Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 03, 1852, Image 2

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    .. ..
every Whig, to support no man, for any of- Lease of the Columbia Railroad. I ITEMS. 1
. ii , T, who has not always been an active, We see it announced in the Philadelphia
- s [r, Keep your shop and your shop will I
.. . consistent and worthy member of the par- papers that the Cased Commissioners have keep you.
Mr. EDITOR:—With your permission, ty, and then we would soon be relieved of leased, and transferred to certain parties— 3 s' s
the following article on the subject of nom
, till faetionists and disorganisers. How Leeofocos of course—the exclusi re privil- 117 - Men, noW-a-days, who consider
ivatiens. I with to lay beforethehie
*w s = s of I can we expect success and the glorious de- ego of carrying passengers (scathe Ceitue- themselves gentlemen, go to farming.
Huntingdon comity, through the columns'
, vdopment of our principles, whilst we con- bia Railroad, for four y e ars, from the Ist
of the , J,urrell,' for their serious and fl s•-• — • gome time are our town had the
1 : 111- I tinue to nominate and electmen whose feel- of July next. The particulars of the ar- ---‘ is e•
biased consideration.
! ings arc entirely selfish and wholly indiffer- , rangewent have not yet been made public, , reputation of affording entertainment only
What we shall say may be considered ;
! cut to the prosperity of the party, whose but the Lancaster Whig has learned from I for num and beast. Now we are informed '
presumption, or as characterised by a de-
I political life has been nothing but a cons- , various private and well' informed sources, I that ladies can be comfortably quartered at
sire to prescribe an arbitrary
course for plete "bundle of inconsistencies," and who ' that Messrs. Israel Painter, late Canal I
loyal and intelligent men to pursue. Rut ,
„ mu . the "Black Bear" and Railroad" Hotels,
the name of Whig- only for the sake Comtnissioner, Judge book, of Harrisburg-I • ' `
WO do not wish to dictate, liar do we de-
I of ' 'Mere rind personal augratelizethent ? • —Gee. 13igler's uncle—Mr. Roekafellow, , respectively kept by Col. Johnston and
sire to prescribe, or even suggest, to any i
farther degree than, being a member of
Gentlemen, it is time we give this matter tof Philadelphia,• and others, are the eon- IG. Miller. Bring on your women.
lour attention--it has been too long neglce- i tractors; that the Wheel. toll has been taken I r_ls 0 fora plunge in some vast mill
the Whig party, we believe it to be our .
ted. In selecting met - rand snaking noini- ! off and the State to that extent defrauded, I dam.
duty. In expressing our thoughts on thiswin.
Inations, we have too often lost sight of the ! that these men may have the monopoly s of '
subject, we have no sinister motives to !
primary object, and perMitted ourselves to the travel. uof this snore, . [1:; Grave-yard hill is a beautiful spot,
subserve—no personal ambition to gratify.
be influenced by considerations altogether ,it i s said that vigorousmeasures will be ta- and much resorted to on Sundays. All the
All shall be prompted by aim anxious solici
unworthy the Hanle we bear. Let us now i ken to push forward the erection and com
tude for the growing prosperity of the party, lbeautiful scenery which environs Hunting-'
resolve, for the sake of our principles, for ! pletion of the Phossiixville and Cornwall
and an ardent desire to see harmony anddon can be seen front it.
the sake of prosperity, and fur the sake of Railroad, so as to connect with the Central ,
Union of effort pervade our entire ranks.
all that is glorious and worthy of action, Railroad above Lancaster, and thus avoid C s 4"The Juniata below town appears like e
We speak with the feelings of a Democrat- that we will, in all time to come, and cape- the-State Road altogether, great l ea ki ng gl,i,, fralll4 , l With meadows, flower
is Whig, with motives of pure fidelity to chilly at the approaching Convention, use I The Editor of the Whig, in announcing , g nod al verdant !mills.
the party, and with the highest hopes of all our efforts and influence to secure the I this arraugement, says—"We would like 1 cslov e l ie , jest seen ,i. man break off part of
its triumphant success, nomination of an active, capable and con- Ito know by what authority the Canal Com- a limb of one of Dr. imedersoies snow-ball trees.
That the wisest may err and that the sistent Whig to the Legislature, Let us missioners have undertaken to prevent villainous—they were ,nude to look at.
bravest may falter, the record of human cast aside our personal feelings on the sub- ' competition on the State road, in the face s"flie American Hag floats from the top of
action Will fully testify. And the history j„,, lose sight of men merely, fight for ' o f the wit of 1834 which expressly provides c„,„1„„s,„,. ware-Louse.
of our past conduct ought to seriously ar- I principle and honor, and then we may ex- that "individuals shall have the right to
rest our attention and induce us to pause 1 ,711\ advise the little loeufoeo that sells
poet harmony in our ranks and victory to ' place ears on the read, and, under such ,
wie.'s wi iske it the 10, '
lower strecet, to gnat shin
and reflect. It ought to teach us a lemon I perch upon our banner. There is now regulations as may be adopted, attach their I ' . .) .Y '
of practical wisdom, which we could apply • , dome this office.
opening before us the most interesting and ' cars to the loconietive ears belonging to the
with much benefit to the government of our important campaign ever known to the two Commonwealth, for the purpose of trans-lobo warns its subscribers not
es lust s. •
motives when called upon to act in concert great political parties of the country. In- pertation,"—with what excuse they can '' I , " hi"' over 'tli'' i" mistake—aril . intimates
for the interests of the party. teresting because elements will combine in defend the removal of the wheel toll and; that wc aro rich and dent nerd money to keer
It cannot be denied that, during the the issue which before never appeared; awl the consequent decrease of the revenue of I""ri".4. 'Hes is tlas second time it las slander
last ten or fifteen years, prejudice, private important because the Continued success the State, and how they will justify this 'e d "s '" '''''" . "Y•
consideration, and personal influences, and prosperity of the party will very much building up of a vast monopoly to tyrannize C-.s'r•loloi Marks gave us au introduction in him
to a greater or less extent, haveeharactee-
depend on the termination of the struggle. I over trade and travel, and control the leg- sale.n the ether evening to a saucer of his sub
ised the proceedings of almost every county . Around the bright forms of individual hap- . islation of the State. We await such a de- Hs fee Cemee • ots—(We break ml.'o-1..
Convention. In the actions of individuals piness and national greatness, will it be at- I fence, expecting locofoco politicians con
even in their primary meetings and in those tempted, by the opposition, to draw dark I veniently to forget all their former rant
of the delegates in capacity of conventions, and melancholy pictures of disappointment ' about the danger of monopolies, and to be
it seemed as if the object was not the get- I and discouragement, whilst high o'er the I come the defenders of this new outrage._
eral good of the party, but the grulifica
bulwark of social, political and religious Truly tray it be said there are no such
lion of some private spleen or personal liberty will be extended that had Which knaves in power as the locofoco Canal Com
motive. Such a state of things should by is now paralysing the very energies of our missioners of Pennsylvania, and none such
uo means exist if we wish to secure the ' national institutions and shaking to its very . out of power as the unscrupulous party,
nomination of a good man to any office.— centre that glorious structure of' living hacks who defend them."
Every Whig in the county should feel it freedom whose foundation was laid in the 'in making this arrangement, the Canal
to be his duty, a binding obligation upon patriotic blood of those who fell on gory , ConneiSsioners have, its effeet, given. the
him, as a member of the party, to endeavor fields its the days of she Revolution. But lessees the control not only of the (Vele
ta make the best nominations possible. He we need apprehend no difficulty—nothing bits Railroad, but of every public lied coin
should by no means be influeuced by pa- to discourage us under the flag of Gen. patty improvement throughout the s State,
sonal considerations in his choice of iadi-
WisfriELD Sonar. Let us then exercise with which it is in any way connected_
-- • viduals to fill responsible offices.. We have prudence and discretion in our political as-' thus accomplishing what was denounced in
Supreme Judge. done this heretofore to our injury, and let I sociations and transactions, and wo will the Legislature last winter, by men of all
On the 11 - 411.0 f this month, the Whig us learn a lesson from the past. Not that have .nothing to fear, for we have the truth ' parties, when the attempt was made to lease
Convention will assemble in Philadelphia we fear the subversion or the destruction on our side, and "truth is mighty and will the entire public works of the Common
lof the principles by which we, as a party, . , e ~
to nominate a candidate to fill the place in I
I profess to be governed, by the sectionalor June 1552. , most dangerous character that cannot fail
Su tome Court of the State, made vacant personal irregularities above alluded to, '
--ss-ssss-,5,----- , to militate against the interests of the State
by the death of the Hon. Richard Coulter. for we believe they will live and exert 'ats
. . F or th e uj o u r e a /, ,, and the rights of individual transporters.
after even
Among the many good names which will influence on the country, long , .
time is
[Reading Journal.
be brought forward at the, thee, we will . of Whig ceases and longafter J. A. Hall, bsq..-1 he time is now al-
the name . g ~
C •1 C f '
locofocoism shall have rotted in grave most here when alto ougressiona on ors , Arres t o f „
suggest that of thin Hon. James 'l'. Hale, Alleged Pitgitive Slave.
!and been forgotten; but the tendency of once of this District will meet to place ie.
of Bellefonte, Centre county. Judge lisle !
, such inconsistencies induces conflicting son- nomination' a candidate for Congress, and ! Great Extitement.
is a man of vigorous and comprehensive : titnents, excites prejudiced feelings, creates it is to be hoped that that Conference will An alleged fugitive slave, named James
Phillips, was arrested its this ' place on Mon
abilities and during a short experience on ; opposing factions and retards our onward not fail to select a good man. We shouldd
the bench of hie district commanded the progress, to prevent or avert which should have a man this fall
. especially, who castday last, by Deputy Marshals Loyer and
be the aim or every loyal Whig in the take the stump and will visit every county
John Sanders. Phillips has resided in
confidence of the people and the respect t county. _ Harrisburg for the last ten or twelve years,
in the District—one who is a bold and fear
and attachment of the an honest, industrious_
His unrest
has a
The time is almost here again when it less advocate of the principles of the party
---sesesess.---- tr'it'e several children. s arrest cans
will devolve on the Whigs of the district to — and one who will not hesitate to confront
1.," - We aro informed that Gen. S. Miles , select individuals as candidates for the Le- the enemy on any and all occasions. Such ed the roost intense , 9x i ci i t l e s uLe d itt t ; At a i nd du f rii t i t es t
Green of I3arree Forge and Dr. John Mc- I gislature, and as far as our county is eon- a man, I think, is J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., '
I t i l o 'n u i n •s xa i t t l i i i i tTe t n i s n e n' e ' r v ot i v in ds l oi people ' l n tr r or o ui n sd- .
Culled' of Petersburg are favorably spo-; corned, let us determine to nominate a good
your wh i t: s w o ts ;
the in hlliiisnt'r-lictfe,c,lotteldonititadveouta,
ed the office of the Slave Commissioner, all
ken of as candidates for nomination in this . titan—one who has at least been au , tie :,
!flinching, consistent Whig—one who bold and Whigs of
expounder of their prim- anxious to learn the fate of poor Phillips,
Congressional district. They. are both After hearing the testimony which, to us,
• , popular and can consumed influence either P , .
ci les and his abilities to do so are not to '
good Whigs, end should either be nomina- byno means conclusive as to the
be questioned. No truer friend to home 7as . . . . .
ion the stump or by the peculiar circuits
ted, he will receive the cordial support of ! stances of his situation—one who has. ton- industry, or an individual more demoora- ' identity of the alleged fugitive, he was sur
the party in this county. esty and integrity of purpose, and one w 1
i 0 tic in feeling and action, can be found, thanrendered to the e a
1 • •
intents, who, with great
Mr. S. ills notnination, I feel satisfied, diffioulty, and afr a desperate' struggle,
An esteemed correspondent has propos- has capacity . and courage to
up i i i t t i
f would meet with a hearty response in Hun- • succeeded in getsirg him: During the
ed, as will be seen, the name of our hum- It t
i ll e defence
councils of
of the th
e interests
reference peop e t o
tingdon county, and it is to be hoped his • struggle in the office between the captors
ble self in the same connection. We are the •• • • Saute.
• and the captive, the "outsiders," moved by
d' d • d
e past will satisfy any unpreju • tee mut •
claims will be favorably considered by the
not prepared to predict how high the' of the importance and necessity of giving Conference. JUSTICE. ' the frantic and heart-touching cries of the
, poor wife thus rudely torn from her hits
swell may run iu our favor, but we hope , this subject more attention than it has hith- Juno, 1852.
I band and the father of her little - children,
that all the "Ilielnuends in the field', , onto received. If good, unexceptionalsle
' becutue greatly excited, and were unspar
• tions were made there would be no
will labov for the 'Cuiou and harmony of . " Min ' . Whig Principles. in. in their denunciations of the Slave Cum
occasion or inducement for any member of P
our organization, as of higher importance 'the '
the party, to refuse to support the regular nussioner and his Deputies. At one time,
than mere personal SUCCCSB. nominees. Aud, indeed, we feel confident indeed, so intense was the excitement, that
WC feared an attack upon the Commission
- ----ss-essess. there is not a Whig in the county who
cc's oft Me. Order was speedily restored,
TUSCARORA A l'A tss:str.—We are pleas- would feel himself justified in opposing •the
however, and Phillips, without being por
ed to see that this flourishing institutiou,regular ticket, if available, consistent and
mitted even to sec and bid his wife a "last,
men were nominated, such as have
providentially arrested, for a thee, in its I reliable.. .' . di s- farewell," was hurried off to prison,
i clauus, capacity and qualifications, to dis
career of usefulness, by a great calamity-,i and the wretched mother returned to her
I charge the duties of the respective offices
has, by the energy and pelseverance of its i to which they aspire. desolate home, with a sorrowful heart, to
comfort, as best she might, the little ones
talented and accomplished professors and) What claims have men, professing to be
! • thus suddenly deprived of the protection of
proprietors, been substantially repaired, Whigs, on the party for any nomination,
a kind and provident father. The scone
and re-fitted, and is now inn flourishing I who have repeatedly endeavored to dicer
was one calculated to excite deep sym
ganise us, throw discord into our ranks,
condition. We bespeak for it the public,' pithy, and tp molt the hardest heart.—
and defeat the regular nominees, whether
I Of the hundreds of people who witnessed
favor and patronage which its high literary their own personal whites were not grate. it—
and moral reputation merits. I fled I Much sooner would I see them dis
card the name of Whig and fall into the
ranks of the Locofocos, where they proper
ly belong, than to exhibit the least mani-
I festation of encouragement for the purpose
of retaining them in our ranks. Wo want
,no such men. If they are not ‘Vhigs from
' principle aud will not be governed by the
I usages of the party, let them boll as quick
' as possible; the welter the better.
Such men do not deserve the name of
Whig, much less a nomination to a respec
table office. Indeed, they are not Whigs,
I for no man who deserves that name, will
BLACKAVOOD'S MAUAZINE, for May, h as , act the part of is disorguniser. - What folly
been received from Messrs, L eonar d Scott ' and what glaring absurdity it is, on our
& Co., the New York publishers. It cony I part, to encourage the pretentious of such
talus eight articles, entitled as follows : I I We should unhesitatingly advise
Gold—its Natural and civil History; Life t h o e
a u n s n e e a n m t h fi e r y s
t a t s o k
i i ) s e nomination s a o n f d u w s,. to
f h .
of Niebuhr; Thomas Moore; My Novel, by .
members of theparty—learn to be d s
Bulwer; Our London Commissioner; The Whig from principle and not from selfish,
Gold Finder; The Vineyards of Bordeaux; lucrative motives. Even their very con-
The Democratic Confederacy. Terms $3 , sciences, if such men have consciences, tell
' m the have no right to a nom-
per annum. Messrs. Scott & Co. also pub-
I heathen from the party, and it is expect
only their
lish the four leading British Reviews, which ' daring political hardihood that induces them
i i . ro Cornislie.l in connection with Blackwood !to make the application. It should be the
. .. . !reaaltitinn. the imiliunhl.i.d..... ... ;.. ...,..... ..5
* o w ,
Thursday alerni;;;:. „lime 3, ISSI,
6 our nuthorimal agent iu Philadelphia, Now
'ork aud Baltimore. to receive ailvert6ements,
ui nuy persons in ti ,se cities wishing t mirer-
Oie in our colunno, will please call on hint.
1 )1 ,
OF BERMS C1)1.:N1`1"
At a meeting of the Whig State Central
Committee, held et Harrisburg on Tues
day the 4th instant, it was resolved that
the Delegates to the into Whig State Con
vention be requested to assemble in Phila
delphia on the NINETEENTH DAY OF
JUNE next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., for tho
purpose of nominating a candidate aej
Judge of the Supreme Court, to fill the va
cancy occasioned by the Death of Hon.
Richard Coulter.
D. TAGGART, Chairman
Fourth of July.
Wo are requested to state that a meeting
of the eitizenA of Huntingdon will bo held
in the town Hall, on Saturday evening, to
snake the necessary arrangements to cele
brate the coining Fourth of July. •
T_.?" We neglected last week to acknowl
edge the receipt of "Cocky" and "Graham."
The embellishments of the June number of
these superb periodicals, fully sustains their,
deservedly highs character, and wo are
pleased to see what we esteem a decided I
improvement in the reading mutter--a more
vigorous tom) and decidedly practical and
utilitarean tendency.
For the 4,lluntinadon
Mr. Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, '
closed his late speech in U. S. House of
Representatives by the following admirable ' ,
summary of Whig princples:
To add proper and fair facilities to coin- I
memo: to improve the condition of our own,
country; to promote the avelopment of
its natural resources by a wish and be- ,
nificent system of Legislation: to ameliorate
the condition by increasing the comforts of
the American people; to nerve the arm of ,
labor: to encourage- art: to protect the in- ;
ventions of genius: to sustain the dignity
of our own country at home, by securing
to every man his personal and political
rights: to perform scrupulously every na
tional obligation, and to vindicate prompt- ,
ly every right of our own country abroad:
to stand upon our own, and not on foreign
ground: to cherish and protect the integ- I
rity of the Union, and to frown upon the I
very dawning of any spirit which would
lead to its destruction. These, sir, con- ,
stitute the principles, the philosophy, and
permit me to say,. the pride of Southern
THE New GOLD DC/MAR.—We were
yesterday shown a specimen piece of the
new dollar gold piece, which has been
struck at the mint, and forwarded to the
Department at Washington for approval.
'lt is about the size of a dime, and having
an open centre of nearly the size of the
word "Dollar," under which is a wreath,
and on the other side "United States of ,
America, 1852." We think the coin a de
cided improvement on the new coin now in
use, as it is not so likely to be given out
for another, as is frequently now the case.
It will doubtless become popular, and
supersede the old dollar, soon al put in
.• • ••
"Albeit noosed to the utelthigmuo.l,
Their eyus reined tears
Like the Arabic trees their ntetliciuttl genri."
Efforts are now being made to ransom
Phillips, and restore him to his family,—
Several hundred dollars have already been
generously contributed by our citizens for
that purpose.—Whig Stale Joarnal.
tCrA now sty to of watches has been re
cently imported into this country from
Geneva Switzerland. They are so con
strue to:l as to be wound up, and the hands
moved backward and forward, without the
;lid of a key, and without opening. This
prevents the dust front settling upon the
works, or the oil front evaporating, and
renders them less liable to get out of order
than ordinary watches,' at the same time
the construction is simple that any watch
maker can set them in order without diffi
37' Several cannon balls have Leen dug
out of a hill in East Boston, which stands
opposite 13reed's Hill, and it is supposed
that they were fired at the battle ot BUD
. .....
guage fidls.
.I.tot•ttrttf.t.,..—Loco signilieA tire; the° light
and iu it:: eonibined signification, the true meant.
ing i, to give light to the benighted and bontil•
tiered \'' gigs. --(;lobe.
We don't like the light--it smells too much o
t::e devil.
t t ieGen. Wilson i, putting up an iron peak,
in 'Cunt of his residtmce. When finished it Oil
be very beautiful.
Cp,Judge Goin has the biggest dog in thi
county, it combination unite New-Mandlund an
St. Bernard.
T.uo•rv.—Jamcs Stun 's I;;u•dca.
Wtm. uu rr ei•ru A I.4IIoSENE,s.—The mutt
has fallen tromthe editorial head ut the senior edi
tor of da./au/IW. Look out fur aqulls.—GhA
A rich lick—we forbear a reply.
rWiutige Taylor is holding court in Greens.
burg, ut the request of Judge Burrell, this week,
'•See through this air this ocean and this earth.
All native quick and bursting into birth."
DEDICATION —By divine. permission the Bal.-
meetinglionse in Scottsville this count.) : will
lie dedicated to Almighty Goil on the 20th day of
June next, by appointment service, Meeting to
commence On Saturday exciting at candle light ;
and on Lords day milting at In o'clock A. M..
All the friends and the public generally are loci•
toil to attend.
'The Whig National convention meets is
Baltimore on Wednesday the 16th inst.
-'Thomas Prank Meagher ono of the Irish
exiles has escaped from hit confinement in Van
Dithmtn's Land and safely. arrived in New York.
CAUPAIGN THILII , IOI.—The publishers of the
New York '1 rilame p reffee copies or their weekly
edition, from June 17th to Nov. 25th on the fol
lowing terms;—One copy to one address 75cts;
live do $2,50; eleven do $6,00; twenty-three do
slo,oo—payment in all cases in iolvanee. Those
is want of a good paper from abroad cannot se
lect a better then the Tribune.
erne Campaign Times will be published
weekly in New York city from the time of the
Whig National Convention moil after the Presi
dential election at the following ratec;--One
into to one address 50 cents; lire do $2,00; ten
do $3,50; twenty do s6,no—payment in advance.
'rhe Times is a good Whig yam., published by
Raymond, Junes &Co., 113 Nassau Street, N. V.
A VALUABLEBRICK.-Ai journeyman
mason, named Brefund, was employed to
repair a chimney in the apartment of a
gentleman residing in the Rue des France
Bourgeois. While about his work the ma
son broke a brick which he found in the
chimney, and to his surprise discovered
that it was hollow, and contained a bank
note for £5OO. The workman was all
alone, and might readily have appropriated
this suns to himself, but he preferred to
communicate the fact to his employer, who
called to mind that about two months be
fore he had written to Isis uncle at Amster
dam, for a supply of money, and had in re
turn recieved a carefully sealed package,
on being opened, proved to be nothing but
the brick in question, which the indignant
recipient threw into the chimney, and wrote
his uncle an angry letter on the subject, to
which no answer had been sent. The
gentleman was not aware that in Holland
these bricks are made on purpose to send
small sums of money, as making a more
secure package than any other. The ma
son was liberally rewarded for his honesty,
and a letter of thanks and apology was des
patched to the uncle.
[Xi — Ex-Senator Haunegan, of Intl., has
delivered himself up to the proper author
ities for an examination into the circum
stances resulting in the death of Capt.
Duncan, his brother-in-law. Capt. Dun
can is said to have admitted frequently
that he slapped Mr. Hannegan in the face,
previous to being stabbed. He died for
giving him, without a murmer of complaint,
only rearettintr. as lin maid th.i
A LARGE GOLD STORY.—A correspond
ent of the Newport News, writing from San
Francisco, relates the following incident:
Two oonanon 7 looking persons entered the
hotel this morning, just from the mines—
, a man and wife. The male imnvidual look
! ed for all the world like a day laborer, and
the female bore a close resemblance to an
Irish scullion. She wore coarse, vulgar
biogans, and to her girdle was attached a
gold watch and chain, valued at least at
two hundred dollars. The husband left
the hotel for half an •lour, and retooled
with a receipt for one hundred and fifteen
thousand dollars, the value of the dust
which he has just consigned for transporta
tion to . New York. This sum has been
gained by digging. The husband dug while
the wife washed, assisted by her little son,
aged about ten years.
about two miles and a half long, and loca
ted eight miles from the village of Bright
on, (Canada,) burst its banks on the 21st
ult., and completely drained ont the water
on the neighboring land. The bank thro'
which the water broke was about forty feet
in height The rush of water dug a chan
nel twenty-five feet deep and one hundred
feet wide., for a length of two miles, uproot
ing forest trees, -carrying away mill-dams,
and drowning two men. Thus occurred the
singular phenomenon of a lake being dried
in a few hours.
MENTAL CAKES.-A late London paper
speaks of the poisoning of three children,
by eating ornamented cakes, which had
been presented them on Easter day, as a
present from a friend, one who died in
dreadful agony—the others were saved by
prompt medical aid. The Coroner, in sum
moning up, regretted that many similar ea
ses of death, caused under such circumstan
ces, had come before him, and expressed a
hope that a stop would be put to the sale
of cakes ornamented with such poisonous
A. (loon IDE A.- Thel.ouisana Sentinel
proposes that on the day of the Presidential
election in the several States at every poll
thro'out the United States, a box should be
placed, having inscribed upon it “Wash,
ington Alunament Box," and underneath
"One Dime to the -Memory of Washing
ton." The money thus collected to go to
words the completion of the Washington
National Monument.
lir Capt. Floyd, of the America Mail
steamer, Washington, became insane during
her last outward voyage, and several times
attempted to wreck the vessel, so that it
became necessary to deprive him of the com
mand, and confine him in a Lunatic Asylum
at Southampton, England. His madness
was , produced by intemperance.
this medicine will cure liver cotnplaint and dys
pepsia, no one can doubt after using it as direct
ed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and
liver; it is preferable to' calomel in all billions
diseases ; it acts as specifically upon the liver as
calomel; cuteatet pro.trates the system—the bit
ters strengthen and never prostrates the petiant,
and will give renewed life and health to the deli
cote invalid, and restore the liver to its functions,
and give digestion and appetite in those Revere
cases wherein the ordinary medicines fail in pro
ducing any effect.
May 10th, at liia residence in Cassville,
Rev. Dr. .J Esst: Wrttattr,. in the find year
of his age.
The death of our highly esteemed vever
able friend and fellow citizen, the Rev. Dr.
JESSE IVittGur, in the fullness of his years,
was perhaps no less deplored by all who
were acquainted with the excellence of his
worth, than if he had been snatched away
in the vigor of early manhood. Ile became
Ireligious in his youthful days, and subse
quently a Minister of the Gospel, in which
capacity he exercised l►iuiself arduously
and profitably for upwards of thirty years—
and the last twenty year: of his life was a
worthy member of the Methodist Protestant
Church. The disease with which he had
been long afflicted was somewhat complica
ted, the most prominent symptom of which
was dyspepsy. Ile was confined to the
house in the early part of the winter, and
to Isis bed the last three months of his ill
ness. Though his sufferings during his
long term of sickness had been groat, and
at ti►ues suffering the most excruciating
pain, yet I►e bore it all with that patience
and meekness which is characteristic only
of the dying ohristian. Ile expressed no
desire to live, but rather to depart and be
with Christ, which is far better.
As a Minister, he was zealous and logi
cal—as a Physician, useful and untiring in
his attention to the sick—as a citizen he
was circumspect, and upright in all his in
tercourse with society. In fine, through
all his life were plainly visible those rare
and excellent traits of character which con
stitutes the christiau and the good citizen,
and although we foil hero to recount the
many 'leasing reminiscences connected with
his history, yet long will lie live in the af
fections of all who were favoured with his
acquaintance. lle died- in great peace,
leaving a bright. testimony of his prospect
for a future state of blessedness, and to the
bereaved companion and family we would
say, though the affliction to them is great,
yet they sorrow not as those who have no
hope; for their loss is his eternal gain.
Cassville, May 28th, 1852.
importaut Notice.
All persons indebted to Robert Cretins by book
account or otherwise, will please roll and settle
before the first of Jaly.
Alexandria June 3, 1852.