Mails sent unpaid, $31,034 66 Mails sent paid, 24,707 31 -------55.741 97 Total for the rear, 103,266 6r. Collected in Canada, 53,179, 26 Collected in U. S., 50,084 39 Postage on mails between the U. States and New Brunswick, 8,812 ;)6 Collected in the United States, 4,562 68 Collected in New Brunswick, 4,249 78 The extra allowance for 1852, paid to postmas ters under the act of 1851, was $456,594. Surplus commissions to post masters have accrued at four offices, viz New York, Chicago, 111., Washington, D. C., llarrisburg, Total surplus commissions, $87,418 Duo from postmasters in adjustment of yearly accounts, $2,992,996. The aggregate number of letters, news papers and circulars, &c.,delivered by let ter carriers in New YorkPhadelphia, Bos ton, Baltimore and N. Orleans, $5,892,536. Amount received by carriers, $104,355. Letters received in theabove cities Washington & S. Francisco, 21,232,923 Number sent from same places, 127,903,769 Amount paid for transportation during tho year, 4,225,311 28 Of which for regular service, 3,457,131 09 Route agents,9l,93s 83 Supply specia offices, 103,016 87 Foreign mail transportation, 166,660 64 Now York to Bremen, 151,000 00 New York to Havre, 50,000 00 Chagres to Havana, 17,003 52 Across Panama, 74,534 75 Liabilities of transportation in former pears, 114, 012 28 The letters paid and unpaid; during the fiscal year, were very large:—Udpaid do mestics, 32,672,765 ; paid in money, 18,- 448,510 ; by stamps, 31,897,710 ; free let ters, 3,148,000; drop.leters, 973,134; con veyed by European steamers, 4,421,547 ; number conveyed to Havana, 99,392; num ber convoyed to California, 1,495,537 ; of dead letters unpaid, 2,635,909. Total, 95,790,524. No less than 87,710,490 newspapers passed through the mail; 7,073,- 548 were exchange newspapers. Between four and five millions of letters were con veyed by the following lines . Cunard, 2,- 758,096; Collins, 963,672; Bremen 354,- 470; Havre, 345,289; and by the Bremen, 942,950 newspapers; by Collins, 280,974 do. Postage from Cunard, $565,572 ;by Collins, $228,867; by Bremen line, $77,- 219; by the Havre line, $80,804. Total, $952, 464. Collins and Cunard collected in the United States, $168,615 93. No. 1 We copy the following from the Phila delphia Ledger, of Saturday, June 9th, 1852: We call the attention of our renders who may he afflicted with Consumption, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, or Rheumatism, to Dr. J. W. Coop er's N , ledicines, fir the cure of the above mention ed diseases. [They are prepared only by C. I'. Hewes, he. Ilnving purchased the. Recipes and Sole Right of Sale for them all.] When it is remem bered that Dr.J. W. Cooper is the far-finned and, renowned INDIAN HERB DOCTOR, who late ly resided in Philadelphia, end who was,. distin guished above all others, fur the wonderful and almost miraculous success of those medicines, we feel confident that no person, who may be raided with any of the close mentioned diseases, will fail to he cured, if they will give these mediehfes a fair trial. We, ourselves, know a number of cases where they have succeeded in effecting com plete and permanent cures, otter all other Dottors and all other Medicines hail failed. We give be low a list of these Medicines, via: Dr. J. W. Cooper's Indian Vegetable Cougli, Or Consumptive Syrup, fur the cure of Coughs. Colds, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, CONSUMMON, and all other diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Dyspepsia Bit ters, for the cure of Dyspepsia. Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Compound Fever and Ague Pills. They are a cure for Fe ver end Ague in three clays. Qr. J. IV. Cooper's Vegetable Rheumatic DrAbs. This inedicine is positively a certain and never failing remedy for Chronic, Sciatic, Ltfin matory and Mu-curial Rheumatism. Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Worm Pow ders. A certain, safe and effectual Worm Exter minator, and pleasant for children to take. Dr. J. W. Cooper's Vegetable Anti• Dyspepsia Pills; for COSTIVENESS or Irregularity of the Bowels: and for all diseases requiring n purgative these Pills cannot be surppassed. They operate without causing the slightest pain. For the con venience of the afflicted I'. Rend, & Son, Iluntingdon; G. W. Brehtnnu, MeVeytown; and J. M. Belford, Mifflintown; is agents for the stile Of Dr. J. W. Cooper's medicines, and of whom the genuine can be obtained. gir The Stomach prepares the elements of the bile and the blood; and if it does the work feebly it'd imperfectly, liver disease is the certain re 'suit. As soon, therefore, as any affection of the liver is perceived, we may be sure that thediges tive organs are out of order. The first thing to he done, is to administer a specific which will act directly upon the stomach—the mainspring of the animal machinery. For this purpose si•c con re commend 1100FLAND'S German Bitters, prepar ed by Dr. C. M. Jacked'', Philadelphia. Acting as an alterative and a tonic, it strengthens the digestion, changes the condition of the blood and , thereby gives regularity to the bowels. December 2, 1852. 3 THE MARKETS. HUNTINGDON, De . 22, 1852. Flour, per bbl., - 4,60 a $5,00 White Wheat, 90 ots per hit. Red " 85 Corn,\ 45 a 50 ( Buolwheat,l ; L '4O Oats, ' ,N , 33 Butter, .. ' 15 ots. por lb. Tallow, ; 10 bard, " s • 10 Eggs, 121 " " doz. Potatoes, per bu., 371 a 50 Beef, per owt., $4,00 a $5,00 Pork " " , 5,50 a 6,00 f Dry Apples, per bu., $l,OO (PittLtDii.rittA, Dec. 15,1852. Flout; per • - 7 - "" 15,50 White Wheat, per bu., , • 1,17 Red tt 1,10 t!invor ;4(.1. " 6,00 a 6,50 MARRIED. On the 9th inst. ' by Rev. J. B. Wil limas, Mr. DA ID BORINO, to Mies ZA MA ANN GRADY, both of this county. On the 16th inst., by the Rev. Win. M. Deatriok of Huntingdon, MR. NICHOLAS DECKER, to MISS ELISABETH HEIFNER, both of Walker township, Hunt. Co. On the 23d inst. by Rev. B. E. Collins, S. L. GLASGOW, Esq., of Huntingdon, to HARRIET M., daughter of John Brewster, Esq., of Shirley. On Wednesday, 22d inst. by Rev. David Williadis, MR WILLIAM M. BELL, to Mlsi REBECCA M. SMELKER, all of this Co. On the 25th inst. by Daniel Africa, Esq., MR. THORNTON TROUTS , to Miss MAttOA RETA BROUGH, both of Blair tio., P. $30;332 1,994 2,954 2,138 On the 16th inst. by Rev. Mr. Elliot, MR. ELISHA SHOEMAKER, to Miss MARY Mossmt, all of this County. til ith the above we received a large and luscious wedding CAKE, for which the for tunate groom and his happy biide please accept our thanks and best wishes far their health and prosperity. WANTED, at this Office, a load of sound, dry wood, either hickory, oak, or yellow pine. Will some of our subscribers bring us a load SOON I NEW STORE, New Goods and New Prices. A. S. HARRISON, & Co., have jtist Oliened a magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store Goods, at their new store room in rortsfown. Their stock is entirely new, and consllts of , DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, •MA SS, HARD & QUEENSWARE, READY MADE CLOTHING, VARIE TIES AND NOTIONS, &c., all of which will be sold ut the lowest rates 'fol• cash or exchan ged for country producb. er* The highest price givitti at all times for even• description of merchantable grain. Broad Top Depot, Dee. 30,1852. TOWN PROPERTY ! VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on Wednesday the 12th day of January next, on the premises, that valuable and well :improved Lot of Ground situate in Allegheny or Railroad street, in the borough of Huntingdon, on which he now resides, and on which is erected a BRICK BWELLINR HOUSE, and a Blum BUILDING adjoining, suitable tir any mercantile purpose, having a gs t al Store ittgim and Ware house Room extehdlit back to thb Canal, with a good well of water, a Brick Cement Cistern, au Ice House, and all ether convenient out buildings; in excellent repair. TEnms.— One third in hand, and the remaining two thirds in two equal annual payments with in terest—to he secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. LOUIS SCHNEIDER. December 30, 1852.—t5. 1,000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED, To SELL PICTORIAL Agri) USEEU - L WORKS FOR THE YEAR IBM. $l,OOO Dollars a rear WANTED, in every County in the U. States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men (Ago:oft address, possessing a smell capital of from $25 to . $l,OO, such induce ments will be uttered as to enable them to make from $3 to $5 a day profit. or The Books published by ti. 4 ire. all useful in their character, extremely popular, and command large sale, wherever they are (Awed. For further partienlors, address,, (postage paid.) ROBERT SEARS. Pr ntasnfin, ISI William Street, New York Dec. 50, 1852. Dissolution of Partnership; The Partnership heretofore existing hitii , eim Cunningham & Creswell, in the Commission and Forwarding business, at Waterstreet has been this day (Dec. 13,'53.) dissolved by ttttt tnal consent, all persons having, had dealings with mid firm, will please call and settle their accounts with eith er of the Partners at the old stand. J. J. CUNNINGHAM & J. CRESWELL. The bnsiness'w•ill be =ilea be at the old stand and on the same terms by the subscriber.- J. J. CUNNINGHAM. Hunt. Dec• 22.'52.-3t.• STRAY HEIFER. Came to the residence of the subscriber, in Porter township, about the last ofJune, a Stray Heifer, about three years old. 'the owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. LOUIS SNYDER . Dec. 23, '52,-3t. Executor's Notice. Estnte Of MARGARET MEARS, lee of Aldrris township, dee'd, Letters Testamentary on the above Estate,hav ing been grant, d to the undersigned, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. • I). I'. TITSW , S, ? WM. CALDWELL, S Executors. Dec. 23, '52.-6t. FARM FOR SALE. Will be sold at Private Sale, n farm situated in Woo6ock Valley, l 4 miles from Huntingdon, and 2 mites from Marklesburg, and known as the SinnMan ' Tract. It consists of S5O Acres of land, of which about 250 'acres are cleared, fence.', and under cultivation; and the balance is well timbered. The property is,.well watered, several streams passing through it. Nearly the whol4 tract is Limestone Land and can be made to yield largely. The improvements are Three Dwelling Houses and a Barn. A large portion of the,purchase maned will he retinal] secured by a mortgage on the property. Apply to Miles & Dorris,Thatiiigdon, or Jacob Crseswell, Trough Creek: N. B. The land is patented. ,Possession will be given on.the lssof April ttext. Huntingdon I)ee. 16, '52.-tf. Administrator's Mice; HMSO of NICHOLAS TROUTWINE, late of Barre.; township, Huntingdon co., dee'd. T ETTER S of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on the above Estate, all persemr-knowing themselves tndebted will make immediate payment, mut-those haying claims will present them duly nethenticated for settlement. DANIEL TROUTWINE, SOLOMON TROUTWINE, • Administrators. December 16,'52.-6N 0 Yes! 0 Yes! 0 Yes! AUCTION At Billy Stewart's, on Railroad Street. The undersigned having determiend to close business and leave Huntingdon, will offer his en tire stock of new and seasonable Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and. Cloth ing, Glass, Queeiisware, Hardware, &c , AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to commence on the first Monday of the January Court, and continue from day to day, and front night to night, till all is sold. Nothing will be reserved that will sell for anything near first cost! I will also offer, at the same time and place, all my town property, including the old Business Stand, on Railroad Street, with Dwelling, Ware house, Store Room, &c. On the real estate, but a small part of the purchase money will be requir ed in hand, and the payments be made easy to suit the times. WILLIAM STEWART. N. B. I would use this occasion, once more to call on those indebted to save costs by settling their accounts before I leave town; and request those having claims to present them for payment. Hunt. Dec. 23, '52.-3t. W. S. The Kriss Kriugle's About. EDMUND SNARE has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, which he will sell below all ex pectation. Persons wishing to "get their money back" would do well by culling upon him. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. in and for the county of Huntingdon, at January Term, 1853. The petition of William Christy, of the borough of Alexandria, in the township of Porter, and the county of Huntingdon, respectfully showeth : That lour petitioner is provided with the ma terials fur the accommodation of strangers and travelers at the old tavern stand in the borough of Alexandria, and prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and tour petitioner will pray, &c. WILLIAM CHRISTY. We, the siibsbribers, citizens of the borough of Alexandria ). 4o certify that the above petitioner is ofgood repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences fdi the accommodation of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain travelers or strangers, &c. N. Cresswell, John N. Swoope, Owens Pat terson, James 'Vacant, Nicholas Isenberg. James S. Fleming, James Foster, John Bisbin, B. Atli ertone; John Uayhagen. E.. Kline, Pliilip,.Piper, Francis Cornier, Michael Richardson. Dec. 16. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Jitdges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Huntingdon, January Term, 1853. The Petition of John Stahl, of Morris township, Huntingdon county, hereby showed,: That your petitioner !Wit provided himself with materials for the accommodation of strangers, travel Ire and others, at his Dwelling House in the village of Shaffersville, township & county athrcsaid, which for the last two years was kept by himself, as a Public House of entertainment, and prays that your Ilunm•s will be pleased to grant him a Li cense to keep and 'continue the same as a Public House of entertainment, and your petitioner will ever pray, &c. JON STAHL. We the subscribers, citizens Of Morris townihip, do certify that the above petitioner is of good re pute fot honesty and temperance, and is well, provided with house rosin and conveniences for the accom modation of strangers, travellers, and others, and trial said Public noose is necessary to accomodate the public and entertain strangers or travel lA. R. Kifillead, .r. B. m ptpn, Wil liam Davis, S. Charletou, John Divers. Geo. Haupt, Jossiah Fetterhoof, George W. Walter, James Russell, Philip Welter, Joseph Shelter, Jeremiah Berry, George Keller, Alex. MeClintiek. PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the County of Huntingdon, lie. January Session. 1853 Your petitioner respectfully showed), that he is well provided with house room, and all other con veniences for the accommodation of the public and entertaining of strangers and travelers, at the house now occupied by him, and formerly men- MO by Michael Sissler as a licensed Inn or Tav ern, in the borough of Alexandria. He therefore, prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep an lea or Tavern in said house, for the ensuing year, and he pray, &c. P. WA TEEM We, the undersigned, eiti.ens of the borough of A'exandria, in which the above Inn or Tavern is proposed to be kept, do hereby certify, that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers; and that Patrick M'Ateer, the above petitioner, is a parson of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and all ne cessary conveniences for the accommodation of the public, and entertaining of strangers and travelers. Nicholas Isenberg, John Bisbin, Samuel Isen berg, Jacob Hoffman, Abraham Piper, Benjamin Cross, Wm. Kemp, John R. Gregory, David Wil son, James S. Fleming, James Yocum, Francis Conner, Adam Seanor, George H. Fleming, John Piper, jr., B. Atherton, Joseph Piper, Carns Pat terson, B . J. Williams. Dec. 16, PRO( LAMATION. Wnttitac.,s by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1852, under the hands and spais.of the Huai. George Tayla, President.of the Court of Conimon Please, Oyer and 'rerminer, and gener al jail delivery of the 9th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona than McWilliams, his assomates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to bear try and determine all and every in dictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death and other offences crimes nod misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes atbresaid—l am commanded to snake pub lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will he held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 10th day) of Januar) , next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall he, ust, and ihat nit Ju s tices of the Peace, Coronors and Constables within said county be theta and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Sakti day, with their records, in quisiuons eiclurimisiOns and remembrances. to do those ihings which to their offices respectfully appertain._ Dated at lluntingdon the 11th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1852, and the 76th year of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. DR. M. A. HENDERSON, Ly AVI NO provided himself with amen, Office, I adjoining the litte residence of his father, Dr. 1.70155 118NormsoN, respectfully tenders his Pro fessional services, as heretofore, to the public. Huntingdon, Dec. 2, 1852. plaiiting Powder and Safity Fain always on band and for sale at tbe cheap store of J. BRICKER. REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice lo hereby given to all persons interested that. the following named persons have settled their accounts in the ltegister's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Or phans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon ' in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12511 day of January next. 1. David Walker, Administrator of David Peightal, late of Barren township, dec'd. 2. Benedict Sievens Rsq., and William Rut ter, Administra)oreofJohn Rutter, late of Crom well township, dee'd. , - 3. Mordecai Chileote, Athilinistrator of John Chileote„,late of Cass township„deol. 4. Simon P. Maloy, surviving Administrator of 'Esther Logan, lute of Cromwell township, dec'd. 5. Peter Shaffer and William Shaffer, Biwa. tors of the last will of John Shaver, late of Mor ris township, dee'd. 5. Robert Mcßurney, Guardian of Ahetta Stall, minor child of JOstalt Ball, late of Jackson town ship, clee'd. 7. Thomas Araersiiii, Administrator of John Sheeder, late of Tod township, dee'd. 8 Milton Montgontery, Admin;strittor of So. rah Stewart, late of West townshipo dec'd. 9. Thomas L. States, actingg 41ihiijuistrator of Joseph Stewart, late of the 313 . drough of Hunting don dee'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. Register's Office; Huntingdon, Dec. 16, 1852. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. will he exposed to sale at public vendue, at the court house in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 11th day of January, 1853, at 1,0 o'clock, A. M the following described property, to wit: . All the right, title, and interest of John Ramsey, in and to a lot of ground in Spring field township, Huntingdon county, eon tithing one half acre of ground, bounded by lands of Robert Madden and school house lot, having thereon erected a one and a half story frame weather boarded house, &c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Ramsey, (of B.) ALSO—AII the right, title, and interest of defendant, George Murrits; in and to a tract of land; in Henderson township, Hun tingdon county, containing 266 acres, be the same more or less, having thereon er ected two-two story log houses 2 log barns, about 80 acrbs cleffred and in a state of cultivation, adjoining lands of the estate of Alexander Gwin, Esq , dec'd., and land of Elisho. Shoemaker, with the apptirterfarnces, &e. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George- Murrits. .LSO—AII the right, title, and interest bf Elias Hoover, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Cromwell township,. Huntingdon county, bounded on the northi by lands of Andrew Hegie, D. Blair, Robinson & Co., on the east by lands of Blair,Robinson, & Co., on the south by lands f Locks, and on the west by the Blackleg Mountain, containing three hundred acres, more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Elias Hoover. ALSO—A tract, or piece of land, in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, containing 69 acres, more or less, about 45 acres of which are cleared and cultivated, adjpining lands of James M. Sankey and James Porter, having thereon erected a two story log house, a log berti.end other im provements— the property of Defts. Siczed, taken in cxccuticn, and to be sold as the property of William Sankey and James M. Sankey. ALSO—Two lots of ground in the town of Warrioremark,as the property of Abed uego Stephens, bing on the corner of the street or roads, one of which leads from Spruce Creek to Phillipsburg, and the oth er from Birmingham to Pinegrove, and ad joining a lot of Dr. H. K. Neff on the north-west, having thereon a two story Store House on the corner, and a two sto ry Dwelling House. on the lot adjoining Dr. Neff, both weatherboarded and painted white, with c ther necessary; buildings and a stable—Also an out lift adjoining said town, containing 6 acres, taste or less, in a good state of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Abednego Stevens. ALSO—AII Deft's right, title, and in terest in and to a tract of land in Jackson township, Huntingdon County, containing twenty-nine acres, about twenty of which are cleared egg under fence, having there on erected a Log House two stories high, and a log barn, adjoining lands of Solomon Iljamer on the north, and on the west by lands belonging to the estate of Leonard Steffey, dee'd., of Samuel Rudy on the, south, and on the east by lands of the es- 7 tate of Leonard Steffey—Also erie other tract in Barree township, containing 15 acres 12 or 13 of which are cleared and udder fence, adjoining land of Nicholas Troutwine on the east; Christian Gearhart on the west, of Solomon Hamer',pti the north, and lands of Thomas Logan on the south. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Michael Steffey.., , WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Deo. 16, '52. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed by, the Judges of the Common Please of the coda.) , of Huntingdon, bearing test the 11th day of Decereber 1852, lam commanded to make . Public Proclamation throughout Inv whole baili wick, that, a Court of Common 'Pleas will he. held in thet ioart House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and 17th day) of Jan., A. p.; . iftsfc'folthe trial of all issues in said Court,, which remain' Undetermined before the said Judges, whoa and where,p,ll jurors, witnesses, and suitors , in the trial of all issues are required to appear. Dated at linidingdon, the llth'clat,of December, in, the t ear 9f our Lord 1852, and the 76th year of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Due. 16,'52. VERY large lot of BOSOM PINS, A CUP PINS; EAR RINGS, PENCILS j• KEYS for the ladies nt EDM. SNARE'S. FERNIICE FOR RENT. THE subscriber will rent his Furnace, fur one or more years, on such terms, as shall he an indocenient to those desirous to enter into the bu siness. EDWARD FURNACE la situated in Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, miles from the Pennsylvania Canal; and connected with it there am tenant houses, enough to accommodate the necessary hands—Wood con venient and plenty—Fossil Ore in abuntlance, within one fof a mile, and other c),,n 2 mil es from tho Furnace; ell the Banks well opebta en d in good working order. Inquiry can be made oc Martin Bell, B. F. Bell, A. K. Bell,.Blair cowl ty; John S. Isett, Spruce Creek; A. W, Benedict, Huntingdon, or of the subscriber, at Vinyard Mills, or Wm. M. Bell, Edward Furnace. Pus. session given immediately. SAMUEL 11. BELL. Win. M. Bell will sell Eight Males, ,111orses, Carts, Ore Cars, Wagons and Beds, all the „nu merous articles about a Furnace. Tilt Mule team is a very excellent one A years old. Apply to WILLIAM M. BELL, Dec. 15, '52.-3t. Edward Furnace. NOTICE To the Stockholders of Me Huntingdon and Broad Top .Mountain Rail Riiad and Coal Company. In pursuance of the Act of incorporation, and of the general Act of Assembly regulating Railroad Companies, the undersigned, Commissioners of said Company who have acted, hereby give no tice, that * they have appointed Monday the tenth day of January, A. D. 1553, between the bodmof nine o'clock, A. M., and five o'clock, fur the subscribers to the Capital Stock, of said Company to meet at the Court House, in.tho Borough of Huntingdon, for the purpose of organizing the said Company, by the election of NINE directors, one of whom is, at the same time, to be chosen as President. J. G. Miles, A. P. Wilson, Thomas Fisher, J. Mc Cahan, James Gwin, James Entrekin, David Blair, James Saxton, John Kerr, John Scott, S. S. Whadom, John A. Doge George Jackson Jim Porter, Israel Gmflus, S. 111. Green, John Allred loch, James Clark, J. a Wintrode, Jacob Cress well, Charles :Ilickley, Alexander, King, Job Mann, Samuel L. Russell, William Bums, Andrew .1. Neff. Wm. I'. Schell, David MeMartrie. Jahn B. Given, Wm. Ayres, George W. Speer, M.P. Or bison, Levi Evans, James Patton, R. B. Petriken, A. IV. Benedict, Alexander Port, .lames Maguire, Isaac Cook, George Gwin, James Campbell, Dan iel Grove, Henry Zimmerman, W. T. Dougherty. December 2, 1852. NEW GOODS EVERY MONTH, At The Cheap Cash & Produce Store of 'James Bricker. • .The undersigned, encouraged Aurigg.the .past year, by the veryjiheral patronage of a discern ing pnlitir,, has made Perimunent arrangements fir receiviag, front the Eastern Cities, FRESH GUdI)S EVERY MONTIIt stock of fire conies, Drugs, Confectionares, Boots & Shoes, Li quors, Notions, and general varieties, is now ex tensive and complete, of the very finest quality, and sold wholesale or retail, at thevery lowest figures for cash or country produce. Dec. 2, '52.-1 y. H. W. SMITH, DENTIST, 1-1 1 .1JYTWG D 0.71 r; November 18, 1881 Cr Linseed Oil, 20 keo.piirts White Lead, Jersey Window Glass and Putty,. for sale at the store of GwIN. Small I Si'm for Sale. The subscriber offers, at private sale,• the Ridgeland Fame. of 90 acres, on which he now re sides, in Henderson township, one mile north east of Huntingdon. The land is of the best quality of ,slate, all tillable, nail well watered, about 40 :•res are in good cultication.Jbe, rest well timbechl. A new, commodions t ,and„neatly finished frame house and log stable; tind a fine orchard ofyoung ti ple.and peach trees,mostly grafted fruit—are on the premises. Intending to j more west in the spring, I am determined to sell on reasonable terms. SAMUEL FRIEDLEY Oct. 15, '52.-3m. GRAND OPENING or Fall and Winter Clothing AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTH- fN4I STolkt. W'll,i i)l-;(11-1BY, has Pat returned from the east With a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than any body else in town, the him call at WILLOUGHBY 8 Clothing Shore, one door West of Thos. Reed & Son, drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves. October 21, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON Huse just received the most magnificent supply of Fan and Winter Goods ever offered to the citizens of Flnntingdon. They consist of every variety of Dress Goods, such as Silk Dress Patents, plitinsind .ftgured—Merinos, Partrietta.Cloth, Jluelifi ae Lune, Alpacas of dif ferent colors, Silk Lustres, &c., &c., and every thing in the shape of Ladies' Dress Goods. Also, Black Silk, Bonnet Silk, Sack Flannels of every variety and color; Cloths, Cassiniere.and Vesting of every variety and color. Sattinetss at all prices. ALSO, • • 500 pieces assorted Prints, Long. Shawls, Thibett Shawls, Ignatius., Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Carpet bags, Gent. Cravats, Ladies Collars; La ces, Bonnet Ribbons, Feathers, Linin'gs, Gloves of every variety; Ladies Dress Trimmings, Mas tin, Tippets, Muffs, Bonnets, German Hoods, Hoziety, &c. HARDWARE, the beet iabrtment ever otri!reibiti fiu, place. QUEENSWA:iE, a beautiful assortment of every variety and at ex• ceetlingly low prices. BOOTS and SHOES, such as Grain Leather, and coarset. rogon Boots. Also—all kinds of Ladics.a.nd GenßSltoes; please call and examine our stock. HATS end CAPS, • Moleskin Hots, No. 2 Moleskin Ilats..end an endless variety of Cups fur Men and Boys. GV.,Q.C.E.IIIES .. . .. at, slich'prices as cannot fail fo please the Most. fastidious. Also--every ..6ther article, such ae . are cosononly kept in a country etOre, which wo.i are ae,llitig lower than any . pthur hpude in town er r t ook 14, , 59...! TOSEPH DOUCLA SS, in Nlceonnellstown, country; call and sed. .We are determined to soil --'---- .., _ - , off our old stock-at cost, or under. __,__,__,_,.__,___,__________,_ t _ ., „ . u has eonstantly• mr hand, and is in'ettared to Cr 20 Vs. go. I Miring, for Weal the state , Duke GUNS dill kinds at the shim. of - Si Gee. GAVIN. ,at notice. • Nov. 95, '52. —_-- _— T UST RECEIVED and for sale Fish, Sqlt and 1. 0 Plaster by J. & W. SkXTOIT. =7.1T0 & szcormali.n, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMO MgßefiANTs , AND DEALERS IN BACON, PRODUCE, AND PPP I'SBURUII MANUFACTURF:S; No. 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to the sale of Blooms and Pig Metal, and C t,.11 advaneeA made. Dec. 9, '52.-1 v. Executori E.... 0 Of lIENOY WIIIITE,'Inte Of Wv%t township, _ . • deed. . --- Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigneo .m the above estate, all person.: 'indebted will make immediate payment, and those havingelains Room. said estate will pre sent them duly anthenticaten ~.. settlement. ADOLPhIUbi I'. WiitTE,, JOHYGOLDsTocK, 5 Ext,,,, 0r ,„ Dec. 9. '52.-6t. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! JACOB SNYDER, To his old frinds, and the Public Greeting. Whereas I have just returned from the East, with a full supply of Ready Made Clothin g . for Men and Boys-1 am prepared to sell • Coats, from $2,50, to $14,00. ('ants, from $1,75, to $5,00. • Vests, from 75 cents, to $5,00. Shirts, and Shirt Collars, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Suspenders, &c, Ste., of all sorts, g• sises,at priers. to suit all purchasers. Call and examine, before you buy, at the Old Stand in Market Street. Huntingdon, October 21, 1852. BRITISH PERIODICAL LITERA- TURF. Republication of the LONDON QUARTERLY, THE EDIN BURGH, THE NORTH BRITISH, AND THE WESTMINSTE RE VIEWS. AND BLACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. • TETIM,.-PAYMMET TO DE MADE IF ADVAirCE For nny ohe of the four For any two.. do. For any throe do. For allfour of the Reviews, - For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00. For Blackwood and three' Reviews, • • 9 OIL For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00. LEONARD SC(►Tl',& CO, rtt.!!lislier., 79 Fulton street, entrance 54 Geld street, New York' r THE ELEPHANT - .., • , , s'A ,\,,` , -' 1,1 IT(;•'••,4i',,‘e ~'',•, , - ' o Vit- .15`‘ , •'.'',.. 1 1 -' t --- I) v f,., , , "_•. S.,'!.?' ' '1 .. -,.-","\- t- I, - , ~ , , r i ... • •••• , 31',..e,.,,,,.,-. _,„_,,e,.. ....,••••• •.e'• ' 4N--- -'---=`-'-' loaf w___,-, , ,_ , gtf? , • - ,-.:InAll NEW GOODS. The public are hereby inibrined that the sub . , seriber hati.lerogttlf that. popular and well known. store.rordn in the Elephant building, opposite the Railroad Hotel, where he has just received anq opened the latest and best supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS in. town. Ills stock consists of every .variets.o DR GOODS, G OPER! ES, /.1111) IVA RE, WIENSWARE ' • iiti(tTS, .S INES, &e,..4c., all of which will be sold low, for the "dust;" or exchaugeillor country prodtice. Ladies nod gentlemen Arereqeptfully,, invited to call and .'see the ERPhant,' at least, as no charge is made for exhibiting the animal. ALEX. CA RMON October 11, 1852. " ALL'S GOLD THAT GLITTERS" in the Large and Splendid Stock qf Watches, Jewelry and Clocks, just opened by EDMUND SN4IRE. , He has by tilt the most extensive and hest se lected assortment over brought to Huntingdon, comprising Gold and Silver Watches, (Hunting. Watches, Patent Lovprs, Anchors, repines and - Qtuirtiers,) Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Finger and kar Rine, Breast Pins,Cuff and Scarf Pins, Medelion Canes, Seals, eys, Pencils, Silver. Tahle,W)tro, Coral Beads, Spectacles, Gold Pens,. Fine Kinyes, Port Monaics, and an endless vari ety of Pricy Goods. trt Persons having.tine,Watches and Jewelry needing repairing,,can confidentlyJeave them with, him, as he has employed one of the best workmen in the State. Work WARRANTED. Huntingdon, Oct. 14, 1852. ----- To 66 All the World awl the nest of Mankind :" KNOW YE THll7' GEORGE GRIN, •.. Ilasjust received froin the Eastern Cities a large and splendid assorttnent of fresh FALL and WINTER GOODS, at his old stand in Market Square, Inhere he will be pleased to sea his old custcmers, and tEc pub lic generally. Nyerc selected to suit this market, and he is determined to sell on Wiens to suit pur chasers. llis assortment Consists of DRY-GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hats and Caps, Glassware, • Boots and Shoes, Hardware, the. and a great variety of GOods of all kinds. Feeling thankfnl for past favors, he hopes, by, strict attention to business, to merit a continuapco of the same. rocs. 14,P52:. MR. EDITOR: I .was one of the many of our citizens who were attracted by the "Grand Exhibition," of our neighbor Charles S• Black, Esq., and I of course attended the opening exhibition. lam also ono of the few who understand shave]ae of a good nawspspor: Being therefete "boOked up" in the facts, anti the price of the press, snd anxious to, impart substampl knowlerigi. tO.the !Vets/an4 lays of my neighbor, I hum taken N:3 methol tp.sitt to all,—lf you would have your Soles well caied for, call at Black's, and examine hie stein: ofj,talies, and Gentleman's, shoe& and hoots, he warrants the work not rip, and stitches wtthnot charge if it does, NeighbeYs tty hint. • • PEDESTRIAN Oct. 14,1852. EF *en in exchange fo.r.gqod, at the Cheap' Sore of J. BRICKER. 5 00.