Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 02, 1852, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, Dec, 2, 1552.
Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to receive advertisements;
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call on him.
New Ad vertisments.:,
The Brick Mansion of Greenberry Dor
sey, dec'd on the corner of Hill and Smith
streets, the Brick Offices near the Mansion,
and the Juniata Hotel, together with ad
joining Lots and other buildings, will be
offered at Orphans' Court sale, at the Court
House on Friday, the 24th of Dec. inst.
Lewis Schneider offers his splendid Es
tablishment and unrivaled Business Stand
on Rail-Road street, at Private Sale.
See Dr. llenderson's Card in our adver
tising columns; and by all means look in
at his new 011ie°. It is a neat structure,
and contains, besides the Doctor and his
curatives, many objects of decided inter
est, all arranged in admirable order, and
good taste.
Dr. Snyder, an eminent physician of
Ohio, will dispence advice and medicines
at his rooms in the Railroad Hotel, on
Thursday and Friday of next week.
The County Commissioners publish a
Notice to Colectors. l hey also want a
supply of Wood for Court House and Jail.
The Commissioners of the Broad Top
Railroad announce a Meeting of the Stock
holders at the Court Ihsuse on the 10th of
Jan. '53, to elect NINE DIRECTORS of
said Road.
The Committee of Susannah Steel, a lu
natic, have filed their Trust account iu the
office of the Prothonotary.
Mrs. Bourues continues her Drawing
School for young ladies, It is eminently
worthy of public patronage.
See Auditors' Notice to heirs of Benj.
Corbin, and creditors of Swill D. Smith ;
also application. fur Tavern license, ‘te &c.
[1:7" The proper books for the registra
tion of marriages, births, and deaths, have
been received by our county Register, who
is now prepared to record all that may be
sent in to him. It will be remembered
that the new registry law makes it the du
ty of physcians, clergymen, justi 3es of the
peace, &c., to keep a record of certain
facts and circumstances relative to mar
riages, deaths, &e., and return the same
to the county Register; and that a neglect
of this duty subjects them to a penalty.
For the convenience of those concerned
we have prepared Blank Certificates which
can be had at the Journal office or of Mr.
Campbell, the Register, at his office.
Price, 3 etc. single, or 25 etc. a dozen.
the Free Bridge Again.
It will be remembered, that a year or two since,
when free and toll Bridge had a strife at Harris
burg, that an act was passed; authorizing the sale
of to// bridges to counties, on certain conditions,
to wit : the choice of referees by the Bridge Com
pany and the County, and a valuation by them of
the Bridge in question.
We understand, that some time during the past
fall, the Huntingdon Bridge Company and the
Huntingdon County Commissioners, chose refer
ees, who, at their meeting, valued the Bridge at
$3OOO, reserving the toll house. This proposal I
wits then made to the county, and the Commis li
shiners refused Mut offer, but made another ono;
at a somewhat less valuation, which was not ac
cepted by the Bridge Company. Subsequently,
however, we understand, the County Commission
ers recinded their resolution, refusing to accept
the offer of the Bridge Company, and passed an
other agreeing to accept the offer of the Bridge at
$3OOO, including the toll house, &e. We hare
since been informed that owing to a change in the
hoard of Commissioners since the last election,
the board Mr the present refuse to execute the
honds for the price; and here the matter rests.
As an item of 'IOWA, in which every tax payer
is interested, we give our readers the facts as near
as we recollect them.
Broad Top Again.
"The Broad Top Mountain nail Road and Coal
Company" is :to longer a doubtful affair. As we
predicted, inunctliately after the public meeting on
Court week, tie subscribers paid up their first in
stalment; at least enough of them, in two days,
to comply with the requirements of law, and to
authorize the Governor to issue letters patent.—
The necessary certificate was immediately for
warded to the Executive, who promptly issued
The Company now is; and we call upon all
subscribers, who have not yet paid up, to come in
soon, or they will loose an opportunity to vote at
the first election of officers. An immediate or
panization of the Company will take place, and
nefire measure, taken to make the rood.
Our Defeat--Why was It!
Thus far, attire the November election, we have
not attempted to assign any reasons for the un
looked for defeat of our party and its candidates.
True, we, like many others, might have suppose I
certain things ministered to that result, without
having any reasons for that supposition, other
than the notions which our own disappointed and
suddenly excited feelings conjured up; and in do-
ing so, we might have done injustice to those who
were as zealous and as anxious as ourselves.—
Now, the noise of the strife has died away;—the
smoke of the battle has been dispelled; end our
feelings have been calmed, and chastened, by the
utter overthrow. Submissive patience, enables
us to cast about ns, with a desire to see, what, if
any, special causes brought about the result.
There are possibly two classes of causes main
ly instrumental of our defeat, viz : External umd
internal—those outside, and those inside, of the
Whig party. Tu the former of which we shall
now, for a few moments, ask the attention of our
Our opponents, the modern Democracy, are a
tireless .and indomitable crowd. Many years ago,
one of their high priests said, they were held to
gether by the "eo-hcsive power of plunder," and•
though we are not disposed to use the slang of
partisanship, to offend, still we cannot presume
that this picture, as painted by one of their fam
ily, is offensive, and we shall take it for granted
that it is correct. Our readers, do nut all of them
see, how they maintain their cohesive qualities.
They know only, that at times, their party seems
severed, and the two, three, or more factions, are
busy in every kind of ill mannered abuse of the
other fragments; and they know,:that though these
tends secs as deadly as they were of uld, between
highland clans; still in the twinkling of an eye;
the stern brow, the curled lip, the flashing eye,
and the abusive tongue, all meet and mingle into
silence, and placid pence; and in another moment
they are all together, and pulling with a will for
one common purpose. Our readers see this, but
all of them do not know why it is so.
Well, we can tell. Loco Focoism has but one
end to attain. It matters not how wildly and mad
ly its severed fragments may fight; Cass am , his
friends may call Buchanan and his followers fed
eralists, and fools,—Buchanan and his adherents,
may in turn, call Cass and his admirers, old A)g
iev and factionists—and both, and all, may join
in pointing at Douglass, and his pets, as pot-house
politicians; and they in turn, send bark the bil
lings gate, with interest. Yet with all this, each
and every of them, have but one purpose—they
aim at one end—the spoils. To secure them, they
unite at a word. Their hatred is forgotten in the
hot pursuit. When the game is fairly up, like
hounds its a hunt, they spend no time in quarrel
ling, but each seeks to out strip the other in the
Loco Focoisin has an appetite for party spoils,
that nothing else will appease. In every walk of
life, where you find any spoils to divide, it enters.
into the contest as an element, of itself—no mat
ter where—in church or State. That party never
looses an opportunity to give to the hungry a
crumb, to excite, if not to allay, that appetite. In
every township election, they seek to elect is. Con
stable, Overseer, or Supervisor; even in the choice
of an Arbitrator, for the same cause, they name
one of their kind. This is a fixed principle of
their party economy. The great captains and the
little corporals, all have an eye to party power,
and party organisation, in the dispensing of any
favor; and with it they inculcate the certain truth,
that such favors are only diSpensed to their party
friends. Thus. they marshal' a force that no or
dinary means can weaken or win.
This, then, is the party we had to encounter.
with their appetite, fur party ;cottage, sharpened
by an abstinence of four years. When the lament
ed Taylor succeeded, they bad grown fat, indo
lent, and impudent, upon the corn of the public
crib; and the people would bear it no longer.—
They were dumb-founded by their defeat, but for
a moment, we may say, they went at work at once
to be ready at the next election, and for four
years they have been toiling assiduously, to se
cure the end. They had hut one object to attain,
and everything was wielded to secure it. Is it to
be wondered at, that no one of the causes of our
defeat; this adhesive power of plunder is first con
sidered', We shall hereafter notice others.
Cabinet Making.
The letter writers, and newspaper editors are
busy making a Cabinet for President Pierce.—
Each pretending to be more wise than his neigh
bor, when in truth, neither knows any thing, about
even the probabilities, of who will form that Cab
inet. Any person can guess, but it is only guess
work. For our part, we dont care who he calls
around him as constitutional advisers. The pol
icy of his party is well understood, and we have
no doubt that he will select saris a Cabinet, as will
maintain that policy, in such a way, as will satis
fy even. the "practical allies" who surround the
British Queen.
Death's Doings.
The fathers of the Commonwealth are
rapidly disappearing from our midst. In
the brief space of a week, no less than three
of uur old and distinguished public men
have been called away from amongst us.—
Ex-Governor Shultz, who died at Lancas
ter on Tuesday a. week.ago, at the ripe age
of 80 years; Ilon. John Sergeant, at Phil
adelphia, on Tuesday last, aged 7a years;
and lieu. Walter Forward, of Pittsburg,
in his 65th year. Perhaps no three indi
viduals could now be named in the State,
who have enjoyed a larger share of public
regard and esteem, or who have received
such marked evidences of public confidence,
without stooping to any of the arts of po
litical trickery by which the mere dema
gogue too often succeeds in flattering the
multitude and securing for himself an
ephemeral distinction. Peace be to their
Ca" Sec first and fourth pages for interesting
reading matter.
Our Common Schools.
It will be a source of lasting gratitude
to some of Pennsylvania's Statesmen, that
when the friends of Common Schools ap
peared to be in a minority in the State,
they dared, to urge and advocate theSehool
System. The names of Thaddeus Stevens
and George Wolf, should never be forgot
ten by the friends of Common Schools; and
that system itself, as it has gradually grown
in beauty and strength, will be their proud
est, and most enduring monument.
We do not know, that we were ever more
impressed with the truth of the above, than
on the occasion of the Exhibition of the
boys, in the School of Mr. Barr, on last
Tuesday evening. It is very rare, that in
children of their age, you see greater man
ifestations of application and success. A
very large number of the boys of his school
took part in the exercises; and we never
saw a school, composed of boys of their age,
get up an Exhibition which passed off with
so much eclat.. Each seemed to give evi
dence that ho tried to win the praises of
teacher, parents, and public; and it was
truly gratifying to the teacher and his pu
pils, to receive such assurances of the pub
lic, that they had succeeded.
The Town Hall was crowded to excess,
and after having stood upon our feet till
fatigued, we were compelled to leave be
fore the exercises were concluded; and we
regret to say, without having the pleasure
of hearing the address of H. 13. Swoope,
Esq., who had kindly consented to deliver
one appropriate to the occasion. Of what
we know of the ability of Mr. Swoops, and
what we have heard of his effort, we are
confident that it was highly creditable, and
calculated to give all, a higher estimate of
his powers, as a writer and speaker.
A word to the boys themselves. We
were pleased, gratified, with your efforts,
at speaking "in public on the stage•" Still
you can do better, and you, we know, will
thank us for the hint, as to how—next
time speak a little slower and articulate
a little more distinctly.
Advice to Flibtist lets.
Now that the great day of Flibustering
is about to dawn in earliest, and the gentle
men in that line are likely to have their
hands full of business and their beads full
of excitement, a word of advice from a
mere spectator, oven if not kindly taken,
may be found profitable in the way of sa
ving useless expenditure of labor, money
and life. Therefore,
1. If you want Cuba, buy it if you can;
don't stand about the price; double Mr.
Polk's offer of a hundred and eighty mill
ions and soon, up to a sum sufficient to
entice the Spanish Government to sell
out. In that way you make sure at once
of extending the area of freedom and add
ng two new Senators to the invincible pha
;anx of the Slave power. Wo know this is
lot what you want to do. You want to
Texanize Cuba. But you can't. The Span
iards are too much for you, aided, as in the
last extremity they will be, by halt a mill
ion of infuriated negroes. It will never do
to drive them into abolishing the patriar
chal institution. What would Cuba be
worth to the Model with five
hundred thousand free blacks among her
citizens ? And what effect would a negro
State in that neighborhood have upon the
peace and glory of our (wn Southern
brethren? You see the thing is impossi
ble, and like prudent men you will give it
up, or at least postpone it till 1856, when
it will make a good war-cry for the Do
2. Having thus laid Cuba aside for the
present, your thoughts will naturally diH
rect themselves toward St. Domingo.—'
There the chances are better. Prepara-.
tions, it is said, have already boon made to
colonize that interesting island. A stea
mer is bought, or to be bo•ight, and eight
hundred whole-souled flibustiers are to
move out there on tense highly advantage
ous for themselves. We don't know wheth
er our old friends Duff and Ben. E. Green
are the engineers of this enterprise, but it
would not be discreditable even to their
genius and experience. The Colonists go
as the champions of freedom in a double,
or rather in a treble sense. In the first
place they will defend republicanism as
embodied in the Dominican Republic; in
the second place they will cotnbat monar
chy and despotism, as embodied in his Ma
jesty Faustin, the Emperor of llayti, and
in the third place they will finally reestab
lish Slavery in Dominica and annex the
same as a new negro market, to our own
glorious confcderatiin. Thus they will
accomplish all that a true-born flibustier
could desire, and till up the measure of
their own asl•irations.
3. But even this brilliant picture has its
dark- side- You willrequire a great many
flibustiers. to reest ahliqh Slavery 'there, and
what with yellow fewer and other little in
cidents of such an enterprise, it will be ex
pensive. It will also have serious compli
cations in its train. Suppose Dominica
converted into a United State, what is to
become of Hayti? Shall we make war on
and conquer its million or so of people (
And after conquest, what shall we do then!
Annex them also to the Union as a free
State? Or make slaves of them and divide
them among the conquerors after the good
old patriarchal style ? As for instance :
To Capt. (Gen.) Isaiah Rynders a village
with 1,000 head; to Senator (President ?)
Douglas a village with 200 head; to Henry
B. Stanton a plantation with 50 head ; to
Gen. Cass a large drove, with a tract of
wild land; and so on till all the heroes of
pure Democratic flibustierism have had
their share. But as we said, this move
ment would be difficult in some respects,
and we accordingly advise its postponement
along with that of Cuba.
4:But in Mexico there are none of these
hinderances, and you may fall to without
hesitation. All the northern part of the
country may be had with good management
without much trouble, and what will be
more grateful to your feelings, without
danger. The States of Sonora, Chihuahua,
Coahuila, New-Leon, Tamaulipas, Duran
go, and perhaps San Luis Potosi, should
first be struck at. As the Camanches are
already carrying on a pretty potent war
against the Mexicans in those States, the
flibustiers would do well to make a little
arrangement with them for operations on
joint account. The six or seven provinces
could be revolutionized in the course of
next summer or autumn, and Slavery be
established in them in season for their an
nexation before the Thirty-third Congress
has closed its first session. It is true that
this would be rather quick work, but prac
' tice makes perfect and public opinion is
ripe for tho event. At least three full
grown States could be got out of the batch,
with six Senators, besides others in pros
pect, suJicient to balance all the free states
likelyt.WOme in for 41f a century. Thus
the Union will be preserved, while the look
for private plunder is excellent
This, then, is the plan for the flibustiers
to adopt. It is worth a dozen of any they
can lay against Cuba or St. Domingo.—
Those may be good for future elections,
but this is good for immediate practical use.
And meanwhile, as long as the prsent Ad
ministration is in power, and until they
can get themselves well organized and fit
ted out, our friendly advice to the common
run of individuals among them is, in any
little jobs of flibustiering they may under
take on personal risk and account, to take
care and keep out of the hands of the law.
..Vew York Weekly Tribune.
Paying for a Nevitspaper,
The Germantown Telegraph very truly
says: Except when the cash system is ex
clusively adopted and rigidly observed, we
know of no business in which its bills are
so difficult to collect, as subscription to a
newspaper. This is not because subscri
bers are unwilling to pay; but it is princi
pally owing to pore neglect. Each one
imagines that, because his year's indebted
nesss amounts to so small a sum, the prin
ter surely cannot be very badly in want of
that, without a moment thinking that the
fruits of his entire business are made up
exactly of such little sums, and that the
aggregate of all the subscribers is by no
means an inconsiderable amount of money,
and without which the publisher could not,
for a single month, continue the issue of
his paper.
STRAWS Snow, &e.—The Pottsville
Register, well known to be the mouthpiece
of the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
gives a list of names for Cabinet officers,
commencing thus: BUGLER ! ! Buchanan and
Dallas of Pennsylvania, &c. On this the
Daily News remarks : As it is no less a
true than an old saying that straws show
which way the wind blows, we may be al
lowed to infer from this announcement that
Gov. Bigler is a eandidinate for a Secretr
ryship. We know he is, as lie has a right
to be, an aspiring man, but still we had
not supposed his ambition to be quite so
vaulting as to have himself put forward in
competition with such old stagers as Bu
chanan and Dallas. It may be however
that It is only the work of his aspiring Sec
retary, who would doubtlessly be quite
willing to take his place as Governor. A
few months more, and we shall have some
queer developments, some very smiling fa
ces, and a great many more whose visages
will indicate fire and fury against Pierce
and his Cabinet.
"Napoleon III:,
Tho steamer America arrived at Halifax
on Wednesday. The most interesting in
telligence is that which concerns the ar
rangements for the proclamation of the
French Empire.
. .
On the . Bth inst. the French Senate;
adopted, by a vote of 86 to 1, a “Senatus
Cansultum" providing that Louis Napole
be proclaimed Emperor under the title
of "Napoleon III." The imperial dignity
is made hereditary in the line of Louis Na
poleon, the privilege extending only to the
male heirs; Louis Napoleon failitig of issue,
the legitimate decendatits in the male lino
of the brothers of Napoleon I. are to con
the succession—Louis Napoleon des
ignating the succession by will. A Sena-
tus-Consultuiu is to provide for a succes
sor in default of such legitimate or adopt
ed heir. Louis Napoleon accepted the de
cree of the Senate, and on the 21st and 22d
inst. the French people were to go through
the mockery of a a vote on the question of
a ratification of the Empire. it A now said
Louis Napoleon will marry the Princes
MR. WEBSTER'S BRAlN.—Three pounds
eight ounces, troy weight, is the average
weight. of a male adult, and three pounds
four ounces of a female. Cuviee.s brain
weighed four pounds, eleven ounces, four
drachms, and thirty grains, troy weight.
The brain of litipuytren, the great
French surgeon, weighed four pounds and
ton ounces. troy weight. Mr. Webster's
brain was next in size to the lust two, and
with these exceptions the largest of any
man that ever lived.
Splinters and Shavings.
SCAROE—good butter.
SETTLED—the Labos question.
TOTTERING—the Mexican Republic.
SURRENDERED—the TerkieS to Hung'ry.
VISITING FRIENDS—the Editor of the "Globe."
Is MOURNING—the survivors of Turkey-dom.
fir Congress will assemble on Monday the
rith day of December.
UNANSWERBD-a number of letters rent from
out sanctum lust week.
tar There is now being comribted, in Hunga
ry, a Tunnel which is ten English miles in length!
'The Into arrivals of Emigrants in Oregon,
are said to be in a deplorable state of destitution.
GENEOOOS-t0 send your creditor a promise
to settle his bill, and forget—to pay the postage
stir It is said the President elect receives daily
a bushel of letters from applicants for offices in his
tEr Senator James, of Rhode Island, is spoken
of us President Pumoes Secretary of the Inte-
Rev. R. S. Gurley, the well known Colo
nizationist, has been appointed a Clerk in the
Land Office.
Maox.ixtmous—to send the printer your mar
iago notice, for publication, and tax him witk
"lye cents postage for the favor.
'rhe Webster Obsequies, to take place in
Boston on the 30th inst., are expected to surpass
anything of' the kind ever witnessed in that city.
Gr The editors of the Harrisburg Democrat
were tried lately for libelling a Mr. Bergner, a
private citizen, and very justly convicted of the
lET About twenty presses and 250 operatives
are employed in the publishing department of the
American Tract Society, with a daily product of
50.000 publications.
A little son of Mrs. Dunn was burnt to
death at Hollidaysburg last week by Isis clothes
taking fire. The mother was out washing when
the accident occured.
The Japan Expedition, consisting of a
number of vessels belonging to the American na
vy, is nearly ready for sea, and will set sail in the
course of a few weeks.
gir The present, leading political parties,
Whig, and Locofoco, were formed in 1833, since
which neither has been able to carry two presi
dential elections in succession.
Gr The Delaware devision of the Pennsyl
vania Canal, will be closed on the loth of De
cember, inst., for the purpose of making repairs,
So say the Canal Commissioners.
GaT The Cambrian says a most melancholy ac
cident lately occured near Johnstown, by careless
ness in hunting, a Mr. Adonis having shot Mr.
Deshong in mistake for a bear.
cr The contracts on the Harrisburg and Sun
bury Railroad were allotted on the I Ith inst.—
The road is 56 miles lung, and is a part of a
continuous line from Baltimore to Buffalo.
Wet. C. Gallagher, fromerly editor of the
Cincinnati Gazzeite, and more recently private
Secretary to Mr. CORWIN, has become associate
editor and proprietor of the Louisville courier.
Samuel Galbraith, agent fur the Merchant's
Way Freight Line, was killed near the Portage
Iron Works on Tuesday last by a quantity of lum
ber falling on him from a car which ran off the
TILE CANARY ISLANDS. -By Me arrival of the
barque Nancy, Treat, from the Canary Islands,
we al e informed that the dry season has been the
most severe ever experienced, injuring the crops
to a groat extent.
tair A Convocation of the Episcopal Church
will commence on Tuesday evening and continue
till Thursday morning—The Sacrament will be
administered on Wednesday morning, and Chil
dren's service on Wednesday afternoon.
A PROFITABLE MEADOW.-A farttler in Can
ton, Mass., has a cramberry meadow of 22 acres
in extent, lying near Punkapoag Pond, from
which he has raked, the present season, upwards
of 1,000 bushels of fine cramberrios, for which he
realized $3,000 cash.
The Japan Expidition.
The N. Y. Tribune has an intersting arti
cle on the Japan Expidition and naval
matters. We copy the following prar
graph :
aThe Mississppi takes out a variety of
articles as presents to the Emperor of Ja
pan—to concilitato hits, astoni h the natives
and prepare the way for the desired nego l i
tiation. A lvomotive and a quantity of
railroad iron will be taken along with
which to show him the operations of a
raildroad. Telegraphic apparatus and
wire will be taken along, with which to
demonstrate how the lightnings have been
converted to the use of civilization. Two
of the ship's engineers [Messrs. E. D. 110-
Lie, and W. Alexander,[ aro learning the
use of the apparatus, in order to explain it
to the Emperor. An apparatus for taking
daguerreotypes will also be used and ex
plained for the information of His Majesty,
by Lieut Budd. A beautiful barge is on
board to bo presented to hint. Also boxes
of domestic goods, comprising a great va
riety of manufactured article3 '
which are
to give the Empoaor an idea of the indus
trial pursuits of this country, and perhaps
awaken a desk e on his part for an exchange
of commodities between Japan and the U.
States. The Mississippi will take ten boats
for her use. There are four beautiful brass
nine pounders amounted on carriages, which
are to be used if necessary, by parties of
engincers'engaged in surveying. They can
be fitted in the bows of the boats which
may be employed in surveying the coast.
Should this expedition succeed in its un
uertaking, and establish commercial rela
tions between the United States and that
extensive and secluded nation, it will rich
ly repay the risk and expenditure incurred.'
important Revelations.
The National Intelligencer publishes ti
corespondence between James Buchannni
while Secretary of State, and the Hon R.
M. Saunders, our then Minister at the
Spanish Court, from which it appears that
an oveture was made during Mr. Polk's
Administration to purchase Cuba, and that
the offer was made by the President upon
his own responsibility: though the heavi
ness of the acquisition might well have sug
gested the propriety of consulting at least
the Senate, if not both Houses of Congress,
before placing so vast a power in the hands
of our Minister to Spain. Nothing was
needed to the success of this overture but
a willingness on the part of the Govern
ment of Spain to part with the richest jew
el of its crown. The proposition was
promptly, courteously, but absolutely de
How it has happened, says the Intellgen
cer, that this interesting document, though
sent to Congress in reply to a specific call,
has not earlier seen the light, is explained
only by the indifference on the part of the
House of Representatives to communications
made by the Executive, though called for
by itself; in consequence of which this
Presidential Message lay on the table for
six or seven weeks without being opened,
and, when opened, it was, without any ex
amination of its contents, ordered to be
printed for the use of the members. Such
was the state of the printing question in
Congress at that time, that the House
might, for any information that it would
afford, as well have condemned the docu
ment to the flames. Under the more re
cent arrangement for doing the printing of
Congess, this document has at last, and only
recently, issued from the Cangressional
Democracy of Washington celebrated their
victory in the Presidential election last
Friday evening, by an illumination and
prc cession. A correspondent of the New
York Times, describing the affair, says the
following are specimens of the sentiments
expressed in transparencies at residences of
leading men of the party:
The Acquisition of Cuba by Purchase.
Reduction of the Tariff.
No Duty on Railroad Iron.
lii An ounce of fact is worth a pound of the
ory : and the sti'arm of eoriclusive facts that clus
ter rodtid that incomparable preparation, Hoot
land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, Philadelphia, establishing its value as a
tonic and restorative, are such as would prevent
incredulity itself from questioning its efficacy.—
In all cases of disease of stomach, whether acute
or chronic, it may be recommended for its' sooth
ing, cordial, and renovating influence. Dyspep
sia, heart-hurn, lons of appetite, nausea, nervous
tremors, relaxation, debility, &c, are relieved, by
the Bitters in a very short space of time; and a
persevo :Ince in their use never fails to work a
thorough yore. Sept. In.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue ofan Order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon County, will be offered for sale at
the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon,
lay the 24th day of December, at 2 o'clock, P. if.,
the following described property, to wit:—All the
certain parcel of ground situated in said Borough
of Huntingdon. at the South-eastern corner of
Hill and Smith Streets, fronting 48} feet on Hill
Street extending in depth along Smith Street 70
feet to an alley ten feet wide. and extending along
said alley 984 feet, and including the ground be
tween said alley and a line running parallel there
to at the distance of forty feet therefrom in rear
of certain Brek Offices 50 feet in length, Inswing
thereon erected a largo brick dwelling house,
Stable end other buildings. Also the unshielded
half-part of a parcel of ground situated in said
Borough. fronting 50 feet on 11111 Street, end ex
tending in depth et right angles to said street, 30
feet adjoining the said described mansion proper
ty on the west end south. having thereon erected
a one story Brick building used no Offices. Also
the undivided fifteen twenty-fourth ports of that
pert of Lots No's. 8, 9 and 10. in thin plan of said
Borough of Huntingdon, which is described as fol
lows: bounded on the east by Lot, No. 7, owned
by Thomas Fisher, fronting on Alegheny Street
the extent of said three Lotts, also fronting 120
feet on Smith Street, And bounded on the north
by An alley ten feet wide, at the distance of 70
feet upon Hill Street to the extent of the same,
thence extending in breadth 44 feet from said al
ley to 11111 Street, adjoining part of the said de
scribed two parcels on the west, and said Lot of
Thomas Fisher on the eest, having thereon erec
ted n large two story Stone Brick dwelling House,
used as a boarding House a small framollwelling,
n large. Stable and other building* Also; the un
divided half part of a lot of ground m said Bor
ough, fronting fifty feet on Washington Street,
and extending 200 feet to Mifflin Street, it being
a Corner Lot, and numbered 129, and having
thereon a frame Stable.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to
ho paid on confirmation of Sale, and the residue
in two equal annual payments, thereafter with
interest, to ho secured by the Bonds and Mort
gage of purchasers: _ _
Admr's. of Orectiberry Dorsey dec'd.
I will also, at the mime time and place, offer
for sale all my interest, it being the residue of
above property not advertised by the adminis
trators of Oreenberry Dorsey, which will give
the purChaser n title to the whole.
Dec. 2,1852.-4 t
The subscriber offers for sale, that valuable and
well improves! Lot of Ground situate in Alleghe
ny or Railroad street, in the borough of Huntinw
don, on which he now resides, and on which is
erected a BRICK DWELLING House, and a BRICK
BUILDING adjoining, suitable for any mercantile
purpose, having a good Store Room and Ware
house Room extending back to the Canal, with a
good well of water, rt Brick Cement Cistern, an
Ice House, and all other convenient out buildings;
in excellent repair.
Terms will be made known by enquiry of the
subscriber. LOUIS SCHNEIDER.
December 2, 1852.—t5.
HA VINO provided himself with a new Office,
adjoining the late residence of his tither, Dr.
Joust ILENnussoosr, respectfully tenders Isis Pro
fessional services, as heretofore, to the public.
Huntingdon, Doc. 2, 15552.