Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 29, 1852, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, July 29, 1452.
1.-Wm. F. Hughes.
2.—James Traquair.
3.—John W. Stokes.
4.—John P. Verree.
5.—S. Mellvaine.
6.—Jas. W. Fuller.
7.—Jas. Penrose,
B.—John Shaeffer.
9.-Jacob Marshall.
10.—Chas. P. Waller.
11.—Davis Alton.
15.—M. C. Memo..
13.—Ner Middleman
14.—Jas. 11. Campbel.
15.—Jas. D. Paxton.
16.—Jas. K. Davidson.
17.—Dr. J. McCulloch.
I 9.—Johil Linton,
20.—Areb. Robertson.
21.—Thos. J. nigh...
22.—Lewis L. Lord.
24.—1). illClps.
Whig County Convention.
The Whigs of the several townships and
boroughs in the county of Huntingdon are
requested to meet at the usual time and
place of holding delegate meetings on Sat
urday the 7th day Of August next, to elect
two persons (in each township and bor
ough) to serve as delegates in the Whig
county Convention to ke held in Hunting
don on Tuesday the 10th of August next
at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of
nominating a county ticket and doing such
other business as the interest of the party
may require.
. -J. S. STEW ART, Chairman,
July 15, 1752.
tri- In another column will be found a
notice of the Cassville Seminary, the peru
sal of which must rejoice every intelligent
reader, not already acquainted with the
flourishing condition, and brightening
prospects of this efficient auxiliary in the
great and growing means of educational
culture in our county. Though we have
not the advantage and pleasure of a per
sonal acquaintance with the community in
which this Institution is located, we have
such substantial evidences of their intelli
gence, public spirit, and moral worth, as
dispose us to speak more filly and freely
in behalf of their educational enterprize.—
But the late hour at which the subject was
brought to our notice on Monday night,
found the matter for this week's Journal
nearly made up, and makes this notice ne
cessarily brief.
17 — The Pennsylvania School Journal,
edited by Thomas 11. Burrows, Lancaster,
Pa. The 7th No., and the only ono we
have seen of this Periodical, is now on our
table. Though we have not had time to
peruse it, we are satisfied by a hasty glance
at its fair, well-filled pages, that it will be
a powerful auxiliary in the cause of popu
lar education, and will fully sustain the
high reputation of its distinguished and do
voted editor. Terms, one dollar in advance.
Wo will notice more particularly hereafter.
Campaign Life of Scott sold by
Greely and M'Elrath, Tribune office, New
York, at $2,00 per hundred. Every Whig
should have a copy to read and one to give
his honest democratic neighbor.
Also, to be had at the Tribune Office,
The Life of Gen. Scott in German, and a
Tract for the Times, establishing by unan
swerable arguments, the truth and patri
otism of IVhig principles.
(cr. The enterprising firm of Kessler &
Bro., Mill Creek, Pa., offers the highest
price for a large quantity of well-oured
Sumac. They also offer, on reasonable
terms, Blake's Fire Proof Paints of all
colors, Zink Paints of very superior quali
ty, and Hathaway Cooking Stoves below
the usual price. See advertisement.
The Jurors for the second week of
August court need not attend, as the civ
il list is continued. The Jurors for the
first week are required to attend.
CCP - Godey and Graham for August are
richly embellished, and roplete with inter
esting and useful reading.
Awful Disclosures.
We call the attention of our readers to
the expose by Hugh Graham of the moral
delinquencies of William Searight, the
Locofoco candidate for Canal Commission
er. Every man in the county and State
ought to read it, after which he can form
some idea of the kind of characters, for
which the party calls upon the people to
vote. Their candidate says he is "guilty,
of forgery and the Penitentiary is star
ing hint in the face," which, we have no
doubt, will recommend him to democratic
favor. It has been intimated that the
story might very materially injure the
prospects of his election, but since the
triumphant success of such an unmitigated
jackass and b►ainlcss pimp as Seth Clover,
the story might be useful to him. There
is a groat flood of locofocos who prefer a
dishonest man for Canal Commissioner.
We will state, that when we first saw
the account given by Hugh Graham, we
thought it was too strong to be true—that
there might be some hoax about it—but
we have lately conversed with a gentleman
who was a short time since in Uniontown,
near which Searight lives, and he lies sat
isfied us that there is no hoax in it. The
letter signed by William Searight in this
paper is Searight's hand writing. Great
country, this.
Chippewa Club.
The Club met at Carmen's last Saturday
evening persuant to adjournment, M. F.
Campbell resigned the Presidency of the
Club and Thomas Reed Esq.,"was unani
mously elected in his place. The meeting
was large, much the largest we have yet
held. We were much gratified with the
large attendance and the spirit manifested.
Speeches were - made by Benedict and
Williamson. Our friend Samuel Friedly,
with his two little boys, played the fife
and beat the drums. The minstrels sung
in their well known happy style, several
campaign songs. But the great attrac
tion of the evening was a splendid trans
parency got up and painted by our friend
DANIEL H. HUYETT. On one side was a
large spread eagle, with a streamer floating
from his mouth, upon which were written
Scott, Graham and the Union. On the
other side 'was the following in large let
ters, "The fields of his fame are the battle
fields of our country; the record of his
life the pages of history." Lightened up,
it made a splendid appearance.
For the Journal.
Our County--Its Literary Institu
tions—CassTille Seminary.
In this age of advancement, while rail
roads, telegraphs, and other stupendous
works of art are demanding the attention
of the public mind, it is gratifying to learn,
that the spirit of education is alive; and
that the citizens of our good old county,
no longer satisfied with the facilities af
forded by tur Common Schools for the lit
erary attainment of our Youth, have estab
lished in our midst, institutions adapted to
the intellectual growth of the times, which
claim the admiration not only of every
friend of education but also of every patri
ot in the land. Henceforth our course
must be "onward and upward," Thanks
I to the liberality and philanthropic spirit of
our citizens "that light" is being "borne
aloft,and the day is not far distant when
our ovely hills and vallies will not only
'be the resort of the idle pleasure hunter,
but will be the home of the learned and
great of our land.
- Four years ago our county contained but
ono Academy or preparatory school, and
that one scarcely supported. Now they
surround us on all sides. Milnwood Acad
emy, at Shade Gap, is usually thronged
with students. Shirleysburg Female Sem
inary can well boast of its patronage, and
its friends rejoice at its success. Birmino.-
ham Female Shininary is fully establish%
and its usefulness appreciated.. The re
cently established Seminary at Cassville
already occupies a proud position, enjoying
advantages equal if not superior to those
of its flourishing sister institutions. Situ
ated in Trough Creek Valley at the base
of the lofty mountains of Broad Top, rich
in their mineral resources—surrounded by
a sober, thinking, and healthy community,
and removed from the haunts of sloth and
idleness, which have been the bane of sim
ilar institutions elsewhere, it can justly lay
claim to the patronage of the moral and
health-loving portion of the community.—
The institution embraces both departments
—Male and Female education. The Prin
cipal, Rev. Ralph Pierce, is a gentleman
admirably qualified for his position. The
Preceptrcss, Mrs. Pierce, has been educa
ted expressly for such a situation, and can
justly assure the patrons of the institution
that their daughters entrusted to her care
will be thoroughly instructed in whatever
branch of female education they may de
The institution, although not sectarian,
bas been commenced mainly under the pa
tronage of the Methodist Church. The
control or management however, being
vested iu a Board of Trustees elected by
the stockholders. Its central location,
superior abilities of the Principal, and ex
tensive buildings now in course of erection,
to be ready for the opening of the Fall
Session, all combine to make it not only
one of the best, but one of the most impor
tant institutions in our county. S.
From the Pennsylvania Demorat.
In March last I addressed a private let
to William Searight, a copy of which
will be found below. It was written in a
friendly manner and intended to induce
him to do me justice in a case in which his '
oath wronged me out of more than 1600
dollars. He never noticed my letter or
regarded my appeal. lie was superinten
dant of the Cumberland road and I was
contractor under him. He is now a can
didate for Canal Commissioner, and I am a
Democratic voter.
The letter being addressed to one famil
iar with all the facts, needs some explana
tion when addressed to the public.
Before the contract referred to was
wound up, Hugh Keys, formerly superin
tendant of the Conneaut • division, of the
Erie extension and afterwards Canal Com
missioner, had died, I was appointed guar
dian of his infant children. We were both
Irishmen and friends for a'that. I knew
that him and Searight were partners, in
the construction of the Elk Creek Aque
duct, and that Keys paid down on that
contract upwards of $4OOO
Mr. Searight drew $20,000, out of the
State Treasury on this contract. For half
that amount he was responsible to my in
fant wards. I asked him to account for
it. He refused to do so—advised me to
let it go, that Keys was in partnership
with other contractors whom he named—
that they had refused to divide with him
and I ought not to ask him to do so.
I would not take his counsel. I owed
a different duty to the children of my old
acquaintance and countrymen, and caused
suit to be brought against him by Mr.
Keys administrators. This act has cost
me upwards of $2500 including costs. It
was for this, to use his own emphatic lan
guage he "put his thumb on me."
I had contracted under him for the re
pair of a portion of the Cumberland road
as stated. I had long been his personal,
political, and confidential friend. I took
his word for the contract. I was compel-'
led under the changed condition of our re
lations to sue him. I had paid out besides
my own services and that of my team,
$1252,30 on the contract to which I have
vouchers. I paid for quarrying hauling
and breaking 2342 perch of stone. I had
the case arbitrated, and obtained an award
for 1600 dollars and upwards.
He appealed, and I consented to leave
it to the three road commissioners under
' whom he held his office.
, Ile was admitted as a competent witness
against me, and fixed the amount of stone
at a few hundred perches, and at such a
meagre price, as made my compensation on
ly $583,98, one hundred of which lie took
' off me in charging me with the Brown or
der twice. He did "put his thumb on me,'
and I cannot say as my countrymen is alle
ged to have said of the flea, when he put
' his thumb on it—l was there.
The order on Daniel Brown referred to
in the annexed letter, needs some further
explanation. I have it now before me.—
It is in Mr. Searight's hand writing.
JANUARY 14th, 1843.
Mr. D. Brown will please pay to Hugh
Graham or order one hundred dollars.
Respectfully WM. SEARIGHT.
On the back is the following endorse
ment in the hand writing of D. Brown.
Paid Mr. Graham twenty dollars on
the within by D. Brown. Twenty dollars
January 24, 1843. Paid the balance to
A. Stewart by Graham's orders.
Upon the hearing of the case before the
commissioners, acting as referow between
me and the road I could not procure this
order. I had mislaid it. Mr. Searight
produced an order of precisely the same
date, for the eaten amount, alleging it to
be the genuine one, and claimed a credit
of the amount against me alleging that ho
had intentionally, omitted to embrace it in
his report of expenditures made by him on
the road, though he had sworn to the cor
rectness of that account as published iu
the newspaper, according to the act of As
The letter will explain the rest.
SELMA, March 80th, 1852.
William Searight, Esg., former Com
missioner of the Cumberland road in
Sir;— About a month ago I found the
order that you gave me on Daniel Brown
in 1843, then agent of the Good Intent
Stage Company in Uniontown, and the on
ly order you ever gave rue on Brown on
that Company, it being for one hundred
dollars—it being now before me, and the
20 dollars that Brown paid me, credited
on the back of said order, and then hand
ed it to A. Stewart, Esq., to receive the
balance, eighty dollars—both payments
charged as paid by said Brown, on the
back of said order, in Brown's handwrit
ing—and said Brown says in his statement,
after the trial, (which statement I have in
my possession,) that it is charged to you
on tho books of the Stage Company at
Wheeling, and credited to him, said Brown
on said books together with the necessary
vouchers. The books of course will show
the whole matter, us there was only one
order, on that company, or on said Brown.
But sir, in the case of Graham against the
Cumberland road, you presented an order
and stated on oath that the order held in
your hand was the order you gave me on
Brown and that you lifted the order and
gave your receipt for it, and kept it back
I for this suit to defeat we. This was
about eight years before the suit was
brought—but you forgot that was the first
time that you advertised. Well sir, it
was included fronuthe let day of May,
1842, to the last day of April 1843.
Then I was charged with 250 dollars,
the second time you advertised was from
the first of May, 1843 to the 31st Decem
ber 1844. Then you charged me with
5223,95 cents—and I have these orders
all to the above Brown order, which is the
geunino one. Truth is mighty and will
prevail. You also stated that the money
was your own, as you never settled with
the road for the same, but kept it back for
the purpose above stated. Sir, it was the
only order ever demanded of me, for I
never thought of orders when I saw the
very sum that I always reserve from the
road master advertised in the papers annu
ally according to the act of Assembly pas
sed for the purpose.
There are many other things scarcely
worth mentioning. Thomas McGrath and
I quarrelling about the measurement of
the stone on the road and you, Searight
measured them again yourself. If Mr.
McGrath and I quarrelled about the stone,
I never knew it, or heard of it either, till
you, Searight gave in your evidencein the
case above stated. McGrath and I never
quarreled. McGrath will show that part,
and the order will show for itself. Sir al
though you boasted of your four execu
tions, and that you whipped me out, as
you said, in everything, and you used me
with the worst of severity, and wreaked
your vengence hard against site. I now
state as a neighbor, that I neither wish to
digrace you or your family. All I want
is the hard earnings, and as far as I am
concerned, you may fall into the hands of
some one else, by paying me what is justly
coming to me. If you had taken the ad
vice bk.—Esq., gave you in my pres
ence, in Unionton, to pay sue the amount
that you owed me, and Mr.— also told
me that Mr.— told you to pay me, but
you disregarded all of us, as you knew
better what to do yourself but as I have
said before, truth is mighty. The order
is before me, and it is the genuine order,
and without mistake—and you know what
purpose I intend to make of it, if justice is
[ not to be done in the above. Take your
own course, and if this proposition is not
complied with, I will take my course.—
. Whatever you will do will be satisfactory
[ to sue, as I have often told you that if
[ Hugh Keys and you quarreled, that is no
reason why you and 1 should quarrel, for
, I did all that was in my power to please
you. When I ought to have attended to
Icy own business 1 attended to the pulling
I down and building up of your house, and
you know what recompense I got for the
I same, because that 1 had no written arti
cle about the superintending and work at
your house. You know how you paid me,
if anything—and other small things too
tedious to mention, that have been done
by you, but I now will forbear to men
, t ion. .
Sir, when you sent for me to meet you
and Hugh Keys in 1838, at the house of
Matthias Frey, and when you told. me that
you and I would do to go Key's security,
as he then was appointed Superintendent
of the Colman& extension of the Erie
Canal, that we wanted by so doing--and I
did so—and you and Mr. Keys, told me
all your secrets, then and afterwards, and
that there was none to know that you and
Keys were in partnership in the Elk Creek
aqueduct at Gerard, but myself, and he
and you quarreled. I was good friends
with both of you on the settlement of the
auditors of key's accounts, which was so
far from the way, that I understood you
and Keys, and that I could not be bo't.—
Then, and not till then, you put your
thumb as you said, on me. But sir, while
I I li• e the few fleeting years or whatever
it may be, I will never shrink from the
truth, let the consequences be what they
may. I know all that ever happened be=
tween us three, and if able now and at all
times, I will tell it, let the consequence be
as it may. I commenced with the order,
and I will close with the order and state in
plain terms that I will use the order for
the purpose above mentioned.
From your old Friend,
The nomination of Mr. Searight for Ca
nal Commissioner, is not sufficient reason
with we, for departing from my suggestion
to him that I would publish my letter and
the others which follow. I look upon it
now as a duty to the public to do so. I
will therefore put the original lettere
into the hands of the Printer with direc
tions to print them word for word and let
ter for letter.
SEAItIGHTS, Feb. 14, 1840
Mr. Hugh Keys, Dear Sir—l will Just
inform you that Mills has not brot more
Than two hundred dollars home with him we
have been to the bank he paid of The inter
est & has gave me a Judgement for Twenty
five hundered wintch I have Entered on the
County dookett he has Gon back to rich
mond whear ho says ho Can git nots dis
counted that his Friend Sold negraes.for
in orleans on a Credit of Six and nine
months and will return in one month and
pay of one half of the bank if so the
J udgmeut will be good for the ballens I
have my doubts But as I was gilty of for
gery by sluing your name to his note and
the Penitentiary Staring me in the face,
I thot bast to releas you from the bank
and have taken all the responsibility on
myself but if I ever do such an. act.again
Dam me.
I presume he has written to Coplan and
you for to Do Something for him I have
nothing to Say in his favor you Can do
what you please you are released from the
Bank I take it all on myself But I do
know that he has don mere for the party
now in power Then some man that has got
the fattest Contract on the Canal and if he
had the wens wood Do more for the
friends than Some that would follow Like
penny dogs when the Think the have'
something to gain and nothing to Lose.
I mean mills wood help whean his
friend was in adversity not Like Some
wood be frieands that will hang to the
Coat tail when in prosperity. .
I have promised to pay of the bank if
mills fails this spring and that will Take
about all the money I will be able to Col
ect as it has to Come By the hurdist your
friend meguire its more Likely will fail in
paying the money he borroed of me and
that will not be treting his fiicands wall he
got about all I ever got for our work and
you now I must hevea gooddeal to start
that work pleas give my resects to my
frieands Coplan and Flannaken.
yours truly & Respectfully
Upon these letters few comments are
necessary. Mr. Searight has in his pos
session, his own order in my favor for
$lOO on D. Brown—date January 24,
1843. I have another in my hands in his
hand writing of precisely the same date,
tenor and amount. Which is the genuine
one? I have the certificate of the book
keeper of the Good Intent Stage Compa
ny, of which D. Brown was agent, that
there was but one order of the kind drawn
on them. I got the money on mine in
1843. How happens Mr. Searight to have
another in 1850 to charge me with it
%That Mr. Seariglit is competent to do
in his private dealings, let this business
of the Brown order, and his confession
that be had forged the name cf Mr. Keys
to a note to the Brownsville Bank, his
pocketing the advancenents and profits of
Mr. Keys in the Elk Creek Aqueduct
contract, answer. What he is competent
to do if elected Canal Commissioner, let
the political standard of his excellence,
which awards the "fattest contracts" to
those who do the most for the party an
swer as well?
IlAnntsnultau, Juno 13, 1849.
Sir; on to-morrow I have to leave here
on a general visit to the State Works. I
don't know when I will be in Erie, a few
days ago, I received a letter from as I
tho't, the only friend I had in the world,
William Searight the purport of which is
unecessary to mention at present, how
ever it is such that I cannot (indeed he
left me no room) have any more dealings
with him, there is an understanding be
tween us, and the Elk Creek job. 1 have
wrote him that I would give or take fif
teen hundred dollars, not knowing which
ho would do, and it being out of my power
to go out there immediately. I wish you
to see him on this matter and ascertain
what he will do, it is a good job and there
will be a good deal of money made out of
it, but were 1 to make ten thousand dollars
' his letter would compel me to take this
course. If he should take my offer, and go
home, you must attend to it, and inform we,
and 1 will resign and go out myself; which
course he may take will be satisfactiory to
me; one thing I must say, that I truly give
him an interest in our to. wer job, that when
' adjusted he will find that he has lost neither
money or - friends by nio, but enough I leave
all to him, and on reflection he will find that
he will not gain any thing by his present
course. lam with respect yours truly.
Upon a separate slip of paper enclosed
in the above Mr. Keys adds:
I wish you to show him this letter, and
try to get him to decide what he will do
in this matter. I wish you to quit hint
now and forever he is au ungenerous, un
grateful mau.
The Hasty General.
Truly and emphatically may Gen. Scott
bo denominated the hasty General, for in
all his movements, whether civil or milita
ry, political or otherwise, hastiness, in the
most enlarged sense of the term, predom
inates.—Harrisburg Union.
Just so ! Ho was 'hasty' in leading the
charge at the battle of Queenstown Heights.
'Hasty' in entering, capturing and tearing
down the British flag waving over Fort
George. 'Hasty' in attacking and utterly
routing a greatly superior force at Lundy's
Lane. 'Hasty' in taking Vera Cruz.—
'Hasty in routing the Mexicans at Cerro
Gordo. 'Hasty' in following up the panic
stricken enemy by his succession cf bril
liant engagements at Contreras, Churubus
co, Molino del Rey, and Chapultepeo, and
equally hasty in taking possession of and
planting the star spangled banner upon the
battlements of the City of Mexico. Alto
gether Gen. Scott i is a very 'hasty' sort of
a fellow, and rather an ugly customer to
deal with, whether at the head of the
American army, or the great Whig party
of the country. We advise the Locolocos
to prepare their knapsacks in advance, for
a voyage up salt river, as from present ap
pearances their march to that inhospitable
region next fall will be a little too 'hasty'
to suit their slow-motioned ideas, 'Old
Hasty' never yet was beaten, and never
will be by the miserable troop of Locofoco
jaekalls, eager for plunder, now barking at
his heels.—Reading Journal.
ri- A large share of wrong doing and
speaking of life, comes of the wind's list
lessness. That we should be listless,
however, about what is right, shows how
degenerate we are.
Lf.r' Tho summer session of the Hunting
don Public Schools trill close en Saturday.
Bg' The Weekly News, one of the very
best Campaign papers, is now fairly in the
It should be universally known—fur it is strictly
true—that indigestion is the parent of a large
proportion of the flint' diseases. Dysentery, (liar
rhtea. cholera niorhus, liver complaint, and many
other diseases enumerated in the city inspector's
weekly catalogue of deaths, arc generated by in
digestion alone. Think oethat dyspeptics! think
of it till who suffer from disordered stomachs, and
if you ore willing to be *tided by advice, founded
upon experience, resort at once (don't delay a
day) to I loolland's German Bitters, prepared by
Dr. C. M. Jackson, which, as an alterative cura
tive, and invigorant, stands alone and unap
proached. General depot, 120 Arch street.—
We have tried these Bitters, and know that they
are excellent for the diseases specified above,—
Phgladelphia City Item.
On Monday evening, the 19th inst., at
the residence of her unole, James Clark,
Esq., in Birmingham, Miss ANN C. CLARK,
formerly of Huntingdon, in the 29th year
of her age.
Whom the Gods love die young, and it•
is the brightest and most promising flowers
of earth that the Angel of Death earliest
transplants to Paradise. Few have lived
a more useful life or died a more trium
phant death than Miss Clark. Her disease
was perhaps hereditary, and developed it
self in a severe and violent Bronchial af
fection, which, in a few short weeks, has
hurried her from tho circle of her friends
to the silent tomb. She suffered much du
ring her illness, but no complaint or mur
'nor escaped her lips; and in the full agsu
ranee of a blessed immortality she leaned
I upon the Cross and departed, her last
words being those of the first Christian
Martyr—" Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Reported fur the Journal.
7a. m. 2p. m. 9p. m.
v.-v.-, ................ S./FY..O
TuEs.—July 20th 66 ' 86 72
WED. " 21 67 92 76
TIMM " 22 72 94 80
FRI. " 23 7O 9U 74
SAT. " 24 66 90 70
Sc.N " 25 69 86 76
Mow. " 26 73 83 70
Huntingdon, July 27, 1852.
For Males and Females.
REV. RALPH PIERCE, A. B. Principal.
MRS. 3LIRILLA P. PIERCE, Precepress.
The second Quarter of the Summer Session of
this Institution Will commence, under greatly in
creased patronage, on tl:e 20th of August and con
tinueto the I lth November.
.... —•
The healthfulness of the surrounding country,
the delightful locality of the Institution, and the
high character of the Principal and Preceptress,
as Teachers, combine to render this one of the
most desirable Schools in the country,
TUlTlON.—Englith studies, fro s ll 6 l ,o s o 2,s pe O r t g o n ::
per quarter, according to advancement.
Latin and Greek,
Germaa, Fmach, Mtsic and Drawing—Extra.
Boarding furnislaul upon application to the Prin
cipal, at $1,25 per week. Room rent, furniture,
end fuel, 25 cents per week.
Large and commodious building., capable of
accommodating 150 Pupils, ore now in process of
erection, in width it is designed to open the Fall
and Winter Term, commencing 25th November.
Tuition fees invariably to be paid in advance.
Joseph Spangler, D. Clarkson,
Geo. W. Spoor, Gideon Elias,
Adam Keith, Jos. Kinpuon.
Cassville, July 29, 1852.-60.
Strayed away from the pasture
(1,77- field of the subseriber, on Shaver's
Creek, en Thursday night the 15th
. ,
t.. y . A . inst., an Inuw GRAY MARE, about
six years o.d, with mane and fore-top short. Any
person giving information of the above Maro,
will be suitably rewarded.
July 29, 1852.-3 t.•
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber, either by nets or otherwiee, are
requested to yell and make settlement, at hie store
in Pertstown, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous
of having his old Books closed.
July 29, 1832,
Came to the residence of the subscriber, in
Franklin township, Huntingdon county, a red and
white spotted cow, about live years old. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove proper.
ty, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she
will be disposed of according to law.
July 29, 1852.-3 t,
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of HENRY BECK late of Warrior Mark,
Letters of administration have this day have
granted to the subscribers upon the above estate;
therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted
will make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
JOHN 8E , 14", Jr.
July 29, 1822.-6 t.
of Sumac Wanted.
We are now prepared to manufacture Sumac
on a more extensive scale, and will give the high
est market price for all well gathered and cured
dill Creek, Pa., July 29,'52.-Im.
Black, Brown and Chocolate, a large quantity
on hand and for sale by KESSLER do
Mill Creek, July 29,'52.-4n.
Zink Brown and Black; an article far superior
for durability and beauty to White Lead, for sale
A tiny of the above well known Stoves can be
had at a less price titan heretotbre—sold by ma
king application to KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, July 29