Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 26, 1852, Image 1

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THE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken tbr a less periodthan
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
What impious mockery, when with soulless art,
Fashion, intrusive, seeks to rule tho heart—
Directs how Grief may tastefully be borne,
Instructs Bereavement just how long to mourn,
Shows Sorrow how by nice degrees to fade,
And marks its measure in a ribbon's shade !
More impious still, when through her wanton laws,
She desecrates Religion's sacred cause; "the narrow road" is easiest trod,
And how geutcelest worms may worship God;
flow sacred rites may bear a worldly grace,
And self-abasement wear a haughty lime,
How sinners, long in fully's mazes whirled,
With pomp and splendor may renounce the world,
How with all saints hereafter to appear,
Yet quite escape the vulgar portion here !
Who shall judge a man from manner
Who shall know• him by his dress 7
Paupers may be fit for princes;
Princes fit for something less.
Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket
May beclothe the golden ore
Of the deepest thought and feelings—
Satin vests could do no more.
There aro springs of crystal nectar
Ever welling out of stone;
There are purple buds and golden,
Hidden, crushed and overgrown.
God, who counts by souls, not dresses,
Loves and prospers you and sto,
While ho values thrones the highest,
But as pebbles in the sea.
ffantitg Circle.
Fashionable Ways of Committing
Wearing thin shoes on dark nights, and
in rainy weather.
Building on the "air tight" principle.
Leading a life of enfeebling, stupid la
ziness, and keeping the mind in a round of
unnatural excitement by reading trashy
Going to balls through all sorts of
weather in the thinnest possible dress.
Dancing in crowded rooms till in a com
plete perspiration, and then going home
through the damp night air.
Sleeping on feather beds in seven by nine
Surfeiting on hot and highly stimulating
Beginiug in childhood on tea, and going
on frotu one step of stimulation to another,
through coffee, chewing tobacco, smoking
and drinking.
Marrying in haste, getting an unconge
nial companion, and living the rest of life
in mental dissatisfaction.
Keeping children quiet by teaching them
how to suck candy.
Entailing disease upon posterity by dis
regarding psychological laws of marriage,
the parent is hold responsible.
Eating without time to masticate the
Allowing love of gain so to absorb our
minds as not to leave us time to attend to
Follow an unhealthy occupation, because
money can be wade by it.
Tempting the appetite with mcities when
the stomach says, no.
Contriving to keep in a continual worry
about something or nothing.
Retiring at midnight and rising at noon.
Gormandizing between meals•
Giving way to fits of anger.
Neglecting to take proper care of our
selves when a simple disease first appears.
L In reading the Holy Scriptures, we
cannot be too thoroughly penetrated with
a lively sense of our insufficiency, as this
will place us in deep dependence on the
Spirit of God, and induce us fervently to
implore his influences to abide upon us.—
Even then we shall really know the truth
only so far as we experience its power. To
advance in knowledge, new light must be
dispensed by Him who is its inexhaustible
source. That will be given us if we draw
it down by profound humility, and a faith
ful improvement of grace already received.
We shall lose that which we have if wo
proudly ascribe it to our own efforts, if we
neglect prayer.
tt..7" Right in one thing tends towards
right in everything; the transition is not
distant from the feeling which tells- that we
should do good to all men.
Moral Courage.
"Be calm—be true—be self-possessed,
And Heaven will give and guard the rest."
The philosophy of keeping calm and
cool is very difficult to understand and
practice with success at this season of tilt
year. Some individuals are allays init
heated and excited state, and th suffer
ings with the thermometer at 95 deg. &
must be intolerable indeed. There are
others again who seldom permit their
equanimity of temper to be disturbed.—
They adapt themselves to the weather and
to circumstances, and pass through life as
quietly and calmly as possible. If they
have important and oven arduous business
to transact, they endeavor to fit them
selves for its discharge, not by eagerness,
impatience and bluster, but by quiet, meth
od, and calm determination. And this
perhaps, is the true philosophy. Soule
persons, for example, are forever in a hur
ry. They are, moreover, always behind
time. They thus become fretful, excited
and irritated—and not only lose their tem
per, but are often "loft behind," when it
is important that they should be on board
a steamboat or a railroad ear, in an omni
bus or a stage. They waste moments, nay,
hours, in idle conversation or in trifling
pursuits, and then complain that they are
"so unfortunate." They neglect business,
break engagements, violate compacts, and
at the same time wonder at the want of
confidence that is exhibited toward them,
and at their loss of integrity and trade.—
How frequently do we see individuals has
tening to a steamboat landing, red with
gxeitement, just two or three minutes after
the boat has started, and astonished as
well as indignant that some little delay
had not taken place for their peculiar ac
commodation! Inquire into the causes of
their procrastination, and they will be
found in some idle conversation by the
way, or sad forgetfulness of hours and
facts. There is, indeed, nothing like sys
tem in the ways of this world. Punctuali
ty and regularity arc adorning qualities in
the character of man. An individual who
is in the habit of violating engagements,
however trifling, is sure, sooner or later, to
lose not only his friends and his character,
but his own self-respect. Tho best way
to keep cool, therefore, is to bo upright,
regular, systematic , and self possessed.—
We should not put off till to-norrow what
may be done to-day. We should not per
mit difficulties to accumulate, that might
be removed step by step. All should en
deavor to exercise seine degree of manli
ness, and confront trouble at the begin
ning. This is indeed one of the great es
sentials, not only of success in life, but of
comfort and contentment. The doctrine
is, we admit, much easier to preach than
to practice. It is much easier to point out
and criticise the weakness of others, than
to avoid the manifestation of like errors
under similar circumstances. Yet a word
sometimes has a rousing and stimulating
effect, and way exercise a salutary influ
ence. But the other day we heard of a
ease, in which an individual absolutely
suffered temporary anguish for the want of
a little moral courage. He became invol
ved iu monetary affitirs, found it difficult
to realise his engagements, could not make
his means available within a specified time,
and instead of going foward to the par
ties interested, and stating the facts in a
fair, frank, and manly spirit, he hesitated,
grew nervous, and at last absolutely com
mitted the grevious error of leaving the
gity, and with his affairs confused, entang
led and unadjusted. A thousand vague
reports were immediately circulated, his
friends were puzzled to find his where
abouts, and when they did discover him,
ho was perfectly unmanned. Fortunately,
there were those intimately connected , with
him who kinvi all the facts, who apprecia
ted and prized his character, who were
satisfied not only that his means were am
ple, but that his integrity was undoubted
—and thus the matter was speedily and
happily adjusted. And yet, such was his
nervous sensibility and want of moral cour
age--such wore the pbrplcxity and panic
under which he labored—that he was ab
solutely running away, and ho scarcely
know from what. He was confused, bewil
dered and excited. Ile lost the balance
of his mind, so to speak, became ashamed
of his errors of carelessness and prodigali
ty, could not muster sufficient moral cour
ap to make a real exposition of the facts,
plunged on wildly, as if laboring under a
sort of monomania, and as already stated,
shattered his credit for the moment, and
narrowly escaped ruin. Let no ono sup
pose that this is a novel case, or that he
might not falter under similar circumstan
ces. "Let him that standeth, take heed
lest he fall!" In the great majority of
'macs, the erring ore the victims of circum
stances. They have been led on step by
step, until at last inflamed, maddened and
unbalanced, they have committed some
fearful perhaps fatal mistake or offence.—
There are few, very few who calmly, cool
ly and deliberately pursue a course calcu
lated not only to destroy themselves, but
to pain the hearts of their friends and
their families. The many who so err, are
the creatures of excitement—which over
masters every other faculty, and renders
them the mere playthings and creatures of
a morbid fancy, or the monomania of the
hour. The true philosophy of moral cour
age is that condition or of mind which not
only enables one to discriminate clearly be
tween right and wrong, but to act calmly
and firmly at the most critical moment,
and without regard to the humiliation or
the mortification that may be inflicted. It
,at once enables an individual to resist
temptation, to oonfront and overcome dan
ger. He who has never been tested and
tried by adversity or by prosperity, can
not be said fully to understand himself.—
He ispot sensible of his own weaknesses.
Men, we repeat, are often the creatures of
the hour, and of the circumstances of the
hour. If they give way tp excitement and
panic, and thus act when not in full com
mand of their own mental faculties, they
will in all probability commit seine sad
mistake. Self-possession, therefore, at all
times and under all circumstances, the
ability to discriminate, and the moral
courage to carry out, are qualities of the
very highest character.
The Model Widower.
Begins to think of No. 2 before the
weed on his hat loses its first gloss May
be seen assisting young girls to find a seat
in church, or ordering carts off dry cross
ings, for pretty feet that aro waiting to j
pass over. Is convinced he "never was
made to live alone." His "children must be
looked" after. or, if he hasn't any, he would
like to be looked after—himself! Draws
a Jeep sigh, every time a dress rustles
past, with a female woman in it. Is very
particular about the polish of his boots,
and the fit of his glove; thinks he looks
very interesting in black. Don't walk out
in public much with his children; when
he does, TAKES THE YOUNGEST! Revives
his old taste for moonlight and poetry;
pities single men with all his heart; won
ders how they contrive to exist! Reproves
little John for saying "Pa" so LOUD,
(when he meets him in the street.) Sots
his face against the practice of woman's
going home "alone and unprotected" from
evening meeting. Tell's the widows his
heart aches for 'em! Wonders which of
all the damsels he sees, ho shall make up
his mind to marry. Is sorry he will be
obliged to disappoint 'em all BET ONE!—
Has long since preferred orange blowups
to the cypress wreath. Starts up some
fine day and re-furnishes his house from
garret to cellar; hangs his first wife's por
trait in the attic, (shrouded in an old blank
et,l and marries a playmate for his latest
j daughter!
"Black is the sign of mourning," says
Rixbelais, "because it is the color of dark
ness, which is melancholy, and opposite of
white, which is the color of light, of joy
and of happiness." The early poets asser
ted that souls, after death, went into a
dark and gloomy empire. Probably it is
in consonance with this idea that they ima
gined black was the most congenial color
for mourning. The Chinese and Sidmese
chose white, conceiving that the dead be
came a beneficient genii. In Turkey,
mourning is composed of blue or violet; in
Ethiopia, of gray; and at the time of the
invasion of Peru by the Spaniards, the in
habitants of that country wore it of mouse
color. Among the Japanese, white is the
sign of mourning, and black of rejoicing.
In Castile, mouruing vestment were of
white serge. The Persians clothed• in
brown, and the whole family, and all their
animals, wore shaved. In Lycia, the men
wore female habiliments during the whole
time of their mourning.
What is a Fop?
•A Mr. Stark, in a lecturo before the
Young Mon's Association of Troy, N. Y.,
thus defines a fop:
“The fop is a:complete specimen of au
outside philosopher. Ho is one-third col
lar, one-sixth patent loather, one-fourth
walkig stick, and the rest kid gloves and
hair. As to his remote ancestry there is
some doubt, but it is now pretty well set
tled that he is the son of a tailor's goose.
lie becomes ecstatic at the smell of new
cloth. Ho is somewhat nervous, and to
dream of tailor's bills gives him the night
mare. By his air; one would judge he had
been dipped like Achilles; but it is evident
that the goddess must have hold him by
the head instead of the heels.—Neverthe
less, such men are useful. If there were
no tadpoles there would be no frogs.—
They aro not so entirely to blame for being
devoted to externals. Paste diamonds
must have a splendid setting to make them
sell.--Only it seems to be a waste of ma
terial to put $5 worth of beaver on 5 ots.
worth of -brains.
American Ingenuity,
An English paper publishes a series of
lectures on American ingenuity, recently
delivered in England by Captain Mcltin
non, of the British Navy. The following
is an extract:
"He thought there was something origi
nal in the American mind and that as far
as invention went, they were the first in
the world. This was to be attributed to
various causes, and they were more inven
tive than the English, for the following
reasons:—lf a man invented anything in
this country, he was looked upon as a pro
jector, and his efforts did not moot with
.eueouragement; but there, if he invented
anything, ever so little, he was considered
a great man, taken in hand by influential
men, and made a fortune. He knows sev
eral who had amassed large sums, from
£l,OOO to £20,000. He should like to
see an Englishman do that—he would be
laughed at if he expected it. (Applause.)
The first invention he would speak of, was
one that amused him very much. Ho saw
a large ship which was coming to Europa
with wheat, and alongside was a very curi
ous thing, like a mud-machine, and sever
al ba,ls full of grain. He was very much
astonished, and went on board to examine
the machine, which he found to be a grain
elevator, which was intended to pump the
grain from the barges into the big ship.—
He at first laughed at it, and a
Yankee invention and a fib, but when he
got on board, he found that -it pumped the
grain at such an awful pace, that it almost
drowned him before ho got up the hatch
way. 'Laugh'er and applause.) He found
it delivered 20,000 bushels per hour.—
'Suppose,' said the speaker, pointing to
the ceiling, 'there was a great hole up
there—it would send the grain at such an
awful pace that we shouldn't all get out,
for we should he drowned, quite half of us.
(Great laughter.)
"The next thing that struck him as an
ingenious matter, was at Cincinnati, where
the hogs killed in the western States
last year for exportation, were 92-1,008.
There was a man there who had discover
ed a method of making gas out of hog's
lard. (Great infighter.) It seemed a tun
ny thing, but it was a fact. The Mayor
of Milwaukie City, in Wisconsin, who was
a great friend of his, actually told him
that he was making a bargain with the
man, to light the town with hog's lard.—
!He certainly did not live there long
enough to see it himself, but was told it
was true, and he believed it., (Cheers.)
"Another invention was a zinc paint,
which lie described as being most
ful, and worth a trial by all present.
"Another very ingenious thing he had
witnessed at the patent office, in Washing
ton. It was pointed out to him by a gen
tleinan but he could not describe it. It
had a large handle to it and he asked what.
it was, when he was told it was a sewing
machine, (great laughter,) which could
make seventeen pair of pantaloons a day;
but it was then out of order, and would not
work, and he did not see it himself. He
could not, therefore vouch for its accuracy,
but he believed it to be true.
"Another invention was made by a wan
who had a largo dairy, containing upwards
of one hundred cows. Finding it very exr
pensive to get them milked, he sot his wits
to work and invented a milking machine.
With India-rubber, gutta pendia, and
springs, he milked them all out, as dry as
possible. (Much laughter.) The Captain
amused his audience by relating the effects
of the milking machine upon cows, and de
clared that the Down East Yankees wore
the most inventive people possible, and
wore monstrously clever fellows. They
had a good story there, which was too good
to be lost, and it was an astonishing mat
ter. The Yankee babies, when not eating
or sleeping, were still doing something,
and this was what they wore thinking
about : The Yankee asserted that the ba
by was rolling its eyes round, and thinking
how to improve the cradle. (Uuncontrol
lable laughter.) He thought that was suf
ficient of Yankee ingenuity for the present,
but ho would give them more specimens
by-and-bye." (Laughter.)
A Goon CEMENT.-I have found gum
shellac, dissolved in alcohol,..vory excellent
for joining broken vessels, it makes them
nearly as durable as if they were cemented
by heat. I have been using for years, a
mortar which was broken and mended in
this manner. It was broken in pieces, and
could not be then replaced. I applied the
gum; and bound the parts together until
! the cement was perfectly dry. I then put
lit in use and have continued to use it ever
since. C. B. F.
frdtn the Andes, in the interior of South
America, says Lieut. Maury, be set afloat
in the head waters of the Amazon, and if
another log be nut from the Rooky Moun
tains, in the interior of North America, bo
cast into the head waters of the Missouri,
they will both obeying the force of winds
and the set of the currents, be driven out
upon the ocean through the Florida Pass.
The Armies of Europe.
A late London letter says : wvlre have
very good authority for stating that in '5l
there were no fewer than 2,773,833 men
under arms in Europe as regular soldiers,
and if to this number be added the various
corps of volunteers, national guards; &c.,
tho aggregate would swell up to 3,000,000
—the population of Europe was then esti
mated at 227,403,000. According to the
usual ratio of calculation, one person out of
every twenty of the adult and able male
population of Europe was at that time a sol
dier. Besides this immense army, there
was an aggregate fleet of 2763 vessels, car
rying 44,105 guns,and manned by at least
150,000 seamen. We can not compare
these figures with any pervious statements,
but we feel warranted in asserting that nev
er, since the commencement of the peace
movement, did the face of Europe present
so belligerent an appearance.
Present to an Editor.
The Editor of the New York 'Journal
of Commerce, has received from Florida,
four quarts of mosquitoes in a glass recei
ver or.jar marked "Preserved musquitoes
from Florida." They aro the specimens
of the musquitoes which, according to a
statement in the Journal of Commerce,
thrust their bills through an old boiler, in
which an unhappy Yankee had token
fuge, to avoid the enormous musquitoes of
the everglades. •
The story goes that the Yankee on find
ing how matters stood in the mornig, went
to work and clinched all the bills inside the
boiler, when the musquitoes taking the
alarm rose with the boiler, and flew off at
a thundering rate in the direction of the
Okeefenokee swamp. Nothing is now wan
ted to substantiate the story but the boil - -
er, and that last link in the chain of evi
dence will probably bo forthcoming.
During a learned lecture by a Ger
man adventurer, one Baron Vondullbrains,
he illustrated the glory of mechanics as a
science thus :—De ting dat is made is more
superior as de maker. I shall show_ you
how it is iu some tings. Suppose I make
do round wheel of do coach"? Vor well;
dat wheel roll round 500 mile !—and I
cannot roll ono myself! Suppose lam a
cooper, rot you call, and I make de big tub
to hold wino'? He holds tuns and gallons;
and I cannot hold more as five bottles !
So you see dat what is made is more supe
rior as de maker.
A PosEu.—A calm, blue-eyed, self
possessed young lady, in a village down
east, received a large call from a prying
old spinster, whn after prolonging her vis
it beyond even her own conceptions of the
young lady's endurance came to the main
question which had brought her hither.
"I've been asked a good many times if
you was engaged to Dr. U. Now, if the
folks inquire again whether you be or not,
what shall I tell that I think V'
"Tell them," answered the young lady,
fixing her calm, blue eyes in unblushing
steadiness upon the inquisitive features of
her interrogate?, "tell them you think you
don't know, and you are sure it is none of
your business."
0 -- An Englishman asked a son of Erin
if the roads in Ireland were good; the Irish
man replied :
“Yespthey are so fine that I wonder
you do not import some of them into Eng
land. Let mo see, there is the road to
love, strewed with roses; to matrimony
through nettles ; to honor, through the
camp ; to prison, through the law ; and to
the undertakers through physic."
“Have you any road to preferment r ,
asked the Englishman.
""Yes, faith, we have, but that is the
dirtiest road in the kingdom!"
(Cr "John," said a clergyman to his
man, "you should become a tetotaler---you
have boon drinking again to day."
"Do you ever take a drop yoursef, min
ister ?"
“Alt, but John, you must look at your
circumstances and mine.”
"Verna true, sir," says John ; "but can
you tell we how the streets of J erusalent
were kept so clean .
"No, John, 1 can not tell you that."
"Woel, sir, it was just bcause every one
kept his ain door clean." ' •
"Oh mother, mother, come quick,
Angelina Arrabella has Gen. Pierced !"
"What ! my child."
"Angelina has seen a toad and General
"What does the child moan ? Toll me
this minute what dreadful thing my pot
darling has done."
"Why, she's Gen. Pierced—she's fain
rrA correspondent of the Transcript
says that the venerable Dr. Lyman Beech
er is "the father of more brains than any
other man in the rnitcd Statm"
Voutius' Column.
Dear sister, only look, and see
This nice red apple 1 have hers
'Tis large enough for you and inn,
So come and help me oat it &Jar '
No, brother; no I should be glad,
If you had more, to share with you,
But only one—'t would be too bad!
Eat it alone, dear brother, do!'
No, no ! there's quite enough for two,
And it would taste so much more sweet,
If I should eat it, dear, with you—
Do take a part now, I entreat!
Well, so I will ! and when I get
An apple sweet and nice like thhr,
I'm sure that I shall not forget
To give yon, deat, a fine large piece,
The Mother'M Influence:
The New York Dutcligkan, more given
to the utterance of things comic and ludi
crous than serious, recently gave to its
readers *he following true and beautiful
sentences: "How strong is the influence of
a mother! Among the last things forgotten
by age, are the first things taught us in
boyhood. Many a pilgrim' of three-scores
and-ten retires to his nightly rest uttering
the same little prayer which rendered him
fearless of 'the dark' during his school
days :
'Now f lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake.
I pray the Lord my soul to talc
Adieu I'
You may plunge an ambitious man into
politics till he forgets conscience, intt bu
siness till he forgets death, and into phil
osophy till he forgets God, nothing can
make him forget .Now I lay me, &c.,' the
' first little prayer that a patient mother
taught his lisping innocence. '
A Word to Little Girls.
Who is lovely It is tte girl who drops
sweet words, kind remarks, and pleasant
smiles as she passes along; who has a kind
word for every boy or girl she meets in
trouble, and a kind hand to help her com
panions out of difficulty; she never scolds,
never contends, never teases her mother,
nor seeks in any way to diminish, but al
ways to increase, her happiness. Would
it not please you to pick up a string , of
pearls, drops of gold, diamonds, or precious
stones, as you pass along the street 1 But
these are precious stones that can never bo
lost. Extend a friendly hand to the friend
less. Smile on the sad and dejected.—
Sympathize with those in trouble. Strive
everywhere to diffuse around you sunshine
and joy. If you do this, you will be sure
to be beloved.
The Schoolmaster and his Pupils.
"Joseph, where is Africa V
"On the map, sir."
"I mean, Joseph, in what continent—the
Eastern or Western continent l"
"Well, the land of Africa is in the East
ern continent; but the people, sir, are all
of 'cm down South."
"What aro its products t"
"Africa, sir, or down South."
"Africa, you blockhead !"
"Well, sir, it hasn't got any; it never
had any."
"How do the African people live 3"
"By drawing."
"Drawing what—water 1"
"No sir; by drawing their breath !"
"Sit down Joseph."
"Thomas, what is the equator t"
"Why, sir, it's a horizontal pole running
perpendicular through the imaginations of
astronomers and old geographers."
"Go to your seat, Thomas. William
Stiggs, what do you mean by an eclipse V'
"An old race horse, sir."
"Silence. Next. Jack, what is an
eclipse 3"
"An eclipse is a thing as appears when
the moon gits on a bust, and runs agin the
sun; consequently the sun blacks the moon's
face !" "Class is dismissed."
The Globe we Live On.
It is known as a fact iu Geology, that
below the depth of thirty feet the earth be
comes regularly warmer us wo descend.
On an average the increase is at the rate
of one degree of Fahrouheat for every fifty
feot. At the bottom of the mines at Corn
wall, a depth of one thousand two hundred
feet, the thermometer stands at eighty
eight, equal to high summer heat.--At this
rate rooks and metals would be melted
twenty miles below the surface, and down
in the bowels of the earth, several hundred
miles the heat would be twenty thousand
times hotter than welted iron. 'Who can
wonder at earthquakes when all things rest
on a molten sea of fire.