Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 13, 1852, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, May ii, 14-52.
Tun "Iluw MOD ON Jo V UNA L " is published at
the following rates, viz :
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,30
If paid during the year, 1.7.5
If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,2.5
Tea above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will he taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will ho discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements,
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call on him.
Look Out for the Locomotive when
the Bell Rings I
A public meeting of the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, favorable to the Hun
tingdon & Broadtop Rail Road, will be
held at the Town Hall on Friday evening
the 14th inst., at the ringing of the Court
House Bell. Preliminary measures will
be adopted towards raising material aid
for the enterprise.
. _
Gen. Ayres, of Harrisburg, will be pre
sent and address the meeting MANY.
We have disposed of a portion of our in
terest in the Huntingdon Journal to our
friend J. A. Hall, of this borough, who
will hereafter be associated with us in its
publication. Mr. Hall is a man of intelli
gence, strict integrity of character and an
unflinching and undeviating Whig, whose
connection with the paper, as far as the
department assigned to him is concerned,
we doubt not, will give satisfaction to its
numerous patrons and friends. He will
direct the principal part of the business of
the establishment and control its miscella
neous and general reading department;
while we will control, and be entirely re
sponsible for its politics, which will be pure
and unadulterated Whig, as we understand
them. The back accounts for subscription
will be payable at the office to the business
partner, so that subscribers will have no
more trouble in settling their accounts than
if the new arrangement had not been made.
After due consideration it is thought
best to hold the next nominating Conven
tion of the Whigs of Huntingdon County at
the usual time, which is the first week of
the August Court. We have consulted
several of the Whigs of the county, who
very generally oppose the calling of the
Convention in June as recommended by
the Whig meeting held in this borough du
ring the last court. It will therefore not
be called to meet earlier than August. •
publish the act incorporating this road. It
has been signed by the Governor, and on
Tuesday morning last, one hundred dollars
was raised in a few minutes by contribution
in Huntingdon and sent to Harrisburg,
which will procure the charter. At the
meeting in the Court House on Friday
evening next, the preliminary steps will be
taken to effect the organization of the Com
pany, after which every person who may
wish to make a speculation, will have an
opportunity to subscribe to its capital stock.
It will be a splendid investment for Hun
tingdon county as well as'the stockhold
ers. The prospects of the road are now
[Cr The Westminster Review for April
1852, of the republication of Leonor Scott
A: Co., N. Y., is at hand. The subjects
discussed are—The Government of India
—Physical Puritanism—Europe; its con
dition and Prospects—A Theory of popu
lation—Shelly and the letters of poets—
The commerce of literature—Lord Pal
merston and his polioy—The early Quakers.
and Quakerism—Contemporary literature
of England, of America, of Germany, and
of France. Price $3,00 yer year.
Spiritual Telegraph—Communica
tion with the Spirit World.
We have received the first number of the
Spiritual Telegraph, a paper published in
New York at $1,50 per year, and devoted
to the discussion and illustration of spirit
ual manifestations, or spiritual rappings, as
they are more commonly designated. The
device at its head is a dark globe, exhibi
ting a shadowy outline of the American
Continent and surrounded by heavy dark
clouds, through one point of which breaks
a cluster of rays which fall upon North
America. We had thought at one time
that independent clairvoyance was the
boldest stride that human aspirations could
ever make; but it, electricity and animal
magnetism sink into insignificance, before
the spiritual wire that dips its farther point
in the burning batteries of the skies. The
angel which Jacob saw, was engaged in
the vulgar exercise of climbing up and
down the ladder whose top was lost in
heaven; but now, at the end of near four
thousand years, despatches can be trans
mitted to the earth, from the world of spir
its without the intervention of such mate
rial connections. We can now converse
with our deceased friends through the me
dium of persons, who have the power to put
themselves in some kind of magnetic con
nection with their disembodied spirits.—
Messages are daily received from the
informing their friends on earth of the hap
piness they enjoy or the misery they suf
fer; and the wonderful faculties of the seers
of antiquity and the Witch of Endor are
fairly surpassed by the nervous or illusive
susceptibilities of American Yankees.—
Physical science having become nearly ex
hausted, inquiring minds are beginning to
wander in the shadowy realms of psycho
logy; and we shall be gratified to learn
their ability, to descend at any time from
their etherial contemplations, to the con
sideration of things earthly, with minds
such as wo should desire to find outside of
a lunatic asylum. There are plenty of
women, and probably some men, whose
minds, a message from eternity would very
considerably disturb—in view of which we
would advise, that the Spiritual Telegraph
be worked with great caution. A few
ticks, by the operator at the celestial end
of the wire, might very essensially jerk
some of the earthly batteries out of their
Whig State Convention.
At meeting of the Whig State Central
Committee, held at Harrisburg on Tuesday
the 4th instant, it was resolved that the
Delegates to the late Whig State Conven
tion be requested to assemble in Philadel
JUNE next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
Judge of the Supreme Court, to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the death of the
Hon. Richard Coulter. Among the can
didates suggested for that office, the Hon.
GEO. CHAMBERS, of Franklin, Hon. Wm.
JESSUP, of Lycoming, and the Hon. JA3IES
POLLOCK, of Northumberland, have been
respectively named, either of whom would
do credit to the station, and receive a cor
dial support.
The meeting of the Judicial Convention
will take place a few days after the ad
journment of the Whig National Conven
tion—just in time to ratify the nominations
made at Baltimore, and open the Campaign
with an outburst of popular enthusiasm that
will cause a general waking up throughout
the entire Commonwealth. A State Mass
Meeting on the evening of the 19th ofJune,
in the city of Philadelphia, is also suggest
ed in several papers, to set the Whig ball
in motion. The idea is a good one. We
should be glad to see it carried into ef
fect.—Reading Journal.
The Farm Journal for May has been
received. We have glanced over its con
tents, which are very instructive, and of
practical use to the farmer. Every far
mer should take it, especially as the cost
is so trifling. It is published monthly, in
Lancaster, I'a., at $l,OO per year.
Church's Bizarre for the fortnight
ending Saturday May Ist, 1852, in on our
table, with pretty cuts and good reading.
It contains 30 pages and is published eve
ry other week at $l,OO per year by Church
& CO., Phila.
night an Irishman, name unknown, was put
off the Express cars at Bell's station by
Conductor Boley; but before the Cars were
under way he got on again. On Sunday
morning he was found on the track a short
distance below, cut in two! It is supposed
that the train again stopped and put him
off, and that the freight train which came
along some time after ran over him.—Hol
lidaysburg Register, sth inst.
Great Eruption--Magnificent Sight.
We have in our boyhood read and won
dered over the accounts of the eruptions of
"Etna and Vesuvius—we have traced the
last days of Pompeii in Bulwer's pages—
and we have read of the excavations of
Herculaneum, and other ancient cities; but
we have never read of anything to equal
the magnificence of the eruption now going
on from Mauna Loa, in the Island of Ha
waii. The latest accounts from the scene
of the fiery visitation are dated March 6.
The spectacle is said to be sublime beyond
anything of the kind ever witnessed. The
eruption exceeds in grandeur any of the
volcanic convulsions of Mauna Loa before
seen by white men on the Islands. We
subjoin accounts of its action from the Po
lynesian :
"We have received verbal information
in regard to the state of the eruption, as
late as to the 6th instant, from the leeward
side of Hawaii. At that date the light
from the flowing current was as bright as
it had been at any former period, sufficient
to enable a person to pick up a needle from
the ground at midnight, from which fact
the inference is drawn that the current is
still flowing on towards the sea.
"The current seems to have broken out
through an old fissure, about one-third
down the side of Loa, on the north-west
side, and not from the old crater on the
summit, called Moknoweoweo. The alti
tude of the present eruption is about 10,-
000 feet above the level of the sea, and
from the bay of Hilo (Byron's bay) must
be some fifty or sixty miles. If it succeeds
in reaching the ocean at the point suppo
sed, after having filled up all the ravines,
gulches, and inequalities of a very broken
country, it will undoubtedly be one of
the most extensive eruptions of modern
"It would seem, from the last note from
Mr. Coen, that the stream had divided—
one part taking an easterly course towards
Puna—while the other took a northerly one
tawords Ililo. This may so divide the vol
ume of lava that neither branch will reaoh
the sea; but from the latest acounts the
northerly branch was still burning its way
through a dense forest; and if the supply
holds out long enough, it will naturally fall
into the course of Walluku river, and fol
low it to where it diseuthogues into the bay
at Hilo. We anxiously wait further intelli
An abstract from a correspondent's let
ter, in the Polynesian, is of so much inter
est that we copy it entire. A jet of la
va playing five hundred feet in the air,
must be indeed a magnificent and sublime
"By an accurate measurement of the en
ormous jet of glowing lava, where it first
broke forth on the side of Mauna Loa, it
was ascertained to be five hundred feet
high! This was upon the supposition that
it was thirty miles distant. We are of the
opinion that it was a greater distance—say
from forty to sixty miles. NVith a glass, the
play of this jet at night was distinctly obser
ved, and a more sublime sight can scarce
ly be imagined. A column of molten lava,
glowing with the most intense heat, and
projecting into the air to a distance of five
hundred feet, was a sight so rare, and at
the same time so awfully grand, as to ex
cite the most lively feelings of awe and ad
miration, even when viewed at a distance of
forty or fifty miles. How much more awe
inspiring would it have been at a distance
of one or two miles, where the sounds ac
companying such an eruption could have
been heard. The fall of such a column
would doubtless cause the earth to trem
ble, and the roar of the rushing mass
would have been like the mighty waves
of the ocean beating upon a rock-bound
"The diameter of this jet is supposed to
be over one hundred feet, and this we can
easily believe, when we reflect that from it
proceeded the river of lava that flowed off
from it toward the sea. In some places this
river is a mile wide, and in others more
contracted. At some points it has filled up
ravines ono hundred, two hundred, and
three hundred feet in depth, and still it
flowed on. It entered a heavy forest, and
the giant growth of centuries is cut down
before it like grass before the mower's
scythe! No obstacle can arrest it in its
descent to the sea. Mounds are covered
over, rivers are filled up, forests are des
troye4, and the habitations of men are con
sumed like flax in a furnace. Truly 'He
toucheth the hills and they smoke.'
"We have not yet heard of any destruc
tion of life from the eruption now in pro
gress. A rumor has reached us that a
small village has been destroyed; but of this
we have no authentic intelligence. Should
it reach the sea without destroying life or
property, it will be a matter of thankful
ness and almost unhoped for exemption.
"A largo number of the residents of
Honolulu had gone to Howau to witness
the upheavings of Mauna Loa."
To incorporate the Huntingdon and Broad
Top Mountain Rail Road and Coal Com-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, That John G. Miles,
A. P. Wilson, Thomas Fisher, John McCa
hen, James Gwin, James Entrekin, David
Blair, James Saxton, John Ker, John Scott,
S. S. Wharton, John A. Doyle, George Jack
son, John Porter Israel Grafius, S. M. Greer.,
John McCullough, James Clark, J. B. Wint
rode, Jacob Cresswell, Charles Mickley,
Alexander King, Job Mann, Samuel L. Rus
sell, William Evans, Andrew J. Neff, Wm.
P. Schell, David McMurtrie, John B. Given,
Wm. Ayres, George W. Speer, William P.
Orbison, Levi Evans, James Patton, R. B.
Petrikett, Adin W. Benedict, Alexander
Port, James Maguire, Isaac Cook, George
Gwin,James Campbell, Daniel Grove, Henry
Zimmerman, W. T. Dougherty, and their as
sociates, successors and assigns be and they
are hereby constituted a body politic and
corporate by the name, style and title of the
"Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail
Road and Coal Company," for the purpose of
constructing a railroad as hereinafter is pro
vided; and also for the purpose of mining
coal, and for the transacting the usual busi
ness of companies engaged in mining, trans
porting and selling coal and the other pro
ducts of coal lands. The capital stock of
said company shall not exceed three hun
dred thousand dollars; and the said Company
may hold not exceeding at any one time,
One Thousand acres of Land, in the counties
of Huntingdon, Fulton and Bedford, togethet
with such quantity as may be necessarily
required in the prosecution of their legiti
mate business for stations along their road,
and a depot on the Pennsylvania canal and
railroad, at or near the borough of Hunting
don; and the said company shall have the
same powers, liberties, privileges, immuni
ties, and be subject to the same terms and
conditions as are imposed in the act regulating
railroad companies incorporated by an act
of Assembly, passed the nineteenth day of
February, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-nine, entitled "An Act to regulate rail
road Companies."
SECTION 2. That the President and Direc
tors of said Company, be and are hereby au
thorized if they deem it advisable to pay to
the shareholders entitled to receive the same
in the months of January and July, in each
year, interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum on all installments paid by them
on their several shares of stocks and shall
continue to pay the same till the •road and
improvements ate in operation, and the said
profits or earnings of the said road and mi
ning within the same time, shall be credi
ted to the cost of construction, and all inter
est paid shall be charged to the cost of con
struction ; Provided, That the interest shall
not be paid on any share of stock upon which
any installment which has been called for re
mains unpaid: Provided further, That the
stock of the said company shall not be sub
ject to any tax in consequence of the pay
ment of the interest hereby authorized until
the net increase of the company shall realize
at least six per cent. per annum upon the
capital invested, and the said corporation are
hereby authorized and empowered at such
times as the President and the Directors may
deem necessary for the purpose of raising
funds or paying for iron, to , issue certificates
of indebtedness or corporate bonds not ex
ceeding in amount two hundred thousand
dollars, none of which shall be of a less de
nomination than one hundred dollars, signed
by the President and attested by the Secre
tary of the Company under the corporate
seal of the corporation and bearing an inter
est of six per cent. per annum payable on the
first Monday of January and July, in each
and every year, at the office of the Treasurer
of the company, or at the Harrisburg, Phila
delphia or Baltimore banks.
SECTION 3. That the Stockholders in said
company whether holding the certificates of
stock in their own names, or being the par
ties beneficially interested therein, shall be
jointly and severally liable in their individu
al capacities and estates, for all debts, con
tracts and liabilities of said Company for ma
terials and labor in the mining of coal <luring
the time such stockholders respectively own
their sail stock ; Provided, That the busi
ness of this Company shall be managed by
nine Directors, one of whom shall be chosen
SECTION 4. That in any action brought to
enforce any liability under the provisions of
this act, the plaintiff may include as defend
ants with said company any one or more of
the stockholders of such company; and if
judgement be given in favor of the plaintiff
for his claim or any part thereof, the execu
tion upon said judgment shall be first levied on
the property of the company if it be found
in the county where such judgment has
been rendered or execution issued ; and in
case such property sufficient to satisfy the
, same cannot be found in said county, the de
ficiency shall be collected of the property of
such stockholder or stockholders. On the
payment of any judgment aforesaid, or any
part thereof, by one or more stockhold
ere,. the stockholder or stockholders so
paying the same, shall be entitled to have
such judgment or so much thereof as may
have been paid by him or them, assigned or
marked to the use of him or them for his or
their benefit, with power to enforce the same
first against the company. And in case the
amount so paid by him or them shall not be
collected of the property of the company,
then rateably against the other stockholders
if any such there be liable for the claim on
which such judgment was obtained. And
no suit or action brought as aforesaid shall
abate or fail because and person or persons
shall be included as defendants in said suit
who may not be liable as aforesaid, but that
judgment shall notwithstanding be rendered
against any other person or persons as well
as the corporations who shall Appear to be li
able as stockholders as aforesaid.
SEcTioN 5. That the President and Direc
tors of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail
Road and Coal Company are hereby empow
ered and authorized to mortgage their Rail
Road with all the franchises connected with
the same or belonging to the company; and
also their corporate lands if they think prop
er to secure the payment of their corporate
bonds or other evidences of debt which the
company may issue for the construction and
completion of their Railroad and improve
CO. Six Thousand fugitive slaves arrived
in Canada during the last two years.
Common School Department.
Directors have no authority to pay the
treasurer more than two per cent for collec
ting school tax, under any circumstances. .
Trustees of a school house demised for the
use of a neighborhood or township for school
purposes, or of a school house erected by
voluntary subscription for such purposes,
may sell or rent the same to the school di
rectors, " for the same uses for which it was
originally granted to said trustees." If for
any cause there are no legal trustees, the
court may appoint.
. .
SchoolciireCtors have power to establish
schools of different grades in their respective
districts, and to require the scholars who
have attained different degrees of advance
ment to attend such school as is best suited
to the course of study of each. Every branch
of English education may be taught in the
common schools.
The law does not authorise a teacher em
ployed by the directors to collect additional
compensation from the parents, guardians,
&c., of scholars, nor can the directors author
ise him to do so, nor do it themselves.
Where it is desired by persons sending
scholars to a school to pay a teacher a high
er salary than the directors are willing to
pay him, they my either make a direct con
tribution to the teacher, or pay the same in
to the school treasury of the district, and the
directors can appropriate it to the purpose
designed. But no person can be compelled
to tnake such payment, and the school must
in every respect be governed as other com
mon schools are, and conform in all things
to the requirements of the school law.
The school law of 1899 constituted every
township, borough and ward in the com
monwealth existing at that time, into a sepa
rate school district, except where a borough
and township were connected in the assess
ment of county rates and levies.
If the president of a board of school direc
tors engages a teacher, without authority, the
contract is not binding on the district, but
if the directors in any manner recognise the
contract, by paying the teacher, or permit
ting him to go on with the school, knowing
that he has been thus employed, &c., the dis
trict is bound to pay him the salary agreed
upon, until he is legally discharged.
No person can be imprisoned for non-pay
ment of school tax. The law does not pro
vide any means for enforcing the collection of
school tax from persons who have no prop
ertTY(a school treasurer, contrary to the ex
press provisions of the law, keeps the dupli
cate in his possession until the expiration of
his term of office, the auditors in settling
with him should charge hirn with the whole
amount of tax, deducting payments and ex
onerations. By such palpable disregard of
the requirements of the school law, the treas
urer renders himself liable to the fullest ex
tent for the whole amount of the duplicate
not exonerated by the directors. Having as-
Burnett the duties of the office, the treasurer
is responsible for the duplicate, and can only
be relieved by fulfilling the requirements of
the law.
Directors are not personally liable for the
debts of their district contracted in the usual
As to the liability of the district or its
property, there is in the mind of the supe:in
tentlent much difficulty in enforcing it. Al
though the question has not been settled by
any of the judicial tribunals, the superintend
ent holds, and has no doubt the supreme
court will decide, if ever the question comes
before them, that the property of a school
district used for school purposes, such as
school houses, desks, tables or books, can
not be taken by execution or otherwise and
sold to pay the debts of the district. The
common school system of the state is a part
of the machinery of its government. It pre
pares our youth for an intelligent exercise of
the right of suffrage and their sovereign duties
as citizens, and public policy and interest
will therefore not permit so important a
branch of the public service to be empeded
or thwarted to satisfy individual claims.—
The law, however, is defective also in not
furnishing an adequate remedy for the re
covery of debts due by a school district and
should be remedied.
A person removing from one township to
another is liable to the district from which
he removes for school tax assessed upon him
previous to removal, and no additional tax
can be collected from him by the district into
which he removes until the next annual as
County commissioners are required by
law to furnish the directors of each school
district "with a correct copy of the last ad
justed valuation of proper subjects and things
made taxable in the same for state and coun
ty purposes." These subjects and things
are all taxable for school purposes and the
directors have no power or authority to omit
levying a school tax upon some of them, or
to add other objects of taxation to them.—
They cannot enter property on their dupli
cate not returned by the county commission
ers, nor strike off any property so returned.
But where a palpable error has been com
mitted by the assessor, they may exonerate.
It is not proper to exonerate the school
tax levied upon money at interest at the
time the assessment was made, but which
was paid previous to the levying of the school
The board of school directors and council
of a borough may erect a building jointly,
one story of which is to be owned and used
by the school district and the other by the
borough—provided, the schools are not in
any way interfered with or prejudiced by
such occupancy of the house, and it Is re
commended that the directors in all oases re
serve the privilege of occupying or purchas
ing the whole house whenever it may be
needed for school purposes.
A sub-district is not "established" and
cannot be recognised as such in a legal sense,
until its boundaries are entered upon the
minutes of the board of directors. Such en
try is necessary to constitute a sub-district,
or give it an existence.
Raw The Worcester Palladium says of the
banking system, "It is nothing more nor less
than the chartering of one portion of the
community to give their notes, not bearing
interest, in exchange for the notes of the rest
of the community, bearing interest."
[o' Good Sense is a bank bill convenient
for change --negotiable at all times, and cur
rent in all places.
U 7 It is a shame for a man to live like a
stranger in his own country, and to be unin
formed of her affairs and interests.
Boilers of the Stationary Engines at Plain
No. 6. on the Allegheny Portage Railroad,
exploded on Monday last, and mortally
wounded two men, besides slightly injuring
a number of others. The shed, and several
cars were considerable damaged.
Since the above is in type, we learn that
two of the men have died—Hollidaysburg
Kr The Muscatine (rows.) Journal tells
of a couple of romantic looking females who
were, with their husbands, destined for
Oregon. They were dressed in the Bloom
er style, or rather in the far West Bloomer
style. This dress consists of a pair of
pants made of cassinct, and loose sack
coat, "all buttoned down before," with a
standing collar, a pair of boots, gloves
and a Kossti,th hat, with a fox's tail stuck
ebrated Bitters prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
120 Arch street, Philadelphia, are performing as
tonishing cures throughout the whole country.—
We can bear witness to their curative powers in
the case of a friend of ours who had the Liver
Complaint, and who had tried almost every other
medicine, bat without effect. After taking a few
bottles of these Bitters he was entirely cured.—
To those who are similarly afflicted we reccom
mend them to take the preparation, knowing the t
they will cure the disease spoken of and Many
others to which "flesh is heir to." There is at
spurious article made in Philadelphia. The only
place to get the genuine article is 129 Arch street.
Philadelphia, of Dr. Jackson, or his agents
throughout the country.
On Thursday the 6th inst., by Rev. Mi
chael Bolinger, Mr. ABRAHAM Connor to
Miss HARRIET Manx, all of Huntingdon
HARRISBURG, April 19 1852.
To the Commissioners of Huntingdon county:
GENTLEMEN:—In pursuance of the thirty
second section of an act, entitled "An Act
for the regulation and continuance of a sys
tem of education by Common Schools,"
passed the 7th day of April, 1849, I herewith
transmit to you a statement of the amount to
which every district in your county is enti
tled, out of the annual appropriation of
$200,000, for the year 1852, as follows :
Districts. Amt. Districts. Amt.
Barree $120,47 Brady $84,13
Cass 61,62 Clay 60,83
Cromwell 114,15 Dublin 115,73
Franklin 106,25 Henderson 78,21
Hopewell -72,28 Jackson 127,19
Morris 55,69 Penn 63,54
Shirleysburg bor. 31,60 Porter 170,28
Springfield 56,48 Shirley tp. 127,59
Tell • 86,50 Tod 101,51
Union 52,14 Walker 95,59
Warriorsmark 140,62 West 171 03
Huntingdon bor. 142,59 1 Graysport 30,02
Your obedient servant,
Superintendent of Common Schools.
Published by order of Commissioners of
Huntingdon County,
Attest : H. W. MILLER, Clerk.
May 11, 1852.
A fifty dollar Bank Bill, dated Alexandria, Oc
tober 9th, 1851, issued at Bank of the Old Do
minion, Virginia, in Alexandria, Wm. Fowle,
President; James McKenzie, Cashier; No. 232,
letter A, countersigned by B. Butler, State Trea
surer; and the letter W marked with a pen at or
near the margin of the right end. The bill was
stolen from a letter on the route between Alexan
dria, Va., and MeVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa.
The embezzler doubtless will blur the letter W
with ink, or tenr it oft; and give it a home destina
The public are cautioned against a note bear
ing such description with said letter W, or the
same erased or blurred. The object of the loser
is to discover the point on the route where it was
abstracted. Any information touching the above,
will be politely received at the office of the Hun
tingdon 'Journal.' May 13, 1852.
Informs his old friends and the public that Ito
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity and his beat ability.
Office in Mnin Street. south side, the last houso
below the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.—Gm.
All persons nre hereby notified that the under.
signed, on the 10th day of May inst., bought at
Constable's sale, as the property of Isaac Bow
man, in Cass township, two acres and a half of
wheat in the ground on the place where tho said
Bowman resides, adjoining lands of Joseph Ste
ver and others—and they are notified not to med
dle with the same as it now belongs to the under
signed. J. HENRY DELL.
May 13, 1852.—1 t.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The co-partnership heretofore existing between
James Bricker and J. B. Lenney, was this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The business will
be carried on at the same place by the undersign
Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.
American manufactured Pen Knives and Ra
zors, all warranted, for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
150 Sacks G A Salt, in More, and for snlo
it $1,70 per each, by J. & W. Saxton.
it 5 g B ib ar r ro sa ls le ag y d
. 10 by a ro xt ls on of fresh No.
Cie 20 Barrels of Mackerel and Shad for sale
)3 , J. & N. Saxton.
liF i r Lead Pipe inch, inch and inch, for
In hy J. & W. Saxton.
lit'r Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro
'sin, Pitch, Oakum, Ropes, &0., for sale by J. &
W. Saxton.
Wl' 500 yds. Rug and Listen Carpet, just re•
eeived, and for sale by J. & W. Saxton.
Cr 600 yds. Ingrain Carpet for sale by J. &
W Saxton.
200 Bushels Rock Salk for sale, at 42
per bushel, by J. & W. Saxton.
6 Brass Mama and Fancy Clocks for sale
by J. & W. Saxton.