(ClMan is never wrong while he lives 'for others; the philosopher who contem pl ates from the rook is a less noble image than tho sailor who struggles with the storm. * THE MARKETS. HUNTINGDON, March 8, 1853. Flour, per bbl., $4,50 a $5,00 White Wheat, 1,00 eta per bu. Red Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, 45 it 50 15 ets. per lb 10 Batter, Tallow, Lard; Eggs,. 123« " doz, . . Potatoes, per bu., 37i a 50 Beef, per cwt., • $4,00 a $5,00 Pork " " 5,50 a 6,00 Dry Apples, per be., $l,OO No. 15. For the benefit of t,lmatilieted we feel it a duty to giro the following testimony in relit tion to a young gentleman, who was cured of Coniumption,by Dr. J. W. Cooper's Indian Vege table Cough or Consumptive Syrup, prepared now only by C. I'. Ilewes. Tu the Editor of the Franklin Repository. . „ Stu:—l wish you to confer a favor on me and the afflicted; hoping that other papers may copy fur the benefit of the afflicted at large, that they may have an opportunity of being relieved as I have liens. I had been troubled with a pain in my side mid breast for three veurs, attended with a very bail cough, which the * Doctors said was an affection of the lungs. lat last was so severely attacked that 1 was confined to Illy bed, and out of my head the most part of toy time• ' the cough was incessant, and I spit blood streak ed with mat ter. I sent for Dr. Cooper, he gave me his Indi an Vegetable Cough, or Consumptive Syrup, and the third day I commenced throwing up matter and blood to the quantity of a pint a day; the smell was so bad that my mother. had to burn Peaches and sugar to keep down the smell; but the smell was so bad that it had very little effect. All that had seen me, said that it was impossible for the to recover, us I was in the last stage of consumption; but I continued to take 1)r. Coop er's celebrated Indian Medicine, mid in seVen weeks I was able to do work of any kind, and I am at this time sound and well. In giving this certificate, I conceive it to be a duty I owe to the public at huge, rind I think it would hen ditty for other editors to copy this certificate, that those suffering under the same disease may hove nn op portunity of getting cured. Yours, respectfully, JAMES M'CRAY. One mid a half miles from Chambersburg. . . I do hereby certify, that I saw the said Jollies Ill'Cray while lying sick, and I thought it was im possible for him ever to recover. For my part, I thought ho would die in two or three days, as he looked like death, pale and ghastly, voice sunk so much that he could scarcely siwak above his breath. RIC II A RD MORROW. Chambetsburg. Dr. J. W. Cooper's:Medicines are for sale by T. head Sr Son, Huntingdon; Geo. W. Breeh• man. MeVeytown; and J. M. Belford, Mifflin town, who is agents for C. I'. Hewes, the present Proprietor. 1' We have frequently heard Ole celebrated tierman Bitters, sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of the highest commendation, and we honestly be lieve that it is one ()film best medicines advertised for the complaints for which it is recoMmended.' They are pleasant to the taste, and can he taken under any eirculwomees by the most delicate stomach. The press f:tr and wide, have united in commending this invaluable remedy 'dr dyspepsia, debility, &e.; and such arc the waling effects of this panacea, that we hope it linty be introduced into every family where dyspepsia has, or is like ly to have, a victim. 4. Feb. 2, 1853. MARRIED. On the 17th ult., by lb,. .lateoh(mice, Mr. IVm. Oil' NT, Bed County, to "Ali, ;SI ABC, T AICC A ti. of 1)Ubli11 Ilon tingden comity. Ott the _'2nd lilt., by lice. J. 11. Nviiiene,, W. 'l'. KlM!,vol Aliticeseille Schuylkill Co., to Miss AIAR V .1. GUM, Of Huntingdon County. DIED. (hi the 21st ult., SAn.tit MAIIGAnwr, dabghter of John and Anna Maria Albright, aged .4 ,•ettr.s, 1 month and 21 dap. In 'rrottglt Creek Valley, on the 25th ult., at the house of David Swoop, after a short, but painful, illness, Jlrs. HANNAH it. IlionT, aged 11 years and 12 (lays. this borough, on the sth inst., ANNA M.iny, daughter of Samuel S. and Rebeees Smith, aged 10 years, 4 mon th s an d 23 days. Her toil is past, her work is done, And she is fully blest, She fought the tight the victory's won And enter'd into rest— Then let nor sorrows cease to flow, God has recalled his own— But let nor hearts in every wo Still say, thy will Iw untie., In LluutingdOn, on Fridity morning, the 4th instant, after a painful and protracted illness, CIIARI,ES W. eldest son of C. 11. and Martha Miller, aged 8 years and 5 months. He wits a noble child; and his early death is sincerely mourned by many besides his bereaved relations. It is, a source of coin tint to reflect that in being culled front kindred and dear associates on earth, he is also removed from the sorrows and templations of the world.—"Of such is the king dom of heaven. FOR SALE, Two Tide Water Boats. ANY person wishing to purchase it good BOAT at ‘t reduced price, will lind it to his inter est to examine these. Apply to A. Harrison, Portstown,or Elisha Shoemaker, on Stone Creek. March 9, 1853.-95. * "Blair County Whig" please insert three times, add charge this attire. EXAMINATION. A public examination of the pupils of Birming ham Female Seminary, will take pluec on the 28th and 29th inst. Exercises will commence on Monday, at 1 o'clock I'. M. At the close of the examination Tuesday afternoon un address will he deli,:red by John Scott, Esq., of Huntingdon, Pa., und in-the evening, the Ladies of the Semi nar'', will hold a fair, the proceeds of which will be elevated to ptirchasing a hell for the Institution.— A gout variety of fancy articles have been pre pared and will be offered for sale, together with various refreshments. . The friends of education, and all who are will ing to aid the young ladies in this enterprise, aro respectfully solicited and urged to attend. March 9, 's3:—at. FOR SALE OR RENT', The house and lot, un Hill street, in the bor ough of Huntingdon, formerly occupied by A. W. Benedict, Esq., IV. ORBI SON. 4erch 9, 1453. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of administration on the estate of John H. W. MeMenem; Into of Dublin town ship, deed., have been granted, by the Register of Huntingdon Comity, to the subscribers, one of whom resides at Shippensburg, and the other in Dublin townehip. All. persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment. R.. P. APCLURE, SAMUEL CAMAIELL, Administrator: March 9, 185 . 3.Z6t • FRUIT TREES FOR SALE At The Lewistown Nurseries. .10,000 APPLE TREES 3 and 4 years from graft, of fine form, and 10 to 12 That high, of the most approved varieties, at the Nursery price, 8- to 10 cents each. A lot of I'EAOI TREES, of select no hardy varieties, one and two years from bad, at 10 to 12 , , cents each, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, and Nectarine, of the mmt desirable varieties, at 25 to 50 cents each. A few choice varieties of PEAR THE ES„grafted on Pear Ste* tiro orchard, and a few dwarfs for gardens 'and yards at 25 cents to $l,OO each. AlSo :for parsens who wish to graft their own Fruit, or testmew varieties. 2,000 seeding Ap- Tie Trees, 10 to 14 feet high, and now ready to bear. at 5 - cents each, ' All post paid orders from responsible persons, addressed to the subscribers, in Lewistown will be promptly attended to. T. W. & J. MOORE., March 9,1853.-3 t. Timber Land for Sale. WILL be sold, at Private Sale, TIMBER LAND, (in small or large quantities,) situ ated and lying on the Woodcock Valley side of Tussoy Mountain, hi the neighborhood of Mar klesburg, and extending several mile,. Terms accommodating. Apply to Jacob Cresswell, Trough Creek, Hun tingdon county, or George Rundle .& W. Griffith, Trustees of the Estate of Savage, No. 2, York Bt., Philadelphia. . March 9, 1853.—tf. STRAW GOODS. I' AKE this opportunity to notify my customers, and the Trade in general, that I hove in store choice assortment of STRAW BONNETS, such us Blonds, 'Tripolis, Pearls, French Gimps, Gos samers, CIIILDRENS' HATS, Bonnets. Stow Trimmings, and 411illinely Goods, such as Climes, Tarltons, Illusions, Silks, Ribbons, Crape and Tarlton Linings, t rench and .Imeriean• Buckram _Fontes, Crowns, Tips, he., to which I invite your attention. I hove made arrangements wills the principal Importers and Manufacturers so that I will be enabled to receive 'all the newest Styles of Goods. I feel confident that I can sell my Goods AS LOW as any person in the trade. WM. G. GAINER, Nu. 50, N. 2nd St., Phila. Moreh 9, 1 . WOOD & WILLOW WARE. 20,000 FANCY CORN BROOMS, 1,500 DO4. BUCKETS, ASSORT'D COL. ORS, Goo NESTS CEDAR WASII TUBS, • Ftio CEDAR CHURNS, • 500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, no DOZ. WALL & SCRUB BRUSHES, The largest stock ever °GEM in Philadelphia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. & M. ROWE, No. 111 NOrth Third street, 31arch 9, '53.-3m. Philadelphia. SPRING 11111.1.1NERV GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, lIWORTKI:S DEALIiIIS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, O. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Philadelphia. AVING received hy late arrivals a large and H well selected assortalcet of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to offer to their ostumers, at the lowest market prices— Glace - SAS for Bonnets. Fan-y Bonnet and Cap . flibhons, French nut American Artificial Flowers, 'Crapes, and &dors, .Fancy and Laces. Together with every article appertaining to the iniabry• trade. March PETITION. 'fo the lltennable, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, now composing and holding a Court of General Quarter Sessioils of the Peace, in and for said County, of April Term, 1853: The petition of John Ward, new of the borough of MeVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa., respectfully sheweth : 'That veer peLitioner i desirous of keep ing a public house or tavern in the hodse now, or recently, nccupied lt'y Peter 11. Ensehuan, as a public lamsc, hi the town of Waterstreet, in said county; that he has provided himself with nem sariot for the rmivedience and accommodation of travelers anti strangers. lle therefore prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep a house of public entertainment fit said house, and he will pray, Stc. JMIN We, the subscribers, do certify that John Ward, the above applicant, is of limal repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and couvenieness lor the lodging and ac commodations of strangers and travelers, and that said house is necessary to accommodate the pith lie and entertain strangers and travelers. I henry 13. Mytinger, William Isenberg, Patrick Learey, Daniel Bolick, John E. Seeds. Alexander MeCaslin, John lialsbach, Monies S. Kyler, Ja cob Tinker, Robert Kinkead, John 1). Fouree, G. \V. Bead:, Job Plympton. March 9, '53 PETITION. To the Judges of the Court of Common Piens of Huntingdon County, now composing and holding a Court of thmeral Quarter Sessions • of the Peace in and fur said County. The Petition of Isaac & William Myers, of Mt. Union, Shirley township, Huntingdon county, re spectfully showed' That they are provided wit!' house room and conveniences for lodging and ac commodation for strangers and travelers in the house they nnw occupy as a tavern, they therefore pray your Honorable Court to grant them a li cense fie the said purpose, and us in duty bound they will ever pray, &e. I$A 1C & WM. MYERS. The undersigned jitizetis, of Shirley township, where the above owned hotel is. located, do certi fy, that Isaac & Myers-; the above applicants, arc of guod repute fiir - honesty and temperance, and aro well provided with house room and con veniences for the lodging and ttecornmoilatidn of strangers and tot velersond that such Inn or Tav-1 ern is necessary fur wad purposes. ,lames ltubison ' Samuel Shaver, Nicholas Shaver, Alfred Wolfkill, Samuel Eby,•Thcnas , )'Garrey, Seth Benner, JOhn Shaver, jr., John Dougherty, 1). C. Smawley, Jet so Myers. • March 9, 1859. I NOTICE. All persons indebted to Robert Gratius, by Book necount will call and settlo , within one month, Books left at the Tin-shop in Alexandria. 21.1 ble. No. 1 Herring, for sale at the store of Gno. Gww. Fresh Cheese always on hand and for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Huntingdon. The petition of Samuel Steffey, ofJackson town ship, and county aforesaid, humbly sheweth ; That your petittoner is desirous of keeping a pub lic house of entertainment on the road leading from Pine Grove to Lewistown, anti he hath pro vided himself with materials for the accommoda tion of strangers, travelers, and others, and prays that your Honors Will ho pleased to grant him a license to keep aunblic house of entertaintnent, and ycior petitioner, ris in duty bound, will ever SAMUEL STEFFEY. We, the subscribers, citizens of Jackson town ship, do certify that the shir() Petitioner is of good repute Thr honesty and temperance, oral is well provided with' house room and 'convenience for the aceOrninodation of strangers, travelers, and others, nod that said tavern is necessary. William Bruse, Mathitie 'Lightner, heob Val entine, William Mitcli,ll, William that's, Henry Walborn, Roberd Wilson, William Mars, John J. Greer, Washington Randolph, N. W. Scott,.Dan iel Troutwine, Solomon blunter, George Steal, George Rudy, March 'l, 1853. PETITION, To the Honorable, the Judges - of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the County of Huntingdon. The petition of William liockenberry respect fully sheweth t That your petitioner has leased, and now occupies that convenient house in the village of Shade Gap, in Dublin township, which was tiomerly kept as a public house by John Ja mison and others, and which is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neighborhimd and situation, is suitable, as well as necessary, for the accommodation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travelers; that he is well provided with stabling tar !orsos, • and all conveniences for the entertainment of strangers and travelers. He therefore respeetfal ly prays the Court to giant him a license to keep an lnn or Public House of entertainment there, and your Petitioner ...... W 11.1,1,114 fIoCKENBERRY, We, the undersigned citizens of the township of Dublin aforesaid, being personally acquainted.with William Hookenherry, the shove named petition , - er, and also having a Imo, ledge of the house 11,r which the license is prayed, do hereby certify that such house is necessary to accommodate the pub lic and entertain strangers or travelers, that he is a person of good repute for honesty and temper ance, and that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travelers. We therefore beg leave to recommend him for a license agreeably to his petition. David Peterson, Chas. C. Burkholder, Alexan der Cree, J. S. Hunter ' Jelin MA - cloy, duo. W. Carl, Alex. Kennedy, George Mills,John Paid, Geo. Waggoner, James Peterson, 'int Reader, William A. Logan. March 9, 1863. MILNWOOD ACADEMY, Huntingdon County, Pa., situate 15 miles front the Central Roil Road at Mount Union, is cosy of access by a daily line of stages from the former place to Chandarsburg. The semi-annual EXIIIBITION of MILNWOOD ACADEMY will take place on Wednesday the! 16th of March, inst. The anniversary Oration will be delivered, be fore the Literary Societies, by Rev. Wm. CLARKE, of Chambershurg. Exercises to continence at 10 o'clock, A. M. The friends of education are re spectfully invited to attend. Th e subscribers, ju consequence of the decease of she lumented Principal, J. H. W. McOinnes, will have the general management of the Institu- In addition to the teachers of the present Ses sion, they have procured, for the ensuing tents, the services of R. H. Morrow A. 13., an experi enced teacher, who was formerly in connection with the Academy. No effort will be spared, eith er on the part of . Teachers or Trustees, to render. the School worthy the patronage of parents and guardians who to give their sons and wards a thorough academical education without exposing them to the immoral influences of more populous communities. The Academical year is divided into two ses sions, of tire months caeh. The Summer Session commences the third Wednesday of April, (April 0000853.) The Winter Session commences the third NVednesday of October,(Oct. 19th, 1863. The entire expenses of a stu dent 'teed not exceed Mrty-live tier session. Foe circulars and further information, address the subscribers, A. .1111 IN i',ItEWSTEII, B. N. 10.111 i, D. S. INIcKINNEY, A. M.. March 2, 1858.-3 m SIIIRLEYSBURG F 1 SEMINARY AND JUNIATA ACADEMY. THE Summer Session of theSe Institutions com mences on WEDNESDAY The 4TII DAY or MAY, am! continues five months. A tend of $l5OO has been procured, to ho applied to the purchase of it Superior philosophical apparatus and a standar; library. With these facilities for in struction. the Principals and Trustees of these In stitutions othar to all, and especially to those seek ing to qualify themselves for teaching, advantages equal to those enjoyed by the academical student in our colleges. These Institutions are. in the Same village. though entirely separate, and sonic distance apart, thus afibrding to parents the opporthaty of send- Mg their soot , and daughters together. believing that the same principles sought to lie carried out in our eOMIIIOII school system, should, and will eventually; extend to the highest branches of it liberal education, the Principals and Trustees view what they have done only as the nucleus of fur ther and more extended efforts, which, as they proceed, will enable them to atlbrd to all classes, • a liberal course of education, at an expense more commensurate with the limited means of a large • number of the youth of our State, who are enga ged in the praise-worthy endeavor to obtain an education. And with this expectation, they cotit mend their Institutions to the patronage and kind totsistunee of all friends of a sound, liberal and general education. TERMS—FEALtLF. SEmmani Board, lights, washing and tuition, for. the Summer SesAien M . 22 weeks, $45 00 No incidentals. Day scholars, the usual prices, according to studies. Music, Latin, and French, extra. ' TERMS—AcApnaty Tuition, $6,00, $lO,OO, and $12;00, per ses sion, iteCording to grade of studios. Boarding can lib had in the village for from $1,50 to $2,00. , So deduction for absence except in cases of pnjtraeted sickness. Tito semi-annual QXwipation of the Pu pils of the remark Sculihary rumitneuee on Thursday the 7th day of April. The frieuds of the Seminary, and the public, are respectfully in vited to attend March 2,1853.-3 m. Administrator's Notice. Estate of \'ILLIAIt IRVINE, late of Warriorsmart township, dec'd. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above Estate, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JACOB STEVENS, Adm'r. March 2, 1858.6t.' WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM SAFES. More Proof of their Superiority. The Late Fire in Jersey City. Mr. Silas C. Herring—Sir: It gives us much pleasure to state that a Safe of your make was the means of preserving our books and valuable. pa pers, together with a lot of Silver Spoons, Forks, &c., from destruction by the fire that occurred, in our store on the night of the 27th ult., at NO. 46 Montgomery st. tie fire commenced near the Safe, which, owing to its situation on a wall, did not fall into the cellar, but was exposed to the Hill heat of the fire from its commencement, and solicit taken from the rains had all the brass plates and knobs completely melted otl: Your. B. EARLE & Jersey City, l?eb. 3, 1853. Great Fire -in Strawberry st.—Letter fs om Lewis 8f Co.—Phila., .March 29, 1852. Mr. John Farrel—Sir: It aflbrdstne much sat isfaction to inform you that the " Herring Sala mander Safe" which we purchased of you a short time since, preserved our books and papers in good condition, during the severe ordeal through which it passed at the disastrous conflagration that, took place at our warehouse on the morning of .the 28th iust , when tho sale was exposed to the most intense. heat fur some hours, and when dragged from the flames was red hot on several sides..We make tbis.statement by way of bearing testimony to the worth of these valuable Fire Proofs. Very respectfully, LEWIS & Co. The Proprietor of the genuine " Herring Sala tnander Safes," challenges tho whole world, in the stint of One Thousand Dollars, to produce their equal. Awarded the Priie Medal at the World's Fair, London, and the GoLn MEDAL by the Amer ican Instinite.. Over.Booo of these safes have been sold and aro now in use, and more than 100 have passed triumphantlythrOugh accidental fires. Second-hand Stdes and'Sttlamanders" of oth er makers, having been taken in part pay for "lltrrines," for sale at cheap rates. , JOilN FARREL. 34 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Cr Marbleised Iron Mantles, :Able lops, front the Works of the celebrated "SALAMANDER MARBLE Co." on hand in great variety. March 2,1153.-3 m. REMOVAL. i/FICHAEL TRACY would most respectfully "- inform his friends generally, that lie has ta ken the. New Store, No,. 204, Market Street, ad joining The Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia, where he would. he ,plersNl to see them. .Jle alWaYs have on hand is varied assortntentiof Confection ary, Fruits, Ac., At, Marzh 3,'53.-3t. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Huntingdon, The Petition of Edwin J. Neff, of the borough of Petersburg, in the county aforesaid, humbly showed': That your Petitioner hath provided him self with materialSor the accommodation of stran gers, travelers, aSnd others, at his dwelling house, formerly occupied by Joseph Forrest, in the coun ty aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and your petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. i.;I)WIN J. NEFF. We the subscribers. citizens of the borough of Petersburg, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute tbr honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences tar the accommodation of strangers, travelers, and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Jos. Forrest, Geo. M. Cress Well, 11. A. Wake field, Juo. R. flouter, Geo. B. Porter, John G. Ritter, 11. Orlady, Bernal). Zigler, lonics IL Wright, henry Nov ill, Peter Vandevander, James Meettuly. March 2,1853. PETITION, To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon County, at - April Sessions t 8.53, The Petition of James li. Hampson, of Mill Creak, Brady township, Huntingdon County, res pectfully shcweth : That he still occupies that well, knoim brick Tavern House, in said township, which has heretofore been used and occupied as a • public house of entertainment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein. Ho therefore prays your Honors to grant hint a license to keep a public house at the place aforesaid, fur the ensuing year,mnd JAMES K. iIAMPSON. The subscribers, citizens of township of Bra dy, in the county of Huntingdon, recommend the above petitioner, and certify that the Inn or Tav ern above mentioned is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers or travelers; and that the petitioner above named is of good repute liar honesty and temperance, and well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travelers. E. L. Plowman, llobt. Kyle, Samuel G. Simp son, Wm. Buchanan, A dam Warfel, Eli Wakefield, Jacob Schaffner, John S. Weston, Jesse Yocum, James M'Donald, Alartiu Fleming, Francis trol ler, Martin Getz. Merck 2, 1853. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court •of Common Pleas Or Huntingdon County, now cemposing and holding a Court of General Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for said coun ty, April Term 1853. The Petition of Jolt G. Stewart, of the town ship of Barren, in the county of Huntingdon, res pectfully sbeweth That your petitioner is desirous of keeping a public lonise or tavern in the house he now occupies, situated in. the village Of Souls burg, county art towosltip aforesaid; that he lots provided himself with nece,sories for the conveni ence and accommodation of travelers and stran gers. He therefore prays your Ilonrrs to grant him a license to keep a house of public enteelain ment in said house, and Ito will pray, &c. JOHN G. STEWART. We, the subscribers, 4o certify that John G. Stewart, the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodations •of strangers and travelers, and that said house or tavern is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travelers. James Forrest, John Love, Samuel Coen, Pe ter Livingston, Gilbert Chaney, Job Slack, Reu-. ben Massey, Thomas Bell, John Artnon, James M'Griger, Shadrach Chaney, Christian Peightal. March 9, 1853. R. A. MILLER, D. D. S. Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted iu the most improved modern style. Fail y and cleaning dime with care anti neaten. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatch that modern science can furnish. March 2, 1853. rhiricE. ALL persons are Warned against taking an as signment of a Note, bearing date September IS, 1852, in favor of Simon Levi for 538,79. Said note was obtained by fraudulent representations as to the contents. amount and character of the pa-{I pet, at the signing thereof, and will not be paid by , rue_, unless compelled by law. HENRY LEVI. March 2, 1853. GULL) and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at E. Snare's. April 15,1852. SUPERIOR Port Monnaies, Gold Pens, and Pen and Pocket Knives, at E. SNARE'b. CARR, GIESE, & CO., FLOUR, GRAIN di. LUMBER Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE, . REFER TO John Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bank, Balt, A. I'. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, " ,rohn.llertzler;Jr.; Esq.,Philadeiphitt. Rogers;Sinnickson, o.; • . "' • J. Tome, Esq., Presd't Cecil•Ban . k, Port Deposit. J.. Wallower & Son, Harrisburg Col. H. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove. J. 11. App & Co., " '• Nagle, Wingate & Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq...Muney. Simon Schuyler, " Geo. Bodine Hughesville.' W. Weaver k Co., Montoursville. Gen. W. F. Packer, Williamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, James 11. Haling, Esq.', Lewis U. Huling, McHenry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Ruling, Lock Haven. . . fig - Carr, , Giese d• Co., have the largest wharf mum of any Commission House in Baltimore, al waya giving quick despatch to boats in diticharg- Mg their cargoes. [Feb. 23-6 m NOTICE To the heirs and legal representatives of TVILLIAM CORBIN, late qf Clay townshlp, Take notice that in pursuance of a Writ of Par tition or Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, I will hold an In quest to make partition or valuation of the real estate of which said William Coybin, dec'd., was seized, on the premises, on Friday the' 25th day of March next, at whirl, time and place all per sons interested are notified to attend if they think proper. WM. B. ZE[GLER, Sheriff. Huntingdon, Fell. 23, 1853-4 t. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. • . BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Proposals, for inniding a Bridge across the Ju niata River at Huntingdon, will be received at the Commissioners' (Mee up to four o'clock on the 14th dny of March, 1853. Specifications to be seen at the Commissioners' Office. ALSO-Proposals for building a Bridge acrms Black Log Creek, near Ruck 11111 Furnace, in Cromwell township, will be received by the Com inlisioners on the 84th day of March, 1853, at the house of Mr. Etnicr, at which time and place the specifications can be seen. 17t011El1T STITT, ELIEL SMITE, Commissioners. SAMUEL WIGTON, February 23, 1853.-3 t. Executer's Notice Estatd of Hezekiah :Rickets, late of Shirley town ship dec'd. Letters testamentary hawing been granted to the undersigned on the . estate of Heeekialt Rick ets, late of Shirley township, dec'd., All persons haring claims against said estate are reqtfested to present them duly authenticated fur settlement without delay, tend all persons indebted to saitt es tate are requested to make immediate payment. A. S. RICKETS, • JOHN BARE, Feb. 23, 1853.-6 t.• Executors A . fresh supply of Garden Seeds from Risley's Gardens, just received, and for imle by Feb. 23, 1853. J. Sc. SAXTON. Abeautiful lot of Oast Iron Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns, just received, and for sale by Fob. 23, 18:33. J. W. Sys TON MOUNTAIN ACADEMY, BIIWING HAM, PA. • The Summer Term of this Institution will com mence Wednesday, April 57th neat Instructions given in all the branches prepara tory to entering College. TERMS.—Tuition per Session, of twenty-two weeks, 0,00 to $12,00 according to studies pur sued; payable in advance. Boardiny, Washing, b.., usual prices. cr Charges to date from time of entering and no deductions mr.de for absence unless caused by sickness. It is the determination, (Providence . favoring,) to render the Schuol,.in all respects, worthy of confidence and patronage. TIR3MAS WARD, A. M., Feb. 16, '53.-111 Principal. VALUABLE. LIMESTONE FARM FOR SALE. DV virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of nunthiglion County, will he exposed to pub lic sale on the premiset; near Mill Creek, in said county, on . SATURDAY VIE ipTu DAY •OF MARCU NEXT, at ten o'clock, A. M., all that farm or tract of land situate in Brady township, late the property of Absalom Plowman, dec'd., 61:landed by the Juni ata Myer, Jack's Mountain,Vandevanders' heirs and others, containing 174 Acres more or less, about 70 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation,. having thereon four dwelling houses, ouo good log barn, a stable, lime-kiln, two good apple and peach orchards, and two nev er failing springs of water. The property con tains Iron Ore and an inexhaustible quantity of limestone. TEnna.-One third of the purchase money on confirmation of the sale, and the balance imtwo equal annual payments with interest, to be secu red by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. lANTHE PLOWMAN; Lx. of A. Plownian, dec'd. February 9,1853.—5 t NOTICE. All persons who have subscribed to the Stock of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail Road and Coal Company, who have not paid in the first instalment on the number of shares sub scribed for them, are hereby required to make immediate payment of the same to the undersign edott tine Office of the Company, in the borough of Remind.. JACOB MILLER, Huntingdon, Feb. 16, '53. Treasurer. WANTED. In exchange for nierehandiae, 500 bushels of dried apples, paired; 250 bushels of Peaches, un• paired. A. S. HARRISON, & Co. Just Arrhtd, Ono of the best and largest selected stocks of Pouts and Shoes in Huntingdon. Also WI as sortment of Gum Shoes, of ali sizes, at the new Story of J. BRICKER. Nail►, all kinds and sizes, for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. A VERY large lot of BOSOM PINS A t 771 1, PINS, Edit RINGS, PENCILS KEYS for the lathe. at ED3I. SSARE'S. • Cr Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lead, Jersey-Window Glass and Putty, for solo at the store of GEO. GWIN. DHEISTINE'S DOUBLE REFINED SYR- At- VP, New Orleans, and S. H. Molasses, ki• sale cheap at the new store of J. BRICKER FORGE and FURNACE PROPERTI For Sale or Rent. 1 EBECCA. FijI{'NAQE 413 D FORGE, with the necessary buifaings, situate oh the water, of Stainlihg Stone Creek, is now fop sale or rent This desirable property, for any ItiElion - Inclinek to enter into the Iron business, offers' faVorabl. facilities. Situated, as it is, 12 miles off the pub ' lie improvements at Huntingdon or Petersburs in the heart of a well wooded country, and wit abundance of the finest quality of TrorfOre withi. two miles front its location, it offers to the enter prising, an opportunity; seldom met with, to,ent bark in a profitable business. Persons desiring inthrmation on the subject', may apply to William or George Couch, at Conchs' Mills; Berree township, Huntingdon co.; Mrs. Mary Couch, Altoona, Blair pm; or Thomas P. Campbell, Esq., Huntingdon. • GEORGE WILLJAX. C.Q UGIC." • 17.x'rs. of A. Couch, deceased. MARY COUCH, Executrix of Wm. Conch, dec'd. N. B. If not sold or rented, the undivided half part of the above property trill be offered for sale at the Conn House, in the borough of Hunting don, on Tuesthry the 12th day of April next. Feb. 9, 18.51'. SOMETHING NEW. MRS. fl. G. SUTLER, invites the attention Iva.' of Country Merchants and Dross Makers to her uuriyaleti assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, for full sized Ladies' Dresses, Sleeves, Mantles, Talmes, Mantjllas ) pmes ,Aprons,, Sado ? &c. &c. The Patterns ff?C• erg;roitlerpl in venous de , signs, printed 'and fringe% showing exactly hoW the Dress will appear when made. . . Being in constant communication with the beat houses of London and Paris, and rilruislied month. ly with every new design as soon as it appears, the public can always depend on this Old Estab;. Haired House for the most recherche novelties iu in dress. Alway. on hand n beneticul assortment of Children% Clothing, of the newest styles and materials. Medals were awarded her in 1848, '5O, and 'SZ set of Six Patterns will be sent to any one enelusing Three Dollars. Mrs. H. G. Suplee's • Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium, 54 South 2d St., Philadelphia. - Feb. 2, 1855.-3 m Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale at Mill Creek on a Saturday the 12th day of March, 4. A 1853, the following deicrihed real Estate, late' of Rich ard Plowman, deed., viz A TRACT OF LAND, in Union township Huntingdon county, adjoining the Juniata River nearly opposite Mill Creek, adjoining RoNert M'Neal, and others, and near the Pennsylvania Railroad, containing fl Acres, he the same more or less, being timber ed land, and of such kind as to furnish cross ties fer Railroad purposes, and . of a good quality of farm land, when cleared. TERMS.—One half in hand ,on continuation of sale, and the residde'in one yearthereitfter with in: terest to he seemrztlby the bonds and. mortgage of the purchaser. • • Itv the 6;:trt, M. P. CAMPBELL, Clerk: Attendance given by E. L. PLOWMAN, • WASHINGTON BUCH ANNAN, Feb. 2,'53.-Gt. • Administrator, NEW STORE, & NEW GOODS, dim itt , . &.GAtitiel Levi, . . Respectfully announce to illeir.friaad's.aud'thci public in general, they will open on Saturday next at the old stand in Market Square, In the Borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied by ono of the firma, AN ENTIRELY NEW AND CHOICE SE LECTION OF STORE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, consisting of DRY (300D9,•0f eiehydeseription, of the la test oylds and best qualities: • GROCERIES of all kinds, fresh and of the hest. READY-MADE CLOTHING—ti litrge - stoek for men and boys,of the host material and cell made. BOOTS AND SHOES-a large assqrtment. of coarse and fine. HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, - GLASS-. ' ! • WARE, &e. . ; all of which will bc sold low, for cash o r ,country. produce. . Thepublic generally, and the old customers of S. Levi, in particular, arc earnestly invited to call and examine the Goods and prices. Jan. 26, '53. FREE BRIDGE Conittligioners or nuntingtion Co,unty Wink purchased the Toll Bridge,- near the West end of the. borough of Iltintitigden,' there: fore notice, is lore* given to all person' . itidebted to the Juniata Bridge Com Pliny, in said county; by bond, note, or for yearly subscriptions of toll, to make payment of the same, without delay, to JAMES GWIN, Treasurer. January 19, 1853. Attention, Lumbermen I The undersigned otter for sale ono of QEORG.EI itAoe's Second Closs Portable Saw Mills, with a fifteen horse power engine attehedoind in com plete running order. It was bought and pdt up in June last, and the mill and engine is made of the best material. This mill will cut 1000 tent of lum bar per hour, and is at present situated near-Bald Eagle Furnace, Blair CO. For further particu lars enquire of E. L. Shultz ' Bald Eagle Furnace MARK & SHULTZ. . Jan. 19, 1852.-2 m Foundry for Sale or Rent. THE old established Stbne Foundry, 40 by 40 feet,'Waro Boom 30 by 40 feet, En= Stoves, House, 30 by 31 feet; Patterns for Cook Stoves, 3 sizes—Patterns for Cook Stoves for Coal and Wood, 3 sizes; Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal; Tight Air Stoves, Thrashing Machine Pntuons, Putterms.for Egg Stoves, 4 sites. and for runouts for Forges and Rolling Mills, Wagon Box Patterns,'Hill.side and Bull Plough Patterns, Iron Wash Kettles, with u variety or dtlier'Pat , terns, and a large Lathe for turning Iron or Wood, all in good order. Apply to the subscriber at Alexandria, ' ISRAEL GRAFIUS. January 12, 1853, • WANTED; PENNSYLVANIA LANDS, from 300 to 20,000 acres in exchange for City Property, Mer chandise or Cash. Apply to J. A. BURDICK, Real Estate Brokers; 106 Walnut St. . Jun. 25, '59.. Philadelphia. H. W. PN.NTIST, HfI.IV7'I..KGDON, P. 4 November 18, 1852. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in Dicdonnenstown, has constantly on hand, and is prepared $0 make and repair GUNS of all kinds at the short est notice. Nov. 21, '52.