Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 19, 1852, Image 3

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Thursday Morning Aug. 10.
Our Patrons.
We take great pleasure in acknowledg
ing ourself handsomely treated by souse
fifty of our patrons, who, during Court
week, extended to us timely said and
comfort," in the form of new subscribers,
advance payment of subscription, and set
tlement of old accounts. We have now,
either personally or by letter, transacted
business with about one hundred and forty
of our subscribers, or one fifth of the whole
number on our list. If the remaining four
fifths are men of the same stamp, though
we may not be entitled to boast of the ex
tent of our patronage, we can and will
boast of the honorable character, the pe
cuniary integrity, and generosity of our
patrons. Among the above number of one
hundred and forty men with whom we have
had settlements, we recognized but one
scoundrel. Of him we may have occasion
to speak hereafter. At present we are in
too happy a mood to write any thing but
our thanks to those who have so kindly re
membered us, hoping that hundreds of oth
ers, will, in the course of the autumn, af
ford us the opportunitwf a similar pleas
Broad Top Railroad.
We notice with pleasure the brightening
prospects of this important improvement.—
Already, as may be seen by reference to
the card of the Conunissioners, in another
column, has the amount of stock necessary
to secure the Charter, been subscribed at
home; in a few weeks the first instalment,
of five dollars a share, will be paid in, the
Company fully organized, and its labors,
on the ground, fairly commenced. In ad
dition to the above, wo have the assurance
of a gentleman, whose judgement may be
relied on, that the success of the enterprise
is placed beyond a peradventure, by its
growing popularity abroad, as evinced by
the purchase, in large tracts, of the wild
lands on and near the proposed route. In
short, every thing indicates the earl, com
mencement, and speedy completion of this
road, not only from Huntingdon to the
Broad Top coal fields, but on to Bedford,
with branohes to other important points.—
That it will yield a handsome profit to the
stockholders, and greatly increase the val
ue of property in the' tract of country
through which it passes, can hardly be
doubted by any ono acquainted with the
resources and wants of that region.
NY.—Captain Garretlson and his fine Com
pany of "fire annihilators," were out with .
the Engine, on Saturday last, iu full uni
form, and made a very handsome and cred
itable appearance. That the " Juniata
boys" are being appreciated as.their pub
lic spirit and gentlemanly deportment de 7
serve, was most substantially and agreea
bly demonstrated on this occasion, by the
refreshments, boquets, wreaths and other
pleasant tokens of approbation, presented
to them during their procession. We re
joice to see the young men merit and re
ceive these encouraging attentions. ay
they always be worthy, and always find
their worth rewarded.
Tr The Farm Journal for August is on
our table. Besides the usual variety-of
valuable information for the farmer and
gardener, this number contains a full re
port of the late National Agricultural Con
vention, in which twenty-three States were
represented by one hundred and fifty dele
gates; and also a complete Programe of the
approaching Exhibition of the Pennsylva
nia State Agricultural Society, to be held
in Lancaster, on the 20th, 21st, and 22d
days of October. The Regulations of the
Fair, List of Premiums, &c., are all given,
and every information necessary for those
wishing to take or send articles for exhibi
tion, is minutely laid before the readers of
the "Journal" in this No. which should be
obtained by every fairer that is not al
ready familiar with the character and pro
gress of this Society.
n 7. NVo have received the 4th No, of
"The Public Serving" a spirited little pa
per published at Newburg, Pd., by H. S.
Fisher, at 50 eta. per aunu►n in advance.
ilk The September number of Godey
and Graham have been received. They
are again double Nos. and perfect gems in
their way.
17" Mr. Matthias, State Senator from
l'hila., died on Saturday morning. The
deceased has, at various times, represented
the City in the State Legislature; he was
for some time connected with the press, and
is the author of several useful books.
Fixed Facts in Agriculture
The following may be assumed as fixed
facts in Arieulture:
1. All lands on which clover or other
grass is grown, must either have lime in
them naturally, or that material must be
artificially supplied: It matters not wheth
er it be supplied in the form of stone lime,
oyster shell lime, or marl.
2. All permanent improvement of lands
!must look to lime as its basis.
3. Lands which have been long in cul
ture will be bonefitted by applications of
phosphate of lime, and it is unimportant
whether the deficiency be supplied in the
form of bone dust, guano, native phos
phate of lime, compost of sh, ashes, or in
that of oyster -shell lime, or marl, if the
land needs lulling also.
4. No lands can be preserved in a high
:state of fertility, unless clover and the
grasses aro cultivated in tho course of ro
I 5. Mould is indispensible in every soil;
and a healthy supply can alone be preser
ved through the cultivation of clover and
the grasses, the turning in of green crops,
or by the application of composts, rich in
the elements of mould.
6. All highly concentrated animal ma
nures are increased in value, and their bene
fits prolonged, by admixture with plaster,
salt or pulverized charcoal.
7. Deep plowing greatly improves the
productive powers of every variety of soil,
that is not wet.
8. Sub soiling sound land, that is,
land that is not wet, is eminently condu
cive to increased production.
9. All wet lauds should be well drain-
10. All Grain crops should be harvest
ed from 7 to 10 days before the grain is
thoroughly ripe.
11. Clover, as well as the Grasses, in
tended for hay, should be mowed when in
full bloom; and after drying partially be
put up iu small cocks and thus cured.
12: Sandy Ittrids can be most effectually
improved by clay: When such lands re
quire liming., or marling, the lime or marl
is most beneficially applied when made in
to compost with clay. In slaking lime,
salt brine is better than water.
13. The chopping or grinding of grain,
to be fed to stock, operates as a saving of
at least 25 per cent.
14. Draining wet lands and marshes,
add to their value, by making them pro
duce more and better crops; and producing
them earlier—as well as improving the
health of the vicinity around.
15, To manure or lime wet land, is to
throw immure, lime and labor away.
16. Shallow plowing operates to im
poverish the soil, while it decreases pro
17. By stabling and shedding stock
thro' the winter, a saving of WI of the
food may be effected; That is, }tit less
food will answer, than when exposed to the
inclemency of the weather.
18. A bushel of plaster per acre, sown
broadcast over clover, will add 100 per
cent to its produce.
19. Peri'odical applications of ashes tend
to keep up the integrity of soils by supply
ing most, if not all, of the inorganic sub
'2O. Thorough preparation of land is
absolutely necessary to the successful and
luxuriant growth of crops.
'2l. Abundant crops cannot be grown
for a succession of years, unless care is ta
ken to provide, and apply, an equivalent for
the substances carried off the land in the
products grown thereon.
22. To preserve meadows in their pro
ductiveness, it is necessary to harrow them
well every second autuin, apply top dress
ings 6L roll then,.
'23. All stiff clay soils are benefited by
fall or winter plowings; but Should never
be plowed while they are wet. If at such
plowings, the furrow be materially deepen
ed, lime, marl or ashes should be, applied.
Skill adds more to the profit of
farming than hard work. In the article
of butter, for instance, the same outlay is
required, or nearly the same, to make a
hundred pounds of poor butter,
as would
be required to make a hundred pounds of
that which is good. But, when the two
articles are marketed, there may be five
or six dollars of clear extra profit in the
pocket of the skillful dairyman. The im
portance of scientific farming is realized by
those who have found such benefits as is
noted above, in nearly every department
of their labor.
AGE OF SIIEEP.—The age of sheep may
be known by the front teeth. They aro
eight in number, and appear the first year,
all of a size. In the second year the two
middle ones fall out, and their place is
supplied by two large ones. In the third
year a small tooth on each side. In the
fourth year the large teeth are six iu num
ber. In the fifth year the whole front
tooth are large. In the sixth year the
whole begin to get worn.
[1 ARDENT IN TILE commencement,
cureless towards the conclusion. This is
a fault common to many in the conduct of
their albiirs, and one which always ought
to be guarded against; for, without perse
verance and steadiness, few projects can
be brought to perfection and without these
essential qualifications, no difficulties are
over surmounted, no consuunnasion is over
attained; and how many once flourishing
concerns do we see crumble away? how
many once thriving establishments dilapi-•
dated, through this defect in the conduc
The Eighth Volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERI
CAN commences . on the 18th of September. It is
principally devoted to the diffusion of useful prac
tical knowledge, and is eminently calculated to
advance the great interests of industry—Mechan
ical, Manybcturing, and Agricultural—the genius
and maktcr-spirit of the nation.
It is unrivaled as a Journal of the Arts and Sci
ences, and maintains a high character at home
and abroad.
The Publishers pledge themselves that the fa
tare Volumes shall at least equal, if not surpass
their predecessors. Among the subjects chiefly
brought forward and discussed in its columns, are
Civil, Engineering, Architecture, Railroads, Brid
ges, Agricultural Implements, Manufactures of
Metals, Fibrous and Textile substances, Machi
nery for the purpose, chemical Processes, Distil
ling, Coloring, &c. Steam and Gas Engines,
Boilers and Fu p ores, Mathematical, Philosophi
cal and Optical Instruments, Cars, Carriages,
Water-wheels, Wind and Grinding Mills Pow
ers, Planing Machines, Tools for Lomber, Brick
Machines, armin g , Fire Arms, Electricity, Tel
egraphs, SuWeal Instruments, &c. besides Claims
of all the Patents, Reviews, Notices of New In
ventions, American and Foreigl The work is
in form for binding, contains ameral hundred &-
parings, over lour hundred pi'fts of printed mat
ter, and a copious Index. Nearly allthe valuable
Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Of
lice are illustrated with Engravings in its columns,
thus making the paper a perfect Mechanical En
cyclopedia ror future as well as present reference.
VALUABLE PBEMIUMS are offered for the Lar
gest List of Subscribers to this Volume. It is
published weekly, by MUNN & CO., at their
Patent Agency Office, 128 FULTON STREET, New
Always in Advance.
I Copy, six months, $l,OO
5 (Jetties for six months, 4,00
10 " B,OO
1 Copy, one year, 2,00
10 Copies " " 15,00
15 CC CC CC 22,00
20 " " " 28,00
Southern and 'Western Money and Post-Office
Stamps taken tbr subscriptions. Letters should
be post-paid.
Such persons as design to engage in teaching
during the coming winter, are informed that the
undersigned, Principal of assville Seminary,
poses to establish a Teachers' Institute in con
nection watt the Seminary, during the next quar
ter, commencing August aoth. A Teachers'
class will be 'wined to which especial attention
will be given in those branches which aro essen
tial to he taught in the Common Schools—the
best modes of teaching practiced in the schools
of New York and New England will be explain
ed—the government of schools discusied—a n d the
Teachers' attention will be called to those works
upon the suldect of teaching which will most es
sentially aid them in an efficient discharge of dick
duties in the school-room.
Boarding can be procured, in Cassrille, on
reasonable terms. For particulars apply to
A Conch will run front Mill Creek to Cassville
after August 25th, leaving Mill Creek, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Cassrille, August 12,'52.-3t.
The Winter Sessions commences Wednesday,
October 27th next.
Instrmtiuns given in all the branches prepara
tory to a College course.
E &MS :
Tuition, per Session of 22 weeks, $6,00 to
$12,00, according to studies pursued; payable in
ad VII II re.
Boarding, Washing, 6T, UM] prices.
CI - Charges date from time of entering and no
deductions made for absence unless ceased by
sickness. THOMAS WARD, A. M.,
August 12, '52.-11 t. Principal.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, in the distillery and farming bu
siness, in Brady township, Hunting ton county,
trading as J. &J. M'Donatil, has been dissolved
by In Ismail consent. The books and accounts of
said firm are in the hands of James M'Donuld for
liquidation. JOHN M'HONALD,
N. B. The undersigned will continue the bu
siness at the same place.
August 12, 1852.-21.
To Country Merchants and Weavers.
The subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of Store Keepers and IVeavers to his line assort
ment of cotton and linen CARPET CHAIN, COT
TON YARN, Tux YARN, Candlewick, Indigo Blue
Yarn, Coverlet Yarn, Cotton Tidy and Stocking
Yarn, COTTON LAPS of all sizes and qualities,
Woolen Stocking Yarn, Carpet Filling, &c., &c.
All of which I will sell as low as any other
store in the city. H. T. WHITE,
No. 148, North 3d street, Philadelphia.
August 5, '52.-2m.
100 TONS
of Sumac Wanted.
We are now prepared to manufacture Sumac
on a more extensive scale, and will give the high
est market price for all well gathered and earml
Mill Creek, Pa., July 29, 's2.—lm.
Black, Brown find Chocolate, a large quantity
on hand and for sale by KESSLER & 13110.
hill Crcck, July 29,'5.2.-4m.
ZINK WHITE PAINT, NOS. 1, 2 t g• 3
Brown and Black; an article far superior
For durability and beau,• to White Lead, fur sale
by liEtitil,El4 & BRO.
A few of the shove well known Stoves can he
had at a less price than heretofore—sold by ma
king application to KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, July 29, 1852.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber, either by note or otherwise, are
requested to cull and make settlement, at his store
in Purtstown, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous
of having his old Books closed.
July 29, 1852.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of HENRY BEcit late of Warrior Mark,
Letters of administration have this day have
granted to the subscribers upon the above estate;
thorethro all persons knowing themselves indebted
will make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
fur settlement.
July 29, 1822.-6 t.
Just received at the cheap Store of
For Males and Females.
REV. RALPH PIERCE, A. B. Principal.
MRS. MA RILLA P. PIERCE, Precepiresa.
The second Quarter of the Summer Session of
this Institution will commence, under greatly in•
creased patronage, on the 20th of August and con
tinue to the Mil of November.
The healthfulness of the surrounding country,
the delightful locality of the Institution, and the
high character of the Principal and Preceptress,
as Teachers, combine to render this one of the
most desirable Schools in the country.
TUITION.—PPg/idi Studies, from $2,50 to $5,00
per quarter , according W advancement.
Latin and Greek, $6,00 per quarter.
German, French, Manic and Drawing—Lnra.
Boarding furnished upon application to the Prin
cipal, at $1,25 per week. Room rent, furniture,
and fuel, 25 cents per week.
Large and commodious buildings, capable of
accommodating 150 Pupils, are now in process of
erection, At which it is designed to open the Fall
and Winter Term, commencing 25th November.
Tuition fees invariably to be paid in advance.
Joseph Spangler, D. Clarkson,
Geo. %V. apeer, Gideon Elias,
Adam Keith, Jos. Kinpnon,
Cassville, July 29, 1852.-6 t.
PAGES 12m0.,
Handsomely and Durably Bound,
Illustrated with Engravings.
Many years Editor of the
Cincinnati Daily Chronicle.
The Subscriber will shortly receive from the
Press, an Edition of the above valuable work, and
will furnish those who wish to become Agents to
circulate the same, on the most thvorable terms.
For further particulars and all necessary informa
tion, applicants will please address their letters to
the subscriber, 11. MANSFIELD, Publisher,
134 link Street, New Haven, Ct.
July 29,1832.
Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust•
ed to his care.
Huntingdon, July 29, 1852.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes his whole time and atten
tion to making and repairing pumps and will
promptly attend to all orders mid culls that he
may be litvoured with warrented all work to be
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address
Mill Creek Y. O. Huntingdon county,
We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol
verwns make of Pumps and do not hesitate in
saying that wo believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Read.
Charles Porter, Jab. Armitage,
William Dorris,
C V O . i t i i i ral h
itle g lie v r ' i - William Christy,
J no. Whittaker, David Mier,
Wm. Orhison, 1). MeMartrie,
Thos. Fisher.
July 22, 1852.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Fnunniticit IlAn3mx, late of Cromwell
township, Hunt. co., dec'd.
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment and all persons having claims
still present them properly authenticated for set
Cromwell tp., July 22, '52.-6t. Admr.
magnificent assortment of Silk Dress Pat
ti terns, also, Beragtle Lanes, Berages, &e.,
for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
abeautiful apuirtment of Fancy Owings and
Venting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Important Notice.
All persons indebted to Robert Grans by book
account or ottni , will please call and settle
belbre the first of July.
Alexandria, .June 3, 1852.
20 bls. No. 1 Herring, for sale at the store
Cr 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale
by GEO. Owns.
gir Linseed Gil, 20 kegs pure White Lead,
Jersey Window Glass and Putty, for sale at the
store of GE°. G~~'ta.
cy- A large assortment of Hats; Moleskin,
Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, for
men and boys, fbr sale at GEO. GAVIN'S.
;"American manufactured Pen Knives and Rn.
curs, all warranted, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Ur 150 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and fur sale
at $1,70 per tacit, by J. NV. Saxton.
25 Barrels and 10 half barrels of fresh No.
1 Herring, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
ce 20 Barrels , of Mackerel and Shad for sale
by .1. S: IV. Saxton.
(Er Lead Pipe f inch, inch and 11 inch, for
solo hr J. & W. Saxton.
CC Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
sin, 'itch, Oakum, Ropes, tic., for sale by J. &
\V. Saxton.
500 yds. Rag and Liston Carpet, just re•
:eived, and tbr sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Cr 600 yds. Ingrain Carpet for sale by J. &
W Saxton.
200 Bushels Rock Salt for sale, at 42 cts.
per busliel,by J..& W. Saxton.
ci t y 6 Brass Marene and Fancy Clocks for sale
by J. & W. Saxton.
(UR stock of low,priced 113onslin do Lanes, and
NJ Lawns, are complete, and very low by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. sAxToN.
PROSE beautiful new Bonnets have just arri ,
ved, and are nuw opened and for sale by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
J. & W. SAXTON have just received a
splendid lot of Mole Skin Huts, Kossuth Hats,
Panama and Straw Hats, also Caps, Childrons
Gipseys, Flats and Huts. April 22, '52.
A splendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarfs, for
.ti sale by J. Si. W. SAXTON.
THE latest Novols, t Ed. Snare's Jewelry
Store. April 15,1852.
Marble Manufactory.
JOHN IRVINE respectfully informs the citi
zens of Blair and the adjoining counties, that he
still continues to manufacture every description
of Ornamental Marble, such as Monuments of the
most chaste and beautiful designs; Tombs, of ev
rey variety of style and size; Head and Foot stones,
of whatever pattern desired, and at prices varying
from sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Window
Sills, &c., together with everything else in this
line of business. In athlition to his former strtply
of Marble, the proprietor has purchased the entire
stalk of A. W. Kenney, and is now receiving
from the East, a splendid assortment of White
Manchester slabs which will be finished to order
by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation as an
Artist and Engrever, is known throughout the
country. . . .
All orders from a distance containing inscrip
tions, will be promptly attended to, and work de
livered at points within fifty miles, free.
"•s D. STEWAItT ELLIOT is the authori
zed agent for the transaction, of business connect
ed with this establishment, with whom contracts
may be made.
137" Country produce taken in exchange for
work, at cash prices. _ .
All work warranted to be done in a style
superior to any other establishment in this sec
tion of the country, and at Philadelphia Pri
Williamsburg, July 1, '52.-3m.
Popular Ice Cream Saloon.
JOHN MARKS informs the public that they
can be served with this rich delicacy every even
ing at his well known establishment under the
Sons of Temperance Hall in Huntingdon. An
elegant room is provided for the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par
take of this luxury.
Cr He is prepared at all times, to furnish par
ties with the 005 T that can be made in town,
and at reasonable rates.
May 20, 1852.
JACOB SNYDER has just returned from the
east with a splendid stock of Clothing consisting
of Coats, Pants, Vests—all shades sizes and va
rieties—also Shirts, Collars, cravats,Hanker
chiefs, Hose and a tine assordkent o summer
hats. All will he sold remarkably low fur cash.
Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants from $1 00
to $5 00 and Vests from 75cts to $4 00.
His establishment will be found uthhe Rough
4 Ready board awning in Maine iiVreet.
Huntingdon Mae 27, 1852. • s
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, thittslic had opened a Sha
ving and Slianipooning Saloon near the Post
office, where he is prepared to accommodate the
public in the most fashionable style. He also
keels on hand Perfumery, the most fitshionable,
such as Eau de Cologne, Poinads 9rystaline,
Rose Hair Oil, Pomade Philacome. Haile Anti
gue, Extrdict Alouchoir, Pestulia, Tincture of
Musk, Exult Lily White, for Ladies. and a fine
assortment of fancy soaps of all dsstriptions.
Huntingdon, June 17, '52.-341.
J. 8. GRIFFITH, 31. D.,
.Graduato of the University of Pa., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
REFERENCES :—!Medical Faculty of University,
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, No. 189, 'Mifflin Street, along with Dr.
EMl'man. May 6, 1852.
Stoves and Ploughs.
A large assortment constantly on hand, and will
be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be
bought at any other place.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur
ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and en endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the
cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons,-Oranges, Scotch
Herring, Coca Nuts, ' ST., &c., wholesale and re
tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
1.00 Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex
pressly for family use,
for sale at the
Store of GEO. GWIN. Feb. 12, 1852.
Abeautiful assortment of Veils, Linen Ml's.,
Collars, Cutts, Bonnet Borders and Artili
cials—alsn, Kid, Silk, Lyle Thread and Cotton
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
lie taste of the ladies, for sale by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
1 UTTER, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup
Ji Beaus, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
&c., taken in exchange tir goods, at the highest
market prices, at the cheap store of J. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in P. Swoope's old stand.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852,
Tile best assortment of Summer Goods fur
Childress wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton,
just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
COFFEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Snuff; &c. &c., for sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
400 ilimrostafeoobdyCarpet
h a tur,.and Net Twine
A great variety of Ladies Slippers, (Miter Boots
and Shoes, the best assortment in town, for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
500 I f V or eb sa s ;e as :y orted Prints, vti.stsal,;l7e);.nd
1.8 KARAT, and other Wedding Rings, at E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852.
MAHOGANY and Walnut Venears, for sale
at the new store of
T ADZES in want of Pitman's, cannot fail in be
jl ing suited by culling at J. & W. SAXTON'S.
For sale at
THE cheapest and best Cloths in town for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
GOLD and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at
E. Snare's. April 15,1852.
AN excellent variety of tine PEN KNIVES, at E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852
SH, Tar, Oils, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,
.1: 1 Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, 1 5. c., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store of
April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER.
Ladies' Bonnets of the latest styles just
arrived, also Childress' and Misses' Bonnets and
Hats, for sale at the store of Geo. Gwie:
A beautiful lot of Carpeting and Oil Cloths for
sale by J. t IV. BAXTOW
MEN ONE and ar.r. speak in the highest terms of
CATTLE POWDER and well they may, fur in the
last hundred years nu discovery has Leta mode
equal in all respects to theirs. It is nut way
individual interest, but it mast in time bec..nie
great national benefit; in the aggregate it i% lit add
at least one Million of Dollars annually to the
produce of this Country in the increase of max,
BUTTER and FAT from the BRIM amount of food,
beside the many, vt•;RY itt.tstv lives of valuable
animals which it will save by restoring them to
The PROPRIETORS of this powder have investi
gated this subject for years, during a long resi
dence in the Country. By closely analysing all
the different secretions of animals, at ALL. TIMES
and SEASONS, they are at last amply rewarded by
their wonderful discovery,
Since they have prepared THEIR POWDER and
the Farmers all over the Country far and wide
are using it and praising it up to the skies; somo
other persons have got up a powder in the Sallie
kind of packages and are palming it off on the
. -
They caution therefore all persons against suck
impositions, and advise them to. buy NONE, NOT
room, without it has the written Signature of
BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & Co., on the end
of the Pack. The proprietors are able and prac
tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all
the laws which control the health and nutrition
of animals.
N. B. Do not be imposed upon and allow your
Animals to die or linger with disease because yea
have led the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa
is on the end of each pack of the genuine Article.
For Sale by THO. REED & SON, Hunt. •
May 27, 1852.
Edmund Snare informs the public that ha
has removed his store to the corner formerly
occupied by James T. Scott, where he iii;
hand, decidedly the LARGEST, CHEAPEST and
JEWELRY. &c., ever brought to Huntingdon, which
he can sell at MUCH LOWER RATES than for
merly. Persons wishing. articles in his line can
be easily suited on account of the largely increas
ed quantity and variety of his stock.
Repairing done in short notice and war
Huntingdon, May 25, 1852..
Mr. Editor
If any of your readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let me refer
them to the elegant assortment of BOOTS,
S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. K. Simonton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. He has on hand ev
ery variety in his line of business. Men, Ladies
and Children can all be supplied at this establish
ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any
other establishment in the county.
•igir Call and see.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1852.
Hello, Old Hose Where are you coming tot
Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen,
you shunt be hart—l merely wish to say to all the
world and the rest of mankind that I have at the
Broad Top Depot near the Juniata Bridge, and
will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS,
MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &c. Ifyou don't
believe me come and see. A. 8. HARRISON.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1854
Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted
iu the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and cleaning done with care awl
Teeth. Extracted with all the ease and despatch
that modern science can furnish.
N. B. A liberal deduction made on the pries
of work done for persona coming front a distance,
to defray travelling expenses, &c.
Huntingdon, March 25, 1852.
ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his
friends and the travelling public, that he hes taken
the above house at MOUNT UNton, Buntingdon
County, and assures all those who may favor him
with their custom, that no pains will be spared to
render satisfaction. Baggage taken to and from
the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished
at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad
emy, Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, &c.
Mount Union, April 22, 1852.
The subscriber, having taken the large four sto
ry brick Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept
by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same fur
public accommodation. This Hotel is situared
within a few yards of the Railroad stati9n, and is
one of the most eligible in the place. The sta
bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.--
Every attention will bo given by the proprietor
to promote the comfort of guests.
April 15, 1852.
Will attend to all business entrusted to his csr e
Ho will make collections, draw Deeds. Buipi•
Mortgages, &c., and state Administrator's, Exec
utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most res.
sonablo terms.
Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the to ,
deuce of 1)r. Henderson, near the Court House
April 1, 1852.
Informs his old friends and the public that ha
has returned to his old home, and will strew! to
all business in his profession, entrusted to hias,
with fidelity and his best ability.
Office in Main Street, south side, the last hoes.
below the Court house.
Huutingdon, May 13, 1832.-6 m.
The undersigned respectfully informs then
customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting
don county, that they still continue the manufac
turing of all kinds of Earthenware of the most su
perior quality and at prices to suit the times.—
They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of
May when they will be able to supply all who
may favor them with their patronage. Merchants
may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to
please their customers, anci such as will yield them
a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend
ed to. Address J. A. u&THaws & BRO.
Lewistown, Pa.
April 1, 1116.1.-tf.