the language of sympathy,
encouragement and hope, to those, who
earnestly listen to tones, which pronounce
for the largest rational liberty. But, after
all, the most animating encouragement and
potent appeal for freedom will be its own
history, its trials and triumphs. Pre-emi
nently, the power of our advocacy reposes
in our example; but no example, be it re
membered, can be powerful for lasting good,
whatever apparent advantages may be
gained, which is not based upon eternal
principles of right and justice. Our fath
ers decided for themselves, both upon the
hour to declare and the hour to strike.—
They were their own judges of the circum
stances, nutter_ which it became them to
pledge to each other "their lives, their
fortune, and their sacred honor," for the
acquisition of the priceless inheritance
traosinitted to us. The energy, with which
that groat conflict was opened, and, under
the guidance of a manifest and beueficient
Providence, the, uncomplaing endurance;
with which it was prosecuted to its coma-
Illation; were only surpassed by the wisdom
and patriotic spirit of imucession, which
characterized all the consols of the early
c_.( k
k-D• • otnirtut
Ori•ii of the inset impressive evidences of
that wisdom is to be found in the fact, that
the actual working of our system has dis
polled tr degree of solicitude which, at the
outset, distiAbed bold hearts and farreach
ing intellects. The apprehension of dan
gers from extended territory, multiplied
States, accumulated wealth, and augment
ed population, has proved to be unfounded.
The stars upon your banner have 'becone
nearly threefold their original number,
your densely populated posSesitins skirt
the shores of the two great eceans,sil
yet this vast increase of people and terri
tory has not only shown itself compatible
with the harmonious action of the States
and the Federal government in their respec
tive constitutional spheres, but has afford
ed an additional guarantee of the strength
and integrity of, both.
With an experience thus suggestive and
cheering, the policy of my administration
will not be controlled by any timid forebo
dings of evils from expansion. Indeed, it
is not to be disguised that our attitude as
a nation, and our position on the globe,
render the acquisiton of eminently inmor
tent for our protection, if not, in the fu
ture, essential for the preservation of the
rights of commerce and the peace of the
world. Should they be obtained, it will
be . through no grasping spirit, but with a
view to obvious national interest and secu
rity, and 10 a manner entirely consistent
with the strictest observance of national
faith. We have nothing in our history or
position to invite aggression—we have eve
rything to beckon us to the cultivation of
relations of peace and amity IN ith all sta
tions. Purposes, therefore, at once just
and pacific, will be significantly marked in
the conduct of our foreign affairs. I intend
that my administration shall leave no blot
upon our fair record, and I trust I may
safely give the assurance that no act with- I
in the legitimate scope of my constitutional
control will be tolerated, on the.part of
any portion of our citizens, which can
not challenge a ready justification before
the tribunal of the civilized world. An ad
ministration would be unworthy of confi
dence at home, or respect abroad, should
it cease to be influenced by the conviction,
that no apparent advantage can be purcha
sed at a price so dear as that of national
wrong or dishonor. It is not your privi
lege, as a nation; to speak of a distant past.
The striking incidents of your history, re
plete with instruction, and furnishing abun
dant grounds for hopeful confidence, are
comprised in a period comparatively brief.
But if your past is limited, your future is
boundless. Its obligations throng the un
explored pathway of advancement, and will
be limitless as duration. Ilence, a sound
and comprehensive policy should embrace,
not less the distant future, than the ur
gent present.
Tlie great objects of our pursuit as a
people, are best to be attained by peace,
and are entirely sonsistent with the tran
quility and interests of the rest of mankind.
With the neighboring nations upon our
continent, we should cultivate kindly and
fraternal relations. We can desire nothing
in regard tti them so much, as to see them
consolidate their strength, and pursue the
paths of prosperity and happiness. If, in
the course of their growth, we should open
new channels of trade, mid create addition
al facilities for friendly itrtercoursc, the
benefits realized will be equal arid Mutual.
Of the complicated Europian systems of
national policy we have heretofore been in
dependent. From their wars, their tumults
and anxieties, wo have been, happily, al
most entirely exempt. Whilst these are
confined to the nations which gave them
existence, and within their legitimate juris
diction, they cannot afiect us, except as
they appeal to our sympathies in the cause
of Irumarn freedom and universal advance
ment. But the vast interests of commerce
are common to all mankinthand the advan
tages of trade and international interchurso
must always present a noble field for the
moral influence of a great people.
With these views firmly and honestly
carried out, we have aright to expect, and
shall under all circumstances require,
prompt reciprocity. The rights, which, be
long to us as a nation, are not alone to be
regarded, but those which pertain to every
citizen in his individual capacity, at home
sod abroad, must be sacredly maintained.
So long as he can disern every star in its
place upon that ensign, without wealth to
purchase for him preferment, or title to
secure for him place, it will be his privi
lege, and must be his acknowledged right,
to stand unabashed even in the presence of
princes, with a proud consciousness that he'
is himself one of a station of sovereigns, and
that he cannot, in legitimate pursuit, wan
der so far from honk', that the agent, whom
he shall leave behind in the place which I
now occupy, will not see that no rude hand
of power or tyrannical passion is laid upon
him with impunity. Ile must realize, that
upon every sea, and on every soil, where
'our onterprize may rightfully seek the pro
tection of our flag, American citizenship is
au inviolable panoply for the security of
American rights.
.And, in this connexion,
it can - hardly be necessary to reaffirm a
VOL. 18, NO. 11.
principle which should now be regarded as
fundamental, ' The rights, security, and re
pose of this Cohfederaey reject the idea of
interference or colonization, - cif this:sideltif
the ocean, by any foreign power, beyond
present jurisdiction, as utterly inadmissible.
The opportunities of observation; fora
ilished by my brief experience as a soldier;
confirmed in my own mind the opinion en ,
tertained and acted upon by others front
the formation of the government; that tlio
maintenance of large standing armies iii
but s:lountry would be not only dangerous;
butAinaecessary. They also illustrated the
I might well say the absolute
necessity, of the military science and prac:
tical skill furnished, in such an eminent
degree, by the institution, which has made
your army what it is, miller the'disciplina
and instruction of officer 3. not 'More distin
guished for their solid attainments gallant-,
ry, and devotion to the public service, than
for unobtrusive bearing and high moral
tone. The army, as organized, must be the
nucleus, around which, in every time of
wed, the strength of your defence, a nit
tional militia, may be readily formed into a
well disciplined and efficient organization.
' .N.nd the skill and self-devotion of the navy
'assure you that you may take the perform ,
• once of the past as a pledge for the fhtlirel
and may confidently expect that the flag,
which has waved its untarnished folds over
every sea,will still float in undiminished
honor. But these, like many other subs
ljects, will be appropriately brought, at a
future time, tb the attention of the co-or
dinate branchesi of - the government,to which
I shall always look with profound respecti
and with trustful confidence that they Will
accord to me the aid and support, which I
shall so much need, and which their expe
rience and wisdom will readily suggest.
In the administration of domestic affairs,
you exyect a devoted integrity in the pub
lic service, and an observance of igid
economy in all departments, so marked as
never justly to be questioned. If this rear
sonablo expectation be not realized, - I
frankly confess that one of your leading
hopes is doomed to clisappfointment; aii
that my efforts; its a very important par
ticular, must result in a humiliating fail
ure. Officers can be properly regarde4
only in the light of aids for the accomplish . .
ment of these objects; and as an occupancy
can confer no prerogative, nor importunate
desire for preferment any claim, the public
interest imperatively demands that they bo
considered with sole reference to the dikl .
ties to be performed. Good citizens may
well claim the protection of good laws and
the benign influence of good government;
but a claim for office is what the people of
a republic should never recognize. No
reasonable man of any party will expect
the administration to be so regardless, ,of
its responsibility, and of the obvious ele-
MentS of success, as to retain persons,
known to be wider the influence of politi- .
cal hostility and partisan prejudice in posi
tions, which will require, not only severe
labor, but cordial co-operation. Having
no implied engagents to ratify; no i:eWarls
to bestow, no resentments to remember;
and no personal wishes to consul,, in selec
tions for official station, I shall' flail the
difficult atm delicate trust, adrbitting m?.
motive as worthy either of my cliaritetki or,
position which does not confcniPl§te an effi
cient discharge of duty and the best inter
ests of my country. I acknowledge my
obligation to the masses of any country-;
men, and to them alone: Higher objects
than personal aggrandizement gave direc
tion and energo to their exertions in the.
late canvass, and they shall not be disap-'
pointed. They require at my hands dill.
genes, integrity, and capacity, wherever'
there are ies to be performed. With
out these qualities in their public servants,
more stringent laws, for the prevention or
punishment of fraud, negligence and pecu
lation, will be vain. With them ,they will
be unnecessary.
But these arc not the only points, to
which you look for vigilant watchfulness.
The dangers of a concentration of all pow
er in the general government of a confed
eracy so vast as ours are too obvious to be
disregarded. You have a right, therefore,
I to expect your agents, in every department,
I to regard strictly the limits impposed upon
them by the Constitution of the United
States. The great scheme of our constitu
tional liberty rests upon a proper distribu
tion of power between the State and Fed
eral authorities; and experience liar shown,
that the harmony and happiness of our peo
ple must depend upon a just discrimina
between the separate rights and re-.
sponsibilities of tbe'States, and your cons
men right§ and obligations under the gen- .
oral government. Amid here, in my opin
ion, aro the considerations, which should
form the. true basis of future concord in
regard to the• questions, which have most
'seriously disturbed public tranquility. If
1 the Federalgovernment will confine itself
to the exercise of powers clearly granted
lby the Constitution, it, can hardly happen
that its action Upon any question should
endanger the institutions of the States, or
interfere with their right to manage mat
-1 tern strictly domestic according to the Will