Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 17, 1852, Image 3

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Thursday Morning, Juno 17.
la" Look out fur split gold dollars.
Sim—Our junior "devil."
i tt g. A fat kitchen often makes a lean will,
trAr There are no gains without pains.
A cure for love—Matrimony.
For the sting of a bee—apply mud.
a - John Howard Paine, our Consul at Tit
nig, is d&td.
it3s- There are in the State of Ohio, 769 male,
and 611 female idiots.
igr A fire occurred nt Montreal, on the 6th
inst., which destroyed property to the nmount of
• tar Buckskin Sacks are scorn by the ladies of
Deseret. How deer they must look.
(fir Upwards of fifty ships have sailed from
China to California, taking, it is estimated, stbout
15,000 emigrants.
We learn from our exchanges, that the
Cholera is raging to an alarming extent i n Chic
ago, Carlo, and New Orleans.
The amount of gold deposited at the U. S.
➢tint, Philadelphia, doting the month of May,
was $4,300,000.
MAnKs is sous on Ice Cream. If yott don't
believe us, call and try it. Be makes an extra
Cr The steamer Illinois has arrived at New
York with $2,000,000 in gold, from California.
-The Aiteb Children are now being exhib
ited in Philadelphia, and excite the wonder of all
who behold them.
Of The Blair County Whig has bean enlarged
and presents a fine. appearance. Its enterprising
editor and proprietor, Major Raymond, was in
town last week, looking well.
Cir.,lotiesj of the Philadelphia Exchange Hotel ,
hes a Turtlh weighing G5O pounds ! It is to ha
F-enol 1111 MI the 4th July,
The "Albany Dutchman" is surprised that
young men can afford to loni* about runt-shops,
do they do, when a dose of arsenic can be bought
for six pence.
Gy If you wish to have a good and clean shave.
your hair cut and done up in the latest style, give
I'. V. CHAPLIN a call, his Saloon is next door to
the Post-office. Tom is ROME on a shave.
STRANG.--WO notice the marriage of Mr.
John H. Strange to Miss Elizabeth Strange. It
is n little strange, but we think the next event will
be a little STRAJCOER.
DRUNK -Two of our nice young men, on last
Sabbath, were promenading Main Street, with
about forty hundred oa, awl the wheels locked.
Olt shame.
(1;45 - Wild game from our American forests,
prairies, and swoons, is now regularly sold in
the Liverpool markets.
The woods near Marshfield, Mass., have
heen on fire for several days, doing damage to the
amount of $lOO,OOO.
'bits. Snowden, of Hartford cu., Md.,late
ls• ',resented her liege lord with twu daughters and
one son—all doing well.
trer The extreme severity of the pest winter
destroyed nearly MI the (.loAn. in N. Jersey.
POETICAL.—Gen. Pierce,
New Hampshire's Granite warrior,
Ile never can be beat ;
His hat was tote in Mexico
And wounded was Rix feet:
0" Some weeks since thirteen divoree cases
were granted in Cincinnati in one day-.
Cir Every reflecting man must see that fifty
two visits in a year, ors carefully conducted news- .
paper, ran not fail to exert n blessed influence on
domestic happiness and prosperity.
An Editor down South who served four
lays so a jury, says he's so full of law that he can
hardly keep Boni charting somebody.
saW The Jail of Allegheuey county has 105 in
Cr An inexhaustible cell mine lies been dis
covered in Kentucky, Which ignites as easily as a
candle end burns with is blaze as pure and as
brilliant as gas.
eir When it ruins in Germany, the rule is to
let it rain.
Awrur..—To find on kissing n rosy-eheeked
girl, that her beauty has been marred cud your
lips stained with Vonitimi Red by the operation.
ur The average age of men in cities is eight
years /as than in the country.
A coon JOKE—the newspaper article 'going
the rounds,' headed "the labors of Congress."
everything ; Prodigals who spend everything;
Croakers who fear everything; and Grinners who
laugh at every thing.
On Why is it easier to be a clergyman than a
physician ? Because it is easier to preach than to
On • worst er emies ore those we carry about
with us, in our own hearts. Adam fell in Para
dise, Lucifer in heaven, while Lot continued
righteous amid the corruptions of Sodom.
For the Gout—Accustom yourself to virtue and
Itir Some four or five hundred barrels of fresh
eggs aro received daily in N. York city Where
thet come from 7
Magazine at the U. S. Naval hospital, at Chel
sea, contains over twerali-five thousand kegs of
gun-powder. Should this become ignited, the
explosion would throw every house in Chelsey
from its foundation, and probably create a crook
or two in the s, iro of Bunker Hill Monument.
On Thursday, the 10th inst., by the
A KENTUCKY BOT.—They linvo a boy in Rev. Joseph Furr, Mr. BENJAMIN F.
Louisville. nine years old, just from the woods, GLABGtow to Miss MATILDA, only (laugh-
The following extract from Mr. Weed's last
letter from Italy, describes a curious cus
tom. He says:
At 2 o'clock we returned to the Square
to witness the novel and interesting core
motiy of "Feeding the Pigeons." Hun
dreds of people . . had collected with the
same object. The pigeons, or doves were
coming in from different directions and
lighting about the windows and cornices of
a marble palace, where they Sat quite grave
ly till the first sound of the clock of San
Marco, striking the hour of two wits heard,
when the whole flock simultaneously set
tled down upon the pavement, under the
windows from which the seed was thrown,
and from which they have been fed, at the
same moment every day, from a period so
remote that "the memory of man runneth
not to the contrary."
To-day we went again to the same place.
The pigeons began to collect a quarter be
fore two, evidently as intent upon their
dinners as the same number of children; or
"children of a larger growth" would have
been. Other bells sounded a few minutes,
before, but not a dove moved untill the
hammer was heard on the clock of San
Marco, when instantly every wing spread,
and the flock again settled to the pavement.
While busily picking up their food, a dog
gamboled round amongst them, and ehil
•dren walked into the ring, without disturb
ing them at all.
Some say that the Government provides
the food for the doves. Others say that
a lady, centuries ago, provided in her
will for the feeding of the pigeons; but
none know when or why the practice orig
, hinted:
urer of the U. S. Miut at- Philadelphia,
Edward C. Dale, Esq., furnishes the fol
lowing exhibit of the Coinage for the month
of May, just closed, viz: •
167,332 Daubld Eagles, $3,346,040
13,505 Eagles, 134,050
32,445 Half Eagles, 162,225
108,120 Quarter Eagles, 270,500
218,140 Gold Dollars, 218,140
539,542 Pieces,
21,500 Half Dollars, 10,750
100,000 Dimes, 10,000
1,820,600 Three Cent Pieces, 54,618
3,481,642 Pieces,
263,280 Cents,
2,744,922 Pieces,
$4,210,355 SO
GOLD BULLION Deposited for Coinage from
lst to 31st May, 1852,
From California, $4,151,000
From other sources, 185,000
SILVER BULLION deposited for Coinage
from Ist to 31st May, 1852, $20,000
afternoon last, four children of Thomas
Finney, who resides four miles above Hal
ifax were in the field when a thunder storm
came up, and they took shelter under a
Small tree, sitting down upon the ground
to protect theinselve,s from the rain.—
Whilst they were in this position they were
stiuck by lightning, and two instantly kill
ed: The names of these two were Samuel
Jackson Finney, aged 19 years, 4 months
and 3 days, and James Stewart Finney,
aged 11 years, 5 months and 5 days. The
other two children were considerably inju
redi. but it is believed both will recover.
tllariisbuq; Union.
. .
igin of this expression, which is very gen
erally used, and so little understood by l
many, is thus briefly explained : Mason'
and Dixon's line is the boundary between
Maryland and Pennsylvania. Frequent
disputes had arisen between Williatn Penn
and Lord Baltitnore in reference to their
respective provinces,: and years•of
were the consequence. In 1760 both par
ties became wearied with the dispute, and
an agreement was made, iu consequence of
which Jeremiah Dixon and Charles. Almon
wore appointed tso run the line in 1761.
Hence the designation, "Mason and Dix
on's line."—Pi7lsburg Union.
proposals for the loan of $850,000, were
opened at Harrisburg on Saturday after
noon. $200,000, were awarded for -14 per
,oent bounds at par. $056,000 wore award
ed for 5 per cent bounds at par. The bids
wero awarded to C. H. Fisher, of Phila
belphia ; Duncan Shoemaker & Co., of l
New York ; and George Peabody,. of Lon
don. There were offers from various per
sons amounting to over eight millions of
dollars, for five per cent.
[ A Dutchman who had a brother
hung in this country, wrote to his rela
tives, informing them that his brother had
been placed in a public situation by this
government, and at the time of his death
had several thousand people,, including the
sheriff and grand jury, under him.
ed in one of the papers that Mr. Macaulay
is preparing a new edition of the two vol
umes of his History of England already
issued, and that his publisher has called in
all the copies of the first edition to which
be can get access. This looks as if some
important alterations were to be made in
the work.
celebrated medicine is one of the very best in the
country, and its good qualities only need to, be
known, to give it precedence over all otltth how
in use. We have seen its good effect fittely, after
the total failure of many others:.. This Is saying
more flout we can for any„other medicine within
our knowledge, and whfeht a a duty to recommend
the Bitters to the notice otonr friends. The gen
uine iy prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. Phila.
To the heirs caul kyal Representatives of Philip
Shatz, th.v'ti.
Take notice that in pursuance of a Rule issued
out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
you arc hereby Summoned to conic into said
Court, on Monday, the 9th day of August next,
and accept or refuse to take the real estate of
said deed at the valuation thereof, or then and
there to sheer canoe it' any you have, why the
same should not he sold.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Serif;
Sherifrs Ofliee, June 17, 1852.-4 t.
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a Sha
ving and Shampooning Saloon near the Post
office, where he is prepared to accommodate the
public in the test fashionable style. He also
keeps on hand Perfumery, the most fashionable,
such as I , ,an de Cologne, Pomade Crystalline,
Huse I ir Oil, Pomade Philacnme. Haile Anti
gne, Extract Monehoir, Pertulia, Tincture of
Musk, Extra Lily White, fur Ladies, and a line
as,ort meat of fancy soaps of all descriptions.
Iluntingdon, June 17,'12.-3m.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing, under the
firm of Read & Melbluff, Cassville, and Meildnif
& Read, Eagle Foundry, was this day dissolved
bv mutual consent. The books of Rend & Me
liduft, are in the hands of R. Read, Cassville,
and of Mel bluff t i• Read, in the bands of James
Melltlutf, Engle Foundry. All persons. having
unsettled mounts on either of the above named
hooks, will please call and settle them previous to
the 10th day of July next, or they will be placed
in the bands of a proper officer for collection.
The business wilt still be continued by the above
named persons at their separate stands, where
they trill be pleased to %Mit on all who may favor
them with a call. R. READ,
.jitne 17, '52.-31.
Popular Ice Cream Saloon.
.1011 N MARKS informs the public that they
can he served with this rich delicacy every even
ing at MA well known establishment tiler the
SMIA or Temperance hull in Huntingdon, An
eleennt room is provided for the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par
take of this luxury.
2,682 80
Cr Ile is prepared at all times, to tarnish par
ties with the BEST that can be made in town,
and at reasonable rates.
Nay 20, 1852.
The subscriber h eying purchased oat the Store
of Goods of John 13.1,bach, now in the store
house and premises of Henry B. iklylinger, at
Water Street, Pit, together with one !mit' the t':a
nal Boat Gen. Simon Cameron and stack and
fixtures thereto belonging; hereby give,. notice to
the public that the business of met :it the said
Store lately carried On by John Balsliach, will
hereafter he conducted and carried on by the sub
scriber, in the name of, end by his Agent, John
Balsbach, who trill attend to the business at the
store, where he has just received a large mid sea
sonable stock of all kinds of Goods, suited to this
section of country, and which will positively be
sold at prices to defy all competition..
Boards, Shingles and all description of lumber
will at all times lie received in exchange for
.Goods, and for which the highest market price
trill be given. Also, all kinds of country produce.
Haring adopted the ready pay system, he feels
confident the public will find it to their interest to
call and make their spring purchases.
Water Street, May 6, 1852.
JACOB SNYI)ER has just returned from the
cost with at splendid stock of Clothing consisting
of Coat, Panto, Vests—all shades sizes and vat
rieties—iikaa Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hanker
chiefs, limo, nod at fine assortment of SllllllllO .
hilts. All will lie sold remarkably low for cash.
Coats film $ I 00 up to $l4, Pants from $1 00
to $5 00 mut Vests from Theta to $4 00.
Ills eStiikLishutent will be found at the Rough
if. Heady hoard awning in Maine Street.
Huntingdon May 27, 1852.
AMES in want of Parasols, cannot fail in be
ing suited by calling at J. & W. SAXTON'S.
beautiful now Bonnets have just arri ,
ved, end are now opened end lbrr sale by
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
A tinignificent nssortniqnt of Silk Dress But
tern,, Bcragde Lanes, Berages,±e.
fur sitle
Oun stwk of low priced Monslin do Lanes, and
Lown,, ore complete, and very low by
April 22 . , tes2. & W. SAXTON.
A beautiful assortment of Fii'My anti
a Vesting for sale by J.: &W. SAXTON.
A splendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarfs, for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON..
pOILT MONNAIES fro 25 cents up to $2 50
at Ed. Snare's. April IS, 1852.
---- -,----„-___
MIIE cheapest and best Cloths in town fur sale
1 by J. &W. SAXTON.
Importot Notice.
All persons indebted to Robert Grades by book
account or• otherwise, will please call and settle
before Slut first of July.
Alexand►ia, June :3, 1852.
Cr 20 l3ls. 'No. I Herring, for sale at the store
GEO. G wix.
GT 100 Sucks of Salt in store, and for sale
by ULo. Gwr.
eir Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lend,
Jersey Wiudow Glass and Putty, fur sale at the
store of Geo. GWOC.
lir A large assortment of Hats; Moleskin,
Kossuth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, for
men and boys, for sale at Geo. GWIN'S.
C - t'' Ladies' . !:!rnets of tie lutoit styles just
To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of George
Taylor, late of Springfield township, The n
tingdoncounty, deed.
Take notice, that by virtue of a Writ of Parti
tion or Valuation issued out of the Orphans'.
Court of Huntingdon county, I will hold an in
quest on the real estatti of which George Taylor,
dee'd., was seized, situated in Springfield town•
ship, on the premiseS, on Tuesday the 21. d tiny of
June next, when and where all interested may
attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, shql.
:Acres office, June 3, '62.-3t.
Stoves and Ploughs.
A large assortment constantly on hand, and will
bo s,•: 1 twenty per cent. cheaper than can be
bought at any other place.
- . -
Alexandria, June :3, 1832.
Administrator's Notice.
Estnte of Dr. JOHN Youpro, late of the borough
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the above estate, all per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly no
thenticated for settlement.
May 27, 1852.-6 t.
Admiuistiator's Notice.
I,:state gi Samuel Ilockenberq, late of Springfield
tuumslaj), Iluntingdon minim, deed.
Letters of administration have this day been
granted to the subscriber upon the above estate,
thateftwe all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed will make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement.
May 20,'52.-6t. • Administrator,
The nmlersigned appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas to distribute the proceeds arisik;
from the Sheriff's sale of real estate of Robert
Logue, deed., in the hands of Matthew Crowno•.
err, Esq., will attend for that purpose nt his of
fice in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday
the 15th day of July next, when and where all
persons interested can attend, or be fl a mer de
barred, &e. WM. P. ORBISfiN,
May 20. 1852. Awli tor.
A T 0 E 1" AT LA 11'
Will attend to all business - entrusted to his care.
lle will make collections, draw Deeds, 13onds,
Mortgages, &e., .d state Administrator's, Exec
utor's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most rea
sonable terms.
Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res•
donee of Dr. Henderson, near the Court flouse.
April. 1, 1852.
WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur
l' ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
Bed Cords, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Stash Tools, and an endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the
clieap store a
April 22, 1852,
I)l.JrcEll, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup
11 Beans, Flour, tirain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
Ste.,', taken in exchange for goods, at the highest
market priers, at the cheap store of J. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in P. Swoope's old stand.
Ihmtingdon, April 22, 1852,
A large assortment of Candies, Nuts, Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Praises, Lemons, Oranges, Sewell
Herring, Coca Nuts, c. , &c., wholesale mid re•
mil, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
Oils, Lead, Glue, 'Turpentine, Glass,
Put,. I 'aint,, Tobacco, Cigars, dv., whole
sale tool mail, at the cheap store or
April 22, 1652,
J. & W. SAXTON have just received a
splendid lot of Mole Skin Huts ' ICossuth tints,
Panama and Straw Hats, also Caps, Children,:
Gipseys. Flats and Hots. April W,
1 - 111FIEE, Sugar, Rice, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
%.-/ Pepper, Cloves, Cumulate% Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Snuff, &c. &c., for sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
100 Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex
pressly tier hunily use,
for sale at the
Store.of G WIN. Feb. 12, 1852.
A beautiful assortment of Veils, Linen
.2,1_ Collars, Can, Bonnet Borders and Artiti ,
cials—also, Kid, Silk, Lyle Thread . sad Cotton:
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
he tasty of the ladies, for sale by
April 2'2, 1852. .1. & W. SAXTON.
f I , lle best assortment of Summer Goods for
Childress wear, such as Tweeds and Cotton,
just arrived and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
400 l f l o ls r o s t a l l r e l: y l Carpet
J C i s t , o . v i. agtlN
0 1`; : , !tie
great variety of Ladies Slippers, Gaiter Boots
and Shoes, the best assortment in town, for
sale by J. es, W. SAXTON.
500 Webs assorted. Prints, just ,trrived end
for side by J. Z. W. SAXTON.
18 KARAT, and other Wedding Rings, nt E.
Snare's. April 15, 1852.
Best Family Flout', by the Barrel or
retail, at J. Bricker's Store. ap. 22, '52.
MAHOGANY and Walnut Ventura, for sale
at the new store of
J. & W. S-AfT(SN.
For sale at GEO. G WIN'S Store
G 01.1) and Silver Spectacles at all prices, at
F. Snare's. April 15,1852.
irdrAinerVeati manufactured Pen Knives mul Re
curs, all warranted, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
5 , 150 Seeks li A Salt; in' arid rot: sale
at $1,70 pet each, by J. hi W. Saxton.
25 Barrel's and 10 half barrels of fresh No.
1 Herring, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Gr 20 Barrels uf Mackerel and Shad for sale
by J. W. Saxton.
Lcad Pipe 4 inch, • inch and cot'
side by J. & W. SAW..
le' Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
sin, Pitch, Ouknm, Ropes, &c., for sale by d. &
W. Saxton.
500 vds. Rag and Listen Carpet, just re.
reived, and tor salo by J. & W. Saxton.
- -
CV' 600 yds. Ingram Carpet for sale by J. &
W Easton.
" 200 Bushels Rock Salt for sale, at 42 els.
per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton.
arm, am.... Miirnnn and liug v C ludo. for sale
of Alexandria: dec'd.
Auditor's Notice.
MEN ONE mid AU. speak in the highest tertne,of
Ilmasto, FlN,Shrmr.o & Co's CELEBRAINkb
Ca•rvui Powomt and well they may, for in the
last hundred years no discovery has been made
equal in fill respects to theirs. It is not only of
individual interest, but. it must in time become a
great national benefit; in the aggregate it will add
fit least one Million of Dollars annually to the'
produce of the Country in the increase of ;omit, :
BUTTER and FAT from the same amount of food,
beside the many, VERY MANY list's of valuable
animals which it will save by restoring them to
The ntornwrons of this powder have investi
gated this subject for years, daring a long resi
dence in the Country. By closely analysing all
the different secretions of animals, at ALI. 'runes
and SEASONS, they are at last amply rewarded by
their wonderful discovery,
Since they have prepared THEIR rownEn and
the Farmers all over the Country thr and wide
are using it awl praising it up to the skies; some
other persons have got up a powder in the sante
kind or packages and are palming it off on the
They caution therefore all persons against such
impositions, and advise them to buy NONE, NOT A
FOUND without it has the written Signature of
BREINIG, PIiONIiFIELD & Co., on the end
of the Pack. The proprietors are able and prac
tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all
the laws which control the health and nutrition
of animals.
N. B. Do not be imposed upon and allow your
Animals to die or linger with disease because you
have fed the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa
ture of BREINIG, FRO_ :17ELD CO.
is on the end of each paek of the genuine Article.
• For Sale by TllO. BLED & SON, Hunt.
May 27, 1852'.
Executor's Notice;
:state of MATmas Mttaxe, late of Cass town
ship, deceased.
Letters Testamentary on the above estatehav
lag here granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted will make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them duly anthentica
ted for settlement. A. EIZIN,
May 27,'52.-61. Executor.
31 MagOTAZse
Edmund Snare informs the public that he
lots removal his store to the corner room former
ly occupied by B. & W. Snare as at clothing store,
Opposite Whittaker's tavern, where he is just re
ceiving, decidedly the LAUGIiST, CHEAPEST 11
JEWELIty, &c., ever brought to Huntingdon, which
lie con sell at MUCiII.UWEit RATES than for
merly. Persons Is ishing articles in his lino can
be easily suited on itecount of the largely increas
ed quantity and variety of his stock.
EU Repairing done in short notice and war
'lluntittplon, April 15, 1852.
111 r. Editor:
If any of your readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let me refer
them to the elegant assortment or HOOTS,
SHOES, (.ALTERS, &c., kept by CHARLES
S. BLACK, Esq., opposite T. K. Snnonton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. Ho has on hand ev
ery variety in his line- of business. Men, Ladies
and Children can all be supplied at this establish
ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any
other establishment in the• county.
Call mind see.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1853.
CHOICE LIQUORS' fu r iefnal 7 pUrpo.
see, consisting of .
Best quality FRE.VCIT BRANDY,
" " 11(4.1..1.VD GIN,
" cc
.1/. I / , /,'/e/.1 II 7..VE,
cc " SII 'EET I I 'INE,
In short, all kinds of I.i.piors wed' for that pur
pose can he had at the cheap store of
April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER.
Hello, Ohl !loss Where are you coining to
Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen,
you shout he hurt-1 merely wish to say to all the
worlt and the rest of mankind that I have at the
Brood Top Depot near the Juniata Bridge, and
will keep for sale HAMS,. SHOULDERS,
MACKEREL, SALT, OATS, &e. If yowdon't
believe me come sod see. A. S. HARRISON.
Huntingdon, April 22; 1854
Artf tidal Teeth, from ono to n jiaset, mounted
in the most improved modern Etyle.
Filling, Filing and Gleaning dime with care and
Teeth Extracted with all the enbe and denpateli
that modern scieure can furnish.
N. B. A liberal deduction made ou the price
of work done for persons coining from a distance,
to defray travelling expenses, &e.
Huntingdon, March 25, 1e52.
ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his
friends and the travelling public, that he has taken
the above house at MOUNT UNION, Huntingdon
County, and assures all those who may fiwor him
with their custom, that no pains will be spared to
render satistitetion. Baggage taken to and from
the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished
at all times, to persons going to Millwood Acad
emy, Shirleysbarg, Orbisonia, &c.
Mount Union, April 22, 1852.
Tho subscriber, basing taken the large four sto
ry brick Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept
by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same for
public accommodation. This Hotel is situated
within a few yatsls or the Railroad stati•oi, and is
one of the. 'Ansi eligible in the place. The .sta
bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.
Every attention will be given by the proprietor
to promote the comfort or guests.
April 15,1952.
A LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to
1 the late lirm of Dorsey d• Maguire will please
roll and have their several accounts satisfactorily
adjusted, without regard to persons. Hy attend
ing to this'uotiee will save f ur ther t rou bl e an d
expense. JAMES MAGUI RE.
Huntingdon, Feb. 12,1852.
A N excellent variety of fine PEN KNtvits,
ti Snare's. April 15, 1852.
NATATc LIES front' ono dollar to ninoty-five, at
Than Ever ! !
Geatgi3 G*in;.
Respectfully inform, costomerlt mid the
public generally that lie 112 S
I,Teived a splen
did assortment of Goods for SPRING AND SUM
MER WEAR. His assortment of Ladies' and
Gentlemen's Dress Goods arc all of the latest style
and best qualities, and will be sold at very reason.
able prices. Also, DRY GOODS OF ALT:
(4 EF. .Ir§ . W A
The public generally are invited to call and ex.
amine my stock of SEW GOODS.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Goods. April 22, 1852.
-_•_ • ••
J. it W. S.LITON
Announce to their friends and the public gen—
erally that they have just received a large and
beautiful assortment of
consisthig of every variety of . Ladies' and Gen
aemens' DRESS._ G01.11)S, and DRY GOODS
of all kindi, Every desirable article fur Ladies',
Gentletnetts', Misses', Boys' and Childrens' wear
OM' he had at our store.
all of whichwill be sold at very moderate prices.
The public arc invited to call and examine our
new stuck. J. & W. SAXTON.
April 29, 1852.
Spring and Summer Clothing'
A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from
the cast with a large and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and'.
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants dressed better and cheaper than any body
else in town, let hint call at Willoughby's cloth
ing store, one door West of Thos. Reed & Son,
drug store in Iluntingdon. Call and see or
yourselves. May 6, 1852.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of John Ake, Jr., late of To4rmAc,',ip Han
tengdon county, deed.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis
tration have been granted to the subscriber on the
above estate, therefore all persons knowing them
selves indebted' to said estate will make immediate.
payment, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated• for:settlement.
May 13, 1832 —Gt.
J. S. GRIFFITH, 111. D.,
Graduate of the University of Pa., otters his
Professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
INFERENCES :—Medical Faculty of University
of Pa., PI yskians east Suivons of the Pennsyl—
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, No. 188, Mifflin Street, along with 1:1t,
Hoffman. Nay 6,1852. '
Informs his old friends and the public that he
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his prolession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity and his best ability.,
Office in Main Stmet, South side, the last house
below the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 13, 1832.—Gm. •
Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c.
Consisting of a large assortment of Men's Calf,.
Goat and, Grained Boots, Congress Boots, Napo
leons, Brogans, Slippers, &c., \Vortices and Miss
es fine and sm.:pegged Slippers, Buskins, Lace
Boots, Jenny Lind's, &.,.Boys Youths and Chit
dreus work in great eariety.
An assortment of choice groceries, Brown Su
gars; hest at 7 it 8 ets. per lb., Coffee, Chocolate,
Teas, Molasses, Syrups, &c., &c., at the cheap
store of J. BRICKER.'
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852.
If T 1.1( DOA', Pd.,'
C. CO UTS inform his friends and the public
generally, that ho has removed to his old stand,
(for many years occupied by Patrick Gwin,dec'd,)..
which ho has len,ed for a number of years, and.
whore ho in prepared to accommodate m the most
comfortable manner all who may favor him with
a call.
Huntingdon, Pa., April 8,1852.-3 m.
The undersigned respectfully informs their
customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting ,
don county, that. they still continue the manufac
turing of all kinds of Earthenware of the most au-.
perior quality and at prices to suit the. times.—
They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of
May when they will be able to suPply all who
nosy favor them with their patrenage. Merchants
may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to.
please their customers, and such as will yield them
a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend
'ed to. Address J. A. mATnEws Two,
Lewistoini, Pth •
April 1,.1852.-tf.
('Office opposite Coots' llotei, Market et.)'
Adams & Co.'s' Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Minting(lon.
Money, Packages, and goods ufall kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
States. dec. 11,'51.
THE latent Novelso, t Ed. Snare 's Joeielry
Store. April 15, Mt.
CILOCKS from $2 to $lO, warranted, at gd
1 .1 RSIA 4tha 15-1115.51.:-