Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 23, 1852, Image 2

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    "N,olrer mind, love; Kriss will find his
way here," was my answer to all objec
"But how do you kwon, mother? Have
you sent Lim word?"
"Oh, I know."
Thus I put aside their enquiries, and
hurried them off to bed.
4-Now go t) sleep quickly," said I, after
they were snugly under their warm blank
ets and comforts; and to-morrow morning
be up bright and early."
And so I left them to their peaceful
An hour it was, or nmrc, ete Mr. Smith
returned. with his pockets well laden. I
was in the parlour, where we had placed
the Christmas-tree, engaged in decorating
it with rosettes, sugar toys, and the like'.
At this work I had been some fifteen or
twenty minutes, and had, I will own, be
come a little nervous. My domestic had
gone out, and I was alone in the house.—
Once or twice, as I sat in the silent room,
I imagined that I heard a movement in the
one adjoining. And several times I was'
sure that my ear detected something like
the smothered breathing of a ntan•"
"All imagination," said I to myself.—
But again and again the same sounds stir
red upon the silent air.
"Could there be a robber doncetilel in
the next room ?"
The thought made me shudder. I was
afraid to move from where I sat. What a
relief when I heard my husband's key in
the door, followed by the sound of his well
known tread in the passage! My fears
vanished in a moment.
As Mr. Smith stood near me, in the act
of unloading his pockets, he bent clue to
my ear and whispered—
“ Will is under the table. I caught a
glance of his bright eyes, just now.”
"What !"
"It's true. And the other little rogues
are in the next room, peeping through the
door, at this very moment.'
I was silent with surprise.
"They're determined to know who .hiss
Kringle is,"added my husband; then speak
ing aloud, lie said—
" Come, dear: I want to show you some
thing up in the dining room."
I undtrstood Mr. Smith, and arose up
instantly, not so much as glancing towards
the partly opened folding door.
We were hardly in the dining room be
fore we heard the light pattering of feet,
and low, smothered tittering on the stair
way. Then all was still, and we descended
to the parlors again, quite as much pleased
with what had occurred as the little
rogues were themselves.
"1 declare! Really, I thought them all
sound asleep an hour ago," slid I, on re
suming my work of decoratinc , the Christ
mas tree. "Who could have believed them
cunning enough for this? It's all Will's
doings. He'll get through the world."
"Aye will he," returned Mr. Smith.—
"Oh ! if you could have seen his face as I
saw it, just peering from under the table
cloth, his eyes as bright as stars, and full
of merriment and delight."
'Bless his heart! a dear little fellow?'
How could I help saying this?
"And the others! 'You lost half the plea
sure of the whole affair by not seeing them.'
"We shall have a frolic with the rogues
to-morrow morning. I can see the triumph
on Will's face. I understand now what all
their whisperings meant this afternoon.—
They were concocting this plan. I couldn't
have believed it of them."
"Children are curious bodies," said Mr.
"I thought I heard some ono in the next
room," I remarked, "while you were out,
and became really nervous for a while, I
heard the breathing of some one near me,
also; but tried to argue myself into the be
lief that it wasonly imagination."
Thus we conned over the little incident,
while we arranged the children's terys.
know who Kriss Kringle is ! I know !'
was the triumphant affirmation of one and
another of the children, as we gathered at
the breakfast table next morning.
"Do you, indeed ?" said I, trying to
look grave.
"Yes; it is papa."
'Papa, Kriss Kringle ! How can that be P
"Oh, we know ! We found out !
"Indeed !"
And we made, of course, a great wonder
of this assertion. The merry elves! What
a happy Christmas it was for them. Ev
er since, they have dated from the time
when they found out who Kriss Kringle
was. It is•all to no purpose that we pleas
antly suggest the possibility of their hav
ing dreamed of what they allege to have
occurred under their actual vision; they
have recorded it in their memories, and
refer to it as a veritably fact.
Dear children! How little they really
ask of us, to make them happy. Did we
give them but a twentieth part of the time
we devote to business, care and pleasure,
how greatly would we promote their good ;
and , increase the measure of their enjoy
ment. Not alone at Christmas time, but all
the year should we remember and care 'for
their pleasures : for, the state of innocent
pleasures in children, is one which good
affections are implanted, and these take root
and grow, and produce fruit in after life.
etteville (N. C.) Observer, under the head
of "Fortune in spite of one's self," says :
"We learn that a sale took place in this
county, a few days sgo, amounting to a
bout 4316,000, of lands which would not
have sold for half the money until the
plank roads were built through and near
them. The owner never subscribed a cent
to build the roads, but haggled for dama
ges against the companies, for passing
through his lands.
.e 7- icy„
Thursday Horning, Dec. 23, 1552.
Is our nuthorixed agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to receive advertisements;
and and• persons in those cities wishing to :Over
rise in stir columns, will please call on him.
WANTED, at this Oflice,a load of
sound, dry stood, either hickory,
oak, or yellow pine. Will some
of our subscribers bring us a load
We have again reason to tender our sincere
thanks to numerous friends and sterling Whigs
who have promptly responded to our recent call s
for settlements mid money. Being ourselves
punctual in nll our pecuniary engagements, we
can appreciate that virtue in those with whom we
have dealings.
New Advertisements,
In another part of to-day's paper will he found
several advertisement's of particular interest to the
Cr Splendid Goods for the Holidays, at Gwin's,
Cannon's, Saxtons', and Snare's. Varieties and
Notions at Bricker's and Hartley's. Give them a
Cir Our friends from the country will find eve
ry variety of Winter Clothing at Snyder's and
Willoughby's, all good and cheap.
-Cr Esquire 'Black's stock of Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters, &c., is extensive and of the very best
" 'Tis done! dread winter spreads his latest gloom
And reigns tremendous o'er the conquered year.
How dead the vegetable kingdom lies !
How dumb the tuneful ! horror wide extends
His desolate domain! Behold fond man !
See pictured here thy life pass some few years
Thy flowing spring, thy Summers ardent strength
Thy sober Autumn fading into ngo.
And pale concluding Winter comes at last
And shuts the scene."
Winter, with its biting frosts, and pinching
wants, is once more with us. Time's chariot
wheels hove rolled all onward another cycle to
ward the winter of life. Spring. Summer, and
Autumn, with their freshness, their flowers and
their fruits, have been with us and whispered, we .
are gone, and Winter "reigns o'er the conquered
Headers, dear readers ! do you, each of you,
think what at•c the lessons which the revolving
hands upon the clock of time are teaching. Days,
weeks, months, and years, are passing away, and
.onward ! onward ! onward !" cries this eternal
time keeper, "onward to your tomb." Your
beating pulses are its tickings toward eternity;
and it will soon strike the hour which shall sum
mon you to tho prison house of the dead.
Dave you learned not to live entirely for your
selves, then you have not lived in vain. if we
live not for others, we have not fulfilled our mis
sion. When self usurps the empire of the soul, it
corrodes and cankers the heart; and love that em•
anation of Deity expires in its dreary cells.—
Learn then, to cultivate a love fur the lowly °foul
race,—the needy poor. The poet has said of one,
" Mammon's close linked chains have bound him;
8 , /f-impos'd and seldom burst,
Though heaven's waters gush around him
Ile would pine with earth's poor thirst."
The poor would never want, if the rich attuned
their hearts to the sighs of the suffering. "It is
more blessed to give than it is to receive," is a
soul enlarging truth; it is n rill front the Fountain
of Love. i)rink ! I)riuk of its waters, and never
thirst. Lose no opportunity of making warm the
hearths and hearts of the children of want, then
winter will have lost much of his power to pierce
the abodes of povetty, and then you may
" Sustained and sooth'd
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one that draws the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
We invite the attention of the friends of Tem
perance, not only in our county, but throughout
the State, to the Communication, under the head
of "Conventions," in another column.
There is no project of reform, of public utility,
or:of progress, that can be fairly brought before
the public, or successfully urged, except it be
done by a well organized systeni, by which all in
terested in the measure, may make a united, bar
113011i011S, and efficient effort, to promote it. And
whet other plan, except Conventions, can bring
together the friends du measure; from townships,
to meet in counties, and from counties to meet in
States? By such meetings, well digested plans of
operations aro perfected, and a union of purpose
and of power brought about, which enlists friends,
as well as secures results.
The friends of Temperance, in our county and
in our State, need such an interchange of opinion
as is had at Conventions. The , enquiry is now
every where. thrmst.home otru3, What shall be
done to stop the drunkenness which in nattemakin , g,
our young men old Fathers must answer thiS
question , in such u way, that their answered pray
ers will nut bring sorrow in their train; and while
others are moving, it does not become the people
of this county to remain silent and inactive.
What more fitting-way to learn your strength,
and to wield it with effect, than to assemble in a
County Council; and whatiime more fitting than
the January Court; say on Wednesday of the first
week. Friends of Temperance; itr• the several
townships, what say you? will you send on your
boldest and best 'new t° represent your wishes in
such a Council?
As public Journalists, we are bound to use oni
endeavors to further any and all reforms, and oui
views on the Temperance Reformation are wel
known and understood.
Oer Defeat..-Why was it I
In two former issues, we gave our opinion as to
some of the causes of the late defeat of the Whig
party, which arose outside of the party itself.—
When we have adverted to some of those with
which we, ns a party, are more Immediately con
nected, we shall leave the whole subject, and ask
our Whig friends to Wilt not through fear, or tire
not with toil. "There is a good time a coming,
boys, wait a little longer."
We love the Whig party for the spirit of free
dom which pervades its ranks. Its boldest cap
tain, nod its humblest soldier, exerci , cs a right
to think and act, without having first a,keil the
leaders or the candidates, how he shall think and
act. Smile fear to a party ukase, has no lodge
ment in the Whig party. Our party has ever
maintained, that freemen who seek only the pu
nctuation of their much loved institutions, aim at
higher ends than the spoils of office. This, the
first article of our creed, has been so long obeyed
and loved, that we have no doubt, that it some
times ministers to our defeat; and did in the late
election. There were many Whigs who felt that
all their national pride was enlisted in the mighty
Webster—his defeat disheartened them; and theirs
and the country's final bereavement entirely par
alysed them,—they did not recover from the blow
in time to enter the contest. Oar present worthy
and excellent Chief Magistrate, Millard Fillmore,
had an army of warm, devoted, and faithful
friends, who felt that he deserved at the hands of
the Whig party, the offer of its richest gill. Fail
ing in that, they had not the heart to tail us they
ould have clone. As honest, faithful Whigs they
corked as cheerful as possible, hut somo of them
t least, looked hack and murmured fur the "flesh
ots" they had left. Another large portion of the
Whig party are in principle, opposed to Military
Chieftains, as candidates. And not a few of the
ignorant and biggotted had been led to believe
that General Suitt was a Roman Catholic. Many
of our Southern Whig brethren had adopted the
belief, that Scott was in some way allied to the
anti-slavery feeling of the North; neither of the
two last tales having even a foundation in fact.—
then, may be seen the seeds of interim/ dis
:ace, which affected the Whig party.
Now, it must also me remembered that Whigs,
&ter an chiction is over, attend to the other basi•
tess of life, while our opponent's, as we have said,
mood to politics. They never forget to build up
Ind strengthen their party, for they want its fat
lungs. If we love our principles, if we believe that
hose principles only, will minister to the true spirit
f Vitional Progress, and A'ational Permanence,
night not we, as a question of party economy, take
ounsel by the conduct of one opponents? The love
1 office will make a full blooded Loco Foe°,
vetch night and day, summer and winter, that he
nay win his prize—the spoils. Should not the
one of principle—of our country's prosperity—of
truth itself, demand that we, as 'Whigs, should
prove that lore by the same watchful zeal, and tire
less toil. The love of "plunder" binds with "co
hesive power," our opponents, to their party and
to their organization; and we ask in all sober ear
nest, can wo believe even our own professions of
principles, and protestations of honest purpose,
when we refuse to unite our well organized strength
to carry into effect our measures, or what is pre
cisely the same thing,—the men who have been
nominated on behalf of those measures?
While, then, we love the spirit of independence,
and freedom of thought and action, which abides
in our party, we aro free to say that it would be
a source of much rejoicing to us if we could see
less ill mannered recrimination, and more willing-
ness to bear each others burdens. Arbitrary and
dictatorial insolence hi not independence; and can
not do ought but evil.
We shall encourage all evidences of the love of
right, we shell discourage all presumptions that
the opinion of one man, is wiser titan the organi
zed party. Let our friends, every where, adopt
this system, and set ahout au immediate and ef-
fleient organization. • Our defeat in 1844 was
more prostrating than the last, yet in 1848, we
were doubly victorious. In fonr years we can do
it again, if we will. "There is nothing impossible
to him who will, it."
Cr The Chambers!,:try Repository and Whig,
under the editorial conduct of our esteemed friend,
Col. A. K. McClure, is one among the very best
family, as well as political papers, published in the
interior of Pennsylvania; and we commend it to
every body, as especially deserving of patronage,
after the Huntingdon Journal. The Colonel has
a subscription list of 2200, which makes the Whig
a good advertising median,.
Why don't our Whig friends, in Huntingdon
county, send in their names, and ;well our list up
to that, or larger? Wo deserve it; and we need
it; and the Wlag party needs it. Will not sonic
good man in each township, make a small effort
for the "Journal 1" Send us in sor 10 new sub
, scribers from each post office, and bee how grate
ful we can be; and how much good you can do.
By the by, we forgot ono thing! Our friend,
of the Whig, names that worthy, faithful, and de
serving old Whig, Hon. Thomas Carson, as the
nom for Speaker of the Senate. If large experi
ence, stern integrity, and a sound judgment, are
any recommendation, then our estimable friend,
Carson, is in the way of sums's. We have said
once before, that the Whigs have cause to be
proud of their Senators. The Speaker's Chair
will be honored by any one of them.
This body, of the Legislative wisdom of our
notion, is once more in session, after n recess of
only a few weeks. A long session expired just
before the October election; nearly the whole of
which was spent in President making,.whflo the
basilic,. of theipeoplo was allowed to remain un
A President - halt beet made; and it would he a
supposablevase, that this session would be one of
work; and dining which, those public Servants
who receive eight dollars a day, would be Willing
to devote their time to public duties. Sdtrta of
the letter writers have given it us their opinion,
that such would be the case. We know how easy
it is to complain, and censure the conduct of per
sons in official stattans; and we know, that as a
general rule, they encounter such censure in ev
ery quarter. iVe do not intend to be a party to
any such course. If they do act, even though that
action shall not accord with our• views, we shall
give them the credit of seeking to fulfil mis
shouhl they spend their time in making
n Cabinet for President Pierce, and laboring fur
their peculiar pets, to get them into good offices;
then we too will join the general cry.
to far, Congress makes no demonstration for
good. The 'hu•itf' is kicked under the table; and
protectionists, who flattered themselves with th c
hope that some thing Would be dune fur them, are
told now they must wait for the coming in of the
new Administration. Our opinion is, they Will
Wait. If Congress does do any thing our readers
. shall he "booked up."
For the Joiithal
As you lately in
formed us, through the Journal, that there
was "a time for everything," doubtless
there is a time for conventions. It is the
natural right of all nice, to meet together
in order to div ice the best moans to secure
the happiest results.
We have our Railroad conventions, our
Turnpike and Bridge conventions, and our
School conventions; and in short, we have
conventions in ordei to promote every great
work or reform, which requires the united
efforts of men.
And now, that (as we trust) the political
fueds and heart-burnings have subsided with
the smoke and noise of a warmly contested
election, we believe it is a fit time to set
down; review the past, and divise suitable
measures for the future prosperity and hap
piness of our community.
And being thus seated, the first enqui
ry suggested to the mind is; what shall we
do to prevent thousands of the present and
future generations from being immolated
upon the gory altar of Bacchus, as hmidreds
of thousands have been sacrificed, and as
millions of human beings have yet to fall
ingloriously, if nothing can be done to stem
the mighty current of intemperance which
is sweeping over our land with all its devas
tating, and destructive consequences ! The
foe with which we have to contend is more
powerful and insidious than the Czar of
Russia, and more deadly than the Upas; the
theatre of our conflict is the world, and
the end of the contest must be, either the
annihilation of intemperance, or a glorious
grave to the friends of reform. And sure
ly such a foe, such a field, and such an end
in view, is worthy of the attention, the zeal
and the best efforts, of the patriot, the phil
anthropist and the Christain. Now for
years past all these have been employed in
the contest., they saw the moral world ten
ding to degradation, they came to the res
cue, all the weapons in the armory of mor
al suction have been employed. They have
wiped away many a tear, healed many a
bleeding and broken heart, restored peace
and plenty to many a deserted hearth, and
brought back many a wandering prodigal
to his weeping parents. But much still re
mains to be done; the manufactories of alco
hol aro still darkning the Heavens .with
their smoke, they are still sending forth
streams of liquid death, more destructive
in their consequences than all the streams
of liquid fire which have flowed from burn
ing mountains since the creation of the
world. We have still many a melancholy
spectacle, penitentiaries and prisons crowd
ed with squalled and wretched victims of
intemperance, our Courts of Justice ex
pending millions to protect the communi
ty from the assaults of the unfortunate in
ebriates with which we are still eurounded,
and we have still five hundrd thousand in
ebriates, as is supposed in our country.—
And the enquiry still forces its self upon us.
Is it not a fit time for every County in the
State to hold conventions, to call upon each
township to become an auxiliary, and each
county to become an auxiliary to a State
Society l Aad thus form an organization
such as will make a salutary impression
upon the community.
And now in conclusion, if we see you
band of patriots who have borne the bur
then in the heat of the day, who have been
fighting for the good of their country for
years, and whose weapons appear to be
broken and in some measure worn out and
useless; still grappling with that deadly
monster, whose victims have been dragged
from every department of life--from the
palace to the hovel. The temple of Jus
tice, the Senate chamber, the Legislative
Hall, nay ! the Sacred Altar; all, all have
supplied victims to glut its insatiable and
sepulchral maw. If we see all this, either
through cowardice or apathy fold our arms;
and look upon the contest, a thousand
times more important than that thrilink
battle by which the invincible M'Donald
extorted the marshalls staff from Napole
an, we May live to repent our folly and
spend the coming of our lives in bitter re
grets. And now Messrs. Editors, will you
in view of this important subject, request
each towship to hold a meeting, and send
up*delegates to a convention to be held in
your town at such a time as you may deem
most prudent.
H. C. B.
ar We see that some of our exchanges
are in favor of our fellow-townsman, Isaac
Hugus Esq., for the office of State Treas
urer. As the Democracy have things en
tirely their own way just now, we can not
expect to be of much service in the way of
a recommend, but for a real, thorough-go
ing Locofoco, and nevertheless an amiable,
kind hearted gentleman, we will back him
against all the office-hunters between this
and Harrisburg. Besides, he has the brains
and the capacity to fill the post with credit,
and this some old-fashioned people still
think an important consideration.—Som
erset Herald.
IMPORTANT 'NOTICE- shut the door.
Splinters and Shavings.
0' Pay your debts.
CoMtwo—the - Holidays.
tar Dont sleep in Church.
e — Love knowledge, for it is power.
OW Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
Susstox—the Hollidaysburg Court.
tar Despise idleness as you would n thief.
A 11SENT-MOSt of our lawyers, at Hollidara
r Every madman thinks all men mad but
IB" Avoid loud laughing and talking in the
SPEED—the mails from Cincinnattl now Ice dt
us in 30 hours.
full grown Bufffilo weighs over two
thousand pounds.
07" A Telegraph office has been established at
Sliippensburg, Pa.
IW The sale of spirituous liquors has been
prohibited in Buenos Ayres.
eir Tile fear of being thought poor, has doom
ed thousands to a life of poverty.
er Good Sleighing in the ddrthern part of
New York and the Eastern Stalci..
(4'The French government has prhhibited the
employing of children about theatres.
Rnuosous—Divine service may be expected
in the Episcopal Church, on Friday evening. •
cir The Whig majority on joint ballot in the
Massachusetts Legislature, will be twenty three.
Er There was a great freshet at Columbia,
Georgia, some time since, whirls slid immense
"The editor of the Leabnon Courier saw a
white black bird last week, and survived to record
the fact.
Q"' A bill is before the Ohio Legislature to
prohibit the circulation of foreign bank bills with
in the State.
A CHANGE A. J. Greer, Esq., has retired
from the Union Star, and is succeeded by Messrs.
Merrill &
• Ccf The next State Agricultural Fair will be
held on the 27th, 28th, and 29th, and 30th slays
of September, 1853.
C-4 - The Whigs of Pittsburg have nominated
Robert M. Riddle, Esq:, one of the best men its
the city, for Mayor.
Cy' Another hew Outset has been discovered
between Mars and Jupiter, by Mr. Hind of Re
geut's Park, London:
Gar The Chinese jugglers now performing in
New Orleans, are said to be tile most wonderful
ever seen its this country.
Vif Capital punishment has been revived in
Tuscany, by the present Duke, grandson of the
great Leopold who first abolished it.
Cr Love never reasons but profusely gives
like a thoughtless prodigal, its all. And trem
bles then, lest it has done too little.
ar Austria refused to Ito represented in the
Wellington Niteroi ceremonies on account of the
treatment of Gen. Haynatt by the English. . The authorities of Parma have passed a
decree to exterminate all the carrier Pigtone, to
prevent their being used to spread political here
re' Will Geese are daily brought to Chichi
mini from the northren lakes, and ducks are so
abundant that they are sold by the string like
Cff' Twelve Railroads enter Chicago, all of
which will be completed in less than three years,
and will measure nearly eight hundred miles in
CV" Business mess in else cities are suflering for
the want of small change: Change of all kinds
seems scarce iii this region; except change of
A DIPPEDENCE—ID many parts of the county,
where there was good sleighing last year as early
as the middle of November, the fields now afibrd
tolerable pasture.
7' The Commitments to the Philadelphia
county prison have for some time past, averaged
twenty four per day! This is, truly, the "age of
progress"—in rice,
*yr The Bradford Argus, totally destroyed by
fire a few weeks ago, has arisen like the Phenix
from its ashes, and in a full new dross, presents a
beautiful appearance.
OMISSION—WO neglected last week, to notice
the improved appearance of the Philadelphia
News which lists donned a full new suit, and is
now a beautiful sheet.
tar The Spirit Ruppings are creating some
sensation in Harrisburg. It already finds willing
votaries there as elsewhere, and soon shall we
hear of its victims as well as votaries.
JUST So—the New York Mirror says, very.
properly, that any mats who will buy Isis nomina
tion or Isis election to Congress, will sell Isis vote
to the highest bidder when he gets there.
It is said by Mr. Kinney, one of the edi
tors of the Newark Daily advertiser, that "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" is producing mischievous effects
against the United State all over Europe.
Founsost—the British press is jubelant with
joy at the election of Mr. Pierce, while the Demo
crats of France are equally delighted with else
Coronation of Nui.oleoalll. The rqst of Europe is
daily railroatfpassenger trains leaving Pittsburg,
East and West. It is only sixteen months since
the first ruilhiad cur commenced its trips from
that city.
r A State TeMperanee Coniention will meet
in Albany on the second Wednesday in January,
and a Women's Tempernnee Convention on the
lowing day and evening. In Ohio and several
other States similar demonstrations are in pro
gress, or prospect.
eir no editor of the "State Journal" is de
lighted with our Representative, elect, add de
clares, with ulna satisfaction, that the "Colonel
is designated the 'handsome member,' by the
ladies of Harriburg." The compliment is cer
tainly merited, and wo are pleased to see it ex
tensively copied by our exchanges.
Think nought a trifle, though it small appear:
Sands make the mountain, moments make the
And trifles life. Your care to trifles give,
Mae you may die ere you have learned to live.
From the New York Tribune.
Nativity of tile t American Popula-
One of the most interesting results of
the Census is the classification of inhabi
tants, according to the countries of their
birth. We are thus enabled to discover
for the first time of what our nation is com
posed. The investigations under this head
have resulted in showing that of the free
inhabitants of the United States, 17,736,-
792 are natives of its soil, and that 2,210,-
828 were born in foreign countries, while
the nativity of 39,227 could not be deter
mined. It is shown that 1,964,518 of the
whole number of foreign born inhabitants
were residents of the free States, and 245,-
310 of the Slave States. It is seen that
the persons of foreign birth froni 11,00
per cent. of the whole free population.,—
The countries from which have been deri
ved the largest portions of these additions
to our population; appear in the following
statement :
. -
Natives of Ireland in U. S. in 1850 061,719
Natives of Germany 578,225
if England 2786°5
~ British America - 147,000
Si Scotland 70,550
~ France 54,060
" Wales 20,868
All otlid countries 05,022
The proportion in which the several
countries above named have contributed to
the aggregate eniiiiigrani population, is
shown in the subjoined statement:
Ireland 43.4 per ct. Scotland 3.17 per J..
Germany 25.9 " France 2.44 "
England 12.6 " Wales 1.34 "
B. Amer 6.68 " Miscel's 4.47 "
This view of the living immigrant popu
lation is important, as serving to correct
many extravagant notions concerning it.,
which have attained extensive currency.
Another interesting branch of this in
quiry is that which concerns the inter-mi
gration of our native citizens among the
States. The tables presenting a view of
this movement will be most useful and val
uable in tracing the progress of different
portions of the country. The facts devel
oped will show Low far ono region has im
pressed its own characteristic and peculiar
customs on others. It is found that out
of 17,736,792 free inhabitants, .1,112,1:13
have emigrated and settled beyond the
States of their birth. Three hundred and
-thirtY-five thousand natives of Virginia,
equal to twenty-six per cent. of the whole,
have found homes outside of her Own bor
ders, South Carolina Las sent forth 163,-
000, which is 86 per.cent. of all native
citizens of that State, living in the United
States at the date of the Census and the
very remarkable proportion of 59 per cent.
of the number remaining in the State of
their nativity.
North Carolina Las lost 261,575 free
ihhabitants, equal to 21 per cont. by emi
gration. Among the Northern States,
Vermont and Connecticut have contributed
most largely the settlement of other parts
of the country. Their proportion, about
25 per cent. of their native citizens, would
exceed perhaps that of either of the South
ern States already mentioned, were the
number of slaves in latter admitted as an
element of the calculation. But the ro- r
mg tendency of our people is incident to
the peculiar condition of their country, anti
each succeeding Census will prove that it
is diminishing. When the fertile plains of
tly,Cest shall have been filled up the iu
hiMants of each State will become com
paratively stationary, and our countrymen
will exhibit the same attachment to the
homes of their childhood, the want of
which is sometimes cited as an unfavorable
trait in our national character.
No. 4. A Western Editor says that no medi
cine has ever performed sorb wonderful eures is
Dr. .1. W. cooper's, INDIAN VE(IETAIIIX‘
COUGH OR C . ( )NsUMPINE which is
prepared by C. P. Hewes. in We..t limiter. It
enrol almost every casein C (INS L'AIPTION mod
NEVER tails in curing any cough, no matte• how
long it may have been standing, and his Rheuma
tic Drops, prepared by the same person, are worth
all other Rheumatism medicines but together;
they never have been known to thi in this coun
Read C Si,o limitinglion; G. ll'. Ilrehman,
MeVeytown; and J. M. 13elthrd, Alilllintowit; is
agents for the sale of Dr..J. W. Cooper's medi
cines, and of whom the genuine co he obtained.
(liff The Stoma,l, prepares the elements of' the
bile and the blood; and if it does the work feebly
and imperibetly, liver disease is the certain re
suit. As soon, therefore, ns any affection of, the'
liver is perceived, we may be sure that thd diges
tive orgons are out of order. The first thing to
be done, is to administer a specific which will act
directly upon the stomach—the mainspring of the
animal machinery. For this purpose we can re
commend 1100FLAND'S German Bitters, prepar
ed by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. Acting
as an alterative and a tonic, it strengthens the
digestion, changes the condition of the blood and
thereby gives regularity to the bowels.
December 2, 1852.
HUNTINGDON, Dec. 22, 1852.
Flour, per bbl., $4,50 a $5,00
White Wheat, 90 eta per bu
Rod .6 85
Corn, _ 45 a5O
Eggs, 12i 6. 6 . dos.
Potatoes, per bu., 37i a 50
Beef, per owt., $4,00 a $5,00
Pork 6. 6. 5,50 a 6,00
Dry Apples, per bu., $l,OO
15 eta. per lb
No change in the Philadelphia Market
since our last issue.