schools, so as to afford a regular occupation to teachers, may be considerably relieved by encouraging to a much greater extent, the employment of females. While it is conceded that a male teacher is betteer a dapted to control the older boys, and to teach such as are considerably advanced in their studies, yet, for girls and younger children of both sexes, the instructress, as a general thing, has superior qualifications. Her delicacy, benevolence, attractiveness and moral power, provided by Nature, par ticularly for the government of children, give her a potency the Instructor does not possess. The table herewith annexed, shows that the average salaries paid to male and fe male teachers per month, during the past year, to be $18,75 to the former, and $ll 46 to the latter. It costs about as much to pay male teachers for six months in the year as it does females for ten. It is obvi ous, therefore, that by the general employ ment of the instructress iu all schools for which she is adapted, the duration of teach- 1 lug might be greatly enlarged without in crease of cost, and at the same time be forded by those who pursue it as a profes sion, who possess experience, and maintain continuity and progress in the method and course of study. But however much wo way prepare safe guards so as to prevent incompetent teach ers from being placed in the schools, what ever measures may be adopted to stimulate the ambition and excite the energies of teachers for greater improvement, whatev er shall be expended to fit them for the performance of their responsible duties, yet if not invited and temped to enter upon and continue the profession of the teacher by adequate cumpensation, all other means for obtaining this desired end must measurably fail. Good teachers should receive good pay, to prevent them from abandoning the business and entering upon some other pur suit in which their qalifications will be bet ter rewarded. How shall the means for better salaries be supplied? On the score of mere econemy, an enlightened and lib- I eral view will show that it is true policy to pay high salaries to good teachers, rather than low salaries to bad ones. In both in- stances the golden moments of the youth of ; pupils are expended, and if not improvedl by the aid of competent instructors, it is to them, as well as the State, a serious loss, which cannot well be estimated. Educa tion is the lever that, resting upon the ful crum of mind, moves the world. No la bor, whatever it may be, is efficient but in proportion to the aptness with which it is applied by mind. The better cultivation of the intellect the more productive the la bor that is directed by it. This is true whether applied to the mechanic arts, man ufactures, agriculture, or anything else.— As a consequence, therefore, the develope 'tient of the resources of this great country must depend upon the mind that conceives purposes, and with skill and adaptation di rects the execution of details. The saga cious and cultivated intellects that. project ed and adjusted the plans for the construe tion of the great artificial water coma:lnm cat;on between the waters of Lake Erie and the Hudson river, have added incalcuable millions to the wealth of a sister State; while in our own, the practical application of sci ence has costructed gigantic internal im provements, developed the rich treasures of our vast and varied mineral deposites, called into fruitful life-bearing production our naturally fertile soil, established and placed under successful operation manufac tures of almost every conceivable kind, spread over our valleys and plains, numer ous cities, towns and villages,and filled our borders with a thrifty population of nearly two and a half millions. Such results could never have been produced among an uned ucated people; and whatever limitation may have existed hitherto to the general preva lence of education, still whatever of pro gress we have made is owing to the mind, to the cultivated mind, that has given fruitful ness to the labor it controlled and directed. In proportion as intellegence prevails a mong a people with the energy of our raze, and under the untrammelled oportunities that our free institutions afford, so shall be our progress, number, power, and wealth. What then shall the increased cost of good schools, furnishing a goood education to ev ery child in the Commonwealth, weigh against the increased advantages that shall result to us as a community and people, even in a pecuniary point of view? Surely an enlightened economy, if for motives of gain only, prompts the outlay. In a republican government like ours, depending upon moral power, the virtue and intelligence of her, people must be the substitute for the vastly expensive machi nery of other governments who rule by the maintenance of a costly physical force.— With us, our scholars. and teachers are trained and diuiplincd in lieu of the soldiery and burthensome police establishments of despotic governments. Educate our people, teach them to understand their. duty atioi tizets, to make good laws and observe thew,, and we shall have no occasion to-support such forces as in other countries "harrass their people and eat out their substance." General education makes a very cheap, yet priceless substitute. But apart from those considerations, the interest the State has in the intellegence of her citizens, should induce the patriotic promptings of our people to make any ne cessary pecuniary sacrifice to attain this end. As the benefits of the common school sys tem, imperfectly as they have hitherto been afforded, become understood, the more pop ular is this institution. Furnish good teachers, show the tax-payers the differ ence in the results produced betty dll com petent and incompetent teachers, and the but be responded to by a willingness to in cur the necessary cost. In concluding this report, I will merely add, that owing to my brief connection with the duties of the Department, I may have omitted other and perhaps more im portant considerations, which would tend to correct defects, or add new features and improvements in the machinery of our com mon school system. Those suggested have presented themselves most foriebly to my mind, and they are, therefore, most re spectfully submitted to the reprerentutives of the people, for such action thereon as to them may seem right and necessary. Tyrany of the Petticoats, BY FANNY FERN, "We males swagger and talk of our su periority, but only the savage has practi cal dominion over the 'weaker sex,' simply because he bangs his refractory female in lordly style ! We don't beat our women, and are therefore slaves; we arc forced to knock tinder, because we have fastidious notions of knocking theta down! This I may be quite correct; I only state the fact without commentary. Unbeaten woman is a tyrant. A little blond creature with fair eyes, fragile figure, whom you could crush in your wanly grasp, somehow or other you find yourself trembling before a crowed po tentate. She bends you to her purpose, to her caprices; if you quail not before her anger, she rushes into hysterics! What is helpless and above all, clubless man to del Be meek and acquiescent." Of course; no other way, my dear sir, if you want your shirts made to suit you, your old pants rosurrectionized, your dinner kept hot, or any other little accommoda tion, (when you are in a hurry and can't atop to discuss matters.) 'Clubless mars!' I like that; I'd like to know if they don't always resort to ARMS when they intend to subdue us I I merely ask for informa tion, as lam an old maid myself ! Now there's no use trying to DRIVE any of the female gender (I'm ono of the sisters, and feel myself qualified to "take the floor," Mr. Chairman!) There's no necessity for making such a bungling piece of matrimo ny, either. Were I a man, I'd engage to manage any wife you can bring along. (Between you and I, I should keep the bite awl reins out of sight !) but I'd do it ! She should be as docile as a kitten, and believe herself master of the house, too ! Oh, pooh ! you don't understand the phil osophy of the thing—'tisnt every man that has a call to be a husband ! Do you sup pose if you feed and clothe a woman, and keep her warm, that's- the end of the chap terl Pshaw: Imagine me to bo Tom Fern! When I came home from the office, I should take a microscopic view of my dear Fanny's face, to see which way the wind blew. If she looked dull,. from the thou sand petty annoyances of housekeeping, I should just put my arm around her blessed little neck (never minding collars and fix ins,) and tell her I didn't care a damaged cigar whether I had my favorite pudding or not, if she only loved me Wouldn't she brighten up, hey 1 Do you suppose I'd go staving up and down the room like a hyena, and knock over her work basket, and tread on the baby, and break the bell wire, and scowl till I looked like one of those "gutta percha" phizzes I No, sir ! Then I'd kiss her, and tell her to keep up her spirits till I came home at night, and we'd have an early tea, and hear Tommy say his prayers, and go to— (well I DARSEN 2 T say it; but I'd TAKE her there ? Voll, sir, the consequence would be she would see I was the same fascinating Tom who begged her on my marrow bones and moonlight evenings, , •to make me the hap piest of men," and there isn't one woman in a thousand (treated that way) that wouldn't love till you were as hap py as a fly in a molasses cup! As to a meek man, defend me from Betty's in cor duroys! I'd prefer to endure the "bang ing of a refractory-female!"" I'd rath er be under a tyrent than over a Moses ! —Olive Branch. RAILROAD HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. The subscriber, having taken the large four sto ry brick Hotel, tormerly the "Washington," kept by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same for public accommodation. This Rotel is situated within a few yards of the Railroad station ' and 'is. ono of the most eligible in the place. The sta bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.— Every attention will be given by the proprietor to promote the comfort of guests. GIIAFFIUS MILLER. April 15,1852. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that lie has taken the above house at MOUNT UNION, Huntingdon County, and assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Baggage taken to and from the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad emy, Shirloysburg, Orbisoma, &e. Mount Union, April 22, 1852. A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch Herring, Coca Nuts, 6.c., &c., wholesale and re tail, at the cheep store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1852. uISH, Tar, Oiis, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass, Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, 6.c., whole sale and retail, at the cheap store of April 22, 1852, J.. BRICKER. beautiful assortment of , Fancy Capin. and Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. 0 lir 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale by Geo. Gwin. KOSSUTH , HATS for sale at the new store of J. Bricker. eir Feathers wanted in exchange for goods at t ile new store of J. BRICKER. Philadelphia Advertisements. Most Popular Religious Books of the Age. ...... _ WORKS OF THE REV Henry Blunt, 4 vols. 12mo. Price reduced to 75 cents each, viz: Lira OF OUR SAVIOUR, I vol. LIVES OF ST. PAUL AND ST. PETER, 1 vol. LIVES OF ABRAHAM, ISACC AND JACOB I vol. SERMONS AND DISCOURSES ON TILE 1:XXI X ARTICLES, I vol. 30,000 of these books have been sold In Eng land, and from 3to 4000 in this countr y, where they are now offered at less than half the i r original price. No religious writings are more pleasant or profitable to read. The style is very clear and beautiful; the spirit of Christian tenderness and love beams in light on every page; and few books inculcate a safer and more practical acquaintance with Holy Scripture, as a whole. A thousand collies should be read where one is now. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, and the best STANDAUD AND New AND ENTER— TAINING Womis, with an extensive stock ofJc-- vENILE BOOKS, Books for SUNDAY SCHOOLS, Publications of the Prot. Epis. S. S. Union, and the Evan. Knowledge Society, for sale at the low est prices. 11. HOOKER, Publisher, and Cheap Theological and Miscellaneous Book sellers, corner Chesnut and Eighth Streets, PHIL, DEL PHIA. tOct. THE LATE DISASTROUS FIRE gives fresh evidence of the reliance to be placed in "OLIVER EVANS' FIRE PROOF SAFES," No. 61. South Second St., PHILADELPHIA. "We take pleasure in stating that we had one of Oliver Evans' Fire Proof Safes' in our store, during the GREAIWIRE AT HART'S BUILDINGS, which NillWo taken from the ruins and opened, was found to have preserved our Books, Papers, &e., entirely uninjured. GETZ & Buck." esT "My store was entered by Burglars, and failing to Pick the Lock of my Iron Sale, they tried to blow it open with Powder, but no loss or injury was sustained. It was purchased of Oli ver Evans, 61 S. Second street, Philadelphia. J. C. Foutats, Bordentown, N. J." For sale, of all sizes, by OLIVER EVANS, 61 5. &caner St., below Chestind. , W• Sole Agent for the Day & Newell's World's Fair Premium Bank, Vault and Store Locks—Thief and Powder proof. Also, in stove—Seal and Letter Copying Press es. Trucks, for moving boxes, halos or mums. Druggists' Presses, with Cylinders and Pans.— Portable Shower Baths, of superior construction. Water Filters, for purifying bad water. Refrig erators, and Ice Chests. Water Coolers of all kinds, for Hotels, Stores, &c. Sept. 30, 1852.-3 m. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The Subscriber having leased the Public House, fortnerly knoen as the American House, No. 1S S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the same to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Begs leave to inform his friends and the Public, that this house has undergone a thorough remod elling, repairing, repainting and repnpering, from attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni ture, bedding, &e., &c., has boon procured front the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city. From the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Land ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor oughfitres and Public Squares, it offers induce• meats to the Merchant visiting the city on busi ness, or the Traveler socking pleasure. To fam ilies and females visiting the city, every facility will be offered, and every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. September 9. 1852.—Grn SHELDRAKE'S ALLEGHENY HOUSE, No. 280, Markel Si., above Tight, Philadelphia. Under the new arrangement the cars which ar rive from Pittsburg, llarrisburg,, &c., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill sth and Mar ket. In order to accommodkte the public we will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Al legheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Clean Beds, and accoenmodatting assistants, will please give us a call. Terms, use dollar per day. August 26, 1852.-6 m. THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand and is receiving for the coining season, afino assortment of (13' -zu•ce3o a 12. W -9 Consisting of Watches, Chains, Brcast'Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rin, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with his celebra ted and unrivalled c1.0 1 L.) TIMIT4 Which is equal if not superior, to any now in use. Each Pen is Engraved with his own name, and every Pen,Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Mercy on us what a treat; Get Read's Gold Pew, they're extra fine, And only found iteNorth Third Street. A splendid Pen !!! Where did you get it? Pore Diamond Pointed, can't be bent; Yen, my friends, there's no humbuging In Rend's Gold Pens of North Third Street Cf'Rend's Gold Pdn - id found only at 46. North Third Street, below Arch East Side. Tnos. READ, Piladelphia. Jan. 8,1852.—tf. H. K. NEFF, 111. D., HAVING located himself in WARRIOItBMARK in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that place slid the country adjacent. REFFERENCES : J. B. Ludcn, M. B. Gen. A. I'. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Esq. J. 11. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. lion. George Taylor. . _ Huntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Gammill, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. ap7,'52-tf. Stoves and Ploughs. A large assortment constantly on hand, and will be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be boughtat any other place. ROBERT GRAPIER. Alexandria, Jane 3, 1852. ASPLENDID ASSORTMET OF LADIES' DRESS GOODSjust opened at the store GEO. GWIN. Oct. 14, 'O2. v'., .1,.. Huntingdon County Mutual Insur ance Company, Wish to receive applications for agents, from such persons as are willing to give time and attention to the duties. The pay allowed will fully compensate agents for their trouble. Agencies and duties con fined to the county. Apply in person or by letter, post-paid, to DAVID SNARE, Sec. Sept. 16, 1852. Huntingdon county Mutual Insurance Company. At n meeting of the Directors of the Hunting don county mutual Insurance Company held at the Court house in the Borough of Huntingdon on Monday Sept. 6th 1852. On motion mid Company was organized, by appointing James Gwin, Esq.,_Pres., and David Snare, Esq., Sec retary and Treasurer. James Gwin, David Me- Murtrie and John Huyett were appointed an Ex ecutive committee. As soon as Blanks and instructions can be pre pared; proper agents will be appointed to secure applications for Insurance against fire. David Smite of the Borough of Huntingdon is authorised to grant Insurances immedediately on applica tion. Payment for Insurances will not be re quired until] the Policies are tendered to the ap plicant. By order of the Board. JAMES GIVIN, Pres. DAVID Ps - sue, Secretary. Sept. 9, 1752. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscribes., either by note or otherwise, are requested to call and snake settlement, at Isis store in Portstown, near Huntingdon; as he is desirous of having his old Books HENRY CORNPROPST. July 29, 1852. JOHN N. PROWELL, 4TTORNEY 4T LdW, Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust ed to his care. Huntingdon, July 29, 1952. A. W. BENEDICT,. ✓ITTOR.NEY ST . LAW, Informs his old friends and the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. Office in Main Street, south side, the lust house hefow the Court house: Huntingdon, May 13, 1832.-6M'. • J. S. GRIFFITH, M. D., • Graduate of the University of he., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. REFERENCES :—Medical Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. (ate, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr. Hoffman. May 6, 1852. DENTIST. Artificial Teeth, from one to a Nisei, mounted in the most improved modern style. S. L. GLASGOW, I Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and TTORNET AT LAW, neatness. HUNTINGDON, PA, Teeth Extracted with all the case alai despatch that modern science can furnish. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. N. B. A liberal deduction made on the price He will make collections, draw Deeds, Bands, of work done for persons coming from a distance, Mortgages, &c., and state Administrator's, Exec- ' to d e f ray trave lli ng expenses, &c. utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most red- Huntingdon, March 25, 1852. sonable terms. Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res. i ßirmingham Female Seminary. dence of Dr. llenderson, near the Court House. April 1, 1852. The liberal patronage which this School has ! received iu the past, encourages the proprietor LEWISTOWN POTTERY. and friends of female education, to expect by proper exertion to make it both a premanent and The undersigned respectfully inthrms their important Institution; and no pains will by spar customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting- ed to sustain its growing reputation. don county, that they still continue the manutiw- Among other considerations which inspire Lope' taring of all kinds of Earthenware of the most au- as to its future sucess, the location is not units perior quality and nt prices to suit the times.— portant. Three years actual experiment loss de- They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas- May when they will be able to supply all who on for the existence of 'Birmingham than many may favor them with their patronage. Merchants which Imo been assigned—that it is the situation may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to fur a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by please their customers, and such as will yield them most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—easy a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend- of access and in itself a place where ono might al ed to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO, most grow wise in the study of Nature alone un- Lewistown, Pa. mocked by the works of Art. April 1, 1852.-tf. The school year is divided into two Sessions of twenty-two weeks each; the summer term corn. FEATHERS! FEATHERS ! meneing the last Tuesday in April, the winter For sale by HARTLEY & KNIGHT, 149 South term the last Tuesday in October. Second Street, five doors above Spruce, Charges to date from time of entering, and no PHILADELPHIA. deductions made for absence except in case o ickness. 10,000 lbs. of feathers. all qttalities wholesale and retail at the lowest Tuition $4,00 and $5.00 per quarter—boarding cash prices, • 8 1 ,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw • log, & e ., extra. Bens, BoLsrEns, PILLows, MATruEssEs and Rev. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. 51., Principal Cusitioxs constantly on hand or made to order. • liev. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associate. Also—Tickings, Blankets, Marsailes Quilts, Mav 1. 1852, Comfortable, Sacking Bottoms &c., A. First floor and Basement appropriated to sale ofVelvet. Brussels, Tapestry Imperial three ply • . Carpetings. Ingrain C . arpeiings • from 25m; to $1 00, Stair do lOUs to: $1 00, Entry do loots to $1 25, Rag do 25 to 4Octs. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS of I.w•crY width and all prices. HARTLEY & KNIGHT. April 1, 1852. Central Pentea. Banking House, I , BRYAN, ‘..ILEIM & CO.— Office on Alla &S. JONES, & Co., k gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court CORNER OF FOURTH AND RACE !louse, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hot. STREETS. Publishers of the Model Ar- Itlaysburg, Pa. T chitect, by SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be he Company is now ready to transact busi complete in 24 monthly parts. 'less. Upon money deposited Itir a specific The above work is designed to meet the wishes period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in not only ofthose directly interested in buildings, terest will be paid at such rates as are usually but of all who desire the advancement of this nu- allowed by Suvinge Institutions. Transient de , ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their posites received, payable on demand. tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The R. R. BRYAN, Cashier handsome manner in which it is prepared and on,- Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. bellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing : room, while its accurate delineation give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & 3 now ready for delivery. Price-50 cents per number. Address as above, post paid. Dec. 18,1851. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on hand, and for side the most highly improved Durham Short Hors cattle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Cotswold and Leicester Sheep. The subscriber now offers for solo several very fine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; about five mouths old, which took the first premium for pigs of that ago at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thorough bred Pigs of the same brood, about three weeks old; also, eight thorough Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down Hock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he received the highest pre miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and Chester Hogs. Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna., will be attended to. ROBERT HARE POWEL. April, 7, 1852. SIIPERIOR Port bionnaien, Gold Penn, and Pea and Pocket Knives, at E. &wiz's. A N oxcollont variety of line It'EV r lr 6 1 , 8 41: 2 Cl. Snare's. ls, Oil, Paiay Vapish, Turpentine, Tar, Ito; Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature for the incorpo ration of a Savings Institution with discounting and deposit privileges, with a capital of not less than ten thousand nor more than fifty thousand dollars, to be called the linumonox SAVINGS BANK, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAVID SNARE, JACOB FOCKLED, J F. MILLER, JAMES SAXTON, Gr.o. Gwirr, D. MCMIIRTRIE. July 6,'52. CARR, GIESE & CO. COMM issiou Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25 Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE, Will receive and sell, Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Country Produce—including Lumber. CT Liberal Cash advances made on Consign ments, prompt returns as soon as sales are effect ed. Aug. 26, '52.-4m. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Dorsey & Maguire, or to the anti scriber, either by note or book account, please call and settle the same as lam dctermand that no longer indulgence shall be given. JAMES MAGUIRE. Huntingdon Aug. 19,1852. NEW GOODS The great Atlantic, the blue Pacific, and the Niagara Falls all combined together, cannot be compared with Heaton & Winces splendid assort ment of SUMMER Goons opened out at Bridge-. port, which they intend to sell cheap for cash or produce. HEATON & WILLET. Bridgeport, Aug. 5, '52. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he now devotes his whole time and atten tion to making and repairing pumps and will promptly attend to all orders and calls that he may be favoured with warrented all work to he made of the best materials, and done in work manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address Mill Creek I'. 0. Huntingdon county, ISAAC WOOLVERTON. We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol vertons make of Pumps and do not hesitate in saying that we believe them to be the best pump that is now in general use. REFFERENCES J. Porter, Thos. Read. Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage, Wm. D. Shaw, William Dorris, Conrad Bucher, William Christy, Joe. Whittaker, David Bliar, Win. Orbison, 1). McMurtrie, Thus. Fisher. July 22,1852. DR. R, A. MILLER, TUOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKLIN Blair county. Lancaster county, DAVID M'Muarr,,n, WILLIAM DLEIM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster count!. JAmcs GARDNER, BICII'D. R. BRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines, lied Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets,Siatesi Paint Brushes, Sash Tools , and an en dless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the cheap store of J. BRIC KER. April 22, 1852. - Adams Si, Co.'s Express. ------- Tomkins , British Plate Powder. F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying SilVer, Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, Albata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metals. The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the excluaive right to manufacture these preparations for the United States. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used , for a number of years in Great Britain, and L now used by most of the manufacturers of silver and other wares In New York and Philadelphia t likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers, 234 South Second street, Philadelphia. For sale at I'. K. SIMONTON's Store, Hunting don, Pa. May I, 1852. OILS. GLUE, TURPENTINE, Sand, Paints, cheap store of J. BRICKER. k." Paint Brushes, Sand paper &c. & &c., at the D I'. K. SIMONTON, Agent, huutingdon. Money, Packages and goods ofall kinds, re ceived and forwarded the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United State May 1,'52. Are you Insured 'I F not, insure your property at once in the Corn I berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company Apply to Gao. W. SPEER, Agent, blab 1, 1852. Bridgeport, Pa. A splendid article of Carpet Chain always on hand and for sale at tho•oheap store of J. BRICKER. DORT MONNAIES from 25 canta upte $2.517 at Ed. Snaro's. April 15 les2t • FANCY Articles in endless variety at E. Snare's Store. (lON LOC KS and BARRELS, fur sale low " by J. & W. SAXTON. 1:11*s.:11 E , ••••••1111wr 11•1" s••• 1.•• *h. 117....1 REMOVAL. GLASGOW er STEEL, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacture's. The undersigned respectfully inform their .fiends and the public generally that they have re moved their manufactory to the building in Mar ket Square, for many years occupied as a dry goods store, by Samuel Steel dec'd., where every thing in their line of business will be furnished on the shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to suit all. They manufacture the most of their work themselves, and can therefore assure the public that every article will be made in the best and most durable manner. Cr A large assortment of superior SADDLES READY MADE, always on hand. tar Hides, and country produce generally, taken iu exchange for work. They return thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore exteded to them, and hope that their old patrons will continuo to patronize them. WM. GLASGOW, WM. I. STEEL. March, 18, 1852, Notice to Tavern Keepers. NOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inn! and Taverns within the county of Hunting , don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses 'ons of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on that day ' • and the licenses of such persons as shill disregard this injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to' the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coining to' the knowledge of the Court. By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. THEO. CREMER, Clerk. May 1., 1852, CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal purpo. see, consisting of Best quality FRENCH BRANDY, SC CONIAC BRANDY, " " HOLLAND GIS, " MADERIA WINE, " " LISBON WINE, " " SWEET WINE, SUPERIOR PORT WINE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for that pur. pose can he had at the cheap store of April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER. Encourage Your Own Mechanics! . 1 WEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully U announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, nt the old stand for merly occupied by Adams & Boat, a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau ches, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most approved style. They have on hand now several Buggies and Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work.. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at. tention to business, to merit a cOntinuance of the , same, under the new firm. We have come sec ond hand work which is of a good quality, which we will sell right. Give us a call. We wi:r sell low for cash. Huntingdon, May 1, 1852. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. McGILL Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the piddle generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to htt3iTICSS to merit a continuance of the same. lie would embrace the present opportunity of informing the public' that he is still prepared to furnish them with uli kinds of castings; he has STOVES of every aegeription, fur burning either wood or Coal, ouch as Cook, Parlor. Egg, Caution and Ten Plate stoves, together with za au as and Plough Irons 'lntl patterns used in the State. Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and. two horse power patterns of Chambersimg, nn , ! all other castings usually made at foundries, ail yi which will, be sold very low for cash. May, I, 1852. Lots ill Altooo=afor Male. • LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six inil,4 north of Holliduysburg,and aboutone mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in Said Tows will he open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main imhiceraent at this time in of fering Lots tor safe, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen; and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. Foi further information apply to C. H. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE Hollidaysburg. May 1, 1812—tf. ‘OUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twist FOWLING PIECES—aIso Singkrßarrel led Guna, from four dollars to thirty each, for sale by' J. & W. SAXTON. ---- 7 --- --- 7 -- A beautiful lot of Carpeting and Oil Cloths for sale by J. & W. SAXTON A splendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarfs, for 11. sale by J. & W. SAXTON. G OLD and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at E. Snare's. April 15,1852. RHEISTINE I B DOUBLE REFINED BYE UP, New Orleans, and S. H. Molasses, for sale Amin at the new genre of