THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA. Thursday Morning, July 15, 1552. BY - S 7 riViART & HALL FOR PRESIDENT, WINFIaD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY FOR VICE PRESIDENT, AVM.- A. GRAHAM OF NORTII CAOLIN A . WHIG} ELECTORAL TICKET, GENERAL ELCTORS, A. E. BROWN, J. POLLOCK, S. A. PURVIANCK DISTRICTS. 13.—Ater Middleswarth, 14.—Jas. H. Camphel. 15.—Jas. I). Paxton. 16.—Jas. K. Davidson. 17.—Dr. J. McCulloch, 18.—Ralph Drake. O.—John Linton. 20.—Arch. Robertson. :I I.—Thos. J. Bighorn. 22.—Lovis L. Lord. 23.—C. Meyers. 24.—D. Phelps. DISTRICTS 1.-Wm. F. Hughes. 2.-James Traquair. 3.-John W. Stokes. 4.-John P. Verree. 5.-s. Meilvaine. 6.-Jas. W. Fuller. 7.-.Jas. Penrose, 8.-John Shaeffer. 9..Jneob Marshall. 10.-Chas. P. Waller. 11.-Davis Alton. 12.-M. C. Mercur. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, JACOB HOFFMAN, OF BERKS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, JOS. BUFFINGTON, OF ARMSTRONG. Whig Country Convention. The Whigs of the several townships and boroughs in the county of Huntingdon are requested to meet at the usual time and place of holding delegate meetings on Sat urday the 7th day of August next, to elect two persons (in each township and bor ough) to serve as delegates in the Whig county Convention to be held in Hunting don on Tuesday the 10th of August next at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of nominating a county ticket and doing such other business as the interest of the party may require. J. S. STEWART, Chairman, July 15, 1752. HONOR TO THE BRAVE Journal for the Campaign: PATRIOTS nu.ii): Believing that hundreds of patriotic in dividuals, in this county, who are generally averse to mixing in the din of party politics, are, nevertheless, at this time, anxious to learn more of the public and private histo ry of the peoples' favorite, Gen. - WINFIELD BCOTT—to familiarize themselves more fully with all the interesting, soul-stirring incidents in the life and character of the great hero-statesman—the most renowned military leader in the world, and scarcely less distinguished for the sagacity and suc cess. of his civil diplomacy—we propose to devote a largo portion of the "Journal" to remiopsconces of his life and aotions, both as the• leader of our armies and the agent of our government—all drawn from authen tic history, public documents, and other reliable sources—and to furnish our paper to now subscribers from this time till the first of December, at the following low rates, viz : Single Copy, paid in advance ; 7 Copies to one address,• • • • Friends, send in your orders. Spread the light of truth broad-cast over the county, by placing the "Journal" in the bands of every unprejudiced voter, and we promise glorious results on the second Tuesday of November. Circulate the doe utuents and the response at the ballot-box will be at least ONE THOUSAND major ity in this county for "Old Chippewa."— Any pecuniary profit we may derive from this enterprise will La appropriated to part payment of a now press, and the enlarge ment of our paper. 117" We have been unable to discover the drift of the leading editorial article in the last Gobc. If the editor wrote it, wo can not see what business he has to complain of the doings of whigs with whigs. lle appears to bc•in.deep sorrow that Whigs are rinarrelling—speaks in the language of sniffling complaint. The editor generally trios to say something when he talks, and we therefore respectfully decline consider ing him the author of the article in (Luca tl,n, for it possesses the characteristios of A wind sucker,--it contains.a good deal :pore wind than feed. Soo Now Advertisements on second page. DEATH OF WH. H. PEIGHTAL. This gentleman died at his residence in this borough on Monday afternoon of the 12th July inst., after a lo'ng and linger- 1 ing illness. He has been laboring under Consumptive symptenv3, at intervals more , or less violent, for many years. Finally death has come, to relieve us noble a spir it as ever animated a human body, of its feeble and earthly incumbrance. Ile was a man of decided natural abilities, with great industry and energy of character, and in the social circle universally beloved. Ile leaves a widow to mourn the loss of a • kind husband, and a very large circle of friends who will be slow to forget the rare treasures of a heart which overflowed with social affection, beneficence and generosity. He was engaged during the greater part of his life in mercantile pursuits, until Apirl 1851, when he took charge of this paper as its editor and publisher. At the end of four months, ill heath compelled him to close his editorial career. He was pus , sessed of a goodly share of that spirit which can "lift mortals to the skies," and health was only wanting for the full devel • opement of one of nature's rarest men. 'lt There is a contemptible little co terie of Whig politicans in this neighbor hood, who have for their motto nothing but "the loaves and fishes," and who are continually grasping for the spoils of of fice.—Globe. The "spoils" of what office? You dont mean any of the offices connected with the Court House! OFF. Thankful to those, who have spoken fa vorably of us, we decline being considered further a candidate for a congressonal nomination. The Ledger. The Philadelphia Ledger, an able aid of the Locofoco party, thus sensibly dis courses on the subject of presidential qual ifications, and honorably connects General Scott with its remarks : "We want a man of allergy, of the 'Old Hickory' stamp, accustomed to prompt ac tion and prompt obedience, who would not . stand trembling with his hands in his pock- I ets, for fear of offending the South or the North, the East or the West, while traitors were threatening "Dissolution of the Uni on," and highwaymen and cut throats were fitting out piratical expeditions. We want a President who would not trifle with or wink at suck crimes, but would promptly proceed, with the whole of his authority, against the first unlawful act and hang the rascals "under the second section," if he could not reach them under the jint.— Generals,“militury chieftains," men not used to trifling, but used to . prompt obe dience and prompt punishment of diso bedience, are the men for the present time; and we shall certainly have such a man in General SCOTT." Such a compliment is deserving the se rious attention of the thousands who read the Ledger. Judge Butlingtou• The Jefferson Star, • which has already rendered respectable service in the Whig ranks, and is rapidly increasing in zeal and improving in ability—thus speaks of the nomination of Mr. Buffington : It will be observed with great joy that the Hon. Joseph Buffington of Kittanning, Armstrong county, has been nominated by the Whig State Convention, as a candi date for the Supreme Bench, to fill the place of the Hon. Richard Coulter, dec'd. A better nomination could not have been made by the Convention. It will be received with great satisfaction in every portion of State, but especially in those counties in which he has presided as Pre sident Judge. As an agreeable man in the social walks of life be has no superior. As a lawyer of excellent legal attainments, he enjoys the confidence of the citizens of several of the adjoining counties in which he practised law. As a jurist he is highly esteemed in this Judicial District where he presided with superior ability fur two years. _ _ . Ile was elected twice to Congress in a strong Democratic district, which speaks in a manner much in his favor. It goes to show the high estimation in which he was held by the people with whom he was ,acquainted. He has since served with ability and success as President Judge, and is among the very best in the State. We shall give him a cordial and hearty support, not, however because he is a Whig, but be cause he is a man eminently qualified for the pioper discharge of the duties of the station. it. 7 A Hunker Loeo, iu an electioneer ing speech, took a walnut on the stand.— He told his hearers that the shell was tasteless and valueless—that was the Whig party. The skin was nauseous, caustic, disagreeable— that was the Free soil party. He then said he would show them the "Democratic" (Hunker; party. He cracked the nut and found it—rotten. rrTliere is always wore error in hatred than in love. COMMUNICATIONS. For the 'Journal.' Mr. Editor: -Thinking that there may be a slight difference of opinion among a few Whigs as to the mode by which, and the lime when, the present Congressional Conferees •were appointed, I would sug- I gest that either their appointment by the county meeting held during April Court, be confirmed by the August Convention, or others appointed in their stead. I, being one of those conferees, hare no desire to assume any responsibility whatever, which is not entirely in accordance with the wish es of my constituents. Indeed I never had a desire under any circumstances to act as a Conferee. . . The causes which induced the appoint ment of the present ones have passed away, and hence I presume it is immaterial whether they are continued or others appointed in • their stead. The circumstance of their appointment is simply this: It was thought I r and generally believed there would be no change in the CongreSsional Districts, and was considered necessary by many Whigs, the old district being large and close 4 1 point of opposing numbers, that Conferees should be appointed in order to give Hun tingdon county an opportunity to exert herself, as far as her authority extended, in securing the nomination of a good man as early as practicable, so .that, he could do something for himself and his party be fore the election. This I am confident, from all I can learn, was the sole objeat of their appointment at that time. And I was then and still ani, of the opinion that the nominee, even in the new District, should be put iu the field early, especially in a Presidential campaign. I believe it, lvotild be to the interest and prosperity of the party. As to the validity of their ap pointment I liave but little to say, nor do 1 presume is it a matter of great moment to any one, except perhaps to those who are candidates. Custom, however, makes the appointment of Coogrsesional Code reel; valid only when done by a Convention of delegates regularly called by the Coun ty Committee, and for this reason, we pre fer submitting the mutter to the action of the August Convention. For other purpo ses conferees can be appointed as has been the case in Senatorial, Judicial, and other nominations. If the present Conferees had gone to Conference under their existing appointment, I am confident we would all have endeavored to faithfully discharge our•duty as representatives and as Whigs. None of us, so far as my knowledge ex tends, have any enemies among all the candidates whom we would have wished to punish; nor have we any friends among them whom we would have had a desire to reward. Politically, we are not individu ally under any obligations to any man who is a candidate either in this county or in the district. We would all have labored for the nomination of a good man from our own county, but if we would have failed, no charge could have been laid to us fur want of fidelity to local interest or local claims. I know this was the determination of eve ry Conferee. We would have acted, so I far as our judgment could have guided us, with a special reference to the claims of our own county and the prosperity of the party. lam deeply sensible of the truth that our county is entitled to the Congres sional nominee this fall, and I hope the other counties will concede the justice of her claims and act accordingly. I have considered it necessary to say what 1 have in order to let the Whigs know where .1 stand in relation to the mat ter. S. L. GLASGOW. "Chippewa Club." This zealous host of ardent and devoted friends of Scott and Graham, pursuant to public notice by President Campbell, as sembled at Alex. Cannon's on Saturday evening, the 10th inst., for the purpose of perfecting its organization by the appoint snout of Committees and the formation of a "Scott Glee Club"; but the enthusiasm for the old Hero being so very strong, the whole .evening was spent in proclaiming from the "store box" the mighty achieve ments he performed both in the military i and civil departments of life, without the, appointment of any committees or the for 'nation of a 'Glee Club. Such is the in tense excitement here in favor of that re nowned patriot—that illustrious sage!-- Messrs. Stewart, Williamson, Swoop, and Glasgow made speeches. On motion of J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., the Club adjourned to meet again on Sat urday evening, the 24th inst., to celebrate the anniversary of the memorable battle of Lundy's Lane, which was fought on the 25th of July 1814, but the 25th being Sunday, this season, the Club will cele brate the 24th. On that evening there will be grand display—let the friends of Scott living in the country come in and participate with us. We shall have abun dance of excellent "hasty soup," very probably make a "fuss" and the "feath ers" fly. S. L. GLASGOW, See. immence Ratification Meeting was held at Lancaster, the other day. The "Old Guard," will roll up about six thos and majority for Scott and Graham next November. Locos, "do you hear that?" TY - Gen. Scott won five battles in one day; Gen. Pierce fell from his horse four times in two days. llurra for Pierce! GENER t riELD SCOTT. Military Men the favorites of the People In nearly every country both in ancient and modern times, history and observation inform us that military men have possess ed the confidence of the masses of the peo ple. This confidence has been created by the fact that they have established the in dependence of their country, extended its • territory, elevated its character or vindi -1 eated its liberties. Hence military men have enjoyed the admiration, confidence and love of the people, because generally notwithstandiug some faults and vices they are the enibodiments of the sentiment of patriotism. • Tethis rule the history of our own country forms no exception. Af ter the close of the war of the Revolution land the formation of our National Consti tution, the first person whom the people I f selected as their Chief Magistrate was a soldier—General George Washington.— His education was a limited one, and he was a soldier trained to arms, first in the French and Indian Wars, and afterwards in the war of the Revolution. There were great, good, illustrious statesmen from among whom the people could have chosen an excellent President. There was the resplendent galaxy of Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton, and other eminent ora tors, writers, lawyers and politicians of the Revolution. It was the most important period that ever occurred in the history of mankind for the people. The government was new. A theory of government, which hail been 'considered utopian and visionary, was about to be reduced to practice. The people at this important time, passed by the statesmen and politicians of the Revo lution and selected for their ruler the sold ier, whose prudent skill, and steady valor hall baffled and vanquished the armies of Great Britain, and established a separate nationality. The event justified the wis dom of the people, for the administration of General George Washington is yet con sidered our best and wisest administration, and both Europe and America have show ered civic garlands upon the first soldier of the great Republic. After the close of the Revolution a period of peace elapsed until 1812. This war of 'l2 roused into ac tion the military talents of a number of previously obscure citizens. Eminent a mong the successful soldiers of the last war with Great Britian were Generals,' Jackson, Harrison and Scott. As a re ward for his military services—that patri otism which bad been displayed on many a' battle-field—the people, without distinc- ' tion cf party, elected General Jackson President. The domestic policy of Goner-. al Jackson was warmly opposed by many distinguished and if,ny good men, and there exists a wide difference of opinion in regard to it; but there is no doubt that General .1 ackson like Cromwell elevated the character of his country abroad and Maintained and preserved our glorious Union. It has been remarked by General }faddy Thompson, a political opponent of General Jackson that "an American in a foreign country must be destitute of patri otism, who does not feel his bosom glow'' with natural pride on hearing the name of General Andrew Jackson." As a reward for his military services, the people with out distinction of party elected General Harrison, President. He died before his policy had been made known to the coun try; but it may be safely presumed that the administration of General Harrison would have been safe, pure patriotic, and have elevated the reputation alike of him self and of his country. On account of his brilliant services du ring the Mexican War, the people witont distinction of party elected General Tay lor, President. General Taylor—died be fore the policy of his administration was fully developed and established; but _had ho lived in all probability, the judgment of the people 1852 would have justified his .official conduct, by a triumphant re-elec tion. Politicians murmured and assailed Lim, but General Taylor was as strongly fixed in the hearts of the masses on the day of his death as he was on the day of 'ifs election. • On account of his military services du ring the late war with Great Britian and the war with Mexico, THE PEOPLE WITHOUT DISTINCTION of PARTY INTEND TO ELECT GENERAL WIN FIELD SCOTT PRESIDENT. And unless the mysterious providence of God should remove him as it did Harrison and Taylor, the patriot may fervently hope that the adinistration of Winfield Scott will restore the republican simplioty, purity and honor of the administration of George Washinton! 31ustc.—The gallant young Whigs of Huntingdon met last night, organized a "Glee Club," sang some spirit-stirring songs, and adjourned till next Thursday evening r We have received the 'Bombshell,' a Campaign paper published in llarrisburg, by Thco. Penn & Co., and devoted to the cause of Scott and Graham. Tt is a spirit ed sheet, and will do good service in the Muse. We hive also received the 'Signal,' a Whig Campaign paper, published in Washington City. It is in quarto form and consists of sixteen pages and will em brace the whole history of the campaign, on both sides. Price 50 cents, until after the election. A Tribute fr the Enemy. • The Now York Evening Post, a Demo cratic papi - tr, holds this language in relation to the Whig standm'd bearer : “The name of Cleneral Scott is fa miliar to the country, not as a politician or a statesman, perhaps, but as a military leader. There is but one man living who enjoys as enviable a military fame, if such fame hi ever to be envied, and there is no American soldier perhaps, save Washing ton, who has a more durable place in the history of our country. Before he was thirty years of age he had earned imperish able honors on our north-western frontier. Through the meridian of his life he was steadily adding to their number ' and within the last decade, has crowned his military fame with a series of the most memorable victories recorded in history. Achievements like these - are hot the re sult of accident, nor the fruit of common place minds; neither are they regarded as such by the American people. There is no true American who is- not proud of them; no one who would not, if necessary, become the personal champion of their author's greatness, wherever and whenever such championship should be needed." Going it blind! Jones' Vincennes Sentinel has the fol lowing. It is rather rich : "General John A. Pierce of New Hampshire is the unanimous nominee of Convention. A better nomination it is not possible to have made." . . _ This shows the metal of some of the Lo cofoco leaders. When the telegraph an nounced that Pierce of New Hampshire was the nominee, the Sentinel ought to have known enough of him not to put him down "John A;" and when Jones compli mented said "John A." as no such man exists, it shows how much regard he has for his word. We do not think many eth er editors will be caught in just such a fix. We hope Mr. Jones will stick to his John .4., and let Franklin make his own way towards the White House, without any aid from the Vincennes Sentinel.— Terre Haute (Ind.,) Express. Fearful Famine in Germany. We have before had some accounts of a famine prevailing in some parts of Germany. By the Atlantic further advices have been received. A letter in the London Times says:—“Poor Southern and Central Germ any, still suffering from the recent politi cal convulsions, has now in adbion, been visited by disease and famine." The pla ces alluded to in the letter are Wurtem berg in Bavaria, Grand Dutehy of Baden, Nassau, and the north-east part of the Put chy of Hesse, of which the writer says : "In these localities whole villages are being deserted for want of food: their un fortunate inhabitants, who in times of com parative prosperity eke out but a scanty and miserable existence, have been wanting their staple food—potatoes. In other pla ces trade is standing still. Of 18,000 looms, in a single province in Bavaria, al most exclusively inhabited by weavers, not half are at full work. The people are de prived alike bf the productions of nature and the fruits of industry; and, to consum mate wretchedness, and despair, and an ex-! trent° dearth of provisions, whole herds of cattle and sheep are killed by a rapidly spreading disease. All feelings of human nature begin to be more and more pervert ed and convulsed. Tho most loathsome food, meat infested with murrain, is eaget ly sought after; and in some instances dogs have been slaughtered and ravenously de voured by a famishing population. In one case, in Wurtemberg, a dog buried for some days was dug up, and what will scarcely appear erodible, the flesh in its advanced state of decomposition has been actually made use of as food." This, the writer says, explains the reason why Germans, in vast numbers are literal ly besieging every port available for emi gration. Hunger knows no patriotism, and sauve qni peat is the anxious cry repeated from village to village by hundreds and thousands, and is driving them to search for a home in foreign and distant countries. MARRIED. On Thursday Ist inst., by Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. W3l. JOHNSTON tolB CATII ARINE ISENBERO, both of Spruce Creek. In Huntingdon, on the 4th of July, by Rev, J. B. Williams ' Mr. Cr. P. Mattern to Miss ANomANE M.CONRAD, of Franklin township, Hunt. co., Pa. DIED, , .„„.. On the 26th of June, in West township, Mr. DAVID COUCH, aged 50 years. He was an industrious and useful citizen and a devoted Christian, leaving behind him an example worthy of imitation. "Away frosts a world of distress, Away to the mansionv above; The heaven of seeing thy face, The heaven of feeling thy love." J. B. W. In this borough, on Wednesday, July 7th, JOSEPH S., son of David and Marga ret Black, aged 14 years, 6 months and 11 days. CASSVILLE SENINAKV, The third iustalment of two dollars tout fifty cents, per share of the Capital Stock of the Cass. ville Seminary, is required to be paid to the un dersigned, on or before the Ist day of August next, and the remaininginstalments to be paid on the first duy of each month thereafter, until all is paid DAVID CLARKSON, Cassville, July 15,'53.=3,t. Treas. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Him tingdon ' and that the said accounts will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at nn Or phans' Court, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for said county of lluntingdon, on Wednesday the Ilth day of August, to wit : I. Wm. M'Nite, administrator of the Estate of John Z dell, late of the borou g h of Shirleysburg, dee'd. Daniel Grazier and Henry Kreider, admin istrators of the estate of Michael Grittier, late of Warriorsmark township, dec'd. s. William J. Matters, executor• 01 the last will and testament of Jacob Mitten] ; Sr., lute of Franklin township, deed. 4. David Barket, administrator of the estate of Join Smith, late of Cromwell township, deed. 5. Washington Reynolds, executor of the last will stud testament of Thompson Berdge, late of Franklin township, deed:. 6. Robert Campbell, lisq., surviving executor of the last will and testament of Wtn. . F Jamison, late of Dublin township, deed. 7. Abraham States,.lisq., and Jacob Showalter, administrators with the will annexed of Peter Showalter, late of Penn township, deed. S. Isaac Conk and George W. M'Lain, admiti istrators of the estate of James M'Lain, late of Tod township, doc'd. is. John Porter, Esq., trustee to sell thereat estate of Michacl Wallace, late of Morris town ship, dee'd. 10. Julie G. Fleck, Esq., administrator de bo nis non of the estate of Samuel D. Miller, late of Warriorsmark township, deed. 11. Livingston Robb, surviving executor of the last will and testament of William Robb, late of Walker township, deed. 12, Daniel Piper, one of the executors of the last will and testament of Jacob G. lluyctt, late of Porter township, dee'd. 13. David Ilurket, guardian of the minor chil‘ dren of Samuel N. Wharton, late of Cromwell township, dee'd. 14. William Dorris, guardian of Henry P, Dorsey, minor son of Henry P. Dorsey, &Oil. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register Register's Office, Huntingdon, July 10, 1852. LIST OF LETTERS. 1p emitting in the Post Office at Huntingden, -IA for the quarter ending June 30, 1852. A.—Aupperly George, Alcorn Wm. Esq., Alexander Randal, Ausbaell Alias Amelia. B.—Barnet Nathan, Bruck .J. George, Brenc man Jacob, Bender Henry, Hoax Jonas, Bol inger Michael, Barns Henry, W. Beatty Mrs. Mary, Bartlett 'l'. C.—Chambers W. P.. Clair Jno., Charlton Dbetor, Cotti•oth Randolf, Clayton Mrs. Mar• tha, Collins Michael, Cushman Gorge, 11. 2. D.—Dopp Mary, Dopp Nancy, Day Rev, H. Dunbar Samuel, Donovan Denis, Dean Samuel, Decker Henry. E.—Eyster D. A. S. Esq.. Ettinger S. Instep Jacob, Esq. G.—Gatler Conrad, Gannor Philip, .1. Gemie Benjamin, Gephart David, Gibson Miss Eliza Jane, Gilhtm James, Goodman Isaac. 11.-11artman & Smith, Henderson David, Hallenslden E. Esq., Holiday Julia, Height Henry. J.—Johnston Mrs. Jane, Jones DaAid, 2. K.—Kern Philip, Kee Magnus, Kenned}• James. L.—Lewis Mrs. Catharin, Lyon Win. M.—Malmn Mrs. Muhlan, Marabec Susan, Mollison Ephraim, Magnierton Win. Miller Miss M. A. a. Morrison John, Morgan Wm. Minnick Miss Marc, McCann Alick, McDniwell & Co. P.—Parker Miss Margret, reichtell Emaninl. R.—Roliart Miss Anna, Rupert Soloman, Ro knil George. S.—Stryker Muster Wm. M. Sturtzman Stewart Miss Margret, Sanky Thomas, Stoweart Hobert, Stewart Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Re becca, Sipe A J. Stewart James, Sunnilen Mk, Jane, Stewart 'John, Steel Jno. Spratt W. Stryker Win. W. Swoop° Henry J. Steel .Jno. B. Sillily John. T.—Tarr Levin S. Thompson Wm. A. Tay lor li. Thompson William or Ephriani, Thomas Jim 11. W.—Wilson Mrs. Eliza A. Williams David, Walter Mary Ana, Wilson J. F. Wittich Clllllllll, Williams Wm. 2, White. George, Watson David, Walker Barbra, Walker Bev. John, Woodward Boswell White T. Warne Samuel, White George, Westbrook Levi E. WIIISII Rev. T. F. Whitaker John A. Worthing ton Joshua. I'. C. SWOOPE, P• M July 15, 1852. . _ Shirleysburg Female Seminary. The Stockholders in the above Institution will please take notice, that the fourth and last quar terly instalment, will become due on the first day of August next. Pay to Benjamin Long 'Frees met., who is duly authorised to receive and re ceipt for the same. ItHEIVSTER, Prest WILLIANT B. 1.1,5, Seely. Shirlepbtirg July 15, 183.-3, • New Stock of Summer Clothing, FUR MEN .I ND 1.10 Vests from 50ets to $5; Pants front 75cts to $3,50; Coats front $1 to sl3—just received .nnd tot sole et 5.131 t LETS STORE. Highest Price in CASH for Wheat, Paid at the Store of SIMON LEVI, ,_. A Fine Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MGSLIN,S, &e., at only 15 per cent. profit, for sale at the cheap store of SIMON I.lnrl. FRESH GROCERIES— Just received at the cheap Store of SIMON LEVI MACKEREL & MERRING•••• For sato at LEVI'S Store Boots, Shoes, Hats, 61,c., For solo at LEVI'S cheap corner store. C4RPETING & C ,IRPET 114 GS, Received and for sale at LEVI'S Store. IALT BY THE SACK, For solo at SIMON LEVI'S. CAUTION ! Whereas my Wife, CATHARINE, has left my bed and hoard without any just cause or provoca tion, I hereby caution all and every person, and the public in general, against harboring or trust ing her on my account in any way, manner or consideration, as 1 am determined to pay no debt or debts of her contracting, nor of any other acting for her. MICHAEL SECHEIST. Hill Valley, Runt. co., July 8,'52. MBE cheapest and best Cloths in town for solo by J. & W. SAXTON. excellent variety of fine Pea Knives, at E• Snare's. April 1 5 , 5852.