Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 03, 1852, Image 3

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    Railroad Meeting at Stonerstown.
A public meeting of the citizens of the counties '
of Huntingdon, Bedford and Fulton. friendly to
the immediate construction of the Huntingdon and
Broad Top Railroad, will be held at tirotssits-
Tows, an Wednesday the IGth day of June, at 12
o'clock, noon.
The Commissioners of the Road will be in at
tendence to solicit and receive subscriptions to the
Stock Of the said Railroad Company. -
The meeting will be addressed by Gen. .Ayres,
of Harrisburg, W. P. Schell, Esq., of McCon
nellsburg, John Scott and David Blair, Esqrs, of
Huntingdon, and others.
June 3,, 1852.
Proposals will ho received up to Monday 14th
June, for Stone work, Brick work, and wood or
carpenter work of the M. B. Church to be erected
at this place, Plans "end specifications can be
seen at any time. JESSE MEREDITH,
Beading Committee.
Mill Creek, Jtine 3, 1852.
Bridge Proposalsals.
S6alcd proposals will be received by the on
deragned, for the building of a bridge across
Trough Creek, at or near Paradise furnace op to
12 o'clock Saturday the 24th day of June. Plans
and specifications may ho seen at any time by
calling on Mej. Charles Mickley. The letting
to be held at Paradise Furnace.
1. PEI (411TAL,
R. 1.41 . 11 P, Com
June 3, 1852.
Stoves and Ploughs.
, A large assortment constantly on hand, and trill
be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than elm be
bought at any other place.
Alexandria, June 3, 1852.
To the heirs and Legal ReprUentatives of Gonve
Taylor, late of Springfield township, lion
tinydon county, dec'd.
. Take notice, that by virtue of a Writ of Parti
tion or Valuation issued out of the Orphans'
COurt of Huntingdon county, I will hold on in
quest on the real estato of .which George Taylor,
deed., was seized, situated in Springfield town•
ship, on the premises, on Tuesday the 2nd day of
June next, when.and where all interested mat•
attend. WM. B, ZEIGLER, 611 . 1 r.
Sheriff's office, Juno 3,'52:-3t.
JACOB SNIDER has just returned from the
east with a splendid stork or Clothing consisting
of Coats, Pants, Vests—all shades sizes and va
rieties—also Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hanker
chiefs, Hose awl a fine assortment of summer
hats. All will be sold remarkably low tier cash.
Coats from $1 00 up to $l4, Pants li•nut $1 Os
to $5 00 and Vests from Thets to $4 M.
His establishment will be found at the Rough
f• Ready board awning in Maine Street.
Huntingdon May 27, 1852.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Dr. Joust Tors,:, late of the borough
of .Alexandria, tlce'cl.
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the above estate, ail per
sons indebted will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly as
thenticated Mr settlement.
May h 7, 1852.—at.
Administrator's Notice.
Esiotc of Samuel Ilocko,t,erg, late of SprinWicl4l
township, Hantingthm countv, ded.
Letters of administration have this day been
granted to the subscriber upon the above estate,
therefore all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed will snake immediate payment, and those haw
ing claims will present them prOperly authenti
cated for settlement.
lluy 20,'52.—Gt." Administrator.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed by the Court ofl
Common Pleas to distribute the proceeds arising'
from the Sheriff's sale of real estate of Robert
Logan, deed., in the hands of Matthew Crowno.
yer, Esq., trill attend for that purpose at his of
fice in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday
the 15th day of July next, when and where all
persons interested can attend, or be forever de
barred, Sce. • ‘VM. P. 01UHS9N,
May 20,1852. Auditor.
Popular Ice Cream Saloon.
JOHN MARRS informs the public that they
can be served with this rich delicacy every even
ing at his well known establishment under the
Sons of Temperance Hall in Huntingdon. An
elegant room is provided for the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, who may wish to par
take of this luxury.
May 20, 1852. •
The subscriber h eying purchased out the Store
of Goods of John Dalt:bitch, now in the store
boson and premises of Henry B. Mytinger, at
Water Street, Pa., together with one half the Ca
nal Boat Gen. Simon Cameron and stork and
fixtures thereto belonging; hereby gives notice to
the public that the business of and :it the said
Store lately carried on by John Mash:tell, will
hereafter be conducted and carried on by the sub
scriber, in the Caine of, and by his Agent, Joint
Balsbach, who will attend to the business at the
store, whore be has just received a large and sea
sonable stock of all kinds of Goods, suited to this
section of country, and which will positively be
cold at prices to defy all competition
Boards, Shingles and all description of lumber
will at all times lie received in exchunge for
Goods, and for ivhich the highest market price
will be given. Also, all kinds of country produce.
Having adopted the ready pay system, he feels
confident the public will find it to their interest to
-all and make their spring purchases,.....
Water Street, ALLY 0, 1852.
Shoemakers Wanted.
Two or three Journeymen Shoemakers can get
;toady seats of work by calling on the subscriber
Saulsburg, Huntingdon county, Penn'a.
May 20, 1852.-3 t.
VI 20 bls. No. 1 Herring, for sale at the store
Cr 100 Sacks of Salt in store, and for sale
by Geo. Gwox.
cir Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lead,
Jersey Window Glass and Putty, for sale at the
,tore of Ow. GWIN.
I t ir A large assortment of Rats; Moleskin,
I , :osenth, Panama, Pearl, Straw, and Leghorn, for
men and boys, for sale at Geal•
SA — Ladies' Bonnet., of the lute it style ,
MEN ONE nod ALL speak in the highest terms of
CATTLE rOWDER and well they may, for in the
last hundred years no discovery lies been made
equal in rill respects to theirs. It is nut only of
individual interest, but: ii must in time become a
great national benefit; in tie aggregate it will add
at least one Million of Dollars annually to the
produce of the Country in the increase of MILK,
BUTTER and BAT from the same amount of food,
beside the many, VERY MANY lives of valuable
animals which it will save by restoring them to
The PROPRIETORS of this powder have investi
gated this subject for years. during a long resi
dence in the Country. By closely analysing all
the different secretions' of animals, at ALL TIMES
and SEASONS, they aro at last amply rewarded by
their wonderlid dkcovery,
Since they biter prepared THEIR POWDER and
the Fanners ali over the Country thr anti wide
are using it and praising it up to the skies; some
other persons hone got up a powder in the same
kind of paekages and are palming it MY on the
They caution therefore all persona against such
impositions, and advise them to buy NoNE, NOT A
cousin • without it has the written Signature of
BIkEINIO, FRONEFIELD & Co., on the end
of the Pack. The proprietors are able and prac
tical Chemists and are well acquainted with all
the laws which control the health stud nutrition
of animals.
N. 13. Do not be Imposed upon and allow your
Animals to die or linger with disease because you
have ted the wrong Cattle Powder. The Signa
ture of BREISIG, FRONEI , 7I2LD S• CO.
is on the end of each puck of the genuine Article.
For Sale by Tilt). REED & SON, Runt.
May 27, 1852.
Ilantioydmi and Broad Top Momdain Rail Road
and Coal Company.
• •
Notice is hereby given, that the Books for the
subscription to the Capital Stock of the Hunting
don and Broad Top Mountain Rail liocul and
Coal Company. will be opened at the Court
house, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thurs
day the 10th June, 1852 and lie kept open for at
least six hours in each day for the term of three
days. All the Commissioners are earnestly re
quested to he present on the the first day of meet
John G. Miles, A. I'. Wilson, Thomas Fisher,
John 51eCahan, James Givin, James Entrekin,
David Blair, James Saxton., John Her, Jim Scott,
S. S. Wharton, John A.Doyle, George Jackson,
John Porter, Israel Grating, :3. M. Green, John
McCulloch, James Clark, J. B. Wintrode, Jacob
erV3son.ll, Charles Mickley, Alexander King,
Job Mann, Samuel L. Russell, Wm. Evans, An
drew J. Neff, I'. Schell, Devitt AleMortrie,
John B. Given, Wm. Acres, Gco. W. - Speer,
WM. I'. Orbison, Levi Evans, James Patton, R.
B. Petriken, Min W. Benediet,AlexanderPort,
James Magnin), Isaac Cook, George G win, James
Campbell, Daniel Crave, Henry Zimmerman,
and AV. T. Dougherty, Conouissioners.
fa d , The Bedford and Fulton papers will pub
lish the above.
Huntingdon, May 20, 1852. •
Exemor's Notice,
Estate of M.A•rw.As MILLER, Into of Ca. town-
Letters Testamentary on the above estate hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted trill Mahe immediate payment, and those
haring claims will present them dal,. antheatimt
ted I'm. settlement. .‘.
Alay 27, '22.-6t.
Rest Family Flour b y the Barrel or
retail, at J. Bricker's Store. up. 22, '52.
A beautiful lut or Cao.petiog and Oil Cloths for
sale by & W. SAXTON.
AMES in want of Parasols, cannot fail in ho
t/ ing suited by calling nt J. & W. SAXTON'S.
r `IIOSE beautiful new Bonnets have just arri.
rod, and are now opened mid fur sale liy
April 22, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON.
A magnificent a,sortment7 Dreg;
ternA, also, Beragde LaneA, Ilerages, &c.,
fur sale J. & W. SAXTON.
OUR stock of low ',rived Mouslin de Lane., anal
k." Lawns, are complete, and very or I,
April 22, 1832. .1. & W. SAXTON.
,autilil'issztnrlt o ayl'lnl
..tiirrorei f .\ v .s itl .
splendid lot of Silk Cravats and Scarf:, for
sale be J. & W. sAvros.
500 Webs assorted Prints, just arrive.] and
for sole by & W. SAXTON.
Mlle best assortment of Summer Goods for
I. Chi Wens wear, such ns Tweeils and Cotton,
just arrived and for sale by J. & \V. SAXTON.
400 I f l o )s y c c itloo t : y l (..! rne t j ( . 3
great variety of Ladies Slippers, I;alter !bensL. and Shoes, the best assortment in town, fur
sale by J. & W.
beautiful assortment of Veils, Linen Ibrfs.,
11 Collars, Cutn, Bonnet Borders and Artifi
ciads—also, Kid, Silk, Lyle Thread And Cotton
Gloves, and every other article necessary to please
he taste of the hulks, the sale by
April 22, 1852. & SAXTON.
THE cheapest and best Cloths in town for mile
by J. & W. SAXTON.
For sale at GEO. GWEN'S Stoic
(101.1) and Eilver Spectacles at all prices, nt
VA E. Snare's. April 15,1852.
- .
'American manufactured Pen Knives and Ra
zors, all warranted, Mr sale by J. & W. Saxton.
+" 150 Sacks Cl A Salt, in more, and fur sale
it $1,70 per saell, 6y J. g, W. Saxtml.
er 25 Barrels and 10 half barrels of fresh No,
Herring, fur sale by J. & W. Saxton.
frlr 20 Barrels of Mackerel and Shad for sale
by J. h W. Saxton.
Cr Loud Pipo inch, inch and inch, for
sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Oil, Paint, 'Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
sin, Pitch, Oakum, Ropes, &c., for sale by J. &
\V. Saxton.
Cr 500 yds. Rag and Listen Carpet, just re.
',aim!, and tar sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Gi" 600 yds. lugratin Carpet for sale by J. &
NV Saxton.
' 200 Bushels Rock Salk for sale, at 42 cts,
per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton.
tir G Brass Murano and Fancy Clocks for sale
by J. & W. Saxton.
AIIOG.VNY and Walnut Veneers, for sale
Announce to their friends and the public gen
erally that they have just received a large and
beautiful assortment of
consisting of every variety of. Ladies' and Gen
tletnens' DRESS GOODS, and DRY GOODS
of all kinds. Every desirable article for Ladies',
Gentlemens', plisses', Boys' and Children,' wear
can be had at oar store. Also,
all of which will be sold at very moderate prices.
The public are invited to call and examine our
new stock. J. & W. SAXTON.
April 29, 1832.
Administrator's Notice.
Beale of John Ake,.Te., lute V y'od tow/ay/lip Hun
tenyilmt eorinty,'dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis
tration have ban granted to the subscriber on the
above estate, theretbre all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
them properly antMmtirated fie• settlement.
Cll 11 LES MICKLEY, Mm'r.
May 13, 1852 —Gt.
J. 8. GRIFFITH, M. D.,
Graduate of the University of l'a., otters his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
andndjacent country. _
Itar•tttt:xcts:—Sladical Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hotfuran.•
Office, No. 189, Alilllin Street, along with Dr.
Hoffman. May 6,1852.
Informs his old friends and the public that he
has returned to his old home, and will intend to
all business in his prolession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity' and his host ability.
- -
Office hi Main Street, vomit side, the last house
below.the Court house.
Iluntingtlen. May 18, 1882.—Gat.
CHOICE LIQUORS for Medicinal purpo.
ses, consisting of
Best (polite FRE.vcri BILIA7));
'55 , \ 5 /5/? .. I );
tf noLLA GLV ,
" I DE/it.' 117 NE,
Li:s/10.V 117VR,
Sll T 11 INE,
• In short, all kinds of Liquors toed for that pm ,
pose 'can be had at the cheap store ot
April 22, 1832. J. BRICKER.
BROAD - rot• DEPOT..
Hello, Old Hoes! Where are you rummy to?
Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen,
you shunt be hurt—l merely wish to say to all the
world and the rest of mankind that I have at the
Broad Top l)epot near the Juniata Bridge, and
will keep for sale HAMS, SHOULDERS,
:NI ACKER E T., SALT, OATS, Se. Ryon don't
believe me come and see. A. S. HARRISON.
Huntingdon, April 52, 1852.
ArtUiciu/ at, from ono to a fill set, tnonntc
in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing end Cleaning dune with core an,
Teak Edracted with all the ease and despate
that modern science can funds!,
N. 11. A deduction made on the pric,
of work done fur persons coming lice it distance
to defray travelling mrpenses, Sic.
Huntingdon, Alarcli 25, 1852.
ABRAM LEWIS respectfully informs his
friends and the travelling !addle, that he has taken
the above house at MOUNT UNIO . N, Punting,lon
County, and assures all those who may f n •or hint
with their custom, that no pains will he spared to
render satisfaetion. Baggage taken to and from
the Rail Road station, and conveynnees furnished
at all times, to persons. going to Milo wood Acad
emy, Shirleysharg, Orbkonia. &e.
Blount liaiott, April 22. 12:12.
The subscriber, having taken the huge four sto
ry brick Hotel, formerly the "Washington," kept
by Mr. Thomas Wallace, is refitting the same for
public accommodation. This Hotel is situated
within dfew yards of the Railroad station, and is
one of the must eligible in the place. The sta
bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.—
Every attention will bo given by the proprietor
to promote the comthrt of guests.
(I tall?' US All
April 15, 1852.
TTORNEY .IT 1,1 ll',
. .
Will attend to all business entrusted to his care.
Ho will make collections, draw Deeds, Bonds,
Mortgages, &c., and statc .lihninistrator's, Exec-
Moe's, and (intuition's Accounts on the most roe
sonablo tennis.
Office in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res.
donee of Dr. Henderson, near the Court House
April I, 1352.
Bulibers, White Wash Brushes, Cur
, V ry Cumhs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines,
Bed Curds, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates,
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari
ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the
cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
DUTTER, Eggs, Rags, Soap, White Soup
Beaus, Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Dry Apples,
&c., taken in exchange tier goods, at the highest
market prices, at the cheap store of J. BRICK
ER, on Main street, in P. Swoope's old smnd.
Huntingdon, April 22, 1852,
A large nssorttnent of Candies, Nuts,. Figs,
Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch
Burring, Coca Nets, Ac., wholesale and re
tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
April 22, 1852.
ISH,Titr, Oils, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass,
12 Putty, Paints, Tohaecci, Cigars, 6.c., whole
sale and retail, at the cheap store or
April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER.
and other Wedding hinge,
at 1.1,
J. & W. SAXTON have just received a
splendid lot of Molo Skin Hats ' Kossuth Huts,
Panama and Straw Hats, also Caps, Childrens
Gipseys, Flats and Hats. April 22, '52.
I . IOFFEE, Sugar, Rico, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
%-- 1 Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Snuff, &c.-etc., Tor sale at the new
store of J BRICKER.
It variety of 4ll,EttiicEtras, at E.
For Males and Females.
RALPH PIERCE, Principal.
This institution is located in Cassville, Hun
ingdon county, Pa. The town is pleasant, heal
by, and easy of access, distant IS miles from the
.'cnn'u 11. Road, from Mill Creek.
. The Principal is a graduate of Dickinson Col
lege; a gentleman of superior abilities us a nun,
n scholar, and a practical teacher. The Precep
tress is a graduate of Cnzenoria Seminary, N. Y.,
lion is well qualified for the position she occupies.
The Summer Session of the Institution will be
ripened in rooms, fitted up for the purpose, in the
Methodist Church, on Thursday the llth dui of
June, to continue to the ilth qf Novendter—two
Quarters of I I weeks each.
The Fall and Winter term will commence on
25th November amid end March 2d. It is design
ed to open this Session in the largo building now
erecting for that purpose by the Board of Trus
tees, and no expense or pains will he spared to
have this School compare favorably with the best
Academie Institutions in the country.
Bending, Writing and lithography,
per session,
Elementary Arithmetic, Geography
and Ifistory,
More advanced in Geography and
History, .
[Uglier English with Lectures,
Greiik and Matheinatics,
Germ. and French, each 1 00
Painting,. and Drawing., 2 00
instructions on Piano, (80 lessons) 8 00
Use or Pianos 2 00
Tuition fees invariably to be paid in advance:
Boarding, Washing, &e.; can lie obtained at
moderate prices, during the Summer Session, con
venient to the Institution, and under the oversight
of the Principal.
It is designed to open a boarding house in con
nexion with the Institution.
Geo. W. Speer,
Joseph liimmon,
Nathan Balker.
David Clarkson,
Adam Keith,
Gideon Elks,
Cassville, May 13, 1852,
Spring and Summer Clothing
A. IVILLOUGIIBY, lin, just retuned from
the east with a large and splendid assortment t
Spring and Summer Clothing
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than any body
else in town, let him will at Willoughby's cloth
ing store, one dooe West of Thos. Reed & Son,
drug store in Iluntingdon. Call and see or
yourselves. Play (1, 1852.
Than Ever ! !
NEW AB 111 V A L
George Gwin,
Respectfully illibrlllB his old customers and tilt
public generally that he han just received it splem
slid assortment or Goods 1 , ./1. SPRING AND U
MElt WEA R. Ilk assortMent of Ladies' ans
('s Dre, Goods are all of the latest styls
and lsest, qualities, and will Ito sold at very reason.
able prices. Alto, DRY GOODS OF ALI
Glfut EWES, (. UREA'S WA kE,
I TS find CAPS, OLA SS ll' .1 HE,
• Ern , sod SHOES, HA 111)11:111E
The public generally ars invited to call and ex.
amine my stuck or N EW GOODS.
All kinds of country pro4lnee taken in excliang,
for Goods. April 22, 1852
Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c,
Conitisting of alarge n,sortment of Men's Calf
Goat mid Grained Boots, Congress Boots, Napo
leons, Brogans, Slippers, &r., Womens and Miss
es fine and coarse pegged Slippers, Buskins, Lac,
Boots, Jenny Lind's, &., Boys Youths and Chil
dren, work in great variety.
An assortment of choice Groceries, Brown Su.
gars; hest at 7 a 8 ets. per lb., COWOO, Chi/Cl/WC ;
TOM, Molasses, Syrups, &e., &c., nt the cheat
store of J. BRICKER.
Huntingdon, April Id, 185:2.
• 4 - 1, SX -
Edmund Snare itironns the imblie that he
has removed his ,tore to t h e curne.r co(lin turatcr
occupied by It. i. \V. Rowe lit a clothing store,
opposite Whittaker's tavern, where he is inot re•
ceiving, decidedly the LAnorsr, ctiv:AcEsr and
JEWELALY. &v., ever brought to Itnnthrzdon, whirl
he can sell at MUCH LOWER HATES than fnt ,
molly. Persons wishing articles in his line can
ho easily suited on account of the largely inereas•
ed a l l i lai t iTn l g7l . :3 ' i t t . e v sof tis ir s t to t`i' l t';tice and war.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1852.
Mr. Editor : _ _
If any of your readers want their
feet both beautified and protected let me refer
them to the eleeant assortment or BOOTS,
S. BLACK, Esq„ opposite T. K. Sunonton's
Drug Store in Huntingdon. Ito has on hand ev
ery variety in his line of business. Alen. Ladies
and Children eau all be supplied at this establish
ment, with the best articles and cheaper than any
other establishment in the County.
0 Call and see.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1852.
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm of Dorsey j• Maguire will please
call and have their several accounts satisfitetorily
adjusted, without regard to persons. By attend
ing to this notice will save further trouble and
Huntingdon, Feb. 12,1852.
9111 E latest Novels,, t Ed. Snare's Jewelry
1 Store. April 15, 1552.
(ILOCKS from 52. to $lO, warranted, at Ed.
U.% TI.Y6 DO., ,
C. COLTS informs Ids client's and the public
generally, that he has removed to his old stand,
(for many years occupied by Patrick Gain, dee'd,)
which he hiss leased fur a number.of years, and
where he is prepared to accommodate in the most
combinable manner all who may favor him with
a call.
Huntingdon, Pa., April 8,1852.4 tn.
For sale by HARTLEY & KNIGHT, 148 South
Second Street, lice doors above Spruce,
10,000 feathers. ill gonlities
wholesale and retail at tile lowest
cash prices ,
Cum°ns constantly on hand or made to order.
Also—Tiekings, Blankets, Mariiniles Quilts,
Comfortable, Sacking Bottoms &e.,
First floor:mil 11,0ment appropriated to sale
of Velvet. liras, I< • 'Tapestry Imperial three ply
ennictings. earpctings from 25ets to
$1 00, Stair 10,, to $1 00, Entry do 20cts
to $1 20, nog do 25 to •tocts.
width and all prices. • •
$3 33
April 1, 1852.
(LAm P 111,1,31 .IN, 1101. Es & CO.)
Importers and Jobbers,
144 Broadwity, 1 Door South, of
Liseriy Street,
Have now on hand, and. will he receiving daily
through the season, Now (;00,1s, direct from the
European uutrufftwttir,,, and cash Auctions, rich,
fashionable, Ihney Sill, Millinery (moods. (Mr
stnek of Rich Itihl.ns,comprise,,, every variety of
ale Intesi mad most tmatitifill designs imported.
Many of our goods are temulactured expressly
tryout , order, front our own designs and patterns,
aml stand unrivalled. We offer our goods for nett
at lower prices than any credit Him's. in'
America mita
All purchasers will foal it greatly to their inter •
est to reserve a portion of their money and make
selections from our great variety of rich
Ribbons rich for Bonnets, Caps, Sashes and
Bonnet Silks, Satins, Crapes, Lissos and Tar•
Embroideries, Collars, Chemiselts, Capes and
1 labits, Sleeves, Con, Edgings, and Insertions.
Embroidered Reviere, Lace, and Hemstitch
Blonds, Illusions, and Embroidered Laces for
Embroidered Loves for Shawls, Mantillas, mid
lloniton, Mechlen, Vulencienes, nod Brussels
English and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle
Thread, and Cotton Laces.
Kid, Lisle .Thread, Silk, and Sewing Silk,
Gloves, and Mitts.
French and America as Artificial Flowers.
French Lace, Enttlish, American, and Italian.
Straw Bonnets and Trimmititta.
March 25, 1852.
E. S.JONES, Sr., Co.,
kJ:in:El.:Ts. polisher:: or the Model Ar- •
ebitect, by SAM [EL SLOAN, Architect, to he
complete in 21- monthly ports.
'rhe above work dc,igned to meet the wishes
not only of thosedirectly interested in buildings,
hut of all who desire the advancement ()Nils no
ble art in our country, not wish to cultivate their
tastes and actmaintance with architecture. The
handsome manner in which it is prepared and em
bellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the
drawing-room, while its accurate delineation give
it the highest practical value.
Nos. 1. 2 & 3 now ready for delivery.
l'riee-50 cents per number. Address as
above, post wad.
I)ee. 18,1851.
:1 ;. .::::‘,, 7 7r , M 0 .
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The public are hereby hdorined that the sub
scriber has lensed that popular and well known
store room' in the Elephant building, opposite the
Railroad fowl and next door to the °thee of the
"Huntingdon 'Journal," on Roll Road street,
where he has just received and opened the latest
and best supply of
in town. Ills stock consists of every variety of
QUENSWARE, 110015, SHOES, &e., &e.,
all of which will lie sold low i 4 the "dust," or
exchanged thr country produce.
Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited
to call and "see the Elephant,' at least, as uo
charge is made for exhibiting the auhnal.
April 15 ; 1832.
The undersigned respectfully informs their'
customers, and the citizens generally of Hunting
don county, that they still continue tho manatee-,
taring at all kinds of Earthenware of the most su
perior quality and at prices to suit the titans.—
They will make a trip by Canal, in the month of
May when they will'ho aide to supply all who
may favor tllOlll with [lick patronage. Merchants
may rely on getting an article that cannot fail to
please their customers, and such as will yield them
a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend
ed to. Address J. A. MATHEWS & BRO,
Lewistown, Pa.
April 1, 1852.-tf.
11. U. SIIIIT 11.
HUNT INGDO X, P .ii c .
(Office opposite Couts' Hotel, Market at.
Adams it Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packag , ,, and goods °fall kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the citie, and principal wens in the United
$1,00.000 Saved Yearly by Purchasing -
The wonder of the age, nature's own produc
tions. These Paints differ from all others in the
market; they are not clays; they require little Oil,
flow easily, and cover with a heavier body than
white lend. They neither crack nor peel, and dry
readily. making an ENAMEL OF STONE.
COLONS-WC have seven different colors, viz t
three Browns, two Chocolates, Black and Yellow )
and by combination make every variety and shade •
of color.
Boor.—These Paints tare superior in body (or
covering property) to say yet discovered, and
pound for pound will cover double the surface of
white lead, nine, or other metallic Paints.
litox.—To Iron they furnish a perfect protec
tion against rust, fin• they contain no metal, which
like white lead acts destructively on the iron; in:,
filet this Paint makes iron doubly valuable fat'
building purposes.
Iltnl•x Wonx.—They give to house walls a
much heavier rotating than other paints, and if
sanding is required, nothing holds so firmly or
finishes so well with it.
Gma Roors.—Give as a roof, never so old and .
leaky, Silver's Mineral Paints will make it cheap.
ly new awl more enduring then it ever was.
tittu•s wing this extraordinary Mineral as we
prepare it for them, at ill be proof against the ac
tion of hot suns worms and salt water.
CAPITALISTI4 Rant IiI'ILDEEB aro invited to
make strict scrutiny into the merits of these',
Paints. They will find a very great reduction
might be made in the cost of painting. These
Paints are purely mineral; all clays and other
impurities arc washed oat in preparing them for
the market. They cost buthalf the price of white
lead, and the same quantity will cover twice the
surface, and last six times ns long, which in fact
reduces the !wive to one-twelfth. Climate has no
effect on this Paint, and is equally valuable in the
cold Canadas tar oar sunny lorida.
Duo, ritay,.- -Use Linseed Oil, mix as thick
as you can, and Ilse as other paints. These Paints
meal ha little dryer, ;anal fia• priming and second
coating in all housework they MIL be found far
cheaper and more dateable than lead.
Dealer , and cowniners can procure this Paint
wholesale and retail of
N. W. Corn, loth ,00h Market Streets, Phila.
General Wholesale Agents; also Importers of
Platte and Colored Window Wiwi, Dealers in
Draws, Paints, Cr.
March 11,1852.-3 m.
Saddle . ; liarness & Tru uk Ma nu lacturers.
The undersigns .1 respe-t''d! . ‘: inthrm their
friends and the public geocr.dly till they have re
moved their manntactory to the holding in Mar
ket *mare, for many years oemtpietf as a dry
goods store,. by Samuel Steel dee'd., where every
thing in theirline of business will be furnished
on the shortest notice, and on terms that cannot
fail to suit nll. They manufacture the most of
their work themselves, and can therefore assure
the pu'olic that every article will be made in the
best and most durable manner.
irg - A large assortment of superior SADDLE*
READY MADE, always on hand.
Wllides, and country produce generally,
taken in exchange for work. ..
They return thanks for the liberal patronage
heretofore exteded to them, and hope that their
old patrons will continuo to patronim them.
March, 18, 1852.
School Depart me n
Kturusnuno. April 19, 1852.
To lie Commissioners of Ifuntiugdon County:
GENTLEMEN:—In pursuance of the thirty-sec
ond section of an stet, entitled "An Act for the'
regulation and continuance or a system of educe* ,
don by Common Schools," passed the ith day of
April, 1849, I herewith transmit to yon a state
ment or the amount to which every district in your
county is entitled, out of the annual appropriation
of $200,00, for the year 1852, as follows
Districts. Amt. Districts
Berme $1 20,4 7 I Brady
Cans 61,62 Clay
Cromwell• i ----.•
114,15 1 Htildilr
Franklin 105,25 1 Henderson
Hopewell . '72,28 I Jackson
Morris 55,65 1 Penn
Shirinysburg hor. 31,60 Porter 170,24
Springfield 56,48 Shirley tp. 127,5
Tell 86,50 Tod 101,59,
rnion 52.14,E Walker 95,51
W:irriorstnark I \Vest 171,0 t,
I luntingdon bor. 142;59 I Oritysport 30,03'
Your obedient servant,
.....merintendost of Common SCIIOOIB.
hy ,Inlor or the Commissioners or
fluntingdou i:ounty.
: 11. W. MILLER, end .
May I I, i
Birmingham Female Seminary.
The liberal patronage which this School has
received in die past, encourages the proprietor
and friends of female cd , leation, to expect by
proper exertion to make it both a premanent and
important Institution; mid no pains will by spar
ed to sustain its growing reputation.
Among other considerations which inspire hope
as to its Allure surest, the location is not unim
portant. Three years actual experiment has de
veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas
on for the existence of Birmingham than many
which have been assigned—that it is the situation
fur a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by
most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—easy
of access and in itself a place where one might al
most grow wise in the study of Nature alone un
mocked by the works of Art.
The school year is divided into. two Sessions of
twenty-two weeks each; tied suihmor term com
mencing the last . Tnesdny in April, the winter
term the lost Tuesday in October.
Charges to date twin iit;e . ;t7entering, and no
deductions made for absence except . in 'case a
Tuition UM) and $5.00 per quarter—boarding
$1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw
ing, &c., extra.
Ile, 1 .411:\ 1.: 1 W. WARD, A. M., Principal,
Rev. TilOM AS WARD, A. M., Associate.
.J n. 15, 1852.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
NonCE is hereby given to the keepers of Inns
and Taverns within the county of Hunting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of
such Inns and Taverns that they close their res
pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or dealing out liquors on that day; and
the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this
injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to
the Act of Assembly in such ease made and pro
vided upon the fact of such violation coming tO
the knowledge of the Court.
lip the Court, 24th Jun. 1852.
ThEO. 11. CREMER, Clerk.
Feb. 12. 1852.
lOU Barrels ground out of White Wheat, ex
pressly for family use, for sale at the
Store of GEO. GWIN. rob, 12, 1852.
WATCHES from ono dollar to ninety-five,o
vV E. Suare',.. A nril is_ into