Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 23, 1852, Image 1

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Ttie " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" iS published at
t he following rates, viz :
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50
If paid during the year, 1,75
If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,25
Tux above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
'Tomas the merry summer time
That garlands hill and dells,
And the south wind rung a fairy chime
Upon the foxglove bells;
The cuckoo stood on the lady-birch
To bid her last good bye—
The lark sprung o'er the village church,
And whistled to the sky,
And we had come from the harvest sheaves,
A blithe and tawny train,
And tracked our path with poppy leaves
Along the old green lane.
'Twas a pleasant way on a sunny day,
And we were a happy set,
As we idly bent where the strcanciet went
To get our fingers wet;
With the dog-rose here, arid the (wellies there,
And the woodbine twining thronght
With the broad trees meeting every where,
And the grass still damp with dew,
Ah we all forgot in that blissful spot
The names of care and pain,
As we lay on the bank by the shepherd's cot,
To rest in the old green lane.
Oh days gone by A can but sigh
As I tliink of that rich hour,
When my heal t in its glee but seemed to be
Another woodside flower;
For though the trees be still as fair,
And the wild bloom still as gay—
Though the south-wind sends as sweet an air,
And heaven Os bright ft day;
Tot the merry sat are flu itnd wide,
And we never shall meet again—
We shall never ramble side by side
Along that old green lane.
dear a Mexican Soldier.
At the ratification meeting at Detroit
Mr. Rynner, who served in the Mexican
war, being louldly called upon, came for
ward andaddressed'the meeting.
He said he had enlisted in the service
of his country when a boy, that he was a
Whig then, and had not changed his poli
tical opinions since. [Applause.] He
had seen Gen. Scott, and loved him us did
every soldier who had ever sarved under
him. [Great Applause.] General Scott
was a plain man, an honest - man, an inde
pendent man, and a brave man ; and while
his name alone was sufficient to strike the
enemies of his country with terror, his sol
diers approached him familiarly : ho loved
them with all the tenderness of a parent,
and they adored, reverenced, and idolized
him. [l . retnendous Applause.] With
Scott for their leader, the Americans felt
invincible: danger was forgotten ; no one
could withstand the fury of their charge;
they mocked at danger and laughed at
death. [Deafening applause.] Mr. Ryn
ner then gave a general description of the
battles in the vicinity of the City of Mexi
co, together with many interesting facts
connected with the history of the conquer
ing Chieftain during that momentous period.
Speaking of the villainous and outrageous
arrest of General Scott, he said, I was in
the city of Puebla when the glorious old
Chieftain was arrested. The news of the
outrage spread like wildfire. Many of the
soldiers would not believe the report.—
When convinced of its reality, the bosom
of every American burned with grief, shame
and indignation. Grief that their beloved
Scott had been degraded—shame, that their
Government had degraded itself, eternally
disgraced itself in the eyes of the world,
and indignation at the perpetrators of the
foul deed. [Thunders of applause.] We
determined to give him a triumphant re
ception ; but, learning our intentions, he
entreated us, for his sake to desist. When
ho arrived in the city, his soldiers stood
pale and mute with very rage. He decen
ded from his carriage, in the midst, and
drawing his towering form up to its full
height, said, "Fellow soldiers, 1 am a
prisoner in the nation conquered; 1 can
not accept. a public demonstration."—
[The audience was silent for a few mo
ments; every eye flashed with indignation,
every hand was clenched ; every lip was
pale and compressed ; suddenly a prolong
ed and deafening yell went up which
shook the building to its centre.]
1T... 7 " 'Well, Joe,what do you think of
the chance of the lection of Piercer ask
ed one Democrat of another. Faint was
the laconic reply.—Louisville Journal.
[l7 Below we give an extract from a
regular Pierce and King organ, the Ly
coming Democrat, edited by Col. Carter,
a gentleman of ability and integrity. Can
any true democrat, or any honest man, of
any party, read this startling evidence of
corruption, and afterwards doubt, for a mo
ment, the necessity, or propriety of a po
litical division of the power and patronage
of the Canal Board ? Making a large al
lowance for the general laxity of official
morality, and the force of long indulged
habits of political profligacy on our Public
Works, it is still, we think, not unreason
able to hope that a division of place and
power, here, as elsewhere, might impose
some check on these most abandoned of
potty tyrants, and public plunderers. We,
therefore, ask the tax-payers of Pennsyl
vania—the independent voters of this Com
to read and ponder the follow
ing facts from the pen of an honest Dem
ocrat, and lot AIM, public duty, and the
dictates of common honesty control their
decision of this question. Col. Carter, in
his paper of the 21st ult., says :
As we said last week, the citizens of
this county have not the slightest voice in
the selection of their officers—they are, to
all intents and purposes, in the same state
of disfranchisement as the wretched peas
entry of the wilds of Connaught. A few
individuals, bound together by the cohe
sion of Canal plunder, monopolise the offi
ces for themselves, their relatives, and
their followers. As soon as the general
election is over they meet together in cau
cus—sometimes on a store box—sometimes
on the steps of the Court House—some
times in the hack room of a lawyer's don
—and sometimes in an obscure tavern—
and there form the ticket for the ensueing
election. With the prestige of former,
success ; with the funds of the canal al
ways at their disposal ; and with the means
and influence of then in office who expect
to be rotated into higher and more lucre-,
tive birtlis, the "clique" succeed in elect
ing just such delegates as will carry out
their wishes. Occasionally, it is true, in
several of the townships, a spirit of dis
gust, or to use the language of the party
leaders, a spirit of disorganization is
manifested, and the people wholly refrain
from attending the delegate elections.—
But this does not interfere iu the slighest
degree with the opperations of the public
robbers. Before the Convention assent
bles—(and it always assembles during
Court week)—a stray juror, or a stray
witness, front the disaffected township, is
caught, presented with credentials, pressed
into service, and for five or six hours he
sits in Convention with the gravity of an!
owl and the wisdom of an ass—not as the
duly accredited representative of a free and
independent township, but as the hired
tool to office holders and office hunters.—
Political affairs as they now exist in this
county could not well be more humiliating
and degrading.
The party organization moulded and con
trolled by a few individuals who have add
ed acre to acre, and farm to farm, from
successful public plundering—primary elec
tions held to ratify the selections of dele
gates previously named by the candidates
for office—and last of all and more than
all, a constituency without a free repre
sentation. Will any one who has taken
the trouble to look at the corrupt work
ings of the delegate system, and who has
brains enough to keep hint out of the rain,
have the impudence to assert that Lycom
ing, with all her great and growing inter
ests, has ever been truly and faithfully rep
resented in the Halls of our Legislature?
No! no !—Gen. Packer has been represen
ted, and Gen. Petrikin has been 'represen
ted, and Judge Lewis has been reikesen
ted, and the Williamsport and Elmira Rail
Road has been represented, and robbing
Canal Officers—front defaulting Collectors
down to thieving mud bosses—hair() been
represented, but for the last eight or ten
years, not a hand has been' lifted, not a
voice has been raised, itreither branch of
the Legislature, in behalf of the outraged,
disfranchised, pillaged, plundered, tax-rid
people of old Lyeowing.
Locnc OuT!—A statement in the Na
tional lotelligencer shows that the United
States have already run into debt to Eu
rope, under the tariff of 1846, upwards of
Nothing but the gold cf California has
prevented a crash similar to that of 1840.
But it must come, sooner or later, if the
present state of things continue.
We copy the following from the Pottsville
"I'he shipment of iron over the State
works will not be half as heavy this year
as in 1848. Cause--the use of foreign
iron. Poor policy for Pennsylvania.
Stand F
11;1 4 4 7.
The New Yote Tribune hpthe follow
ing wholesome advice to tl friends of
The as 'es of Gen. SCOTT 1111. to
secure his . by persuading the more
timid a., rm Whigs that his clec
tiorolis 1 , ale—that the triumph of
Pierce and King is a 'fixed fact.' They
know that, as between Pierce and Scott, a
majority of American Freemen would deci
dedly prefer the latter for next President;
but they say to themselves, 'lf we can
convince all the trimmers that Pierce's
election is certain, they will rally to his
support.; and if we can make the faintimg
Whigs believe Scott has next to no chance,
they will neither work nor vote; so let us
brag high, claim everything, offer bets to
every one whose principles condemn bet
ting, and we shall probably carry our
.This game does not always win. It was
tried out in this State in 1837, when the
Whigs were bragged clown with offers of
'Two to one on Marcy,' 'Even bets on five
thousand majority for Marcy!' &e., yet
Seward carried the State by over Ten
Thousand majority. The Whigs did not
pretend to match their adversaries in bets,
but when it came to working and voting,
they were there—as, we confidently trust,
they will be again.
In 18-N, the friends of Cass were sure
of electing him in the early stages of the
canvass, :ind would have bet any amount
ion it. They ridiculed the idea of Gen.
I Taylor, who had spent all his life in the
back woods as an army officer, beating tt,
scholar, civilian and diplomatist like Gen.
Cass. They paraded estimates, giving
Gen. Taylor but half a dozen States and
challenged bets on them. When Penn
i sylvania elected Johnston Governor in Oc
tober' by only 302 majority over an un
popular rival, and at the seine thee chose
the Cass Canal Commissioner by 2,634,
they scouted the idea of Gen. Taylor's car
rying the State. Johnston, they said had
been cleated by Preesoil votes, which
!would go for Van Buren in November;
when lo! November showed a majority for
Taylor over both Cass and Van Buren—
though Cass's vote was heavier than his
party had ever before thrown in the State.
And so with Connecticut, New Jersey,
Maryland, Tennessee, North Carolina, and
other States which, on the strength of lo
cal contests, they had claimed as likely or
certain to vole for Cass.
There aro two or three hundred thous
and voters in the Union whom nothing
short of a Presidential contest can bring
to the Polls—we regret the fact, and they
ought to be ashamed of it--but it is a fact,
nevertheless. Of these voters, nine-tenths
are Whigs. The only way to beat Gen.
Scott is to persuade them that their votes
can avail nothing this Fall, and to Tier
suede our live Whigs that it is fruitless to
make the necessary effort to bring them
out. If this impression can bo diffused,
and Whig apathy shall open the way to
the polling of illegal voters in the strong
Pierce districts, they may beat us. And
this is what they are now working for.
Winos! STAND Firm! They who shout
over the loss of half their usual majority,
half their Congressional delegation, and
more than half their Legislative majority,
in lowa, and who are delighted with the
choice of only two whigs to Congress from
Missouri, where we carried none in the
Taylor year, will of course find a pretext
for shouting in every election between
this and November. They will add to
gether the Rum votes for Chandler, and
the Whig Temperance votes for Hubbard
in Maine, and show a vast majority against
us in that State; and so, doubtless with re
gird to the State elections in Maryland,
Indiana, &c.,. whore they have extraordi
nary elements of strength in the State con
tests. lu each of these States there are
thousands who will vote for Scott, who
cannot be counted on to vote the Whig lo
cal tickets in October. Our adversaries
of course will shout—let them shout!—
They will profess and cherish a strong-de ,
sire to bet—let then' seek gamblers among
those to whom gambling is congenial.—
They will hold great meetings and fire can
non,.-.let them inour the expense; the noise
will wake up _94 voters as well as theirs.
Let us go strWit putting facts and
dm:mine-As into eve ads—quietly
organizing and prepa ing out the
legal voters and keep ut illegal votes,
and we shall silence their bragging effec
tually on the 2nd of November y . Then we
can shout, - and exult, and first anon, if
we have a taste for such amusements: but
let us postpone playing till our work is
done. We may then cheer with a good
conscience, and without a fear of waking
up the wrong passenger. Put out the
documents and push on the organization
now; leave huzzaing till the proper time:
Chinese warfare of our antagonists
will alarm none but very timid children,
and need not terrify oven then,. Old
Chippewa has faded a heavier fire on many
a field, and never thought of quailing; let
his friends profit by his example.
For tho « Huntingdon Journal."
Tile Proper aim of the Scholar.
flan was cast up by the Divinity upon
the ocean of time, doubtless for some spe
cific purpose— though brief his stay, be
passes not, as a bubble from the water,
without a record of his existence to live
after him. lie is the creature of a clay
indeed, but such is his connection with this
world, so intimate his relation to his fellow
men and the rest of creation, that even in
this short period, he becomes the agent of
a vast deal of influence in the moral gov
ernment of God. From this tendency of
his actions, there istdio exemption; no con
dition can render him an isolated object.—
Whether ho be ilauthority or in obscuri
ty, on the throne - ol• in the hovel—wherev
er mind is brought in contact with mind,
there is a mutual assirnitation, as necessary
and invariable as any of the laws that reg
ulate the Universe.
The education of the human mind de-
I rives its principal importance from the fea
ture of its relations. Were man born to
'live by himself and for himself, he could
propose no object for the exercise of his
faculties apart from his own gratification,
and of course the community would not be
interested in his success: truth could find
no developement beyond the labors of the
individual, and science would be a multi
plicity of systems, each deriving its pecu
liarity from the mind that gave it birth.—
But it is not so. The present state of the
world is the result of combined effort, the
direction of which is duo to the learned.
These are the primary agents, to whom
tho illiterate are subservient, the master
builders in the construction of the world's
history, whose learning is employed to di
rect and economise physical torco. Thus
it is that the aim and success of the schol
ar, or the youthful literary tyro, become
objects of interest to the whole community
nay, to the world itself. What this aim
shall be, is readily dictated by a benevo
lent heart.
Talent is a fearful gift to man, and is'
capable of becoming, even in the individu
al, the nation's glory or the nation's
scourge. The eloquence of a Tully's tongue
may thrill Roman Senate, and save the
city from impending ruin; but when Caesar
plunges into the Rubicon, Rome is free no
more. When Voltaire or Newton speaks,
the world is all attention; but soon - a na
tion's woo responds to the infidelity of the
one, and the world's master-minds admire
the genius of the other. France enthrones
reason, where God should be, and pays the
recompense of her fully with her people's
I blood, but the scientific world weeps only
when Newton speaks no more. Education
shone in both, but to different ends. The
ono made reason subservient, and by it vin
dicated the ways of God to man; the other
exalted tire servant above his master, and
to maintain the throne vilified the very idea
of his existence—and the scourge fell, and
the malignity of its smart is felt even now.
To become a great man for the sake of
display in the world, should be the last,
as it is the least commendable, aim of the
scholar.. There is something in the false
glitter of applause, that blooms brilliantly
before the enchanted view of the aspiring
youth. Ho looks and is captivated; he
grasps, and behold, it is a shadow! He
retires within himself and rears castles in
the air, until his fancy reels upon the gid
dy heights to which it has wrought itself.
In his flight he pe'netrates the dark veil of
futurity, beyond which,
if mortals pass they
tread forbidden ground, Ile sees himself
the admiration of the world, wielding State
affairs with wondrous effect, electrifying
honorable assemblies with the grandeur of
his eloquence, or leading armies on to vic
tory, whilst nations tamely submit to his
authority. Scarcely does he dream that
all this is a mere phantom, that it has no
correspondent reality. And still his eye
rests upon the far off object of his ambition;
he covets the prize, and like• the giants of
old, he would fain pluck up Pelion and
Parnassus to construct a common causeway,
ov which he Might gain the goal of Ids
wiAies, at a single leap. But here there
is no probability of success. The motive,
which actuates the aspirant, renders him
averse to the employment of means. While
ho dreams, he is quiescent, and when he
awakes ho is amazed to find the reality so
unlike ate creations of fancy. Moreover
there is hazard in the experiment. The
untempered aspirations of Prometheus riv
ited hisfate'to the chilly rock and doomed
him to tko, relentless gintwings of the cruel
vulture. :''4.reputatieri based upon the in
terest seekao,rices of the world, is less
secure than au air-balloon at the mercy
the winds, which is liable at every moment,
to be shivered to atoms, by the very ele
ment that bears it up.
In discussing the subject of education,
it can not be too much insisted upon, that
character is everything. " The scholar, and
all whose hopes are bright with future an
ticipations, for the' present, should be more
concerned about what he shall be, than
j what ho shall do, in the world: "knowledge
c94 z ootliAtrflg4
is power," but devils employ this power
for one purpose, and Angels for another—
the end is determined by the character of
the agent. Moral culture is therefore of
the first importance, as being the sole guide
in the direction of mere mental acquire
ments. The heart is to action, what the
sun is to vegetation—the only source of
color. All the beautiful hues, on the
deeply-pictured page of nature, due one to,
the solar beam: so all the loveliness in hu
character is radiated from the heart
as its centre. However unjust the vulgar
imputation, that learning makes rogues, it
is nevertheless true that seine, who are ed- ,
ucated belong to this class. And what an
engine of evil is an educated villain ? Un
chain the tiger upon society, and his rage
will expend itself upon the carcass; place
daggers into the hands of the madman, and
there is hope that his fury will turn upon
himself; but send forth the educated mon
ster man upon the community, without
character or principle, and the very core
of society will be effected, and.the evil will
evade the restraints of all law. The exer
cise of ingenuity in the progress of vice is
really astonishing, and there is no telling
where roguery will stop, when the weapon,
which the villain employs is well tempered
and polished.
_ _ _
There is a common bond of interest be
tween the learned and the people of the
age in which they live. Schools and nur
series of learning are the property of the
whole community, as it is from their influ
ence that society receives its very hue and
color. The scholar, instead of being an
isolated object, at war with all the sympa
thies of human life, is destined to exert an
influence upon the world; and the proper
use of that influence should be his most
cherished aim.
Increase of knowledge, so schooled as to
realize his position among his fellow men,
will be fearful of consequences. G.
"For girls to expect to be•happy with
out marriage. Every woman was mad° for•
a mother, consequently, babies are as ne
cessary to their "peace of mind," aithealth.
If you wish to look at melancholy and in
digestion, look at an old maid. If you
would take a peep at sunshine, look in the
face of a young mother."
Now I won't stand that! Pm an old
maid myself; and I'm neither melancholy
nor indigestible! My "piece of mind" I'm
going to give you, (in a minute!) and I
never want to touch a baby except with a
pair of tongs! "Young mothers and sun
shine!" iligifku to fiddling strings before
they are twenty-five! When an old lover
turns up be thinks he sees his grandmoth
or, instead of the dear little Mary who
used to snake him feel as if he should
crawl out of the toes of his boots! Yes!
my mind is quite made up about matrimo
ny; but as to "babies," (sometimes I think
and then again I don't know!) but on the
whole 1 believe I consider 'em a de
cided humbug! It's a one-sided partner
ship, this marriage! the wife casts up all
the accounts!
"Husband" gets up in the morning, and
pays his "devours" to the looking glass;
curls his fine head of hair, puts on an itn
maoulate shirt bosom; ties an excruciating
cravat; stows away a French roll, au egg,
and a cup of coffee; gets into the omnibus,
looks slantendieular at the pretty , girls,
and makes love between the pauses of
business during the forenoon generally.—
Wife must "hermetically seal" the win
dows and exclude all the fresh air, (be
cause the baby had "the snuffles" in the
night;) and sits gasping•down to the table
more dead than alive, to finish her break
fast. Tommy turns a cup of hot coffee
down his bosom. Juliana has torn off the
string of her school bonnet: J sums "wants
his Geography 'Covered," Eliza can't find
her satchel; "the butcher wants to know if
she'd like a joint of mutton; the milk-man
would like his money; the ice-man wants to
speak to her "just a minute;" the baby
swallows a bean; husband sends the boy
home from the store to shy his partner will
dine with him; the cook leaves 'all flying,'
to go to her "sister's dead baby's wake,"
and husband's thin coat inuair be ironed be
fore noon. "Sunshine and young tooth
thers! !" Where's my swelling bottle?
[Fanny Fern.
G_T" Like the generality of kings and
conquerors, Frederick the_ Great had a
most philosophic indifference to life—in
others. In one of his battles, a battalion
of veterans having taken to their heels, he
galloped after them, bawling out—" Why
do you run away, you old blackguards'!—
Do you want to live forever'!"
CAPITAL.—ThO most conspicuous ef
fort to Manufacture capital for the act
vaucewent of Mr. Pierce has just boon
made by the Baltimore Sun. It declares
with groat gravity and considerable vehe
mence that an individual who was wounded
at Lundy's Lane, , married Pierce's sister.
science Answering Questions.
Why is rain water soft? Because it is
not impregnated with earths and minerals.
Why is it, more easy to wash with soft
water, than with hard? Because soft wa
ter unites freely with soap, and dissolves it
instead of decomposing it, as hard water
Why do wood ashes make hard water
soft 7 Ist, Because the carbonic acid of
wood ashes combines with the sulphate of
lime in the hard water ' and converts it in
to chalk; and Idly, Wood ashes convert
some of the soluable salts of water into in
soluble, and throw them down as a sedi
ment, by which the water remains more
pure.. •
Why has rain water such an unpleasant
smell when it is collected in a rain-water
tub or tank ? Because it is impregnated
with decomposed organic matters, washed
from the roofs, trees, or the casks in which
it is collected.
Why does water melt salt ; Because
very minute particles of water insinuate
themselves into the pores of the salt by
capillary attraction, and force the crystrls
apart from each other.
How does blowing hot foods make them
cool ? It causes the air which has been
heated Sy tfie food to change more rapid
ly, and give place to fresh cold air.
Why do ladies fan themselves in hot
weather ? That fresh particles of air may
be brought in contact with their face by
the action of the fan; and as every fresh
particle of air absorbes sense heat from the
skin, this consent change snakes them cool.
Does a fan cool the air? No; it makes
the air hotter, by imparting to it the heat
of our face; but it cools our face, by trans
ferring its heat to the air.
Why is there always a strong draught
through the keyhole of.a door? Because
the air in the room we occupy is warmer
than the air in the hall; therefore, the air,
from the hall rushes through the keyhole
into the room, and causes a draught.
Why is there always a strong draught
under . the door, and through the crevices
on each side ? Because cold air rushes
from the hall, to supply the void in the
room caused the escape of warm air up
the chimney, etc.
Why is there always a draught through
the window crevices Because the exter
nal air, being colder than the air of the
room we occupy, rushes through the window
crevices to supply the deficiency caused by
the escape of warm air up the chimney.
If you open the lower sash of the win
dow, there is snore draught than if you
open the upper sash. Explain the reason
of this. If the lower sash be open, cold
external air will rush freely into the room,
and cause a great draft inwards: but if the
upper sash be open, the heated air of the
room will rush out; and, of course, there
will be less draught inwards.
By which means is a room better venti
lated by opennig the upper or the lower
sash? A room is better ventilated by open
ing the upper sash; because the hot, vitia
ted air, which always ascends . , towards the
ceiling, can escape snore easily.
By' which means is a hot - room more
quickly cooled, by opennig the upper or the
lower sash? A hot room is cooled more
quickly by opening the lower sash; because
the cold air can enter more freely at the
lower part of the room than at the upper.
Why does the wind dry damp linen?—
Because dry wind, like a dry sponge, im
bibes the particles of vapor from the sur
face of the linen, as fast as they are formed.
Which is the hottest place in a church
or chapel ? The gallery.
Why is the gallery of all public, places
hotter than the lower parts of the build
ing 2 Because the heated air of the build
ding ascends; and all the air which can en
tor through the doors and windows keeps
to the floor, till it has become heated.
Why do plants often grow out of walls
and towers? Either because the wind
blew the seed there with the dust; or else
because some bird, flying over, dropped
seed there which it. had formerly eaten.—
Dr. Breiver's Guide to Science.
KrThere is . a youth who, every time
bo wishes to get a glimpse of his sweet ,
heart, halloos fire, right under her win
dow. In the alarm of the moMent, she
plunges her head out of the window and
inquires whore, when ho poetically slaps
himself on the bosom and exclaims, Hero,
my Ilangelina!
HE FIXES 'ENI.-A quack advertises to
cure among other incurable diseases.-
31areobozzart, Abdelkader, Hippotatuus,
Potato Rot, HydrostaticsJuilatuation of the
Abominable Regions, Ager Fits, Shaking
Quaker Visits, and all kinds of Anniver
Q 7" To be able to bear provocation is:
an argument of great wisdom; and to for
give it, of a great mind., .
r? Beauty is a rock on which many a •
man makes shipwreck while in search of
the pearls which adorn it.