THE JOURNAL ----- Thursday Morning, June 24. ITEMS. A Stirring Place—our Cemetery on Sabbath Mattoon. JUDICIAL.—Tbe Blair County Court commen ced on Monday last, and will continue two weeks. Cir A yankee has invented a machine for peg ging boots by steam. What next ? 0- There are fifty Banks in Connecticut.— Capital $12,000,000 wr The number of deaf, dumb, blind, insane, •d idiotic inhabitants in Pennsylvania is 3395. fir One of Dr. Shoenberger's "Maria Purges" *was partly Consumed by fire a few days ago. („W The crops of Now Jersey promise an un usual yield the present season. Cr Wm. G. Crosby has been nominated ns the Whig candidate for Governor in Maine. CV The importation of Guano into Great Bri tain amounts to ten millions of dollars annually. A strong decoction or 'Rue' is nn infallible remedy for letter-worm. Cr The first French Methodist Church in the L. S., is to be built at Detroit this summer. IFJ" The Lake Superior Mines are now doing a good business, and give employment to 3,000 persons. iar Gen. Horace Gay, of Rochester, N. York, a delegate to the late Democratic Convention, died in Baltimore ou the 10th inst. sr On the 28th ult., one thousand three hun dred and fifty emmigrants arrived at New Or leans, from Liverpool. lig' The '•JuNIATA COMPANT" are gettlbg their engine richly painted and other wi,e.repaired. They deserve credit lie• the ieter est manifested by them in this important matter. Look OLT FOR TOO LOCOMOTIVE.-Over fifty fora• thousand dollars of the Broad Top rail road stock has already been subscribed at home, and yet the ball rolls on. tri 5- Saturday night last was made hideous by the bacchanalian shouts and blasphemous oaths of some of our young tarn. liad better keep sha dy, b'lloys, (W . Having luxuriated on a line basket bf Judge Taylor's Straw berries, some of which measured three and seven-tenth inches in eircum• forenee—we take pleasure in assuring our neigh bor of the "Globe," that the fruit tastes quite as well as it looks, is not only tempting to the eye, but pleasing to the palate. LATEST MANIFESTATION OF TOE SPIIIITIIAL— isTs.—.--Durniny a Dog, ill a circular fire, at the upper bud of our borough, tar the benevolent pur pose of thereby consuming a venerable old lady charged with misal.plying her spiritual gilto What an age of progress ! Atiitsrtc CUHIOSITY - The de total sign over the door of the Ladies' Saloon in 1)r. Miller's Office. The lettering is done m solid hone point, covered' d•itlt genuine enamel varnish. We have rarely seen a work of art so much resemble na ture. Ahd yet it is unquestionably the Dr's. own work, fashioned froni material which his own right hand' bath quarried. Oth SwF: IlEar.—Wc have now in our office four stalks of Rye—taken from a field of the same sort On the farm of Mr. John Dean, of Walker township—which measure from 86 to 06 inches, averaging NI inches, or about a foot taller than. the sWeihien deferibed by our neighbor. cr While Robert. Cunningham, of Hartslog Valley, was plowing corn daring-tile rain and thunder storm of WedneSility of last week, his horse in the plow was struck by lightning and in stantly killed. Mr. Cunningham was at the plow liandleS at the time and was knocked down but not seriously injured. W'Jpseph Gibbuny, of Barre° township; last week When carrying a gun on one of his hoses, going out in the morning to work, shot one 01 them, valued at $130,00, by the ateitlenthl dis• charge °ell& win. r PLe horse wus eirrhe t S. Mail has been robbed twice within the present Mouth, between IlollidVsburg and rittslittr. We 'card frani the nollidays burg apers that it brakesman on the l'entea. It. It., named Jeteph Campbell, Was arrested, and $60,000 dollars found in hispdssession, supposed to have been taken from the Mail bags. Ceir The Hollidaysburg Register says the wheat crop in Morrison 's Cove, one of the most ibrtile vallies in the State, is almost an entire failure,— Many of the field's Will not be harvested at all. 65' The public hint' belonging to the United Nines is, in round nittntiers, fourteen hundred end filly editions (450,000;000) of acres, being about 300 nitres of spare land fur every fondly in the nation. Cr So great was the eiteitement at Baltimore (luring thr; sitting of the Whig Convention, that ❑te telegraphic lines were broken in almost every direction. Even in staid U.d Itnnting,lun, the Telegraph office was shut Ma bafred most of the time. Gr More than half a million dollars worth of Kossuth lints have been inanufaetitted ili W. York city cud suld to different parts of the U. S. Car The grain tend fruit throughout the United 'States will he a fair average crop—su sayt the .11Cwspapers. it.lf A fishing party recently captured three Sharks off Castle Pinckney, Charleston, ono of which measured nine feet six inches in length. kig' The North Branch Canal Lcan, of 850;000 has been awarded to C. it. Fidler, Phila delphia; Duncan Shoemaker, & Co., N. York; and George Peabody, London, for 41 and 5 per vent. bonds at par. 455- so. Yankee has invented rotary boot beds, which will doubtless sell readily to a certain class of politicians. gwr lion. A. J. Ogle, of Somerset, has taken leave of family and friends and started on his mis sion of Charge to Detitnark. CZ - ' rhere a t7;4/ tUVerll3 in the city Bil Broad Top Railroad. The Books of Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain R. R. and Coal Company having boon opened by the Commissioners at Huntingdon, on the 10th and 11th days of June, they adjourned to meet at Mar klesburg on the 15th of June, at which place they were accordingly opchat, and a meeting held, at which Dr. Wintrode pre sided, and after addresses by Gen. Ayres, Dr. Wintrode, Jno. Scott, and D. Mail', the citizens manifested their interest in the enterprise by subscribing liberally, and Jacob Frank, Dr. Wintrode, Benj. Grove, Joe. Garner and Jackson Enyeart were appointed a Committee to wait on the citi zens of Penn township and receive further subscriptions. The Commissioners, Win. Ayres, Jno. Scott, D. Blair, W. P. Orbi son, S. S. Wharton, Jno. B. Given, Jacob Cresswell, and others, wore in attendance, and proceeded to Stonerstown on the 16th when they met a number of other Commis sioners in pursuance of a previous appoint ment, and a large number of citizens of Huntingdon, Bedford, Fulton, and Blair counties there assembled. Whereupon the meeting was organized by calling the lion. W. S. Dougherty, of Bedford, to the Chair, and appointing J. Evans, Philip Barnet, J. Patton, Thos. C. Ross, Thos.and Henry Horton,Vice Presidents; and John Watson, Win. P. Schell, and Win. P. Or bison, Secretaries. • The claims of the enterprise were elo quently and forcibly presented to the meet ing by Gen. Ayres, W. P. Schell, John Scott, S. S. Wharton, Jacob Creswell, and others, and upon opening the Books a warm and determined interest was manifested by a subscription from nearly °all present, ac cording to their means respectively, and the following Committees was appointed to receive further subscriptions, to wit t Bedford—A. King, S. L. Russell, W. S. Dougherty. Middle and S Woodbury--Robert El der; Jos. B. Noble ; encl . °. W. Ashcom. Hopewell township—Gen. B. Ray, J. Dasher, and Thos. King. Providence township—J. M. Barndol let, Jesse Grove, and Thos. Murray. Taylor township—Benj. Lyon, Wm. Chesnut, and Geo. Sipes. Tod township—lsaao Cook, A. Clark, rind Charles Mickley. Hopewell township, Bedford county— Geo. B. Ray, John Dasher, and Thomas King. Broad Top—Thomas W. Horton, Thos. J. Horton, and Silas Anderson. Fulton county at large—W. P. Schell, James G. Lyons, and John W. Bohm. Hopewell township, Huntingdon court tY-41enry 'Zimmerman, J. S. Shirley, and David Mountain. Wells tutenship—David C. Ross, Geo. White, and John Sharra. Liberty tomns'llik—lsaac Kensington, Geo. Rhoads, and Jacob Snider. On motion it was resolved that the sev eral Committees' appointed to receive sub scriptionss make report to Jno. Scott, W. Orbison, and David Blair, at Minting don, oh or before the 4th day of July next. It was resolved that the'proeeedings of the meeting he published in the newspapers of the'seVeral counties interested in this project. On the 17th inst., the Commissioners in pursuance of previous notice, returned to McConnellstown, and James Moore, Esq., being oalled to the Chair, John Anderson and Daniel Pinner were appointed Vice Presidents, and D. Blair and J. B. Given, Secretaries. And after addresses by Wm. P. Orbison, Wm. Ayres, John Scott, and D. Blair, the Books were opened and gra tifying subscriptions were added to those already received, thus swelling the amount of subscriptions obtained within' the first six days after the Books were opened to the sum of $54,200,00. John B. Given, John Kerr, John Lee ; John Snyder;- and John Robb, were appointed a Committee to call upon the citizens of Walker town ship, for further subscriptions, &c. The 'Marshal of Indianapolis has given notice that the ordinances of the city, requiring a stria observance of the Sab bath will be rigidly enforced, so far as ho is concerned. lie gives-the barbers to un derstand.thatc hereafter, Sunday shaving will not be tolerated. Druggists are're- quircd to restrict their sales on the Sab bath to articles of necessity; and keepers of livery stables are enjoined not to let horses or carriages for trips of noisy pleas ure. WIIAT Is HE RESNRVED PO:L.—There' is a lad of only twelve years, W. H. IVad dell, living at Pocahontas, Ark., who, in, the spring of 1850, was stabbed, the wound thought to ho mortal: the same tall, was knocked senseless and cold, by lightning; in the fall of 1851, was run over by four mules and a wagon; last winter, fell from the third-story window, lighting upon a pile of stone; about six weeks since was shot, three balls entering his body. The hero of all these ugly accidents is still alive and healthy, being reserved, doubt less, for some other kind of shuffling of this moral• coil. 4 Cr Hundreds of our Citizens complain of debil ity and lattgour of the system, derangement of the liver and sternal, want of appetite, &c.; they are frequently the result of ton close application, and' a thousand other causes we cannot here name ; but we would say to all so afflicted, do as we have doue---get a bottle or two of ])r. llootiand's Bitters, prepared by Dr. Jackson, and, out woid for it, you will be cured. We recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that it is much superior to the generality of patent medi cines. We would say to our readers, purchase new unless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, There is a lofty saying which the Spaidards of old were wont to engrave on their Toledo blades :—"Never draw me without reasons never sheath one without honor!" Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to distrib ute the proceeds of the sale 0 , Acid estate of Thomas Bradi,y, dec'd; in dm hands of Daniel Teague, Esq., Trtdec, &c., amongst those enti tled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose aforesaid on Satur day, the 24th day of July next, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all permits interested may attend if they see proper. JOHN HEED June 114, 1852 NOTICE. -To the l pits and legal Representatives of Philip Shultz, 'rake notice that in pursuance of a Rule issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, you are hereby Summoned to come into said Court, on Monday, the nth day at August next, nod accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deed at the valuation thereof, or then and there to show cause if any you have, why the same should not be sal. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff Merin Office, Juno 17, 1851-11. THOMAS V. CHAPLIN, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun agdon and vicinity, that he has opened 'a Sha ng and Shampooning Saloon near the Post nee, where he is prepared to accommodate the - . public in the most fashionable style. lle also keeps on hand Perfumery, the most fashionable, such as Eats de Cologne,Ponando(rystaline, _ . Rose Heir Oil, Pomade Philncome. Haile Anti gee, Extract Alottehoir, Pertulia, Tincture. of Musk, _Extra Lily White, for Ladies. and a line usbortinent Of fancy soaps of all descriptions. Huntingdon, June Dissolution of Partnership. The intrtnersldp heretofore existing under the firm of Read & Cassville, and Illelldnif & Read, Eagle Foundry, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of Read & Me- IMO, :ire in the hands of R. Read, Cassville. and of MethltaliS• Read, in the bands of James Mcßae, Eagle Fotindry. All persons having unsettled accounts 011 either of the above named oks, will please call and settle thew previous to e 10th day of July next, or they will be placed the hands of a io'opor officer at. cullectiOn, May 5, 1852. The business will still be continued by the above tined persons sat their separate ,tands, where ley will he ' , leased to *nit en all who mar favor mu With a call. lt. HEAD, • J. McILD UFF. June 17, '52.-3t. Popular Ice Cream Saloons JOHN MARKS informs the public that they can be served with this rich delicacy every even ing at his well known establishment under the Sons of Temperance Hall in Huntingdon. Au elegant room is provided for the nee miaodation of htdies and 'gentlemen, who wish to par take of this luxury. air Ile is prepared at all times, to furnish par ties with the BEST that can be made in town, and at reasonable rates. May 20, 1852. NOTICE. The subscriber having purchased out the Store of Goctis of John Balsbach, now in the store house and premises of Henry B. Mytinger, at Water Street, Pa., together with one half the Ca nal Boat Gen. Simon Cameron and stock and fixtures thereto belonging; hereby give, notice to the public that the business of and at the said Store lately carried on by John Balsbach, will heteafter be conducted and carried un by the sub scriber, in the name of, and by his Agent, John Balsbach, who will attend to the business at the store, where be has just received a large and sea sonable stock of all kinds of Goods, suited to this section of country, and which will positively be sold at prices to defy all competition Boards; Shingles and all description of 'umber will - at all times lie received in exchange for Goods, and tin. which the highest market price will be given. Also, all kinds of country produce. Having adopted the ready pay system, he feels confident the public will find it to their interest to call and make their spring purtd,t,e,. JONATHAN .1. CUNNINGHAM, Water Street; May 6, 1852. EARTHQUAKE IN HUNTINGDON. JACOB SNYDER has just returned from the east with a splendid stock of Clothing cmt.:i tin of Coats, Pants, Vests—all shades sines va rieties—also Shirts, Collars, Cravats, flanker chick, hose and afine assortment of sununer hat:. All will he sold remarkably low for cash. Colts from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants front $1 Ott to ;Jo mid Vests from 75ets to $4 00. Ills establi;hment will be found itt the Rough Ready tumid awning in Maine Street. Huntingdon Any 27, 1832. LAMES in want of l'are,sols, cannot fail in be• lug suited by calling at &W. SA vrov S. , I , nosE beautiful new Bonnets bare ju s t .6. red, and are now opened and for sale by April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAX.TON. A min,Milicent assortment of Silk Dress Pat terns, also, Beragile Lanes, Dorages for sale by J. & W. SXXl'e/N. (WIZ mock of low priced Mouslin de Lanes, and J .f.flWlll 4 , are complete, an d very low by April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON. bealitirial assortment of Fancy Owings and l'mstiug tbr solo by & W. SAXTON. splendid lot off' Silk Cravats and Scarfs, tbr fl sale by J. &Ws SAXTON. YOIIT MONisiAll.S (ruin 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. April 15, 1852. —.- Tni, cheapest and best Cloths in town for sale by . J. & W. SAXTON. Important Notice, All persons indebted to Robert Grains by bad: account or otherwise, will please cull and settle before the first of duly. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. 156•20 bls. No. 1 herring, ti,r sale at the store of thud. Gwtx. C.4";' 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale GEo. G*sy. Cr Linseed Oil, 20 kegs owe Ifhite Lead, Jersey Window Glass and Putty, for sale at the store of Gnu. W Cr A large assortment of Hats; Moleskin, Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw ' and Leghorn, for mou and boys, for sale at Gao. GwlN's. eir Ladies' Bonnets of the latest stylus just arrived, also Chatham' and Misses' Bonnets and Hat, for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. NOTICE To the 11 and Legal Representatives of George Taglor, lair of ~S'pringlield township, Hun tingdun rowdy, dee'd. ' Take notice, that by virttle of a Writ of Parti tion or Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon Cotittl'v, 1 will hold. 00 in quest on the real estate of winch George Taylor, dee'd., was seized, situated in ,Springfield town • ship, on the premises, on Tubsday.ihe 220 day of June next, when and where ell interested may attend. WM. B. ZEIGLEIi, Shit Sheriff's office, June 3, '52.-3t. Stoves and Ploughs. A large assortment constantly on hand, and will ho sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be bought at any other place. ROBERT GILIFIUS. Alexandria, June 3, 1852. Auditor Afini.oistrator's Notice, Estate of 1)r. Jolts Youxo, late of the borough of A lexitudritt, dec'd, Letter of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly an thenticatul for settlement. GEORGE 11. YOUNG, Adm'r, May 27, 1852.—Gt. Adolinibirator's Notice. Estate of Samuel yoel,,enteq, late of,Sringlield lownship, Iluntiogdon-iounty,'dec''d. Letters of administration have this day been granted to the subscriber upon the above estate, therefore nil persons knowing themselves indebt ed will make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them properly authenti cated tiir settlement. BENEDICT STEVENS, .--6 t.• Administrator. May 20,'52, Auditor's Notice. I'ho undersigned appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to distribute the proceeds arising front the Sheres sale of real estate of Robert Logan, dee'd., in the bands of Matthew Crowns. ver, Esq., will attend for that purpose at his of fice in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday the 15th day of July next, when and where all persons interested can :mend, or be forever de barred, &e. IV.M. P. ORBISON, May 20, 1852. Auditor. S. L. GLASGOW ATTORNEY AT LA IV, HUNTINGDON, PA, Will attend to all business entrusted to his em e. Ile will make collections, draw Deeds, Bands, Murnoges, &c., and state Administrator's, Exce 'nor's, and Citutrdisn's Accounts on the most roa• tamable terms. 011 ice in Dorscy's brick row, opposite the res• deuce of Dr. Henderson, near the Court llouse April 1, 1852. WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur ry Combs, Cards, Britches, Clothes Lines, Bed Curds,Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates, Paint Brtles, Sash Tools, and an endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the client) state of April 22, 1852: 1)1117ER, Eggs, Rags, Sonp, White Soup 11 Bea., Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Pry Apples ; takint in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices, at the cheap store of J. BRICK• Ell, on Main street, in I'. Swoupe's old stand. Huntingdon, April 22, 1852, A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs llaisins, Dates, Primes, Lemons, Oranges, Seotel herring, Cora Nuts, 6.e., Sic., wholesale and re• tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. April 22, 1252. Tar, Oils, Lend, Glue, Turpentine, Glars, 12 Patty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, 6T., whole: sale and retail, at the cheap store of April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER. J. & W. SAXTON have just received a splendid lot of Mole Skin Hats ' Kossuth Hata, Panama and Straw Hats, also Caps, Childress Cipseys, Plats and lints. April 22,'5_. COFFEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac co, Cigars, Snuff, Ste. &c., for sale at the new store of J 131110E:1AL FLOUR, 100 Barrels ~ round out of Wh Re Wheat, ex pressly 'for fluaily use, for sale at the Store of UEO. t; WIN. Feb. 12, 1852. b 37 tirul r s g ."ll : t of ‘eUslAlenlll:l iA.llrs (ullnot Borders end 41tit! cials—also, Kid, Silk, Lyle Thread And Cotton Gloves, and every other article necessary to please he taste of the Indies, for sale by April 22, 1852. .1. & W. SAXTON. tl the hest assortment of Sminner Goods fur Childrens wear, such as Tweeds mid Cotton, just arrived and fur sale by J. & W. SA XTON. 400 I f l o i s r o s t; t f e o Carpet byJ. ik"Tee. Variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Buuts -nod Shoed, the best assortment in town, for sale by J. & W. 8.1X.T031. 500 \Vebs assorted Prints, just Relived and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 1Q KARAT, and Wier Wedding Rings, at li tinares. April 15, 1832. Iledt Family Flom, by the Barrel or retail, at J. Bricker's Store. ap. 22, '52. MAIIOGANY and Walnut Veneers, for sale at the now store of BRICKER & LENNEY. HAMS SHOULDERS For salt) at GEO. GWEN'S Store. • fIOLD and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at Ur E. Snitiii's. April ltfra grer AintSearrntailtActured Pen Knives Oil lla thrs, all warraateil, for sale by J. & W. Saxton. G r. 156 Sacks G A Salt, in store, and for sale. at $1,70 per such, by J. & W. Saxton. Cr - 4 , M Bunt& arid Iftbaif barrels afresh Ikrring, for Hale' by J, & W. Saxton. 2013iirrels of Mackerel and Shad for Silk by J. &.W. Saxton. tfir Lead Pipe inch, inch and inch', for sale by J. & W. Saxton. Cr Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro sin, Pitch, Oalatin, Ropes, &c., tor sale by J. & W. Saxton. Ur 500 yds. nag and Listen Carpet, just re ceived, and fur sale by J. & W. Saxton. j 5 600 yds. Ingrain Carpet rdr Sale by J. & W Saxton. 200 Bushels Rock Salt thr sate, at 42 cta. per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton. 0 6 Brass 'Marone and. Fauev Clocks for .ale 1)) J. & W. Saxton, VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER. PREPARED BY BREINIG, FROJV'EFIELD & CO The FARMERS, HORSEMEN and DAIRY MEN ONE and ALL speak in the highest terms of ]lutanto, FitoELEIELu & Co's CELEBRATED CATTLE Pow.Eu a n d nell they my . ' for in the last hundred years no discovery has t ee,, made equal in all respects to theirs. It is not only of bidividual isitere,t, but it must in time beem;M a great national lament; in the aggregate it will add at least one Million or lmllars annually to the produce of the Country in the increase of MILK, nurrtm and v.ti• from the seine amount of food, beside the many, minv sitar lives of valuable animals which it will save by restoring them to health. The PUOPIIIETOOS Of this lioWiler have investi gated this subject for years. during a lung resi dence In the Country. Hy closely analysing all the differbnt secretions ol• animal., :it TIM E:l3 acid sr:Aso:is, they are at last amply rewarded by their wonderful discovery, Sine they have prepared TIIIZIR rownun and the Farmers all over the Country flu• and wide are thing it and pricing it up to the skies; some other poisons have gut up a pusher in the same kind of packages and are palming it oil on the public. They Caution therefore all persons against such impositions; and advise them to buy NONE, NOT A PUI,I) Withbat it has the written Blgnature of 1311EINIG, FRONEFIELD & Cw, oh the end of the Pack. The proprithcirs are able and prac tical Chemists and are well acqnainted with all the laws which control the health and nutrition of animals. N. B. Donut be imposed upon and allow your Animals to die or linger with disease because you have fed the wrong Cattle Powilet. The Signa ture of BREINW, FROSEFIELD O' CO. is on the end of each pack of the genuine Artield: For Sale by TllO. HEED & SON, Bunt: May 27, 1852. Executor's Notice. Estate of MATHIAS MILLER, late of Cass town• ship, deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. A. MIERLY, Maly 27, '52.-6t. Executor. WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY STORE. ,c)NrAlta Edmund Snare in!tn•ms the public that Ile has removed his store to the corner room former ly occupied by B. & W. Snare as n clothing store, opposite Whittaker's tavern, u•ltete lit la just re ceiving, decidedly the L.III,IrST, OIt:AM.:ST nod MOSI"rASTE1:11: slid: of WATCH EA, CLocas and , &c., ever brought to l luntingtion, which he eau sell at 1II:(11 HATES th an for merly. Persons ::males ih his line can lur easily suited or n , ,,unt or the largely incites , ed quantity and variety or his stock. INN Repairing done in short notice nrid'rvar ranted. Huntingdon, Apill•H";; 1852. J. BRICkER. BEAUTY ! BEAUTY ! • BOOTS IND SHOES. Mr. Editor : _ If any of your readers want their feet both Iteautilletl and pioteeted let• mre refer them to the elegant assortment of lIOOTS, sitoE $. tiAITEIIS, Sle., kept by CHARLES Esq., opposite T. K. Simonton's Drug Store in Huntingdon. lie hits on band ev ery variety in hie line or business. Men, Ladies and Children can all be supplied at this establish ment, with tho hest articles and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. Cif C,II and see. A SUBSCRIBER. Huntingdon, April 15, 1852. CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal purpo ses, con.ii,tlhg of . . ]lest quality FIet:NCH BRA ND 3 - , CON/. r nRAND " " /.10/4/"I Xi) ULV, " " ii.l DER . 11 . 1.\ - fig ca LiSBON I I . /A . L . , " " WEE T 117 NE, In short, all kinds of Liquors used For that per pose can he had ut the cheap store of April Rd, 1812. J. BRII Kl It BROAD TOP DEPOT. Lilo, Old Boss ! Where ore you rummy to? :';haul from under, keep your seats, gentlemen, you ,lialit be merely wish to say th all the world ❑ud th e rest 'nankin(' that I hate at the Broad 'Cop Depot near the .liiniata Bridge, and will keep for HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL. n I,'l', 1/A TS, fie. If v nu . don'l believe nit. and see. A. S. HAIZIiISO.N. Huntingdon, April 22, I 552. DR. R, A. MILLER,. DENTIST. ,Ittiji,ia/ 7; th, from 000 to n Ail set, monntoo in the moit improved modern style. F'illiny, and Cleaning done with etwe an, neatness. Mth Ertroded with all the eatbe anal despate that modem science can furnish. N. B. A !Mere! deduction made ott tic mice of work done for persons coming from a distance, to dollar trai•clling expenseS, Iluntingdon, March 25, 1852, MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABIiASI LEWIS respectfully informs his friends and the travelling public, that he has taken the thove 111,1150 In MOUNT UNION, Iluntingdoo County, and assures all those who ma, faror him with their custom, that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction: Baggage taken. to and from the Rail Ruud station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad emy, Shirlryshurg, Orhisonia, Slotnit 1:oion, April 22, 1852. 11.41LROAD HOTEL, The subscriber, having taken the large finer sto ry liriek Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept by Mr. Thohnet Wallate, is refitting the same fur aecomniodation. This Hoard is situated within a few yards of the ItailrOnd stathn and is one of the Intist etigilild in the place. T he sta bling is extensive, tuitl LLo lodation pleasant.— E ver y attention will be given by the proprietor to' prOitiote that etftilfutt or guests. GRAFFIUS NIILLEII. April it, 1852. LAST NOTICE. LL persons knowing themselves indebted to ri the Into firm el Dorsey tc• Maguire will Than call and have their several accounts satisfactorily adjusted, without regard to persons. By attend ing to this notice will save further trouble and expense. JAMES MAU um:. Duntingdon, Feb. 12,1632. A N excellent variety of fine Pot KNIVES; at E. , 1 - 1. Snare's. April IS, 1.852. VITATcIIES tror6 orni dollar to ninety-five, at E. Snare's. April 13, 1852. CHEAPER Than Ever ! ! Respectfully informs his old customers and the public generally that he has just received a spien did acsortatent of Goods fur SPRING AND SUM MER WEAR. His assortment bf eh& Gentlemen's Dress Goods arc all ()film lateststyle and best qualities, and will be sold at very reason able prices. Also; DRY Gli/ODS OF ALL , KINDS, GI? CER /ES, Q URENSIVA HAT'S ma PS, GLASSWARE, BOOTS SHOES, RD WARE 6, The 'MI& generally are invited to call and . es.- amine my stock of NEW GOODS. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods. April 22, 1852; NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Announce to their friends and the public gen-. erally that. they have just received a large and beautiful assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS' Consisting Of every fariety of Ladies' and Gen tlefliails' DRESS GOODft and' DRY GOODS of ail kinds, Every, denrtible article forLadics', Gentlet/lens' ' AllAses', Boys' and ChiWrens' wear can be had at our store. Also, GROCERI ES, HARDWARE, QUEEWARE & GLASSWARE, &C.; all of winftkivill he sold at very moderate prices. The pitiVe are invited to call and examiir out new stock. J. & W. sAxThtli• April 29, 1852. GiIAND OPEN TG • OF Spring and Summer Clothing AT inE HUNTINGDON CLOTH. A. WII.I.OeGIIIIY, bas just returned from the cast with a large and splendid assortment of for men and boys, Made in the latest fashion and in the most ;laritlile manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and ehenprr thati any body else in town, let hint call at Willoughby's cloth itig store, one door West of Thos. Reed & drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see or yotirselveSi May 6, 1852, Estate of John Ake, Jr., late of Totl hornet:lp Ilun ttnytion county, (teed. Notice is hereby given thet.letters of Adminis mnion hove been granted to the subscriber on the ;gne eAtiite, therefore an'peeStnis knowing them- itotbicd to said 6t;.tt wilt Make imliadiattS payment, and those having claims Will present them properly authenticated fin• settlement. CI IAIILES MICKLEY, Adm'r. May 13, 18E2 •J. s: GRIFFITH', 111. Gruduato of the University of Pa., ofTers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon end adjacent country. HErmoiNcEs:—Medical Faculty of University of Pu., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital stud Dr. Jacob °thee, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along With Dr. Moment,. • May 6, 1852. Informs his old friends and the public thalto has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his. profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability, Office in Main Street. south side, the Insidious° below the Court horse. SPRING STOCK. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c. Consisting of a large assortment of Men's Calf, Goat and Grained Boots, Coilgress Boots, Napo leons, Bfogittis, Slippers, &g:, Wointas and Miss es' fine and coarse pegged Slippers, Buskins, Lace Boots, iioYs Youths and Chit drens work in great' An assorttnatt of eltoiee7 C wales, Brown Su gars; best at 7 a 8 eta. pet lb., Coffee, Chocolate, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, &c,, &e:, at the cheap store of J. BRICKEit. FR ANKLIN HOUSE, ft U.l TLIV3 DO.l, 1".11., u 4 informs his friends and the public .gduerally, that htr Mrs - removed to his old stand, (thr many years occupied by Patrick liwin,deed,) which he has. leased" tbr n handier of years, and where he is prepared to accommodate in the most eomfortablo manner all mrty faiiar him with a call. The undersigned respectfully informs theirs customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting don codrity, that they still continue the manuthe taring of till kinds of Earthenware of the most su phrior quality and at prices to suit the thnes.— They will snake a trip by Canal, in the month ot May when they will be able to supply all who may favor them with their patronage, kerchants may rely on getting an article that cannot to please their customers, and such as will yield thous : a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend. ed to. Address J. A. MATtflilYS• 'it 8R0 . .. Lewistown, Pn. April I, 1852.-til PIUNITSODON, PA, NEW ARRIVAL SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS. corge Gwin, ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY: JUST ARRIVED. J. e• W. S.dATON HATS & CAPS, . BooTs_& snoEs, Inr G STORE Spring and Summer Clothing Adniitiistrator's Notice. A. W. BENEDICT, .11TORNEY 31' L.IW, Ilantingdon, hlay 13, 155•1.-Gut. Api•il 22, 1852, CHIRISTIA* litintiagdon, Pa., April 8,1852.-3 m LEWISTOWN POI"I'Elt I. 11. W. SMIT it, DENTIST, WANTLAT DOA; Oftioe apposite Coats' Hotel, 3lmeket Adams & Co.'s Express. 81111ONTUN, Agent, liwttingdon, . - Money, Packages, oral goods ofalf kinds, re ceived anti ihrwardeat tho risk of the company, tmall the cities and principal towns in the United States. dee. 11,'51. lIIE latest t Ed. t.''s Jewelry Store. April 15,1882. ----- pLocKs from $2. to $lO, warru . ulc.l, at Etl, t..4tv ay" a it it 15, 1859.