Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 26, 1853, Image 3

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    Official Directairy tit Dant. Co.
Pr es ideal .Judge:
Hon. (3-En. TAYLOR, of Huntingdon.
associate Judges :
Hon. JUNO. M'WthuAms, of Franklin
Hun, T. F. STEWART, of West tp.
District altorney :
J. SEWEL STEWART, of Huntingdon.
Sheriff :
W. B. ZEIGLER', of Huntingdon.
Sheriff's Covizsel :
W. P. OanisoN,.Esq., of Huntingdon.
Prothonotary: •
Tim). H. ('REM ER, ESq., of Huntingdon.
Register, :
CAxpiwt.T,, of Henderson tp.
Coanly Commissioners:
ROBERT STITT. of Huntingdon.
SAMUEL WIGTON, of Franklin tp.
Commissioner's Clerk:
HENRY W. MILLER, of Huntingdon.
Commissioner's attorney :
JOHN REED, Esq., of Huntingdon.
auditors :
KENZIE L. GREEN, of Clay tp.
DAVID PARKER, of WartiOntllark.
JOHN MARKS, of Huntingdon.
Directors of Poor :
JAMES SAXTON, of Huntingdon.
JOHN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp,
GEO. HUDSON, of Clay tp.
Poor House attorney :
DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Poor House Treasurer :
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Deputy Surveyor:
WILLIAM CHRISTY, of Porter tp.
Coroner :
Court Crier:
SAMUEL S. SMITH, of Huntingdon.
N 0.9. If any of our readers ars afflicted with a
cough or cold. they should be persuaded at once.
to use Dr. J. W. Cooper's Indian Vegetable Cough
or Consumptive Syrup. Remember, dear reader,
that nearly nine-tenths of the eases of Consump
tion. proceed from a neglected cough or cold;
therefore, it is dangerous either to neglect them
or use uncertain remedies, therefore, we would
ndvise you to use Dr. J. W. Cooper's bait u
Vegetable Cough or Consumptive Ssrup, prepared
by C. P. Ilea cs, as it will he certain to perform
a cure. If yon take this Syrup at the commence
ment, one bottle (the cost of which is 75 cents)
may be the means of saving you dollars of Doctor
Bills, besides mouths of sickness.
For the convenience of the afflicted T. Read.
& Son, litintinc4n: Gee. W. Brechman,NcVey
town; and J. Al. liclthrd, Arittintown, hits been
appointed—by the Proprietor, C. P. Hewes—
ngents for the sale of this medicine . as well as
other valuable medicines, for the cure o 6 Rheuma
tism, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Worms, &c.
or The Stomach prepares the elements of the
bile lint! the blond; and if it does the work feebly
and imperfectly, liver disease is the certain re
sult. As 50011, therefore, as ally affection of the
liver is perceived, we may be sure that the diges
tive orgons are out of order. The first thing to
he done, ism administer is specific which will act
directly upon the stomach—the .mainspring of the
animal machinery. For this purpose we can re
commend 1100FLANOS German Bitters, prepar
ed by Dr. C. M..fackson. Philadelphia. . Acting
as an alterative and a tonic, it strengthens the
digestion, changes the condition of the blood and
thereby gives regularity to the bowels.
December 2. 1852. 3
HuNTINGnos, Jan. 25, 1853.
Flour, per bbl., $4,50 a $5,00
White Wheat, 1,00 cts per bu
Red .
Corn 4Aa5
Buckwheat, 40
Oats, 33
15 ets. per lb.
12i ~ c , cloz,
P . ot - atOes, per bu., 37i a 50
Beef, per cwt., - $4,00 a $5,00
Pork 66 4 , 5,50 a 6,00
Dry Apples, per bu., $l,OO
PIIILADELPIIT.I, Jan• 25, 1853.
Flour, per bbl., $5,50
White Wheat, per bp:, 1,20
Red ~ 4 , 4 , 1,15
Clover Seed, " ~ 5,15 a 6,00
On the 20th inst., at Stover's Place, by
Rev. Wm. Shade:ok, Capt. Wm. P. AT
FEY IO Miss JANE E. CONRAD, both of
Mechanicsville, in this County.
In Huntingdon, it, the Railroad Hotel,
On the 11th inst., by Rev. W. fa. Spotts l
wood, Mr. Wm. C. FOSTER to Miss SARAH
A. TURNBAUGH, all of this County.
Near Mannor Hill, on the 18th inst.. by
the saute, Mr. MAI:K. INIcDoNALn to Miss
MARY A. SMITH, all of this County.
In Hunting&n, at Jackson's Hotel, on
the 20th inst.,by the saufc Mr. GEORGE
13URLEY to ist; HANNAH kOCLURE, all
of Tyrone City.
. .
At Mo.Connellstown, on the 18th inst.,
Mrs ANN MARIA SIIRINEIt, aged 79 years
5 months and 8 days.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
I will sell or rent my farm, situate in Porter
township, within two miles of Petersburg, con
taining 141 Acres of limestone land, of which
100 Acres are cleared and in a good state of
cultivation. There is erected thereon, a good
House and Barn, all necessary improvements, and
also two good orchards. Persons wishing to buy
dr rent will call on the subscriber residing in Al
%snack's. PHILIP PIPER
Jan. 26,
Atlntinistrator's Notice.
Estate of ELIZABETH CRANE, late of Franklin
township, deed.
Let'ers testamentary on the above Estate hav
ing boon granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted will make ininicilintepaytuent, and those
having claims will present client duly authentica
ted for settlement.
Si►non & Gabriel Levi,
Respectfully announce to their friends and the
public in g' neral, they will open on Saturday
next at the old.
,sand' in Market Square, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, lately occupied by one
of the firm,
consisting of
DRY GOODS, of every.description, of the la
test styles and heat qualities.
GROCERIES of all kinds, fresh and of the
for men and boysofthe best material and veil
BOOTS AND SHOES—a large assormitat Of
coarse and fine.
HATS AND CAPS for men and hors.
. WARE &c.
all of which will be sold low, for cash or country.
The public generally, and the old customers ‘ of
8: Levi, in particular, are earnestly invited to
tall and examine the Goods and prices.
Jan. 26, '53.
,20,000 acres in exchange fi n • City Property, Mer
chandise or Cash. Apply to
Real Estate Brokers, 106 Walnut St.
Jan. 26, '53.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of en order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon enunty will he offered fur sale in the
Borough of Huntingdon on
Friday the 181 h day of February at 2 o'clock, P
the following described property, to wit:
the undivided twelfth part of a tract of good
limestone land, situated in Warriorsmark town
ship, Iluntingdon county, containg 306 Acres
and thirty-five perches, on which is an Ore Bank,
commonly called the Dorsey the Bank.
ALSO, the undivided fifteen-twenty-fourth
parts of that part of Lots Nos. 8,9, and 10, in
the plan of said Borough, which is described as
follows: Bounded on the east by lot No. 7, own
ed by Thomas Fisher. fronting on Allegheny
Street the extent of said three lots, also fronting
120 feet on Smith Street, and hounded on the
north by an idler ten feet wide, at the distance of
70 feet upon Hill Street to the extent of the same,
thence extending in breadth 47 feet from said alloy
to Hill Street, adjoining part of the said descri
bed two parcels on the west. nod said lot of Thom
as Fisher on the east, having thereon erected a
huge two story Stone and BHA Dwelling louse.
ALSO, the undivided hu ff part (Atha Brick
Building ni:ed as offices.
TERMS.—thie third Of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of saki and the residue in
two equal annnal payments thereafter, with inter
est, to he secured by the Bonds and Mortgage of
Admr's. of Oreenherry Dorsey. deed.
I will also, at the same time and place, offer
for sale all my interest in the Stone House pro
perty and Brick Offices, it being the resi due of
above property not advertised bw,the Administra
tors of Granberry. Dorsey, which ‘vill give the
pardoner a title to the whole.
Orphans' Court Sale.
virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, we will expose to Pub
lic Sale, upon the premises, ott FRIDAY TIIE 18TH
DAY OF Fkinnuanr, A. 1). 1853, the following
described real estate, late the property of John
Plummer, deceased, t iz
All that certain plantation and tract of land sit
uate ill Hopewell township, Huntingdon county,
and near to the lino of the proposed BROAD TOP
RAILROAD, adjoining lands of David liumhaugh,
James Entrekin, Leonard Weaver. Eli Plummer,
and others, containing about 224 Acres, more
or less, having thereon a two story log dwelling
house, a large frame bank barn, a saw mill and
other out buildings, and n good. orchard of frhit
ttees. It is amexcelbmtliroperiy and Fa a desira
ble location, of a line opportunity for in
vestment in one of the best tallies in the interior
of the State.
TERMS OF BALI;.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on confirmation of sale,
residue ill tan equal annual payments with inter
est, except so much as it shall he necessary to re
min on amount of the charge in furor oldie widow
of Eli Plummer, deed., which onto is to remain
in purchaser's him is until her death, interest up
on it to he paid to her annually, to be secured by
bonds mid mortgage!! inti.chltsn
ELI PLI. NI ER, Mined,
Janunry '26,1853.-4t
• • •
Orphans' Court Salo.
By virme of. order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will he . sold at public
i•endtto or outcry on the premises on
g/itu'rthig the 26th day of FebOary 1853 ;
the following. deserihed real Estate sittinted in
Springfield t(o.l.l)ip finutingdon county, the pro
perty of Peter Hess, late of the township and
county aforesaid, dec'd., to wit:
A certain rnessuage or to of land situated in
the township of Springfield, in the County of Hun
tingdon aforesaid, adjoining lands of thIITICS U.
. . . .
, fiCdden on the east and north, lands of Thomas
Sae. on the south, Richard Madden on the weq,
Joseph Parks on thh north-west, containing 130
Acreit nuire.oi less, about sixty acres 01 which
are cleared, with two log dwelling houres, and a
log horn theron erected.
TEIIMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on confirmation of Sale,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, td be secured Ice the
bond: and mortgage of the purchaser. Salo to
co:toilet:cc at I o'clock, afternoon of said day
when attendance will he given by
Adm.., with the Will annexed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26, 's3.—ts.
Orphans' Coirf Sale.
By virtue of an order clan Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon County, we will expose to public sale
on the pi einises on
TVedttesday the 16th day of February 1853,
the following described real Estate, late the pro
perty of Joshua Cox, dee'd., situated in the town
ship of Warriorsmark in Huntingdon County,
adjoining lands of the heirs of John Spitler, dee'd.,
lands of Samuel Stine, G. &J. IL Shoenberger,
John Copenhavec and others, containing 118
Acres more or Idss, and having thereon erected
a lug plastered dwelling house, two other entailer•
houses, a bank burn, and tA s tl A r necessary out
build igs.
It is au excellent property, in a convenient
and desirable location,, whera a market can IM
found ti,r all the products unite farm.
TERMS OF SALE —One third of the pur
chase motley to be paid on the conflrmatitin of the
sale one third in , one year, with interest, and the
residue thereof, to be paid, at the decease of the
widow, the interest thereon to be paid to her an
nually, and to be secured by Bowls and Mort
Orphans' Court Sale,
By virtue of an order of the Orphnns'.Court of,
Huntingdon county, there will be sold at public
vendue or outcry on the premises on
Friday the 25th day pf February 1853
the folim.ving described real Estate situated in
Clay township Huntingdon county,the property of,
Caleb M. Green, Tate of the township and bounty
aforesaid ; dee'd., to:witt • I
A certain tnessuage or parcel of land situated
in Clay township in the county of Huntingdon
aforesaid, hounded by lands ot.lonathan Green on
the west, land of George Hudson Esq., on the
north, by other lands of said deed., and of A. K.
Green on the east, and Ito other lands of A. K.
Green on, the south, containing IS3 Acres
niore.or less,.lthent tbrty arias of which are clear-
ed, with a log dwelling house, and a double pen
log bait thereon erected.
1, at the sidne.time and place, the one
undivided. half part of :too Acres of land ,sur
veyed in the name of T110111a• Green, adjoining
the land above mentioned and described On the
West and south, land of George Hudson Esq, on
the north, and other land of said deed., and of A.
K. Green on, the,east, situate in the CtiUnty and
township aiiiresaid.
A LSO, suite same time and place, the one
undecided half part of a parcel of 33 Acres of
mountain land, adjoining the land lust above men
tioned and described on the west, John Hopper on
the north, Jack's Mountain on the east, and the
land lint above described on the south, situate in
the county and township aforesaid.
A LSO, at the same time, on the p 1 emiseit, the
undivided two sevenths of a certain Sawmill with
the privileges and appertenances thereto belong
ing, situate in Clay township and county afore
said, called now Hudson's sawmill, and situate
and being on 0 certain piece or parcel of land now
owned by Geo: Hudson, Esq., adjacent to the
lands of the said dec'd., above described.
TERM OF SALE.—One. third of the pur
chase money to lie paid on Ctinfirtiration of the
sale, and the residue in-two equal annual pay
ments, thereafter, with interest, to he secured by
the bonds and mortgage.of the purchaser. Side
to emnmenee at 1 o'c lock, afternoon of said day
when attendance wilt be given hy. . •
M. i CA MPBELL, Clerk.
Jan. 26, .53.-41.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an alias order of the Otphans'
Court of the county of Huntingdon, there will Ws
sold at public vendue or outcry on the premises
Saturday the 26th day of February 1853,
the following described real Estate situated in
Cass township in the county of Huntingdon afore
said, the property of Mathias Miller, late of said
townspip and comity ilee'd., to wit:
A certain mcssuage and tract of hind situate in
Cass township in the county ut Huntingdon afore
said, bounded on the north-east by land of Amos
L. Smith, un the south-west by land of Henry
Dell, on the south by land of George Quarry, and
on the south-east by Rocky Ridge, containing
soo Acres more or less, fifty acres of which
are cleared and cultivated with a two story log
dwelling house and a small stable thereon erce
The said land is Patented, atfd is located in a
healthy and improving valley, 4 miles west of
Brewstm's Factory, and 6 miles south of :NI:11)10-
tun on the Penn's. Railroad.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase tnoncy to paid on confirmation of the
sale, the residue in tiro equal annual payMents
thovattier, to be secured by this feints end Nlurt
gage, of the purchaser. Sale to continence at
o'clock, afternoon of said day whets attendance
«•ill be given by
- Executor of Medlin, Miller.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Inn. 26,'93.-4t.
Orphans/ Court Sale,
nersuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of 111111tillp1011 County, the undersigned Trustee
appointed for that purpose, will expose to sale at
public, vendue on the premises on SATURDAY
THE 12711 DAY OF FEERUARY NEAT, the follow
ing described real Astate of Frederick Harman,
late of Cromwell township, in said county, deed.,
to wit: A tract of limestone land situate in said
township find ronnty, adjoining land late of Thom
as T. Croniii,lt, how occupied by John h leek, on
the west a n d south, land ofJolni 13olidger on the
east, land of William Oilliland on the north-east,
anti hind of Joshua Johns on the north containing
150 Acres, be the some more or less, about
We of which ore cleared. and in a good state of
cultivation, having thereon two Log Dwelling
Houses, it Log Bank Barn, Stable, and other
buildings and also an Apple Orchard.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to lie paid on the confirmation of the
sale, one third in one year thereafter, with inter
est from the confirmation, end the residue at the
death of the widow of said deed., the interest
thought, to be paid to her annually, told until her
death; which paytnents are to he secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Jan. 19, 1852.-4 t.
Attention, Lumberniezi
The undersigned offer for sale one of• Grouo
Mon's Second Class Portable Saw Mills, with a
fifteen horse power engine nttched, and in com
plete running ordc:. It was bought and put up in
June last, and the mill and engine is made of the
best material. This spill will cut 1000 feet oflatn
bar per hour, and is at present situated near Bald
Eagle Furnace, Blair Co. For further particu
lars enquire of E. L. Shultz, Bald Eagle Furnace
Jan. 19, 1852.-2 i,
S. L. Glasgow, Esq., having located himself.
with me in my office, will attend to my profession
al business during my absence r.t Harrisburg.
My clients can repose implicit confidence in
him, and can expect titithful and prominent atten
tion to any business they may hare to transact.—
Mr. G. is a young man of acknowled g ed niiiiity,
aweady with considerable legal acquirements, and
with unexceptionable moral habits.
S. L. Glasgow, Esq., haring established him
11011in the office with Col. S. S. Wharton, in Main
Street, near the Court House, will punetttally
tend to all legal business entrusted to his care.
Jan. 16, '53.-3t.
Notice to Contractors.
cIEALED proposals will be received, up to the
1.. 10th of February next, for making and,deliv,
°ring 200,000 Brick, and fur the building
of a Poor House on the farm near Shirleys
burg. Proposals will
,he received for making. add
delivering the Brick alone, or for furnishing the
Brick and all other materials, and erecting and
cOMpleting the Poor House altogether. The
Contractors to have the privilege of nicking the
Brick upon the Poor House farm, if the proper
material can be obtained on it—but this privilege
to extend to the clay alone. and Out to include
weed for burning or any thing elie. The plan
andoecificatious ran be seen at any time, at the
store of Jahn. Brewster, in Shirlcysburg, with
whout propusali can he left, or they may be hand
ed to either of the undersigned Directors.
MBE Commis,ioners of Huntingdon County
having purchased the Toll Bridge, near the
West end of the borough of Huntingdon, there
fore notice is hereby given to all persons indebted
to the Juniata Bridge Company, in said county,
by bond, note, or fir yearly subscriptions of toll,
to make payment of the same, without delay, to
JAMES G WIN, Treasurer.
January 19, 1853.
Foundry for Sale or Rent.
fIPHE old establish.' Stone roundry, 40
11 by 40 feet, Ware Room 30 ho 40 feet. En
giVe House 30 by 3.1 feet; Patterns for Cook
Stoves, 3 sizes—Patterns for Cook Stoves for
0.1 nod Wood. :3 sizes; Pmlor Stoves fir Wood
or Coal, 'fight Ai, Stores, Niochine
Patterns, Patterns for Egg Store, 4 sizes; and
for runouta for Forges and Rolling hills, Wagon
Box Pattern:, amnia!! Plough Ratterns,
Iron \Vasil Bettle , , with irvririety of other Pat
terns, and a large Lothe for turning Iron or Wood.
all iu goud order, • ••• . •
Apply to the subscriber. nt Alexandria, ••
January 12, 1853.
Are now offering at their Store and
Warehouse in Poratown,,
The moat extensive Stock of DRY-GOODS,
Grocerit 0, Class, Bard, and Queensware,
Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps and Ready
made Clothing,
' ever offered by one establishment in the county.
Their assortment is full and complete, and in un
surpassed in quality or elness, by any thing in
this market. Their ope you in the Grain and
Produce business are very heavy, rind are allcon
ducted 441 a cash principle. All kinds of mer
chantable grain are paid for in cash as soon ea
delivered, hod Pt the following advanced prices
viz: :, ••
White Wheat,
Read do,
Shelled Corn,
After the lint of April next, they will alaeon•
neet with their liusine,s, the•HUNTINODUN MILL;
they will pay cash tier all grain delivered to them
IV! their Mill and will cr, twice a week, on
Tuesday and Friday, all the family grinding en
trusted to their rare, without additional charge.
Jan. 12, 1852.—1 y..
Oilthau,l' Court Sale.
By virtue of en Order of the Orphatis' Conrt
will he sold at Public Vendue or Uatcry, on the
premises, ON FRIDAY THE 25TH DA or FEB
RUARY, 1853. a tract or parcel of land, late the
estate of Leonard Stelley, deed., situate in Bar
ren township, being the mansion tract, containing
101 Acres 'Aland, more or less. adjoining
lands of Nicholas Trontwine ' George Borst, Solo
mon flamer and Christian Gearheart; on which
is erected a log house and log barn. :mil about
95 Acres cleared thereon; the same being lime
stone land, with a good limestone spring in almost
every field.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of sale,
the balance in two equal annual payments with
interest, to 6r secured oy the bonds and mortgage
of the purchaser.
-13 y the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Atomdance given by A DA .NI S'I'EFFY.
Jan. 12, '53.-6t. Administrators.
•. In exchange for merchandize, 500 bushels of
dried npples, paired; 250 bushels of Peaches, "(-
paired. A. S. lIARRISON, & Co.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of GEORGE ROIIERTSON., late of Spring.
field tinvosidp, dee'd.
Letters Testmnctitary .on the above Estate,
haring been granted to the undersigned. all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them dUly au
thenticated for settlement.
THOMPSON sTAINs, 5 Executors,
Joh. 12, 1851-60 •
For Rent,
From the first of next April, the Brick House
in the east end of the Borough of Huntingdon, nt
present occupied by John A. King.
Also the Store Room in Market Street occupi
ed by Thaddeus Simonton.
limit. Jun. 5,'53.-3t.
cir Barnum end Beach have advertised that
they will issue a new weekly paper, called the Il
lustrated Nouns, at six cents per copy. the first
moldier having been advertised to appear on Sat
urday hot the IXtli in , t. It will he a,t la page,
tilled with literary matter,of the highe-t standard,
and a great moldier of large and handsome engra
vings. They sap theydntend to make it the hest
illustiated newstioper ia,the world. Their En
gravings are ititeaidgil to embrace views of Public
Buildings,. important Public Ceremonies. Histo
rical Events, American and Foreign Battle Fields,
so,ooo have heed set apart, to he speeially
devoted to the improvement 11111 d embellishment of
the paper. The Proprietors are H. 1). &A. E.
Beach, with I'. T. Barnum, as special' partner.—
The prices are as fellows, by snail :
One Copy per volume, $1,50
Four Copies, " 5;00
Ten " 10,00
Invariably in advance.
Address, Puldishers of the Illustrated News,
N. Y. City. The office is 128 Fulton Street.—
The enterprise is is great one. hut the publishers
have the energy, enterprise, ability and means to
carry it oat successfully.
New Goods and New Prices.
A. S. HARRISON, & Co., have jest opened
a magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store
Goods, at their new store room in Portstown.
,Their stock is entirely new, and consists of
nll of which will be sold at the lowest rates for or exelinuged fin• country produce.
4,1 - I'he highest price given ut all times for
every description of merchantable grain.
Broad Top_Depot, Dec. 30, 1852.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of MARGARET MRA/ta, late of Morris
township, dec'd.
Letters Testamentary on the shove Estate,har
ing been grout, d to the undersigned. all per
sulle indebted will.make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
D. I'. TUSSEY, )
WM. CALDWELL, 5 Executors,
Dec. 23, '52.-01.
Blasting Powder and Safety Fuse always
band and for oak at the cheap store of
Will he sold at Private Sale, a farm situated in
Woodcock Valley, 14i miles from Huntingdon,
and 2 miles from Marklesburg, and' litioNVl; as the
Sm.llman '
Tract. It consists'of MO Acres
of lamb of which afloat 250 acres are cleared,
fenced, and under cultivation, and the balance is
well timbered. The property is well watered,
several streams passing through it. Neirly" the
whole tract is Limestone Land and can be made
to yield largely. The improvements are Three
Dwelling Houses and n Barn. . .
A large portion of the purchase mooed will he
allowed to remain secured by n mortgage on the
property. . ,
. . .
Apply to Miles & Dorris, Huntingdon, or Jacob
Creswell. Trough Creek.
N. B. The land is patented. Possession will
be given on the ist of April next.
Huntingdon Dec. 16, '52. -tr.
HAVING , provided himself with n new O ffi ce,
adjoining the hire residence of his tether, Dr.
jomr HENDEnsoN, respectfully tenders his Pro.
feSsionul services, as herendbre, to the public.
Uuntingdon, Due. 2, 1852.
NO. 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh.
Pitticitlar •attention paid to the sale of Blooms
and Pig Metal, and CASH advances made.
I)ee. 9,'52.-Ip. .
At The Cheap Cash Sr Produce Store of
James Slicker.
The undersigned, encouraged during the past
year, by the very liberal patronage of a discern
ing politic, has made permament arrangements
fur receiving. from the &worn Cities. FRESH
GOODS I!, VERA' MONTH! His stock of Gro
ceries, Drags, Confectionares, Boots & Shoos, Li
quors, Notions, atm general varieties, is now ex-1
tensive and eom!lete, of the very finest quality,
and sold wholesale or retail, at hevery lowest
figures for cash or country produce.
Dee. 2, 's2.—ly.
$1 00,
gthall I arm rot Sale'.
substriliet offers, at private Sc)?. the
Rideciand Farm of 90 acres, on whichlte now re
sides. in Henderson township, one : mile north
east of Huntingdon. The land is of the hest
quality of slate, all tillable, and 'well watered,
about 40 acres are in good cultivation, the rest
well timbered. A new, commodious, and neatly
finished frame house and log stable; and a fine
Orchard ofyonng apple and peach trees—mostly
grafted fruit—are on the premises. Intending to
move west•in the spring, I am determined to sell
on reasonable terms.
Oct. 15, '52.-3m.
Fall and Winter Clothing
A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from
the east with a large and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
tube dressed better and cheaper than any body
elso in town, let Ida' call at WILLOUGHBY'S
Clothing Store, WIC door West of Thos.
Reed & Son, dreg store in Huntingdon. Cull and
see for yourselves. October 21, 1852.
Have just received the most magnificent suPPIYor
•• • -
,Fall and' Whitey Goods
ever ofibred to the citizetts4,kluntingdon. .They
consist of every variety Of Dress Goods. 'such..
Silk Dress Plit,rns, - 'Jain and - figured--Merinos;
Pannone Cloth. Muslin de hole, Alp:l,w of
Ibrent eolOrs . , Lustvgs, be., &c., and every
thing in the :Amp orbidies' Dress Goods. Also,
Black Silk, Bonnet Silk. Sask Flannels of every
variety and color; Cloths, Cassiniere and' Vesting
of every variety and color. Sattinetts at all prices.
SOO pieces assorted Long Shawls, Thihett
Shawls, Minding, Gingham, Flannels, Carpets,
Carpet hags. Gent. Cravats, Ladies Collars; La
ces, Bonnet Rilions. Feathers, Linings, Gloves
of every variety; Ladies Dress Trimmings, Alas
tin, Tippets, Muffs, Bonnets, German Hoods,
Hoziery, tte.
the best assortment...ever gitirreti ih this place.
• . . Q1.14NE...W411E, • ,
a beautiful assortumnt of every variety and at ex•
cectlingly low'priccs.
such as Grain Loather, and courset. rogan Bents.
Also—all Mils df Ladics and GeollSbocs; please
call and examine our stock.
HATS and CAI'S, •
No. I Moleskin - Bats. No. 2 Moleskin Hats, and
an endless variety of Caps ror Men and Boys.
at such pikes so Calttiot fair to please the most
Etstidious. Also—every other article, such as
are comtnonly kept in a country store, which we
aro selling lower than any other lua t ,,e In town or
country; call and see. We are determined to sell
MI our old stock at cost, rounder. [oct. 14.'52.
11. S NI I
November 18, 1812.
Just Arri*ed,
One of the best and largest selected stocks of
Boots and Shoes in Ilantinedon. Alsti fall us
sorttnent of Gum Shoes, of all sizes, at the new
store of J. Bluetit:a.
Nails, MI kinds and sizes, for sale nt the now
store of ,/. I.3l;irker.
, Fresli Cheese always on handand Mr sale
at the new st,:re of J. 'kicker.
JosErn DOUGLASS, in NI !Cotmellstown,
has constantly nn hand 4 and is' prepared 'to
make and repair GUNS of all kiwis at the sheet
est notice. Noe. 25. '52.
H I DES, • taken in exchange tnruntaf,' at
the Cheap Store of ..1. BRICKER.
fir Linseed Gil ; 20 -kegs plIl - 0 White Lead.
Jersey Window Glass and rutty, for sale at the
store of GEO. G t~•tta,
AVEIiY large lot of BOSOM P/S.S . ,
d• ItE I'S for the ladle. at ELM. SNARE'S.
er 20 bls. No. 1 herring, for
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pal
trous, and to the Public generally, fur their pa
!l-tillage, still continues to carry on at the !anis
stand, one door east of Mr. C. Cout's Hotel, Mar
-keVstreet, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all,who,will favor him with their custom. and al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of WArcnki,
CLOcits. JEWELRY, &c., &e., all of which lie is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watehei and Jewelry of ell kinds will
he rei aired at short igri having made ar
rangements witlt a good womnion. all repairs u ill
be done in 11 neat and durable milliner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing shall have
them tidal, at therireeive time. 13y paYing strict
attention to boiness, ithdyejlipg at kc v rates, ha
hopes to receive a share ormißlie patecinage.
1852.—1 y.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7,
To his old frimis, ant the•Poblic Greeting. •
Wherms I have just ntur:ted front the Fast,
with a full supply of " '
Ready Made ciothipt •
for Men and aiyo—l ant prepared to itch
COMA, from $2,50, t0.514.9u.
Pants, from $1.75. to $5.00.
Vc,ts, from 75 cents, to $5,00.
Shirts, rind Shirt Collars. lists, Cops, Gloves,
Suspenders, &e. Sc. , of all sorts. ,fr sizes, at prices
to suit all purchasers. Coll and examine, before
you boy, at the Old Stolid in Morket Street.
Huntingdon, October 21, 1852.
Republication of the
For any one of the four Reviews, • • 5300•
For any tiro do. • • 5 00.
For nor three do. • • 7 00.
For all four of the Reviews, P 00,
For Blackwood'a Mat; mine.
For Blackwood and three Ret•iewa, • • 9 no.
For Blackwood and.the four Review l.O 00.
LROIC'ARD SCOTT & CO., Pnt•liahera,.,
79 Fulton street, entrance 54 Gold straet,
New York•
i f Axt *,
.0/ 4 'Y)
• •"-
£ / kv • ' 7- 1
( 3414 )
The piiblic are hereby informed that the sub.
scriber has leased that populdr and well known
store room in the Elephant building. opposite tbo
Railroad Hotel, where he has just received and
opened the latest and hest supply of
in town. His stock consists of every variety n
WIENS WARE, BOO7'S, SHOES, &c.. &c.,
all or which will he sold low for the "dust," ur
exchanged for country produce. , ,
Ladies and gentlemen are re.t , ectftiliy invited
to call and "see the Elephant," at•least, as no
charge is made for exhibitifig thiSimimat -- • - • •
October 14, 1852,
in the ',wire and' Splendid Stock of Watches,
and. Clocks, just opened by
• He has by far the most extensiv . e and best tel
IN.ted lissortment ever• brought to Hun tingdml;
elimprising Geld and Silver Watches. (Hunting
Watches, Patent J.evers, Anchors, Lennie, and
Quartiers.) Fob. Vest and Guard Chain's: Finger
Wild Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Cuff anti Scarf Pins,'
Casils, Seals. Kern, Pencils,' Silver
Table Ware, Coral Beads, Spectacles, Geld Pens,
Fine Knives, Pert Monaies, and an endless vari
ety of Fancy Gseds.
Person; having fine Watchea and Jewelry
needing repairing. can confidently leave them nith
him, its lie Inn• employed one of the heat workmen
in ie State". Work WA ItttAli • TED.
IL I. 14. 1852.
66 All the World and the Rest of
• •
lins jest received frion the F,astetn Cities a largo
and splendid assortment of fresh . .. •
PALL and WINTER 6003)0,
nt his "LI +tand in Market Squnre, where he will
Fie 1,10401,1 to see his old customers, and the pub•
lie uenerally.
His Goods were selected to suit this mnrket,
and he is determined to sell on terms to suit pur
llis assortment consists of D:RY-GOODS,
Groceries, Queensware,
Hats and Caps, Glassware,
Boots and Shoes, Vardtvare, dt.c.
MO a 14reat variety of Got.As of ali kinds.
Peeling thankfni for pagtffivortl, lie hopes, by ,
itrict attentibn to kindness, to merita continuance
.of the same. • Oct. 14, '52.
I was one of the many of Our citizens who
were attracted by the "Grand Exhibition," ofoue
neighbor Charles S. Black. Eeti,ontil I of conrso,
intended the opening exhibition, lam also one
of the few who tonierstinni the +elite Ofn god'
newspaper: Being therefore •'booked ,4't' ill the
titeloottil the it ice of the treat, and tttotiotte th
impart - substantnil knowledge to•llte under Stand.
inysof lift u cighbor, I taco tltu tikihthl
to to von wool hove yew 'Soles ti eel
cored fur, cull at Black's, and examine his stock
of Unites, and Gentleni2it's,' Ames anti Loots, be
warrants the work not rip; and stitches withUllt
charge frit &es. Neighbors try hiui.
11.7 Mt"' ft I AN 14,1P52.
litho, Old thus! irarro 0r...4 cooing tot . .
Stand from under: keep your bouts, goutleir.rn,
you +ilium Le liort—l tueroly•wirir t, say) to all the
world awl the , t of nialikindMat I have at the
Diolid 1:4, Droor. near the Juniata Bridge. and
will he ' , , ',. : , Ml, ItAltIS, SHOULDERS;
MACE 1,. SA LT, OATS, &.e. • If youth* ) ;
beliove. t0i11,; , , sub bee.' A. S. li4KAISON.'
tho store