Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 08, 1852, Image 3

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    From the. Washington Telegraph,
Scott, Who oft to Victory Led I
AlR—"Scots whit laic wi" ll'a!lace bled."
Scott, who for his country bled,
Scott, who ne'er from duty fled,
Scott, who oft to victory led,
He shall still out. chieftain be!
Trust to him in danger's hour;
Should the scheme of traitors lour,
He will baffle all their power—
Speed our glorious destiny.
Scott, who for his country bled, &c.
Who would not reward the brave?
Forth! your country's credit save—
Honor hint who honor gave—
Ou with Scott to victory !
Scott, who for his country bled, &e.
From the fame of Chippewa,
Queenstown Heights, Niagara,
Old Fort George, and Florida,
"See the Conquering hero cortres I"
Scott, who for his country bled, &c.
fay the fields of Mexico;
Covered with our country's fort,
He itit'fi scattered, or laid low :
04 With Scott to victory !
Scott, who f6i. his country bled,
&ott, who' iteei &wit duty fled,
Scott, Who oft tuvietory led,
He shall dill our chieftain he !
WANIIINGTON, June 8, 1852.
Campaign Song.
Tust:—"Pienyune Butler."
Say, have you heard the swelling sound
mat rushes from our northern bonsai
It's mighty peal fills every blast
The Locofocos stard aghast.
The Chippewa Ball is a rolling anti a rolling
Anil the Chippewa BaU is a rolling on
Harm, Hurra, Hurra, Barra, Hum,
The Chippewa Ball is a rolling and a rolling
And the Chippewa Bull is a rolling on.
Fort George's standard breaks to smash
Beneath 01,1 Winficld's sturdy slash
And England's flag now drapes the ground
Where it so lately fiap'd around.
The Chippewa Ball is a rolling, &c
Niagara's tide candot outroar
Thu bursting thunders on her shore
By cannon's flush, the shining blade
Of Lundy's hero is displayed.
The Chippewa Ball is a roiling, &c.,
ills lofty plume is bathed in light
That dances iu the awful fight
lie's iu a fuss with conquering eye
And makes the British feathers
The Chippewa Bull is a rolling, &c.,
Ile fought fur thousands of us here
Ere we could hurl the deadly spear
We'll pay him for the blood he lost
Repelling the invading host.
The Chippewa Ban it a rolling. &c.,
The people say they will reward
The wielder of the blitzing sword
Who strove with bravest rank and file
To drive the red-coats front our soil.
The Chippewa Bull is a rolling, &e.,
Unnumbered Mi. - mist - aids boldly soy
They'll give their votes rot Chippewa
Old Lundy wastes the Loco group
They smell the powder in his soap.
The Chippewa Ball is a rolling, &c.,
Come on and "late not by the may
Ye merry friends of Chippewa
There is no fight in Franky Pierce
You'll make him "fainiby tookiny tierce.
The Chippewa Ball is a rolling, &c.,
Ste' Ma. Wean, in a letter frotaßome,
thus explains the' affair of the Americanwho would not take off his hat to reverence
the Pope; "There was an unpleasant oc
currence in front of St. Peter's yesterday.
When the pope was about to pronounce'
the benediction, a grench officer ordered
Mr. Jones, of New York, to take off his
hat, Mr. J. refused, and the officer knock
ed it off, for which he struck the officer
with his cane. The officer struck back,
with his sword, cutting My. J. slightly
the hand, who returned ahlothet blow with
11;s cane. By this time he watv taken in
charge by troops and carded to prison.—
Information was taken to Mr. Cass, our
Minister, who immediately went to the au
thorities and after two or throe hours de ,
lay, procured his release. The chap had
probably forgotten the old maxim ,‘ Whets
in Rome do as the Romans do."
this medicine will cure liver complaint and dys
peNia, no one can doubt alter using it as direct
ed. It acts specifically upon the stomach ands'
liver; it is preferable to .calomel in all billions
diseases; it acts as specifically upon the liver as
calomel ; calomel prostrates the system—the bit
ters strengthen and never prostrates the pedant,
and will give renewed life and health to the deli
rate invalid, and restore the liver to its functions,
and give digestion and appetite in those severe
Cases wherein the ordinary medicines fail in pro
ducing any effect.
In Altoona, Blair no., on the 30th ult.,
JAMES HIRST, son of Jeremiah and Caro
line Belman, aged 2 years 9 months and 5
Whereas my . Wife, C.IIAItINE, has left my
bed and board without any just cause or provoca
tion, I hereby caution all and every person, and
the public in general, against harboring or trust
ing her on my account in any way, manner or
consideration, as I am determined to pay no debt
or debts of her contracting, nor of any other acting
Hill Valley, Hunt. co., July 8, '52.
That we behold many females, scarce in the meridiem of life
broken in health earl sPuits with a complication of disuses
~„,t ailments, depriving them or Use pow. , for the ertioYM!ol
of life at an este when physical health, buoyancy o spirits,
t should g se, ity of mind, arising from a condition of health.
Many ofili ' e
tlV:r n o L f
R onn e at fint—perhal4r Yrers
before, perhaps during her
oi rlho rt firm years of marriage—
we re in their origin so light as to peas unnoticed, and of course
Isle to
back r: a b g ` d b re e ere ' t " e t
4 11 e ' ll 3 l on knowledg e, ouee s w o e f ' 7l k
would 4e not o e g
.ee Akwsm‘irte r yeah
2tet Jaye and
uiglt f .....weiiht.l. spared,ou
knowledge vn y psse.. 1
To behold the sickness end suffering endured by many a wife
foi many year, from causes simple rind controllable, cosi!,
remedied—or better still,—not incurred, if every
Pouessed the information contained in a little volume, (with
in the reach of all) which would spare to hemelf
And to her husband the mutant toil apd anxiety of mind,
necessarily devolving upon him Imin sickness of the wife,
without nixing him the opportunity of acquiring that com
petence which his merlin. are eptitled, and the posseseton
of which would secure the happiness of himself, nil, and
:al e jeg l elCL l Z e trk: " :ratese d all7inTertrof e gts:lr.
In view of such oneuence, no f o r th ifor mother is YX11:111
sable if she neglect to avril herselr at knowledge in
respect to herself, which would spare her nitwit suffering, be
the means Itsppiness and yerity to her husband, told
confer , her children that blessing shove sl I price—healthy
bodieswith heulthy minds. That boon ledge is contained in
s little work entitled
Private Medical Companion.
One Hundredth Mei.. Mon., pp. 250. Price, 50 a..
[on rum PAPER, BITR♦ BINDING, ei 00.]
First IlUbliblaed in M 7, and it is not
Considering that EVERY FEMALE,
wgimriirEn MARRIED OR NOT, can here
acqUire a full knowledge of the nature,
character 1111111 i causes of her complaints,
with the various symptoms, and that
shpu!dltve berst
It is to COO,Oy fully the various subjects
treated 01, as they are of a ;mime, strictly intended for the
married, Or those contemplating marriages, but no female
desirous of elljnyill. 11141111, and 11110 beauty, eti.equent upon
health. which is so conducts 'e to her ossn happiness, sod that
of her linsband, but either has or Will obtain it, as has or Will
et ery husband who has the love mid infection of his Wile at
heart, or that of his 0.11 pecuniary it npros einem.
Have becii SENT BY MAIL NVIIIIIII the last few mouths
Er-Base and Shameful' Fraud!!
Flagrant anti harersced, Its% been surreptitiously issued, with
the ssine form and size, exactly the SAME TITLE. PAGE, Nd
exactly the saner
i . :(lTEßEPaecortliNo s .l4ll , Cr i , Vl: the year 1017, by
the Clerk'. Office of the pkrietSottrt or the SOlitillfel
The mamas, the subject matter, and read ha. are
Printed on poor, brownish, dirty paper, with a paper cover
It can Le known also from the miserably and illetrible wood•
rots scattered throttghoot its pages. The copyright edition
contains none
'ii;;;;We . any in der trade 80 lost to demo end common
honesty as to be willing On , iv.
they will
them to the poblie.
A copy will lle sent to each bookseller or firm, (with ii
Lions r,vaivi:rr :,
t ed, L ,
Hn/ no bunk unleu Dr. A. 91. Manricenu 129 Liberty nt,
N. V., is nu the title Iwge, anJ the entry in t~lerk'r Otlk mt
dwi10,, , ,, ,. .; , , , ,,?:;=;f:a1e;5i5, together with • few pages
ifaTr4t,i, to every !married female, will
a prepaid letter, ailZe:setl 9 ;Vat";i:r ith99" lUer
trOn receipt of Fifty Cents, (or One
Dollar for the fine Edl4lon extra blndleg,)
MEDICAL COMPANION" Is sent (mot/td
free) to ant part of the United States. All
letters must he port-pall. and addressed to
DR. A. DI. MA URICEAU, Box 1014, New
Nark City. Publishing °Mee, N 0.1211 Liberty
Street, New York.
Far Sale by—lllanch & Crap, Harrisburg; J.
Swells, Bloomsburg; J. S. Worth, Lebanon; C.
W. De Witt, Milford; J. W. Ensminger, Man,
helm; 11. W. Smith. Huntingdon; S. McDonald,
Uniontown; J. M. Baum New Berlin; H. A.
Lantz, Reading; E T. Morse; Cranesville; N. Y.
It. I'. Crocker, Brownsville; Wents & Stark, Ij*
',awhile; Eldred & Wright, Willlemspoit; S. Ttieicy
Wilkesharre; Gco. W. Earle, WaYiieShOro; K.
Ciosliy, Mercer; S. Leader, Hanover; S. W. Tap'
lor, Utica; 11. I'. Cummings, Sommerset; T. B.
Peterson; Philadelphia—Penn.
Competent persons will be supplied upon the
most favorable terms. A few more only will he
engaged. Address, post paid, Dr. A. M. Mauri
coat, N. Y.
T ADIES in want of Parasols, cannot fail in be
ing suited by calling at J. & W. SAXTON'S.
f PHOSE beautiful new 136nuets have just arri
ved; and are now ()finned and for sale by
April 22, 11352. & W. SAXTON.
A magnificent mssortment of Silk Dress Pat
ti_ term, also, Base° Lanes, Beragos, &e.,
for sale by. J. & W. SAXTON.
QuR stock of low priced Memlin do Lanes, and
Lawns, are complete, nod very low by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
A, beautiful assortment Of l'ariev Copings and
tj. \rooting for sold by J. &w. SAXTON.
Important Notice.
All persons indebted to Robert Gratius by book
account or otherwise, will please call and settle
before the first of July.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
20 bls. No. V Herring, for satontHie store
of Gro. GWIN.
o'loo Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale
by GEo. GWIN.
cif. Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Loud,
Jersey Window Glass and Putty, for sale ut the
store of Quo. Glen,
air A large assortment of Hats; Moleskin,
Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, for
men and boys, for sale at GEO. GWIN'S.
Asplendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarfs, for
. sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. will be
exposed to sale at public vendee, at the court
house in the borough of Huntingdon, on Monday
the ash day of Atlgust, 1852, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property, to wit: w
All the right title and interest of George Mur
retts in and to a tract of land in Henderson town
ship, Huntingdon county, containing 266 acres,
more. orjess,..having shergon eregtcd 2, log hou
ses, 2 log barns, about 80 acres of whi6ll is Mar-,
ed and under fence; adjoining lands of the estate
of Alexander Gwin, Esq., dec'd., and lands of
Eli. Shoemaker the unimproved part of said
land is well timbered. Seized, taken in emu..,
Lion and to be sold as the property of George
ALSO,—AII the right, title and. •interest of
Deft. in and to a certaintraet of land iq , Union
township,.. Huta/Ism/on' county, . Warranted in the
name of Ontnnel Rell, containing 336 acres, more
or less„ adjoining lands, of ,James Donaldson, Jr.,
Gideon Miller'o, tract, and others, on whieli is
erected aßnwanill. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of John McComb.
ALSO,—AII that certain tracker land situate
in Tod township, ilaniingtionettunty, containing
about 287 acres more or less . , &Vining
Stutnbaugh's heirs, Thomas Reed, George Hud
son, havink thereon erected a cabin house a cabin
barn, young apple orchard, about 60 acres clear
ed. Seized, taken in execution and to be sohl ae
the property of Vincent Robinson.
ALSO,—AII the right title and interest of
William Ridenour, in and to a tract or farm a
hind in Walker township, containing 170 acres,
more or less, about 60 acres cleared and under
fence, having thereon erected a one. and a, half
story log house, and a double log barn, ml or
chard of good fruit trees, a gooil spring hoitsc,
bounded by lands of James Johnston; John, An
derson, Henry Garner and lauds a( the flawns.—
Seized, taken in execution sad to be sold as the
property of William Ridenour and John Rhin
July 8, 1852.
Orphan's 'Court Sale;
In pursuant of an Order of an Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned . Trustee
appointed by said Court forthyt purpose, will ex
pose at public sale on the premises on Saturday
the 31st day of July, at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol
lowing described real estate, late of Lewis Smal
ley, dee'd., situated in the townsphp of Shirley itt
the county mi , resaid, ; tract or parcel
of land adjoining land of the heiis ti? Nilfiaeii
Hays on the North. land of I)uvisou C.
on the east, and land of Samuel H. Bell on the
south west, containing one hundred and seven
acres, be the same more or less, having sonic
cleared land and other improved thereon. ,
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the put.'
chase money to lie paid on the confirmation of
sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay
ments thereafter with interest to lie secured by
bonds and mortgage of the purchaSer.
OLIVER Evcir.u,
July 8,1852.-3 t. Trustee.
N OT ICE is hereby given to the members of
the 'Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection
Company; of Dickinson township, Cumberland
county, 111111011, that an assessment of four per
cent. has been laid on the premium notes of said
Company by the Board which amount is directed
to he paid to the collectors of said Company that
shall be appointoil for releiying tile same. By
order of the Board AWN 1. GREEN,
July'B, 1852. Spey
Marble Manufactory.
JOHN IRVINE respectfully informs the chi:
aims of Blair and the adjoining counties, that he
still continues to manufacture every description
of Ornamental Marble, such as Monuments of the
most chaste and beautiful designs; Tombs, of cv
rey variety of style and sine; Head and Foot stones,
of whatever pattiim desired, and at prices varying
from sto 50 dollars. Also Door Steps, Window
Sills, &e., together with everything else in this
line of business. In addition to his former supply
of Marble, the proprietor has purchased the entire
stalk of A. W. Kenney, Mid is now receiving
from the East, a splendid assortment of White
Manchester slabs which will be finished to order
by Mr. John Freeman, whose reputation as an
Artist and Engraver, it known throughout the
All 'orders from a distance containing inscrip•
Lions, Will be promptly attended to, and work dc•
livered at points within fifty miles, free.
--- - .
••• D. STEWART ELLIOT is the authori
zed agent fur the transaction, of business connect
ed with this establishment, with whom contracts
may he made.
15., Country produce taken in exchange for
work, at cash prices. _ .
- .
Cr All work warranted to be done in a style
superior to any other establishment in this sec
tion of the country, and at Philadelphia Pri
Williamsburg, July 1,'52.-3m.
Strayed from the subscriber, in Warriorsmark
township, on Wednesday the 16th day of June, an
Iron Gray mare Colt, two years old, with the
forehead nearly white. Any person giving infor
mation to James Clark, Birmingham, or to the
subscriber, in relation to said colt, and where it
nutty be found, shall be suitably rewarded.
Wurriorsmark township, July 1,1852.-3 t.
Atiditor's NoftcC
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to distrib
ute the proceeds of the sale of the real estate of
Thomas Bradley, dec'd., in the hands of Daniel
Teague, Esq., Trustee, &c., amongst those enti
tled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that
he will intend for the purpose uf'o•eseid on Satur
day, the 24th day of July next, at I o'clock, I'. M..
at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when
and where all persons interested may attend if
they see proper. JOHN REED,
June 24, 1852. Auditor.
To the heirs and leyal Representatives of Philip
Shultz, dec'd.
Take notice that in pursuance of a Rule issued
out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
you are hereby Summoned to come into said
Court, on Monday, the 9th day at August next,
and accept or refuse to take the real estate of
said dec'd at the valuation thereof, or then and
there to shoe cause if any you have, why the
same should not be sold.
AVM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, June 17, 1852.-4 t.
Popular Ice Cream Saloon.
JOHN MARKS informs the public that they
can he served with this rich delicacy every even
ing at his well known establishment under the
Sons of Temperance Hall in Huntingdon. An
elegant room is provided fos the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par
take of this luxury.
ifir Ile is prepared at all times, to tarnish par
ties with the nest that can be made in town,
and at reasonable rates.
May 20, 1852.
WATCHES from one dollar to ninety-five, at
E. Snare's. April 15, 1852.
The subscriber having purchased out the Store
of Goods of John Balsbach, now in the store
house and premises of Henry B. Mytinger, at
Water Street, Pa., together with nue half the Ca
bal Boat Gen. Simon Cameron and stock and
fixtures thereto belonging; hereby gives notice to
the public that the business of and at the said
Store lately carried on by John Balsbach, will
hereafter be conducted and carried on by the sub-
Oriber, in the name of, and by his Agent, John
Bulsbach, who will attend to the business at the
store, where lie has just received a large and sea
idiable stock of all kinds of Goods, suited to this
section of country, and which will positively be
sold at prices to defy all competition
Boards, Shingles and all description of lumber
will at all times he received in exchange for
Goods, and for which the highest market price
will be given. Also, all kinds of country produce.
Having adopted the ready pay system, he feels
confident the public will find it to their interest to
call and make their spring purchases.
Water Street, Muy 6, 1852.
JACOB SNYDER has just returned from the
east with a splendid stock of Clothing consisting
of Coats, Pants, Vests—all shades sizes and va
rieties—also Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hanker-
Chiefs, Hose and a fine assortment of summer
hats. All will be sold remarkably low fur cash.
Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Punts t;rom $1 00
.to $5 00 and Vests from 75cts to $4 00.
His establishment will be found at the Bough
tf• Ready board awning in Maine Street.
Huntingdon May 27, 1852.
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a Sha
ving and Shampooning Saloon near the Post
office, where he is prepared to accommodate the
public in the most fashionable style. lie also
keeps on hand Perfumery, the most fashionable,
such as Eau de Cologne, Pomade Crystaline,
hone Hair Pomade Philaermie. Unite Anti
gee, Extract Mouchoir, Pertulia, Tincture of
Musk, Extra Lily White, for Ladies, and a tine
assortment of fancy soaps of all descriptions.
Huntingdon, June 17,'52-3m.
Stoves and Ploughs.
A large assortment constantly on hand, and will
be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be
bought at any other place.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed by the Court of
Common fleas to distribute the proceeds arising
from the Sheriff's sale of real estate of Robert
I. 4 ogan, deed., in the hands of Matthew Crowno.
ver, Esq., will attend for that purpose at his of
fice in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday
the 15th day of Jul• next, when and where all
persons interested can attend, or be forever de
barred, &e. WM. I'. ORBISON,
May 20. 1852. Auditor.
li'T 0 11 NE Y AT LA
Will attend to all business entrusted to his care.
Ile will make collections, draw Deeds, Bonds,
Mortgages, &c., and state Administrators , Exec
utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the must roa
sallable terms.
Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the roe
donee of 1)r. Henderson, near the Court House.
April 1, 1852.
Rubbers, White ash Brushes, Cur-
Wry Combs, Curds, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and to, endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention at the
cheap store of J. BUICIeEIt.
April 22, 1852.
1) UTTER, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup
j) Beans, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
&c., taken in exchange for goods, at the highest
market prices, at the cheap store of J. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in I'. Swoopc's old stand.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852.
A largo assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch
Herring, Coca Nuts, 5•c., &e., wholesale and re
tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
100 Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex
pressly for tionily use, for sale at the
Store of GEO. G WIN. I'eb. 12, 1852.
A beautiful assortment of Veils, Linen Ild'fs.,
11 Collars, CO's, Bonnet Borders and Artiti
cials—also, Kill, Silk, Lyle Thread and Cotton
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
he taste of the ladies, for sale by
April 22, 1852. & W. SAXTON.
r lio best assortnient of Suinbabr Goods for
Childrens wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton,.
just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
400 h i ts r o s , a tou6Carpet
j C 11 8 1 , 1, and Act Twine
A great variety of Lad% Slippers, Gaiter Boots
and Shoes, the 1,64 assortment in town, for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
500 Webs assorted Prints, knit arrived and
for salo'hy J. do W. SAXTON.
18 EARA't, mid other *adding Rings, at E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852.
Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or
retail, at J. Bricker's Store. up. 22, '52.
MAHOGANY and Walnut Veneers, for sale
at the new store of
For sale at GEO. GWIN'S Store.
G 01.1) and. Silver Spcctnclds nt all prices, at
E. Snare's. April 15,1852.
(a - American manufactured Pen Knives and Ra
cers, all warranted, fire salts by .1. & W. Saxton.
Cr 150 Saeks G A Salt, in store, and for said
at $1,70 per such, by J. & W. Saxton.
air 25 Bin-retry and 10 half barrels or fresh No,
1 herring, fur sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Cr 20 Barrels of Mackerel and Shad for salo
by J. 8c W. Saxton.
Or Lead Pipe inch, • hieli and inch, for
sale by J. & W. Saxton.
4.. PW Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
sin, Pitch, Oakum, Ropes, &c., for sale by J. &
W. Sexton.
Qr 500 yds. Rag and Liston Carpet, just re
calved, and tor sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Ifig' 600 yds. Ingrula Carr.% for sale by J. &
W 6axton.
gr 200 Bushels Rock Salt for sale, at 42 cte
per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton.
a r 6 Brass Alarm and Faucy Clocks for sale
by J. et, W. Saxtou.
MEN ONE and ALL speak in the highest terms of
CATTLE POWDER and well they may, for in the
last hundred years no discovery has been made
equal in all respects to theirs. It is not only of
individual interest, but it must is time become a
great national benefit; in the aggregate it will add
at least one Million of Dollars annually to the
produce of the Country in the increase of MILE,
BUTTER and FAT from the same amount of food,
beside the many, VERY MANY lives of valuable
animals which it will save by restoring them to
The rtturtawrons of this powder have investi
gated this subject for years, during a lung resi
dence in the Country. By closely analysing all
the different secretions of animals, at Act, ciitEs
and SEASONS, they are at hut amply rewarded by
their wonderful discovery,
Since they have prepared. Nueva POWDFIR and
the Fernier:. LIM over the Country iltr and wide
are using it and praising it up to the skies; some'
other persons have got up a powder in the same
kind of packages and are palming it off on' the
They caution therefore all persons against such
impositions, and advise than to buy NONIi, N'OT
POUND without it has the written Signature of
BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & Co., on the end
of the Pack. The proprietors are able stud prac
tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all.
the laws which control the health and nutrition
of animals.
N. B. Do not be imposed upon and allow your
Animals to die or linger with disease because you
have fed the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa
is on the end of each pack of the genuine Article.
For Sale by THO. REED & SON, Hunt.
May 27, 1852.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of MATHIAS MILLER, IMO Of Casa town•
ship, deceased.
Letters Testamentary on the above estate hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted will make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement. A. ISIYERLY,
May 27, '52.-6t. Executor.
3 - a_gi Tit CO a
Ed mund Snare informs the public tint lie
has removed his store to the corner room former
ly occupied by B. & W. Snare as a clothing store,
opposite Whittaker's tavern, where he is just re
ceiving, decidedly the LARGEST, CHEAPEST and
JuwElmv, &c., ever brought to Huntingdint,
he can sell at MUCH LOWER RATES than for
merly. Persons wishing articles in his line can
be easily suited on account of the largely increas
ed quantity and variety of his stock.
Cr Repairing done in short notice and war
Huntingdon, April 15, 1852.
Mr. Editor :
If any of your readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let the refer
them to the elegant assortment of BOOTS,
SHOES, GAITERS, &c., kept, eirmuEs
S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. Snnonton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. Ile has on hand ev
ery variety in his line of business. Men, Ladies
and Children can all he suppled at this establish
ment, with tie hest articles and cheaper than-any
other establishment in the county.
Cr Cull and see.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1852.
Hello, Old Hess l 11 here are you comeuy to?
Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen,
you shout he hart—l merely wish to say to all the
world and the rest of mankind that 1 have at the
Broad Top Depot near the Juniata. Bridge, and
will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS,
MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &e. lf you don't
believe me come and see. A. S. HARRISON.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852.
InformS his ol& filendS and' the . pithlin that he
has returned to oiil home, . and will attend to
all business in his protession, entrusted to hint,
.with fidelity and his best ability. .
°filen in Muhl Street; sbinh side, the last house
'below the Court house.
DR. R, •A. MILLER, Huntingdon, May 13, 18.52.-6th:
Art!' tieittl Teeth, from one to tt full set, mounted
in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filmy and Clemany done with care and
Teeth Extracted with all the Mlle and despatch
that modern science can furnish.
N. IS. A liberal deduction made on the price
of work done for persons coming from a' distance,
to deti•ay travelling expenses, &c.
Hantingdon, Mar& 25, 1852.
ABRAM LEW IS . respectfully informs his
Fiends and the travelling public, that lie has taken
the above house at MOUNT UNION kintrtirrgdon
CounKy, and assures till that Who may liivor him
with their custom; that no pains will be spared to
rend& Satisfaction. Biiggitge taken to and from
the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished
at all times, to persons going to 31iIttwOMI Acad
emy, Shirleysburg, Orbisonlw, &re.
Mount Union, April 22, 1852.
The subscriber, having taken the large four sto
ry' bridle Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept
by Mr. Thomaslfaltuee, ito.elitfing- the same for
public accommodation. This llotel is situated
within a rew yards of the Railroad statism,and is
one of the moat eligible in the place. T he sta
bling is extenalve, and the location pleasant.—
Every attention will be given by the proprietor
to promote the comfort of guests.
April 15, 1852.
A 1.1", persons knowing themselves hlebtedtO'
the late tirm'of Dorsey 4. Maguire will please
roll and have their several accounts satisfactorily
adjusted, without regard to persons. Ity attend
ing tolitis notice will sii've' taYther trouble trod
expense. JAMEti MAGUIRE.
Iluntingdmi, Feb. 12,1852:
[2 sH, Tar, Oils, Load, Glue, Piirpcurine, Glass,
_r Patty, Paints,- Tobacco, Cigars; t ye., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store of
April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER.
J. & W. SAXTON have just received a
splendid lot of Mole Skin Hats,
Kossuth flats,
Panama and Straw hats, also Caps, Childrens
Gipseys,Flats and Hats. April 22, '52.
COFFEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Sault &c., for sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
itr Ladles' Bonnets of the latest styles just
arrived, also Children,' and Aliases' Bonnets and
Hats, for sale at the store of GEO. GwiN.
Than Ever ! !
George Gwin,
Respectfully informs his old easterners and the
public generally thee he has just received a splen
did assortment of Goodi for-SPKING AND RUM
MER WEAR Rid asseitarefifof. Ladies' and
Gentlemen's Dress Goods are all of the latest style
and best qualities,and will be sold at very reason
able. prices: Moo ) DRY GOODS OF ALL
. .
geneially are invited to calland cx
amine my stock of NEW Gl.)01)S.
All kinds of country produce'tulten in exchange
Fir Goode. April 22, 1852.
J. 4. w. s4xroAr .
Announce to their friends and the 'public gen
erally that they have just received a large and
beautiful assortment of
consisting oteveyy - varigty of Ladies! and Gen
tletnens' DRESS GOODS; and DRY GOODS
of all kinds. Every desitablearticle fot Ladies',
Gcnt!mans', Misses', Boys' and Children's' wear
can be had at our store. Alto,
all of which will be sold at very moderate prices.
The public are invited to call and
new stuck. J. & W. SAXTON.
Aiwa 29, 1852.
Spring and Summer Clothing
A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from
the east with a largo and splendid assortment' of
Spring and Slimmer Clothing
for men and boys, made'in'tbd buck fashion' and
in the most durable manner. Who over wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than any body
else in town, let him call at Willoughby's cloth
ing store, one door West of tbds. Itted l & Son,
drug store hi Huntingdon: Call and see or
yourselves. May 6, 1852.
CHOICE LIQCORS'for modicinallittrpo
sds; consisting of
" " If/NE,
" " LISBON 117.VE,
In short, all kinds of Liquors used for that par
'pose dnir lie had nyttre Cheap'sthre of
April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER.
Graduate Of the University of Pa., Offers
. his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
REF E IiENCES : ed kal Faculty of University
'of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania hospital and Dr.. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, No; Mifflin Street, along with Dr.
Hoffman. May 6, 1852.
Boots, Shoes, GrocerieS, Notions, he.
Consisting of a large assortment of Men's Calf,
Goat and' Grained BOots, Congress Boots, Napo
leons, Brintaria, SliMidis &e., Womens and Miss
es tine and eoarsa pegged *Uppers, Buskins, Lace
Boots, Jenny &., Boys Youths and Chil
drens work in great variety.
An assortment of dilOiOo groceries, Brown Su
gars; best at 7 all Ml'. Per lb., Coffee, Chocolate,
Teas, Molasses; Syrups, &e., &c., at the cheap
store of J. BRICKER.
Huntingdon, April'
IS TI.W.J DOA , P.l. ,
• C. COLTS irifolitia his friends and the public
'generally, that he has removed to his old stand,
(for many venni occupied by Patrick Gwin, dec'd,)
which lid has lthisdil for a number of years, and
where he is prepared to accommodate in the most
comfortable manner all who may favor hint with
Iluntiiikdorf, Pa., April 8,1852.-3 m.
The Undersigned respectfully informs their
custoihers, and the citizens generally of Hunting
don!dounty, that they atilt continue the mannfae
of • ,
taring all kinds of Lorthenteare of the most su
perior quality and at prices to suit the times.—
They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of
May when they will be able to supply all who
may thvor them with their patronage. Merchants
, may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to
please their customers, and such as will yield them
a handsome prods. All orders promptly attend
ed to. Address ,L A. MATHEWS & BRO,
Lewistown, Pa.
April 1, 1852.-tf.
11. W. SMITH,
(Office opposite Conte' Hotel, Market et.)
Adams & Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods ofull kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
dec. 11,'51,
THE latest Novels, t t Ed. Snare's Jewelry
± Store. April 15, 1854:
CLOCKS from $2 to $lO, warranted, at IS
Snare's tAirril 15, 18111.