Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 27, 1852, Image 1

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THE "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at
the following rates, viz :
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50
If paid during the year, 1 375
If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • •1 3 25
THE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages arc paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Dear as the dove, whose waiting wing
The green leaf ransomed from the main,
Thy genial glow, returning spring,
Comes to our shores again;
For thou hest been a wanderer long,
On many a fair and foreign strand,
In balm and beauty, sun and song,
Passing front land to land.
,Thou bringst the blossoms to the bce,
To earth a robe of emerald dye,
The leaflet to the naked tree,
And rainbow in the sky;
I feel thy blest benign control
The pulses of my youth restore
Opening the spring of sense and soul,
To love and joy once more.
I will not people thy green bowers,
With sorrow's pale and spectre band,
Or blend with thine the faded flowers
Of memory's distant land;
For thou wert surely never given
To wake regret train pleasures gone;
But like ate angel sent from Ikaven,
11 To soothe creation's groan.
Then, while . the groves thy garlands twine,
Thy spirit breathes in flower and tree,
My heart shall kindle at thy shrine,
And worship God in thee;
And in some calm, sequestered spot,
While listening to thy choral strain,
Pap griefs shall be a while forgot,
And pleasures bloom again.
Front the Knickerbocker Magntinc, for May
Tim May sun sheds an amber light
On new-leaved woods and lawns between;
But she who, with a smile more bright,
Welcomed and watched the springing green,
Is in her grave,
Low in her grave.
The fair white blossoms of the wood
In groups beside the pathway stand;
But one, the gentle and the good,
Who cropped them with a fairer hand,
Is in her grave,
Low in her grave,
Upon the woodland's morning airs
The small birds' mingled notes are flung;
But she whose voice, snore sweet than theirs,
Onee bade one listen while they sung,
Is in her grave,
Low in he• grave,
That music of the early year
Brings tears of anguish to my eyes ;
?sly heart aches when the flowers appear,
For then I think of her who lies
Within her grave,
Low in her grave.
The School Mistress.
"The school ina'am's coming! the school
ma'am's coming!" shouted a dozen voices at
the close of a half hour's faithful watch to
catch a glimpse of our teacher. Every eye
was turned towards her with a scrutinizing
glance—for the children as well as others
always form an opinion of a person, particu
larly of their teacher, at first sight.
"How tall she is!" exclaimed one.—
"Oh, don't she look sweet?" cried another.
"Ho, I ain't afraid of her nor a dozen like
her," cried the "big boy" of the school.—
"Nor I either," cried the big boy's ally,
"I could lick her easy enough, couldn't
you, Tom'?" "Yes, and I will, too, it she
goes to touch me." "Hush, she will hear
cried one of the girls. By this time
she had nearly reached the door, round
which we were clustered, and every eye
was fixed upon her face with an eager, yet
half bashful gaze, uncertain as yet what
verdict to pass upon her.
"Good morning, children, " she said, in
the kindest voice in the word, while her
face was lighted with the sweetest smile
imaginable. "This is a beautiful morning
to commence school, is it not'!"
"I know I shall love her," whispered a
little pet in my car.
We all followed her into the school
room, but Tom Jones and his ally, who
waited until the rest were seated, then
came in with a swaggering, noisy gait, and
a sort of dare-devil, saucy look, as much
us to say, "who cares for you."
Miss IVesteott looked at them kindly,
but appeared not to notice them further;
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in the BiblS, she passed round the room,
and made some inquiry of each one in regard
to themselves and their studies.
"And what is your name?" she asked,
laying hkir hand on Tom's head, while ho
sat with his hands in his pockets, swinging
his feet backwards and forwards.
"Tom Jones," shouted he at the top of
his voice.
"How old are you Thomas?" she asked.
"Just as old agin as half," answered
Tom, with a saucy laugh.
"What do you study, Thomas?"
"What books have you?"
Without appearing to be at all distur
bed by his replies, Miss Westcott said, "I
am glad I have ono or two large boys in
any school; you can be of great assistance
to me, Thomas, and if you will stop a few
minutes after school this afternoon, we will
talk over a little plan I have formed."
This was a mystery to all, and particu
larly to Tom, who could not comprehend
how he could be useful to any one, and for
the first time in his life he felt that he
was of some importance in the world. He
had no home training; no one ever told him
that he could be of any use or do any good
in the world. No one loved him, and of
cowrie be loved no one, but was one of
those who believed ho had got to bully
his own way through the world. Ho had
always been called the "bad boy" at
school, and he took a sort of pride and
pleasure in being feared by the children
and dreaded by the teacher.
Miss iVestcott at once comprehended his
whole character, and began to shape her
plans accordingly. She maintained that
a boy, who at twelve years old made him
self feared by his school-fellows was capa
ble of being made something of. Hereto
fore all influence had conspired to make
him bad, and perhaps a desperate charac-
I ter, by bringing opposite influences to
I work upon him, and to effect this; she must
I first gain his confidence, which could not
bo done in a better way than snaking him
feel that she placed confidence in bins.
When schOol was out, more than . half
the scholars lingered about the door, won
dering what Miss Westcott could be going
to say to Tom Jones. He had often been
bid to remain after school, but it was al
ways to receive a punishment or NeVdre
I lecture, and time times out of ten he would
Jump out of the window before half the
scholars were out of the room; but it was
evidently for a different purpose that he
was to remain now, and no one wondered
what it could be more than Tom Jones.
"Don't you think, Thomas, that our
school room would be a great deal pleas
anter if we had some evergreens to hang
around it; something to make it cheerful?"
inquired Miss Westcott.
"Yes'in, and I know where I can get
plenty of them."
"Well, Thomas, if you will have some
hero by eight o'clock to-morrow morning,
I will be here to help you to put them up,
and we will give the children a pleasant
surprise; and here are some books I will
give you, Thomas; you may put them in
your own drawer, they are what I want
you to study."
"But I can't study geography and histo
ry," exclaimed Tom, confused. "I never
“That is the reason you think you can
not,” replied Miss Westeott. "I am quite
sure you can, and you will love them, I
"Nobody ever eared whether I learned
or not before," said Tom with some mo
"Well, I care," said Miss Westeott,
with earnestness. "You are capable of
becoming a groat and good man; you arc
now forming your character for life, and
it depends upon yourself what you become.
The poorest boy in this country has an
equal chance with the wealthiest, and his
circumstances are more favorable for be
coming eminent, for he learns to depend
upon himself. I will assist you all I can
in your studies, Thomas, and I know you
will succeed; remember that I am your
friend, and come to me in every difficul
Tom Jones had not been brought up, he
had come up, because he had been born
into the world and couldn't help it; but as
for mental or moral training, he was as
fruitless of it as a wild bramble bush of a
.pruning knife. His father was an intem
perate, bad man, and his mother was a to
tally insufficient woman. At home he re
ceived nothing but blows, and abroad noth
ing but abuse. His bad passions were
therefore all excited and fostered; and his
good ones were never called out. He al
ways expected that his teachers would hate
him, so he whetted anew his combative
powers to oppose them, and he had made
up his mind to turn the "new school
ma'am" out of doors. When, therefore,
Bliss Westoott declared that she was glad
to have him in her school, ho was amazed;
and that she should manifest au interest
in him, and give him a set of books, was
perfectly Mcomprehensive to him. Miss
Woutentt understood his position and
character, and determined to modify him.
She felt that he was equally capable of
good and bad actions, though the bad had
now predominated. She knew that his
active mind must be busy; one might as
well think of chaining the lightning us
bending down by force that wild spirit to
his books. She would give him employ
ment, but such as would call out a new set
of ideas and thoughts. He must feel that
he was doing good to others and for oth
ers' sake, and that he was not guided
alone by his own wayward will, and yet
there must be Uppearance of restraint up
on him, he must choose to do good.
Tom Jones went home that night with
a new feeling in his breast; for the first
time in his life he felt that he was capable
of rising above his present position and
becoming greater and better than he was.
His mind became inundated with new and
strange emotions, and like a mightiy river
turned from its course, his thoughts and
energies from that hour sought a new direc
The next morning he was up with the
dawn, and when Miss Westeott arrived at
the school house, she found Tom Jones
there with his evergreens.
"Good morning Thomas," she said kind
ly, "and so you are here before me; you
must littve risen early, and have found
some beautiful evergreens; and now if you
will help me to hang them, we will have
all the room arranged by nine o'clock."
"I have brought a hammer and sonic
nails," said Toni, "I thought we should
need some."
'•Yes, so we shall; I am glad you thought
of it," replied Miss Wescott.
That day every scholar looked amazed to
see Tom Jomes actually studying his book,
and to hear him answer several questions
correctly, and they were still more con
founded, when at recess Miss Wcstoott
"Thomas, you will take care of these
little children, will you not, and see that
they do not get hurt? You must be their
protector." One would as soon have
thought of setting a wolf to guard a flock
of lambs, as Thomas Jones to take care of
the little children.
"Well," exclaimed Sam Evans, nay , -
er saw such a school ma'am in all the days
of my life; did you Tom?"
"No, but I wish I had, and I would
have been a different boy from what I am
now, but I am going to study now, and
learn something; Misf Westcott says I can,
and I am determined to try," says Tom.
I was astonished to observe the effect
that Miss Westeott's treatment had upon
the scholars, they began to consider him of
some importance, and to feel a sort of re
spect for him, which they manifested, first
by dropping the nickname Toni and sub
stituting Tommy, which revealed certainly
a more kindly feeling towards him.
In less than a week, Miss Westcott had
the school completely under control, yet
it was by love and respect that she gov
erned, and not by an iron rule; she moved
among her scholars a very queen, and yet
she so gained their confidence and esteem,
that it did not seem to them submission to
another's will, but the prompting of their
own desire to please. One glance of her
dark eye would have quelled an insurrec
tion, and ono smile made them happy for a
Julia Westcott taught school with a
realization of the responsibilities resting
upon her, and she bent her energies to ful
fill them. Carefully and skillfully she un
locked the soul's door and gave a search
ing glance within, in order to .understand
its abilities, and then shaped her course
accordingly. The desponding and inactive
she encouraged; the obstinate she subdu
ed;: to the yielding and fickle she taught a
strong self reliance. She encouraged the
ono rain drop to do all the good it could,
and the rushing torrent she turned where,
it would fertilize rather than devastate.
There are in every school sonic dormant
energies, which, if aroused might shake
the world. There are emotions and pas
sions, which, if let loose, will, like the
lightnings of heaven, scatter ruin and
blight, but if controlled, may, like the
element, become the messenger of thoughts
to the world. In that head you call dull,
may lie slumbering passions like some pent
up volcano; open that closed orator, and
see if there does not belch forth flames
which your own hand cannot stop
* * * * • *
"Tom Jones" has since filled with abili
ty one of the highest judicial offices in the
Union, and freely acknowledges that ho
owes his present character and position en
tirely to the treatment and instructions of
Julia Westcott.
Ll - A Quaker vindicating the pertinaci
ty of his sect in refusing to give titles to men,
gave this whimsical account : «I had the
honor," said he, "one day to be in compa
ny with an excellency and highness. His
excellency was the most ignorant and bru
tal of his specks, and his highness meas
ured just four feet eight inches without his
Cheap Tooth Drawing.
Cheapness, with a very large class of
persons, is ever the strongest recommenda
tion of an article, or the decisive reason
for selecting a particular agent to perform
a service. Such rarely enlarge in speak
ing of what they have bought or have done;
of the good quality or good work obtained,
but on the low price at which the one or
the other has been secured. As a general
thing they do not get any more than they
bargained for, and, in not a few cases, they
receive rather less.
We heard a story of one of these cheap
individuals not long since, which provoked
a smile. He had occasion for the services
of a dentist, who was something of a hu
"What do you ask for pulling a tooth'!"
he asked of Forceps on entering his office.
A swollen and inflamed tooth showed that
he stood in need of professional aid.
"Fifty cents," was replied.
"Never gave but a quarter," said the
sufferer, in as decided a voice as pain would
allow him to assume.
"My charge is fifty cents," returned the
operator, in quite a decided manner.
"Can't pay so much. Quarter is enough.
Yon only have to put on your irons, and
its out in three seconds. Wish I had as
much as I could do at pulling for a quar
ter a piece. Come now, money is money
these times. Don't you newer pull teeth
for a quarter ?"
"Sometimes," replied the dentist, whose
sense of the ludicrous was already touched,
and whose natural love for a practical joke
had become excited.
“Then you'll pull mine out for that
price ?”
"0 yes, if you wish me to do so," was
Down sat the patient, and the dentist
was soon cutting away at his gums in the
coolest and most deliberate way imagina
"My gracious," exclaimed the sufferer,
so soon as the gum-cutting operation was
over, "but you did hurt me dreadfully."
The dentist now applied a pair of forceps
to the offending tooth, and gave it a wrench
which fairly brought the patient to his feet.
"Is it out, doctor?" was eagerly asked.
"Not• yet," coolly replied the dentist.—
"Sit down again and I'll make another
So the man sat down once more, and the
forceps were again applied. There was
another severe wrench; but the tooth re
fused to come.
“Mercy on us doctor ! Is this the way
you pull teeth V' screamed the patient, as
he seized the dentist's hand with a nervous
grip. . _ .
4 lt's the way I pull teeth for a quarter,"
replied the dentist, with a twinkle in his
eyes, which the other, oven in his pain did
net fail to see.
"Pull mine for fifty cents, then," quickly
returned the writhing victim.
"That's the way it's done," said Forceps,
a moment after, as, with a dexterous mo
tion of his practiced hand he removed, with
comparatively slight pain, the tooth from
its socket and held it up to the patient's
The half dollar was paid, and the man
departed with a dawning perception in his
wind, that cheap things aro sometimes the
dearest things a man can buy.
Female Nobility.
A writer in Chamber's London Journal,
thus beautifully paints true female nobility:
"The woman,' says ho, "poor and ill clad
as she may be, who balances her income and
expenditure,—who toils and sweats in unre
pining mood among her well trained chil
dren, and presents them morning and eve
ning as offsprings of love, in rosy health
and cheerful eleanlinessi—is the most exal
ted of her sex. Before her shall the prou
dest dame bow her jewelled head, and the
bliss of a happy heart shall dwell with her
forever. If there is ono prospect dearer
than another to the soul of man—if there
is one act more likely than another to bend
the proud, and inspire the broken heart—
it is for a smiling wife to meet her husband
at the door with his host of happy children.
How it stirs up the blood of an exhausted
man when he hears the rush of many feet
upon the staircase—when the crow and car
ol of their young voices mix in glad confu
sion—and the smallest mounts or sinks in
to his arms amidst a mirthful shout,
11.7 Carpets are now manufactured Sn
largo quantities, both in England and the
United States, the figures of which aro
stamped, not woven. These aro produced
by a pressure of 500 tons on each block, or
stamp. The carpets are very beautiful,
bat do not wear• welly and wo regret to say
that the dealers do not always let their
customers know the difference, though the
price is well kept up.
Q - A Yankee writing from the west to
his father, speaks of its great matrimonial,
facilities, and ends by making the follow
ing suggestion : "Suppose you get our girls
some now tooth, and send them out."
4• 011irttitiL
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The Beauty of the Heavens.
How delightful is it to contemplate the
heavens. They are stretched out as a cur
tain to dwell in ! Not only as far as the
human eye can see, but beyond the remo
test boundary which the highest telescopic
tobwer can reach, doe the eternal firma
ment extend! We can find no limit, no
boundary. Millions of miles may be tra
versed from any given point of space, and
still the heavens appear illimitable: In ,
finity is stempgd moon And with
what gbfgbbue Wender and magnificence
is that curtain adorned! In every direc
tion it is studded with worlds, suns; end
systems, all harmoniously moving in per
fect and undeviating obedignee to the Al
mighty will. The soul in such a contem
plation is absorbed. Earth ceases to hold
us with its silver chain. The mind, set
free from groveling pursuits, mounts up, as
on the wings of an eagle, and soars away
through immensity of space, surveying add
admiring the innumerable revolving orbs,
which, like so many "crowns of glory" mtdd
"diadems of beauty," bespangled that fir
liiment "whose antiquity is ancient days,"
and which so powerfully attest that "the
hand that made them is divine !"
The immense distance of the fixed stars
claims our attention, and awakens the most
enrapturing feelings in the mind. Reason
is compelled to give the reins to imagina
tion, which tells us that there aro stars so
distant that their light has been shining
since the creation, and yet amazingly rapid
as light travels, no ray from them has yet
reached us!
"The heavens truly declare the glory of
God," and, in beholding such a display of
glory and beauty, wo are deeply impressed
with its manifestation of the power of the
Creator, who sustains, upholds and pre
serves such myriads of ponderous revolving
bodies, each in its orbit, moving in unerr
ing obedience to His will.
The Bible better than Pistols,
The Rev. Mr. Washburn; Bible agent
for Connecticut, in his last report, relates
the following fact:--'One donor, who is a
stranger to the hope of the gospel told me
that he had resolved to aid in giving the
Bible to the world as long as he had the
means to do so. He thought it indispen
sable to the security of property and the
rights of men. Ho said he once heard an
irreligious and profane man, whose busi
ness required him to be often among stran
gers, say, "that ho always carried his pis
tols with him, and usually laid them ult..
der his pillow at night; but when he
saw a Bible in the house, that had the
appearance of being well used, he never
took his pistols from his valise."
Sir Isaac Newton and Halley.
Sir Isaac Newton slit oat in life a clamo
rous infidel; but on a nice examination of
the evidences of Christianity; he found rea
son to change his opinions: When the cel
' ebrated Dr. Edmund Halley was talking in
fidelity before him, Sir Isaac addressed hint
in these or like words:—"Dr, Ilalley, I am
always glad to hear you when you speak
about astronomy or other parts of the math
ematics, because that is a subject you
have studied and well understand; but you
should not talk of Christianity, for you
have not studied it. I have, and am cer
tain that you know nothing of the matter."
This was a just reproof, and one very suit
able to be given to half the infidels of the
present day, for they often speak of what
they hare never studied, and what, in fact,
they are entirely ignorant of. Dr. John
son, therefore well observed, that no hon
est man can be a Deist, for no man could
be so after a fair examination of the proofs
of Christianity. On the name of Hume be
ing mentioned to him. "No, sir," said he
"Hume owned to a clergyman in the bish
oprick of Durham that he had never read
tho Now Testament with attention?
One of the Women
The Rhode Island Temperance Advocate
tells the following good story of a woman
who is worth her weight in gold : -
"In Foster, there was an intemperate
wan who had promised his wife that he
would vote for the Maine Law candidates
for the Senate and House. On the morn
ing of the election day, ho was enticed to
the tavern, and treated by his anti-law as
sociates till ho was drunk. _ His wife heard
of it, searched him out, and got him home.
—Here she gave him an emetic and got him
sober, and then borrowed a horse and wag
on and drove bins to the polls. He voted
for the Maine Law candidates, and his sin
gle vote prevented the election of a rum
Representative. The result of it is, that
we got one, and possibly two, Maine Law
mon from that town.."
137 - It in proposed in a Boston paper,
that every man should constitute himself a
self-examining committee, to inquire into
his own. oouduct. It is believed the busi
ness each committee would have to trans
act, would keep it constantly and usefully
• qi.
Quick in her Applicatidlit
"It amazes me that ministers don't write
better sermons, lam sick of the dull, pro
sy affairs," said a lady, in the presence of
a parson.
"But it is no easy matter, my good wo
man, to write good sermons," suggostod
the minister.
"Yes," rejoined the lady, "but you aro
so long about it; I•could write one in half
the time, if I only had the text."
"Oh, if a texas all you want," said the
parson, will furnish that. Take this
from So'Onion: It is better to dwell in
the dorner of a house, than with a braw
ling woman in a wide house."
"Do you mean me Me" inquired the lady
"Oh, my good woman," was the grace
fesponse, "you will never make a good scr
inonizer—you are too quick in, your ap
- •
is correspondent of the Nat/aqui lizte4i.:
gencer gives us souse laughable Informatiimir
It appears that the Fretteh bttve yearned to.
make counterfeit coffee' bet'r iFs of weliflitess‘
flour. The paste or doitgh mans of
moulds skillfully prepared, made to assume'
the shape of grains of coffee, whether Ma
cho, or Bourbon, or Martinquc, to suit the
taste of buyers. The artificial grain is
then baked till it takes the color of parched
coffee, and retailed as such, with great;
profit, in the grocery stores. The practice;.
very general in France, of buying from. the
grocers ready parched, facilitates this mode.
of falsification, otherwise impossible:.
g...At a camp meeting, a number of la ,
dies continued standing on the benches; hot ,
withstanding frequent hints from the minim
inters to sit down. A reverend old gettfre
man, noted for his good humor, arose and
think If those ladies standing on
the benches knew they had holes in their
stockings, they would sit down." This ad
dress had the desired effect—there was an
immediate sinking into the seats. A young
minister standing behind him, and blushing
to the temples, said:
"0, brother, how could you say that?" '
"Say that?" said the old gentleman, "it's
a fact--if they hadn't holes in their stock
ings, I'd like to know how they could get
them on."
ItrPOESOIkED WATER.—Tkelouisvilio
Couriers of a late date, says:—. ,, We saw
a package on the steamer Logan, address
ed to Professor Stillman and Dr..Yandell,
and which we learned contained a quanti
ty of water taken from a spring near 'Lo
gansport, Ky., which is said to bb a' dead
ly poison. The water is certain death to
ithoe've't drinks it i and it has been.sent here
to be analyzed?'
AFRICA.—Ono of the Sierra Leone agents
of the Church Mission Sociotg of London,
Retv. Mr. Kovno, has discovel&l a-Written'
language existing in the interior of West
Africa—the Vy language. Mr. Koelle
says that the alphabet consists of abbut bite
hundred letters, each representing a sylla
ble. The now characters aro said to- have
no analogy with any other known; Mr.
Koelle has taken passage on board a vessel
going the nearest point from whioh, the
Vy nation can be reached,- with tho.reso
lution to investigate fully this interesting
The Syracuse Star says, that a highly res
pectable young lady of that city has been
sent to the Utica Lunatic Asylum, in con
sequence of aberration of mind, caused by
attending the rapping demonstrations iu
that city.
Ho that lends an easy and credu
lous ear to clammy either x man of
very ill morals, has no more' sense and un
derstanding than a child.
It is positively stated that thousands
of Chinese aro en route for California, a
greater portion of them being under con
tract with Celestial proprietors-to labor a
certain length of time in that coun'try,•and
then to remain, if they choose, or to boa ta.
ken home agaitn
[l:7' Wood is the thing after all," as
the . nian with the pine leg said when , the
mad dog bit it.•
[t"..r A gentleman presenting a' late col=
lur to the object °lbis adoration, in a jocu
lar way, said, " , too not lot any body rum
ple .it."—“No,. dear," said the lady,
will take it off."
At a parish erateiitatibm.a clergy
man asked a charity boy if ho had ever been ,
No, sir, was the reply, tint atr know of,
bat I bare been wainnated.
.• Bs! NO. IN YOUII• tiLL."—This is what
the• houcy-suckle said to the humming bird,
aw what ty few of our subscribers ought to
say to us. suppose you try it.