BY J. A. HALL. 'tERMS. The "HUNTINGDON 'MURAL" is pnblished at 'the following yearly retest It paid in advance $1,50 If paid within the year 1,75 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till after the expiration of the year. No subscription Will lie taken for a less period than six months, 'and no paper will be discontinued, except at the 'option of the published, until all arrearages are paid. After the close of the present vol., subscri bers living in distant counties, or in other States, will he required to pay invariably in advattee. far The shove terms will be regidly adhered ‘o in nll cases. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square bf sixteen lines or less For 1 insertion $0,50, For 1 month $1,25, 4‘ 2 t, 0,75, " 3 " 2,75, 14 3 14 1,00, " 6 " 5,00, PROPESBIOi , TAL CARDS, not eiceeding ten lines, and not changed during the year • • • • $4,00, Card and Journal, in advance, 5,00, BUSINESS CAnDs of the same 'length, not chan ged, 53,00 Card and Journal in advance, 4;00 On longer advertisement , whether yearly or transient, a reasonable deduction will ho made and a liberal discount allowed for prohitit pay- Men, 3i3octi rat. . _ INDIAN SUMMEIL There is a time, just ere the frost Prepares to pave old winter's way, When autumn, in a reverie lost, The mellow day-time dreams away. When summer comes, in musing mind, To gaze once more on bill and dell, To mark how many sheaves they bind, And see if all is ripened well. With balmy breath she whispers low, The dying flowers look up and give Their sweetest incense ere they go, For her who made their beauties live. She enters 'math the woodland shade, Her zephyrs lift the lingering kaf, And bear it gently where are laid The lo . ved and lost ones of its grief. She seeks the shore, old Ocean heaves, In gladness hugs his mighty breast; Prisons his wild winds in the eaves, And basking in their smiles is blest. And last old Autumn, rising, takes Again his sceptre and his throne, With boist'rons hands the trees he shakes, Intent on gathering all his own. Sweet Summer, ,ighing, flies-the plain, And waiting Winter, gaunt and grim, Sees miser Autumn hoard his grain, And smiles to think its all for him. KEEP THE HEART AS LIGHT AS YOU CAN. We bare always enough to bear, We have always something to do, We have never to ask for care When we have the world to get through; But what though adversity test The courage and vigor of nine, They get through misfortune the best Who keep the heart light as they can. If you shake not the load from the mind, Our energy's sure to he gone; We must wrestle with care, or we'll find, Two•londs are less easy than ore! To sit in disconsolate mood Is a poor and prolitlesa plan; The true heart is never subdued, If we keep it as light as we can. There's nothing tlmt Sorrow can yield, Excepting harvest of pain; Far better to sock Fortune's field, Ind till,f t, and plow it again ! The weighrthat Exertion can move, The gloom that Derision can span, The manhood within us provi! Then keep the heart light to you ran, ffamitg ettirie Pat Away that Novel Dr. Goldsmith, who had himself written a novel, in writing to his brother respec ting the education of his ion uses this strong language: "Above all things, never let your son touch a novel or romance.— How delusive, how destructive are those features of consunutte bliss! They teach the youthful to sigh after beauty and hap piness that never existed; to despise the little good that fortune bad mixed in our cup, by expecting more than she ever gave; and in general, take the work of a man who has seen the world, and studied it more by experience than by precept— take my word for it, I say, such books teach us very little of the world." What unfits the mind for the realities of life, also unfits it for religion—for it is a practical, matter of fact subject. The injurious effect of novel reading is never fully known. It hinders doing and get ting good, and it also trains up and grows an amount of evil products which eternity alone can exhibit. It hinders the mind from receiving good instruction which might be blessed. It quenches the influ ence which truth, accompanied by the spirit of God, was likely to produce in blessed result*. "It is only a novel, and AA nfinobon only for pastime;" so says the frequenter of the theatre or bar-room. It is pastime. But alas' does a culprit, who is under sen j tence of death, and only waiting for the day of execution, want something to anmse i him to pass his time? Does a sinner, who is already condemned, and who knows not I but this very night the crder will come for his immediate summons to the judgment bar of his offended God, and there hear the sentence, depart, or, cast ye the un profitable servant in outer darkness—can such a soul need anything to pass his time? Throwaway that novel; give thoughts to the realities of your life, and the soleiniii ties of your death. You have uo time to spare—use it—use it well, and use it at once. If you would save your soul have nothing to do with novels.— Presbytei•ian. Hymn on the Power and Provi dence of God. God shall be my song. He is omnipo tent; the Lord is his name; h e works are great, and his government extends through all the heavens. He wills, he speaks, and millions of worlds rise into existence; he threatens, and they are reduced to dust. Light is his garment: his counsels are wisdom and truth. As God he reigns: truth and righteousness are the foundation of his throne. Monarch of all the worlds, who is like unto thee? Without beginning of days, and without end of time, thou art eternal in the heavens, the incorruptible unceasing ,source of glory, wisdom and felicity. All that is, was, or ever shall be in hea ven, earth, or sea, is known to God. He lied contemplated his innumerable works from all eternity. He encompasseth us; he watches over us, and under the shadow of his wings we test .in safety. None of our actions escape his penetration; he searches the inmost recess es of the heart. He is always near us; when we lie doivn, and when we rise up, he is present. Ile knows our thoughts before we are conscious of them. If we climb up to heaven, ho is there, and though we simuld fly with the rays of the sun to the boundaries of the universe, or fathom the depth of the ocean, there he is also. Ile knows our affliction, he heareth our prayers and sees all that passes in our souls. All our good actions are known to him, as well as those that are bad; and when we aro in danger of falling, his mer ciful hand upholds us. From eternity lie has planned the wel fare of man; we have nothing that does not proceed from him; we are wholly his, by his goodness we live; let us therefore glo rify his name, and Continually sing his praises. Who is able to comprehend and recount the grandeur and mar,nificence of God's creation? Every grain of dust displays his power, every blade of grass his wisdom, and the air, the sea; the hills, the meadows, declare his glory: God waters the earth, and spreads a ver dant carpet beneath out feet. His bless ings encompass us; the day and night, the corn, amPthe fruit of the vine, joy and abundance: all flow front him. Not a sparrow falleth to the earth with out his will; and why shall man abandon himself to vexation, and not confide in the paternal cares of his Gud, his pi °teeter, and constant supporter, under whose shelter and guardian power no dangers can over come, no terrors appal; with God for our leader, we need not fear the united powers of darkness, of oppression, and of iniquity; though tempests roar, and storms bowl around us, we may in safety view the con tending elements, and calmly cmtomplate the Sublimity of nature, wt ilst we adore the Deity.—Storm's Reflections. EVERY WORD TRUE.-It is a great and I prevalent error, that children may be left to run wild in every sort of company and temptations for several years ; and that it will then be time enough to break them iu. This mistake makes half our spendthrifts, gamblers, thieves and drunkards. No man would deal so with his garden or lot, no man would raise . a colt or puppy on such a principle. Take notice parents—unless you till the new soil, and throw in the good seed, the devil will have a crop of poison weeds before you know what is tit ling place. Look at your dear children, l and think whether you will leave their sera yor ruin at hazard, or whether you should not train them up in the way they should go. Ha that would puss the latter part of life with honor and decency, must, when he is yowl.; consider that he shall ono day be old 7 and lay up knowledge for his support, when his powers of acting shall forsake him: and remember when he is old that he has once been youngyand for bear to animadvert with unnecessary rigor on faults which experience only can correct. PERSEVERE in every thing that an en lightened conscience tells you is honest and right, and you need not tear the result. HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1852. Otic,rettant ono. Divine Wiedoinioranffested in His Works. The Planetary System. This globe, though large, when enmpa- been accomplished in exactly the same , pa red with a single town or ; n individual riod of time, uniformly producing the same country, appears insignificant indeed, when effects. But this is not all. The prima- We take for our standard of comparison the fy,planets have another motion which pro whole universe. But however small and duces even more sublime and important insignificant it in reality is, it presents, nev- I changes than the former. By the former ertheless, sufficient evidence of having been I is occasioned the variation tlf seasons, pro the workmanship of an all-wise and otunip- 1 Oncieg heat and cold, seed time and her otent Being. The peculiar properties of vest; the latter causes the regular succes its surface, and the atmosphere that sup , 1 sion of day and night, affording us alternate roundes it—its admirable formation and hours of action and quiescence—labor and complete adaptation to the purposes it un- rest. The former is called the annual or doubted) , was intended .to answer, as a yearly, the latter, the diurnal or daily re habitation for myriads of living creliprel.-- volution. Tho former exhibits striking afford ample proofs of that fact; and fhb Proofs of "Divine Wisdom," the latter proposition with which I sot but might,' equally attests his greatness, and is abso perhaps, be sufficiently well established lutely necessary to the convenience and without taking into consideration any oth- I happiness•—nay, the very existence of ma er part of God's works than those which n 7 of Isis creatures . "Amidst the gloom of I are found connected with the inconsidera- night,lMw could we labor ? amidst the bita ble portion of them that has been set aparttle of day, how could we sleep ?" And as the abiding-place of man, and the vari- 1 yet without the exercise of the one, the ous orders of living creatures with which body would become relaxed and feeble, the man is acquainted, and over which he is ap- i mind dull and stilt id; and deprived of the pointed a ruler, invested with full power refreshment of the other, both body and and dominion. My design, however, is . mind must, in a short time, sink under the rather to make manifest "Divine Wisdom," exhaustion and oppression of unremitted by a general reference to the whole of: his action. How admirably, then, are these known Creation, than to establish it by a changei suited to their respective purples! critical analyses of any isolated part: I How manifestly are "Divine Wisdom" and will, therefore, in compliance with this do-' Superintending Power displayed in the nio sign, extend my remarks from "terrestrial tions of the Heavenly bodies ! What more to celestial scenes." splendid idea can enter the mind, than that . . When we turn our eyes towards the vi sible Heavens we behold hundreds of worlds, and thousands more remain undis-! covered—lie hid in immensity, and will perhaps never be displayed to finite man in! his present corrupt state of existence.—i UYGENI us, whose expansive mind took a liberal view of this subject, supposes that “there are stars whose light has not trav elled down to us since their first creation." From the fact that light flies at the rate of two hundred thousand miles a minute, we infer that the distance of these stars is immense beyond conception; and supposing! the intermediate space between us and! them to be filled up with revolving sys-! tams, their number must defy the power! of language to express. To our own system belong no less than thirty ono planets, thirteen of which are called primary, and eighteen secondary ,planets exclusive of recent discoveries.- I,The sun is the grand ceare of this sys-1 tem. All the others, both primary and! secondary, are, as it were, mere appen dages this of immense radiator and connec tor of revolving worlds. Around thi6 great axle the planets are placed at' different distances, some nearer, some more remote, than our earth. His re; fulgent rays enliven, cherish, and sustain! them all. He is the supreme centripetal' power that keeps them in their respective. places, and around which they perform their stated courses. Nothine; can, in my opinion, more fully demonstrate the con summate wisdom of the divine Architect, than duos the rotary motim of the planet., and the sublime law of nature which gov erns it. Were the planets acted upon by no force, they must remain stationary, which would deprive us of all the pleasing variety which their present motions pro-', duce. Were they operated upon by no other than projectile force, they would have continued to move on in a right line ever since their first creation; and, passing the limits of their present system, have been sometimes envolved in total darkness and frost—at others, exposed to dazzling light, intense, perhaps consuming heat.— On the other hand, were they subject to centripetal power alone they must, long ere this, have been drawn into close con- tact with their great attractor, and have The Boston Chronicle gives - the following, been either crushed by the terrible con- in addition to the particulars already pub oussion, disolved by his puissant rays, or lished, relative to John Crofts Coffield, who at least completely itiveloped and lost in I died in that city on the 28th ult., supposed the condensed splendor of his light. This to be worth $200,000 : two-fold power removes every difficulty, For the last thirty years this eccentric prevents all these disastrous consequences, man has not laid in a bed, except when and thereby raises our conceptions of Him: travelling, he being too miserly to iudtlge who is the Supreme Creator and Gover-lin such “extruvattlice,'• as Ito termed it. nor of the Universe: IHe has made his lc dgings on trunks and The power of projection and attraction so boards, and finally died, lying upon a large exactly counteract cub other's effects, as, trunk. Three days preceding his death, i to cause one of the most pleasing plicumn- I be purchased a: burial lot in Mount Auburn. cos iu natere—the revolution of the plan-, He lived, if living it could bo called, in a eta in their orbits. To this revolution we small shop off from the street He lived a are indebted for the changes of the sea- bachelor, ot being willies to marry on sons, and all the charming varieties of cli- count of the expenses incident upon a Itar•• mate—the grateful succession of heat and ried life,*and dragged' out his existence as cold, of summer and winter, spring and solitary as au oyster. Ilis meals cost him autumn; and for all the beauties, pleasures . on an average six and a quarter cents, and and benefits attendant on these changes,' in payment be generally tendered, a cross ' with hut winch the whole face of creation od four pence. He had not probably tte'- would be a tiresome scene of uninteresting ken off his clothes for a year. Avarice monotony. shone from his cold, glassy eye; he loved A point wbi , :h must not be left unnoti-! no one, and Ito one probably loved him.— cod, whilst speaking of this rotary motion,. Tho late Dr. Parkutan was his friend, and is f its perfect uniformity, its unvaried rig- , was selected Ls his executer. ukrity. It is a well attested fact, that thel planets have, ever since they emerged from (L The most effectual curo for moths, mm-existence, continued to run their eta- so continue in stores of goods,"it said to be a ted rounds in the precise time allotted to moderate dose of newspaper advertisements: each, when first projected on its course, by the hand of Tile Creator. Thy earth which we inhabit performed its first revolution in 365 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes anti 54 sec onds. It has run, unwearied, the same cir cuit five thousand eight hundred and fifty six times, and each succesiio round has For the Journal, of being carried forward more than sixty thousand miles an hour by one of the Fie motions, and no less than seventeen miles in a single minute by the other, and yet remain entirely unconscious of this almost inconceivable Velocity? Could a spectator be so situated, as to take at one glance a full and complete view of every part of only a single planet— could he see plants growing, flowers bloom ing, and trees clad in rich foliage, in one region, and, in another, vegitation hasten ing to dissolution;—could he behold the "spring, in virgin robes attired," fast ap proaching on one continent, and atitumn'ti l mutation silently but impressively spread in.'' its monitory vestments over the scene of his observations in another;—could lie see smiling summer and frowning winter in opposite dircetions;—and could ho at the saute time, have a view of noon-day and mid-night, of the sun, radiant god of day, ushering in the moon to one people, emit ting his lucid rays from the zenith of an-' other, and sinking beneath the horizon of a third,'—could he see the sun in his me i ridian splendor, the moon in all her phases, l and the firmament mantled with nnumnber led stars ;—amid, in line, could he at one and the same instant, trace out all these aspects and changes--some of which are every moment present to the inhabitants of this globe—he might then form some ade quate idea, some rational conception, of the grandeur and sublimity of the annual drid *Amin' revolution of the planets! lie would thou discover the Whidum of Him who makes so simple a cause produce such *wide' ful effects, and after having contem plated, in silent admiration and mute aston ishment, this mere atom of creation, and considered that the scene now before him has existed the same for thousands of ages, and will continue the saute operations until ''time shall be no ino:e," wit, out the loss of a single particle,—he would, from the fullness of conviction, give vent to his wrought-ou feelings by exclaiming, "How filly; how strikingly is " Divine lb isdom manifested in all his Troiks!" R. A. M. Philadelphia, Nov. 1852. Au l centric Cikarater. 44,* - 4 ° 01101tAL Division of Texas. An active movement is on foot in Texas for the division Of that State. In the eas tern part of the State it has been and still is vigorously pushed ; and it is now propo sed that an extra session of the Legislature be called; for the purpose of considering the subject. The Houston Telegraph op poses the project; on the gro••nd that if there should be a division of the State; as propoied; in Eastern and Western Texas, (here would be great danger of the western section becoming a free State, which the Teleg,raph thinks, would much depreciate the value of Slave property i. eastern Texas. It is stated that the success attending the culture of sugar in Texas has been such that the country between the Trinity and fluadalupe rivers is rapidly filling up with planters, and if the State remains united for some years longer, it will be pretty well peopled with a slaveholding population. A Modern Romulus--Strange Story. The Delhi Gazette relates an almost in credible story of the discovery of a boy, Who hid consorted with wolves so early that nearly every trace of humanity had bean lost. He walked or ran, on all fours, land after his removal into the service of an officer, he st.ll delighted in the company of jackals and other small four-footed animals, which he would make his trencher compan ions. He was never known to smile, and only spoke once to indicate that his head ached. He died suddenly after drinking some water. This poor creature was recognited by his parents, but they soon became disgusted and deserted him. His age, ut the time of I his death, was apparently twelve years. Clerical Joke. At Madame Sontag's "full dress rehear sal," at Boston, on Monday forenoon, a' wall known clergyman of that city excited considerable remark by keeping his hat on during the performat;ce. Those who were seated behind him wore of course anneyed by the obatrtietion of their view of the per formers, and one gentleman, not having the fear of "the cloth" before his eyes, ventur ed to suggest to the divine that none of the other gentlemen were covered. The cler gyman looked around with an apparent air of ahstraai, n, and the fag end of a smile lurking in the corners of his mouth, and re moving his chapeau remarked that lie "really thought this was a full dress con cert." ALE.—Pale Ale has created in many men numerous causes of nil. It has driv , en him out of the pale of society, and brought many to their bier. This is a la mentable world. Crime impales a poor devil alive, and within the pales of a pH son be lingers to his end. A hale, hearty man becomes pale, the moment he enters within the pale of a bar-room. It is his fate in this vale of ttuble to enccunter the sneer and scorn of sober thinking men.— lle enters the dale where stands the ale house, and when he exits therefrom, he is ima perfect gale of fury. He commits an act of outrage—no one will go his bail-- so he is packed up and baled off to the jail. !low often do we see a female enter the lists, and even outdo the male in riot and discord. Thus ends our tale about ale, which, when published, cannot fail to have a rapid sale. Young people in our favored land have very little idea ot the sufferings of the poor in England and elsewhere. The follow ing little sketch will give them some idea cf the truth : Upon one of my visits to the various rag ged schools ot the metropolis, I became in terested in a lad of ten or twelve years of age, with a frank open mintenance, though somewhat dirty, and dressed in a suit of rags. lie was rem ing busily in his Testa ment; and would stop occasionally and ask such curious questions of his teacher, I could but smile. Ills "premien' t.hser va:ions" on certain rorti ns of fly Sri ip ture, if clothed in elotpient rat T uage, v. old have done honor to men of elven- h.o.— There was a freeheartedness in Lim that gleamed out through all his rags and dirt, and I sat down beside hits, to ask him some questions. tWhere do you live,' I asked, 'and how?' live anywhere I can," he replied; "and almost how I can." ~ B ut,' said I, 'whets your trat'e or busi ' ness? W h. t do you generally do for a "I ate a water-tress boy," he replied, "and get tip every morning at two o'clock and go on foot three or four miles, and 'sometimes six or ! ight, into the edge of the city,. to buy the water-creases. I get a basket for a shilling, and by crying them a whole day, generally clear another, which tar Queen Coroline, having observed • nays my board and lodging." that her daughter, the princess, hail made .• „ Do , • can you live upon a shilling n one of the ladies about her stand a long - do 1 " I asked. time, while the princes was talking to her, y,, y . 0 , • pretty we.l but many times on acme trifling subject; was resolved to • ' ' don't make a shilling, and then buy a give her a suitable reprimand. Therefore, to crust of bread, and go and sleep under when the princess came in the evening one of tne arches of the London Bridge, or read to her mother, as usual, and was ins Mine crate et- box down on the wha ' rves drawing a chair to sit down, the Queen ! Just then the superintendent ame a said to her, 4 ‘No, my dear, you must not . lung, and as I took his arm he said— sit: for I intend to make you stand, this : .o .lle lad yen have been ' talking with, eveni ig, as long as yen made lady li . ,• comes here every ingot learn to read, remain in the same position. land althmgh he cannot get to sleep before ten o'clock, and is obliged to hoop at, tWo, THE Montreal Courier of the 30th ult., hints the: some daring innendaries have ye t lie is niwaYs p""etual." lately attempted to burn the remainder of I Lately his mother was imprisoned for back rent—ten shillings. The blare bet the city of Montreal, and it, therefore, a warns the citizens to be prepared with .lmost starved himself, and slept out of loaded arms, and if they dete6t the . ref ., ' doors, to save the Money to release her. dabs, to (Units!' them at once." never doMplained of Ilia - A man without money, and a heart !my condition but once,' said spoor old full of I}hilanthrophy whose coat is a little man, 'when my feet were bare,' Ati I had threadbare, is shunned like a thief; a man no money to buy shoes—but 1 met a wan with a pocket full of money, and a heart without feet, and became contented."— full of villainy is courted for MS virtues. ; Paper. [Cr The Battle of Germantown was', If you a t enticinan would know, ?ought mi the . 4th' of October, 1777 'Tie he whop. (leads proclaim him eo. Anecdote of Col. Crocket. Once upon a time; during a debate in the U. S. house of Representatives, on a bill for inereosing the the number of hos pitals, one of the Western members observed "Mr. Speaker—My opoinion is that the ginerolity of mankind --in general, are disposed to take the disadvantage—.of wise ginerality—of mankind is gineral." "Sit down, sit down," whispered the Col. who sat near him, "you are cowing out at the same hole you went in at." VOL. 17, NO. 48. Voutito' Cottuttn. . 1 ICEMEN BEM I remember, I remember, When I just began to creep, How I crawled straight into mischief— Ilow I wouldn't go to sh•ep— Ilow I pull'd the table linen With its contents on the floor; How my mother spanked me for It; Till my tender flesh was sore. I remember, I remember, When I used to go to school, How I kept a watchful eye on The school-master's rod and rule; How I cut up monkey shines Every time his back was turned— now I sometimes used to catch it, When I'd not my lesson lintined; I remember, I remember, When I went a hooking peaches, How a clog came out and caught me By the surplus of my breeches) How I hung on to the bushes— • How the dog hung fart to me, Till my crying brought a man whci Flugg'd me most "urful•a." I remember, I remember, Whe.n the girls I iced to kiss, How I thought it rather funny, But it gore no extra Miss; Now it seizes me with rapture, Now it fills my soul with joy; Yet with manhood's blisgful pleasure, Would that I was still a boy. trr Boys—when they are boys—are queer enough. How many ridiculous no tions they have, and what singular de sires, which in after life change and shape themselves into characteristics! Who rc menthol R when he would have sold his birth right for a rocking-horse, and his new suit of clothes for a monkey? Who forgets the sweet-faced girl, older than himself, a gainst whose , golden hair he leaned and wept his griefs away? Who .recolleete when the thought of beit g a circus-Oder appeared greater titan to be president: and how jealously lie watched the little fellows that wore apangled jackets find turned somersets, and prayed to s hoo* . like t! eta? If memory preserve not these cal,- vices, or something similar, the boy is lost in the wan_ Happy visions, they mit.e but once and go quickly, leaving us ever to sigh for a return of what can never be again. A LOodon Boy.