Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 07, 1852, Image 3

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Bth Y vtre of sundry writs of Vend. ExpS. issued
out of the Court of Common I'leas of Hunt
ingdon county, and to nie directed, I will expose
to pithily sale, at the front door of the Court
house, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday
the 9th day of November next, to commence at
10 o'clock, A. M. All persons interested are no
tified to.attend, the money must be paid when the
property is struck oft; or the bill will not be con
sidered good, and the property sot up the next day
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the hiddar not paying up, is
held accountable for any loss, on the sale.
All that certain lot of grinind situate in the
township of Henderson, and county of Hunting
don, fronting 50 feet on Moore street, nod running
back 2:30 feet to 1)r. 13. E. M'Murtrie's lot, ad
joining lots of Thomas Welch and Robert Lott,
having thereon erected a two story log house and
under fence, and in good condition.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Nathan Scofield.
ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of Eli
as Hoover, in and to all that certain piece, parcel,
and tract of land, situate in Cromwell township,
Huntingdon county, bounded on the north by
lands of Andrew lingio, and Blair, Robinson, &
Co., 011 the south by lands of Lock's, and on the
west by the Black-Log Mountain, containing
three hundred acres, more or less. .
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Daniel 11. Royer, & Cu.
ALSO—AII defendants right, title and interest
in and to a tract or farm of land in Jackson town
ship, Huntingdon county, containing one hundred
and fifty-ti Ye acres, more or less, one hundred and
twenty-five of which are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, haying thereon erected a two
story lug house, plastered on the outside, ai smoke
house and wood house, and a double log barn,
one small house occupied as a shoemaker shop, an
apple orchard, a well of good water and other im
provements, adjoining lands of Hugh Smith on
the west, Robert Cummings on the south, Robert
Johnston on the oust, and on the north by ()shun
and Mellurncy.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property ofJoseph Vance and James Alexander.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
October 7, 1852.
Orphans' Court Notice.
To the Heirs end Legal Representatives of
I George Taylor, late of Springfield townohip,
in the county ut Huntingdon, don't].
At an Ortihans' Court held at Huntingdon, on
the oth day of August, 1852, on motion of David
Blair, Esq., the said Court granted a Rule on 011
persons interested in the real estate of the said
lieu. Taylor, late of the township of Springfield,
deed., to appear in Court on the first day of .No •
vember Tenn next, (A. D. 1852,) to accept or
retuse the real estate of said dce'd. at the valua
tion thereof; to wit: $1756,50—0r show cause
why the same should not be sot I.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
October• 7, 1852.-St.
Valuable Farm at Private Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale at private sale;
his Valmtble lute iu Clay township, Hunting
dim (minty, Pa., on which Mr. Nathan Rickets
now resides, coin:mini , of about 190 Acres,
wljoining lands at W. 'Corbin and others, about
100 of which is cleared, the balance in good tim
ber, under good fence, and in a high state of im
-I.rovenient, upon which is a comfortable frame
house, nearly new, a very good bank barn, 40 by
70, with stabling under the whole, well finished;
well of exechunt water at the house, and run
ning water within a few rods of both house and
bare; the hind is all tillable, lays level enough
to work I oils ways, and is quite a desirable (arm
well sitnand tin a gc,od market. Persons wish
ing to poreliu,o would do well to examine the
above proderty, as there will be a good bargain
Any information can bo bad by calling on N.
Rickets on the premises, K. L. Green near
Ecottavillo, or &Intl Al'Vitty Shirloysbnrg.
I'eric accommodating.
(Jct. 7, 1852. BENJ. LEAS.
Pamphlet Laws.
Prothonotary's °like.
Huntingdon, (Al. 4, 1852.
The Pamphlet Laws of the ,eAsion of 18 , 2 ha , e
been received at this Ake, and arc ready for dis
tribution in:cording to law.
THEO. 11. CHEMER, Pro'y.
Oct. 7, '52.-3t.
mu the I.e:, and iegal representatives or JAMES
Inc of Jackson township, Hunt
ingdon county, dec'd.
Toku notice that in pursuance of this writ of
partition ut rAuatio, ksued out of the Orphan's
Court of Huntingdon county, I will hold an in
quest to make partition or valuation of the Real
Estate of which said deed. was stized, ua the
premises,. Miday the 29111 (lag ty . (Mohr Heal,
when and where all persons interested may at
tend. IVM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
September 30, IS:A.—a
MO the heirs and legal representatives of Folio-
EItICK HARMAN, lute of Cromwell township,
Ilumingdon county, tlee'd.
In pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon
county, 1 will hold an inquest to make partition
or valuation of the Real Estate of said dee'd., on
the premises, on Friday the 22d doll of Oetolwr
next, when and where all persons interested may
attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
September 30, 's2.—lt
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
will be sold at Public Venda° or Outcry, on the
premises, ON SATURDAY rite 230 DAY OF Or-
TOBEIt, 1852, a tract or parcel of land, late the
estate of Leonard Stetley, deed., situate in Bar
ren township, being the mansion tract, containing
101 Acres of land, more or less, adjoining
lands of Nicholas Troutwine, George Borst, So
lomon Hamer anti Christian Gearheart; on which
is erected a log house and log situ,
and about
95 Acres eleared.thercom the nose being lime
stone land.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of sale,
the balance in two equal annual payments with in
terest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage
-of the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Cl'k.
Attendance given by ADAM STEFFY,
Sept, 30, '52-4.t
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Catharine Ambrose, late of West town
ship, Hutingdon county, deed.
Letters testamentary on the above estate having
been granted to the undersigned, all poisons in
debted will make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
Sept. 30,
TERMS.—Boarding• and lodging, per week,
$1,50. Tuition $4,00 and $5,00. Instrumental
music, French, &c., extra:
Car The examination of the pupils will corn
unwire on Thursday 20th day of Septwilbei; at
10 o'clock, A. M., and continue two days.
The parents and friends of the instividow aro
respectlially invited to attend.
Rev. J. CAMPBI4I.I., A. M., Principal.
new store of Bri
iß — Betl Pins, already tuned, for sale at fuel
a.,, September 2,1852.-21 n•
Or Feathers wanted iu exrhungo for goods at
he now store of J. BRICKER.
Nails, all kinds and sizes; for sale at the now
store of J. Bricker.
Fresh Cheese always ou halal and for sale
at the new store of J. Brick, r.
' By rhino of a certain writ of Fide Facies to
me directed, I will sell nt public outcry at the
front door of the Court House in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on Monday the 1 lth, day of Octo
ber next, at 11 o'clock A. M. "All the right ti
tle-and interest John Williams of in smd to all
that certain lot of ground situated in the town
ship of Shirley and county of Huntingdon, ad
joining the Borough of Shirleysburg, fronting
sixty feet on the road to Bells' Mill, and rutting
back at tight angles, one hundred and forty feet
to the back street of said Borough, adjoining on
the North a lot of Charles Atherton, and on the
South a lot of George Bowman; having thereon
erected one two story frame dwelling house, one
frnme shop, and a filmic stable, together with the
appertenances, Seized taken in Execution and
to be sold as the property ofJohn Williams.
Sept 23, '52.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Or.
plums' Court, to distribute the hind in the hands
of Thomas Stewart, Administrator of Henry
Whitesel, deed., to and among those entitled to
the same, Will attend for that purpose at his Of
fice in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday the
15th, day of October next at one o'clock, I'. M.
Sept 23, '52.-4t.
Saddler's Shop for Rent.
The subscribers will rent that well known Sad
dler shop of Jesse Mothersbaugh, dec'd., in the
town of Warriorsmark l lmitiutdon county. Said
shop is well arranged owl listed up for carrying
on said business, and is situated in the midst of a
number of Furnaces and other Iron Works, a
flourishing village and excellent neighbourhood
offering a rare chance to any person wishing to
engage in the business.
They also have on hands as the property of the
dec'd., a full and complete sett of Saddler's Tools,
also a quantity of stock which will be sold at pri
vate or public sale.
Persons wishing to rent or purchase will do
well by calling soon.
Admrs. or Jesse Mothersbaugh, dee'd.
Sept. 23,'52.-3t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
In persuanee of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale oit the premises, on Saturday
the ninth ci,y of October trot, all that lot of
ground situate in West town:lip, in said comity,
adjoining lands of Jacob Eberly, John Hewn,
George liilger, George Borst and Wilson Stewart,
coutatining about one acro and a spicier, under
fence, and having thereon erected a log bonne, one
and a half stories high, with some fruit trees, and
a good spring of water at the door. To be sold
as the property of Sarah Stewart, late of said tp.,
TERMS OF SALE—One half of the par
chit,: money to lie paid on continualou of said
sale, and the residue within one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by the bonds and
mortgage of the purchaser.
Sept. 16, '5l-11. Atlner.
Adinhtistratora Notice
Estate of Caleb W. Green, late of Clay
township, deo'd.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate all persons having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement and those indebted
will make immediate payment.
Sept. 16, 1552.-6t5.
Execlitor , B Not ite
Estate of Hugh Madden, Esq., late of
Springfield township, dco'd.
. Letters testamentary on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons having claims against it will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment, and those indebted will make Mune
diate payment.
Sept. 16, '52.-6t.
Huntingdon County Mutual Insur
ance Company,
Wish to receive applications for agents,
from such persons as aro willing to give
time and attention to the duties. The pay
allowed will fully compensate agents for
their trouble. Agencies and duties con
fined to the county. Apply in person or
by letter, post-paid, to
Sept. 16,185'2.
Executor's Notice,
Estate of William A. Apgar, late of Union
township, doe'd.
Letters testamentary on the above es
tate having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons having claims against it will•
present them properly authenticated for
settlement, and those indebted will make
immediate payment.
Sept. 16, '52.-60
Sl►irleysburg Female Seminary.
Tho winter term, of the second year, of this In
stitution will commence uu Tuesday the Id day of
Thu location is unsurpassed in salubrity of cli
mate and beauty of scenery—and a sufficient trial
has shown that a flourishing institution can be
maintained bore, notwithstanding the praisewor
thy competition on the subject of editcation
throughout this entire region of country.
Additional improvements are in progress which
will afford accommodation fur a few more board
ing scholars. The services of a very accomplished
teacher of instrumental and vocal music, and of
the French language, have been secured.
The year is divided into two sessions of twenty
two weeks each. Eleven weeks constituting a
Nu deduction 'bade except in C 450 of protracted
Received and for sale at LEVI'S Store
..• it...“ 1 I .istitti earuot. iu re.
DUE:WANT to an Act of the General Assem
-1 bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An act relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," approved the second day of. J
uly A. D. 1839, I, \VM. B. ZEIGLER, High
Sheriff of the county of Iluntingdon, in the State
of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give
notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that
a General Election will be held in said county of
Huntingdon, on the Second Tuesday (12th
day) of October, 1802, at which time State
and County officers, as follows, will lie elected :
ONE PERSON to lilt the office of Canal Commis
sioner of the Comincmwealth of Pennsylvania.
Use PERSON to till the office of Supreme Judge
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON in connection with the counties of
Blair, Cambria and Somerset, to fill the office
of member of the House of Representatives, of
the United States.
Tw•o musotis to represent the counties of Hun
tingdon and Blair in the House of Rrepresenta
tires of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One rmasoN to till the office county of COMMIS.
eloner for the county of Huntingdon.
One PERSON to fill thu onion of Director of
the Poor for thu county of Huntingdon.
One PERSON to till "the cane Kuditor for the
county of Huntingdon.
. . ,„ .
Seclion of An ,re( of the General Anembly ap
proved the eighth day of April, 1852
rtsyrsoN 12. That for the purpose of ascer
taining the wishes of a niajmity of the ci izens of
Huntingdon county, respecting the sale of the
Poor House Farm in said county, and investing
the !proceeds of such one in a Tract of Land in a
more central and convenient location, it shall be
the duty u. the Inspectors of the several townships
and boroughs in said county, at the next general
election, to receive 'rickets, either written or p
ted, from the qualfief voters thereof, labelled upon
the outside "Poor House," and an the inside 'for
the , ale" i.r ..against the sale," and make return of
the same to the meeting of the retorts Judges, as is
provid, d lor in the ease of county officers, and if it
shall appear upon counting tip the votes that the
bight, t noon cr of vutek of those voting on the
au bje. t are l'or the sale of the poor house farm, the
Directors of the Poor in said county, or a majori
ty of them, shall a' soon as precticable proceed to
sell the poor house f ern at pi.blic sa:e upon giving
six weeks notice by hand bills, and in two news
. poi cm of said county, upon such wrists as shall be
by them considered most advantageous, and after
the sa e thereof to purchase a tract or parcel of land
situate toils s• sin of the borough of Hun
tingdon for the pulp , no of giving cmp:oyment and
support to the poor in said county:—P or ,
'Phut the pureba,e money thereof slut!l not ex.!
coed the amount clued by the sale of the Farm
which the said I drectors are require d to sell.
lit pursuance of said Art. I also hereby make
known and gee, notice, that the places of holding
the atiircsnid general election in the several elec
tion districts within the said county, me as fol
Ist district, composed of Henderson township,
and nil that part of Walker township not in tie
Pith district, at the Court House in the I3orough
2tl dktrict, composed of Dublin township, at
the house of Mathew Taylor, in raid township.
dist' it. t, ti,sitposed of so nitwit of Warriors
mark township as is out included in the 15111 dis
trict at the school house adjoining the town of
W erriorsinai k.
4th district, composed of the township of Hope
well, at the School House at Bough and Beady
Pumice in said township.
•stlr diatt ict, composed of the township of Bar
ree, ut the house of Jetties Livingston (formerly
John Harper), in the tow it uf Sauk:hely ; in stud
11th district, composed of the township of Shir
ley, at the house of D. Broker. in Shirleysburg.
ith district, composed of Porter and Walker
townships, and so much of \Vest township as is
included in the following boundaries, to wit: be
ginning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caul
than S 1,111 on the bank of the little Juniata river,
at the lower end of Jackson's narrow q, thence in
a tm•th•eastet•ly direction to the most southernly
part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire,
thence north 4r/degrees west to the top Cl Fun
se 's mountain, to intersect the line of Franklin
tow n din), thence along said line to little Juniata
river, thence down the SUMO to the place of be
ginning, at the
.public school house opposite the
German Relbfin Church in the borough of Alex
• 8111 distr ht, composed of the township ofFrank
lin, at the lessen of Jacob Matters now occupied
by Geo. W. Menem, in said township.
9th district, coup I , sed of Tell township. at the
Union School I louse ' near the Unidn Meeting
House, in said township. •
10th district, composed of Springfield township,
nt the school house near' Hugh Madden's in said
11th district, composed of Union tp., at the
solidi,' house near lizekial Corbin's in said town
12t1I'distri0:, composed of Brady, township, at
the mill of James Lane, in said tp.
lath district, cueposed of Morris township, at
the lidase now occupied by Abraham Moyer,(lun
keeper,) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the village of
Waterstrect, in snid township.
14th district, composed of that part of West tp.,
not included in the 7th district, at the public
school house on the farm now owned by Miles
Lewis, (tbrinerly owned by James Ennis,) in
laid tp.
15th district, composed of that part of Walker
township lying southwest of a line commencing
opposite Davul Corbin's house, at the Union tp, , ,
lino, thence in a straight line, including said Cor
bin's house to thti tairimr of Porter township, on
the Huntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at
the house of Jacob Magithy, in said tp. •
16th district, composed of the township of Tod
at the Green School HMls° in said tp.
17th district, composed of that part of West tp.,
on the south-east side of Warrior ridge, begin
ning at thd liac of West and Henderson townships,
at the foot' of sushi Ridge, to the line of Barret)
township, 09'0' by the division line of Burree and
West townships to the summit of Stone mountain,
to intersect the line ofHenderson and West town
ships, Riedel by said line to place of beginning, at
the house now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on
Murry's Run.
18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at the
house, now occupiell by David Entire", Orbisonia.
19M district, composed of the - Borough of Bir
mingham, with the several tracts of land near to
and attached to the same, now owned and occupi
ed by Thos. M. Owens, John K. MeCahan, A
Roberson, John GenSimer and Wm. Gensimer,
situate in the town Ship of • Worriorsanik; at' the
pablieschool house in said' Boroug h.
20th district, composed of Cass township atthe
public school house in Cassville, in said tit.
2 I st district, composed of Jackson township; at
the house of Hobert Burr, nos/ occupied by John'
Hirst, at McAleavy's Fort, in said tp.
22d district, composed of Clay township, at the
house of Joshua Shore, at the Three Springs, in
said township,
23,1 district, composed of Penn township; at the
school house Ott the farm of Jacob Brumbaugh, in
said township.
1' also make known and give notice, as in and
bythu 13th section of the aforesaid act 1 tunilittet-'
cd. • • that every poison; except justices of. the
peace, who shall hold any office or uppointnanit be
profit or trust under the government of the United
States, or of this State, or of any city or incorpo
rated district, whether a commissioned officer of
agent, who is or shall be employed under the le-
of this State, or of the V. States, or any city or
incorporated district, and also, that every member
of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of
the select or common council of any. cite, com
missioners of any incorporated district, .A by law
incapable of holding. or exercising at the mine
time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector, judge, or other otlker (irony
such election, shall he then eligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also, that in the 14th section of the net of As
sembly entitled nn "Act relating to executions and
for other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it
is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall
not be construed as to prevent any militia officer
or borough officer from serving as judge, inspec
tor, or clerk, orrery general or special election in
this Commonwealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th
section in the act aPiresaid, the judges of the afore
said districts shall respectively take charge of the
certificate or return of the election of their respec
tive districts, and produce them at a meeting of
one judge from each district, at the Court House
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the third day
after the day of the election, being for the present
year on FRIDAY, the 17th of October next, then
and there to du and perform the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge
by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to
attend said meeting of Judges, then the certificate
of return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one
of the inspectors or clerks of the election of sold
district, and shall do and perform the duties re
quired of said judge unable to attend.
Also, in the Gist section of said act, it is enact
ed that "every general and special election shall
be opened between the hours of eight and ten in
the forenoon, and shall continue without imcrrup
tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening when the polls shall be closed."
Given under my hand at Huntingdon the lath day
of Septent her, 1852, and of the Independence of
the United States the seventy-sixth.
"NM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff:
Sherifrs Office,
Huntingdon, Sept. 16, 1852.
By virtue of the last Will and Testament of the
bite Benjamin Johnston, dec'd., of Warriorsmark
township, Huntingdon county, the subscribers,
Executors under said Will, will sell on the 28th
of October next, on the premises, the farm un
which the said Benjamin Johnston resided,
This farm is sittaatcd in the Valley Of the Little
Juniata River, near to 'Tyrone Forges, and with
in one mile of tl:c Central Railroad. The im
provements consist of one good log dwelling
house, a commodious barn, spring house and oth
er convenient buildings. The quality of the land
is of the first order, being limestone soil, of easy
cultivation and susceptible of the highest order of
improvement. 'The above farm contains 213
,ICIfES, of which one hundred is in wood of tine
quality and easy of access. There are two never
failing springs on the premises one of which is
Incur the dwelling house. There are also two
good Orchards of apple trees and other fruits.
This bunt is well watered by Logan's Run,
which plisses through it. The property, from its
adaptation to the growth of wheat and easy ac
cess to market, render it a very desirable invest
ment fur persons wishing to buy landed Estate.
The terms will be one third cash, on the first
day of April, 1859, at which titne possession will
be given—the balance in three equal annual pay
ments with ipte•est.
The üburC property will be shown to any one
wishing to view it by James Clark, at Birming
ham, or J. S. Mathias, at Tyrone—or by Andrew
Fit row, who resides on the premises.
Sept. 16,'5,0.-Gt. Executors.
fa,+ , ltatependent Whig," Lancaster, will in
sert I; times and charge this office.
Orphans' Court Sale;
In pursimo,:e of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county the undersigned will ex
pose to polMa sale on the premises on Friday the
fifteenth day of October next, oil that tract of im
proved land, Springfield township, said
county ' late the property of Samuel llockenberry,
dec'd.,bounded by land of Jacob Baker, Benedict
Stevens, Esq., and Button Lane, containing
2-10 Acres more or less, about one hundred of
which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion, with a log house and lug barn thereou erect
ed—there is also a good apple and peach orchard
on the said farm.
The undersigned will also sell by virtue of the
said (Oder, on the premises on Saturday the six
tee•ntlt day of October next, a certain other tract
of land, late of the said Samuel llockcnberry,
dee'd., situated in Cromwell township, said coun
ty, containing 60 Acres store or less, bounded
by lands of Shether and Son, Sinter' Grate and
others, ghost thirty acres of which are cleared,
with a sthahl fr,ua I nonethcremi erected.
TEMIa Ulf SALE.—Oui third of the pur
chase money to be paid 01i coOrrnation of the
sale and the balanee in two, equal
. atinual pay
ments, with interdst, to be secured bY tie bonds
and mortgage of the gurchaser.•
Adm'r of Samuel llookenberry, deed.
September 16,'52.-st:'
Aughwich Collegiate School,
This School will commence at Shirleysburg on
the last Wednesday. in September. Instruction
will be given in the usual academic studies, and
in any branches of a collegiate education that may
be required. The healthful and retired situation
of the village, its beautiful scenery and the con
venience of access by the railroad renders this
place one of the most desirable points fur the es
tablishment of an Academy in the State.
The neighborhood of the flourishing Female
Seminary, under the charge of the Bev. James
Campbell, offers an inducement to parents who
desire to send their children from home, together.
The very auspicious comincricement that bus
been made, the friendly zeal of the citizens for its
success, and the wealth and intelligence of the
surrounding country, give assurance that the de
sign of rendering this institution permanent will
be sustained.
Tuition per session of 22 weeks, $lO to sl2.
Boarding can be had in the village at $1,25 to
$1,75 per week, according to accommodations.—
Nu deduction for absence except in ease of pro
tracted illness. Tuition lee payable in advance.
The Principal will expect the application of
each student to his studies, the employment of
hid time and hid general deportment throughout
the session to be subject to his supervision.
11. J. CAMPBELL, A. 8., Principal.
September 2, '52.-210
For sale at LEVI'S Store.
Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or
retail, at J. Bricker's Store. ap. 22,'02.
Mots, Shoes, hats, ticc.'
FOr sale at LEVI'S cheap corner - store.
1,8 and other WedttlgliliVishlitLE.
For sale at SIMON LEVI'S.
Blasting Powder and Safety Fuse always
on hand and for sale at the cheap store of
Huntingdon county Mutual Insurance
At a meeting of the Directors of the Hunting
don manly mutual Insurance Company held at
the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon
on Monday Sept. Gth 1852. On motion said
Company was organized, by appointing James
thrill, Esq., Pres., and David Snare, Esq., Sec
retary and Treaburer. James thrill, David Me-
NI arida and John Iluyett were appointed ass Ex
et:ative committee.
As soon as Blanks and instructions can be pre
pared; proper .agents will be appointed to secure
applications for Insureance against tire. David
Snake of the Borough of Huntingdon is authorised
to grant Insurances inuncilediately on applica
tion. Payment for Insdrances will not he IC.-
coked until! the 'Wiles arc tendered to the ap
plicant. By order of the Board,
DAvth SNARE, Secretary. •
Sept. 9, 1732.
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public generally, tOr their pa
tronage, still continues to carry on at the same
stand, one door cast of Mr. C. Coin's llutel, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who will favor him with their custom, and al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of WaTc
CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c., &11., all of which ho is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workman, all repairs will
lie done in a neat and durable manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing shall have
them done at the precise time. By paying strict
attention to business, and selling at low rates, he
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7,
Not ice is hereby given that application will be
made to the next Legislaturt fur the incorpo
ration of a Savings Instifution with discounting
and deposit privile&s, with it capital of not less
than ten thousand nor more than fifty thousand
dollars, to he called the 111,NTINnooN SAVINt,S
BANN, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon.
Huntingdon county, Pa.
I).tvin Ss.ttns , JA( . .:011 FOCKLEN,
J P. Alio.uu, JAMES SA.vrox,
4.k0. (Aux, D. McMuttrun,
July 6, '52.
New Millinery and Dress Making.
Mrs. 11. Alf. CIEIPLIN, from Pittsburg,
Pm', would inform the ladies of Huntingdon and
vicinity, that she Inis commenced the above limi
ness at her residence, two doors cast of the Her
man Reformed Clime h, on Mifflin Street. La
dies desiring the Mimi and must, approved style
of bonnet and limey dress, will OM] it to their ad
vantage to patronize the New Establiskiitent,
where they will be promptly waited on and have
their work done in a very superior manner.
Huntingdon, August 211,'5d.
CAlilt, GIESE & CO.,
COMMiStii,oll 'Merchants,
Nos. 23 & 25 Spear's nail',
Will receive nil sell, Flour, Grain, and all
kinds of Country Produce—including Lumber.
It Liberal Cash advances made on Consign
ments, prompt returns us soon as sales are effect
ed. Aug. 26, '52.-4m.
All p&sc,iis knowing them Selves indebted to
the lute thin' of Dorsey & Alaguire, or to the int.,.
scriber, either by note or book nceount„ please
call and settle thc; sante as I sin deterinabd that
no longer indulgence shall he given.
Huntingdon Aug. 19, 05.
The great Atlantic, the bine Pacif anal the
:Niagara Falls ;ill eon:bitted together, cannot be
cot iparel with Ileatott & Willet's splendid assort
ment ii1)01/a opened oat at :Bridge
port, which they intend to sell cheap for cash or
prdnce. lIEATON & WILLET.
Aug. 5, '52.
I:l3lack, Brown and Chocolate a large quantity
an hand and fur sale by KESSLER ,56 BRO.
Mill Creek, July 29, '52.-4m.
/INK 117//TE /'_l/.WT, NO.'''. I, 2 4. 3
Zink Brown and Black; an article far superior
for durability and beauty to White Lead, for sale
. by KESSLER & 111 W.
A lov of the above well known Stoves can be
had it a less price than heretofore—sold by ma
king application to RESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, July 29, 1852.
Will attend tititlifully to all legal business entrust.
ad to his care.
Huntingdon, July 29, PM.'
All persons kAwiiig tiMmi&es indebted to
the subscriber, Other by note or otherwise, are
requested to call and make settlement, at his store
in PortstoWn, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous
of having his old Books closed
July !', lbii2,
A magnificent assortment of Silk Dress Pat
ti terns, also, Benda Lanes, &rages, &c.,
fors &tie by J. & W. SAXTON.
.e bdaiitifol assortment of Fancy Copings and
Vesting for stile by J. & IV. SAXTON.
GT 20 bls. Nu. 1 Herring, fdt sale at the store
of GEO. GwIN.
a" 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale
Cir Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lead,
Jersey Window Glass and Putty, Stir,sale at the
store of GEO. GWIN.
Cr A large' . aSsOrtmea of Bats; Moleskin,
Kossuth, l'anama„Peul, Straw,and Leghorn, for
men and boys, for sale at GEE. LAVIN'S.
'O - Ameri6arininnuflictured Pen Knives and Ra
zors, all 'warranted, for silo by J. & W. Saxton.
eir I 50 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and for sale
tt *1,70 per such, by J. i W. Saxtott.
~ ,CY" 25 Iliumls ail(' lo half harrOli 'of fresh Na
Herring, for sale by J. W. Saxton.
eir 20 Barrels of Mackerel and Shad for solo
by J. & W. Saxton.
(55" Oil, Paint, \Tarnish, Turpentine, Tar, $o
sin; Pitch, Oakum, Hopes, &e., for sale by J. &
W. "Ittxtoti.
KOStUTII BATS for sale et the new store
J. Bricker.
11,46. - A splendidArticie of Carpet Chain always
on hand and for sale at the cheap store of
Philadelphia Advertisements.
fresh evidence of the reliance to be placed in
Ko; 01 South
.Second St.,
..... .
4 f We !ilk° pleasure in stating; flt:f tt•Q liad,One"
of Oliver Evans' Fire Pr,f Sat!,' is onr sinro„.
during the .GI I .EAT it ~JAR' '' S
BUILDINGS, wliitl9' e.Lcn hi It rreia the Tans
and opened, was found to have preserved our
Books, Papers, &e., eutirvly GETZ &
ker "My store was entered by ,Thir g hi r .,ond
failing to Pick the Lock of my limn
, J Sate,,.tltefr
tried to blow it open with Powder, but 110 fyss tix
injure was sustained. It was purchaicir .
cur Evans, 61 8. Second street, Philadelplibi -
J. C., Bordentown, N.. 1."
For sale, of all sizes, by OLIVER EVANS,
61 .s . . N, cow! St., below Chestnut.
Cr Sole Agent for the
Day & Newell's World's Fair Premium ]lank,.
Vnnit tint! Store Locks—Tliienmd,Powder koof..
Also, in store--t . ical!uld Letter Copying7Press
es. TrtiekS; rot' moving boxes, bales or cwt..
Druggiets'_Presses with Cylinders and Pans.—
Portable Shower);aths, of superior comtruction..
Water Filters, for pnrifyitilWitwater.
erators, and Ice Chests, Water Coolers of all
kinds, for Hotels, Stores, &c. • •
Sept. 30, 1852.-3 m. •
HAVING Completed ,the improvements to their ;
Store, ore now opening a large and beautiful
assortment of •
Paris Fancy Feather;,,
French and American Viewers,
Fancy Bennet and Cap Ribbons,'
Fancy Bennet
Corded and Plain N'elvets, Satins,
Ores. d'A frigates, Laves, &e., &c.
To which they invite the attention of Met.
chants and Milliners visiting the city.
September 23, 18.52.-2 m
Thu Subseriber . having leas.) the Ptitlie House;
formerly hin; n as the American House, No. 18,
S. Sixth Street, between Market cud Chesnut
Streets, has change(' the name of the same to
. _
Begs leave to inform Isis friends and the Public,
that this house huts undergone a thorough
oiling, repairing, repainting and repaperitig, from_
attic to basement. Au entire new outfit of fitrni-,
on*, bedding. ,Ke., has . been procured front
the Most celebrated Manufa , ,turcrs in this city.
From the central locution, and its close prox-_
imity to tl Ilailroad Depots, Steamboat Land-.
ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor
oughfares and Public Squares, it otters inducer.
meats to the Merchant visiting the city on best
'less, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam
ilies and females visiting the city, every facility
will be offered, and every comfort regarded to
make their visit agreeable and pleasant.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully
, •
Sliperintendens. Proprietor,
September D. 1852.-6 in
so. 280, ilitrket St., above Eight, Philadelphia.
Under the new arrangement the cars which ar
rive 11;orn Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &e.,Wiltatip„to.
the New Depot, corder of Schuylkill sth,and Mar-:
ket. In order to accommodate the public we will.
always . love our Coach at the New Depot on the
arrival of the cars tp curry Passengers to the Al,
leglieny House, whielas in the centre of the city..
qur old friends will please ride down, and. all who
wish to patronise a House with a Good Table,,
and Iwcummodating assistiuits, will
please give as a call. Terms, one datum per day.
August 2a, 1852.-6 m.
To Country Merchants and . Weavere
The subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of Store Keepers and Weavers to his fine assort
ment of cotton and linen CARPET CHAIN, COT
TON YAItN, TiE YARN, Candlewick, Indigo Blue
Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, Cotton Tidy and Stocking
Yarn, COTTON LAPS of all sizes and qualities,
Woolen Stocking Yarn, Carpet Filling, &c.,
All of which I will sell as low as any other
store in the city. IL T. WI:11M • .
No. 148, North 3d street, Philadelphia.-
August 3,
1019 Altai..
Edmund Siut4ainforins. flip public that h.:
has removed his store to the corner formerly
occupied by James T. Scott, where he has on
hand, decidedly the LARGFST, CHEAPEST and
Jawmo Y. &c , ever bought to Huntingdon, which
he can sclEttiMiJelt LOWlat HATES than for
merly. Venous wishing articles in his line can
be easily suited on account of the largely increas
ed quantity and variety of his stock.
er Repairing done in short notice and war•
ranted. . .
Huntingdon, May 25, 1852.
S Tar, Qiis,Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,
12 Putty, JAtjuts 4 Tebncy.o, Cigars,,d.c., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store of .
April 22; ft.i2, J. BIikKER.
Stoves and Ploughs.
A large assortment constantly on hand, and wilt
be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be
bought at any other place. .•
Alexandria, June - 3, 1852.
MT - ASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, 6; 7
V ry Combs, Curds, Brushes, Clothes Linos,
Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, .Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Sush Tools, - and an endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to intuition aft*,
cheap store of •J, I3ItICKE)3.'
April 28, 1852.
A largo assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins * Dates, Prunes,, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch
Herring, Coca Nuts, be., &c., wholesale and re
tail, at the cheap store of J. SNICKER.
April 22, 1852.
Abeautiful assortment of Veils ,. Listen
Collars, Cuffs, Bonnet Borders and Art tfi.
Mals—also, Kid, Silk,, Lyle Thrtiall and Cottoti
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
be taste of the ladies, fur sale by • • •
April 22, 1852, J. & SAXTON..
AN tit.elititit variety of flue PEN listvta, at E.
April 15, 18&4
A ' Gr eat variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Boots ,
and Shoes, the hest ussurtmeut in tciwa, for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.%
500 Webs assorted Prints, just firrived, aad
for solo by J. & W. SAXTON'.