THE JOURNAL Thursday Morning July 29. ITEMS. HEALTHY—our town and neighborhood, FINISHED—tiIe grain harvest in this vicinity. Imcnonsmo—our list of paying subscribers. GOING or—Esquire Snare's brick mansion, on hill street. COMING DOWN—the temperature of the weath• or. Ihrussmsa—the copious showers which fell on Monday. Istrnovixa—the beef, butter, egg, and fruit mnrket. EXEMPLARY—the deportment of the Juniata Fire Engine Company on Saturday. A MISTAKE—the cholera case reported in Lew istown last week. WANTED-It steady boy from the country, to learn the "art preservative of all arts." gifir Personal charms will tittle, but the beauties of the mind will endure forever. PLENTY—fresh potatoes, pickles, politicians, and pretty girls. CONDENSED—the slang phrase, " used up," is now expressed by the single little word—don com-gar-i-gum-fri-ga-ted. STRONG AND AMPLE-the Whig Platform, which just now supports both the great parties—the Whigs standing and the Locos lying on it. Too CHEAP TO BE aoon.—A candidate for the Legislature from York county, offers, if elected, to serve for one dollar a day. lir Gen. Pierce's nomination is cordially rati fied by the Free Trade papers of Englund and the Legetamist journals of Paris. or Mr. Lawrence, our Minister to England, has resigned. Mr. Crittenden will probably be his successor. 7' Red paint somewhat improves the appear ance of old houses, but looks rather indifferent on the cheeks of young ladies. Cr In Summerville township, Cambria comn ty, no less than twenty-nine democrats have al. ready declared for Scott. So says the Blair coun. ty Whig. er A juror in one of the New York Courts, was recently severely reprimanded and fined 525 fur taking a bottle of brandy to the jury -room. (Fr Last week eleven hundred barrels of pota toes and three hundred barrels of encumbers .were shipped from Norfolk to New York. Cr The population of Pittsburg and Allegheny City is now nearly 68,000, having more than dou bled in nine years. gir One million, one hundred thousand dollars in F peci a were shipped from New York for Eu rope on the 4th and 10th of this month. e i r Roger Jones, Adjutant Gettetal of the Ar my of the U. States, died at Washington City, on Thursday evening last. Mr. Webster has positively declined the nomination of the National American Conveu- Kossuth has sailed for Liverpool with a clear hundred thousand, the profits of his patriot ic Mission to our shores. The authorit ies . of N. Y. City have made a donation of $lO,OOO to relieve the sufferers by the recent terrible fire in Montreal. Wotan KNONVINO.—HaIf pint of rice parched brown; then boiled in the usual way, and eaten slowly, will stop the most violent diarrhoea. 'Almost every mail brings us accounts of the melancholy effects of that strangest of all de lusions the "Spiritual Rappings." RlGHT—Twenty persons were brought before the Mayor of Allegheny City on Monday, and fined for selling liquor on the Sabbath. Cr The Yo•k Republican bat been purchased by S. J. and W. C. Shay. It lies long been an ably conducted journal, and bids fair to sustain its high reputation. RATHER FAST.-A train passed over the Had son River railroad last week in two hours and fiftpeight minutes, being more than 58 miles an hour. Two Steamers lately came in collision on Lake Erie—one of which went down in ten min utes with 15 or 20 passengers. Tho other reach ed Cleaveland in a sinking condition. . ik'T Forty thousand persons attended the fu neral of Mr. Clay, at Lexington, Ky., on the 10th inst. The horses and carriages present, if placed in line, would have extended twenty-five miles ! Cr Imposing funeral obsequies to honor of Henry Clay, have been observed in many of our principal cities; and measures are being taken in several States to erect Monuments to his mem- NARROW EscArE.—As the lid of a coffin was about being fastened down, in Rochester, the oth tr day, the inmate was discovered to be living.— The poor fellow who came so near being buried alive, is now likely to recover. r Lost Tuesday week a severe storm and flood occurred at Baltimore. Hartford Run, which passes through the north-eastern suburb of the city, was so swollen as to fill the basements of 100 houses, tearing away entirely two or three others, and do irreparable damage to many more. Great distress prevails among the poor families, deprived of all they possessed. OVERSIOUT—tho biographers of Gen. Pierce have hitherto omitted the filets that ho joined the army after Taylor's victories, the taking of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo; and resigned his commission and returnsd home eight or nine moliths before the war was ended. DESPATCH -Our energetic townsman, T. K. Simonton, left home for Philadelphia, on Monday night, purchased, in the city, a general assorunsnt of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dry Goods, Groce ries, and Notions, and saw them shipped; trans acted a variety of accommodation business for our citizens, and returned to Huntingdon by the Sat urday morning train. Thad belongs to the Ex p...., line of lin..iness men, and must succeed. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE LIFE OF GENERAL SCOTT. 500 PAGES 12m0., Handsomely and Durably Bound, illustrated with Engravings. BY EDWARD D. MANSFIELD, ESQ. Many years Editor of the Cincinnati Daily Chronicle. The Subscriber will shortly receive from the Press, an Edition of the above valuable work, and will furnish those who wish to become Agents to circulate the same, on the most favorable terms. For further particulars and all necessary informa tion, applicants will please address their letters to the subscriber, 11. MANSFIELD, Publisher, 134 York Street, New Haven, CI. July 29, 1852. JOHN N. PHOWELL, ./ITTORNEY dIT L✓aW, Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrust , ed to his care. Huntingdon, July 29,1862. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he now devotes his whole time and atten tion to making and repairing pumps and will promptly attend to all orders and calls that he may he favoured with warrented all work to be made of the best materials, and done in work manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address Mill Creek P. 0. Huntingdon county, ISAAC WOOLVERTON. We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol vertons snake of Pumps and do not hesitate in saying that we believe them to be the bent pump that is now in general use. REFFERENCES: J. Porter, Thos. Read. Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage, Wm. 1). Shaw, William Dorris, Conrad Bucher, William Christy, Jno. Whittaker, I)ii.vid Allier, Wm. Orbison, D. McMantle, Thos. Fisher. July 22, 1852. Administrator's Notice. Estate of FREDERICK HARMAN, lnro of Cromwell township, Hunt. co., dcc'd. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to make im mediate payment and all persons having claims will present them properly authenticated for set tlement. FREDERICK HARMAN, Jr.. Cromwell tp., July 22, 's2.—at. Admr. Proposals for Coal. Sealed Proposals will be received by the un dersigned at their office up to twelve o'clock on Thursday the 12th of Augst neat, for the delive ry of 20 Tons of Coal for the use of the County. Bids to state the kind of Coal. . ISAAC PEIGHTAL, ROBERT STITT, ELIAS SMITH, Hunt. July 22, 1852. Commissioners. CAMP MEETING. ny Divine permission there will he a Camp Meeting, held by the Methodist Protestant Church of Trough Creek Circuit, on the land of Mr. Jo seph Cadman, near Cassville, to commence on August 19th. CASSVILLE SEMINARY. The third instalment of two dollars and fifty cents, per share of the Capital Stock of the Cll.- ville Seminary, is required to be paid to the un dersigned, on or before the Ist day of August next, and the remaining instalments to be paid on the first day of each month thereafter, until all is paid DAVID CLARKSON, Cassville, July 15,'52.—5t. Treas. Shirleysburg Female Seminary. The Stockholders in the above Institution will please take notice, that the fourth and lust quar terly instalment, will become due on the first day of August next. Pay to Benjamin Long Treas urer, who is duly authorized to receive and re ceipt for the same. . HENRY BREWSTEIt, rrest. IVILLIA.m B. Lets, Secty. Shirleysburg July 15, 1852.-3. A magnificent assortment of Silk Dress Pat terns, also, Beragtle Lanes, B orages, &c., for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Libeautiful assortment of Fancy Copings and Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. Important Notice. All persons indebted to Robert Grans by book account or otherwise, will please call and settle before the first of July. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. C 43. 20 bls. Nu. 1 Herring, for sale at the store of GEO. GIVIS. Cr 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale by Geo. GRIN. Cr Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lead, Jersey Window Gluss.and Putty, for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. A large assortment of Hats; Moleskin, Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, fur men and buys, fur sale at Gno. Gwnes. New Stock of Summer Clothing, FOB MEN AND BOYS. Vests from 50cts to $5; Pants from 75cts to $5,50; Coats from $1 to sls—just received and for side at SIMON LEVI'S STORE. Highest Price in CASH for Wheat, Paid at the Store of SIMON LEVI. A Fine Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, &c., at only, 15 per cent. profit, thr solo nt the cheap storu of SIMON LEVI. FRESH GROCERIES— Just received at the cheap Store of SIMON LEVI. MACKEREL & HERRING-- Fur sale at LEVI'S Store. Hoots, Shoes, hats, For sale at LEVI'S cheap corner store. CARPETING & CARPET BAGS, Received and for sale at LEVI'S Store. SALT BY THE SACK, For solo at SIMON LEVI'S, THE cheapest and best Cloths in town for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A beautiful lot of Carpeting and Oil Cloths for sale by J. & IV. SAXTON A N excellent variety of line Yew INtvne, at E. A Snare*, April 13, 1832. WILLIAMSBURG Marble Manufactory. JOHN IRVINE respectfully informs the citi zens of Blair and the adjoining counties, that ho still continues to manufacture every description of Ornamental Marble, such as Monuments of the most chaste and beautiful designs; Tombs, of ev ray variety of style and size; Head and Foot stones, of whatever pattern desired, and at prices varying from sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Window Sills, &c., together with everything else in this line of business. In addition to his former sut.ply of Marble, the proprietor has purchased the entire stalk of A. W. Kenney, and is now receiving front the East, a splendid assortment of White Manchester slabs which will be finished to order by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation as an Artist and Engraver, is known throughout the country. All Cirders from a distance containing inscrip tions, will be promptly attended to, and work de livered at points within fitly miles, free. ••• D. STEWAItT ELLIOT is the authori zed agent fur the transaction, of business connect ed with this establishment, with whom contracts may he made. (lir' Country produce taken in exchange fdr work, at cash prices. ta' All work warranted to be done in a style superior to any other establishment in this sec tion of the country, and at Philadelphia Pri ces. Williamsburg, July I, Popular Ice Cream Saloon. JOHN MARKS informs the public that they can be served with this rich delicacy every even ing at his well known establishment under the Sons of Temperance Hann Huntingdon. An elegant room is provided for the accommodation of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par take of this luxury. • Cr He is prepared at all times, to furnish par ties with the BEST that can be made in town, and et reasonable rates. May 2s, 1852. EARTHQUAKE IN HUNTINGDON. JACOB SNYDIM has just returned from the cast with a splendid stock of Clothing consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests—all shades sizes and va rieties—also Shirts,Collars, Cravats,Hanker di Mrs, hose and afine assortment o summer hats. All will be sold remarkably low for cash. Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants Eront $1 00 to $5 00 and Vests from 75ets to $4 00. Ifis establishment will be round , at the Rough d• Ready hoard awning in Maine Street. Huntingdon May 27, 1852. THOMAS V. CHAPLIN, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a Sha ving and Shampooning Saloon near the Post office, where he is prepared to accommodate the public in the most fashionable style. Ile also keeps on hand Perfumery, the most fashionable, such as Eau de Cologne, Pomade Crystaline, Rose Hair Oil, Pomade Philncome. Halle Anti gue, Extract Mouchoir, Pertulitt, Tincture of Musk, Extra Lily White, for Ladies, and a fine assortment of fancy soaps of all descriptions. Huntingdon, June 17, '52.-3m. Stoves and Ploughs. A large assortment constantly on hand, and will be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can he bought at any other place. ROBERT GRAFIUS. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. Y WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1852. A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch Herring, Coca Nuts, t pc., &c., wholesale and re tail, at the cheap store of .1. BRICKER. April 22, 1852. FLOUR. 100 Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex pressly for family use, for sale at the Store of GEO. G WIN. Fet. 12, 18)2. Abeautiful assortment of Veils, Linen Hat'ls., Collars, Cuffs, Bonnet Borders and Artili ciuls—ulso, Kid, Silk, Lyle Thread And Cotton Gloves, and every other article necessary to please he taste of the ladies, for sale by April ad, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON. 91110 best assortment of Summer Goods fur I Chi Wrens wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton, just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. (IOFFEE, Sugar, itice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger, ‘--) Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac co, Cigars, Snuff', &c. for sale at the new store of . J BRICKER. 400 ~ , , , , s r o :lo7, t y l Carpet J C i r;?. a t t a l N Twine Agreat variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Boots and Shoes, the best assortment in town, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 500 Webs assorted Prints, just arrived and for sale by W. SAXTON. KARAT, and other Wcdtg il Rings, at F. 15, t 852 MAHOGANY *lntl Walnut Veneers, for sale at the now store of I3RICKER & LENNEY. &MIS er SHOULDERS Fur solo at GEO. GWIN'S Store tr4r American manufactured Pen Knives and Ra• ems, all warranted, fur sale by J. & W. Saxton. 10'15 0 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and for sale at sl,io per sack, by d. & W. Saxton. er 25 Barrels and 10 half barrels of fresh No. 1 [leering, for sale by .1. & W. Saxton. ( e 'y'e' 20 Barrels of Mackerel and Shad for sale by J. & W. Saxton. a' Lead Pipe inch, inch and Li inch, for sale by J. & W. Saxton. Gr Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro sin, Pitch, Oakum, Ropes, &c., tur sale by J. & W. Saxton. !Fir 500 yds. Rag and Listen Carpet, just re. eetved, and fur sale by J. & W. Saxton. ' 600 yds. Ingrain Carpet fur sale by J. & W Saxton. a" 200 13ttslids Rock Salt tbr sale, at 42 cte per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton. OW 6 Brags Marone and Fancy Clocks for sale by J.& W. Saxton. Ou stock of low priced Mouslin de Lanes, and A- , ',swim, are complete, and very low by April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON. 1 ADIES in want of Parasols, cannot fail iu be- IA ing suited by culling at J. & IV.SAXTON'S. rrilosE beautiful new Bonnets have just urn yed, and are now opened and for sale be Apra *22, 185 U. J. & W. SAXTON. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of April, A. D. 1852, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Cool mon Please, Oyer and Terminer, and genera' jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn• sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam. brio, and the lion. Thomas F. Stuart and Jonathan McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the count) of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, wide' by the laws of the State are made capital or felo nies of death and other offences crimes and misde meanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid —I am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Over and Terminer, of Common Pleas and giaarter sessions, will he held at the Court House in the borom:II of Huntingdon, on the second Mot - day (and i..tala day) of April next, and than a who will pro, eente the said prisoners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall he just, and that nil Ju,iees of the Peace, Coronors and Constables wathin intid county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their. records, inquisitions, exami nations and remembratices, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 13th day of July in the year of our Lord 1852, and the 76th year of American Independence. WM, B. ZEIGLER, ShW: July 22, 1852. PROCLAMATION. WIIEBEAS, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th day of July; 1852, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be held in the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and 19th day) of April, A. D., 1852, fur the trial of all issues in said Court, which remains undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required to appear. Doted at Huntingdon, the 13th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1852, and the 76th year of A merienn Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. REGISTER'S NOTICE, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Haan tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Or phans' Court, to be held ut Huntingdon, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the I I th day of August, to wit: 1. Wm. WNite, administrator of the Estate of John %etch, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, doted. 2. Daniel Grazier and Henry Kreider, admin istrators of the estate of Michael Grazier, late of Warriorsmark township, dee'd. 3. William J. Matters, executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Aliment, Sr., late of lead lin township, deed. 4. David Burket, administrator of the estate of Julie Smith, late of Cromwell township, deed. 5. Washingtop Reynolds, executor of the last will and testament of Thompson Burdge, late of Franklin township, 6. Robert Coal:bell, Esq., surviving executor of the last will and testament of Wan. .F Jamison, late of Dublin township, deerd. 7. Abraham States, Esq., and Jacob Showalter, administrators with the will annexed of Peter Showalter, late of Penn township, deed. 8. Isaac Cook and George W. Arlatin, admin istrators of the estate of James M'Lain, late of 'rod township, deed. 9. John Porter, Esq., trustee to sell the real estate of Michael Wallace, late of Morris town ship, dee'd. 10. John G. Fleck, Esq., administrator de ho nk non of the estate of Samuel 1). Miller, lute of, Warriorsmark township, deed. 11. Livingston Robb, surviving executor of the lust will and testament of William Robb, late of Walker township, itec'd. 12, Daniel Piper, one of the executors of the last will and testament of Jacob G. Iluyett, late of Porter township, dee'd. 13. David Iturket, guardian of the minor chil dren of Samuel N. Wharton, lute of Cromwell township, deed. 14. Williami Dorris, guardian of Henry I'. Dorsey, minor son of Henry I'. Dorsey, deed. M. F. CAMPBELL, ltegihter. Register's Office, Huntingdon, July 10, 1852. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. will be exposed to sale at public tendon, at the court house in the borough of Huntingdon, on Monday . the oth day of August, 1852, ut 2 clock, P. 21., the following described property, to wit: All the right title and interest of George Mur rem in and to a tract of land in Henderson town ship, Huntingdon county, containing 266 acres, more or less, having thereon erected 2 log hou ses, 2 log barns, about 80 acres of which is clear ed and tinder fence; aajoining lands of the estate of Alexander Gwin, Esq., dee'd., and lands of Elias Shoetnaker the unimproved part of said land is well timbered. Seized, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of George Murrets. ALSO,—AII the right, title and interest of Deft. in and to a certain tract of- land in Union township, Huntingdon county, warranted in the name of Samuel Bell, containing 336 acres, mere or less, adjoining lands of James Donaldson, Jr., Gideon Miller's tract, anti others, on which is erected a Sawmill. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us the property of John McComb. ALSO, Ail that certain tract of land situate in Tod township, Huntingdon county, containing about 287 acres more or loss, adjoining lands of Stumbaugh's heirs, Thomas Reed, George flint sun, having thereon erected a cabin house a cabin barn, young apple orchard, about 60 acres clear ed. t 4 eized, taken in execution and to be nobles the property or Vincent Robinson. ALSO,—AII the right title and interest of William Ridenour, in and to a tract or farm of land in Walker township, containing 170 acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleared and under fence, haring thereon erected a one and a half story log house, and a double log horn, an or chard of good fruit trees, a good spring house, bounded by lands of James Johnston, John An derson, Henry Garner and lands of the Hawns.— Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Ridenour • and John Riden our. W3I. B. ZEIGLER, SlOff. July 8, 1852. NOTICE. VOUCH is hereby given to the members of the 'Cumherlami Valley Mutual Protection Company,' of Dickinson township, Cumberland county, Penint, that an assessment of tbur per cent. bits been laid on the premium notes of said Company by the Board which amount is directed to be paid to the collectors of said Company that shall be appointed for rtreiying the same. By order ofthe Board JOHN T. GREEN, July 8, 1852. See'y GOLD and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at E. Snare's. April 15, 1852. WATCHES from one dollar to ninety-five, at E. Snare*. April 15, 1552. VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. PREPARED BY BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO The FARMERS, HORSEMEN and DAIRY MEN ONE and ALL speak in the highest terms of BHEINIO, FRONEFIELD & CO'S. CELEBRATED CATTLE POWDER and well they may, for in the last hundred years no discovery has been made equal in all respects to theirs. It is not only of individual interest, but it must in time become a great. national benefit; in the aggregate it will add at least one Million of Dollars annually to the produce of the Country in the increase of MILK, BUTTER and FAT from the seine amount of food, beside the many, VERT MANY lives of valuable animals which it will save by restoring them to health. The PROPRIETORS of this powder have investi gated this subject for years, during a long resi dence in the Country. By closely analysing all the different secretions of animals, at ALL TI3IEB and SEASONS, they arc at last amply rewarded by their wonderful discovery, Since they have prepared THEIR POWDER and the Farmers all over the Country far and wide are using it and praising it up to the skies; some other persons have gut up It powder in the same kind of packages and are palming it off' on the . _ Ihey caution therefore all persons against such impositions, and advise them to buy NONE, NOT A I POUND is ithout it has the written Signature of FRO.NEFIELD & Co., on the end of the Pack. The proprietors are able and prac tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all the laws which control the health and nutrition of animals. N. B. Do not he imposed upon and allow your Animals to die or linger with disease because you have fed the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa ture of BRELVIG, FRONEFIELD 6- CO. is on the end of each peek of the genuine Article. For Sale by 'lllO. REED & SON, Hunt. May 27, 1852. Executor's Notice. Estate of MATHIAS MILLER, Into of Cass town ship, deceased. Letters Testamentary 011 the :11/0 , 13 eStatUliae ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. A. MYERLY, May 27, '52.-6t. Executor. WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY STORE. s,l 7 Edmund Snare informs the public that he has removed his store to the corner formerly occupied by James T. Scott, where he has on band, devidedly the LARGUST, CHEAPEST and Rowe TASTEFUL. stork Of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. &c., ever brought to Huntingdon, which he can sell at MUCH LOWER RATES than for merly. Persons wishing articles in In, line can be easily suited on account of the largely increas ed quantity and variety of his stock. ithr Repairing dune in short notice and war ranted. Huntingdon, May 25, 1852. BEAUTY! BEAUTY!! BOOTS AND SHOES. Mr. Editor : _ Unity of your renders want their feet both beautified and protected let me refer them to the elegant assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &c., kept by CHARLES S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. K. Simonton's Drug Store in Huntingdon. Ito has on hand ev ery variety in his line of business. Men, Ladies and Children can all be supplied at this establish ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. cr Call and aCe. A 31 :;SCRIBER, Huntingdon, April 15, 1832. BROAD TOP DEPOT. Hello, Old Moss! Where are you coming to ? Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen, you chant he hurt—l merely wish to say to all the world and the rest of mankind that I have at the Broad Top Depot near the Juniata Bridge, and will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, SA LT,'OATS, &e. If you don't believe me come and see. A. S. HARRISON. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852. DR. R, A. MILLER, DENTIST. Artfficial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted in the most improvedmodern style. Filling, Filing and Gleaning done with caro and neatness. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatch that modern science can furnish. N. IS. A liberal deduction made on the price of work done far persons coming from a distance, to defrav trundling expenses, &e. Huntingdon, March 25, 1852. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken the above house at Mor NT Union, liUlltingoioll County, and assures all those who may Mvor him with their custom, that no pains will be spared to rendei satisthetion. Baggage taken to and from the Roil Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Miluwood Acad emy, Shirleyburg, orhisoma, &c. Monist Union, April 22, 1852. UAILIIOAD HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. The subscriber, having taken the large four sto ry brick Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same fin public accommodation. This Hotel is situated within a few yards of the Railroad station ' and is one of the most eligible in the place. The sta bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.— Every attention will be given by the proprietor to promote the comfort of guests. GRAFF! US MILLER. April 15, 1852. S. L. GLASGOW, T TORNEY AT LA W, HUNTINGDON, PA, Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. He will make collections, draw Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, &e., and state Administrator's, Exec utor's, nod Guardian's Accounts on the most rea sonable terms. Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res• donee of Dr. Henderson, near the Court House April I, 1832. L I SH, Tar, Oils, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass, I Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, 6,, whole sale and retail, at the cheap store of April 22, 1832, J. BR ICKER. J. & W. SAXTON have just received a splendid lot of Mole Skin Hats, Kossuth Hats, Panama 11110 Struw Hats, also Caps, Childrons Ilipseys, Flats and I lats. April 22, '52. Asplendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarfs, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Ladies' Bonnets of the latest styles just arrived, also Chilikens' and Nti,ses' Bonnets and Hats, for sale at the •tore of Gr., CHEAPER Than Ever! ! NEW ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. George Gwin, Respectfully informs his old customers and the public generally that lie has just received a splen did assortment of Goods for SPRING AND SUM MER W EAR. His assortment of Ladies' and Genthmen's Dress Goods are all of the latest style and best qualities, and will be gold at very resson able prices. Also, DRY GOODS OF ALL GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HATS and CAPS, GLASSWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE ifc. The public ienerallv ere invited to cull and ex pyittoric of NEW GOODS. All kiiids of country produce taken in exchange for Goods. April 22, 1829. ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. NEW GOODS 2• NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. J. er W. S✓IXTOX Announce to their friends and the public gen erally that they have just received a large and beautiful assorunent of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of every variety of Ladies' and Gen tlemens' DRESS GOODS, and DRY GOODS of all kinds. Every desirable article for Ladies', Gentlemcns', Misses', Boys' and Childrens' wear can ho had at our store. Also, GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, HA It DIV ARE, BOOTS & SHOES, QUEENSWARE & GLASSWARE, etc., all of which will be sold at very moderate prices. The public are invited to call and examine oar 'new stock. J. & W. SAXTON. April 29, 1852. • GRAND OPENING OF Spring and Summer Clothing AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTH., ING STORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from the east with a large and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper titan any body else in town, let him call at Willoughby's cloth - ing store, one door West of Thos. Reed & Son, drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see or yourselves. May 6, 1852. CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal purpo. ses, consisting of Best quality FI?ENCII BRANDY, " " CONIAC BRANDY, " HOLLAND GIN, ' fiNr's, " " LISBON IVINE, " " SWEET 117 NE., SUPERIOR PORT WLVE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for that par pose can he had at the cheap store of April 22, 1852. J. BIUCKEIi. J. S. GRIFFITH, M. D., Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his ' professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. REF - EnExcEs:—.Sfedical Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. Office, No. 189, Main Street, along with Dr. Hofinnn• Nay 6,1852. A. W. BENEDRCT, ATTOLVEY .4T LAW, Informs his old frierd3 and the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. .. . Office in'Muin Street, south side, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, 1652.—etn. SPRING STOCK. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c. Consisting of a large assortment of Men's Calf, Gout and Grained Boots, Congress Boots, Napo leons, Brogans, Slippers, &c., Womens and Miss- Ch fine and coarse pegged Slippers, Buskins, Lees Boots, Jenny Lind's, 6c., Boys Youths and Chil sirens work in great variety. An assortment at choice Groceries, Brown Su gars; best at 7 a 8 ets. per lb., Coffee, Chocolate, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, &c., &c., at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852. FRANKLIN HOUSE, 1.1. 1 1 711.1'09 DOA', Pd., • BY CHRISTIAN COMM C. CO tyrs informs his friends and the public generally, that he has removed to his old stand, (Mr many veers occupied hr Patrick G win, dec'd,) which he 'has leased for a number of years, and where he is prepared to accommodate in the most comfortable manner all who may favor him with a call. Huntingdon, Pa., April 8,1852.43 m. Lt WISTOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting don county, that they still continue the manutim twilit; of all kinds of Earthenware of the most su perior quality and at prices to suit the times.— They will make a trip by Canal, in the mouth of May when they will he able to supply all who may favor them with their patronage. Merchants may rely on getting 811 article that cannot fall to please their customers, and such as will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ml to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO W Lewistown, Pa. April I, 1852.-1. H. W. DENTIST, lIII.ATINGDO.N; P.l. (Office opposite Couts' Hotel, Market at.) riNIE latest Novels, t Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. April 15, 1832. BUTTER, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup Beans, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples, &c., taken in exchange fur goods, at the highest market prices, nt the cheap store of J. BRICK ER, on Main street, in P. Stroomes old stand, Huntingdon, April 22, 1852, Best Family Flour, hv the Mittel of retwil...t .1. Brivher's Sp.,. at.. .".2.