Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 19, 1852, Image 2
THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA. Thursday Morning, Aug. 19, 1852. BY STEWART & HALL, FOR PRESIDENT, WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY FOR VICE PRESIDENT, WM. A. GRAHAM, OF NORTH CAROLINA WHIG ELECTORAL TICKET, GENERAL ELCTORS, A. E. BROWN, J. POLLOCK, S. A. PURNIANCE DISTRICT, DISTRICTS ! I.—Wm. F. Hughes. 13.—Ncr Middleswarth, 2.—James Traquair. 14.—.155. H. Camphel. S.—John W. Stokes. 13.—Jas. D. Paxton. 4.—John P. Verree. 16.—Jas. K. Davidson. 5.—S. Mrilvaine. 17.-1)r. J. McCulloch. 6.—Jas. W. Fuller. 18.—Ra1ph Drake. 7.—Jas. Penrose, 19.—John S.-John Shaeffek 20.-Arch. R.,bertson. 9.-Jacob Marshall. 21.-Thos. J. Bighorn. 10.-Chas. Waller. 22.-Loris L. Lord. 11.-Darin Alton. 2:1.-C. Aloyers. 151.—M. C. Mercur. 24.—D. Phelps. FOR CANAL COMNIISSIONER, JACOB HOFFMAN, OF BERNS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, JOS. BUFFINGTON, OF AIINLS'rRONG. WHIG DISTRICT TICKET. CONG RESS. JOHN M'CULLOCH, OF HUNT. CO S. S. WHARTON, OF HUNT. CO JAMES L. GWIN, OF BLAIR CO, WHIG COUNTY TICKET. COUNTS COM MISIONER. SAM'L WIGTON, OF FRANKLIN. POOR DIIZIIC r Ult. JOHN BREWSTER, OF SHIRLEY': AUDITOR. RALPH CROTSLEY, OF CASS. - A Great Whig Mass Meet ing will come off at Har risburg on Friday, the 20th inst. A host of Scott men are preparing to go from Old Hunting don. io=' Divine service may bo expected on Thursday evening next at 7i o'clock, in St. Johns Episcopal Church. BURGLARY. On Friday night of last week the Cloth ing Saloon of our worthy townsman, Jacob Snyder, was entered by some villans who carried off upwards of three hundred dol lars worth of coats, pants, vests, and small er articles. The robbery was discovered early on Saturday morning; and though ac tive efforts were immediately made to fer ret out the rascals, no clue has yet been obtained either of them or the stolen goods. There were no peculiar marks on any of the articles except some figured silk vests and black silk handkerchiefs, the former of which were marked inside, the cost mark in large letters, and retail price in large figures below, well done; the hand kerchiefs were marked with a lead pencil, $2,62/ 1 , in small figures which would not bo noticed without close inspection. The affair has created considerable feeling in our quiet community, and a liberal reward has been offered for the recovery of the goods and apprehension of the robbers. P. S. After the above was in type, we learn that a portion of the stolen articles, six coats and one pair of overalls, were found secreted in a hay-mow below town. They were carefully packed in a box stolen from a store in town. fry The editor of the Globe says "ho is authorized to pronounce" our charge that he hired out his editorial columns at five dollars a square for the purpose of attack ing one of his neighbors, as well as our oth er charges—" base fabrications and their author a liar." He don't deny the charge, for he knows as well as we do that it is true; but he skulks a denial by saying ho is AUTHORIZED to pronounce us a liar.— Who authorized you 2 You certainly don't do it on your own knowledge. We are sincerely sorry to learn that William Searight, the Democratic candi date for Canal Commissioner, is dead. His disease was chronic diarrhea, under which he had been laboring for many weeks. Our Ticket. We this week present the full ticket to be supported by the Whigs of Huntingdon County at the next election, from President of the United States to County Auditor.— The Congressional Conference which met at the Summit, in Cambria County, last Friday, has presented the name of Joins' blcCuhtoott, of Petersburg, for Congress, a gentleman, who has been an undeviating Whig, and who commands the esteem and confidence of the party and a large circle of acquaintances. The County Convention, as will be seen by the proceedings, have put in nomination the following persons: Col. SAMUEL S. WILARTON, of the bo rough of Huntingdon, for Assembly. He has been long and favorably known in the county, and a consistent and uniform sup porter of Whig men and measures. We bespeak for him the cordial support of his fellow Whigs. JAMES L. GIVIN, is the candidate for Assembly presented by Blair county, whose name together with Col. Wharton's is be fore the Whigs of Huntingdon county for their support. He is well known in Blair county as a consistent Whig. We ask the undivided support of the party in this coun ty for him as well as his worthy co-candi date Col.. Wharton. SAMUEL WuroN, of Franklin township, is the candidate for County Commissioner. This is an important office, in which all the people in the county are interested, and Mr. Wigton is well qualified to fill it. He is .. 11 man of good and safe business habits and strict integrity of character. No bet ter selection could have been made for this office, and none that would command a more hearty support. JOLIN BREWSTER, of Shirley township, is the candidate for Director of the Poor. He is a man, in whose hands that impor tant branch of the county business will be, safely lodged. lie is possessed of eminent business qualifications and will attend to public, as faithfully as he does to his pri vate affairs. He is possessed of enlarged views and has succeeded in life by thrift and economy. RALPLI-CROTSLEY, of Cass township, is the candidate for County Auditor, an important but not lucrative office. He is a farmer possessed of a more than ordinary share of intelligence, and will perform the duties of the office to public satisfaction. We have understood that there is an attempt being made to get up a guerilla candidate for the legislature. The locofo toe are busily engaged hunting and making splits into which to drive their own wedges. Several trig gentlemen of this town are trying their hands at it—but we hope ev ery Whig in the county will promptly de nounce it as destructive to their organiza-' tion and inauspicious for the interests of Geu. Scott. If the party preserve its uni ty and shall frown down every attempt to throw discord and disorder into its ranks our presidential candidate will have such a majority, the like of which was never known in the county. We have the very, best reason for saying that Geu. Scott's majority will considerably exceed that of Gen. Taylor. We know the nominations were fairly made, and no one having the success of our presidential candidate at heart, will lend himself to either defeat or cripple the ticket. The Whigs of lowa have elected both Congressmen, and a majority of the Legislature. In North Carolina, the De mocrats have carried their Governor, but the Whigs will have a majority of two on joint ballot in the Legislature. Both these States may now be considered certain for Scott and Graham. ACCIDENT.—On Saturday evening last, ag Messrs. F. B. Wallace, W. Glasgow, D. P. Gwin were training a couple of spir ited colts, belonging to Esquire Wallace, to run in the carriage, the animals became unmanageable, broke the lines, and ran furiously up the Warm Spring road, leav ing the hind-carriage at the first breaker above town. We are sorry to hear that our friends, Gw•iu and Glasgow, were con siderably injured in jumping from the car riage, which was uncoupled, upset, and much broken. The horses, after running more than a mile, with the fore-carriage, left the road, became entangled in the woods, and were found unhurt, by persons in pursuit. The Squire, though a staunch Pierce wan, came off “scott free." Scott Boys, norm: The Chippewa Glee Club will meet at the usual place on Thursday evening, to discourse sweet sounds, and transact other interesting business. Full attendance is desirable. By order of the President. D. H. HUYETT, See. Incidents in the Lite of Gen. Scott. The man who can rise from the perusal of the following incidents in the life of Gen. Scott, and the pages of history which detail the thrilling particulars and glori ous results of his laborious and brilliant services, and yet doubt his genius, ability, integrity, and devotion to his country, must be so blinded by party prejudice, or the hope of public plunder, as to deaden in his bosom every sentiment of gratitude common to our nature, and darken both his intelectual and moral vision to all that is great or good. Captain of Light Artillery, May, 1803. Lieutenant Colonel of 2d artillery, Izards regiment, July, 1812. Volunteers in the battles of Queenstown, commands on the heights, and is captur ed, October 13, 1812. Interferes in behalf of the captured Irish men, October 1812. Assists in 'getting the act of Retaliation passed January, 1813. Anjutant General of the army under Gen. Dearborn, at Niagara, May, 1812. Commands he advance guard in the cap ture of Fort George, May 27, 1813. Colonel of a double Regiment, July, 1813. Commands the advance guard in the de scent of the St. Lawrence, November, 1813. Is made Brigadier General, March 9, 1814. Drills the troops in the camp of Buffalo, April, May, June, 1814. Commands the advance brigade, fighting the Battle of Chippewa, July 5, 1814. Commands the advance brigade in the Battle of Niagara (Lundy's Lane,) July 25, 1814. Is badly wounded, July 25, 1814. Is brevetted Major General, July 25, 1814. Receives the honorary degree of Master, of Arts, at Princeton, September, 1814, Declines the appointment of Secretary of War, February, 1815. Travels in Europe, March, 1815-'l6. Is married, March, 1817. Writes the Military Institutes, 1821. Again travels in Europe, 1827-'2B. Embarks on the Lakes, commanding the troops for the Black Hawk war, July 8, 1832. Nurses the sick, August, 1832. Is commissioned to treat with Indians September, 1832. Concludes treaties, September, 1832. Commands in Charleston, November ' '32. Commands in Florida, February, May, 1836. Speech before a Court of Inquiry, Octo ber, 1836. Favorable opinion of the Court, October, 1836. Commands on the Canada frontier, Decem ber. 1837. Harangues the people, January, 1838. Maintains peace, January, 1738. Removes the Cherokees, May, 1838. Addresses the Indians, May, 1838. Commands the Disputed Territory, March 1839. Corresponds with Gov. Harvey, March, 1839. Receives votes in the Whig Convention for the Presidency, December 1839. Supports Gen. Harrison, 1840. • Nominated for the Presidency by the State Convention of Pennsylvania, '42. Ordered to Mexico, November 23, 1846. Lands at Vera Crux, March 10, 1847. Captures San Juan de Ulloa, March 27, 1847. Wins the battle of Cero Gordo, April 18, 1847. - Enters the city of Puebla, May 15, 1847. Commands in the army of Mexico in the battle of Contreras, August 10, 1847. In the battle of Churubusco, August 20, 1848. In the battle of Jklolino del Rey, Septem ber 13, 1847. In the storming of Chapultepec, Septem ber 13, 1847. Captures the City of .Mexico, September 14, 1847. Levies contributions for the comfort of the army, September 18, 1847. Devises a system of revenue, November, 1847. Appears before a court of Inquiry, April, 1848. Returns home, May, 1848. Is received by the corporation of New York with military and civic honors, May, 1848. Nominated by the National Whig Con vention for the Presidency, Juno 21, 1852. For the Journal Messrs. Editors Permit me through your columns, briefly, to call the attention of Gas travelling community to tho Tyrone City Hotel, situated at the junction of the Bald Eagle Plank Road and Glenhopo Turnpike on the Pa. R. Road, Blair coun— ty. The accomplished Proprietor, Mr. JOHN D. STUART, deserves great credit for the comfortable and splendid manner in which he has fitted up his mansion for the accommodation of visitors. Surround-' ed by the most beautiful and sublime sce nery, and easy of access, promises every enjoyment to those seeking a resort from the heat and business of town and city life. The surrounding country presents a field for amusement of almost every de scription, and presents strong inducements to those desirous of enjoying good living and a fine bracing atmosphere to visit the Tyrone City Hotel. D. H. H. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. A large and enthusiastic Whig meeting was held in the Court House, in Hunting don, on Tuesday evening the 10th August, inst., to respond to the County and Nation tional Whig nominations, when the follow ing persons were chosen officers, viz: J. MWILLIAMS, President. J. H. STONEBRAKER, CHAS. MICKLEY, S. REED, J. GREENLAND, BENJ. BEARS, ESQ., JAS. MILLER, and JOHN M'PHER— RAN, Vice Presidakts. D. Blair, E 4., Jno. C. Watson, Jno. I Hudson, and J. 11. Africa, Secretaries. On motion a Committee of 20 be appoint ed to report Preamble and Resolutions ex pressive of the sense of this meeting, to wit :—S. L. Glasgow, James 'Milroy, J. Dysart, Dr. J. Ashcom, Dr. H. L. Brown. Daniel Logan, John Dean, John W. Mat tern, Daniel Womelsdorf, Brice X. Blair, John Garner, Robert Madden, T. T. Crom well, Esq., Jacob H. Dell, Elias Wilson, S. Wigton, Col. John Foster, James En trekin, and John Shaffer. The Committee appointed for the pur pose, returned and introduced Col. Cornyn, who responded in an able speech. Dr. J. D. Wintrode next was called on and ad dressed the meeting. John Williamson, Esq. next addressed the meeting. Col. S. S. Wharton was then called in, who enter tained the meeting in an able argumenta tive speech. The Huntingdon Minstrels then enter tained the meeting with a song. The Com mittee on resolutions reported the follow ing, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That in Gen. Winfield Scott, our candidate for President, we present to the American people a Hero who never lost a battle, a Statesman who never made a blunder; a Pacificator who never failed in his embassies of peace, and a Philanthro pist who, neither in war or peace, ever for got the duties of humanity. Resolved, That we can and will elect him President of the United States. Resolved, That William A. Graham, our candidate for Vice President, is a true Man and a true Whig, of the gallant old North State which for three successive Presidential elections has rolled up her majority of thousands for the Whig Candi dates, and will do so again next November. Resolved, That in Joseph Buffington, our candidate for Supreme Judge in Penn sylvania, is a Jurist of high legal attain ments and pure moral character, and one who will fill with credit to himself and the State, the place made vacant by the death of the popular and humane Coulter. Rest;hed, That in our candidate for Canal Commissioner, Jacob Hoffman, we have a man alike distinguished for integri ty, capacity and sterling consistency; and one that way secure the support of judi cious reflecting men of all parties. Resolved, That in the death of Henry Clay, that great patriot and profound statesman, whose sublime eloquence floated across this Continent in swelling strains inspiring every heart to noble deeds, the Whig party, and all sincere, consistent lovers of freedom, have lost the brightest star in the galaxy of existing greatness, and the truest and most devoted friend of our country's welfare that ever trod God's green earth since the days of Washington; that we believe he did more to give dignity to labor, advance the interests of the poor man, and developo the nature of our Re publican institutions, than any other states man of the age—that wo reflect on his de parture from our midst with feelings of deep sorrow, and regret that we have none to take his plain in the councils of the na tions—that we will ever cherish his mem ory with liveliest sensations of gratitude, and suffer our affections to cluster unceas ingly around his grave. Resolved, That as a Statesman of pro found intellectual capacity and extended views of American policy, and as a patriot of unimpeachable sincerity and honesty of purpose, ex-Gov. Wm. F. Johnston has no superior in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. His valuable services to the State, whilst her Chief Executive, and his sincere devotion to her interests should never be forgotten by any one who loves and desires her prosperity—that we believe he is, as he always has been, warmly and devotedly attached to the Constitution of his country with all its enactments, provisions, and compromises, and that distinguished and deserving honors from his friends and the country are in wait for him. Res;lved, That we hereby pledge our selves to give to the Ticket this day nom inated, our united, our determined and hearty support. [Signed.) Kr General Soott eau never obtain the support of the Native American party.— Philadelphia Sun. And the British Troy press also oppose him. Gen. Pierce' response to the Father of Rivers: "Shut your mouth." [t r . " Gen. Pierce has our best wishes for his sueeess.—London Times. No doubt ! General Mall hadl , our best wishes for his success too, at Chippewa and Lundy's Lano.—Ex. U See Notice to Stockholders of Broad Top Railroad, Valuable Farm at private sale, and other new advertisements m last column of this page. Also Agents wanted, Pocket Book lost, &c. WHIG COUNTY CONVENTION• The Whig County Convention met and organized by calling Dr. H. K. Neff to the chair and appoiting J. 11. Wiuthrode Secretary. The following Delegates presented their credentials, were admitted and took seats in the Convention. Barree—G. W. Chisholm ' S. W. Myton. Brady—J. C. Watson, J. Musser. Cass—J. H. Doll, Dr. H. L. Brown. Clay—J. Hudson, George Crigger. Cromwell—C. Kelly, 11. B. Wigton. Dublin—W, Clyniens, J. Appleby. Franklin—J. H. Stonebraker, S. J. Marks. Henderson—E. Shoemaker, Geo. Numer. Hopewell—J. C. Moore, C. Show, Jr. Jackson—J. M. Leech, S. Hamer. Morris—J. J. Cuningham, C. Weight. Penn—A. G. Neff; J. H. Wintrode. Porter—S. Hatfield, Jr., J. McElroy. Shirleay—J. B. Foster, J. Shaver, Springfield—W. Brown, T. Duffey. Tod—D. Auraudt, Chg. Mickley. Union—Z, Pheasent, E. Smith. Walker—T. S. McCabe, John Port. Warriorsm'k—Dr. B. K. Neff; W. C. Votaries. West—Geo. Hallman, lt. G. Wilson. Alexandria—W. Graffius, J. N. Swoop). Huntingdon--E. C. Summers, J. Snyder. Petersburg—Jos. Forest G. W. Whittaker. Shirleysburg—Dr. S. Spanogle, J. G. Doyle. Murry's Rum S. Peightal, Geo. Miller. On motion, the Convention then proceeded to ballot for candidates for the various offices: CONGRESS. Dr. John M'Culloch Gen. S. M. Green,• • A. \V. Benedict, JOHN Mee ULLOCH, having received n ma jority of all the votes was declared duly nominated on the part of Huntingdon county, for Congress, and the following named Confefees appointed to support his nomination, via:—J. J. CUNNING HAM, JOSEPH FOREST, J. H. Wncrnoun. Ist. 3d. sth S. S. Wharton,2o 23.•••25 Jacob Cresswel, 12 14••••13 Dr. J. P. Ashcom, 4 00. 00 Robert Kinkead, 2 00••••00 Daniel Teague, • 12 13.•••11 COL. WHARTON, having, on the fifth ballet, received a majority of all the voters was declared duly nominated. COI7NTY COMISIONBU. Ist. 2d. John llnyett, 14 13 Samuel Wigton, 22 29 Benj. Corbin, 6. • •,•00 Richardson 11.ead, 3 00 _ John Port, 2 00 SAMUEL WIGTON, having, in the second ballot, received a majority of all the voter', was declared duly nominated James Clark,• • John Brewster,. Joseph .Forrest, , Hobert Madden, JOHN BREWSTER, baring received a ma• jollity of all the voters, was declared duly nouiina• Ralph Crotsicy, R. B. Wilson,• RALPH cnoTsr,Ey, having received a ma jority of all the votes, was declared duly nomina ted. The balloting having closed, the Con vention adjourned sine die. It should he unieersallg known—for it is strictly true—that indigestion is the parent of a large proportion of the fittaldiseases. Dysentery, diar rhoea, cholera mortals, liver complaint, and many other diseases enumerated in the city inspector's weeldy catalogue of deaths, are generated by in digestion alone. Think of that dyspeptics! think of it all who sutler from disordered stomachs,mnd if you are willing to be guided by advice, founded upon experience, resort at once (don't delay a day) to lloofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, which, as an alterative cura tive, and invigorant, stands alone and amp proached. General depot, 120 Arch street.— We have tried these Bitters, and knots that they are excellent for the diseases specified above,— Phyladelphin City Item. Reported for the Journal, STATE OF THE THERMOMETER. 7a. m. 2p. tn. 9p. In. TUES.—Aug. 10 G6 82 66 WEI/. " 11 Tncus. " 12 59 80 63 Fui. " 13 5B 78 65 SAT. " 14 5B 81 67 Sus. " 15 66 83 65 Mos. " 16 6O 77 66 JACOB MILLER, °METER. Huntingdon, Aug. 18, 1852. WANTED. Agents wanted to operate fir the Farmers and Mechanics Mutual health Association of Harris burg Pa. in the counties of Franklin, Adams, Cumberland, Perry, Juniata and Huntingdon, to whom good encouragement will be given. Ad dress to Office of the Company No. 52 South Second Street. WILLIAM D. WARD, Gen. Agent for the Company. Aug. 19, 1852.-2 t. POCKET BOOK LOST. Lost in Huntingdon, or between Huntingdon and Bridgeport. on the pike to Buchanan's at Mill Creek or on the tow-path from there to Bridgeport, on Thursday night Aug. 12,a large leather pocket hook, containing a $5OO Bank note and front ten to fifteen excentions,—receipts and an article of agreement. A reasonable re compence will be given for the return of the pocket book, or information where it nay be gotten. N IC HOL A S MILLER. ... Coast. Cass township, Aug. 19, 1852.—at. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Dorsey & i•laguiro, or to the sub scriber, either by note or book account, plense call and settle the same 113 I ant determend that no longer indulgence shall ho given . _ _ „.. Huntingdon Aug. 19, JAMES MAGUIRE, 1852. Boots, Shoes, Hats, b.c., For sale at LEVI'S cheap corner store, CaRPETING & CARPET BAGS, 13cceic•cd and tor male et LEVI'S Store. Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road. There having been sufficient amount of stock subscribed to this Company to organize, to affect that object it is necessary that a payment of fivo dollars, the amount of the first instalment on ese,i share be paid. The undersigned Commissioners give notice to the several subscribers to the stock 'of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, that the payment of five dollars on each share of stock is requested to be paid on or be fore the first day of September next, to the follow ing named persons t—ln the borough of Hunting don, to lion JAMES GWlN—in MCCOMISiisWu., to J. B. GIVEN—in Marklcsburg, to Dr. Win- TRODE—in Stonerstown and vicinity, to HENRY ZIMMERMAN, Esq.,— in McConnelsburg and Well's Valley, to WM. I'. SCHELL and Justice MOORE—iu Woodberry, to JOHN MCCONNELL —fur Bedffird and Bloody Run, to Judge Do cau k:N.lY and A. KING, Esq. The several agents will pay over the amount collected, to the JAstx. UwiN, of Huntingdon, who is appointed to receive the same. It is expected that the several persons named will be industrious in the collection of this instal ment. J. G. Mks, A. P. 'Wilson, Thomas Fisher, J. McCahan, James Gua, James Entrekin, David Blair, James Saxton, John Kerr, John Scbtt, S. S. Whartom, John A. Dope, George Jackson, Jno. Porter, Israel Grafius, S. M. Green, John McCul loch, James Clark, J. B. Wintrode, Jacob Cress well,Charles Mickley, Alexander King, Job Mann, Samuel L. Baud!, William Kums, Andrew J. Neff. Wm. P. Schell, David McMurtrie, John B. Given, Win. Ayres, George W. Speer, Wm. P. Or bison, Levi Evans, James Patton, R. B. Petriken, A. W. Benedict, Alexander Port, James Maguire, Isaac Cook, George than, James Campbell, Dan. lel Grove, henry Zimmerman, W. 7'. Dougherty. August 19, 1852. TO THE PUBLIC. On Saturday, Aug. 7, a man who culled him self Hart, rode to the residence of the under,ign ed, in Jackson township, a tine, dark buy horse, about five years old, left hind foot white. After short conversation, he left the horse with ene, saying he would be back in one hour or two; but as he did nut return, I suspected something wrong, and took the horse to my neighbor, Sam uel Stetfey, where he now is. HUEY CARY. August 19, '52.-3t. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned will sell, at private solo, his farm of 260 ACRES lime-stone land, situated within two miles of Tyrone Station, and the same from Birmingham. The land is good, in a high state of cultivation, admirably located, and web watered; Logan's Run passes through , it, and nearly every field is watered by it or springs.— The buildings and other improvements era sub stantial and ample; and two tine orchards are on the place,. Terms very reasonable and made ea sy to the purchaser. JOHN BUCK. August 19,'92.-3t.• Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in the storekeeping business, in Shattersville and Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, trailing under the names of Law, Low & Co., and Davis, Fette•hoof & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books and ac counts will be settled at the places where they were kept. The business, at Spruce Creek, will be contin ued by Law & Low, and at Shaffersville, by Da vis & Fetterhoof.- JOSIAH FETTERHOOF, WILLIAM DAVIS, MICHAEL LOW, JOSEPH LAW. August 19, 1852,-3t.• Executors' Notice. Estate of Josso WRIGHT, late of Cass township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. Letters testamentary on the above estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. JAMES HENDERSON, JOSHUA GREENLAND, RUTH WRIGHT, Eers. August 19, '51.-6t.• Administrator's Notice. Estate of Ric n Ann HAGUE, late of Jackson town ship, Huntingdon ca., dec'd. _ , • Letters of administration on the above estate having been grunted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duty au thenticated for settlement. ROBERT STEWART, Muir. August 19, '52.-6t Administrators' Notice. Estate of WILLIAM_CORIIIN, late of Clay town- ship, Hunt. cu. , .deed Letters of administration on the above estato having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. REBECCA CORBIN, MATTHEW CORBIN, Ang. 19, '52.-6t.• Admr's. Administrator's Notice. Estate of ADAM D. BIDHAM, late of Cromwell township, Hunt. co:, deed, • Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly au— thenticated fur settlement. DAVID FIEC KS, Admr. Angust 12, '52.-6: NEW GOODS. The great Atlantic, the blue Pacific, and the Niagara Falls all combined together, cannot he compared with Heaton & Willet's splendid assort ment SUMMER GOODS opened out at Bridge port, which they intend to sell cheap for cash or produce. HEAT ON & WILLEM Bridgeport, Aug. 5, '52. WANTED. A good housekeeper to take charge of a house and small tinnily. A suitable person, with good references, can obtain a pleasant situation and liberal wages by applying soon. And• desired in tim:nation may be obtained at this office. Huntingdon, Aug. 5, 1852.-St. • New Stock of Summer Clothing, FOR MEN AND 130-I;.i - Vests from sOets to $5; Pants front 75ets to $5,50; Coats from $1 to $l5 just received and for sale at SIMON LEVI'S STORE. Highest Price in CASH for Wheat, Paid at the Store of SIMON LEVI. A Fine Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, &e.,'et only, 15 per cent. profit, for sole at the ,cheep store of SIMON LEVI. MACKEREL & HERRING.. ' For sato at LEVI'S Store,