Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 09, 1852, Image 3

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Thursday Morning Sept. 9.
DuLL—our scissors,
SlCK—our Itemiser.
CHARMING—the weather.
REOROANIZED—Huntingdon Select School.
ABSENT—Maj. Steel's family, on a visit.
air Lafayette was horn, Sept. 6th, 1757.
DELICIOUS—the pears and poaches presented
to us by our friends during the week.
PAT-RIOTIC—the Juvenile demonstration on the
street on Saturday evening.
SUPERB—the appearance and performance of
the Fire boys on Thursday.
UN/MIMI:NATE-those people who are too in
dolent to relish labor, or too wealthy to need it.
on Saturday evening last.
cir Our devil rotten thanks to Esquire AfriFa
for a peck of tine pears.
44- The Native American party is fiercely op.
posing Gen. Scutt.
A correspondent writing to us from C am
brio, says that things are "looking well, very well
for Gen. Scott among the mountains."
ET"flie potato crop of Kentucky, this season,
will, it is thought, exceed that of any season for
many years.
Wnono—the one-sided tight that came off in
the tipper end of town on Monday last. The
b'hoys will go it.
Abernethey's proscription for the cure of
the gout, was, "Live upon n shilling a day and
earn it."
' Eggs from China, put up in pickle, in large
sized jars, aro now retailed in San Francisco, at
one dollar per dozen.
air The State election in Vermont takes place
on Tuesday, 7th inst., and that of Maine, on Mon
day, September 13th.
pre The Clarion Register advertises nine iron
furnaces for sale by the Sheriff, snaking in all,
twenty-three which have been under his hammer.
PRETTY.—Said a little girl on beholding a snow
storm, "See, mother, the angels are sifting flow
ers from the sky.
ii 'John I'. Sanderson, Esq., of the Daily
News, has been nominated for Congress in 3d
District, Philadelphia county. Ho will make an
excellent Congressman.
According to an estimate made by Halsey,
Bond & Bale of San Francisco, the yield of the
gold mines of California from 1848 to 30th June
052, is $174,780,877.
a"' We are obliged to Dr. Henderson for seine
splendid pears, presented to es, and grown in his
garden. They were unusually large and very
(g" Timon says that when the men marry now
a, days, they get more whalebone than woman,
and more coffee bags than "tin." About these
days Titnon should avoid broom-handles.
THEY'rm GOINO br.—The Whigs of the Creel,-
village election district, Franklin county, have
elected Jacob Shatter, heretofore a Locoloco,
President of the Scott Club; and they have four
more of the same sort on their committee of vig
BAROAIN !-Our junior devil having quit the
business of street-yarn manufacturer, wishes to
dispose of his whrel and other stock in trade; and
will sell cheap to any enterprising yonad gentle
man ambitious to fill the vacant past. Who bids?
11Z - The great .National Convention of Black
guards," the American Congress, has adjourned.
Polk, in the House, front Tennessee, Weller, Sen.
atcr from CalifOrnia, and Borland, Senator front
Arkansas, are most unexampled brutes..
Hon. Samuel D. Hubbard, of Conn., has
been appointed by the President and confirmed
by the Senate, Post Master General, in pike of
N. K. Hall, lately appointed Judge of the U. S.
District Court for New York.
sir While a freight train was standing on the
track at the water station in this borough un last
Saturday night, th 9 rem• cud of it was run into by
another coming u; , . Two or three cars were
damaged by the collision.
lam' One hundred and twenty Democrats rais
ed a Scott and Graham pole in Hellen township,
York county, on Saturday 21st August last.
We are willing to be "devoured" by Victory.
We have no doubt our friends of the STANDARD
will weep at our destruction in that way.
gir The Whig papers hold it as to quolificatiot
for the Presidency, that everybody knows Gene,
al Scott —Dent. Paper.
The Democratic papers kohl it as a gualilica•
Hon fm• the Presidency that nobody knows Gen.
era! Pieree.—N. 0 Campaign Republic.
Too LONO FOR coN VENIENCE.-The editor co
the Lancaster Intelligeneer acknowledges the re•
ceipt of a encumber, from Mr. John Killheifer, of
Manor township, which measures 31. feet in length.
air On the fourth inst., the steam boat Rein
deer, on the fludsmi, burst her boiler and killed
six or eight persons, and badly scalded sonic six•
ty or eighty more Cause of the disaster—the
recklessness of the boat's officers.
*ir The house of Mrs. Murty, widow of the
late James Murty, dec'd., of this borough, was
entered ono night last week, while she was oh
..sent on a visit, and robbed of nearly all her
clothing, the clothing of her late husband, bed
clothes and other dry goods in the house, as also
a set of silver spoons. It is feared that the bur
glars live in town.
s o ma ye 'is boasted a little of the quality and
quantity of our "Irani,. things," and in the arti
cle of To ,ttos (specially fancied ourself without
a rival. But we have now before us, from the
garden of Mrs. Ilumpson, the accomplished host
ess of the “Juniata House" on railroad street,
some specimens of this excellent esculent, which
takes the premium for the season. They measure
between fifteen and sixteen inches in circumfer
ence, and average ono and a half pounds in
Orphan's Court Sale.
By virtue of an alias order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County there will be sold
at Public Venduo or outcry, on the premises, on
Friday, the lat day of October, 1852,
the following described Real Estate, situated in
Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, the pro
perty of Rees Thompson, late of the township
and county afotesaid, dcc'd., to wit :
A certain messitage, tract and plantation oflond,
situate in Black-Log Valley, in the township and
county aforesaid, adjoining land of Jacob llsgie
on the not th, John Long on the south, the Tusca
rora Mountain un the cast and Black•Lng Moun
tain on the west, containing 240 ACRES,
more or lean, about eighty acres of which are
cleared and cultivated, with a Two Story Log
Dwelling House and a double pen log barn, and
Saw Mill thereon erected, with the impertenanees.
The above described property is susceptible of
being divided conveniently into two Mims. the
land is good Limestone land, with a stream of
water running through the middle of it, upon
which is built the Saw Mill Moresai.t. This pro
perty is situated in a healthy and improving val
ley, and within ten miles of the renn..Canal and
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid cm confirmation of sale,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to .he secured by the
Lands and mortgage of the purchaser,
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, of said
day, when attendance will he given by.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
September 9,1852.-3 t.
- The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public generally, tar their pa
trenage, still continues to carry on at the same
stand, one door cast of Mr. C. Coat's Hotel, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who will titvor him with their custom, and al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of WATCHES,
CLOCKS.. JEWELRY, &c., &C., all of Which he is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workman, all repairs will
be 1101112 ill a neat and durable manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing skull have
them done at the precise -time. By paying strict
attention to business, and selling at low rates, he
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
nuntingdon, Sept. 7, 1532. Iy.
The Subscriber having leased the Public House,
formerly knuun us the American House, .Nu. 18
S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut
Streets, has changed the muse of the same to
Begs leave to intitrin his friends and the Public,
that this house has undergone it thorough remod
elling, repairing. repainting and repapering, from
attic to basement. An entire sew audit of furni
ture, betiding, has been procured from
the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city.
From the central location, and its close prox
imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Land
ings, Places of Aln use wen t, Fashionable Thor
oughfares and Public Stitia,t, it titters induce
Ramis to the Merchant visiting the city on busi
ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam
ilies and females visiting the city, every facility
Mill lie °flexed, and every comma regarded to
make their visit agreeable and pleasant.
A share or the public patrundge is respectfully
• Superintendent. Proprietor.
September U. 1832.-61 u
Supposed to be a Stolen Horse.
Whereas, as I have advertised once before in
this paper that a man calling himself by the nume
of Heart came to my house, in .fackson township,
Huntingdon county, on the 7th day of August
last riding a (talk bay horse about tire years old,
left bind foot white, with a small white spot on
Ids forehead, with an old wagon saddle and blind
bridle on the said horse; the man calling himself
Hart left said described horse at my house and
has not called on 'tint since, and as I had left mid
horse at the house of Samuel StettOy, tutu-keeper,
in said township, for the owner to come and get
but as there has been no person coming to claim
said horse, and Mr certain reasons I have taken
said horse from the said Samuel Steffey and have
him at my Mime, as ulin•esaid, where the owner
can have hint by pruting property and paying
charges, arid if DU owner comes he will be sold
or dealt with according to
September 9,1892.-3 t.
School Teachers Wanted.
Five competent School Teachers aro wanted to
teach in the public schools of Brady township,
Huntingdon county, two of them capable of teach
ing Oratnuntr, fur terms of four months, con,'
nuencing Nov. 1,1. JNO. A. CAMPBELL,
Brady my., Sept. 9,1852.-3 t. Se,
Shirleysbarg Female Seminary.
Tho winter term, of the second year, of this In
stitution Will COMMCIIICO on Tuesday the 2d day of
The location is unsurpassed in salubrity of cli
mate and beauty of scenery—and a sufficient trial
has shown that a Flourishing institution can be
maintained here, notwithstanding the praisewor
thy competition on the subject of education
throughout this entire region of country.
Additional improvemeuts are iu progress which
will afford accommodation for a tiny more hoard
ing scholars. The services of a very accomplished
teacher of instrumental and vocal music, and of
the French language, have been secured.
The year is divided into two sessions of twenty
two weeks each. Eleven weeks constituting a
Nu deduction made except in ease of protracted
TmoiS.—Boardin g and lodging, per week,
$1,50. Tuition $4,00 and $5,00. Instrumental
music, French, &e., extra.
"Tito exitannation of the pupils will com
mence on Thursday 30th day of tieptendier, at
10 o'clock, A. 11., and continue two days.
The parents and friends of the institution are
respeettiffly invited to attend. -
Bev. J. CAMPISELL, A. M., Principal.
September 2, 1852.-2m*
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, appointed by the Court cr .
Common Pleas to distribute the proceeds arising
from the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of James
Frank in the hands of Wm. B. Zeigler, Esq., will 1 1
attend for that purpose at his Office in the bar
(igh of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 2nd day of
October next, when and where all persons inter
ested can attend or be forever deliarrml.
September 2,'52.-4t. Auditor.
Stray Steer.
Came to the residence of the subscriber, iu
Cloy township, Huntingdon county, Montt the
middle of June last, a Block anti White Steer,
about two years old. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take hint away, otherwise he will he disposed of
according to law. T. L. MARLIN.
September 2, 1852.-31.
Hoots, Shoes, Hats, die.,
For sale at LEVI'S cheap corner store.
Aughwich Collegiate School, 1
This School. will commence at Shirleysburg on
the last Wednesday in September. Instruction
will be given in the usual academic studies, and
in any branches of a collegiate education that may
be required. The healthful and retired 'situation
of the village, its beautiful scenery and the con
venience of access by the railroad renders this
place one of the most desirable points for the es
tablishment of an Academy in the State.
The neighborhood of the flourishing Female
Elul - Amity, under the charge of the Rev. James
Campbell, offers an inducement to parents who
desire to send their children from home, together.
The very auspicious commencement that has
been made, the friendly zeal of the citizens for its
success, and the wealth and intelligence of the
surrounding country, give assurance that the de
sign of rendering this institution permanent will
he sustained.
Tuition per session of 22 weeks, $lO to sl2.
Boarding can be had in the village at $1,25 to
$1,75 per week, according to accommodations.—
No deduction for absence except in case or pro
tracted illness. Tuition tee payable in advance.
The Principal will expect the application of
each student to his studies, the employment or
his time and-his general deportment throughout
the session to be subject to his supervision.
• 11. J. CAMPBELL, A. 8., Principal.
September 2, '52.-2in .
u u. L ux T . a coax
The semi-annual exhibition at the Students of
Milnwood Academy will take place on Wednes
day the 15th, of September. The exercises will
COIIIIIIMICO at 1 o'clock, P. M. The parents and
friends of the students, and all interested is the
Institution, or in the cause of education general
ly, are respectfully invited to attend.
J. 11. W. M'GINNES, Principal.
August 26, 1852.-21.
Orphans' Court Sale.
In pursuance or on order of on Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustee
appointed by said Court fur that purpose, will ex
pose at public sale on the premises on Saturday
the 18th day of September, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
the following described rearestate, late of Lewis
"Smalley, dee'd., situated in the township of Shir
ley, in the county aforesaid, vie : A tract or par
cel of land adjoining hind of the heirs or William
Hays on the North, land of Davison C. Smalley
on the East, and land of Samuel 11. Bell on the
South-West, containing 107 ACRES, he the
some moss or less, having some cleared land and
other improvements thereon.
TERM SALE.—One third of the pur
chase ionic to be paid on the confirmation of
sale, and the midue in two equal animal pay
ments thereafter with interest, to he seemed by
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
August 2G, 's2.—at. Trustee.
:180, Jlvrl.•et St., above Eight, I'Giludh•/pdua.
Under the new arrangement the cars which ar
rive from Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &c., will run to
the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill sth and Mar
ket. In order to itecommodate tho public we will
always have our Coach at the New Depot on the
arrival of the ears to carry Passengers to the Al
legheny House, which is in the centre of the city.
Our old Mends will please ride down,
and all who
wish to patronise a House with a Hood Table,
Clean Beds, and aceouttnotlating assistants, will
please give tts a call. Terms, one dollar per day.
August 26, 1852.-6 m.
New Hillary and Dress Making.
Mrs. U L
U. M. CiIAPIN, from Pittsburg,
Pa., would intbrm the holies of Huntingdon and
vicinity, that she has commenced the above Nisi
ncss at her residence, two doors east of the Her
man Heibrined Church, on Mifflin Street. La
dies desiring the latest and must approved style
of bonnet and fancy dress, will find it to their ad
vantage to patronize the New Establishment,
where they will be promptly waited On and have
their work done in a very superior manner.
Itantingilun, August Ili, '52.
Coininiusiou .Plerrhants,
Nos. 23 & 20 Spear's Whir,
Will receive and sell, Flour, Grain, end all
kinds or Country Produce—including Lumber.
Wl' Liberal Cash advances made on Consign
ments, prompt returns as soon as sales are effect
ed. Aug. 26, '52.-4m.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of WILLIAM' CORBIN, late of Clay town.
ship, Hunt. co., dcc'd.
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly au,
thentiemed . fur settlement. '
mArrimw CORBIN,
Ang. 19, 'O2,—G t. • Admes.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of ADAM D. 13tonA3r, late of Cromwell
. township, Hunt. cu., deed.
Letters of administration on the shove estate
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted will make.humediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly au
thenticated fur settlement.
August 19,'52.-fit
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm of Dorsey w Nlaguire, or to the sub
scriber, either by note or hook account, picas
call and settle the some as lum determand that
no longer indulgence shall he given.
Huntingdon Aug. 19,1852.
The great Atlantic, the blue Pacifle, and the
Niagara Falls all combined together, cannot be
compared with Heaton & Willet's splendid assort
ment ~f SI,IMER GOODS opened out at Bridge
port, which they intend to sell cheap for cash or
Bridgeport, Aug. 5, '52.
New Stock of Summer Clothing,
Vests from Nets to $5; Pants from 75cts to
$5,50; Coats from $1 to $l5 just received and
for sale at SIMON LEVI'S STORE.
Highest Price in CASH for Wlteat,
raid at the Store of SIMON LEVI.
Fur salo at LEvrS Store,
Received and for sale at LEVI'S Store.
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa
J. 11. W. M'GiNans, A. M., Principal, assisted
by R. 11. Monuow, A. 8., in the Mathematical
and Classical departments, and by S. CAMPBELL,
an experienced teacher, in the English department.
The course of instruction is thorough and
ficiently extensive to qualify students for the So
phomore or Junior class in College.
The buildings are new, commodious, and in
every way adapted to the accommodation of a
large number of Students.
The location is retired and healthful, and is ea
sy of access, being on the stage route that con
nects Chambersbarg with the Central Railroad
at Mount Union.
The year is divided into two SCASiOUS of five
montl,v each; the Winter Session commencing on
the third lrednesdaj of October, and the Sommer
Session on the third Wednesday/ in
The terms aro vary low. wln;le expenses,
per session, for board, washing, tuition, fuel, &c.,
ore thin $4O to $47 according to the branches
pursued. The next session will commence on
Wednesday, the 20th of October.
For circulars containing particulars, or any in
formation dosired, address
J. 11. W. 11PGINNES,
Shade Gap, Aug. 26, 1852.-2 m.
Auditors , Notice.
The undersigne , l, Auditors appointed to distrib
ute the fund in the hands of the Sheriff arising
from the sale of Edwin Shoenberger's real es
tate, will attend fint that purpose at the Prothon
otary's office iu the borough of Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 25th day of September next at one
.o'clock, P. M. JACOB MILLER,
Aug. 2G, 4 1,852.-4t. Auditors.
Executors , Notice.
Estate of JESSE WRIGHT, late of COOS township,
Huntingdon county, deed.
Letters testamentary on the above eState hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted will make immediate payment, Red those
having claims will pr,sent theta duly authentica
ted tin• settlement. JAMES HENDERSON,
August 19, '52.-6t.•
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of RiellARII iiAGUE, late of Jackson town•
ship, Huntingdon en., dcc'd.
Letters of administration on the above estate
haring been granted to the undersigned, nll per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duty au
thenticated fur settlement.
August 19, '52.-6t
100 TONS
of Sumac Wanted.
We are now prepared to manufacture Sumac
on a more extensive scale, and will give the high
est market price fur all well gathered and cured
Sumac. .tibl. ER & BRO,
Alin Uceck, l'a., July 29, '52.-1 in.
Black, Brown and Clu,...late, a large quantity
on hand and for ,tie i v KESSLER & 131 W.
Mill Creek, July 29; '5.2.-Im.
zlsi: 11111 TE P.ILVT, NUS. 1, 2 4.3
Zink Brown and "Hawk; au article far superior
fur durability and beauty to White Lead, for sale
A few of the above well known Stoves can be
had at a less price than heretothre—sold by ma
king ,ppliention to HESSLER & 1311.0.
Mill Crock, July 29, 1852.
Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust•
nil to his earn.
Huntingdon, July 29, 1852.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber, either by note or otherwise, are
requested to call and make settlement, at his store
in rortstown, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous
of having his old Books closed.
July 20, 1852.
A_ magnificent assortment of Silk Dress Pat
terns, also, Beragde Lanes Berages
for sale by J. & SAXTON.
A beautiful assortment of Fancy Copings and
a Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Important Notice.
All . persons indebted to Robert Grafins by book
account or otherwise, will please call and settle
betbre the first of
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
0" 20 bls. No. 1 Herring, Ibr sale at tho more
• GE°. GwDr.
e" 100 Sucks of Salt in store, and for sale
by Gno. GWIN.
Cr Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Load,
Jersey Window Wass and Putty, fur sale at the
store of Goo. GIVIN.
- A large assortment of Hatp; Moleskin,
Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, for
nice and boys, for sale at GEO. GWIN.S.
e-American Tnantdbetured Pen Knives and Ha ,
sues, all warranted, tbr sale by J. & W. Saxton.
150 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and for sale
at $1,70 per such, by J. & W. Sexton.
Cr 25 Barrels and 10 (silt barrels nitres!' No.
1 herring, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
65 20 Barrels of Mackerel not Shall for Me
by J. & W. Saxton.
Cr Lead rip. I inch, inch and l inch, for
sale by .1. & W. Saxton.
fEr Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
sin, Pitch, Oakum, Ropes, &c., tor sale by J.
W. Saxton.
Csr 500 yds. }lag and Listen Carpet, just re•
calved, and fur into by J. & W. Saxton.
Cyr 200 Bushels Hoek Salt far sale, at 42 els,
per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton.
Crir 6 Brass Marcno and Fancy Clocks for sale
by .1. & W. Saxton.
THE latest Novels, t Ed. Snare's Jewelry
-I- Store. April 15, 1852.
Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or
retail, at J. Brieker's Store. op. 22,'52.
Just received at the cheap Store of
A Flue Assortment of
&c., at only. 15 per cent. profit, for sole at the
cheap store of SIMON LEVI.
The Winter Session commences Wednesday,
October 27th next.
Instructions given in all the branches prepara
tory to a College course.
Tuition, per Session of 22 weeks, $6,00 to
512,00, according to studies pursued; payable in
Boarding, Witulting,,S.c., usual prices.
WCharges date from time of entering and no
deductions, made for absence unless caused by
sickness. THOMAS WARD, A. M.,
August 12, '52.-1 It. Principal.
To Country Merchants and Weavers.
The subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of Store Keepers and Weavers to his fine assort
ment of cotton and linen CARPET CHAIN, COT
TON YARN, THE YAILN, Candlewick, Indigo Blue
Tarn, Coverlet Tarn, Ootton Tidy and Stocking
Yarn, Co•rTox LAPS of nll sizes and qualities,
Woolen Stocking Tarn, Carpet Filling, Ric., &e.
All of which I will sell as low as any other
store in the city. 11. T. WHITE,
No. 148, North 3d street, Philudclphia.
• August 5,'52.-2m.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes Ilk whole time and atten
tion to snaking end repairing pumps and will
Promptly attend to all orders and calls that he
sissy be favoured with warrented all work to ho
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address
Mill Creek P. 0. Huntingdon county,
We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol
vertons make of Pumps and do not hesitate in
saying that we believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Read.
Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage,
Wm. D. Shaw, William Dorris,
Conrad Bucher, William Christy,
.Tao. Whittaker, David Bliar,
Wm. Orbison, 1). MeMurtrie,
" Thos. Fisher.
July 22, 1852.
500 PAGES 12u0.,
Handsomely and Durably Bound,
Illustrated with Engravings. •
- Many years Editor of the
Cincinnati Daily Chronicle.
The Subscriber will shortly receive from the
Press, on Edition of the above valuable work, and
will Ihruish those who wish to become Agents to
circulate the same, en the most Ihvorable terms.
For further particulars and all necessary informa
tion, applicants will please address their letters to
the subscriber, 11. MANSFIELD, Publisher,
134 York Street, Seto Duren, Ct.
July 29, 1852.
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a Sha
ving and Shampooning Saloon near the Post-
Mike, where he is prepared to accommodate the
public in the most fashionable style.. lie also
beeps on hand Perfumery, the most ilishionable,
such as Eau de Cologne, Pomade Crystaline,
hose Hair Oil, Pomade Philaconic. Huile Anti
gue, Extract Mouchoir, Vertulia, Tincture of
Musk, Extra Lily White, for &dies, and a fine
assortment of fancy soaps of all descriptions.
Huntingdon, June 17,'52.—Mn.
Stoves and Ploughs.
A. large assortment constantly (u hand, and will
be sold twenty per cent. cbcaper than can be
bought at any other place.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852. .
TASII Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur-
V V ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
lied Curds, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch
Herring, Coca Nuts, dv., &e., wholesale and re
tail, ut the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852. •
100 Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex
pressly Mr family use,
for sale at the
Store of GEO. G WIN. Feb. 12, 1852.
A beautiful assortment of Veils, Linen lld'is.,
.4.1 Collars, Calk, Boa'bet Borders and Artili
cials—also Lid, Silk, Lyle Thread and Cotton
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
he taste of the ladies, tier sale by
April 22, 1852. J. & ,V. SAXTON.
DUrPER, Eggs, Rags, Sonp, White Soup
Beaus, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
&e., taken in exchange for goods, at the highest
market miens, nt the cheap store of J. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in I'. Swoopo's old stand.
Huntingdon, April 22, ISM,
r best assortment of Summer Goods for
Chilikens wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton,
just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
!'COFFEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
ll Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Snail; &c. &c., tbr sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
400 His of good Carpet Chant, and Not Twine
for solo by J. & W. SAXTON.
A great variety of Ladies :Avers, Gaiter Boots
and Shoes, the best assortment in town, for
t;t1; by
500 Webs assorted Prints, just arrived and
Jim sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
18 KARAT, and other Wedding Rings, at E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852.
MAHOGANY and Walnut Venears, fur sale
at the now store of
T ADIES in want of Parasols, cannot fail in bo.
ing suited by culling at J. & W. SAXTON'S.
For solo at SIMON LEVI'S.
THE cheapest and best Cloths in town for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
G O E , n t a in r t e l, s Silver Spectacles at all prices, nt
April 15, 1852.
AN excellent variety of tine Pew Nxtves, at E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852
ISH, Tar, Oils, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,
1 1 Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, 4.c., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store of •
April 22,1852, J. BUICKER.
Marble Manufactory,
JOHN IRVINE respectfully informs the c.y.
zone of Blair and the adjoining counties, that
still continues to manufacture etit•y descripti,
of Ornamental Marble, such ns Monuments of t,
most chaste and beautiful designs; Tombs. o! c -
rey variety of style and size; Head and Foot sto,,
of whatever pattern desired, and at prices varying
from sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Wind,
Sills, &e., together with everything else in !; i•,
line of business. In addition to his former ,e!
of Marble, the proprietor its
stalk of A. W. Kenney, and is now rece, , i,g
from the East, a splendid assortment of Whitt,
Manchester slabs which will be finished to och
by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation or -
Artist and Engraver, is known throughout tic
All orders from a distance containing insertp
tions, will he promptly attended to, and work d.
livered at points within fifty milas, free.
••• D. STEWART ELLIOT is the author.
zed agent for the transaction, of business connect
ecl with this establishment, with whom contract
may be made.
117' Country produce taken in exchange
work, at cash prices.
Cr All work warranted to he done in a vtyl,
superior to any other establishment in this se,-
lion of the country, and at Philadelphia Pri
Williamsburg, July 1,'57.-3m.
JACOB SNYDER has just returned from ti, ,
east with a splendid stock of Clothing
of Coats, Pouts, Vests—all shades sizes .irki vii
rieties—also Shirts,
Collars, Cravats,
chiefs, Hose and afine assortment of mimic,
hats. All will ho sold remarkably low for easi,
Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants from $1 00
to $5OO and Vests front 7hets to $4 00.
Ills establishment u•i11 13e - tVmrola;ilte Rough
4. Ready board awning in Maine Street.
Huntingdon. May 27, 1852.
Graduate of the Univer,iry of Pa., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
REFESIENCES : — Aleclicid Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Penney!
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Lloffinan.
Office, Eo. 189, Mifflin Street, iloniwith D
Hoffman. Aley 6, 1852.
:am sXclr,:i4,lr44
Edmund Snare informs the public that he
has removed his store to the corner formerly
occupied by James T. Scott, where he has on
hand, decidedly the LARGEST, CHEAPEST and
JEWELRY. &c., ever brought to Huntingdon, which
he can sell at MUCH LOWER RATES than for
merly. Persons wishing articles in his line can
be easily suited on account of the largely inereat
ed quantity and variety of his stock.
Repairing done in short notice and war
Huntingdon, May 25, 1852.
Mr. Editor
If any of your readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let me refer
them to the elegant assortnunt of BOOTS,
S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. K. Stmonton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. He has on hand ev
ery variety in hie line of business. Men, Ladies
and Children can all be supplied at this establish
ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any
other establishment in the county.
' Call and see.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1952.
- -
Hello, Old floss ! Where are you many to ?
Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen,
you shunt he hurt—l merely wish to say to all tile
world and the rest of mankind that I have at th,
Broad Top Depot near the Juniata Bridge. and
will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS,
MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &c. It)ou don't
believe me come and see. A. S. HARRISON-
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852.
Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted
in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and
Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatch
that modern science can furnish.
N. It. A liberal deduction made on the price
of work done for persons coining from a distance,
to defray travelling expenses, &c.
Unmindful, March 25, 1852.
The subscriber, Having taken the large four sto
ry brick Hotel, tormerly the "Washington," kept
by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the some for
public accommodation. This Ilotel is situated
within a few yards of the Railroad station, and is
ono of the most eligible in the plea. The sta
bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.—
Every attention will be given by the proprietor
to promote the comfort of guests.
April 15, 1802.
Will attend to all business entrusted to his care.
He wilt make collections, draw Deeds. Bonds,
Mortgages, &,c., and state Administrator's, Exec
utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most rea
sonable terms.
Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res
donee of Dr. Henderson, near the Court House.
April 1, 1852.
Informs his old friends and the public that he
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity and his best ability.
Office in Main Street, south side, the last house
below the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.-6 m..
The mulersigned respectfully informs their
customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting
don county, that they still continue the manufac
turing of all kinds of Earthenware of the most su
perior quality and at prices to suit the times.—
They will make a trip by Canal!, in the month of
May when they will he able to supply all who
may favor them with their patronage. Merchants
may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to.
please their customers, and such as will yield theta
a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend
ed to. Address J. A. MATICEIVS tft BR%
Lewistown, Pa..
ApriF I, 1657,-K