Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 09, 1853, Image 3

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On the 3d inst., by Rev J. B. Williams,
ELLEN MCCAtifigEri both of this county.
At Shade Gap, on Wetlmsday morning s
the 2d inst., of hem .rrhagt.• of the lunge,
Professor J. H. W. McGrNms, 'Principal,
and in part proprietor of Milnw•ood Acade
For Side or Rent. • -
the necessary buildings, situate on the waters
of Standing Stone Creek, is now fin sale or rent.
This desindile property, for any person inclined
to enter into the Iron business, offers favorable
facilities. Situated, as it is, 12 miles elf the pub
lic improvements at Huntingdon or Petersburg,
itt the heart dt a well wooded country, and with
abundance of the finest quality of Iron Ore within
two miles from its location, it oflers to the enter
prizing, an opportunity seldom met with, to em
bark in a profitable business. . .
Person; desiring information on the subject,
may apply to William or Geor•e Couch, at
Conchs' Mills, Burree township, Huntingdon co.;
Mrs. Mary Couch, Altoona, Blair cu.; or Thomas
P. Campbell, Esq., Huntingdon.
Wis. of A. Couch, deceased.
Executrix of Wan. Couch, dec'd.
N. B. If nut sold or rented, the undi;ided half
part of the above property will he °tiered tbr sale
at the Court (louse, hi the borough of Hunting
don, on Tuesday the 12th day of April next.
Feb. 9, 1633.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon County, will he exposed to pub
lie pale on the premises, near Mill Cicek, in said
county, On
at ten o'clock, A. M., all that term or tract of land
situate in Brady township, late the propert , of
Absalom Plowman, dec'd., bounded by the
ate River, Jack's Mount, tiii , Vandevanders' heirs
and others, containing 175 Acres more or less,
about 70 acres of which are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, having thereon four dwelling
houses, one good log barn, a stable, lime-kiln,
two good apple and peach orchards, and two nev
er failing springs of water. The property con
tains Iron Ore and an inexhaustible quantity of
TEll3l6.—One third of the purchase money on
confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two
equal annual payments with interest, to he secu
red by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Ex. of A. Plowman, dee'd.
February 9, 1853.—Gt
To the Creditors of DANIEL PR UTZMAN, t f•c.
ALL persons interested are hereby notified that
the Trust Account of John IL Given, and
John Snyder, Assignees of DANIEL PRUTZMAN,
ender n voluntary assignment fir the use of his
creditors, has been filed in the office of the Pro
thonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon County, and that the same will be pre.
vented to the said Court, for confirmation, on the
second Monday in April next, at which time the
pam4 will be allowed by the sold Court, unless
cause be shown why it should not he allowed.
Feb. 9, '53.-4t
Tu the Creditors of WU McPIIERRAN, e.
ALi'persons interested are hcreht notified that
the Trust Account of John Conrad, Esq.,
and George W. Mattern. Committee of the estate
Of WILLIAM MCPHERRAN, a Lunatic, late of
Franklin township, has been filed in the office of
the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
of Huntingdon County, and that the same min be
presented to the said Court. for confirmat .on
the second Monday in April next, at which time
the same will be allowed by the said Court, un
less cause be shown why it should not he allow-
Fob. 9, '53.-4t
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will he received up to the sth i
of March next, for the erection of a Presbyteri
an Brick Church in the Borough of Petersburg. !
Tho contractor to furnish all the material and
complete the building. The plan and specified
tions can he seen at any time at the store of
Abram Cromwell in Petersburg with whom pro
posals can he left, or they may be handed to eith
er of the umiersigned Trustees.
Petersburg Feb. 9, 1853.
MRS. H. G. SUPLEE invites the attention
of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to
her unrivaled assortment of
for full sized Ladies' Dressus, Sleeves, Mantles,
Tatman, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sucks, &c.
The Patterns are embroidered in various de
signs, printed and fringed, showing exactly how
the Dress will appear when made.
Being in constant communication with the hest
houses of London and Paris, and furnished month
ly with every new design as soon as it appears,
the public can always depend on this Old Estab
lished House for the must recherche novelties in
in dress.
Always on hand a beautiful assortment of
Children's Clothing,
of the newest styles and materials.
Medals were awarded her in 1848,'50, and '52.
a:r A set of Six Patterns will lie sent to any
one enclosing Three Dollars.
Mrs. H. G. Stsplee's
Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium,
54 South 2d St., Philadelphia.
Feh. 2, 1853.-3 m
Orphans' Court *ale.
By virtue 14 an order oldie Orphans' Court of
Nuntingdon county, will be exposed to public
sale at Mill Creek on
Saturday the 15th day of March, A. U. 1853,
the fallowing described real Estate. late of Rich
ard Nu. man, deed., viz A TRACT OF
LAND, in Union township Huntingdon county,
adjoining the Juniata River nearly opposite Mill
Creek, adjoining Robert M'Neal. and others, and
near the renusylvatint Railroad, containing 7B
Acres, he the same Inure or less, !wing timber
ed lane, and of such kind as to furnish cross ties
fur Railroad purposes, and of a good quality of
farm hind, when cleared.
TERMS.—one half in hand on confirmation of
sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with in
terest to he secured by the hoods and mortgage of
the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk:
Attendance given by
. a 'CS —Re A dellifeifteo tOf.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of.Jonst Itamene,h!te of Dublin township,
ilei , 4l.
All persons interested in the Estate of John
11 , 1111 , CV. late of Dublin town. , llM, Hunt, coun
ty. dec'd , will take notice that the undersigned,.
Auditor. appointed to distribute the fund in the
hands of John Withercw. Administrator of said
dec'd., will attend at his Office in the liorongh of
Huntingdon, on Tuesday the Bth of March, 1953,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. for that purpose, and that
they are hereby required to present their claims
heffire such Auditor or he debarred from coming
in fur a share of such fund.
A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor.
Feb. 2,1853.-4 t.
Orphans' Court
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will he sold at public
vendue or outcry on the premises on
Saturday the 2tith day of Febuary 1853,
the following described real Estate situated in
Springfield township Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Peter Hess, lute of the township and
county aforesaid, deed., to wit:
A certain messuage or tract of land- situated in
the township of Springfield, in the County of Hun
tingdon aforesaid, adjoining lands of James G.
Madden on the east and north, lands of Thomas
Sobers on the south, Richard Madden on the west,
Joseph Parks on the north-west, containing 130
Acres more or less, about sixty acres of which
are cleared, with two log dwelling hourcs, and a
lug horn theron erected.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of Sale,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to he secured by the
bonds an d mortgage of the purchaser. Sale to
commence at I o'clock, afternoon of said day
when attendance will he given by
Admr., with the Will annexed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26, 's3.—ts.
- Orphans' Court Sale,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will he sold at public
n - endue or outcry on the premises on
Friday the 25th day qf February 1853,
the following described real Estate situated in
Clay township Huntingdon conoty,the property of
Ca!eh M. Green, late of the township and county
aforesaid, deed., to:wit:
A certain messuage or parcel of land Mutated
in Clay township in the county of Huntingdon
aforesaid, hounded by lands of Jonathan Green on
the west, land of George Hudson Esq., on the
north, by other lands of said dec'd.. and of A. K.
Green on the east, and by other lands of A. K.
Green on the south, containing 83 Acres
more or less, about forty acres of which are clear
ed, with a log dwelling house, and a double pen
log barn thereon erected.
ALSO, at the same time and place, the one
undivided half part of 50 Acres of land sur
veyed in the name of Thomit• Green, adjoining
the land above mentioned and described on the
west and south, land of George Hudson Esq. on
the north, and other land of said dee'd., and of A.
K. Green on the east, situate in the County and
township aforesaid.
ALSO, at the same time and place, the one
undivided half part of a parcel of 33 Acres of
mountain land, adjoining the land last shove men
tioned and described on the west,John Hopper on
the north, Jack's Mountain on the east, and the
hind first above described on the south, situate in
the county and township aforesaid.
ALSO, at the same time, on the premises, the
undivided two sevenths of a certain Sawmill with
the privileges and appertenances thereto belong.
ing, situate in Clay township and county afore
mild, called now Hudson's sawmill, and situate
and being on a certain piece or parcel of land now
owned by Geo. Hudson. Esq., adjacent to the
lands of the said dee'd., above described.
TERM OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase monet to he paid on Confirmation of the
sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay
ments, thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Sale
to commence at I o'clock, afternoon of said day
when attendance will be given by
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26,
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue (Wan alias order, of the Orphans'
Court of the county of Huntingdon, there will be
sold at public vendue or outcry on the premises
Saturday the 26th day of February 1851,
the followitig described - reel Estate - 'situated in
Cass township in the county of Huntingdon afore
said, the property of Mathias Miller, late of said
township and county deed., to wit:
A certain messuage and tract of land situate in
Cass township in the county of Huntingdon afore
said, bounded on the north-east by land of Antos
L. Smith, on the south-west by land of Henry
Dell, un the south h.) land of George Quarry, and
on the south-east by Rocky Ridge, containing
300 Acres more or less, Fifty acres of which
are cleared and cultivated with a two story log
dwelling pause and a small stable thereon erec
The said land is Patented, and is located in a
healthy and improving valley, 4 miles west of
Brewster's Factory, and 6 miles south of Maple
ton on the Penn'a. Railroad.
TERMS OF SALE—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on confirmation of the
sale, the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, to be secured by the Bonds and Mort
gage of the purchaser. Sale to commence at
o'clock, afternoon of said day when attendance
will be given by
Executor of Mathias Miller.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26, '53.-4t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
fl Huntingdon county, we will expose to Pub
lic Sale, upon the prentises,oll FRIDAY THE 18TH
DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1853, the following
described real estate, late the property of Jahn
Plummer, deceased, viz:
All that certain plantation anti tract of land sit
uate in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county,
and near to the line of the proposed BROAD TOP
RAILROAD, adjoining lands of David Humbaugh,
James Entrekin, Leonard Weaver, Eli Plummer,
and others, containing about 224 Acres, more
or less, having thereon a two story log dwelling
house, a large frame bank barn, a saw mill and
other out buildings, and a good orchard of fruit
trees. It is an excellent property and in a desira
ble location, affording a fine opportunity for in
vestment in one of the best sallies in the interior
of the State.
1'1..R.48 OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on confirmation of sale,
residue in tau equal annual payments with inter
eat, except so much as it shall'he necessary to re
tuin•ou account of the charge itt furor of the widow
of Eli Plummer, dec'd., which sum is to remain
in purchaser's has ,a until her death, interest up
on it to be paid to her annually, to be secured by
bonds anu mortgage of purchase'
. ELI PLUMMER, Adm.'s.
January 26, 1853.-4 t
20,000 acres in exchange for City Property, Mer
chandise or Cash. Apply to
Real Estate Broken, 106 Walnut St.
Jan. 24, 'SS. Philadelphia.
Of the County of Huntingdon, from the 11th day of
January, 1852, up to the 3rd day day of January,
1853, including both days:
Amt. in the Treasury at last settlement,•s3s3 02
1846, 'lamb Konith, i'urter, l5O 00
1848, William MeGatrvey,Shirley, 40 96
Mordecai Chi[cote; 'Pod,
1849, Daniel Conrail, Franklin, 72 72
" Henry Elias, Toil, 502
1850, Samuel Henry, Barree, 2 85
" J. Davis Hight, Henderson, 70 00
" David Mountain, Hopewell, 15 00
" Peter Shatter, Morris, 727
" William Dean, Penn. 1510
" William B. White, Walker, 99 5
1851, Jesse Yocum, Brady, 209 27
" John Love, Barren. 424 64
" David Myerly, Cass, 99 45
" William Cunningham, Clay,• •• . • .110 21
" Daniel Teague,
i Cromwell, 187 75
" James Cree, Dthlin, 201 23
" Samuel Matters, Franklin, 702 46
" John Marks, Henderson, 641 90
" Jacob Weaver, Hopewell, 214 46
" John Smith, Jackson, 170 75
" Joseph Isenberg, Morris, 332 55
" John Grove, Penn, 161 07
" Daniel Nett Porter, 640 95
" Isaac Sharrer,
Shirley,4B6 00
" John Brown, Springfied, 105 87
" Jonathan Briggs ' Tell, 36 21
" Jesse Cook, Tod. 137 00
" Moses Swoope, Union, 122 20
" Thomas Dean, Walker, 251 00
" Azariah Sneketts, Warriorsmark,• •376 69
" Charles Green, West, 927 00
1852, James Forrest, Barree, 317 00
" F. A. McCoy, Brad v,• ••4 403 00
" John R. Gossnell, Cass, 200 00
" John Kyler, Clay, 241 50
. .
a John Bolinger, Cromwell, 134 12
" Brice Blair, DOlin, 240 00
Daniel Womel.olorf, Franklin, 578 00
" Jacoh Miller, Hendevon, 1551 35
" John B. Donaldson, llopewell,• •• • 192 00
" James S. Oaks, Jackson, 450 00
" Michael Lowe, Morris, 340 00
" Samuel Bower„, Pena,• . •
” Andrew Anderson. Porter,
" George Bowman, Shirley,.
" John MN°. Springfield,•
" A. C. Blair, Tell,
" Levi Smith, Union,
" Solomon Houck, Tod,
" John Coulter, Walker,
" John Byer, Warriorsmark,
" William Moore, West,• •• •
Amount of County tax received
on Unseated Land,
School tax, "
Road tax, "
Amount of Redemption money on
Unseated Lands received
since last settlement,
Amount of Jury fees and fines re
ceived from Wm. B. Zeig
ler, Sheriff, for 1851, 145 00
Amount for forfeiture of recogni
ounce from John Lutz,
Attorney General and others dif Mtn
inal prosecutions, 919 52
Constables making returns and adver
tising Spring Elections, 322 60
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court
Cryer, Tipstaffs, &c, 2766 50
Assessors Orders, 239 60
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elec•
lions, 844 60/
inquisitions on dead bodies, 60 50-
Sundry persons premiums on Wild
Cats and Foxes, 462 00
Road and Bridge views, ' $268 00
Damages fur a Road to Isaac Shar-
rer, 200 00
For laying out n State Road, 149 30 617 50
For building Bridge across Rays:_
town Branch by A. Cnrmon, 700 00
Fur building Bridge across Trough
Creek, at Paradise Furnace, by
' Alexander Carmon, 250 00
For building Bridge across Little
Anion River, in connection with
Blair Co., by Reuben Romig, 525 00 1475 00
For repairing Bridge at Hawns, 264 36
Eliel Smith, 109 00
Robert Stitt, 85 00
Isaac Peightal, 60 00
William Hutchison. in full, 42 00 296 00
Interest on County Bonds and Orders—
Henry Fockler, 30 00
William Orhison, Esq., 90 00
John H. Gossnell, 41 53
John Shaver, Esq., 25 00
Thomas Fisher, 84 00 270 53
County Printing—
J. Sewell Stewart, 107 00
J. A. Hall, 72 75
Wm. Lewis, 97 00 276 75
Thomas Fisher, 13 50
David Parker, 19 50
Kenzie L. Green, 12 00 45 00
Clerk to Commissioners in full for 1851, 50 00
" on account for 1852, 250 00
Coal and Wood for Court House and Jail, 137 42
Mary Gibson, for cleaning C'rt House, &c, 21 00
Mrs. Jane Kohn, washing for Coun
ty prisoners, 20 00
Repairs to Court House and .Tail, 691 31
Sundry persons for land sold at
Treasurer's sale. &c., 128 23
Sundry persons, School tax on un
seated hinds, . 15 00
Sundry persons, Road tax on un
seated lands' 14 00
Theo. H. Cromer, Pro'ty. fees. sta
tionary for the Court, B lank
Books, &e., 401 46
Samuel Smith, for cutting wood,
shoveling snow, &c, for 4 years, 53 00
George Jackson. and John Whit
taker, for boarding Jurors, 11 12
Counsel to Commissioners—
John Reed, in fall for '5l, $4O 00
"on account for '52, 20 00
" Percentage tor mo
ney collected, 7 50
John 0. • Miles, fees on suit
Hoot. vs Blair County' 40 00 107 50
For establishing Meridian Line, 21 37
1)r. .1. Hoffman. for medicine and
attendance to prisoners in Jail,
S. H. Green, for appraising Bridge over
the Juniata River at Huntingdon, 3 00
Bock and Stationary for public offices, 31 50
A Willoughby, Coat li,r prisoner, 3 50
W. B. Zeigler, Sliff., for suinutoning Ju
rors, hoarding prisoners, and c6nvey
ing, convicts to the Penitentiary, Ac., 612 98
Sundry persons, Redemption Money on
Unseated lands,
Interest on Bonds fur Poor House pro
Treasurer's Commission on $29127,16
at I j per cent., 436 90
Balance in the Treasury, 3638 15
$16601 10
In testimony of the ^orrectness of the above m
ann% we'have hereunto sefone hands this 12th
day of January, A. D. 1853.
. .
ELISE, SMITH, Commie'rs.
Artser—H. W. MILLE". Clrk.
Account of Me Directors of tie Poor of Bunting
don county for the year 1852.
Amount received from sale of produce of
Poor House Farm by H. Brewster,
Esq., Treasurer, $353 04
Receipt of David Barket for corn, 16 06
" Igen Wigton, &c., for corn
and oats, 178 481
$537 581
Cash paid David Blair, Esq., Counsel Mr
the Directors, tl•0
Dna in favor of David Burket, 5 00
Commission on $365,04 at I per cent., 547
Balance in the hands of the Treasurer, 515 11i
$537 54 .
We the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have ex
amined the orders of the Commissioners of said
County, and the receipts for the same, for and du
ring the past year, and find ji balance in the Trea
sury of three thousand six hundred and thirty
eight dollars and fifteen rents.
— And also that we have examined the account
of the Directors of the Poor A said County, and
find a balance in the hands of the Treasurer ~ f five
hundred and fifteen dollars and eleven and one
half cents.
Given under our hands this 12th day of Janus.
ry, A. I). 1853..........
DAVID PARKER, Co. Auditors,
Feb. 2, 1853.
Simon & Gabriel Levi,
Respectfully announce to their friends and the
public in gt fiend, they will ops'n on Saturday
next at the old stand in Market Square, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, lately occuph d by one
of the firm,
. .
consisting of
DRY GOODS, of every description, of the la
test styles and hest qualities.
GROCERIES of all kinds, fresh and of the
for men and boys,of the best material and Nell
BOOTS AND SHOES—a large assortment of
coarse and fine.
BATS AND CAPS for men and boys.
WARE, &c.
all of which will be Vold low, fur cash or country
The public generally, and the old customers of
S. Levi, in particular, are earnestly invited to
call and examine the Goods and prices.
Jan. 26, '53.
463 00
710 09
390 00
•47 00
.270 00
50 00
174 87
450 00
860 00
, 651 03
273 93
•97 32
140 78
105 63
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county will he offered fur sale in the
Borough of Huntingdon on
Friday the 18th day of February at 2 o'clock, P M.
the following described property, to wit:
The undivided twelfth part of a tract of gond
lime-stone land, situated in Werriorsmark town
ship, Huntingdon county, containg 806 Acres
and thirty-five perches, on which is an Ore Bank,
commonly called the Dorsey Ore Bank.
ALSO, the undivided fifteen-twenty-fourth
parts of that part of Lots No, 8,9, end 10, in
the plan of said Borough, which is described as •
follows: Bounded on the east by lot No. 7, own
ed by Thomas Fisher, fronting on Allegheny
Street the extent of said three lots, also fronting
120 feet on Smith Street, and hounded on the
I north by an alley ten feet wide, at the distance of
70 feet upon Hill Street to the extent of the same,
thence extending in breadth 47 fee , front said alley
to hill Street, adjoining part of the said descri
bed two parcels on the west. and said lot of Thom
as Fisher on the east, having thereon erected a
large two story Stone and Brick Duelling House.
ALSO, the undivided half part of the Brick
Building used as offices.
100 0U
16601 10
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to
he paid on confirmation of salo and the residue in
two equal annual payments thereafter, with inter
est, to he secured by the Bonds and Mortgage of
Adm.'s. of Greenherry Dorsey, deed•
I will also, at the same time and place, offer
for sale all my interest in the Stone House pro
perty and Brick Offices, it being the residue of
above property not advertised by the Administra
tors of Greenherry Dorsey, which will give the
purchaser a title to the whole.
Jan. 26, '5l-41.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
I will sell or rent my farm, situate in Porter
township. within two miles of Petersburg, eon
mining 147 Acres of limestone Instil, of which
100 Acres are cleared and in a good state of
cultivation. There is erected thereon, a gond
House and Barn, all necessary improvements, and
also two good orchards. Persons wishing to buy
or rent will call on the subscriber resirfing in Al
exandria. PHILIP PIPER
Jan. 26, '53.-3L•
Administrator's Notice:
Estate of ELIZABETII CRANE, late of Franklin
township, dec'd.
Levers testamentary on the shove Estate hay
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted will make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
Jan. 26, '53.-61.•
Orphans' Court Sale.
Jn persuance of an order (tithe Orphans' Conit
of Huntingdon County. the undersigned Trustee,
appointed for that purpose, will expose to sale at
public vendue on the premises on SATURDAY
ing described real estate of Frederick Harman,
hue of Cromwell township, in said county - , deed.,
to wit: A tract of limestone land situate in said
township and county, adjoining land late if Titans
as T. Cromwell, now &Coupled b John Heck, on
the west and south, land . of Joie Bolinger on the
east, land of William Gilliland on the north-east,
and land of Joshua Johns on the north containing
140 Acres, be the sane mere or less, about
108 of which are cleared. and its a good state of
cultivation, having thereon two I,og Dwelling
Houses, as Log Bank Burn, Stable, and other
, buildings and also an Apple Orchard.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the put
chase money to Impishd on the confirmation of this
sale, one third in one vear thereafter, wills inter
est frosts the confirmamon, and the residue at she
death of the widow of said deed., the interest
though, to he paid to her annually, and until her
death; which payments are to be secured by the
bends and mortgage of the purchaser.
Jan. 19, 1852.-4 t.
14 75
75 16
1003 26
Illasti II X Powder and Safety Fuse alwaye
on hand and for sale at the chearrstore of
BEEF HIDES; taken in exchange forgood, at
the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER.'
Gir 20 hi, No. 1 Herring, for sale at the store
o Owiw.
List of Outstanding Balances due January Bd, 1868, by the following
Collectors, vitt:
Townehtju. Names of Collectors. County Tax.
Allegheny, S. Robinson, 466 38
Tell, Jonathan Briggs,
Walker, A. B. Sangaree,
Barree, John R. Hunter,
F. anklin, Geo. W. Mattern,
Porter, Colins Ilatuer,
Springfield, Benedict Stevens,
Woodberry, Benjamin Bowers,
Barree, C. Cowden, 29 01
Clay, l!tliohael Barndollar,
Fracklini John Zentmire,
Porto., Jacob Kough, 202 08
Union, James Harper,
Cass, Lemuel Green,
Dublin, Thomas W. Neely, 12 50
Franklin, Jno. H. Stonebraker, 99 39
Tell, George May,
*Jackson, William B. Smith ' 24 58
Springfield' William Ramsey,
West, Samuel Ewing,
Cass,Conrad Curftuan, 8 00
sFraklin, John t ofirati, 25 90
Jackson, David S. Bell,
Shirley, William M'Garvey, 46 89
Tod, Mordecai Chileot, 8 94
Union, Levi Smith,
West, Samuel Ewing,
Clay, Daniel Curfwan,
Cromwell, Michael Stair,
Dublin, James Neely, 97
Franklin, Daniel Conrad,
Porter, Alexander Stitt,
Burree, Samuel Henry,
Henderson, J. Davis [light, 46 86 35 00
Hopewelh David Mountain, 1 79 82 30
Penn, William Dean, 88 54 26 60
Springfield, Henry Crenter, II 90 17 60
Brady, Jesse Yocum, 79 73 48 00
Barree, John Love, 36 47 111 34 85 00
Cromwell, Daniel Teague, 159 85 109 61 23 23
Dublin, James Cree, 5 21 27 00
Henderson, John Marks, 58 00
Porter, Daniel Neff, 32 98
Shirley, Isaac Sharrer, 286 75 159 33 67 00
Springfield, John Brown, 51 01 26 69 22 50
Tell, Jonathan Briggs, 10 78
Tod, Jesse Cook ' 122 09 84 91 26 50
Walker, Thomas Dean, 75 12 74 64 51 50
West, Charles Green, 273 64 806 92 79 50
*Barree, James Forrest, 722 68 705 84 54 00
*Brady, F. A. M'Coy, 239 95 219 16 61 00
Wass, John R. Gosnell, 89 56 17 20 600
*Clay, John Kyler, 8 27 32 00
*Cromwell, John Bolinger, 420 43 2/1 99 49 00
*Dublin, Brice Blair, 159 46 140 12 29 00
*Franklin, Daniel Wowelsdorf, 696 79 653 25 51 50
*Hopewell, John B. Donaldson, 162 16 142 75 923
*Jackson, James S. Oaks, 499 51 445 71 51 00
*Morris, Michael Lowe, 541 24 506 92 81 00
*Penn, Samuel Bowers, 184 68 162 26 38 00
*Porter, Andrew Anderson, 789 36 772 61 56 50
*Shirley, George Bowman, 737 04 698 92 70 50
*Springfield, John Wible, 179 46 165 65 80 00
*Tell, A. C. Blair, 79 14 88 04 36 50
Union, Levi Smith, 224 48 207 88 19 00
Tod, Solomon Houck, 216 05 183 89 15 00
*Walker, John Coulter, 485 86 449 41 W 50
IVariorsm'k., John Eyre, 144 35 81 21 48 50
f West, William Moore, 1130 35 1132 81 72 00
*Since paid in fu:la *Since paid in part. Tit appears by Mr. Conrad's Duplicate
that at2s of the above amount had been paid to the former Treasurer and not credited
on the County Books..
Given under our hands and Seal of Office, 3d January, 1853.
COmmiisiones a.
attest : HENRY W. MILLER, Clerk:
Orphans' Court Sale.
• By virtue Of an order of an Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon County, we will expose to public sale
on the piendses on
Wednesday the 16th day of February 1853,
the following described real Estate, late the pro
perty of Joshua Cox, deed., situated in the town
ship of Warriorsmark in Huntingdon County,
adjoining lands of the heirs of John Spitler, tlec'd ,
lands of Samuel Stine, G. &J. H. Shoenberger,
John Copenhaver and others, containing 11S
Acres inure or less, and having thereon erected
it log plastered dwelling house, two other smaller
!muses, a hank burn, and other necessary out
It is net excellent property, in a convenient
and desirable location, Miffs a market can be
found fin. all the products of did farm.
TERMS Oh' SALE —One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on the continuation of the
sale one third in see year, with interest, and the
residue thereof; to be paid at the decease of the
widow, the interest thereon to he paid to her an
lewdly, and to be secured by Bonds and Mort
Jan,'s3 —3t.
26 . Trustee.
rpnE tommiseinners of Huntingdon County
having inirehaseil the Toll Bridge, near the
West end of the borough of Huntingdon, there
fore notice is hereby given to all perAtimi indebted
to the Juniam . Bridge Company, in said county,
buld, note, or tier yearly aulweriptiuna of toll,
to make paytnent'of the same, without delay, to
JAMES GWIN, Treatimer.
January 19, 1853.
Foundry for Sale or Rent.
THE old established Stone Foundry, 40
by 40 feet, Ware 11(111111 30 by 40 feet, En
gine Utilise 30 by 31 feet; Patterns for Cook
Stoves, 3 sizes—Pittreria , lii Cook Stoves tot
Coal and Wood, 3 sizi•s; Parlor Stoves for wood
or Cool, Tight Aii Stoves, Thrashing Machine
Patterns, Patterhs Co. Egg Stoves, 4 sizes; and
for rllllolitti for Forges and Bolling Mills, Wagon
Box Pattents, Plough Patterns,
Iron Wash Kettles, with a variety of other Pat
tems, and a large Lrithe for turning Iron or Wood,
all in good order.
Apply to the subscriber nt Alexandria,
January 12, 1859.
Attention; Lunibermen !!
The uiirl . disigned offer for sale one of GEORdE
Raoe's Seciond Close Portable Saw Mills, with a
fifteen horse power engine attchcd, and in com
plete running order. It was bought antrput up in
June lust, and'the mill and engine i Made of the`
best Material. This mill will ime.looo feet of lum
bar per hour, and is at present situated near Bald
Eagle Furnace, Blait Co; For farther partici'.
lars enquire of E. L. Shultz, Bald Eagle Furnace
Jan: IT, 1852.-2M.'
In exchange for merchandize, 500 bushels of
dried apples. paired; 930 bushels of Peaches, un
paired. A. S. HARRISON, & en.
State Tax. Militia Finis.
300 78
6 20
1 16
49 23
10 74
164 07
8 01
54 59
1 90
Executor's Notice.
Estate of GEORGE Romirson, late of Spring
field township, dec'd.
Letters Testamentary on the above Estate,
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will make immeaiste payment, and
those having claims will present thetti duly au
thenticated for settlement.,
nit/MP:3ON STAINS, 5 EXecntors.
Jan. 12, 1823.-6 t.•
New Goods and New Prices.
A. S. HARRISON, & Co., have just opened
a magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store
Goods, at their new store room in Portstown.
Their stock is entirely new, and consists of .
all of which will he sold at the lowest rites for
cash or exchanged for country produce.
Iftir The highest price Oven at'all times for
every description of me rehantilife . .O rain.
Broad Top Depot, Dec. 30,1832.
F'Aghl - POlt SALE.
Will he sold at Private Sale, a farm situated in
Woodcock Valley, 14 miles from Huntingdon,
and 2 miles from Markleshurg, and known as the
Sinallniiin ' It consists of S5O Acres
of land, of which about 250 acres are cleared,
fenced, and under cultivation, and the balance ie
well timbered. The property is well watered,
several streams passing throit4h it. Nearly the
whole r•aei is LitneStone Land and can be made
to yield largely. The bnprovenieuts are Three
Dwelling Houses and a Bard.
A litrge portion of the purchase mimed wilt he
allowed to remain secured by a mortgage on the
Apply to Dines & Dorris, Huntingdon, or Jacob
Crseswell. Trtoigh Creek.
N. B. The land ispatented. Possession will
be giyen on the Ist olApril next.
Hutiiingdon Dec. it; '59.41.
H. W. Sni t VII";
NoveinWr 18, 1852.
I'OSEPH DOTYGLASS . , in M9ctonnelletoatn:
has constantly on hand, and is piepared to
'Rolm and repair GUNS ot'all kinds at the short
esi notice. Nov. 25, '52.
Just Arrived.
One of the best and largest selectoti aloe 11 of
Boots and Shoes in Huntingdon': Mao Nil
surttnent of Gum' Shoes, of sir sines, atthe new
store of J. BRICRIE.
Naiis, an kinds and sizes, fur sale at the new
store.uf J. Bricker.
Freak cheese always on hand and for sale
at the new non of .r. fiviriewr
13 50
14 50
8 48
16 65
1 00
3 48
6 75
59 50
2 00
60 50
9 00
18 50
14 od
8 16
7 44
83 78
81 50
53 00
2 09