Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 02, 1852, Image 1

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THE " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published a
the following rates, viz :
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50
If paid during the year, 1,75
If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,25
‘ Ttis above Terms will he adhered to in all eases.
No subscription will be taken fora less period than
Aix months, and no paper will be discontinued mi
ll all arrea•ages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
There's not a cheaper thing on earth,
Nor yet one half so dear;
'Tis worth more than distinguished birth,
Or thousands gained a year. -
it lends the day a new delight;
'Tis virtue's finest shield;
And adds more beauty to the night,
Than all the stars may yield.
It maketh poverty content,
To sorrow whispers peace,
It is a gift from 1-kaven sent,
For mortals to increase.
It meets yuu with a smile at morn;
It lulls you to repose;
A flower for peer nut peasant bunt,
Au everlasting rose.
A charm to banish grief away.
To snatch the frown front care, -
Turn tears to smiles, make dullness gay—
Spread gladness everywhere.
And yet 'tis cheap as summer dew,
That gems the lily's breast:
A talisman for love as true,
As ever man possessed.
As smiles the rainbow through the cloud,
When threat'ning storm begins—
As music 'mid the tempest loud,
That still its sweet way wins— -
As springs an arch across the tide,
Where waves conflicting roam,
So comes this seraph to our side.
This angel of our home.
What may this wondrous spirit 151,
With power unheard before—
This charm, this bright divinity?
GOOD TEMPER—nothing more.
Good Temper 'tis the choicest gift
That woman homeward brings;
And can the poorest peasant lift
To bliss unknown to kings.
A Dastardly Assault.
In his superior qualifications a as states
man, rests the difference between him and
Gen. Scott. No Whig will deny, not even
the "bellicose" editor of the Gazette, or
the "non-resistant" editor of the Journal,
that he is infinitely superior in experience
and talent to their mere soldier, and that
the only "qualification" according to their
notions, in which he has not surpassed their
favorite, is in failing to have killed as ma
ny human beings as it is claimed Scott has
butchered since he ornamented himself
with the feathers.—Pittsburg Post.
We have read many outrageous, we
might say infamous, assaults, made upon
the fair tame of Gen. Scott, by the Loco
foeo British Free Trade journals; kit the
above which we copy from the Pittsburg
Post, is the most brutal and villainous at
tack we have yet seen. How any man,
who claims to be an American freeman,
can so far degrade himself as to denounce
Gen. Scott, as a butcher of human beings,
we are at a loss to conceive. No man but
a traitor to his country would thus speak
of one who fought and bled in its defence.
Not content to rob Gen. Scott of that
which is dearer to him than life, the editor
of the Post is base enough to add insult
to injury, by cooly denominating him a
butcher. He who will carry British lead
in his body to the grave, and who bravely
met and repelled an invading foe which
would have despoiled our homes, when the
editor of the Post was nursed in his moth
er's arms, deserving of no other name for
his patriotism and bravery than that of a
butchert Oh shame, where is thy blush.
How can such a recreant look an honest
American in the facet The wan who can
thtis speak of Scott, would rob a hen roost
if it was not for fear of being detected.
cumseh (Mich.) Herald relates the follow
ing anecdote:
"A citizen of our town gives a remark
made by Gen. Scott at Fort George, in
1814. A British flag was sent to the A
merican army. The carrier was sent to
Gen. Scott's tout, and said to him: "Our
General has sent me with this flag to re
qti est-tho.t. you surrender to him ; for if you
do not, he shall be compelled to storm the
fort, and he will not be responsible for the
18thans." The reply of Gen. Scott was
this : "Tell your General to come on and
storm the fort, and I will be responsible
for disc Indians."
Why are the British for Pierce?
That is the question to be duly consid
ered by every ono who has the best inter
ests of these United States at heart. That
the British journals which aro known to be
the mouth pieces of the British Capitalists
and Manufacturers, are manifesting a great
anxiety for the election of Franklin Pierce,
no one can or will deny. Why are they
thus anxious ? No one can be simple mind
ed enough to suppose that they are so phil
anthropic in their views as to desire to pro
mote the welfare of this country. What
motive then can it be which influences them?
They aro in favor of Pierce, as they say
themselves, because they regard him as an
ally of England. They think he would
co-operate with them in fastening upon this
country British Free Trade. They know
full well that Free Trade is aavantageous
to British Manufacturers, while Protection
to our industry would prove injurious to
them and beneficial to us. This is the se
cret why the British are for Pierce. He
is known to them as au out and out Free
Trader. Hence their preference for him.
If this be the reason why England pre
fers Pierce to Scott, is not that in itself
the most conclusive reason why America
should prefer Scott to Pierce ? The one
is the champion of a policy destructive to
American interests; the other the advocate
of a system which will encourage Home
labor and promote American interests.
"Homo toil, with tho iron of England,
Free Trade Pierce won'd pierce and would slay,
But Scott likes the ore of the Keystone,
lie used it et ill Chippewa."
American laborers ! you who understand
your true interests too well to commit such
a mistake as to make us a nation of pau
pers, by a system of free trade which is in
tended, and so operates, to destroy the
manufacturing interests of this country,
and thereby enrich British manufacturers,
the choice is before you. Will you side
with Free Trade Pierce, who is regarded
as an ally of England, and may emphati
cally be called the British candidate?—
Will you support him for the Presidency,
and thereby fasten upon your country a
revenue system which will rob our farmers
of their home market, our men of toil of
their labor, and our country of its prosperi
' ety, so that British capitalists and mann
' facturers may enrich themselves at our ex
pense! We know there is no true hearted
American, be he an adopted or native citi
zen, who will answer aye: Then let your
rallying cry be Scott and Graham.
1113 your flag aloft,
Your colors spread abroad.
The FrCO Trude seaugs will then cry out
The Whigs are on the sod."
Value of a Smile.
Which will you do—smile, and make
your household happy, or be crabbed, and
make all the young ones gloomy and the
elder ones miserable? The amount of hap
piness you can produce is incalculable if
you show a smiling face, a kind heart, and
speak pleasant words. Wear a pleasant
countenance; lot joy beam in your eyes,
and love glow on your forehead. There
is no joy like that which springs from a
kind act or a pleasant deed; and you will
feel it at night when you rest, at morning
when you rise, arid through the day when
about your business:—
A smile—who will refuse n smile,
The sorrowing heart to cheer,
And turn to love the heart of guile,
And cheek the falling tear?
A pleasant sae for every face,
0 'llO a blessed t h ing;
It will the lines of care erase,
And spits cif beauty bring.
That fellow hes seen something of
the world, who said that the young man
who spends all his earnings to appear gen
teel amongst the ladies, as the fashion is
about town, ought to consider that the
money which bought that cigar will be
needed to buy a pig when he and the young
lady got married : that the buggy hire
would be needed to buy a load of lumber
to build a house ; that that extra fine clo
thing might buy a forty acre lot of land
for a holm, and that money you paid for a
ball ticket for you and-Miss -, would
I l come so handy to dress Alice and Andy.
, IVell it would.
tirSixty years ago there was not a sin
gle piano in the town of Northampton.—
Now there are ninety, which cost n6t far
from $lB,OOO. Sixty years ago, there
were spicing wheels in nearly every house,
not excepting those of the olorgyman,lawyer
and physician, perhaps between three and
four hundred in all. A large part of
these have disappeared. Some remain in
old garrets and out buildings, but many of
the rising generation never saw one, and
have no knowledge of their manner of ope
ration. The same is substantially true of
other towns in New England.
.For the Journal
There is, perhaps, no principle in the
human heart which haibeen more decried
—none against which more enormities have
been charged, than Ambition.
Such expressions as "the slaughter clog
ged chariot, Alexander"—Napoleon, with
the crowns of the Universe sighing at his
feet," &c., have become familiar as house
hold words. Indeed they would fain make
us believe ambition to have been the cause
of every shameful deed upon the pages of
' history, and that it is bloody, diabolical,
and ruinous in its tendencies.
No doubt its unbridled excess has
been the cause of crimes of the deepest
and blackest die—but to contend from this
that its right and moderate sway is fatal,
is as idle as to condemn the utility of rea
son and philosophy, because of the misera
ble logic employed by a diseased and dis
ordered mind.
Ambition was implanted in the human
heart by the all-wise Creator, not as the
predominant influence, but us the slave
subservient to the will, and designed to
provoke its possessor to
"Noble ends by noble means attained;"
and if it be restrained within its appropri
ate sphere--if it be judiciously directed, it
will guide over every difficulty and obsta
cle to usefulness and renown.
Show me the man who occupies any
prominent position, of influence or credit in
'society, and I will show you one whose
guiding star, and whose beacon light, has
been ambition. True, it may develope
itself differently in different individuals, and
perhaps, may be known under various
names; but still in all its constituent qual
ities, it is essentially the same, only varying
as the gradations of refinement or difference
in intellect of the individual may render it
wore or less conspicuous.
Were it mine to advise the youthful pil
grim just setting out on the journey of life,
I would say to him, be ardent, be amsi
tious!—or in the words of a celebrated
"Boy ! let the eagle's course be thine,
Upward, and onward, and true to the line,'
I would urge him to' set his mark high, and
to press on, over every obstacle, to fame
and glory ! 1 would fire his soul with a
noble ambition, and point him to some mon
ument of intellect as enduring as time, up
on which to carve his name in characters
too deep ever to be erased. I would say
to him, as did Willis to his classmates,—
" Press on,
Forit bath tempted angels ! oh! prose on."
Nor would I fear that under such tuition,
he would prove a martyr student, exhaust
ing the failing springs of life, by the flick
ering beanie of the 'midnight lamp,' or
" Ills languid eye;
Ills check• deserted of its bloom
llis placid, shrunk, and withered muscle,"—
would attest the melancholy effects of such
advice in carving his name, not on a mon
ument of fattne,—but upon a block of mar
ble in the Cemetery. Students have long
since ceased to die such intellectual deaths;
and they are now only to be found in the
strains of some poet who like the sober
Pollok, wanders from his course to villify
his "better angel;" or in the tirade of some
author whose writings abound in such ex
pressions, as "garments rolled in blood,"
and "cities wrapt iu flames," while secret
ly he is one of the most obsequious wor
shipers of the god he thus pretends to des
To say that ambition is more allied to
evil than to good, is as absurd as to con
demn the goodness of the Creator, in the
gift of the nutricious fruits of the earth,
because man has succeeded in obtaining
from them, baneful and deadly poisons.
Huntiugdon, August, 1852.
What does it Portend.
The kings and queens, the emperors and
empresses, are roaming about Europe, says
the Home Journal, and laying their heads
together in an unprecedented manner.
The Czar has called at the courts of Prus
sia and Austria, the Czarina is visiting the
watering Rlaces of Germany; the Austrian
Emperor is making a progress through
Hungary ; the King of Prussia was jour
neying towards Coblentz, and the King of
Belgium was' thinking of meeting him
there. The royal personages aro evidently
aware that theirs is a common cause, and
seem determined to stand or fall together.
So far as - regards falling together, it is not
impossible their determination may be car ,
ried into effect.
II? 'La, me !' said Natl. Partington, on
reading in the papers that Jenny Lind fled
a fellow feeling in her bosom for the suf
fering and oppressed of all nations, , lt was
jest so with me when I was a gal'!' Her
companions fainted, while the old lady re
adjusted her specs.
We have ofter presented these themes,
but they are still important, and we re
peat the same facts over and over—our
schools are where our men and institutions
are made.
The vocation of the teacher, is at once
pleasing, difficult and responsible. - Few
realize its truly interesting character. He,
indeed, in the language of the solemn ar
tist, "is painting for eternity." The hu
man soul is his sketch board—the inces
sant influence of thought his colors—and
his own skill in the appliances the instru
ments of design and execution. And what
a picture will . he make? Ask the quacks !
and dabblers in the art to exhibit their work
--and ask the faithful artist who draws
his lines with intenser care and anxiety, to
present his. Each class may well and
justly point to living specimens. Do you
think it too much or impossible, that the
fair haired youth, just bending his crown
to the dignity of manhood, with beautiful
affections and intellect, and a virtuous
heart, is the work of the one; while the
profligate, with the dark lines of vice up
on his character, and the shadows of intel
lectual night upon his soul, is that of the
other? Mon of thought will trace the un
erring dependencies of cause and effect,
and here they can find both. The scholar
will be as the teacher. It cannot be oth
erwise in general. The time will come—
it is near--when the common school will
be as sacred to the complete education
and discipline of the pupil, as it now is to
only a partial effect. The symmetry and
proportion of the Intellect, the Heart, and
the Physical System will not be marred by
any distorted and halfway discipline. As
Health is the first condition'of progress iu
Fro—the means of preserving it; the Ph) ,
siology of the animal frame, and the Func
tions of existence—will become simple
rudimental subjects for the youngest learn
er—no mystery about them, any more
than the now simplified truths of Geogra
phy. Ask our fathers, if, in their day, an
octavo of Morse, of 40 pages was suffered
to enter an humble School house, or
wander from the shelves of the Academy?
But times have changed.
And as the heart, or, as others would
express it, the Sensibility and the Will,
must share in any right or proportionable
education (for what is intellect merely in a
devil?) the development of the moral feel
ings, and affections, the love of virtue, and
truth, will become an integral part of the
systematic cultivation.
In the department of the intellect there
will be mans changes. Thi§ is an age of
condensation. Truth is assuming coutpac-,
ter forms and a narrower compass. Men!
live fast in a little space. The child of
this meridian time, opens its eyes on more
facts in twelve months, than did its father in
as many years. The next fifty years is to',
increase the ratio of this effect greatly.
The sciences will be simplified and made
more embracing. The abstract and diffi-1
cult deductions of the Philologist, the MaH
thomatician and the Philosopher, will be'
reduced to simple elements, so that the l i
common school may, at no distant dayi !
place within the reach of every child of
the state, the rudiments of all valuable
knowledge and acquirement, and educa
tion will not be a stinted, but a general
and comprehensive effect, moulding and
making the scholar, the citizen, and the
man. At such an epoch, the teacher's
will be an important station. The ques
tion asked him then will be, not "have
you studied?" but "do you know?" It is
a fact, now overlooked, that the instructor
who has a clear understanding of prinoi
pies, can present more truth to a learner,
and communicate more knowledge, in a
few moments of ingenious and forcible il
lustration, than a befogged intellect can
elaborate in a week—nay, in an ago. In
deed, the thing is impossible. Ignorance
cannot enlighten the brow of truth, or
point the way to the palace of thought.
The unfitted teacher is au opaque,--a ray
less orb—he shines a moonless, starless !
night upou the lonely intellect and heart.
We close with an ardent hope that a
new era is about to dawn. That the fa
cilities for education are to increase and
energize, till men shall learn its value, and
the superiority of the new, over the old
forms and systems; the pseudo shapen, or
as the geologist would idealize it, the
transition' stratum of teichers'shall give
place to regular and perfect forms of the
profession, and every school house become
a fountain of light and happiness.-Youngs
✓i/le (Pa.) Express.'
t'.3Ett - , I want sonic liquid generosity
ou'iny bread and butter."
"Some what, my child ?"
"Some liquid generosity."
"What in the world does the boy inCan
by 'liquid' generosity ,' What is it like,
my son 1"
"Gbsb, nani 4 . don't you know ? Why,
its molasses, to be sure ?"
' , Here 'Bridget, spauk this boy cud
put him to bed."
Oh, dear! oh, dear! What a world The churches must receive all their ae
this is! This world, as Shakspere very cessions of real strength from the young.
beautifully remarks, “is all a cattle show, lln far the larger portion of the country,
for man's dilution given—and—and wo- the yoting people generally have, or seek
man's too." That's a fact. Shakspere's 'to Lave, other assoCations than with the
right! This here is a very—a very check- churches of any denomination. They are
ored life. I therefore, beyond the reach of our influ-
This world is given to fault-finding, tre
menjus. NoW, hero's sn' wife—kicked
up a great row just because I wont to bed
with my over-coat, boots and hat on, when
she knew that I wanted to get up very
airly iu the mornin,' and start off immejitly
on 'portant business. She's very p'tieu
lar to enquire what business it is that calls
me out so airly, but I won't tell her.—
She's no right to interfere in my business.
I don't interfere in her's. I don't never
ask her where she buys groceries and pro
visions, and get'Atrusted for 'ens. J don't
care where she buys 'ens—if she only gets
'em without throwiu' away money for 'em.
And then she finds fault wi' me for spen
din' so much money for licker. But what
am I golfs' to dow. Licker's cash. It
can't be bort without the dimes. Hain't
the men that sell licker got to live 2 How
can they pay rent if nobody patronises
'ens ? That is a question that goes to my
heart like an error.
preme court of Connecticut has decided that
a correspondence in writing between a mar
rigeable female and an unmarried man is
presumptive evidence of an engagement !
The Judge says:
"That an engagement exists, or an offer
has been made and accepted where a cor
respondence takes place between such par
ties, as are described in this ease, is, we
think, in accorda'nee with general experi
ence, which is one of the usual and most
satisfactory tests of human evidence ; and
although, when taken alone and disconnec
ted from other facts, it may not be so
strong as some evidence that might be
suggested; yet we hold it competent to be
submitted to a jury, and from which they
may find a promise to marry, if the evi
dence satisfies them of the fact:
Bachelors and cousins should beware pf
committing themselves. They should be
as chary of the use of their pen as a poli
tician who is a candidate for public office.
ports of the Directors of the various School
Districts for 1852, and certificates of as
sessment of School tax for 1852; which
should have been forwarded to the Super
intendent on the first Monday . of June or
immediately fhehafter, are not yet near all
received at the Department. Directors
are respectfully urged to be prompt in ma
king these returns, as it is the interest of
their respective districts as well as the
public generally that they all be' received
at an early period. Directors are also es
pecially- requested to write proper names
as plainly as possible,
so as to avoid errors
in forwarding the school warrants, docu
ments, &c. A large number of the report
received have' been returned to the districts
for correction because the same person
held the offices of President and Treasurer,
or Secretary and Treasurer. Our ekehad
ges would serve their readers in many in
stances by copying or calling attention to
this notice.—Harrisburg/ Keystone.
tr...r A most singular superstition exists
in the department of the lndre of France;
that after death the soul of the defunct
flits about the apartment in which it took
its departure from the body, like a butter
fly, seeking an aperture to escape to Hea
ven ; and therefore when any one is con
sidered in the last agonies, every vessel
containing water, milk or any other liquid,
is removed carefully for fear the passing
spirit should fall into it, and thus be pre
vented from reaching its eternal place of
11G - A miserlj• Church member becom
ing excited by a sudden burst of eloquence
from his minister, clapped his hands and
shouted out, "Thank God for a free Gos
pel--twenty years have I been a church
member, and it has not cost me as many
coppers!" 'Lord forgive your stingy soul!'
exclaimed the preacher.
[Cr' A clergy man who was consoling a
young widow on the death of hei husband,
spoke in a very serious tone, remarking
that he was "one of the few. Such a jew
el of te Christian. You cannot find his
equal, you know." To which the sobbing
fair one replied,' with an almost broken
heart, don't know, but I'll try."
SUBLIME.-A western reporter gives the
following description of a conflagration:
The devastating element unsatisfied with
floods' of water, belched forth its crimson
tints, and spread the fiery flag of devasta
tion over entire squares, unchecked by
the superhuman exertions of the firemen,
who seemed like lost spirits in the halls of
pandemonium, as they flocked round the
terrific spectacle.
The Duty of Ministers to Children.
ence. The "congregations are made up
mainly of experienced men, unconverted,
who admire the moral positions assumed by
our preachers—and the beads of families,
snaking up the membership of the Church,
and the children of those families, with a
few young acquaintances:
The Church receives no strength from
ever so large a crowd of admirers. It is
not the throng shouting to the soldiery in
the highway, but the men under arms who
Make the army strong. Thetie old men
who patronize us, if they over become tru
ly converted; are not made of the stuff that
gives the energy to the churches. They
begin so late in the day that their fire of
zeal has burnt out, and they are rather in
a condition to enjoy,' than: to serve the
°hitch. God bless them. Let them come.
But we want something more than these.
Churches made up Of elderly people are
not adapted to, nor fitted for engaging the
young. Every arrangement; every move
ment, has the stamp of age and Of a con
servative spirit, and lacks the energy that
the young esteem an appropriate feature of
every enterprise.
Again. A few years exhaust the entire
energy of a church of old people, which
has not been invigorated by the eontinual.
infusion of the youth of Both sexes. Shall
we then, as a people, see our churches be
coming infirm and powerless, in, a few
years?—or shall we hallo an ever blooming,
vigorous, and healthy conirinthity, with its
ranks recruited yearly from the youthful
portion of society? There is, there can
be, no hesitancy on this point. All agree
that the latter is essential, and Must be se
cured. But howl ,
Lei the preacher look after the small
children, with special solicitude. Too
attention is paid to children, by the minis
ters of every denominatiOn. And our min-
Weil are sadly at fault in this matter.—
The inportatie Of it is not felt an'd . under
stood as it should be by us. • Only, a few
short ye . are elapse, and the little ones who
bashfully cling to the mother's gown when
a stranger speaks to them, become trans;
formed to men and women, who walk die
earth as joint sovereigns 'of nature, and in
their turn uphold the tottering steps of
ege t and wield the destinies of earth.
When our people first began to give a
home for the preachers of a thorough
Christianity, there were found in every
family young olive plants around the tables
where the preacher sat, whose blooming
faces turned to the minister, as the open
ing flower to die sun,' deeming it a privilege
to receive the light of his smile or a word
of kindness from his lips. If he were a
wise man, he imitated his toaster. Little
children were found in his arms, andati
his feet.' Their awkwardness,
their waywardness, even, were overcome
by his influence, and the young hearts
twined about him with an affection that
grew with their growth and strengthened
with their strength as years passed on.
The confidence and esteem of little child
ren, cannot be too highly valued by the
Christian pastor. Ho cannot be too care
ful to secure and cultivate it. It has
nothing of the cold, calculating cautious
ness; that often distinguishes the friendship
of maturer years.
Time and distance may separate the
Christian pastor and the lambs of his flock;
but ever will be found, in manhood's prime,.
or woman's loveliness, the pure love of the
little child, now grOwn to dignified and
firm attachment, for the minister Of Christ.
t 1 A - friend tolls us the following rich
anecdote, which we pronounce decidedly
_ .
One of the storekeepers of this place, a
few days since, purchased a quantity of
butter, the lumps of which, intended for
pounds, he 'weighed in the balance, and
found wanting.'
'Sure, 'said Biddy, 'its your own fault
if they are light, for 'wasn't it a pound of
soap I bought here myself that I had in
the other end of the scales when 1 weigh
ed them ?
DT- A crust of bread, a pitcher of water,'
a thatched roof and love : there is happi
ness for you, whether the day is rainy or
sunny. It is the heart that makes the
home '
whither the - eye rests on a potato
patch or on a flower garden. Heart snakes
home precious, and it is the only thing
that can.
l A celebrated barrister one day ex
amining a witness,
who foiled all his at
tempts at ridicule by her ready and shrewd
answers, at last exclaimed' "There is brass
enough in your head, madam, to make a
fire pail kettle." "And sap enough in
yours, air to fill it," quickly retorted the