Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 23, 1852, Image 3

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There will be sold at Public Vendue or Outcry,
on the promises on THUUSIMI"fiIIi 7TII Dar or
OCTOBER, NEXT, the following described real es
tate, situated in Tell township, Huntingdon coun
ty, to wit:
A certain messeage, tract and plantation of land
situate on the eastern side of Tuscarora Valley
in the township and county aforesaid, adjoining
land of James Jones on the south-west, Mark
Jeffries on the north-west, John Jones on the
south-east and the Tuscarora Mountain on the
south, containing 184 ACRES and 86 PER—
CHES more or less, nearly one hundred of which
aro cleared and cultivated, with a good house and
barn thereon erected.
ALSO, a piece or parcel of well:timbered wood
land adjoining the above described farm, on the
side next to the-Tuscarora Mountain, containing
30 ACRES, more or less. The farm of 134
Acres and 86 Perches first above described, is
held, and will be sold, subject tic the life interest
or estate of the widow Woehob; but of the 30
Acres of wood-land, last above described, the en
tire and fee simple estate will he sold.
The above described property is situated in a
very healthy and good neighborhood, is in it good
state of cultivation and well supplied with pure
spring water—the land is of limestone base with
flint soffit., constituting a productive and lasting
soil, and one thadeast affected of any other, by
the frosts of Winter or droughts of Summer.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on the execution of the
Deed, and the residue in two equal annual pay
ments thereafter with interest, to he secured by
the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Sale to commence at one o'clock of said day,
when attendance will be given by
Attorney for John F. Wood.
r.s. is probable that the life estate of wid
ow Wachob above mentioned, will be offered for
sale at the time and place above stated.
September 16, 1852.-3 t.
13v virtue of the last Will and Testament of the
late Benjamin Johnston, deed., of W,trriorsnnu•k
township; Huntingdon county, the subscribers,
Executors under said Will, will sell on the 28th
of October next, on the premises, the liu•m on
which the said Benjamin Johnston resided.
This farm is situated in the Valley of the Little
Juniata River, near to Tyrone Forges, and with
in one mile of the Central Railroad. The im
provements consist of ono good log dwilling
house, a commodious barn, spring house and oth
er convenient buildings. 'lke quality of the land
is of the first order, being limestone soil, of easy
cultivation and susceptible of the highest order of
improvement. The above thrin contains 213
ACRES, of which one hundred is in wood aline
quality and easy of access. There are two never
tithing springs on the premises one of which is
near the dwelling house. There ore also two
good Orchards of apple trees and other fruits.
This farm is well watered by Logan's Run,
which passes through it. The property, from its
adaptation to the growth of wheat and easy ac
cess to market, render it a very desirable invest
ment for ;ersons wishing to buy landed Estate.
The terms will be one third cash, on the nest
day of April, 1853, at which time possession will
1,8 given—the balance in three equal annual pay
ments with interest.
Tho 0110 A, property will ho shown to any one
wishing to view it by James Chick, at Birming
ham, or J s Mathias, at Tyrone—or by Andrew
Fittrow, who resides on the premiss.
J. 'l'. MATHIAS,
Sept. If,
Ite"liidepcmilent Whig," Lanrmder, will in
sert f ticks and charge this unit,
Orphans' Court hale.
In pursuance or an order of the I 11-plme Court
at Huntingdon county the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale on the premises on F r id a y th e
fifteenth day of October next, all that tract of im
proved land, situated in Springfield township, said
county, late the property of Samuel Hockenberry,
dec'd., bounded by Mini of Jacob Baker, Benedict
Stevens, Esti., told Dutton Lane, containing
210 Acres more or loss, about one Ittindred of
which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion, with a log house and log barn thereon erect
ed—there is also a good apple and peach orchard
on the said them.
The undersigned will also sell by dillno of the
said order, on the premises on Saturday the six
teenth day October next, a certain other tint
of land, • late of the said Samuel llockenherry,
bitimated in Cromwell tun•nship, said c u ua•
ty, containing 60 Acres more or less, bounded
be tunic of Shen, and Son, :inant.tirate and
others, about thirty .acres ut' which are cleared ;
with a small frame house thereon erected.
TERMS Olf SALE.—One third of the purr
obese money to be paid OU confirmation of that
sale and the balance in two equal anneal pay.
mews, with interest, to ho secured by the bond,
and mortgage of the purchaser.
Ader of Samuel Ilockenberry, deed.
SepteMber 16,'52.-st.
School Teachcrs irahled.
Five competent School Teachers are wanted to
teach in the public schools of Brady township ;
Huntingdon county, two of them capable of teach
ing German, for terms of tour months, com
mencing Nov. let. JNO. A. CAMPBELL,
Brady tp., Sept. 9, 1852.-3 t.
Shirkysburg Female Seminary.
The winter term, of the second year, of this In
stitution will continence on ruestki the Yd daq o,
• • • • • ••
Tito location is unsurpassed in salubrity of cli
mate and beauty of scenery—turd a sufficient trial
has shown that a flourishing institution can be
maintained here, notwithstanding the praisewor
thy competition on the subject of education
throughout this entire region of country.
Additional improvements are in progress which
will afford accommodation for a few more board
ing scholars. The services of a very accomplished
teacher of instrumental and vocal !nook, and of
the French language, have been scoured.
. .
The year is dividedinto two sessions of twenty
two weeks each. Eleven weeks constituting a
No deduction made except in case of protracted
- • • • •
TLllMS.—Boarding and lodging, per week,
$1,50. Tuition $4,011 and $5,00. Instrumental
music, French, &c., extra.
t2ir The examination of the pupils will com
mence on Thursday 30th day of September, at
10 o'clock, A. M., and continue two days.
The parents and friends of the institution are
respectfully invited to attend.
Rev. J. CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal.
September 2, 1852.-2m*
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, appointed by the Court of
. , 'ommon Pleas to distribute the proceeds arising
from the Sheriff's Sole of the real estate of James
Frank in the hands of Wm. B. Zeigler, Esq., will
- ttend for that purpose at his Office in the bor
mgh of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 2nd day of
. ,
Ictober next, when and where all persons inter
ested can attend or be forever debarred.
September 2,
Received and for Rnle at LPIVI'S Store.
PURSUANT to an Act of the General Assets-
I lily of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An act relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," approved the second day ofJo
ly A. I). 1839, I, WM. B. ZEIGLER, High
Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, in the Stare
of Pennsylvania, do hereby stake known Mot give
notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that
a General Election will he held in said colony or
Huntingdon, on the Second Tuesday (12th
day) of October, 1852, at which time State
and County officers, as follows, will be elected :
ONE PERSON to till the office of Canal Commis
sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE I'ERSON to till the office of Supreme Judge
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE reason in connection with the mimics of
Blair, Cambria Rild Somerset, to till the office
of member of the House of Representatives, of
the United States.
Two PERSONS to represent the counties of Hun
tingdon and Blair in the House of Ilrepresenta
tires of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One PERSON to till the office county of Commis
stoner for the county of Huntingdon.
One PERSON 10 till the idliee of Director of
the Poor for the county of Huntingdon.
One PERSON to fill the office Auditor fur the
county of Huntingdon.
Section of :In _let of the General Assembly up
proved the eighth (lay of April, 1852
Oct:riot; t 2. That for the purpose of ascer
taining the wishes of a majo•ity of •he ci izens of
Huntingdon county, resp. ctiog the sale of the
Poor House Farm in said county, and investing
the proceeds of such sale to a '1 rue , of Land in a
more central and convenient location, it shall be
the dot) or the Inspectors of the sever a l townships
and boroughs in soil county, at tie next geheral
election, to receive Tickets, either written or p•in
ted, front the qualfied v..ters thereof, labelled upon
the outside "Pour House," and or, the inside "for
the sale" or ..against the sale," and make return of
the same to the meetiog of the return .lodges, as is
providr d for in the case of county officers, e. , ,d if it
shall appear upon counting tip the votes that the
bighe•t painter of votes of thrive voting or the
subj. taro for the sale of the poor house farm, the
Directors of the Poor in said county, or a tnajori
ty of there, shall as soon a, pr. cticable proceed to
sell the poor house firm at p •blie son upon giving
six weeks notice by hand bills, and in tiv,, 11. ws
papers of said county, upon terms as shall be
by them considered most ail.aotageous, and after
the int e thereof to putthase a tract or parcel of land
situate within overt miles of the borough of Hun
tingdon for the purpose of giving clop oy anent and
support to the poor in said coon t):—Ps ov 1/Ell,
That the pureha , o money thereash.,ll not ex
ceed the mount nil zed by the sale of the Farm
which the void I irectors see regain it to sell.
In pursuance of said Act. I also hereby make
known and gve notice, that the places of holding
the affiresaid general election in the several clee
tiou districts within the said county, are as fol
Ist district, composed of Henderson township,
nd all that part of Walker township not in the
nth district, at the Court House in the Borough
d Huntingdon.
2d district, composed of Dublin township, at
he !muse or Mathew Taylor, in said township.
ad district, composed of so much of ICArliol,
nark township as is not included in the 19th dis•
riot at the school house adjoining the town o 1
4th district, composed of the township of hope
-1,11, at thu School House at Rough and Beady
hnrttn.'•e in said towirliip.
)th district, voinpo , e,l of the township of Bar
n•°, at the 11011, \ ioystun (formerly
John Ilarper), in the town of Saulsbury, in said
13th district, composed of the township of Shir
ley, at the house of 1) Pinker. in Shirleysburg.
7th district, composed of Porter and Walker
townships, and su much of 'West township as is
included in the following bontalari,, to wit: be
ginning at the south-west corner 01'1'01,44 Cunt*.
man's Baron on the hank or the7little Juniata river,
at the lower end of Jackson'A 11/IITILMN, thence in
it north-easterly direction to the most southertily
lawn of the facto owned by Michael Maguire,
thence north 40degrees west to the top of T..
(Cy', mountain, to intersect the line or Franklin
township, thence along said line to little Juniata
river, thence down the sames to the place or be
ginning, at the public school 11011 SO opposite the
Umniain Reform Church in the borough of Alex
Bth district, composed of the townshipof Frank
lin, at the house of .Jacob Mattern now occupied
by Geo. W. Marten!, in said township.
9th district, composed of Tell twn,hip, at the
Union School Hinise, near the _ Union Meeting
lloure, Tii said township._
Oth district, composed of Sprmghebl tiwnship
la the school house near Hugh Medico's in sail
Ith district, composed of L'uion tp., at th
school house near Ezekial Corbin's in said town
t•3th district, composed of Brady, township, al
the mill of James Lane, in said tp,
13th district, coupo,ed or Morris township, ni
the latti,e now occupied by Ahraham
heeper,) late Alex., in the village of
Waterstreet, in said township._ -
14th district, composed of ilea part of West tp.,
not included in the 7th district, at the public
school home on the farm now owned by Miles
Lewis, (formerly owned by James Ennis,) in
said tp.
l.sth district, composed of that part of Walker
township lying southwest of a line commencing
opposite Darn! Corbin's house, at the Union tp.,
line, thence inn straight tine, including said Cor
bin's house to the corner of Porter township, on
the Huntingdon um! Woodcock valley road, at
the house of Jacob 31,tg.ihy, iu ,aid tp.
16th district, composed id the township of Tod
at the Ginn School House in said tp.
17th district, composed of that part of West tp.,
on the south-oust side of Warrior ridge, begin
ning at the Uncut' West and Henderson townships,
ut the toot of said Ridge, to the line of Barren
township, thence by the division line of Berme and
West townships to the summit of Stone mountain,
to intersect the line ofllenderson nod West town
ships; thence by said line to place of beginning, at
the house now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on
Murry's Run.
distriCt, composed of Cromwell tp., nt the
house now occupied by David Entire, Orbisonin.
19th district, composed of the Borough of Bir
mingham, with the several tracts of land near to
and attached to the same, now owned and occupi
ed by Thos. M. Owens, John K. Mt:Cohan, A
Roberson, John Gensimor and Win. Gensinicr,
situate in thu township of Warriorstnak, at the
public school house in said Borough.
29th district, commed of Cass township at the
public school house in' Cassville, in said tp.
21st district, composed of Jackson township, at
the house of Robert Burr, now occupiod by John
Hirst, ut McAleavy's Fort„itt said tp. .
2211 district, composed of Clav ttiwnsitip, at the
house of Joshua Shorn, at the Three Springs, in
said township,
23d district., composed of Penn township, at the
school house on the farm of Jacob liruinbaugh, in
said township.
I also make known and give notice, us in and
by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am direct
ed, "that every person, except justices of the
peace, who shall bold any office ur appointment of
profit or trust under the government of the United. ,
States, or of this State, ur of any city or ineorpo
rated district, whether a commissioned officer or
agent, who is or shall be employed under the le-.
gulativa, executive, or the judiciary apartment
of this State, or of the U. States, or any city or
incorporated district, and also, that every member
of Congress and.of the State Legislature, and of
the select or common council of any city, com
missioners of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time, the office or appointment of jtidge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any
such election, shall he then eligible to any office
.to he then venal for.V
.- -
Also, that in the 14th section of the net of As
sembly entitled an "Act Mating to executions and
lbr other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it
enacted thait the aftWesahl 13th sectien
not be construed us to prevent any militia officer
or borough officer from serving us judge, inspec
tor, or clerk, orally general or special election in
this Commonwealth."
'Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th
section in the acrafresaid, the judges of the nlbre
;aid districts Atli respectively take charge of the
,ertiticate or return of the election of their respeik
dye districts; and iroduce them at a meting..W
sne judge front istriet, at the Court
in the Borough':ntingdon, on the third day
rter the day ;.;f4itit etion, being for the present
ear on FRIDAWO 17th of October next, then
and there to do nid perfltrm the ditties reinired
by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge
by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to
attend said meeting of Judges . , then the certificate
of return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one
of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said
istrict, and shall do and perform the duties re•
'tired of said
• judge unable to attend.
Also, in the (list section of said act, it is inert•
, .
ad that "every general and special election shall
he opened between the hours of eight and 4en in
the forenoon, and shall continue without in'errup
tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening when the polls shall be closed."
_ _ .
Giveniindernly land at Huntingdon the 16th day.
. ~ - - -
.A. 4 Septets ber, 1852, trod of the Independence of
the United Shites the seventy-sixth.
\V AI. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's ()like,
littnting.l., Sept. 16, 1852.
Notice is hereby given that applicatior . i will be
made to the next Legislature for the lucerne-
ration of a Savings Institution with discounting
and deposit' privileges, with a capital of not less
than ten thousand nor more than fifty thousand
dollars, to be called the 1 i CNTINGDON SAVINCIS
BANK, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon
Huntingdon county, Pa.
J. F. Modxu,
July 6,'5`2.
JACOB Foctuxu,
Iluntingdon comity Mutual Insurance
At it meeting of the Directors of the Hunting
don enmity mutual Insurance Company held at
the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon
on Moiulay Sept. 6th 1852. On motion said
Company WIN organized, by appointing James
Owin, Esq., l'res., and David Snare, Esq., Sec
retary and Treasurer. 'LIMOS twin. David Me-
Mitrtria and John Huyett were appointed an Ex
ecutive committee.
As soon as Blanks tel instructions can he pre
pared; proper agents will he appointed to secure
applications for limn:4mce against tire. David
Smite of the Borough of Huntingdon is authorised
to grant Insurances iminedediately out applica
tion. Payment for Insurances will not be re
quired until' the Policies are tendered to the up
plicant. By order of the Board.
DAVID SNAHE, Eccretary.
Sept. 9, 1752.
New MiHillary and Dress Making.
warn. n. M. CHAPLIN, from Pittsburg
P;;., would MIMI. the ladies of Huntingdon ant
vicinity, that she has commenced the above busi•
ness at her residence, two doors cast of the Ger•
man ltelbrmed Church, on Mifflin Street. La•
dies desiring. the latest and most approved stylt
of bonnet awl limey dress, will tiud it to their tad•
Vantage to pAtrouize the New Establishment
where they will'be promptly waited on and hart
their work done in a very superior manner.
Huntingdon, August •_'G, '52.
Commission &Merchants,
Nos. 23 25 Spear's Matt',
Will receive and sell, Flour, Crain, and al
kinds of Country Froducc—ineluding Lumber.
f.iberal Cush itilvances made on Consign.
moths, prompt returns as moon as sales are effect.
ed. Aug. 26, '32.-4m.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of WILL CORBIN, Into of Clay town
ship, Hunt. co., deed.
Letters of administration on the ithuce estate
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will !sake immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Ang. 19,'52.-lit.'
Ad:uluistrator's Notice.
Estate of ADAM I). BD .611A11, IMO of Cromwell
township, Hunt. co., tlee'd.
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly au—
thenticated for settlement.
August 111, '52.-6t
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm of Dorsey & Maguire, or to the sub
scriber, either by note or book account, please
call and settle the siune as I not determend that
nu longer indulgence shall be given.
Huntingdon Aug. 19,1852.
The great Atlantic, the blue Pacific, and time
Niagara Falls all combined together, cannot be
compared with Heaton & Willet's splendid assort
ment of SUMMER Gomm; opened out at Bridge
port, which they intend to sell cheapAor cash or
premiere. HEATON & WILLET.
Bridgeport, Aug. 5, '52.
A Fine Assortment of
&c., at only 15 per cent. profit, for sale at the
cheap store of SIMON LEVI.
For sale at LEVI'S Stkve.
Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or
retail, at J. Bricker's Store. up. 22, '52.
Just received at the cheap Store of
KOSSUTH HAI'S for sale at' the now store
J. "bucker.
Cr A splendid article of Carpet Chain always
on hand and fur sale at the cheap store of
Philadelphia Advertisements.
HAVING completed the improvements to their
Store, are now opening a large and beautiful
assortment of
Paris Fancy Feathers,
French end American Flowers,
Fancy Bonnet and Cup Billions,
Fancy Bonnet Stud's,
Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins,
Gros. d'Afriques, Laces, &c.,
To which they invite the attention of Mer
chants and Milliners visiting the city.
September 23, 1852.-2 in
The Subscriber baring leased the Public Houge,
formerly known as the American House, No. 18
S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut
Streets, has changed the name of the same to
Begs leave to inform his friends and the Public,
that this house has undergone a thorough remod
elling, repairing, repainting and repepe•ing, from
attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni
ture, bedding, &e., &c., has been procured from
the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city.
From the central location, and its close prox
imity to the Itaih•oad Depots, Steamboat Land
ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor
oughfares and l'ublic Squares, it otters induce
arenas to the Merchant visiting the city on busi
ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam
ilies and females visiting the city, every thcility
trill be otiered, and every comthrt regarded to
make their visit agreeable and pleasant.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully
• Superintendent. Proprietor
September 0. 1852.-6 m
No. 280, Modal St., above Eight, Philadelphia.
Under the new arrangement the ears which ar
rive from Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &c., will run to
the Sew Depot, corner of Schuylkill sth and Mar
ket. Its order to accommodate the public we will
always have our Conch at the New Depot on the
arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Al
legheny I louse, whirls is in the centre of the city.
Our old friends will please ride down, and all who
wish to patronise a House with a Good Table,
Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, will
' please give us a van. Tiros, one dollar per day.
August 28, 1852.-6ns.
To• Country Merchants and Weavers.
The mliseriber respectfully calls the attention
of Store Keepers and Weavers to his tine assort
ment of cotton and linen CARPRT CRAIN, Cor
•roy YARN, Tic YARN, Candlewick, Indigo Blue
Yore, Coverlet Var. Cotton Tidy and Stocking
Yarn, COTTON LAPS of alt sizes and qualities,
Woolen Stocking Yarn, Carpet Filling, &c., Sc.
All of which I will sell as low as any other•
store in the city. R. T. WHITE,
No.• 148, North 3d street, Philadelphia
Aa, art 5,'52.-2m.
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa
tronage, still continues to carry ou at the same
short, one Jour east of Mr. C. Coat's Hotel, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who will favor him with their custom, and al
so keels on hand a good assortment of WavenEs,
CLocits, JEWELIIV, hi,., all of which ho in
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
he repaired at short notice, and having mode ar
rangements with a good workman, all repairs will
he done inn neat and durable manner, and every
person leaving articles list repairing shall have
them done at the precise time. By paying strict
attention AU basilic., and selling at low rates, he
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.-Iy.
Nark, Brown and Chocolate, a largo quantity
on hand and fin sale by KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, July 59, '52.--tni.
ZINK 11711 TE NUS. 1, 2 t i• 3
Zink Brown and Black; an article far superior
for durability and beauty to White Lend, for sale
A 6,w or the above well known Stoves can be
hail tit •a less price than heretofore—sold by ma
king application to KESSLER & 131 W.
Mill Creek, J uly 29,1852.
Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust
ed to his cure.
Huntingdon, July 29, 1852.
AU persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscribe•, either by note or otherwise, are
requested to rail and make settlement, at his store
in Portstown, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous
of having his old Books closed.
July 29, 1852.
Amagnificent assortment of Silk Dross Pet
terns, also, "kande Lanes, BeraFes, &c.,
for sale by J. &W. SA TON.
A beautiful ussortment of Fancy Owings and
11 Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Important Notice.
All persons indebtod to Robert Grating by book
amount or otherwise, will please call and settle
before the lift of July.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
Ci• - r 20 bls. No. 1 Herring, fi,r Solent the store
Ur 100 Sucks of Salt in store, and for sale
by Gee. GWIN.
0" Linseed Oil, 20 kegs puro White Lead,
Jersey Winslow Glass and Putty, for sale at the
store of Gno. GWIN.
kW A Inrge assortment of Hats; Moleskin,
Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, mulleghorn, tbr
men and boys, tar sale at Gno.
WAlneriettn manufactured Pen Knives and lia•
'says, all warranted, fur sale by J. W. Saxton.
er 150 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and for sale
at $1,70 per sach, by J. & W. Saxton.
Cr 25 13arrotH and 10 half barrels of frosh No.
1 Herring, fur sale by J. & W. Saxton.
UT' 20 barrels of Mackerel and Shad for sale
by J. & W. Saxton.
RW' Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
bin; Pitch, Oakom, Ropes, &c., for sale by J. &
W. Saxton.
Orphan's Court Sale.
By virtue of an alias order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County there will he sold
at Public Vennue or outcry, on the premises, on
Friday, Me lat day of October, 1852.
the following described Real Estate, situated in
Cromwell. township, Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Rees Thompson, lute of the township
and county afutesaid, dec'd., to wit:
A certain messuage, tract and plantation oflond,
situate in Black-Log Valley, in the township and
comity aforesaid, adjoining land of Jacob Hegie
on the north, John Long on the south, the Tusca
rora Mountain on the cast and Mack-Log Moun
tain on the west', containing 240 ACRES,
more or IcSs, about eighty acres of which are
cleared and cultivated, wnh a 'two Story Log
Dwelling House and a double pen lag barn, and
Saw Mill thereon erected, with the appertenances.
The above described property is susceptible of
being divided conveniently into two tams. the
land is good Limestone land, with a stream of
water running through the middle of it, upon
which is built the Saw Mill aforesai t. This pro
perty is situated in a healthy and improving val
ley, and within ten miles of the Penn. Canal and
TERMS OF' SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid on confirmation of solo,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, of said
day, when attendance will he given by.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
September 9,18112.-3 t.
Aughwich Collegiate School,
This School will commence at Shirleysburg
the last Wednesday in September. Instruction ,
will be given in the usual academic studies, and
in any branches of a collegiate education that nosy
be required, The healthful and retired situation
of the village, its beautiful scenery and the con
venience of access by the railroad renders this
place one of the most desirable points for the es
tablishment of an Academy in the State.
The neighborhood of ilia nourishing Female
Seminary, under the charge of the Rev. James
Campbell, offers an inducement to parents who
desire to send their children from home, together.
The 'very auspicious commencement that has
been made, the friendly zeal attic citizens lbr its
success, and the wealth and intelligence of the
surrounding country, give assurance that the de
sign of rendering this institution permanent will
be sustained.
Tuition per session of 22 weeks, $lO to sl2.
Boarding can he had in the village at $1,25 to
$1,75 per week, according to accommodations.—
Nu deduction for absence except in ease of pro
tracted illness. Tuition fee payable in advance.
The Principal will expect the application of
each student to his studies, the employment of
his time and his general deportment throughout
the session to be subject to his supervision.
H. J. CAMP - BELL, A. 13., Principal.
September 2, '52.-2m•
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Men Ann Haute, late of Jackson town
ship, Huntingdon ca., deed.
Letters of administration on the'above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duty au
thenticated for settlement.
August 19, '32.—fit
ExeCutors , Notice.
Estate of Jesse WIIIOIIT, late of Cass township,
Huntingdon count•, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above estate hav
ing been granted to the nndersigned, all persons
indebted will make immediate payment, and those
having. claims will prasent them duly turthentica
ted tar settlement. JAMES HENDERSON,
A ugtutt I 9, '52.-6t.*
Stoves and Ploughs.
A large assortment constantly on hand, and will
he sold twenty per cent. cheaper• than can be
bought at any other place.
Alexandria, June 3, 1832.
IXTASEI Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cut-
V V ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, States,
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the
cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1832.
A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch
Herring, Coca Nuts, 4.e., &c., wholesale and re
tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852,
100 Barrels ground out Of White Wheat, ex
pressly for tinnily use,
for sale at the
Store of GEO. G WIN. Feb. 12, 1852.
A beautiful assortment of Veils, Linen Iltrfs,
II Collars, Cully, Bonnet Borders and Artifi
eials—also, Rid, Silk, Lyle Thread and Cotton
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
he taste of the ladies, for sale by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
11 HYPER, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup
I) Beans, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
taken in exchange tin goods, Ott the highest
market prices, at the cheap store of .1. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in P. Swoope's old stand.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1832,
hest assortment of Summer Goods for
Childrens wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton,
just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
COFFEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Suutr, &c. &c., for sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
400 i f b o s r o s t a tot Carpet
A great variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Boots
11 and Shoes, the best assortment in town, for
sale by J. & W. SAXTOk.
500 Webs assorted Prints, just arrived and
for sale by J. 4 W. SAXTON.
and'other Wedding Rings, at E.
April 15, 1852.
MAHOGANY and Walnut Venears, for sale
. 1 -Y- 1 - at the now store of
T ADIES in want of Parasols, cannot fail in be.
ing suited by calling at J. & W. SAXTON'S,
For sale at SIMON LEVI'S.
THE cheapest and beat Cloths in town for sale
by J. & \V. SAXTON.
GOLD and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at
E. Snare's. April 15,1852.
Hoots, Shoes, Hats, sic.,
For sale nt LEVI'S cheap corner stars.
Nada Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
J. 11. W. WGiNxEs ; A. M., Principal, assisted
by It. H. hiotinow , A. 8., in the Mathematical
and Classical (16)1101,10dg, and by S. CAMPBELL,
tin experienced teneher, in the lingliSli department.
The course I t instruetien is thorough and SU
ficiently extols to qualify studenti for At S -
phumoro or Ju • class in College.
The buildings are new, commodious, and lin
every nay adapted to the accoinmodatlon Ora
large number of Students.
The location is retired and healthful, and is ea
sy of access, being on the stage route that con
nects Chambersburg with the Central Railroad
at Mount Union.
The year is divided into two sessions of five
months each; the Winter Session commencing on
the third Wednesday of October, and the Summer
Session on the third Wednesday in April.
The terms m•e very low, The whole expenses,
per session, tins board, wasriing, tuition, fuel, &c.,
are front $4O to $47 according to tint Lranthes
pursued. The next session will COITMUMICES on
Wednesday, the 20th of October.
For circulars containing particulars, or any in
formation desired, address
Shade Gap, Aug. 26, 1852.-2 m.
The Winter Session commences Wednesday,
October 27th next.
Instructions given in all the branches prepare- -
tory to a College muse.
Tuition, per Session of 22 weeks, $6,00 to.
$12,00, according to studies pursued; payable in.
Boarding, Washing, dv., usual prices.
r a y -Char g es date from time of entering and no
deductions made for absence unless caused by
sickness. THOMAS IVARD, A. SE •
August 12, '52.-11 t. PrineiPaLt
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes his whole time and atten
tion to making and repairing pumps and will
promptly attend to all orders and culls that he
may be favoured with warrented all work to he
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address'
Mill Creek P. 0. Huntingdon county,
We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol
vertons make of Pumps and do not hesitate in
saying that we believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Read',
Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage;
Wm. I). Shaw, William Dorris,
Conrad Barber, William Christy,
Jno. Whittaker, David Slier,
Wm. Orbison, 1). McMamie,
Thos. Fisher.
July 22, 1852,
Marble Manufactory.
JOIN IRVINE respectfully informs the citi•
eons of Elia and the adjoining counties, that be
still continues fo thanufactitre every description
of Ornamental Marble, snt•h as Monuments of the
most chaste and beautiful designs; 'Point., of eV
rey variety ofstyle and size; Head and Foot stones,
of whatever pattern desired, and at prices varying
from sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Window
&e., together witlt everything else in this
line of business. In addition to his former!is
of Marble, the proprietor has purchased the entire'
stalk of A. W. Kenney, and is now receiving
front the East, a splendid assortment of White
Manchester slabs which will be finished to order
by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation as an
Artist and Engraver, is known' throughout the
country. . .
All orders from'a distance containing inscrip
tions, will be promptly attended to, and work de
livered at points within fifty miles, free.
•„'" D. STEWART ELLIOT is the authori
zed agent for the transaction, of business connect
ed with this establishment, with whom contracts
may be made.
X Country produce taken in exchange for
work, at cash prices.
Cl* Ail work warranted to be done in a style
superior to any other establishment in this sec
tion of the country, and at Philadelphia Pri-
Williamsburg, July 1,'52.-3m
JACOB SNYDER has just returned from the
east with a splendid stock of Clothing consisting
of Coats, Pants, Vests-all shades sizes and va
.rieties—also Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hanker
chiefs, Homo and a fine - assortment of' summer .
hats. All will ho sold remarkably low for cash:
Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants from $1 00
to $5 00 and Vests from 75cts to $4 00.
His establishment will be found at the Rough
Ready board awning in Maine Street.
Huntingdon May 27, 1212.
J• 8. GRIFFITH, M. D.,
Graduate of the University of I'a., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
RErIiENNCES :-I(ledical Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hotlinan.
Mee, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr.
Hoffman. Nay 6, 1832.
Edmund Snare informs the public that he
has removed his store to the corner formerly
occupied by James T. Scott, where he has on
hand, decidedly the LAEOFST, CHEAPEST and
JEwEt.av, &e., ever brought to Huntingdon, which
he can sell at MUCH LOWER HAWES than for
merly. Persons wishing articles in his line can
be easily stilted on account of the largely increas
ed quantity and varies) , of his stock.
ra" Repairing done in short notice and war
Huntingdon, May 25; 1852.
Mr. Editor
If any of your' readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let me refer
them to the elegant assortment of BOOTS,
S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. IC. Smionton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. Ile has on hand ev
ery variety in his line of business. Men, Ladies
and Children can all he supplied as this establish
ment, with the best articles and diviner than
other establishment in'the county.
Cull and see.
Iluntingdim, April 15, 1.852.
ISLA Tar Oils, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,
Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, ic., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store of
April 22, 1854, J. lIRICKER.•
AN excellent variety of fine Phi Karma, at E
Snare's. April la s ME