Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 05, 1852, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, Aug. 5, ISM
I.—Wm. F. Hughes,
•.-James Traquair.
3.—John W. Stokes.
4.—John P. Vorree.
5.—S. Mr Ilvaino.
6.—Jas. W. Fuller.
7.—Jas. Penrose,
B.—John Shaeffer.
9... Jacob Marshall.
10.—Chas. P. Waller.
11.—Davis Alton.
12.—M. C. Mercer.
13.—Nor Middlaswartl
14.—Jas. 11. Camphel.
15.—Jas. 1). Paxton.
16.—Jas. K. Davidson.
17.—Dr. J. MeCn
18.—Ralph Drake.
19.—John Linton.
2J.—Arch. Robertson.
21.—Thos. J. Bighorn,
22.—Lewis L. Lord.
23.—C. Meyers.
24.—D. Phelps.
Whig County Convention.
The Whigs of the several townships and
boroughs in the county of Huntingdon are
requested to meet in the townships at four
o'clock, and iu the boroughs atil t , at the
place of holding delegate meetings on Sat
urday the 7th day of August next, to elect
two persons (in each township and bor
ough) to serve as delegates in the Whig
county Convention to be held in Hunting
don on Tuesday the 10th of August next
at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of
nominating a county ticket and doing such
other business as the interest of the party
may require._ _
- -J. S. STEWART, Chairman,
July 15, 1852.
U? The Rev. Mr. Billaby will have ser
vice in the St. John's Episcopal Church on
nest Sunday, August Bth.
To Correspondents.
"Elementary Sounds," by "B."; "Fe
male Education," by "R. A. M."; and the
esteemed favor of "T. 111.," will appear in
due time,
"Progress," we must decline. The "ar
guments and facts" by which he attempts
to establish the truth of the Spiritual Rap
pings, would quite as conclusively prove
the reality and truth of Witch-craft—a de
lusion no more absurd in its day, and, in
our opinion, infinitely less dangerous. If
"Progress" will permit us to substitute
witch-craft for rappings, we will publish
his article as a specimen of harmless absur
dity, such as it really would be, without
alteration, ton years hence; when the rap
ping, like witch-craft, shall 'have boasted
its "thousands of firm believers, and its
hosts of talented defenders;" aye, and its
multitudes of deluded victims.
The "Love Letter" sent us for publica
tion has afforded us much amusement, and
our first impulse was to excite with it the
risibles of our readers. But we now for
bear. A ''sober second thought" that brings
to our recollection some verdant points in
our boyish history, disposes us to sym
pathise with, rather than ridicule the des
perately smitten swain. Besides, his fair
enslaver, the gay, angelic being that has
so innocently robbed him of his reason,
might possibly, hereafter, find cause to re
lent, and think less lightly of his flame.—
The enjoyment of an extra half dozen years
of "single blessedness" has often worked
wonderful changes in the taste, temper,
sentiments and sympathies of these "cruel
fair ones." What has happened in times
past, may, in this changing world, happen
again. Therefore we say, courage, young
man. ~A faint heart never won a fair
[t We acknowledge with pleasure, the
prompt attention of many of our subscri
bers to our former business notice. Quito
a number—perhaps most of those who have
been in town since—have called and ad
justed their old accounts; while we have,
during the same brief period, much impro
ved our list of advance paying subscribers;
and been handsomely treated by our nu
merous advertising friends. We hope now
that hundreds of those who have not yet
found it convenient to call with us, will
avail themselves of the interesting season
of court week, to do so.
The Kneeling Calumny--ILetter
from Captain Naylor.
We observe that the locofocos are en
deavoring to make an impression unfavor
able to Gen. Scott by charging him with
being a Catholic. They are industrious at
this business in private conversation, when
ever they can find a person assailable in
that way. We do not propose to defend
Gen. Scott specially on this charge,—for
wo would as willingly support a good, hon
est and upright man, who is a catholic, as
we would a good, honest and upright man,
who is a member of any of the protestant
denominations. All religions, in this coun
try stand on an equality before the law.—
We will state however as a matter of gen
eral information, that Gen. Scott is a mem
ber of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
and when in Washington, the place of his
official residence, worships in St. John's
Church belonging to that denomination.—
Their intolerant charge is an improper one
to make, and is not true in point of fact.
They also charge him with ordering the
American army to kneel to the host, as it
was borne through the streets of Mexican
cities, by C atholic processions. There is
net a word of truth in this charge. Capt.
Naylor's letter published below, nails this
slander, and explains its erigin : •
From the Pittsburg Corn. Journal.
tion has been called to an editorial article
in the Pittsburgh Dispatch of Friday, un
der the caption of the "kneeling story," in
which it is stated that the editor has been
requested to ask, by one who was through
the war, "if the Cameron Guards of Har
risburg and Captain Naylor's company of
Philadelphia, were not (while on main
guard duty at Jalapa,) obliged to kneel to
the "Host" carried in a Catholic proces
sion and this, under a general order issued
previous to general order No. 297."
As the Capt. Naylor, named in this en
quiry, I am asked what I have to say up
on the subject, and whether General Scott
ever issued an order such as above indi
My reply is, there never was such a
general order. No such order was ever
made known to the army. My company
never was called upon to obey such order,
or any command purporting to be founded
on such order. My company never did
kneel to the procession of ' the "Ilost,"
either by obligation or otherwise. Gen.
Scott never issued an order imposing any
such obligation nor one that would afford
any pretext or excuse to any officer under
him, for issuing such an order, or imposing
such an obligation. The whole thing is a
fabrication, and is at war with that large,
intelligent spirit of charity, so broadly con
siderate of the rights and sensibilities of
all, so eminently distinguishing Gen. Scott.
The foundation, upon which a spirit of
detraction—insinuating what it dare not,
for many reasons, declare openly—has at
tempted to rear this fabrication is to be
found, I presume, in the following occur
rence, which 1 briefly relate, us it came to
my knowledge, premising a tew particulars
in order to be intelligible, and that justice
may be done to all the officers connected
with the transaction.
Immediately after the victory of Cerro
Gordo (on the 19th of April '47) our ar
my advanced and took possession of the
city of J alapa, and established there a de
pot and hospitals.
Soon after that, Gen. Worth with his
division advancing towards the City of
Mexico, occupied and garrisoned Perote,
and, on the 15th of May, took possession
of the City of Puebla.
On the 31st of May, Gen. Scott left Ja
lapa, taking up the same line, halted at
Perote to establish matters there, and
thence pushed on to the City of Puebla,
which he entered on the morning of the
28th of May; and there fixed his Head
Quarters, and remained until he moved on
with his conquering column to the City of
The posts then occupied by Scott's ar
my, were Vera Cruz on the coast; Jalapa
sixty miles in the interior; Perote nearly
forty miles farther - in th interior; and
Puebla still farther in the interior, are
nearly a hundred miles from Jalapa.—
Thus was our little army posted.
After the defeat of Santa Anna, at Cer
ro Gordo, and his ineffectual effort to
make a stand at Puebla to prevent its oc
cupation by Worth, he set himself about
organizing in the Tierra Caliente, and the
country between Jalapa and Puebla, his
forces of guerrillas; a work in which he
was familiar, in which he had begun life,
and at which he had earned for himself a
position that had led to his after eleva
The result was, that in a very brief
time, the whole population of an immense
extent of country, with desperadoes from
the whole Republic, was converted into
organized armies of guerrillas—predatory,,
cruel and murderous; a force peculiarly
fitted to the weekness of the Mexican
character, and one which could operate de
structively in such a country.
Our own small force, then greatly redu
ced, by the discharge of all the twelve
months' volunteers, by casualties and sick
ness, in the heart of an enemy's country,
was, under the circumstances, wholly in
suffieient to preserve the connexions of a
line so extensive as that from Vera Cruz
to Puebla. Jalapa, at which the princi
ple Hospital was established, then crow
ded with the sick, the wounded, and the
dying, was to be abandoned, and its garri
son advanced to General Head Quarters,
at Puebla, where all the invading troops,
destined against the Mexican Capital, wore
to be concenteited before the final move.
It Was feared, as the period for abandon
ing Jalapa approached, that there might
• be among the sick and the dying, some
, whose condition might forbid removal, and
L who would have to be left behind in such
1 safe places in the religious sanctuaries of
the city, as the good will of the Mexican
' clergy would concede to them, as security
against the assassin bands I have referred
, I to. It was therefore, probably, deemed
proper, by those in command at J alapa, to
conciliate the clergy, by such good offices
and attentions as they could bestow.
Jalapa was, at thtit time, garrisoned by
the first Regiment of Artillery, Col.
Childs; the 2d Regiment of Pennsylvania
Volunteers, Col. Roberts; and a small
number of other troops; the whole under
command of Col. (now General; Childs;
who was the Military Governor of the city
—one of the best executive soldiers of the
army, as wary and vigilant as he is brave,
prompt, energetic and decided.
I was at that time, lying hopelessly ill,
given over by all as beyond recovery, (in
deed, announced ut home as dead,) in the
house of a Spanish family, where I had
been carried by order of Col. Childs, from
the loft of a Dutch beer house, to be treat
ed and eared for.
Lying in this condition one morning in
the early part of June, a number of officers
of the regiment to whieh I belonged (2d
Penn.) came to my chamber, in a state of
much excitement, to consult and advise
with ins on the subject of a wrong which
they thought had been done them and
their commands.
From them I learned that Col. Roberts,
commanding our regiment, was, upon the
day before, officer of the day; that, during
the course of the day, he informed them'
that there was to be in the evening a pro
cession of the "Host," and that Col.
Childs had either requested or ordered
that it should be so arranged, if possible,
that the guard should be turned out and
kneel as the "Host" passed by; and he
(Col. Roberts) requested that the officers
so instruct their men. This request, or
command, whatever it may have been, giv
en by Col. Roberts, (probably, in his own
very quiet way,) seems to have excited
little or no attention at the moment. But,
in the evening, the procession came, the
guard was turned out or attempted to be
turned out. My - men were on guard—
Coloned Roberts knelt and commanded or
requested the men to kneel—but no other
officer or man, lam told would kneel.—
Col. Roberts, it was said, took hold of one
of the guards standing by his aide, and
attempted to induce him to kneel. Here
the matter ended; but not with it the ex
citement which it had occasioned.
The next morning, as I have before
said, a number of officers came to counsel
of ume, what ought to be done; and from
them I learned the facts I have related.
They alleged that neither Col. Childs
nor Col. Roberts had any right or author
ity to make any such request, or give any
such command; on the contrary, that it
was in derogation both of right and auehoi
ity. That it was derogatqry to them as
men and soldiers to receive or submit to
it; and they insisted that the complaint
should be carried to Gen. Scott, and that
they would prefer charge against and
court martial both Colonels. In a word,
the officers were greatly excited, incrimi
nated both Colonels Childs and Roberts,
and so far from connecting Gen. Scott with
such orders or transaction, whatever it
might have been, directly or indirectly,
it was to Gen Scott they proposed to ap
peal for redress.
Neither Col. Childs nor Col. Roberts
pretended to have founded their action,
whatever it was, upon any order of Gen.
Scott. No one in .Mexico or anywhere
else till this time, ever presumed to con
nect his name with it. He was then,
and had been for weeks, a hundred miles
distant, at his Head Quarters at Puebla,
with an assassin population and thousands
of murderous guerrillas between the two
points, rendering communication impos
sible except by forces as large as the
whole garrison of Jalapa was at the
1 time.
At the interview between myself and the
officers, the whole subject was discussed;
and so far as I was able in all its bearings,
I addressed myself at once to quiet the%
I assured them that they did great injus
tice to the motives of Col. Childs, and ex
horted them, by what I considered the
true view of the whole case,
and by all
their own responsibilities, to dismiss the
subject from their own minds, and to allay
any excitement that might exist, in the
minds of others with regard to it.
In truth, and so I told the officers at
the time, I have no doubt, that the whole
thing was attributable to the goodness of
the heart of Colonel Childs. Fearing that
he would be obliged to leave behind him
some of the sick, and the dying r and tax
ing his brain for expedients to protect
them (should such be the case) against
the daggers of the assassin, he thought ho
would, by a stoke of policy, conciliate the
clergy so as to secure for them a religious
protection, in some consecrated place.
But the arts of policy were not the forte
of Col. Childs. His end proposed was
right. Conciliation was a true means, but
his diplomacy was bad. Ho did not know
how to be politic. As true a man and as
Rod a soldier as ever drew a blade, or
displayed a column; unerring and uncon
querable in the bold, strait-forward and
decided movements of the soldier, and
abounding in the qualities that make a
great executive soldier, I hope I do his
gallant spirit no injustice, by saying, that
his humanity in that case, ran away
with his better judgment, and that he is a
much better soldier than politician.
I have been somewhat prolix in my
narrative, but in stating the case, the
names of Colonel Roberts and Childs had
to be used, and it seemed to me unfair,
not to glance at the circumstances under
which they acted at the time. The former
found a grave in Mexico, and I would do
but little justice to my heart, did I not
say that I esteemed him as a good, con
scientious man, and a brave soldier; and I
have no doubt that he was prompted in
the affair alluded to, solely by motives of
humanity, arising out of considerations
such as I have mentioned.
With respect to Col. Childs, let me say,
in addition to what I have said, that but
for his care and kindness at Jalapa exten
ded to me, at the precise line where death
and life meet, I, too, in all probability,
would have found a Mexican grave; and
that I write this with no purpose to criti
cise or find fault with his conduct, and do
not say that he may not have had ample
reason to justify, in his own opinion, the
course he pursued.
Of the transaction itself, I know noth
ing except from the relation of others at
the time. All I know is, that Gen. Scott
never issued an order authorizing it, and
that he is in no wise more responsible for
it whether right or wrong, meritorious or
otherwise, than he is for the crimes coin
mitted by the criminals and wrongdoers
of his army.
We marched under his general march
ing orders, for glory, for our country, and
for the great cause of the human family;
and to attribute to him, because .we so
marched, an not of infamy committed by
any one of us, as the consequence of his
order, for which he is to be held up to
public reprobation, would be and is as
wickedly unjust as to attribute to him the
affair I have alluded to, as the conse
quence of his order on the subject, when
all his orders inculcate the largest exer
cise of the rights of conscience, and de
nounce punishment upon those, whether
friends or foes, who would in any wise in
terfere with them. Whilst ho caused all
the rights, religious and civil, of the hum
blest member of his army, to be respected,
he, in ilk manner, caused all the rights,
religious and civil, of tho Mexicans, to be
respected. All were held mutually and
reciprocally inviolate. _
The orders that Gen. Scott did issue on
such subjects are before the country; and
the principles contained in them, whilst
they illustrate the annals of the war, will
connuand the approbation of every right
minded man of the country, be his creed
(religious or political) what it may.
PITTSBURGH, July 26, 1852.
Delegate Elections.
We again call the attention of our friends
to the necessity and importance of those
primary meetings. We desire, and the in
terests of the people require that a good
ticket should be presented to them for sup
port—composed of men of integrity, intel
ligence, firmness and capacity.' Let every
whig turn out and do what he can to send
such delegates to the county convention,
as will most likely form a ticket, that will
meet with popular approbation.
Gen. Scott% Tolerance,
To such as have doubts of Gen. Scott's
religious principles, we commend the fol
lowing extract of a letter addressed by him
to G. W. Reed and others, of Philadelphia,
in 1841 :
,4 I am happy to see by the Philadelphia
National american that religion is to be
excluded as a party element. STAUNCH
PROTESTANT AS I AM, both by birth and
conviction, I shall never consent to a par
ty or State religion. Reli*ion is too sa
cred to be mingled up with either. It
should always be kept entirely between
each individual and his God, except in the
way of reason and gentle persuasion; as in
families, churches, and other occasions of
voluntary attendance (after years of discre
tion) or reciprocal consent."
This is true Christian candor, and ought
surely to satisfy any man possessing the
least claim to religion, republicanism, or
common sense.
117" THE penitentiary is still staring
Searight, the looofoco candidate for canal
commissioner in the face. The letter pnb
lished in our last issue is acknowledged to
be in his hand writing.
B - We feel inclined to make our best
bow to the fair friend who some days since
so liberally supplied our hulal. board with
finely flavored sweet-meets and luscious
wild fruits. Nay her pathway through
life be strewn with roses from which every
thorn has been Cull-ed—every hour of her
being be radiant with the purest joys of
existence—bright and propitious as the
smile that ever wreathes with light and
love, her charming countenance.
(Cr The oountry people will-no doubt
be pleased to hear that the "Circus is com
ing. if the statements of our exchanges
may be relied on, this is one of the most
respectable affairs of the kind that has
been exhibited in our rural towns for
several years.
Newfoundland Fisheries--Difficul
ty with England.
We are likely to get into some trouble
with Great Britain in relation to the mack
erel and cod fisheries on the coast of New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and other places
along the shores of that part of North
America in her possession? English war
vessels have been sent to those coasts to
seize American fishing craft which may be
thought fishing in prohibited places. Our
government has also sent a war steamer to
the scene of dispute to prevent improper
seizures of our telling vessels by the -Bri
tish authorities, and in a short time will
send others if the difficulty is not sooner
adjusted. We will endeavor to give an
outline of the question.
Previous to the American revolution, the
inhabitants of the United States, then sub
jects of the British Crown, had an equal
right with other British subjects to take
fish in British waters; and a large number
of our people were engaged in the business,
and their right to do so, undisputed. In
1783, after hostilities had ceased and our
independence recognized, a treaty of peace
and commerce was entered into between
the two nations, during the negotiation of
which it was attempted by the British
Commissioners to exclude our people from
the right to fish along the coasts of the
British American possessions. This was
manfully and successfully resited by the
Commissioners of the United States, of
whom the elder Adams was one. The right
was thus preserved at that time and its ex
ercise continued. Near the close of the
war of 1813, commissioners on the part of
thetnited States and Great Britain met
at Ghent to settle terms of peace, and the
fishery question again came up—the Brit
ish Commissioners insisting that our right
to fish had been forfeited by the war and
the American Commissioners resisting their
assumptions. Nothing was done on the
subject at this time, so that our previous
rights were still continued.
Finally, in 1818, the two nations came
to an understanding and a treaty was en
tered into, regulating and settling the fish
ery question. The following is the agree
ment of the high contracting parties
"The inhabitants of the United States
shall have forever, in common with the
subjects of his Britannic majesty, the lib
erty to take fish of every kind on that part
of the southern coast of New Foundland
which extends from Cape Ray to the Ra
man Islands, on the west & north coast of
said Newfoundland, from the said Cape
Ray to the Quirpon Islands, on the shores
of the Magdalen Islands; and also on the
coasts, bays, harbors, and creeks from
Mount Joly, on the southern coast of Lab
rador, to and through the Straits of Belle
isle, and thence northwardly indefinitely
along the coast, without prejudice, howev
er, to any of the exclusive ri g hts of the
Hudson's Bay Company; and that the
American fishermen shall also have liberty,
forever, to dry and cure fish in any of the
unsettled bays, harbors, and creeks of the
southern part of the coast of Newfoundland,
here above described, and of the coast of
Labrador; but so soon as the same or any
portion thereof shall be settled, it shall not
be lawful for the said fishermen to dry or
cure fish at such portion so settled, without
previous agreement for such purpose, with
the inhabitants, proprietors,
or possessors
of the ground. And the United States
hereby renounce, forever, any liberty here.
toforo enjoyed or claimed by the inhabi
tants thereof, to take, dry, or cure fish on
or within three marine miles of any of the
coasts, bays, harbors, or creeks, of his Bri
tannia majesty's dominions in merica, not
included within the above mentioned limits.
Provided, however, That the American
fishermen shall be admitted to enter such
bays or harbors for the purpose of shelter,
and of repairing damages therein, of pur
chasing wood and of obtaining water, and
for no other purpose whatever. But they
shall be under such restrictions as may be
necessary to prevent their taking, drying,
or ouring fish therein, or in any other scan
ner whatever abusing the privileges here
by reserved to them:
It will be seen by the above that the
people of the United States have an equal
right with British subjects to take fish on
the coast of Newfoundland from Cape Ray
to the Raman islands and on the western
coast from said Cape to the Quirpon islands
—on shores of the Magdalen islands—and
also along the shores of Labrador from
Mount Joly through the Straits of Belle
isle indefinitely northward. Along these
shores our ancient rights remain except the
one of curing and drying fish on the adjoin
ing land. As to all other places on the
coasts of British territory we can only fish
outside of three marine miles from the
coasts, bays, creeks, or harbors. Great
Britain reserves the exclusive right to fish
between that line and the shore. This
brings us to the cause of the quarrel, which
arises out of the word bays used in the
treaty. •
A Bay is an arm or recess of the sea,
entering from the ocean, between capes or
head-lands: and the term is applied equally
too small and large tracts of water thus situ
ated." A. tract of water thus situated,
not more than five or six miles wide, is call
ed a bay, as also one a hundred miles wide.
The construction put upon the treaty by
the British government is, in relation to
bays.—that our citizens must fish three ma
rine miles from a line drown from headland
to headland across the mouth or front of
the bay which throws us, at those places,
out into the ocean, and excludes us from
fishing within the bays, but three miles
from their coasts. For example the Bay
of Fundy is a hundred miles wide and' pro
bably two or three hundred long. Their
construction would exclude us entirely from
fishing within the bay. We contend that
we have the right to fish any place in it
three marine miles from its shores, and so
of any other bays more than six miles wide.
We further contend that the word bays
in the treaty was not intended to apply to
any recesses of water more than six miles
wide, from which we would of course be
excluded as wo could not go within three
miles of either shore.
The ocean and all tracts of. water con
nected with it, is the common high-way of
nations and belongs to the maratiwe world;
and the unappropriated treasures which it
contains belongs to the first taker. Rus
sia, some years ago, claimed the ownership
of the Northern Pacific Ocean, probably
because she owned both its shores, but this
government promptly denied the claim, and
it was abandoned. Every nation that owns
a ship has an interest in the freedom of the
seas, upon which all can travel without the
payment of toll. Every coast nation is
permitted to exercise territorial jurisdic
tion three marine miles from the shore for
its own protection, but beyond that, the
ocean is free to all.
It is said the move is made at the in
stance of the British North American col
onies, to force us to grant them free trade
with us—but we doubt very much its suc
cess. We are able to defend ourselves
against imposition and will very likely do
it. The government has taken the matter
into consideration and will act promptly.
Terrible Calaissity.
- -
On the afternoon of Wednesday the 28th
instant, the steamboat, Henry Clay, on the
Hudson river, took fire, and in a very few
minutes, was almost entirely enveloped in
the devouring element, and soon burnt to
the waters edge. Of three or four hun
dred passengers on board at the time, from
sixty to eighty perished, either by fire or
flood, being roasted in the flames, or drown
ed in their efforts to escape to shore. We
aro not disposed to harrow the feelings of
our readers with the painful particulars of
this appalling catastrophy; but we deem it
our duty to say that it resulted from the
recklessness of the officers of the vessel,
who to gratify a vain ambition to excel in
speed;and perhaps pocket a few addition
al dollars of fare, wantonly provoked the
danger which they could not afterwards
control or avert. The facts which lead us
to this conclusion, are gleaned from very
lengthy reports in the daily papers, and are
briefly these : It appears that the ill fated
boat, Henry Clay, left Albany at 7 in the
morning and was closely followed by the
Armenia, a boat belonging to a rival line.
Each strove to gain first the several land
ings along the river in order to pick up the
few passengers in waiting, and thus an ex-
Citing race was kept up during the day.—
So determined, indeed, was the strife for
victory, and so furious the spirit of rivalry,
that the centending boats were for some
time in imminent danger of a collision, while
terror and dismay pervaded the vast con
course on board, and some of the ladies ac
tually fainted from fear. But neither the
remonstrances of the men, nor the entrea
ties and tears of shrieking, fainting females,
could make any impression on the callous
feelings of the monsters who commanded
the Henry Clay. Intent on achieving their
own selfish purposes, they turned a deaf
ear to every appeal, and the race went on.
At length the intense heat of the machine
ry ignited the contiguous wood work, al
ready saturated with tar, oil, and other
highly inflamable materials used for fuel,
and apprehension became reality. The
flames burst forth from the mid-ship with
such fury as to forbid all hope of their
suppression; and the wretches who would
not feel for others could now feel for them
selves, and the boat was run ashore. But
instead of laying the vessel along side, as
men qualified for their station and in their
right mind, would have done, they struck
the shore at right angles with the bow of
the boat, leaving the stern some two hun
dred and fifty feet from land in very deep
water. A few persons on the fore deck easi
ly escaped by leaping froth the burning
wreck. But on the after deck stood
thronging hundreds, surrounded by almost
fathomless waters beneath, and resiotless