THE JOURNAL Thursday Morning July 15. To Correspondents. "Is Freedom Doomed ?" by T. W., is very acceptable and will receive early- at :llion. We will at all times acknowledge with pleasure, similar favors. "JuNius" displays all the malevolence !his world-renowned namesake, but is en tirely destitute of his genius and other great 'redeeming qualities. We can not gratify his desire for notoriety. if the writer of the article signed Many Whigs, will give us his name, ho may hear from us. R. A. M., your complaint is just; and though we do not strictly merit the rebuke contained in your note, we feel it, and will atone for the shocking typography of your highly valued communication, in the only way possible—by republishing the whole article, which we will do in the course of a few weeks. Education, The Birmingham Female Seminary, we learn, is now, and has been for some time, in a flourishing condition. Though com menced, in 1849, under very dircouraging circumstances, it has, through the energy and ability of its talented Principal, Rev. I. W. Ward, and his accomplished Assist ants, favored by a delightful situation—in creased steadily in reputation and patron- age. The number of pupils, at first only ten or twelve, all resident itt Birmingham, lies augmented to about forty, from various parts of this, of Blair, Centre, and Mifflin county. Instead of the small, inconven ient rooms hitherto occupied by the school, there is now in course of erection, and nearly finished, a spacious, well designed, four story, brick edifice, seventy-five feet in length, and thirty-six feet wide, affording ample accommodations for all school, and boarding house purposes. This reflects great credit, not only on the authorities and immediate patrons of the Institution, Itit on the public spirit, and generous Lib erality of the community in which it is lo cated. We trust that with these enlarged facil ities at Birmingham, and two other, similar institutions of equal promise, admirably sit uated, one at Cassville, the other in Shir leysburg, all the young women of our coun ty may receive, without going abroad, that thorough intellectual, moral, religious, and practical, educational training, which will qualify them for the responsible duties of their sex. Inspired by this cheering thought, we can not but feel proud of our adopted home, and thank the kind Provi dence who has cast our lot amongst a peo ple; progressing, not in the externals of civilization and refinement only; but also in the cultivation of the higher faculties of our nature—a people not only anxious 'to improve the perishable comforts and luxu ries of life; but supremely solicitous to adorn the inner man, to cultivate the mind and soul; to garnish the intellect and the heart, with those unfailing flowers of liter ature and virtue, which shall expand and bloom throughout the endless cycles of eternity. Though we can not reasonably expect lo render much more active service in the School room, our hopes for the future safe ty and glory of our land, being founded on the character of her educational institu tions--while the pulses of life beat in our bosom, we must continue to feel a pride in their prosperity, a solicitude for their efficiency and purity. More Trophies of the Still. TIIE BARREN MERL/M-0n Thursday last while a party of five men, three of them brothers named Lightner, their nephew of the same name, and another youth named Stewart wore reposing and drinkiug togeth er in a hayfield, some dispute arose between the two young men about their abilities as mowers, and the tearing of a pocket hand kerchief. But few words had passed, when Stewart seized a scythe and deliberately struck it through the body of Lightner, who lived but twenty minutes after receiving the blow. Stewart is now in Huntingdon jail, having been delivered to the officers by his father! n" Greenleaf's Series of Arithineties is on our table. They have been adopted in the Huntingdon Public Schools and are highly recommended by the Globe. They are published by Peek & Bliss, Philadel phia, and may be obtained on very reason able terms. Teachers and others aro in vited to call and examine for themselves. Tr' An originsl—the man with the white umbrella.. MARRIAGE, HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE. WHY IS IT? That NV(' bOllOlO 1111.1 V I , lllllOSil l OOll , ill litt• meridian of life Inultelt lo and ~brit. with 111,111111 1 11011liiils 01 d1i0011,3 81111,11111101118,111,01 1 (11, 110.111 Or 1110 10'01 . illlo,lllllit or hie oo Ige when ,pit, gleal Ile:11111, 11110,11, of sytiriln, rr z 4 tt n ,.t , f ,. :l mil, arising flout a condition of health, ah „ ul,l be Nlany of the awes of her Ilifferings at find —ilerlyt, yeari before . , pi:Artir during ~.olhooti, or the lint yesirs of orl wine in their origin so Igen as tu unnoticed, and of course neglected. IN AFTEIt Y WARN, When tuo Irate m be h i e e ' g ' tertlVlTren r sTo l t e te l itTes%f ' = il'e. iVlZ;t!nuld we not often give to possess, 'early life', the knowledge we obtain in after years! And what dayi mai nights ol angniili we might not have been spared, if the knowledge was timely posseased. it is MELANCHOLY AND STARTLING To behold the sickness nod suffering eurlorell by many for many years, from causes simple and controllable, easily reinerlied--or better still,—not incurred, if ererY WIPE AND DIOTHICR Possessed the information contained in a little volume, (with in the tench of all) which would spate to herself YEARS OP MISERY, And to her husband the constant toil and anxiety of mind, neee,arily devolving itpori him Iron sickness ol the wife, without giving him the opportunity of acquiring that com petence which his exertions are entitled,. arid the p a ,siou of which would secure the happiitess of himself, ife mid children. SECURE THE MEANS OF 11APPINESS By becoming in lime 110ARPARPII of the knowledge, the want of which has calsed the sickness and poverty of thousands. In view of such conAequences, no wife or mother is es. sable if she neglect to tivril herself of that knowledge in rest•ect to herself, which would spare her ntch,. Bering, be the means of blindness and inost , erity 11e1 ,1140111 d, 1111 d confer 11.111 her children tient blessing above all price—healthy bodies, with healthy minds. That know ledge is Contained in a little work entitled THE MARRIED WOMAWS Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. Rh MAIJRICEAU, One Hundredth Edition. Moo., pp. 250. Prier, 50 cis. [. riNc mrmtt, 63iltA lIINDINO, $1 00.] F'i rat imblkhed 18 1817, and it is not RURPRIZINO OR WONDERVUL, Considering that FVEItY t•EPIA LE, WIIEI . IIEII MARISIED OR NOT, can here acquire n fall knowledge of the nature, character and ceases of her complifintn, Nvlth the various symptoms, and that nearly HALF A lIIII.LION COPIES ;;;;nietio;i;l7lll convey fully the various aobjects tatted 111, 11. 111 C, our of n 11111111, 111.111 . 11 Y intruded for the onloried, or three contemplating marriages, but no female desirous ool' enjoying health. and !Ina beauty, emoseoment upon health. which 1/1 811 conducive to her own happiness, wool that of %nosh:mil, but either has or will obtain ot, as has or will eery lousloand who lone the hoe Foul affection of his wife at heart, or that of his (11V11 pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS OF ONI MINDORO TIIOU SAND COPIES !lave been SENT !IT MAIL 1$ ithin the lost few mouths tirßase and Shameful Fraud!! CAI'I'ION TO BOOKSELLERS. VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT A SPURIOUS kiIDITION Flagritit anJ ha rerarea, 113% been sgtr,tilionsly lamed, svilb Cho ime I,rm and sir.e,lact I y the SAME PAO, and exAelly the •acne TYPOGRAPHICAL ARItANGI MEN T, 1 . 1 .::; .'ir„tl:zgi , .7r , l';!:stit,,'.'...f'L,;Z,.;.T;,'''""'-'" ENTRilcnnecorility t Ntpgl:maWn . lloP year 1817, by In the 1.14:11%, Wine of the pi,tricty.ttut of the B,lwhen, OMITTED, contents, the subject matter, mei resklbc,ro ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ' , Mated on poor, hrowohth, dirty . 1181, WWI pi le cord' It can he 'mown 41%0 from the miserable nod illegible wood. corn ttentiereil throoglotio iht pagett. The copyright edition covUtine none. nrtgreX;;; . ntty in the trade so lost to shame end common honesty as to be willing mulles IN DEFRAUDING TIIIUM CUSTOMERS, vn less thatylte legal they still be resccuta•J, Tl'Srsi:.c.bfr pro rilil!lti7il:rxiM them to the public. A copy will be sent to each bookseller or firm. (with the terms 11.1011 which they will be l'oraishetl,) otion receipt al his or their business root of stlilresc CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. DE NOT DEFRAUDED: DO/ no book tootles-a Dr. A. M. Al.riceatt IRS Liberty at, N. V., la on the title page. nod the entry in t.letk's Office otr the Wan or the title page etorreionnoola se herein, tool buy onlit or respectable attol Isoutallole dealt, or se. byand a • &eta tn IV A. M. Nktti we ell. 1 , 1111 title ptge, WIIII together with a kw page, treating r,P MIN.,. 11l eVery Inarrirol Female, 1, 01 hr sent free of elontee, to any one *towboateg a letter steno,' in n prepaid letter, nololtesseol n. tort rill. . . 1- , Ols receipt of fifty Cents, (or One Dollnr for the tine EdWoo torlrrt TIINI MARDIS:O WOMAN'S PRIVAA MNDICAI. UOMPANIOI , Is srot (malt ra free( to any part of the rolled State', All letters most be post-y.l. nod addressed to DR. A. 31. MA UItWEAU, lion 12,14, New York City. Publl.4lilogOtl)oe, No. 1211 Liberty Filmy', New limit. For Sale Batrisburi.t.; J. Swarts, Bloom,bn,g; .1. S. Mirth, Lebanon; C. NV. De IVitt, Nlil .1. Ensuainger, 11111. beim; 11. ‘l'. Smith. Huntingdon; S. 'Linn, New Berlin; I. A. Lantz, 11.ea.ling; 1; 'l'. Alurse, Cranesville,• N. Y. It. P. Criwki , r, lirinvii,ville; \Vents & Smrk, Car. bondole; F. 1.1,11 & Wright, IVilliattisport; S. Took ; Ikesbarri.; (4,.). NV. Earle, Wayneslioro,• B. Crosky, :Th•risin; S. Leader, Hanover; S..lir.'rey• lor, [Mini; IL I'. Cummings, Sonunerset; 'l'. B. l'etersun, Tu A VELLING AI ENT's WANTED. Competent persons will be supplied upon the most Mr...ruble terms. A few more only will be engaged. Address, post paid, 1)r. A. M. Mami e...At, N. V. 1 A DIES in want of Parasols, cannot fall in be ij lug suited Lr calling at .1. & W. SAXTON'S'. I 'HOSE beautiful new Bonnets bare just arri 1. red, and are now opened Mal for silk by April 29, 1852. J. & %V. SAXTON. Aithi g itikent assortment of Silk Dress Pat. terns, also, Buragile Lanes, Bepiges, J. & sAKTONT. fur sale Is.y. Olin stock of htw mired Mouslin cln Lanes, and Lawn-, :ire complete, and very bac be April 22,1852. .1. & W. SAXTON. • -• _ beautiful assortment of Fancy CapingA and Vesting cur sale by .1. & W. SAX'FON. Important Notice. All person, imichted to Robert Grafius by book account or otherwise, will please call and settle before the first of July. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. Cr •20 bls. No. I 'Herring, tin• sale at the store GLOB CIVIN. Ur 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and foi• sale GEO. Gwtx. (fir Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Load, Jersey Window Glass and Putty, for sale at the store of GEO. twits. -- • A huge assortment ot . Hats; Moleskin, Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, lbr men and boys, tbr sale at Gvo. (3 WIN'S. A splendid lut of Silk Cravats nod Scarfs, for li side by J. & W. SAXTON. SIIERIFIPS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Vc;lli. I c will he exposed to sale at pald,e vendue, at the Loan louse in the borough of Huntingdon, On Monday tho 9th day of 1.952, at 2 u clock, P. M., property, A title and interest of George Mar rens in out to It my:, or law' in Ilendason town ship, Buntingdan county, containing 296 acres, more or less, having thereon erected 2 log 1100- ses, 2 log barns, 111P , 111 80 acres of which is clear ed and under fence; a tioilool4 1:01oi, of the estate of Alexander OWOI, Esq., deed., and lands of Elias Shoemaker the unimproved part of said land is well timbered.' ti,l7Md, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of George Morrets. ALSO,—AII the right, title and interest of Deft. in and to a certain tract of land fir Union township, Huntingdon comity, warranted in the Hanle of Samuel Bell, containing MI6 acres, more or less, adjoining hinds of James Donaldson, Jr., Gide. Miller's tract, and others, on which is erected a Sawmill. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property ofJohn .31eComli. ALSO,—AII that certain tract of hind situate in Tod township, Huntingdon County, containing about 287 acres more or less, adjoining hinds of Stumbaugh's heirs, Thomas Reed, George son, having thereon erected a cabin house a cabin barn, young apple orchard, about 60 acres clear- ed. Seized, taken in execution end to be sold as the property of Vincent Robinson. ALSO,—AII the right title and interest of, William Ridenour, in and to a tract or limn of, land in Walker township, containing 171) ilexes, more or less, about 60 acres cleared and under fence, having thereon erected a one and a half' story log house, and a double log barn, an or chard of good fruit trees, a good spring house, bounded by lands °Names Johnston, John An derson, Henry Garner and lands of the nowt's.— Seized, taken in execution mid to be sold as the • 1 property of William Ridenour and John lin en our. NCI. B. %BIGLER, SIMI July 8, 1852. Orphan's Court Sale. In pursuant of am Order of an Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustee appointed I said Court for that purpose, will ex pose at public sale on the premises "on Saturday the :1 t day of,July, at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol lowing de,erilfed real estate, late of Lewis Smal ley, deed., situated in the townsphp of Shirley in the county aforesaid, vie: A tract or parcel of land adjoining land of the heirs of William Hays on the North. !mid of Davis. C. Smalley on the east, and land of Samuel 11. Bell on the south west, containing one hundred and seven acres, be the ,awe more or less, having sonic cleared 'land and other improved thereon. TEAMS OF SA I.E.—One third of the ptu•- chase money to be paid on the confirmation of sale, and the residue iii two equal annual pay ments thereafter With interest to be secured by bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. OLIVER ETNIER, July 8, 1852.-31. Trustee. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the members of' the 'Cumberland Valley Protection Company,' of Dickinson lown..hip, Cumberland county, Penn'a, that an asses,inent of tour per cent. has been laid on the premium notes of said Company by the Ilmirtl which amount is directed to he paid to the collectors of said Company that shall be appointed ter re•teiving the same. By order of the Board .1011:: T. GREEN, July 8, 1852. See!' • . . WILLIAMSBURG Marble Manufactory. JOHN IRVINE respectfully informs the citi zens of Blair and the adjoining counties, that lie still continues to manufacture every description of ornamental Marble, suet as Monuments of the must chaste and beautiful designs; ut ev rey variety of style and size; Head:old Foot stones, ut whatever pattern desired, and ut prices vairyilig. front sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Window Sills, &e., together with everything else in this lieu ol• business. In addition to his I•urmersul.ply of Marble, the proprietor has purchased the entire stalk of A. W. Kenney, and is now receiving from the East, a .pleialid assortment of Wlitte Aluncliester slabs tcioch will be linishol to order by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation as au Artist and Engraver, is known ttu•ouglout the country. All orders filial a distance containing inscrip tions, will lie promptly attended to, and work de livered at points within fifty toilet, tree. ••• S'r El WAR f ELLIOT is the authori zed agent fur the transaction, of business connect ed WWI this establishment, with whom contracts may be made. _ . taiWountry produce taken in exchange fur Ut cash prices. . . . . 1° ouli warranted to be done in u style superior to uity inter nstablislimunt in this sec tion of the cuumry, and at Philadelphia Pri- Williamsburg, July 1,'5i.-3m, ESTRA Y. Strayed from the subscriber, in Warriorsmark township, on Wednesday the 16th day of June, an Iron Gray mare Cult, two years old, with the forehead nearly white. Any person giving iulbr ntation to James Clark, Birmingham, or to the subscriber, in relation to said colt, and where it may be found,shall he suitably rewarded. GUyER, NViirriorsimok township, .1 uIV• 1,1852.-3 t. Auditor's Notice. ' The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to ilkt tie the Proceeds of the sale of the real csnite of Thomas Bradley, dee'd. ' in the hand, of IMMO Teague, Esq., Trustee, &e., tunongst those enti tled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose albresaid on Satur day, the 24th day of July next, nt 1 o'clock, P. M., at his in the borough of Huntingdon, when nod where all persons interested may attend if' they see proper. JOHN ItHED, • June 24,1552. Auditor. NOTICE. In the Irvin.; and leval rf I%lllp Shia; c'd. - Take notice that in pursuance of it Hula issued out of the I bidians' Court of I I nutingdon county, you arc hereby Summoned to come into said Court, on Monday, the 9th day of August next, and accept or refuse to take the real estato of said dee'd at the valuation thereof, or then and there to skew cause if any you have, why the stone should not he sold. WNI. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Juno 17, 1893.-41. Popular Ice Cream Saloon; JOHN MARKS Informs the public thin they tan he sowed trait this Hell delicacy every even ing at his well known estaldishment under the Sons of Temperance Hall in Huntingdon. An elegant room provided Mr the accommodation Of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par take atlas luxury. igir lie is prepared at all times, to furnish par ties with the BEKT that can be made in town; and at reasonable rates. MitY 20, 1852. WATCHES fromouc dollar to ninety-tire, at E. Snare's. April 15, 1852. NOTICE. The subscriber h eying purchased out the Store o, of John !Mishit* no, io the stoic and premises of B. Aly finger. at M'at,...• Street, Pa., ii , wtlicr with one half the 17a mil Bore I,en. Simon Cameron and stock and or. , io belonging; berefty gives notice to the public that the business of and at the said Store lately carried on by John Balsbaeh, trill hereafter be conducted mid curried on by the sub scriber, in the Mille of, and by his Agent, John Balsbach, who will attend to the business at the ctore, where he has just received a large and sea sonable stock of all kinds of Goods, suited to this section of country, and which will positively be sold at prices to defy all competition • Boards, Shingles and all description of lumber will at all times be received in exchange for, Goods, and Mr which the highest market price will be given. Also, all kinds of country produce. Having adopted the ready pay systm, he feels confident the public will find it to their interest to call and make their spring JONATHAN J. CUNNINGHAM. Water Street, May 0, 1852. EARTHQUAKE IN HUNTINGDON. JACOB SNY iF.II, lms just returned from the east with n splendid stock of Clothing consisting of Coats, Pnts, Vests—all shades sizes :mil va ricties--also Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hanker chiefs, Hose and a tine assortment . of summer lints. All will be sold remarkably low for-cash. Clots from $1 00 itl to , Sl4, Pants 1;rom $1 00 ti) $5 00 and Vests from 75ets to $4 00. Llis establishment will be timid at the Rough yj 12Cinly board awning in Maine Street. Huntingdon \jm• 27, 1852. • THOMAS V. CHAPLIN, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity. that he has opened a Sha ving and Shampi,,,nin g tialeon near the Post °thee, where he is prep to accommodate the public in the nu, fa•Lionable style. He also keeps on hand reni . di,-1 . 111 e most fashionable, such ns EMI do t Pomade erv.taline, Rose Hair i i'l ; , L l'ldlacome. Rae Anti gue, E Pertalia, Tincture of Musk, Extra Lily White, lit. Ladies, and a line assortment of fam.y soaps of all descriptions. I luntingdon, Jane 17, '52.-3m. Stoves and Ploughs. A large assortment constantly on h., ,d, and will be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be bought at any other e. 1;0I ERT GRAFIUS. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. Auditor's Notice. The undentiguell appointed by the Court of Cdtnnton flea; to distribute the proceeds arising from the Sheriffs sale of real estate of Robert Logan, deed., in the ;moil, of Matthew Crown°. ver, Esq., will att,tat f, that purpose at his of fice in the borough it Ilioitingdon, on Thursday the I htli day of July next, when and where 01l persons interested can attend, or be forever de barred, &c. WM. I'. ORBISON, May 20. 1852. Auditor. 8. L. GLASGOW, A 7' 7' 0I? NE Y AT I.:1 ll', HUNTINGDON, PA, \''ill•nttenil to all business entrusted to his care. Ile will make collections, draw Deeds, Mortgages, &c., and state Administrator's, Eke& utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most rea sonable terms. Cake in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res. denec of Dr. Henderson, near the Court llouse. April 1, 1852. W ASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines, Bed Curds, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates, Paint Brushes, Sash 'fools, and an endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1852. I) 1:1"l'Elt, Eggs, Hags, Soap, White Soup Ilean,, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples, &c., taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices, at the cheap store of J. BRICK- Eli, oil Main street, in I'. Swbopc's old stand. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852, A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Mtes,Frunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch Bening, Coca Nuts, &e., wholesale and re tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1352. FLOUR. 100 Barrels groom' out of White Wheat, ex pressly for family use, for sale at the Store of 6 hi°. tIIVIN. Feb. 12, 1852. Abeautiful asAortment of Veils,Linen Ild'fs, Collars, Cuff:, Bonnet Borters and Artili cials—wlso, hid, Silk, Lyle Mead And Cotton Gloves, and every other article necessary to please he taste of the ladles, km sale by April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON. best nssortmene of Summer Goods for Childrens wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton, just arrived and for sale by J. & IV. SAXTON, 400 1 , I (. 7 3. ° s t: t r . ° i t iv l Carpet J Clizo l c, i. tig(l . l ( l s n . ine . . A great variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Boots 11 and Shoes, the hest assortment in town, for sale by J. & W. S'AX'ON. 500 Webs assorted Prints, just arrived and for We by J. W. SAXTON. IC7Q KAlt Vr, and other Wedding Rings, at 1 Snare' 's. • April 15, 1852. Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or retail, at J. Brieker's Store. alp. 22,'5.'. AgAtiouANY uud Walnut Veucars, for sale 1,1 at the new store of BRICKER LENNEY. H.1.11S SHOULDERS Fors:du at GEO. (MIN'S Store. G 01.1) and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at E. Snare's. April 15,1852. vr A merican manufactured Pen Knives and Ba zars, all warranted, for sale by J. & W. Saxton. April 15, 1852. ______ LAST NOTICE. LL persons knowing themselves indebted to Wl5O Seeks O A Salt, in store, and fur sale ! at 51,70 per such, by .1. is IV. Saxton. 1 i i . the late Min of Those,* 6- . laitttire will please . call and have their several ateconnts satislitetorily • - ----- - - .5 Barrels 11,1111 i 0 half barrels of fresh Ro. 1 litirrittg, for sale by .1. & IV. Saxton. I adjusted, without regord to persons. By attend ' Mg to this notice will save further trouble and 6VI 20 Barrels or ntekerel and Shad for sale e smell,. JA.NIES MAGUIRE. by J. & IV. Saxton. . Hutingdon, Feb. 12, 1851: __ ------ 7 _-- --- 0 — Lead Pipe 1 inc!,. q Jul' uttd li inch, for 111SII, Tar, Oils, Lead, Ulue,'l'artten tine, Glass, sale by J. &W. :Saxton. 1 Putty, Paints, 'robaeeo, Cigars, ii-c., whole 3. sale and retail, at the cheap store of cir Oil, fai n t, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro- i April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER sin, ritelt, Oakum, Ropes, &c., for sale by J. & I -- ___ W. Saxton. W. SAXTON have jtist received a splendid lot of Mole Skin Hats,Kossuth Huts, 4T' 000 yds. flag and Liston Carpet, just to Panama and Straw Hats, also Caps, Chi',kens curved, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton. Gipseytt,:lehtts'and Hats. April 22, 'O2. 65' 600 yds. Ingrain Carpet for salt by J. & 1 PCIFFEE, Sugar, Mee, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger, W Saxton. I vv Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac ----- • co, Cigars, soon; &o. &c., for sale at the new 20 . 0 Bushels Bock Salt thr sale, at 42 els.; store of J BRICKE It. per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton. - - - cr Ladies' Bonnets of the latest styles just ti Brass Marone and Fancy Clocks forsale arrived, also Childrens' and Misses' Bonnets and by J. & W. Saxton. i Hats, forsale at the store of axo. Gww. VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. PREPARED BY BREINIG, FROJV'EFIELD & Co. The FA ItJII.NS, HORSEMEN and DAIRY ON E :not M.L speak in the highest terms of BREI N RONEPIELD & CO'S CELEBRATED CATTLE Powniat and well they mity, for in the last hundred years no discovery has.been made equal'in all respects to theirs. It is not only of individual 1,1 it must in time become a great national benefit; in the aggregate it will add at least one Million of Dollars annually to the produce of the Country in the incite:it of, BUTTER and FAT lions the same amount of food, beside the mny, VERY MANY lives of valuable animals which it will save 11 restoring theirs to health. The PHOPRIETOES of this powder have investi gated this subject for years. during a lung resi dence in the Country. By closely analysing all the ditlerent secretions of animals, at Au. TIMES and SEASONS, they are ut last amply rewarded by their wonderful discovery, Since they have prepares! limn t owutat ~,,, the Farmers all over the Country liit and widki are using it and praising it up to the skies; some other persons have got up 0 powder in the same kind or packages and are palming it off off the 'lilies caution therefore all persons agalfist suers impositions, and advise them to boy NoN . E, NOT A . POUNI, without it has the written :Signature of BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & Co., on the end of the l'ack. The proprietors are able and prac tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all the laws which control the health and nutrition of animals. N. B. Do not be imposed upon and allow your Annuals to die or linger with disease because you have led the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa ture of FRoA'Erwid) t s• co. is on the end of each pack of tile genuine Article: For Sale liv TllO. REED ti()N, Bunt. 'May 27, 185 . 2. - Executor's Notice.- Estate of MATHIAS MILL ,It, late of Cass tow, ship, deceased. Letters Testamentary on the shove estate hay ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them dilly ant heat ica ted for settlement. A. MY May 27,'52.-6t. Executor. WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY STORE. :itVl' Z DT J.I2A 4 Ed mund Snare informs the public that he has removed his store to the corner formerly occupied by Janes T. Scott, where he lots on Land, decidedly the LAIIGFST, CHEAI4ST end MOOT TASTEFUL stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS Rat JEWELRY, &c., ever brought to Huntingdon, which he can sell at MUCH . LOWER RATES than for tnerly. Persons wishing articles in his lino can be mily suited infaCeount of the largely iner6tv ed fmantitY dial variety of his stock. Repairing done in short notice and war ranted. Huntingdon, May 25, 1852. BEAUTY ! BEAUTY!' BOOTS' AND SHOES. Editor : If any of your readers want their feet both lteautified and protected let me refer them to the elegant assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Sze., kept by Cll.l n/./.'s S. 111:..1 CA', Esq., opposite T. K. SnOonton's l)rug Shine in Huntingdon. Ile bus on hand ev ery variety in his line oh' business. Mon, Ladies and Children ran all be supplied et this establish ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. auld sue. • .. , A SUDSCRITIER, Ilnetiegdoe, April 15, 1852. BROAD TOP DEPOT. Hello, Old /loss! Where ore you comity to? Stand from tinder, keep ynnr seats, gentlemen, you shout be lairt—l merely wish to say to all the world and the rest of innlMllsl that I have at the 131•oad Top Depot 11.1 . the Juniata Bridge, and will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, Ilyou don't believe me come and see. A. S. HARRISON. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852; DR. R, A. MILLER, DENTIST. Artifieial Teeth, from one to rt full crt , mounted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Filing and (Nailing dime with care and netness. 7',•el/i Krim:led with ell the case and despatch that modern science can tarnish. N. B. 4%. lihernl deduction made on the price of work done tier persona coining from a distance, to defray travelling expenses, &t. linutinplon, March 25, 1852. • MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABILhM LEWIS respectfully informs his friends awl the travelling publk, that he has taken the shove house at AlouNT UNION, Huntingdon County, and assures all those who !pay favor Idly with their custom, that no pains will he spared to render satisfaction. Baggage taken to and from the hail Road stwion , and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milhwood Acad emy, Shirlcyslnirg, Mount Union, April 9.2, IBsg. ifiLI{O:SD HOTEL, ih*NTIN,DON, The subscriber, having htken the large four sto ry brick I Intel, formerly the "'Washington," kept by Alt, 'Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same tbr public ttecommodation. This Hotel is situated within a few yards of the Railroad statism, and is one of the most eligible is the place. The sta bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.— Every attention will be given by the proprietor to promote the.comlbrt or guests. GRAFFIUS MI I. LEit. _ . C i EAPER Thau Ever! NEW ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMNER GOODS; George • rally s informe. his old customers and the, /midi', generally Chill lie has just received a splen dida Goods fur §1.111NI; AND SUM WEAR. Illa 4001 4 J/tent of, Ladies'• and Gentlemen's I liens Goods are all ()NMc latest stylo nod best (panties, and will be sold at very reason. abl e prices. Ako, DRY GOODS OF ALT; I T .V.'711".1 11 L . , 11.11 s, nurl t'.ll':.• , ;/-I.",'S WARE, 11(U)1s om/ ~ / /0/:.•i, II .1 RD WA RE . . The public generally nrL ittrited to call and cx aniline we sioc•k NE\V G'IOJ)S. .‘ll hinds i , l ....try product; to en in exchange . for Goods. April 22, 1852. ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. • J. a• W. S..I.VTON to that: :friends and the public gee- orally that they have . just received a large laid beautiful assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS eonsrsting of every variety of Ladies' and (kn. demmis' DRESS GOODS, and,.l)RX 0001)5 of all kinds. Every desirable article for Ltidies', Genilemens', Nlisses', Boys' and Cbildrens' wear can be bad at one store. Also, flTh WEll fES, HATS & CAPS„ HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOE:, NsWAit E & GLASSWARE, &C.,' all of which at very moderate prices. Thu I ,idia are invited to call and examine out new st ,, ck. J. & W. SAXTON. April 29, 1852. GRAND OPENING oP , • Spring and Sonither ClOthing AT THE TATE% ROM CLOTH: ma STORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from the mist with a large and splendid assortment of Spring and' Summer Clothing for men and boys, Mink in the latest fashion and in the most durable n unn Who ever wants to be dressed better :Ind cheaper than any body else in town, let him call at Willoughby's cloth ing store, 011 c door Wet of Thos. Reed & Son,. drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see or yourselves. May 6, 1852. CIROICE LIQUORS for medicinal purpo ses, eciisiSting of Best qualityl7tEN( // BI1:IND17,. (.' /3/1.4N/1 Y, " " // ,, L G/ N, ". 1 .11 - INI4 . 4,4 , LIS/10.\ - S'UPE,/1101 In short, all kinds.of Liquorsitsed ,roe that pn, pose can be had at the cheap store 01 April 22, 1852. • J. BRICKER. J. S. GRIFFITH, ID. D., Gradnine 6f the University of Pa., offers his 'prof6sititiiil service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. llmrsitmccEs:—Medical Faculty of University , of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hotlinan. Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr. lotrartn. . - Muy 6, 1852. A. W. BENEDICT, lITTORNEY Informs his old friends and the public that he has retarded to his old'home, and will attend to all husin6ss in his prolusion, entrusted to him, with fidelity arid his best ability. Office in Meiji *Sihet, - Equal' side, the last houSe below the Court hotnic 7 ... Huntingdon, May 13, 1832.-6rii;:. SPRING STOCK. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c. Consisting of a large assortment of Mon's Calf, Goat and Grained Booth Congress Boots, Napo leons, Brogans, Slippers, &c., Womens and Miss es fine and coarse pegged Slippers, Buskins, Lace Boots, Jenny Lind's, &., Boys Youths and Chit- drons work in great variety. An assortment of choice Groceries, Brown Su gars; host at 7 a 8 O. per lb., Cofleo, Chocolate, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, &c., &e., at the cheap store of J. BRICK R. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852. FRANKLIN- ITOUSk tt Uel 1 1 1. 1 rGi . DO.N , CHRISTIAN COUllig C. co urs informs his friends and the public trenerally, that he has removed to his old stand, (lbr many years occupied by Patrick G win, dee'd,) which he has leased for a number of years, and where lie is prepared to accommodate In the most condbrtable scanner all who may favor him with a Call. Huntingdon, Pa., April 8, 1852.-311.1. LEWISTOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting don county, that they still continue the manufite taring of till kinds of Earthenware of the most su perior quality and at prices to snit the times.— They will Make a trip by Canal, in the mouth o( ay when they will he able to supply all who may faror them with their patronage. Merchants may rely on getting an article that mutant fail to please their customers, mai such as will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ed to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO, Lewistown, Pa. April 1, 1852.-01 11. IV. SNIT H. DENTIST, IFIXTINGDOX, P✓l (Office opposite Coats' Hotel, Market at.) Adams & Co.'s .Express. T. K. SINIONTON, Agent, Ijudtingdon - . Money, Package:4 and the atilt .kinds, re= coined and forwardedat the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the. United States. dec. It, '5ll. rpflE lntebt Novels,t t Ed. Snare's Jewelry 1 Store. April 15, 1852. • CJ.I)CKS front $2 to $lO, warranted, at Et. Suare's April 15, 1852.