Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 22, 1852, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, July 22, N 52,
1:1.-Nbr Middleswartli,
14.-Jas. 11. Campbel.
15.-Jas. 1). Paxton.
16. -Jas. IC Davidson.
17.-Dr. J. McCulloch.
18.-Ralph Drake,
19.-John Linton.
1.-Wm. F. Hughes,
2.-James Trayttair.
3.-John W. Stokes.
4.-John I'. Verrec.
5.-S. Mellvaine.
6.-Jas. W. Fuller.
8.-John Shaeffer.
9.-Jacob Marshall.
10.-Chas. I'. Waller.
1.-Davis Alton.
12.-M. C. Mercur.
20.-Areh. Robertson.
21.-Tho, J. Bighorn,
22.-I.ewis L. Lord.
23.-C. Meyer,.
24.-1). Phelps.
Whig County Convention.
The Whigs of the several townships and
boroughs in the county of Huntingdon are
requested to meet at the usual time and
place of holding delegate meetings on Sat
urday the 7th day of August next, to elect'
two persons (in each township and bor
ough) to serve as delegates in the Whig
county Convention to be held in Hunting
don on Tuesday the 10th of August next
at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of
nominating a county ticket and doing such
other business as the interest of the party
may require.
J. S. STEWART, Chairman.
July 15, 1752.
Journal for the Campaign 2
Believing that hundreds of patriotic in
dividuals, in this county, who are generally
averse to mixing in the din of party politics,
are, nevertheless, at this time, anxious to
learn more of the public and private histo
ry of the peoples' favorite, Gen. WINFIRLD
SCOTT—to familiarize themselves more
fully with all the interesting, soul-stirring
incidents in the life and character of the
great hero-statesman—the most renowned
military leader in the world, and scarcely
less distinguished for the sagacity and suc
cess of his civil diplomacy—we propose to
devote a large portion of the "Journal" to
remineseences of his life and actions, both
as the leader of our armies and the agent
of titur government—all drawn from authen
tic history, public documents, and other
reliable sources—and to furnish our paper
to new subscribers from this time till the
first of December, at the following low
rates, viz :
Single Copy, paid in advance,
7 Copies to one address,• • • •
Friends, send in your orders. Spread
the light of truth broad-east over the
county, by placing the "Journal" in the
hands of every unprejudiced voter, and we
promise glorious results on the second
Tuesday of November. Circulate the doe
uments and the response at the ballot-box
will be at least ONE THOUSAND major
ity in this county for "Old Chippewa."—
Any pecuniary profit we may derive front
this enterprise will •be appropriated to part
paymont of a new press, and the enlarge
ment of our paper.
the Senate of tlao United States, in 1850,
spoke thus of Gen. SCOTT and the Mexi
can war:
“I must take this opportunity to say, that,
for Ai science—stratagy--for bold
and daring fighting—for chivalry of indi
viduals and masses, that portion of the
Mexican war which was conducted by the
gallant Scott as chief oonunander, stands
unrivalled either by the deeds of Cortez
himself or by those of any other comman
der in ancient or modern times.”
Tr By Divine permission, the Rev. Mr.
Bryant will preach in the Protestant Epis
copal Church this (Thursday) evening.
Delegate Elections.
The time is fast approaching When the
Whigs of this county will lie called. upon
to meet in their respective boroughs and
districts to choose delegates to the County
Convention. We have no disposition to
dictate, but we will submit a few consider
ations on the importance and objects of
those primary assemblies. The Whig par
ty was not•organized Ind that organization
maintained for the benefit of individuals,
but for the prosperity and general welfare
of the country. It is a party of opinion
founded upon truth; and whenever its doc
trines are not sustainable in the great forum
of human reason, its members are at liber
ty to abandon it. In addition to its great
positive qualities of protection to property
and personal rights and its promotion of
equal privileges, it operates as a controling
counteractant to the destructive dogmas of
Locofocoism. Were it not for the preser
ving character of the Whig party, the far
' mer would not be secure in the title to his
land, nor the laborer receive the reward of
his daily toil.
The Locofoco party is one purely of or
ganization, held together and sustained for
the benefit of any individual who may trav
el through its primary forms to a promi
nent position. They proclaim gull-trap
principles for the purpose of gathering a
majority to their standard, so that the drill
masters can make a successful attack on
the spoils of official station. Beyond this,
their unscrupulous leaders dare nothing.—
They fight for party success alone,
even if victory should curse the country.
In view of the fact then, that the Whig
party is not, like its rival, an organization
for the benefit of individuals, but for the
general good, what is the duty of every
Whig when preparing a ticket for par
ty support? When selecting a candidate
two ancient questions should be answered
affirmatively. Is he honest? Is he capa
ble? Men possessing these two qualifica
tions ought to be popular and would be ef
ficent. How then, can we secure the nom
ination of such men? We answer, let the
wbigs of every district turn out in full—
to a man—and elect two , of their most hon
est, capable and deserving citizens, as dele
gates to the Whig county convention,
who will doubtless do all in their power to
present to the party and the people, a tick
et composed of honest, capable and deser
ving men. We hope that our Whig breth
ren throughout the county will bear in
wind that the offices were not made for the
benefit of the incumbents, but for the peo
ple; and that they shouid fill those offices
with men who will best subserve their in
terests. It iu the duty of every member
of the party to appear at the delegate
meetings and lend his voice and his counsel
towards insuring this result. It is to be
hoped that union and harmony may be pre
served and that every Whig in advocating
his candidate, will depend on his positive
merits, without assailing an opponent in
such way as to create factious opposition.—
Every man whose name is presented to the
convention is bound by its decision—and
should any one receive the nomination, it
is more than desirable, that previous harsh
treatment should not be in the way of his
opponent giving him a hearty support.—
It behooves all to beware of mere faction-
Gen. Pierce was a member of the
United States Senate in 1841 at the time
ofthe death of Con. Harrison. It was
proposed in Congress to give to his widow
the whole year's salary although be had
held the presidential office but one month,
in view of the fact, that the family had
been put to considerable expense in break
ing up house keeping and removing to
Washington, and also in consideration of
the distinguished and eminent services,
which Gen. Harrison had rendered to the
country. It suet with general favor from
all parties, but it called out a bitter speech
in opposition, from Gen. Pierce. He was
willing and anxious to send Mrs. Harrison
home, not only with a widow's sorrow in
her heart, but without a dollar in her
pocket. If the wailing widow and the
destitute orphan could vote, there would
be a sorry account of the narrow soulod
and frozen hearted Pierce. Wives, sisters
and sweethearts should snake the paradise
of their offee Lions depend on the fact, that
their husbands, brothers and lovers shall
cast their suffrages against the enemy of
the widow and the orphan. He must have
a heart as hard as New Hampshire granite
, I and as cold as an Alpine glacier.
r "Its (the Journal's) withering in
fluence will be felt and mourned by its un
conscious victims, when perhaps, its chaste
and virtuous editor shall stand, &c.
And you have at last ventured to speak
of chastity and birtue!
re. It is an old adage that "people who
"live in glass houses should never throw
stpnes, and if the editor of the Journal
sees proper to neglect
_this wholesome ad
vice, we can only. inform him that ho must
take the consequences, and that his pait
history is not yet forgotten."—Globe.
The above is an editorial in the last
Globe, but not written by the editor.
Well, sir, it affords us great pleasure to
inform the scoundrel who prompted the
above, the thief who wrote it, and the
hound that published it, that the history
of our life is open to their and your an—
imadversion. You are at liberty to make
selections from it or publish the whole of
it, as it may best suit your purpose. The
only condition, which we will impose, is,
that you shall at least keep yourself on the
frontiers of truth. We will have no dis
position to retaliate upon you the brutality
which you will likely exhibit or permit oth
ers to exhibit, but the Anglo-Saxon will
be open to us iu all its native vigor, to ex
press a few recollections, which might pos
sibly make a pilgrimage to your soul from
the alluring paths of infamy. A person
of high toned morals and unsullied connec
tions will doubtless grant the privilege of
telling the truth, at least as often, as he
may take the privilege of telling a lie.
Like all mortal men, we doubtless have
our faults, but if there is an instance where
we have departed from the great line of
moral rectitude, we are willing to be re
minded of it. 'We do not expect, it to be
done in a Christian spirit, but that we will
very likely be able to manage. Now strike,
you bawdy bully !
As to the thief who wrote it, at the sug
gestion of the scoundrel at his back, we
will say that the road to the Western pen
itentiary is as direct now, as it was to Pitts
burg a year ago. Attacks from such cat
tle can't hurt us much.
The Band
Of the candidates for nomination for
Congress and the Legislature by the Whigs
of this county, the Globe says :
"Such a band of political desperadoes
should not, and we hope will not, meet with
any favor from the people."
It further says :—"lf you were to rake
the kennels of hell for a century you could
not find among their stygian pools of cor
ruption and pollution, a devil so low and
so mean as to descend to baser or more
contemptible means for the accomplishment
of his schemes."
That our readers may know of whom the
ruffian is speaking, we enumerate all the
candidates spoken of for those offices.—
For Congress, A. W. Benedict, Jno. G.
Miles, Dr. J. McCulloch, Gen. S. Miles
Green—For the Legislature, S. S. Whar
ton, Dr. J. P. Asheom, James Maguire,
and Jacob Cresswull. This is the baud he
' 1 means. If not all, will he say which ?
Tux DIFFERENCE.—Tho Globe is dis
pleased because we receive pay for publish
ing certain advertisements. We are will
ing to submit to our, as well as its readers,
which is most creditable, to receive pay for
the use of the advertising columns, or to
do as the editor of that paper did on a cer
tain occasion—hire out his editorial col
umns at five dollars a square, for the pur
pose of attacking ono of his neighbors.
17" "Do the editors of that paper (Jour
nal) think their - readers need either the
book or the Hospital refered to."—Com.
in the Globe.
The editor of the Globe is one of our
readers—he might need them.
We dont know whether or not the au
thor of the communication needs them, but
a tolerable dose of penitentiary might have
a healthful effect on him.
The Globe says that General Scot
fainted when Gen. Jackson challenged hit
—and that therefore ho is a coward.
This is what might be expected from
stolid, filthy and brutal ignorance. No
wonder that the editor loves the associa
tion of liars and thieves. It is too late to
call Gen. Scott a coward, who has done
more bard fighting than ever Gen. Jackson
did. He carries British lead in his body
until this day.
Err "Such it paper thrown among a
family of children, is like a lighted torch
cast into a magazine of gunpowder."
The above is an editorial article refering
to this paper. It was not written by the
editor—it was written by a thief. We will
therefore. not reply to it.
ar Dont forget the Meeting of the
Chippoway Club, at Carmen's, on Saturday
evening next, to celebrate the anniversary
of the battle of Lundy's Lane. We hope
our country friends will be in--We prom
ise them a rich repast of fine music, brill
tant transparencies, and eloquent speeches.
Another Good Alan Gone.
Hon. T. M. T. McKennan, of Washing
ton county, died last week in Reading of a
desease which orriginated from a small ul
cer on his foot. Mr. McKennan was a di
ciple of Washington College, having
graduated there with honor before he was
sixteen years old. lle subsequently- stud
ied law, and honored, no less by his integ
rity than by his ability, the profession of
his choice. Indeed, so exalted was his
reputation for truth and impartiallity, that
he was regarded rather as a just arbiter
than a party counsel, and many important
controversies have been confided to his
Mr. M. has filled many inportant public
stations with credit to himself and to the
entire satisfaction of his constituents. Ile
was for a number of years member of Con
gress, frequently in the electoal College
from Pa. lle received the nomination for
Gov. in 1841, but declined for reasons re
spected by his friends. Soon after the
death of Gen. Taylor Mr. M., was appointed
Secretary of the Interior by President
Filmore. Finding the duties of that eta-
Lion too severe for his constitution, and
unsuited to his habits and taste, he retain
ed it but a short time. About two years
ago he was appointed President of the
llempfield Railroad Company, and his
character and business ability did much to
promote the interest of that enterprise.
McKennan was eminently distin
guished for all those traits of character,
which are calculated to vin love and ce
ment attaement. Generous and kind, frank
and manly, he was equally admired, loved
and trusted by all parties—political oppo
nents as well as friends. The death of
such a man in the meredian of his mental
vigor, is a public loss not easily supplied.
Mr. M., was about 58 years of age at the
time of his diseased.
Insurrection in Algiers.
From a long article in the Phila. Sun,
derived from the Seramphore of Marseilles,
we learn that the insurrection in Algeria
still rages. A number of revolts and much
hard fighting took place during the early
part of last month. The insurgents were,
in nearly every instance, defeated, and dis
persed,.and their territory plundered of
cattle and other moveables: The account
in the Sun, reaches down to the 20th ult.,
when there seemed little prospect of a spee
dy termination of these troubles.
From the foreign items in the Sun we
also learn that on Thursday, first of June,
fourteen men were arrested in Paris for
making an "Infernal Machine," as it is
called, designed to assassinate the royal
President of the kingly Republic, Louis
Napoleon. The Machine contained four
teen barrels, each capable of containing
twenty bullets, and so arranged as to pre
vent the possibility of their firing in a
wrong direction. Several other persons
have since been arrested, and many more
are said to be implicated in the murderous
design. The whole affair is kept profoundly
C :7" A terrible riot occurred in Stock
port, England, on Tuesday the 20th Juno,
between the lower order of English Pro
testants and Irish Catholics, embittered
by party spirit and sectarian jealousy.—
The immediate cause of the disturbance,
according to the Manchester Guardian,
grow out of a Catholic • procession which
had taken place on the previous Sabbath.
It does not appear in the accounts we have
which party were the aggressors, in the
first instance; but the result is, that much
property has been destroyed, much per
sonal injury inflicted, and ono hundred and
fourteen persons arrested, no less than
sixty-six of whom aro wounded, some
slightly, others in a most shocking man
ner. As usual, in such disturbances, the
greatest sufferers both in property and
person, aro the poor Irish. And yet it is
a strange fact, in this case, that by far the
greater number of prisoners, is of the same
unfortunate race. Several of the special
constables, it is said, took an active part
in the destruction of property?
CURE FOR DrAnitucEA.—Take equal
parts of Tincture of Laudanum, Spirits of
Camphire, cayenne Pepper, treble strength,
and the Essence of Peppermint, treble
strength. Mix in a bottle, and take from
five to thirty drops, according to violence
of the attack, and repeat till relieved. No
other remedy has over been found so uni
formly successful as this when promptly
used on the appearance of the first symp
17 - The Constitutional Union Conven
tion of Georgia, after a session of two days,
was unable to agree on a platform and can
didate, and finally split wider than ever.—
The Scott men withdrew.
While we feel flattered by the very
able and dignified article which our estee
med, democratic friend, “Consistency,"
has sent us in reply to the Globe's late at
tack on the business department of this pa
paper, and sincerely thank him for the in
terest manifested in our behalf, we must,
nevertheless, respectfully decline its pub
lication, at least for the present. We do
net think there is, either in the assault it
self, or in the assailant., or even the medium
through which he reaches the public, any
I thing that can do us any material injury.
If we err in this opinion, time will correct
us; and we feel disposed to await its
teachings. Besides, we have laid it down
as a rule of our editorial deportment, that
we will never, in the abscence of imperious
necessity, do violence to our own selfrespcct
or the feelings of our friends, by engaging
in angry, personal controversy with any
man, and least of all with such men as
probably could not, if they would, inflict
on us any groat and permanent injury.
We have spent nearly one fourth of our life
in the service of this community; and if
our conduct as a man and citizen during
the whole of that period, does not furnish
a sufficient defence for us in a petty affair
like this, the sooner we learn that fact the
We will therefore only add, that while
we continue to be a mere "paste & scissors"
editor, we will not hold ourself "within the
statute" that so liberally sanctions news
paper defamation• If, then our neigh
bor, or those who may have access to his
columns, think proper to snake the politi
cal articles of the Journal the pretext for
assailing its business, which is a separate
and distinct interest,—he or they can do
so with impunity, so long as we sustain no
real harm. And, should such unprovoked
discourtesy be persisted in until a defence
on our part becomes inevitable, we will en
deavor to find redress without exposing the
innocent, or disgusting our readers.
To Correspondents.
County Supeilntendent, By A Teudhcr,
is on file and will appear next week. We
hope to find, many more teachers make use
of our columns to promote the interests of
the rising generation, by advocating the
improvement of the Teachers' profession
and the peoples' Schools.
lt. A. "M. need not apprehend being an
unwelcome visitor so long as be selects
good subjects, and treats them with proper
care. His very excellent " Essay" shall
appear in due time.
We suspect "A Spy in the Camp" to be
no other than the "Junius" of last week,
in a duller mood. Ho is still objectionable
on the ground of personality. If lie will
write on some entirely different subject,
' and give us his name, we will most likely
be happy to cultivate his acquaintance.—
We are now satisfied that lie possesses some
ability, a fact that we failed to discover
through the thick veil of scurrility the,
marred his first communication. We hope
lie will eschew "Junius" and all other an
onymous newspaper assassins, defunct and
living, and allow his thoughts to dwell on
more agreeable themes. Surely there is
in this enlightened age enough of the use
ful, the beautiful, the good, the true, to
furnish food for any mind, so that none
need shrink and shrivel into distorted in
significance by feeding on stale sarcasm and
loathsome vituperation.
o:7' The National Portrait Gallery of
Distinguished Americans, in course of pub
lication by Robert E. Peterson & Co.,
Phila., is attracting unusual attention and
favorable notice from the public press.—
The work will be completed in forty num
bers, containing in all some night or ton
hundred pages, and upwards of one hun
dred and twenty engraved portraits of the
most eminent persons of both sexes, who
have occupied a place in the history or co
temporary annals of our country. In the
first number, now before us, we find well
written biographies of Gen. Washington,
and his noble wife, Lady Washington, with
three fine steel engravings—the first en
graved by Durand from Trumbull's full
length portrait belonging to Yale College,
and said to be a true likeness of the 'Fath
er of his Country.' The second No. will
appear on the first of August, after which,
one number containing three portraits, will
be issued every week, and the whole work
completed before the first of July '53.
Terms—for $lO in advance, the weekly
numbers will be sent free of postage. We
shall speak more at large of this publica
tion at some future time.
- r There is but one way of being cor
rect and yet agreeing with every body,
and that is, to say nothing that can possi
bly be of use to any body.
For the Journal.
Ma. STNWART :--Can you tell your
readers what has so strongly excited the
Globe editor's usually torpid feelings ?
Did the "Snapper" on which he some time
since dined, disturb his digestion; or has
the nomination of Gen. Scott frightened
him from his wonted propriety? Will any of
these suppositions account for the late fury
and froth of that exceedingly virtuous, high
minded gentleman? Or is the spleen dis
played in his paper, towards our local can
didates, distilled in the malicious heart of
a base renegade, lurking, assassin -like, in
die IVhig camp, and all the while using
the filthy columns of the Globe to sputter
his vile slang on a disgusted community 1
Which is it, Lewis or his parasite? I want
Ito know. I can not see what object Lew
' is, without candidates of his own party to
be benefitted by it, can have in thus, week
after week, assailing ours. lam therefore,
almost forced to believe what I have heard
more than hinted, that this dirty work,
though perfectly agreeable to him, is not
done by himself, but by a graceless whelp,
a professional defamer, who has ever de
lighted to slander when he could not steal.
If I am right in this opinion, lot me know,
and I will furnish you a missile that will
not only curb the crawling reptile—but
crush it. Give use light and I'll find the
proper logic for the argument. Make me
sure of my mark, and the shot shalt tell.
Huntingdon, July 19, '52.
Allow me to ask, through
the Journal, what Mr. Lewis expects to
accomplish by permitting that young slink,
that edits his paper, to rave, and fret, and
foam, and spit his nasty slime over decent
people ? Is he silly enough to suppose that
Gen. Green, Jno. G. Miles, A. W. Bene
dict, Dr. McCulloch or the honorable men
named in connexion with the State Legis
lature can be beaten down by the insane
ravings of a madman—a creature without
either character or brains who has always
been as a sten , th in the nostrils of his near
est kindred, and pittied as well as loathed
by every body else ? If Lewis is stupid
enough to entertain such notions as these,
his ideas of human nature must, indeed,
have been acquired in his favorite city
haunts, and have not yet been corrected
by the sanatory influences of respectable
society. I would advise him to restrain
his lackey, and try to find enjoyment in his
own chaste circle, rather than by maligning
the character of some of our best citizens.
table spoonful of common salt, and tea
spoonful of red pepper, in a half pint of hot
water. The sea captains from Liverpool,
who have often tried this remedy, say they
have never known it to fail to give relief.
We have seen other respectable testimony
corroborating theirs.
It should be universally known—fur it is strictly
true—that indigestion is the parent of a large
proportion of the fatal diseases. Dysentery, diar
duce, cholera modals, liver complaint, a n d ninny
other diseases enumerated in the city inspector's
weekly catalogue of deaths, are generated by in
digestion alone. Think of that dyspeptics! think
of it all who suffer from disordered stomachs, and
if you are willing to he guided by advice, founded
main experience, resort at once (don't delay a
day) to I loolland's German Bitters, prepared by
1/r. U. M. Jackson, which, as an alterative cura
tive, and invigorant, stands alone and ilium
proached. General depot, 12(1 Arch street.—
We have tried these Bitters, and know that they
are excellent for the diseases specified above,—
Phyladelphia City Item.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes his whole time and atten
tion to making and repairing pumps and will
promptly attend to all orders and calls that ho
sissy be favoured with warrented all work to be
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address
Mill Creek I'. 0. Huntingdon county,
We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol
vertons make of Pumps and do not hesitate in
saying that we believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Rend.
Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage,
Wm. I). Shaw, William Dorris,
Conrad Bucher, William Christy,
Jno. Whittaker, David Bliar,
Wtn. orbison, D. McMurtrie,
Thus. Fisher.
. _
July 22, 1852,
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of FIIEDERICK JIMPIAN, late of Cromwell
township, Hunt: Co.; doe'd
_ -
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment and all persons having claims
will present them properly authenticated for set
Cromwell tp., July 22, '52.-6t. Adair.
'roposals for Coal.
- - -
Sealed Proposals will he received by the un
dersigned at their office up to twelve o'clock on
Thursday the 12th of Angst next, for the delive
ry of 20 Tons of Coal for the use of the County.
Bids to state the kind of Coal.
Hunt. July 29, 1852. Commissioners.
By Divine permission there will bo a Camp
Meeting, held by the Methodist Protestant Church
of Trough Creek Circuit, on the land of Mr. Jo
seph Curfmau, near Cassville, to commence on
August 19th.
The third instalment of two dollars and fifty
cents, per share of the Capital Stock of the Case
villa Seminary, is required to be paid to the un
dersigned, on or before the Ist day of August
next, anti the remaining instalments to be paid on
the first day of each month thereafter, until all is
Cassville, July 15,'12.-3t. 'Crea>.