VOLUME XVII. asriculturaL SECOND ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL EL HIBITION. To be held at the City of Lancaster, Pa., •Octocer 20th, 21st and 2241. A large board hall will be erected, eon ',leniently arranged. for the exhibition of the Mechanic Arts. Special regard will be paid to the pro per display and security from exposure to the weather of all Mechanical Productions, Premiums will be awarded for the same. Large TENTS and other fixtures will be properly arranged for the exhibition of do mestie house hold goods, implements, fruits and flowers. The Grounds containing 15 Acres, lay east of the city, on the Philadelphia and Lancaster pike, and have been arranged with stalls, sheds and other eretions fcr the accommodation of all kinds of stock, for which Premiums will be awarded. Farmers and Mechanics therefore of Pennsylvania and all sister Stales, aro cordially invited to attend and participate in the Exhibition. All Exhibitors must become members of the Society. • Articles and stock must be on the 'ground and arranged, not later than Tues day, the 19th. On Wednesday, the 20th, it is expected that the Judges appointed, will be on the 'ground punctually at 9 o'clock, A. M., so that any vacancies which may occur can be properly filled up by the Executive Committee, who will be in attedance. During the examinations of the Judges; it is specialy enjoined that no persons what ever, but the persons having charge of the articles, shall be present at their ex aminations or deliberations. On Wednesday, the 20th, the grounds will not be open except to the Officers, Judges, Exhibitors and the proper Commit tees, until 2 o'clock, P. M., when members of ie Society and visitors will be admitted —after which time the Exhibition will be open to the public. Price of single admission to the grounds 25 cents. Those who pay one dollar and become members of the Society will be ad mitted during the Exhibition, with the fe male members of the family and others un der 21 years. The ploughing match will take place on Friday, the 22d, at 10 o'clock, A. M. • • Th - eannual Address will also be deliv ered on Friday, on the Exhibition grounds, after which the Premiums as awarded 1611 be announced to the Exhibitors. Articles and Stock for exhibition, the Penn'a Railroad have given assurance, will he transported free of charge—if sold how ever, at the Exhibition, freight will be charged. Also the said Contrauy and Messrs. Bingham 6, Dock have both agreed to issue excursion tickets to passengers to the State Fair, at half price. Exhibitors of Stock would do well to give at least two weeks previous notice of their inten tion to send Stock, to the company or per son at the Railroad station from which their Stock is to be sent. Articles for exhibition sent, not atten ded by the owner, or previous to their personal attendance, must be directed to the care of DAVID HARTMAN who will take charge of them anti have ;hem placed at the Exhibition ground. In every ease articles should be carefully labelled with the owners name and residence. The Society will defray all strorage at Lancaster and expense of hauling to and from the grounds. Owners must take the entire charge of their articles on exhibition, at the close of the Annual Address, as the Society cannot give attention to them, or he responsible in any manner after that time, further than to deliver them over to the Exhibi tors. Member's tickets will be furnished dur ing the Pair, at the Treasurer's office, at the entrance of the grounds. (Ey — A vigilant Police will be kept on the grounds, and a night and day watch for the better security of articles on exhibi tion. The Public House keepers and pri vate Boarding House proprietors of the city of Lancaster, have assured the Conn' 'tattoo of Arrangements, that they will wake every effort to render strangers and visitors comfortable, and at the same time be most reasonable in their charges. Ar rangements will be wade, if necessary, by special trains of ears to lodge several thou sand persons every night in Columbia and the surrounding towns. D. W. PATTERSON, Chair's, JOHN MILLER, BENJAMIN ESIILEMAN, JACOB FRANTZ, JACOB.I3. GARBER, ROBERT C. WALKER, JAMES EVANS, CHRISTIAN B. HERR, • LIGHTNER SHARP, JOSEPH KONIGMACHER, Committee or Arrangements. Lancaster, Pa., September, 1852. lf,l,lh((i/ ( at. , 011111 , 1, , , . 1 0 ; ' „ HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1852. Votitical. For the Journal, PROTECTION, Its Effects upon Farmers, Mecham. ice, and Laborers. The necessity of protecting domestic in dustry against the competition of foreign pauper labor, is gradually forcing itself upon the minds of honest, independent thinking men. In despite of all that may be said and written to the contrary, public opinion is guided by common sense, and not 'by a bungling and twisted theory. For the bulk of every community have common sense, and by that they will always see the absurdity and impracticability fo pursuing a policy long, which is so detrimental to the interest of the people. All that the ene mies, of their country's prosperity, can ev er do, is to amuse a few light-minded peo ple for a season. For their seeming admi rers mostly leave them out of sight, when they come to meditate seriously upon the matter, for such babblers and scribblers, who have either a direct or indirect inter est at stake, can make no lasting impres sion, for they never have produced one sol id and impregnable argument. The impres sion which existed among some of our far mers and labourers, that the protective policy was not the true policy for their in terests, is gradually wearing off, as it should. For any man who will open his mind to reason, will sec that the American farmer can not raise his wheat, incur the expense of transportation, and sell it in Eu rope at as low a price as the European far mer, who has none of this extra cost, and who pays a mere trifle for labor. . Without the home market, the American will have poor sales for his products, and they will continue to decline, until a Pro tective Tariff supplants the the Tariff of 1846, and until the home market becomes active and reliable. But how can we cre ate such a market ? Certainly not by adopting a policy of Free Trade, fur that exactly suits Great Britain. For she has an immense start over us, in the manufac turinr,' line, and such a system would for ever leave her without a rival. But by giving additional protection to the diffitrout manufacturing interests of our country, there is no occasion of sending our Cotton to a distant country, to have it worked up into cloth, and then transported back again for consumption.. And again, why not es tablish furnaces and forges, where there is iron -ore, and coal, and provisions, in abun dance,' instead of sending your provisions three thousand miles, and then have them brought back in the form of iron, and com pelling us to pay for all foreign manufac tured articles, gold and silver? The de plorable results of the present Tariff aro but too plainly seen in some' of the iron producing counties, (Clarion for instance,) where most of the furnaces and rolling mills have suspended operations, and have thrown part of the laud connected with them into the market,—as well as the land of others who were dependent upon that branch of industry for sustenance. Now the market is glutted--the price of land is reduced—property sacrificed. The busi ness of the country suffers from this de pression—the value of property declines to a large amount as soon as the furnaces cease operation; Consequently there is not so much taxable proOtrty. This deficiency, then, must be supplied by increased taxa tion upon the farmers and those following other pursuits. Thus by the depression et this one interest the whole community suf fers—thus the present Tariff injures all-- it injures the farmer by depriving him of a safe and reliable home market. It injures the laborer by depriving him of steady em ployment, and compels him to loose time and money in quest of work. It injures the mechanic by taking a large atuouut of work away from him, upon which lie de pended for a living. And it injures them all, by compelling them to raise the amount of money which is lost to the State by the direct depreciation of property, resulting from the stoppage of those establishments. These are facts which speak plainly, and show that Pennsylvania can never flourish, unless American labour is protected, and American enterprise encouraged. C. M. [ll7The following beautiful sentiment was uttered by Gen. Scott. No man hold ing such feelings can be a mercenary sol dier : "I have served the Union for forty odd years, and feel myself a citizen of eve ry part of it : and whatever of life and strength I may have, shall bo devoted to its preservation." THE CUT DIRECT'—The Washington' Union says, Gen. Stott was selected on no count of his military success and nothing. else. In reply to the Union, the Albany Journal remarks, that Gen. Pierce was se lected for exactly the same qualifications— excepting the military successes. 17 — It scents that under locofoco rule the N. V. canals are decreasing their re- Give me Wo!ILI only give me Work! 'At this timd the reward of labor is en tirely inadequate to produce the ordinary necessities of life, and the operatives have, as a body, the means of but little if any enjoyment. The average price of labor in the United States does not exceed 75 cents per day, and I rather think, from my own opportunities of judging, that it will not roach 62i cents for men: and for females not exceeding 25 cents per clay, exclusive 'of board and lodging. The Verity of this statement any intelligent man may readily ascertain, by an examination of his own neighborhood. I ask, in the name of hu manity, is such a pittance sufficient to give a laboring man the indispensable necessa ries for a wife and family, however eco nominal? If sickness or accident overtake him or his family, what is he to do to sup ply himself with the most ordinary com forts? Is it not calculated to distress and render him unhappy and miserable, and as a consequence will he not be stimulated to get, by any and every means in his power, those indispensable necessaries—to disre gard the rights of others, and (if not steal, and lie, & cheat,) he must beg of his more fortunate neighbors, or become a recipient of public charity—both he and his little ones and partner? Is there any neighborhood exempt from such examples? It is not a colored picture, but a sad reality. The years of 1839, 1840 and 1841, were strik ing elucidations of such cases, when the cry of sober, industrious, orderly men "give me work! only give me work! make your own terms—myself and family have nothing to cat," was heard in our land.— In those years, thousands of cases of the kind occurred in all our populous districts. In the past three years, the demand for labor has been lessening all the Wile and the reward keeping pace with the de mand." We take the above from the communi cation of a "ferns laborer," which we find in the Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch, and do so because we desire to bear our testimo ny to the perfect truth of each and all of its statements. The demand for labor is steadily diminishing, and there is, conse quently, a steady decline of wages, as, one by one, the various establishments at which labor was required are being do sed. Prom week to week we have to chronicle the ruin of mill owners and fur nace owners, and the closing of their es tablishments, the necessary effect of which is to those employed in them to seek sonic other employment, and thus to produce in all others new competition for the sale of labor, with necessary diminution in the compensation of all. It is not, however, in the larger branches of business alone that this is seen. It extends to all. Our shops are filled with foreign commodities of various kinds, that, under the tariff of 18-P2, were produced at home, but which now come from abroad, while our own wo men and our own children are unemployed, and obliged to go in rags, even when ena bled to obtain food s but finding it often difficult to get even the food itself. We desire particularly to call to this paragraph the attention of all our working men. Let them read it and then let. them answer to themselves if there would not be more demand for labor, and if wages would not be higher, if we were building new mills and new furnaces, instead of closing old ones, and driving their occu pants out to become competitors with those who now produce wheat, or hats, or shoes? We add now to our population almost a million of people annually, and the num ber of adult males annually added is but little short of half a million, every one of whom must now find employment in some one of the pursuits that are as yet protec ted from foreign competition, and the con sequence of this is, and must continue to be, an excess in the number of persons seeking to make hats or shoos, steamships, locomotive engines. Open the wills and furnaces, and at once there will be created an outlet for groat numbers of these peo ple. Build mills and furnaces and fur ther outlet will be created, and with each step in this direction there will be a dimi nution in the number of persons seeking to be employed in making shoes or hats, prin ting books or newspapers, and thus all win be benefitted. How is this to be done? we, may be ask ed. For an answer, wo would beg to re fer the °milker to the working of the Whig tariff of 184'2, under which wo built so many mills and furnaces, that we. doub led the consumption of cotton and woolen cloth and trebled that of coal and iron.— Lot the farm laborers of the country, and the city laborors, and the mechanics, awake to the fact that the object of Whig policy is to give protection to the laborers of the country, whether they be of foreign or domestic origin, and let them determine to vote for Scott and Graham, that Whig polities may be carried into pratical effect. Let them do this, and they will not again sco the time when willing laborers will be forced to cry, "Give me work! Only give acrts the cry in the closing year of the last British free trade tariff, and such willhecomo the cry under the pres ent one. Snob was not the cry in 1845 and 1846, under the tariff of 1842, for Ore work was everywhere seeking the la borer, and so will it do again whenever the workingmen of the country shall determine tluit they will protect themselves against the low priced labor of Europe.—NY. Trib,me. Scott in the West. "Conies from the West, in thunder tones, Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! Scott is' our best our chosen one, Hurrah, hurrah, hurah, ! East, West, North, and South—united shout Their love for Graham and for Scott Hurrah, hurrah, 'mural, !' The news from the West is of the most cheering character. A prominet Citizen of Indiana, in a letter to a citizen in Mary land, says that "the Whigs are very san guine of success;" that they 'are raising Scott poles two hundred feet high in every direction,' that 'the enthusiasm is greater than in 1840,' that , no doubt Indiana, will go for Scott and Graham;' and that the :I,oc:duces are 'down in the mouth,' and 'give up the election.' Another citizen of the same State, who has always acted with the Democratic par ty and been elected by them to several im portant offices, thus writes to a citizen of Washington:— . _ I cannot and will not vote for Pierce— and many of my neighbors are of my opin ion. shall vote for Gen. Scott, and so will they. Ours is the second strongest Democratic county in the State, I believe,' and I had a strong hand in making it so, as is well known here. lam of the opin ion decidedly, tlmt Indiana will go for Scott, notwillistanding you all think at NVashington, 1 suppose, that Pierce will carry it. The Cincinnati Gazette has the follwing on the same subject : In Clio we-have everything in our favor. There is not a Whig. county in Ohio where Scott's majority will not he much larger than Taylor's, nor a Democratic county in which Pierce can get Case's majoity. Besides all this, there are other reasons which will have a potent influence on his election, but which cannot be fully estima ted tia the campaign has further progress ed. We confidently hope for Indiana and Michigan, and do not yield Wisconsin, lo wa, and California. In fact, if the friends of Scott and Graham areas active and en ergetic as they ought to be, Scott's mai r ity rosy be as large in proportion as that of Harrison, and in all propability will be larger than that of Taylor. [The Democrats lose their temper at any allusion to Gen. Pierce's millitary achievements. They have no one to blame but themselves. They brought him for ward as a great Hero, and challenged the admiration of the world. That forced his opponents to look into the records. They there found, by Gen. Pierce's own show ing, and the official reports, that he was not in one of the battles of Mexico. lie was disabled on the litth ofAugust it Con treras, by the fall of his horse, before his brigade-got iuto position. The next miter ing Contreras was stormed and carried be fore he left his bivouac —he not being able to walk or set on Ills horse—the command had devolved upon Col. Ransom. This is his own statement. At Churubusee, that evening, he fell faint from exhastion, with in a few hundred yards of the enemy's lire. At Melba, Del Ray, the Bth of Sept., he did not roach the ground until more than an hour after the battle was over, accord ing to Worth—and just after it, according Ito Scott. On the 12th of September, be ing ordered to make a movement, "imme diately under the guns of Chapultopec"— before the movement was made, he became so unwell as to be compelled to leave the field. He continued sick all the next day, (the 13th,) when Chapultepee Was stormed —and until the morning of the 14th, when the fighting was over and proposals for the surrender of the city bad been made.— Major Stevens says he did not know that these proposals had been made . at the time lie reported hiinself for.duty. Allow him all the credit for that, still the fact is not affected;—luck was against hint; and he was not in a battle: When the Democrats cease to urge him as a hero, 'Ai will cease to quote the roc ords.—Richmond whig. SCOTT IN CALIFOItNIA.-A Gentleman in San Francisco writes to his father by the last steamer : “The Stat of California will give Gen. Scott a majority of at least 10,000. The Whigs here are in high glee, and are sanguine of success.—N. Times. ;D—During tho last eighteen months, ••••• 0 ( A 4 Olt ittt(L 4fte. Vattscrliancotm. For the Journal The Slanderer. Thou g h man was originally formed after the image of God, there arc now, and have been, in all ages, those of his species who, forgetful of their immortal destiny, fell from the lofty eminence they were intend ed to occupy, forfeited the high privileges and distinctions, bestowed upon them by their Creator, and reduced themselves to a level, aye beneath the level of infernal fiends themselves. Yes, there are creatures, bearing the appellation and exterior appear twee of man, who are so lost to every great and noble sentiment, so dead to the com mon feelings of humanity, and so destitute of honor, virtue, charity or candor, as to degrade the noble powers of the under standing to the basest, the most anti-Chris tian purposes; to demonize, alike, their im mortal spirits and humble clay! Such monsters exist! Nor need we go back to barbarous times, nor travel into heathen lands, to find such fiends in human shape. They dwell amongst ourselves. They are found living in a land of liberty and civili zation; resting on a Christian soil, in the midst of moral and religious communities, whose unsuspecting Members arc, by them, driven into the awful gulf of unmerited dis grace and infamy, like innocent lambs to slaughter. I repeat it, such standing ex amples of infamy exist! Their effect on surrounding intelligences, is like that of the l'pasy the noxious odor of which with ers, cons times, destroys,—saps the fountain springs of life of every species of vitality that comes within the reach of its widely extended, contaminating influence. In this long, pointed list of black-hearted monsters, there is none more detestable, more deserving the universal execration of mankind, than he who wantonly and un .provekedly aims the poitonons and pesti lential shafts of slander at an unconscious victim. lie is emphatically the foulest wretch on the face of God's creation.— . ills words arc double pointed diggers, dip ped in poison; his breath destruction, borne ' on the wings of the hurricane; his heart is ! an Erebus as black as hell, and his thoughts a fit representation of a conclave of devils. Compared with this 'offspring of Satan, all other felons appear but venial offeders. The injuries they inflict on society may be repaired, but those which he entails on his victims are as lasting as they are unmeri ted, as immovable as their author is perfidi ous. His tongue is the merciless dagger of the midnight assassin. Neither age sex, nor station, is security against his as saults. The innocent, the unsuspecting, and, more particnlary, the unfortunate, are his choice victims; thousands of whom are blasted by his pestiferous breath. His breast is the reservoir of abominations; his brain a whirlwind of filthy passions, and his mouth a vial of wrath, whence issues hourly a tissue of calumnies which make surrounding intelligencies shudder, cause angels to weep, and the very fiends from whom he copies his actions and receives his inspirations, to stand aghast with astonish ment and almost envy the hellish, deeds of darkness which trancend their own powers of invention, and are alone worthy of damned spirits themselves. Language is inadequate to the description of this pollu ted miscreant. Epithets sufficiently ap probious are wanting to describe his infa my, to explain his principles, so as to ex , hibit them in their proper odium before an injured community. The highwayman and even the murderer can, in sonic measure, be guarded against. The slanderer cannot. Ile assumes the garb of hypocrisy; and, under pretence of doing a service to his fellow citizens, vends the creations of his own malignant spirit for long established though perhaps, lately ascertained truths. By one fatal • thrust at the craraJter of his victim, he sets in motion the spring of a mine which seldom fails, in the explosion, to cast a blighting mildew over the unconscious sufferer, which no time can disperse, no subsequent con duct on his part, entirely remove. His in famous designs are matured in secret, and never openly promulgated until the work of destruction is certain. He not unfre quently, serpent-like, twines around the object whose ruin he is plotting, and al ways concerts his schemes with the preme ditation of guilty design, so as to preju dice the public mind and overwhelm his prey before he discovers the fearful chasm that yawns to receive him, and which clo ses over his head, and seals his fate while it screens the perfidious author of his de struction, from detection, exposure, and the merited indignation of outraged hu manity. He acts with caution. lie is too pusillanimous to run any risk. Is the success of bold measures doubtful, he re sorts to timid ones. His craven-souled principle is evinced by his attacking those who, twin situation and circumstances, are sliest exposed to his missiles, and who have the least power to withstand the assault, or counteract his design.such an object be - NUMBER 40: companied by a charge of secrecy. First the intended victim is represented as holding obnoxious religious and political opinions. Ile is an Idolater and an Infidel in Church, and an Aristocrat in State. The public is in this manner, prepossessed against the accused.. The first breach in the wall is made. Those who hear and I,,lieve these things, arc prepared to receive iiny thing that follows; for, of what may not an In& del or an Idolater be play? Ciraire char ges against the moral Character of the proscribed individual are now insidiously added to the damning catalogue; and from some unguarded expression, some isolated net of indiscretion, or the notoriety of emr; , nexions, the malignancy of the slanderer —perhaps goaded on by envy—draws proofs to establish his foul-mouthed asser tions. The credulity of the multitude is easily wrought upon, most men beirr , more inclined to believe ill, than to think' well, of others. A torch being thus applied to the train, the machinations of the enemy arc suceess:. ful. The fair fame of his victim is blast ed; the place ho once held, in the trfrections of his acquaintances is annihilated; distrust and suspicion succeed to former confidence and respect, and he sinks under the wcight of base contamination ! Ile sinks, T say for who can withstand the scowl of COll - or the finger of scorn ? He that can, must be more or less than mortal. It is impossible to brave; unmoved; a storm like this. Conscious rectitude is inade quate support under such circumstances. The highwayman who stops you on the road and robs you of your money, does you an injury; but it is an injury that can be repaired. Industry and economy will soon rephiCe the loas. The incendiary who applies a firebrand to your dwelling, does you an injury. lie deprives you of a habitation, sends you na ked and destitute into an uncharitable world, and subjects you, for a time, to the pinching gripe of poverty. These, also, are injuries that may be repaired. Time will disperse the amid that now hangs heavy over your head. Redoubled exec- thins will rear for you a new dwelling, even more comfortable and splendid than the first. . The short season of adversity which you have experienced, will more fully qual ify you for the complete enjoyment of re turning prosperity. Restored to your for mer situation, past afflictions of this kind but give a zest to present comforts. Be sides all this, you have the good WlRile3 and assistance of your associates and neigh bors to support you in your trials; for cal lous and unfeeling as the world in general in other respects, it seldom fails to sym pathize with those whose property is un justly taken or forcibly destroyed; isy the bandit or out-law. The injury Nthieh you sustdin through the traduction of the slanderer admits of no such reparation: No time can heal the wound he has inflicted. Ihinds cannot re build the edifice he has destroyed. The dews of heaven eau not resuscitate the flower whose root is the canker-worm's prey, nor restore to life the stalk whose vital sap is congealed, dried up by noxious agents. Reputation is a delicate plant, which, if once blasted, never revives—a jewel, which, if once tarnished, never re sumes its primitive purity, its prestine . splendor. Sensible men may; perhaps, af ter a long probation, again receive the in jured and detest the injurer; but oven an unfavorable suspicion, once fairly implant ed in the mind of the multitude, is as du rable as their own existence. Envy, igno rance and =lice; will continue to fan the flame, and, if necessary; supply it with fresh fuel, "while life doth last—while re collections live." Must other monsters indict merely temporal injuries—the slan derer's are eternal—generally Confined to the immediate victim; but not unfrcquently entailed on his posterity. The former take only the perishable goods of the body,— the latter filches the immortal furniture of the soul. The former aro obnoxious to laws which afford a remedy,—the latter is above all jurisdiction, and tramples alike on all laws, human and Divine. Blush ! if ()filmiest blood one drop romnin. To steal its lonely sae along thy veins ; It to be branded with the shoolerees name, And, though then dreeol'st not sin, at least dread shame, Blush! if the bronze, long hardeneti on thy check, Con find ono spot where that poor drop es. spenk." Huntingdon, Sept. tun, THE COMINC WINTER.-A Correspun dent of the Cocil Democrat predicts that the approaching winter will be a very cold one for the reason the past winter was very severe, and ono cold season is gener ally followed by another,, It was so in '3l, '32, and '36 and '37. The spring opened late ; and the present summer has been very cool, with very little hot weather;, so we may look out for early frOst and an- - other hard freeze. U. A. 11