Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 02, 1853, Image 2

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    rTE - SOURNAL.
Weduesady Morning, Feb. 2, 1853
oar authorised agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to raceit a advevtisentents; and
any-penotia In those cities wishing to aitvertise
in our columns,. will please cal? on him.
eir Announcement. of wididates for county
or district offices,,wiil•be iseserted at the same rates
as other advertisements, if paid for in advance;
otherwise they will , bo charged double, or refused.
No candidate's name can he favorably presented
in our toltuons, for any local office of honor or
profit, in the gift of the people, unless he is a pay
ing subscriber to the "Journal," or a regular
nominee of the Whig party,
T." r iol. S. S. Wharton, of the House,
and Capt. Jno. Reigel, Assistant Sergeant
at Arms in the Senate, will accept our
thanks for valuable public documents, sent
us personally.
Our thanks are due Messrs. MoMur
trie, Sullivan and Evans of the Senate,
and Wharton, Uwin and others of the
House, for thcir continued favors.
Nen , Advertisements.
Mrs. IL G. Suplee, of Philadelphia,
°ails the attention of Country Merchants,
and Dress Makers, to her assortment of
Paper Patterns, Childrens' Clothing, 8:e.
Valuable Real Estate for sale, in Union
township, late the property of Richard
Plowman, deed.
Auditor's Notion, by A. W. Benedict,
The County Commissioners publish the
Receipt's and Expenditures.
New Bridge.
It will be seen, by referring to our Le
gislative news, that a law has been passed
authorizing the County Commissioners to
build a bridge, on certain conditions, over
the Juniata Rivor at our town. We hope
to have a copy of the law to publish next
At present we can only say, that a
Bridge oppositeto our town would accom
modate milt° citizens, daily, than any bridge
in the County. And when it is known that
nearly $5OO has been raised to make a road
over Terrace Mountain, at snob a grade
that our farmers in Trough Creek valley,
can bring and take a load with two horses,
it becomes a matter of great importance to
our ()Miens. With a bridge at this point,
and that road completed, we open that
whole Volley to this town, and furnish to
that Valley a now and ready market for
their marketing. Let the Bridge be made.
Broad Top Commenced.
Our readers, and citizens generally, will
be rej. iced to hear that Samuel Mffiin Esq., and experienced Engineer, who lo
cated the Pennsylvania Rail Road, in this
vicinity, has commenced operations with,
an active corps of engineers, upon the Rail
Road from this place to the Broad Top
Coal region.
This is as it should be. The Board of
Directors of the Broad Top Company, have
thus given an assurance of what they
intend to do; and their corps of engineers,
aro equally determined to show lo the
world that the field labor shall ho done,
and a demonstration furnishe d to all inter
ested, that the road is not only one of ea
sy practicabilty, but that it is such an en
terprise as demands, at the hands of every
citizen,lis zealous, efficient, and continu
ed confidence and support.
Address to the Teachers of Hunt-
Higdon County.
'We last week printed a large number of
this Address apd placed it in the hand of
the teachers of the borcugh, who have for
warded it to the School Districts of the'
several townships. It is hoped those who
received the Address will circulate it
amongst the teachers of their reapcative
districts es soon as convenient, so as to af
ford theca sonic tiuto to rally the forces.—
We hope to see every district strongly rep
resented, that the important work, so long
delayed, may receive a vigorous start.—
Come on fellow-laborers, we shall be•most
happy to see you in old Huntingdon. Rest
assured you shall be received with a hear
ty weloomo by your brother!) hero, and
find ~ the latch string out."
tr..r The "Inquirer" of Bedford thinks
h "right and duty" to levy "black mail."
What a refined and highly cultivated mor
al sense. Use a part of the fifty dollars
been handed—Over
rdetintain Eemzile
This flourishing institution now ntimbers
over forty pupils, and embraces the whole
range of studies pursued in the oldest and
most distinguished Female Seminaries in
the State, or country; The department of
Music is worthy of special notice, the class
on the piano, alone numbering one half the
school. Painting and Drawing are suc
ceesfully studied by a large number. ; and
there is a small class in French.
But it is the thorough manner in which
the solid branches are taught in this insti
tution, that we can best appreciate. It is
this, too, that has secured for it a high
reputation and hosts of friends. The young
ladies are taught to think and reason, as
well as to paint and play. Taste is not
cultivated to the neglect of judgment and
the higher powers of the mind; but the
whole intellectual and mtrul being of the
young lades is conducted to harmonious
developetuent, by the admirable system of
discipline and instruction adopted and pur
sued by Mr. Ward and the three accom
plished female Teachers. 11 e have been
led to this brief notice of the 'Seminary by
the receipt of a beautiful Lithograph of the
Institution. It is from a sketch by J. Wil
son, Esq., and presents a fine view of the
building and surrounding scenery.
School Teachers' Convention
The first announcement of this Conven
tion, though made in a district which num
bers at least a dozen of Teachers, bore no
evidence whatever of their cognizance or
co-operation. Indeed, the call was issued
without their knowledge. This we regard
ed as a reflection upon the intelligence of
our tcachers. Besides, we considered the
call too in-formal to inspire confidence, or
elicit a general response from distant dis
tricts; and we interfered to give it a form
that might secure attention, and promote
suttees& By the active co-operation of our
professional brethren, in town, we succeed
ed. The result is seen in the proceedings
of their meeting, of the 20th instant. Al
ready have friendly greetings been returned
front several districts, while others are ta
king measures to send full delegations to
the Convention. Every thing now indicates
a large attendance, and prosperous issue.
At this every friend of the cause rejoices,
except the profound educators of the
"Globe." They could not brook our inter
ference, quietly as we had managed it,
nor endorse the action of the teachers who
carried out our suggestions, without indul
ging in an ungenerous fling at us. They secm
to think we have stolen their thunder and
stripped that mighty "we" of the Globe of
its assumed 'responsibility.' We have not
done either. We have merely identified
the teachers of the town with the move
ment, to save it from disaster. We have
done what we deemed our duty,•and are
satisfied.. Our only regret is, that the
Globe's indiscretion and unfairness have
compelled us to speak of their error, or our
agency in correcting it. But as this is a
mere matter of taste, which does not effect
the success of the enterprize, it shall cause
us no great concern.
BAPTIST Cutraii.—Wo understand
that this denomination purpose erecting a
Church in our Borough, and that our
townsman Gen. A. P. Wilson has gener
ously made the Congregation a present of
a lot for that use. Every other denomi
nation worshipping in our town have
churches erected, and wo trust that our
Baptist friends with the aid of the gener
ous and benevolent of the other religious
denominations, will succeed in their effort.
[l:3- To our friend Filler of the "Fulton
Republican," we extend the right band of
fellowship, and with the people of France
exclaim, "Liberty, Equality, Fraterni
ty." "We still live" said Daniel Web
ster,.when the sands of life were almost
spent. In it !here was comfort, consola
tion, hope. Cannot you and I gather
from it faith and fortitude, for the future.
We can each say "'still live," notwith
standing the eminent deadly peril, we have
been in from annihilation, by some of the
thin skined Whigs. "Wait for the wag
on" Filler, "we'll all take a ride."
Q" The " (i/obe" informs us that one editor of
the "Journal" has already died of an attack of the
Globe:, a n d insinuates that as we ere only a
"clerk," we do not yet merit so distinguished a
death. In hints however that unless we are very
auhmissive that it will "get after us with a sharp
stick"—Enough ! Enough ! ! Like Feott's coon
we come down! and with our favorite pout ex
" Off hats, off hats for lo upon the stage
The Aristarchns of this scribbling age:
A man who knows that heated steel is hot,
That ice is cold—ye gods what knows be not?
Art, science, metaphysics, and all that
And the nine muses strut beneath his hat;
Critiques dogmatic in his brain are bred;
0 happy hat! to corer such a head."
How it Wozkß.
The fugitive Slave Law Was considered
the perfection of legislation; and to say
aught against it, was considered a kind of,
political heresy for which a man deserved
political, if not natural death.
One freeman was arrested in Philadel
phia and by the U. S. Commissioner order
ed off to bondage; although he had thus
"rendered unto Selzer the things which"
he thought "wore Seizers", still the al
ledgcd owner when he saw the boy said
"he is not mine," of course he came home
again. The law was still pronounced per
Not a great while after that another of
the seezers, stole away from Chester
County, a negro woman by the name of
Rachel Parker, and she was hurried off to
Baltimore. Some of the citizens of Ches
ter county, who knew she was a free wo
man, went to Baltimore, in order to save
the poor woman from a life of slaVery,—
one of them who was zealous and active
in the matter, on his way home lost his'
life mysteriously; ho was found hung by
the neck at a short distance from one of,
the stations of the Rail Road. These hu
inane man stealers, who hoped to make a
19v dollars out of the soul and body of
poor Rachel, alledged that the man had
hung himself, because of his perjury in
swearing to Rachel's freedom. The thieves
and murderers both escaped.
A number of influential citizens of our
State, applied to the Legislature, and a
law was passed, authorizing the employ
ment, and payment of counsel on the part
of the State, to assist this wronged color
ed woman to secure her freedom. For one
long year she has been caged in bondage,
and her life as we have been informed,
slowly wasting away; but at last, truth
though tardy, triumphed, and Rachel Par
ker has been declared, by the County Cir
cuit Court after a long and tedious trial,
to be a free woman. The seizers, were
then of course man stealers.
Rachel has a sister who has been stolen,
l and is still in bondage, some where down
south. These are the fruits of this ad
justment measure. Readers you can see
how it works. How do you like it.
The State Printing.
Most of our readers arc aware that the
State printing, has heretofore by law been
allotted by contract to the lowest bidder.
Under the old law the dominant party,
had become so bold in their peculations,
that thousands upon thousand of dollars,
wrung out of the tax-payers, were divided
boldly, among partisan printers, and bind
ers. The evil become so apparent, and
the peculators so bold, that the good sense
of the Legistaturc dictated the passage of
the present law.
Shrewd and somewhat unscrupulous tac
titions, the party in power managed even.
under the new law, to keep the Printing
for several years. Three years ago how
ever our friends, the Publishers of the
Harrisburg Telegraph, were bidders, and
their bid was so much lower than any oth
er, the printing and binding was allotted to
them. Since that time we have had Whig
State Printers. The price they get is al
gather to low. Nevertheless they have
done the work, as well and as promptly, as
ever done before, notwithstanding they
, have been subject to many mean, and pal
try annoyances from their opponents. The
accounting Office has been induced to with
hold their just dues—Committees have
been appointed, to vex and frighten them—
petty Legislative tricks have been concoc
ted, and nearly perfected to rob them of
some of the most profitable work—and to
compel' them to perform that which was
to be done at runous prices. Yet with all
this, faithful to their task, and their con
tract Fenn & Co., have delved on at the
public printing; and we believe have made
a little money, even at their killing prices.
It seems, however, that 'the party' have
concluded that they, and they alone, must
have, handle, and keep all the money that,
is to be spent out of the State Treasury—
It will be seen that oa the 25th of Janua
ry, the day the two houses met in Convon-'
tion to open the bids fur printing, and the
day upon which the law says, they shall
allot the work to the lowest bidder, a
motion was made and carried by the major
ity party, to postpone the allotment of the
Printing until the 21st of February.
This is no doubt, to secure time to per
t-coin some plan so that the present law shall
be repealed,and an unrestricted grab at the
Stay) funds allowed by some of the always
hungry, and now greedy political mendi
cants, who infest Harrisburg. We shall
wait the end with anxiety. Some team,
they hope to hitch up, which will be able
to haul more than enough Senators and
Members, to accomplish the desired end.
Coming Home.
When General Taylor was elected in
1848, his opponents, who considered them
selves especially sharp, undertook to man
age certain Post Office appointments—and
forthwith the Loco incumbent resigned and
then Mr. Polk and his party seleete& his
successor from among Whig applicants, in
such a way as would be least palatable to
the Whig party.
Judging from an article in the Fulton
Republican, that chicken has conic home
to roost. Collins Loyer, Esq., the Post
Master of Bedford has resigned, and Mr.
Andris Saupp a 'Democrat appointed ;
and it would seem that, the Looofocracy
are highly indignant at it. Mr. Saupp is a
German, and even that fact we understand
is now urged against him by his own party.
Probably they think the Germans general
ly to honest to answer their ends.
Legislative News,
The Auditor General answered the reso
lution of Senate alluded to last week, that
no such practice as settling contractors ac
counts, at a price higher than the bid had
Mr. McMurtrie presented a petition from
John Dougerty of Huntingdon county for
the payment of a claim.
On Tuesday the Senate and House met
in convention, for the purpose of opening
the bids for the public printing and allot_
ting the work. Mr. Sanderson from Brad
ford, moved an adjournment until the 21st
of February. Upon this question an ani
mated discussion took place, the Whigs
contending that the law contemplated no
adjournment, the Locos, arguing that.,
they had the right, and that it was expedi
ent, as nobody seemed satisfied with the
present law, that therefore time ought to
be taken to propose and enact a new law.
The adjournment was carried.
We observe that petitions are again be
gining to be presented to the Legislature
for the passam 4f some prohibitory law
similar to the Maine Liquor Law.
The law to gradute lands on which money
is due and owing the Commonwealth,
which was at last session continued until
the Ist of February 1853, was again taken
up and has passed finally through both
houses, continuir.g the law for another
A Bill to erect tl.e village of Cassville
in the county of Huntingdon, into a Bor
ough, and for other purposes passed the
Mr. Wharton read in place a bill "to in
corporate the Huntingdon Deposit Bank at
We see amcng other things that several
Bank Bills have already passed the House
of course there is more veto work cut out
for the Governor, should they pass the
Senate. A resolution has passed the Sen
ate calling upon the Governor, for the evi
dence upon which a certain order on a re
quisition was issued. This is the slavery
agitation again—as we understand it, the
Governor of Maryland, having issued a re
quisition for a man charged with inoiting
slaves to escape. Judging from a report
of a•case before the Supreme Cc urt of a
Ilabaeus Corpus for Richard Neal, we pre
sume that the question of the legality of the
order is to be tested before that Court. A
Bill to authorize the County Commission
ers to build a bridge over the Juniata at
Huntingdon on certain conditions passed
both Houses.
QUICK WORK.-A man by the name of
McConnell, was recently convicted of pas
sing counterfeit notes on the Girard Bank.
Before he reached the Penitentiary, Gov-
Bigler pardoned him,—so says she Car
lisle Herald. We should like to know
what had become of all the holy horror
which was exhibited by the Loco Foco
Press during the administration of Gover
nor Johnston.
No 10. Another remarkable cure of Coosa/sp.
A Strong Picture. (ion by Dr. J. W. Cooper's Indian Vegetable
Cough or Consumptive Syrup, prepared only b. 7;
The Concord Democrat, publishes the C. P. Hewes :
following picture of the New Hampshire
CONSUMPTION Creon.—l do certify, that my
was severely afflicted with Pulmonary Coi..
Legislature. As that body is almost en- sumption for twelve veers and for abort three
tirely composed of the political friends of ;,17, r i m r ' t ", e il ci si r x e glt s g . t un X i r i jr, al t i le t " gm ""
President Pierce, we are led to think that milieu to seen doctors': the t v i alll th ;l l ilied l i l t i n a d d
to cure her. She pined
1 a tl iTa u ;i g • l4 to i' iiii i tl: i i i iTgli i ii i t ie tlie appearance of skin and
a Now Hampshire Democrat is no better
than be should be. !hones—all hopes for her recovery were despaired
of 4 . 011 that had seen her, which were not a few.,
“Last Sunday marked the exit of the nearin g on), J. W. Cooper's Indian Vegetable
flir .
most irredeemably corrupt and profligate Cough or Consumptive Syrup, the
Legislative body ever assembled in New Calls, Cou g hs, Spitting Blood, Whoopin g o re ug o li f
a tt nJ Consumption, I was at last persuaded to try
Hampshire, or we trust in any other State.
To say nothing of their idling away the with e the oo m k e t s l t lis h a i n u e l d ‘ i • c c il t i lte t t o s i. ti gl c io u 'Wl ' s '
well mul
time and money of the people, and involv- and is aisle to do her work once roo l le as to o t t l
tonishment of the whole neighhorhoo4 in us•
ing the State in a debt of anywhere from
have ,
in This true certificate I give of my own free will,
1100,000 to 1200,000, the majority
mayer tl; i a o t v c e it a lirs o ,
, afflicted ivitli the sam e dis
exhibited a reckless disregard of morality, ..",;*r . tunity of being cured of
temperance, common honesty and the Con- this distressing disoil l e ' r.
stitution, such as our history presents 1 CHRISTIAN MILLER,
nothing to parallel."—roncord Dem. Dm Wu.t.ta S m Q 7l7
s t county, Pa.
We do not exactly understand why the 'Witness— 1 I'vrEn Liruncooti, (Canal Coin.)
.• .
"exit"We are happy to Milani our readers took place on iunday, but we sup- & son, Huntingdon; Geo. W. Brechn t ii i i i n " T . R \r ea y.
pose it is a way they have of doing buisness d
town; and J. M. Helibrd, Mifflintwn, lia i s e been
I appointed Agents for the sale of this Medicine,
in that Gibraltar of Demeraey. • land of whom the genuine may altars he had.
egr Through the kind attention of Mr. Gwla,
of the Honsc, we learn that the difficulty between
the Canal Commissioners and the Penn'a. R. R.
Company, has been amicably settled; and that the
Company will immediately take the entire control
of the passenger trains on the Columbia Railroad,
This is certainly a subject of rejoicing.
Legislating Freemen into Slavery.
A bill is now before the Virginia Legis
lature which provides for the appointment
of overseers who are to be required to hire
out, at public auction, all FREE persons of
color, to the highest bidder. At the expi
ration of five years, all FREE persons of
color remaining in the State, are to be
SOLD INTO SLAVERY, to the highest bid
der, at public auction, the proceeds of all
such sales to bo paid into the public treas
IVhilst Virginia is legislating into sla
very all free colored citizens of the North,
who venture within her borders, the supple )
tools of the South in our legislature are
making an effort to convert Pennsylvania
'into a slave State. We aro willing to con
cede to the South all to which she is justly
entitled, under the Constitution—but it
does seem to us that the proposition sub
nAtted to our Legislature by Mr. QGIGOLE,
virtually recognizing the existence of sla
ver° upon Pennsylvania soil, is going one
stop too far. It is a humiliating concession
to the slave power that no Pennsylvania
freeman is willing to make—and one that
we are confident will meet its quietus at the
hands of a Pennsylvania Senate. Before
our Southern friends ask us to recognize
the existence of their "peculiar institution"
in this State, let them first recognize the
citizenship of Northern freemen who visit
their section of the Union, and repeal the
laws by which citizens of the North are ar
rested, whilst in the pursuit of lawful bu
siness; and sold into slavery. For the sake
of National harmony, and with a view to
the "final settlement" of this slavery ques
tion, the people of the North, with great
unanimity, endorsed the Compromise meas
ures, and have carried them ont in good
faith. But the South, still unsatisfied, de
mands greater concessions: and we blush
to record the humiliating fact that even in
a Pennsylvania Legislature, there are to be
found willing tools to do the bidding of the
Slaveocracy.—State Journal.
Two Weeks Later from California.
Dreadful Suffering at the -Vines
A report is prevalent at Stockton that
some miners recently attacked a train of
wagons in Mariposa county, and rifled them
of all the provisions they contained. This,
says the Journal, must not be wondered
at, nor too strongly condemned, as it is the
spur of starvation that drives men to such
crimes. Their lives depended on the stake.
From other quarters we have accounts
equally discouraging, but more particularly
Calaveras county, where the deprivation is
of the most heartrending nature.
The Times says that accounts of floods,
disasters, starvation and misery in the in
terior, come upon us in such rapid succes
sion that it tires the mind in recollecting
the piinful details. It will probably be
several days before we learn the effect the
late heavy rains have had on all the mining
settlements, as all communication is cut off
for the present.
The deplorable condition of thousands
of the miners can, however, be well ima
A Fighting Rat
A Mr. Donlan, of Philadelphia, having
challenged all the dogs in Ohio to a com
bat with a fighting rat in his possession,
Daniel Shead, of Columbus, writes to him
as follows : "I will now take leave to in
form Mr. Donlan that I have a small dog
of the terrier and spaniel breed that I am
willing shall fight his rat for $lOO or any
further amount he may please. I ant not
a sporting character; but I cannot allow
the great State of Ohio to be backed out
by a Philadelphia rat."
MAN.—The Worcester "Be, states that
the insane man who escaped suffocation at
the recent Sre at the Worcester County
House, was called upon to testify before
the coroner's jury, and gave in his evidence
as intelligib:y and correctly as any wit
ness. He wrapped himself in a blanket
and laid down on the floor with his face to
the venteilator, and thus saved himself.—
He is not now considered insane, though
he was before thought to be one of the
er The S:ornay.l prepares the Cements of the
bile and the blood; and if it floes the work feebly
and imperfectly, liver disease is the certain re
suit. As soon, therefore, as any affection of the
liver is perceived, we may be sore that the diges
tive organs arc out of order. The first thing to
he done, is 05 administer a specific which will act
directly upon the stomach—the mainspring of the
animal machinery. For this purpose we can re
commend 11000 LAND'S (lemma Bitters, prepar
ed by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. Acting
as an alterative and a tonic, it strengthens the
digestion, changes the condition of the blood and
thereby gives regularity to the bowels.
December 2, 1852. a
HUNTINGDON, Feb. 1, 1863.
Flour, per bbl., $4,50 a $5,00
White Wheat, 1,00 cts per bu
Red 95
Corn 45 a 60
Buckwheat, 40
Oats, 83
15 ets. per lb
Eggs, " 6 , doz
Potatoes, per bu., 37 It a 50
Beef, per cwt., $4,00 a $5,00
Pork ~ « 6,50 a 6,00
Dry Apples, per be., $l,OO
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1853.
Flour, per bbl., $5,50
White Wheat, per bu., 1,20
R e d gc ie VI 115
Clover Seed, 4 , .4 5,75 a 6,00
At Spruce Creek, on the 27th ult.,
by the Rev. F. A. Rupley, Mr. SAMULL HAMEL
to 141i,9 RERF.CCA RENNAIt.
At Barren Forge, on Wednesday 10th of Nov.
last, 1852, Aliss JAN/I HICKS, eldest daughter of
John and Barbara Hicks, nged 12 years and
At the some place, on Saturdary 22m:
les and Ellen Hopkins, aged 4 years, 10 months
and 11 days.
At the same place on Tuesday 25th Ult.,
MARY STEWART WOOD, eldest child of James 1).
and Eliza Wood, aged 5 years, 3 moths and 20.
MILS. H. G. SUPLER invite, the attention
of Country Merehantc and Dress Makers to
her unrivaled assortment of
for full sized Ladies' Messrs, Sleeves. Mantles,
'Palmas, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons. Sacks. &c. &c.
The Patterns are embroidered in various de.
signs, printed and fringed, showing exactly how
the Dress will appear when made.
Being in constant communication with the best
houses of London and Paris, and furnished month
ly with even• now design as soon as it appears,
the public can always depend on this Old Estab
lished House for the most recherche novelties in
in dress.
Always on hand a beautiful assortment of
Children's Clothing,
of the newest styles and materials.
Medals were awar,l4 her in 1848,'50, and '52.
(1.7"' A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any
one enclosing Three Dollars.
- Mrs. 11. G. Staplee's
Children's Clothing & Pattern Emporium,
54 South 2d St., Philadelphia,
Fob. 2,1853.-3 m
Auditor's Notice.
Estate ofJOIIN RAMSEr. late of Dublin township,
All persons interested in the Estate of John
Ramsey. late of Duldin township, Hunt. coun
ty. dee'd , will bike notice that the undersigned,
Auditor. appointed to distribute the land in the
hands of John Withercw. Administrator of said
deed., will attend at his Office in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on Tuesday the Bth of March. 1853,
at 10 o'clock. A. M. for that purpose, and that
they are hereby required to present their claims
before such Auditor or he debarred front coming
in fur a share of such fund.
A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor.
Feb. 2,1853.-4 t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public
sale at :1101 Creek on
Saturday the 15th day of March, A. D. 1853,
the following described real Estate, late of Rich
ard Plowman, dee'd., viz : A TRACT OF
LAND, in Union township Iluntingdon county,
adjoMing the Juniata River nearly opposite Mill
Creek, adjoining Robert WNeal, and others, and
near the Pennsylvania Railroad, containing lb
Acres, he the seine more or less, being timber
ed lam', and of such kind as to furnish cross ties
for Railroad purposes, and of a good quality of
farm land , when cleared.
TERM §.—One halt in hand on confirmation of
sale, and tile residue in one year thereafter with in
terest to he secured by the bonds and mortgage of
the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Feb. 2, '53.-6t. Administrator.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will he sold at public
vendue or outcry on the premises on
Saturday the 26th day of FebutrrylBs3 t
the following described real Estate situated is
Springfield township Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Peter Hess, late of the township and
county aforesaid, deed., to wit:
A certain messuage or tract of land situated in
the township of Springfield, in the County of Hun
tingdon aforesaid, adjoining lands of James 0.
Haddon on the east aid north, lands of Thomas
Suitors on the south, Richard Madden on the west,
Joseph Parks on the north-west, containing 130
Acres more or less, alsatt sixty acres of which
are cleared, with two log dwelling !mares, and a
lag barn therm' erected.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of Sale,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Sale to.
commence at I o'clock, afternoon of baid day
when attendance will be given by
Admr., with the Will annexed'.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26, '53.-ts.
$O,OOO serer In exchange for City Property, Bier-
Claudia. or Cash. Apply to
Real Estate Broker., A toe V
Welout R,
Jan 'JO,