Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 18, 1852, Image 3

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French MlHillary Goods,
ARE now preparedto offer to theircustomers
and the trade a large and well selected as
sortment of
Silks,' Ribbon: l .Millinery Goods
Confining themselves exclusively to this branch
of the 'Wide, and latrowriNG the larger part of,
their stock, enables them to offer an assortment
unsurpassed in extent and variety, which will be
sold at the lowest prices and on the most fatvora
'We terms. March 18, 1852.-2 m.
Cultivated and for sale at the nursery and gar
'dens, Rising Sun Village, near Philadelphia,
;ebhsitting of a general assortment of the above,
of various kinds and sizes, suitable for pleasure
'grounds and gardens, with all kinds of vegetable
plants, roots, seeds,
SAMUEL MANPAY, Propigetor.
March 18, 1852,2 th
N. 13. His stands in the City are in the Mark
et below sixth street, where orders are also re
All orders promptly attetilledlo, when sent by
mail, directed to 'S. Manpuy, 'Rising Sun P. o,'
Philadelphia county, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Thomas Illontgontery, late of &tree
township, Huntingdon co.,' dec'd.
. Notice is hereby given that letters
'tration have been granted to the subscribers on
the Estate of Thomas Montgomery, deed., there
fore all persons knowing themselves indebted to
raid estate, will make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
March 18, '52.-Bt.pd. Adm'rs.
Cassville Seminary.
Sealed proposals will be received by thelttider
signed Trustees, at the office of David Oak"Loh,
%sq., in Cassvillc, Huntingdon county, Pa., Unfit
2 o'clock, P. M., of Saturday the 27th inst.,' for
'the erection of a brick building, to lte occupied as
It Seminary.
Man and specifications can be scen'at any time
at the oflico of David Clarkson, Esq., in Cassvillo,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
OIS. F. CURPMAN, Trustees.
Cassville, March 11, 1862.-3 t.
. .
13Abog, i'RODUCE, AN]) Pittgift;NGll
No. 23 WOOD ST. PIT'0411.0(CiI1.
Particular attenticn Milli to the sale of Blooms
Snd Pig Metal, and Cow a/Whnces made.
March 4, 's2.—Gm.
The summer 'Session of this Ihstithtien will
'Corniheiice on the tat Wednesday' of April, and
will 'continue five months. •There Will he lin in
terniistiltin in July itb heretofore. ft is in , poi•tact
'that students coma before WeilitesdaY, as it is
'our rule to begin the exercises 'of the schpol
punctually on that (lay.
. . . .
The terms are very low; the whole expenic,
including board, washing, tuition, &c., not cx
•ceeding $45 per session. Catalogues containing
particulars can be had by addressing.
.1. IL W. McGlNNEPriucipal.
Shade Gap, March 4,1852.-6 w.
A Teuaut Wanted.
I wish to lease for 0110 or more years the farm
situated at the month of the Raystown
three miles below Huntingdon formally owned by
Dr. Henderson and sometimes called '•Stird•onia."
The farm has been lying idle the last year and
will afford a good chance for an industrious 'meant
—one with a small family will be preferred, as it
rosy become necessary to quarter boarders with
Immediate possession will be gircn.
Iluntiagdoa, March 11, 1852.-3 t.
Ailditorrs Notice.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Picas, of Huntingdon county,
to renke distribution of the proceeds of the Sher
it's ride of .ho personal estate of Joseph Vance
Mid James Alexandiv amongst those entitled to
receive the same, hereby gives notice, to all inter
ested, that ho will attend for the purpose Ohre
said, on Teesday the, selond day of April boot,
at ten o'clock, A. M. at his office in tiro borough
of Hendee., when and where all persons in
terested may attend if they think proper.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
March 4, 1852.
The aemi•mmunl exhibition of the stmlenn of
Milnwood Aeudetny will take Once on Tuesday
the 30th of Mara). The exercisca wilt commence
at 1 o'clock P. M.
The anniversary address jo tlati Literary Soci
eties will be delivered on thb Same day at 10
o'clock A. M.
The parents And &lied§ d flie students partic
ularly, and all interested in {fie Institution, or in
the cause of education generally, arc respetitfally
invited to attend. J. H. W. MIIGTNNES;
Shade Gap, March 4, 1852.—ti1l
Public Sale.
Will be sold on Saturday, March 20th, at 2 o'-
clock P. M., a two story frame building, 18 by
24 teet, situated below the wood and water sta
tion, on the Penna. R. Road, in the borough of
Huntingdon, now occupied by Col. John G.
Stewart, as a marble workers shop.
March I I, 1852,-2t.
Having &belittled to leave Huntingdon, I have
placed in ibe hands of Col. S. S. Wharton all my
prcassionel papers, in whose ability and integrity
I have full confidence, and have also transfored
and assigned to him all my notes, and accounts,
for his own use. A. K. CORNYN,
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1852.
MAHOGANY And Walnut Venoats, for sale
at the now store of
$1,000,000 Saved Yearly by Purchasing
The wonder of the age, nature's own produc
tions. These Paints dither &Mt all others in the
Market; they are not clays; they require little Oil,
thew easily, and cover with a heavier body than
white lead. They neither crack nor peel, and dry
readily. making an ENA MEL ON STONE..
CoLons—We have seven ditkrent colors, Ti :
three Browns, two Chocolates, Black and Yellow,
and by combination make every variety and shade
of color.
Bony.—These Paints arc superior in body (or
covering property) to any yet discovered, and
pound fur pound will cover double the surlhce of
white lead, zinc, or other metallic Paints.
inoti.—To Iron they furnish tt.lierfeet protec
tion against rust, for they contain no metal, which
like white lead acts destructively on the iron; in
fact this Paint makes iron doubly valuable for
building purposes.
BRICK Wona.—They giVo to house walls a
much heavier coating than tither paints, and if
sanding is required, nothing holds so firmly or
finishes so well with it.
OLn Roots.—Give us a roof, never so old'and
leaky, Silver's Mineral Paints will make it cheap
ly new and more enduring than it ever was.
SHIPS using this extraordinary Mineral is we
prepare it fur them, will be proof against the ac
tion of but suns worms and salt water.
CAPITALISTS and BUILDERS are invited to
make strict scrutiny into the merits of these
Paints. 'they will find a very great reduction
might he made in the cost of painting. These
Paints arc purely mineral; all clays and other
impurities are washed out in preparing them for
the, market. They cost but half the price of white
dead, and the sante quantity will cover twice the
surface, and last six times as long, which in fact
reditces the.priee to one-twelfth. Climate has uo
'effect On 'this Paint, and is equally valuable in the
cold Canadas oar sunny Florida.
DinacrloYs.—Use Linseed Oil, mix as thick
as you can, and use as other paints. These Paints
need but little dryer, and for printing and second
coating in all housework•they will be found far
cheaper andinore durable than lead.
Dealers and consumers can
.procure this Paint
wholesale and retail of
N. W. Corner loth and Market Streets, Phila.
General Wholesale Agents; also Importers of
Plate and Colored Window Glass, Dealers in
Dihga, Paints, &c.
March 11, 1852.-3 m.
Delimit, Discount Jc Exchange,
11l Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvaniiz.
James M. Bell, Robert 13. Johnston, and Wil
liam Jack are the ACTIVE PARTNERS, who alone
transactilie business of the firm.
A. P. Wilson, Wm. 'Dorris, Jr., Wm. P. Orbi
son, Of rinitingdon; .c. brDowen, M.
I.l(tid,'Janies Denuist., R. M. Lernon, Geo. It.
Mlarlane, Sanniel W. Rhodes Saltine]. Calvin,
Thatletts Banks, John Cresswelf, Dkvid Wat
iidn, Joseph Smith of Hollidaysburg, Alex M.
Lloyd, Balter'SOWatatin, of Gaysport; John Mil
ler, of Tonnierfirteiil'ile,Blair county; E. Simms
ker, of Ebensburg; Thomas White, of Indiana; S.
H. ' Sinith Jno. Crouse, of Johnstown; John K.
Neff, Samuel Deno, las. M. Johnston, of
iiamsbtirg, Pa.
• !Collections made in all parts of 11141 United
States. Drafts furnished on Philadelphia, Pkg.
burg, &c. &c.
The usual rate of Interest, in such cases, paid
on Deposits for 3,6 and 12 mtitititl, Other De-
Posits'receiVed payable on demand.
Hollidaysburg, March 11, 1852.-41.
Shirleysburg Feint° Seminary.
The Summer Tdrm of this institution n•iH coin
tnenee on the first 'rtiestiny of DSny. ,
„ —..„.
The Seminary buildings ere good, and delight
fall:y 'situated in the peaceful and pleasant village
Of Shirleysliterg; and possess ample grounds for
pleasure ea eleereise.
This Institution has been in suc c essful opera
tion since lust full, and is ?resigned to be perma
nent. The P,einiipta iftid Trnstees fire determin
ed that every thing Shaine done, which is required
to make it compare favorably with similar insti
tutions of a high order.
The year is into two sessions of 22
weeks each, eleven weeks constituting a 'gunner.
'PERMS.—Boarding_ and Lodging $1;50 per
week. Tuition $4,00 and $5,00 per q uarter. In
strumental Music, Fancy Work, Painting and
Drawing; together with Latin and Frei:eh, a Sep
arate charge.
Nu deduction in Charge ekCept in ease of sick-
It is very important that those who intend en
tering the Seminary the coming term, should be
pretest the first day of the session.
J: CAMPBELL, Principal.
Shirleysburg, March 4, 1832.-Ist may.
0 the creditors of the Huntingdon, Cambria and
Indiana Turnpike Road Company.
That the Court of Huntingdon county on the
13th February,lBs2, directed to he paid to cred
itors, three and one half per cent. on the amount
of their claims, on which former dividends have
been declared, which I will pay on the presenta
tion of their certificates of deposit, by themselves
or their agents.
JOHN U. ISETT, Sequestrator.
Spruce Creek, March 4, 1852.
"Hollidaysburg Register" and Whig paper
Johnstown, will please insert the above three times
and charge this office.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JOHN P. DORSE); late of the bor•
ough of Thintingdon, dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis
tration have been grunted to the subscriber en the
estate of Joins P. Dorsey, deceased, therefore all
persons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
March 4, 1852.-6 t.
To diners of Unpatented Lands.
Take notice that the act of Assembly Passed
the 10th day of April 1835 etttitled an ,icy to gra
duate lands On which namay id due dad unpaid
to the CuttisholfweeTtli of Pdttn'sylviihia L and Auld
act having expired on the I'sth slay of December
last by limitation, lies now been extended to the
lot day of February 1833, of Which all intOresied
will take notice.
ROBERT S'l'll7, Cotter's
KUM. Sllllll,
lima. Feb: 5, 1552.-3 m.
Administratoes Notice.
Estate of UV WW. 117
. KI.:!STER,Idtr of Spri nip
Held township, lintitingdon el., eloAl.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ndminis•
tration hero been granted to the subscriber on thu
above estate; therefore all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will make immedi
ate payment, and those !taring claims will present
By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. will be
exposed to sale at public VCTICIUO, at the court
house in the borohgh of Huntingdon, on Monday
the 12th day of April, 1852, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property, to wit:
All the right and interest of Difendant
in and to two iota of ground in the town of
Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county, adjoin
ing 'each other, each lot fiontintforty sev
en feet on the street or road leading 'from
Birmingham to Bellefonte, and extending
back north one hundred and fifty five feet
to a twelve feet alley, adjoining a lot of
George Cox on the west, a lot of the es
tate of Archibald Hutchison, deed., on
the east, having thereon erected a two sto
ry frame plastered house 43 feet in front,
in part extending back 36 feet end in part
20 feet and a frame stable, the above let
adjoins George Cox on the west, the other
Tot adjoining Archibald Hutchison on the
east, has thereon erected a two story franie
plastered holfse 47 itet in fient, 20 feet
deep with a kitchen one story high, weath
er boarded. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of Lindley
Hoopes. ,
ALSO.,-All the right, title and inter
est of John Madden in and to a tract of
land situated hi Springfield townShipe ? Hun= 7
tingdon counti, containing 06 net% more
or lesi, adjoining lands of Jacob Baker;
Dorton Coates, and 'others, being part of
a large tract of land surveyed in pursu
ance of a warrant granted to George Cieg
han, dated 7th July A. D., 1762,
thereon erected a stone grist mill, a saw
mill, five dwelling houses, one stone house
and granery, a blacksmith shop, 801161
and other small buildings, about 50 acres
of which are cleared, the balance well
timbered. Seized, taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of John Mad
ALSO,—One lot of ground in the bor
ough of Alexandria, Huntingdon county,
said lot is 60 feet wide by 200 foot long,
and No. in the plan of said Borough,
having thereon erected a log house and a
stable &o—Also 3 other lots of ground in
said Borough, lying east of and adjoining
the first described lot No. 85, 86 and 87
in said town plot, the above lots are under
face. Seim], taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of George Kauff
ALSO,—AII the right, title and inter
est of Edwin F. Shnenberger, of, in and to
a tract of land situate in West township in
the county of Huntingdon, bounded by
lands of Robert Mooke, Wm. Oaks and
DaVid Ewing, containing about sixty acres,
being the Same tract'of land purchased by
the said Edwin F. Sheenberger from Ro
bert Moore, and being part of a larger
tract surveyed on a warrant to Samuel
Ewing and were owned by the said Robert
ALSO,—AII the right, title and inter
est of the said Edwin F. Shoenberger of,
in and to another tract of Taiid situate in
the township -and 'county aforesaid, adjoin
ing latds of Robert Moore, Mark McLen
old and Wm. Oaks, containing one hun
dred and twenty acres, or thereabouts,
known as the " Lang farm," about sixty
five acres of which are cleared, and having
a stone house, three or four tenant houses,
tt leg bane, fulling mill, with good water
power, and an apple orchard thereon.
ALSO,—AII the right, title and inter
est of the said Edwin F. Shoenberger of,
in and to the following fwo tracts of land,
adjoining each other, situated in the town
ship and county aforesaid, one thereof sur
veyed on a warrant to Barnaby Barnes,
' containing two hundred and nineteen acres,
or thoreabouti, the other thereof surveyed
on a warrant to Richard Smith, 'dated J an
nary 3d, 1793, containing one hundred and
fifty-one acres and forty perches, or there
abouts, both ef *hick tracts lie on the Ju
niata river, below Petersburg, having a
two story log house, a largo frame barn
and other buildings thereon erected, and
about one hundred and twenty-five acres
of which are cleared and in a good state of
cultivation. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of Edwin
F. Shoenberger.
ALSO,—AII that certain tract of land
in Cromwell township, containing 177 acres,
I more or less, bounded by lands of Benja
min Beers' heirs on tho west, Mclntyre on
the north, lands of Martha Pennocks' heirs
on the south and east, having about 70
acres cleared and under fence; and hull*
I thereon erected a two story log house and
I a frame bank barn. Seized, taken in ex
caution and to be sold as the property of
Aaron Staines.
ALSO,—AII the right, title and inter
est of James Franks to a certain tract of
land situate in Jackson township, Hunting
don county, containing one hundred acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Henry Lee
on the south, John Alexander on the west,
Broad mountain survey on the north, and
lands of John A. Wright, & Co., on the
east, having thereon erected two cabin hou
ses and a frame bank barn, twenty-five or
thirty acres cleared and under fence.—
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of James Franks.
ALSO,—lly virtub of a writ of Liver!
Facias, will be sold at the same time and
place the following described property to
to wit:
All the ono undivided half of a tract of
la►ld situated in Springfield township and
county afordriaid, containing ninety five
acres or thereabouts, being part of a large
tract surveyed in pursuance of a warrant
granted to George Groghan dated 7th July
1762, together with the hereditamouts and
appurtenances. Seized, taken in execu
tion and to be sold as the property of John
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Huntingdon.
The petition of Alexander Carthon r of .the bo
rough and county of Huntingdon, respectfully re
presents : That your petitioner is well 'provided
with house room and other conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travelldrs, at his
old stand, in the borough of Huntingdon, where
he is deiirous . of 'continuing to keep an Inn or
tavern, as heretokife. Ile therefore prays your
Honors to grant him a license to keep such Inn
or tavern for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and he will pray, &e.
March I 1, '52. A. C A Inlol4.
We the undersig,ned, citizens of the borough of
Huntingdon, in which the above Ina or tavern is
proposed M ho kelit,`do terfily that.sucji Inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate thy public
and entertain strangers nod travellers, and that
the said A lexamler CarinOn, the siliovO petitioner,
is a min of good repute tbr Itones,t,y. and temper
ance, and is well provided withAiOnse room and
conveniences for the acconunoaation of strangers
and travellers.
John 'Reuben Romig, Win. Rothrock,
Wm. B. Zeigler, John N. Proeell, C. S. Black,
'Robert Stitt, Jacob Snyder, C. A. Newinglntm,
John Fleuner, T. K. Simonton, Geo. A. Steel.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
(tanner Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Huntingdon ht April Term
The petition of Wesley P. diem of tile bor
ough of Birminghant lit the county of Hunting
don, respectfully - represent: That he continues
to occupy that well knowit coniodions Brick house,
situate on the corner of Market and commerce
Streets in the borough Aforesaid, as an Inn or
Taveni t that he is well provided with all ttecei
sary accommodatiOns ICr the entertainment of
strong.* and travellers. He therefore prays
your Honors to grant him a lidense for the contin
uance of said Inn or Tavern for the 'ensuing
year, and he will ever pray &c.
March 11, 1852. W. P. GREEN.
We the MiOrsigned citizens of the borotigh of
Birmingham in the "ecantty of Huntingdon, do
hereby certify that 'the above named petitioner
Wesley I'. Green is a person of good repute for
honeitty and
,temperancb, and is Well provided
with 'necesPary lionse room and other conveni
ences for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that the Inn or Tavern proposed
to be kept is really necessary to accommodate the
public andentertain strangers and travellers.
John Baker, Henry Stain, A. P. Kinney,
John Buttonstetie, Rollin Morrow, James Temple,
William Edmiston, A. P. Owens, Robert Mc-
Donned, Thompson Mettlen, John 1). Stewart,
J. B. Stewart, John Homan, J. H. McCracken.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Nate for the county of
The petition of Samuel Steffy respectffilly
sheweth : That your petitioner bow occupies the
house heretofore kept as a public house of enter
tainment, situated on the road leading from Pine
grove to Lewistown, in the township of Jackson;
that he is well provided with stabling for horses,
stud all conveniences necessary for the entertain
ment of strangers and travellers; he therefore re
spectfully prays the Court to grant him a license
to keep an bin or public house of entertainment
there, and your petitioner will pray, tie,
Mara 11,'52. SAMUEL STEFFY.
We the undersigned. citizens of Jackson town
ship, being personally acquainted with Samuel
Steffy, the above named petitioner, and also hay
ing,a knowledge of the house for which the license
is prayed, do hereby certify that such a house is
necessary to accommodate the public and enter
win strangers and travellers, and that he is a per
son of good repute for honesty and temperance,
that he is well provided with house room for the
lodging and accommodation or strangers and
travellers. We therefore beg leave to recom
mend him for a license agreeably to his petition.
ElMs Musser, Solomon Hamer, Henry Wal
born, Jilin. Fleming, George Stefley, Samuel
Rudy, David Little, Win. Mears, Wm. Walborn,
Robert Barr, George Wilson, John Stain.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Iluntingdon county.
The petition of Andrew Johnston of the Bor
ough and county of Huntingdon, respectfully
shored] that he has lately taken that well kmiwn
tavern stand in the said borough, called the Black
Bear hotel, whiCh Iwe heretothrc been used and
occupied as a public house of entertainment, and
is desirous of continuing to keep a public house
therein. nu therefore prays your Bettors to
grant him a license to keep a public house at the
place aforesaid for the ensuing year, and he will
ever pray : ANDREW JOHNSTON.
- - .
March 11, 1852, -----
'Ube subscribers citizens of the borough of Hun
tingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, recom
mend the above petitioner and certify that the Inn
ur tavern above mentioned is necessary to accom
modate the public and entertain strangers and
travellers; and that the petitioner above named is
of good repute for honesty and temperance uud is
well provided for house room and conveniences
for the accomModution of strangers and travellers.
C. A. Newingliam, James Bricker, Elias Bar
tle, J. S. Stewart, Edmund Snare, William A.
Saxton, John Flenner John Simpson, 'P. K.
Simonton, M. F. Campbell, Jacob Snyder, Geo-
To the
,Honerithle, the Judges of the Court of,
Quarter Sessions Of Huntingdon county.
The petition of Patrick M'Ateer, respectfully
slieweth That he is desirous of keeping an Inn
or tavern in the house formerly kept by Michael
Sissler, situated near the Canal, iu the borough
of Alexandria, and that it is well provided with
stabling for horses, and all conveniences necessa
ry to entertakstrangers and travellers. Ile there
litre prays the Court to grant 1111111 11 license to keep
an Inn or Piddle house of entertainment there,
and ho will pray, &c.
blanch 11,'52.
We the Undersigned, citizen 4 Ol:llcoraTitlria,
being personally acquainted with Patrick McA
teer, the above named petitioner, and also having
a knowled g e of the house for which the limp,
prayed, do certify, - that finch house is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain stran
gers and travellers; that the petitioner is a person
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and
that ho is well provided with house room and con
veniences for the lodging and accommodation of
strangers and travellers. We therefore recom
mend him for license agreeably to his petition.
John Fleming, John Hayhagen, Francis Con
ner, Alexander Stitt, Wm. Christy, Enoch Kline,
David 'Jones, Samuel linker, George H. Fleming,
John Piper, Jr., Benjamin Cross, John Bisbin.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Connor Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county,
to make distribution of the proceeds of the Sher
sale of the real estate of Samuel B. Young
amongst those entitled to receive the same, here
by gives holke to all persons interested, that he
will tatted for the purpose aforesaid, on Sawn!ar
the third day of April next, at otte I. M.
at hiS otlTe6 in the borough of Iltiiitiiigdod,4lten
and where nil yersons interested linty a wild if
tlieL thqik Aoper. JOHN 11 RED,
March 4, 1852. A Uditor.
cIII,VER 61'00 1 :S ot the latest bb
To the Honorable, the Judges of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
The petition of John Livingston respect
fully sl!eweth : That he intends to ocoupy,
and desires to keep as a.public house, the
one now occupied by Christian Couts,in the
borough ,of Huntingdon. .Ho therefore
prays the Court to grant him a license to
keep an Inn or tavern in the house afore
said, and he will pray, &c.
March 11, 1852
. -
The undersigned, citizens of the borough
of Huntingdon, being personally acquaint
ed with,:Sohn Livingston, the above peti
tioner, and also having a knowledge ot' the
house for which the license is prayed, do
hereby certify that such house is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers, that he is a per
son of good repute for honesty and temper
ance, and that he is well provided with
house room and other conveniences for the
lodging and accommodation of stranger;s
and travellers.
Thomas Jackson, Louis Schneider, Jno.
D. Herr, Wm. B. Zeigler, Wm. A. Saxton,
C. A. Newingham, Geo. A. Steel, T. K.
Simonton, A. Johnston Frederick Schnei
der, C.. S. Black, Geo. Gavin.
- The. commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, to the widow mid heirs of Simon
Smalley late of Shirley township, ilmitingdou
county, deed-Greeting:
On the 'Petition of Peter Etneir, and Elizabeth
Etneir, - tbrmerly Elizabeth Smalley, a legatee un
der the Will of Lewis Smalley, late of Shirley
township, dec'd, at an Orphan's Court of Hun
tingdon at NoVeMber term 1851, a citation was
granted on the widow and legal reprelentatives
of mid deed, to conic into said Court, and show
cause why the real estate devised to the said Si
mon Smalley, deed, by the last will and testa-
Meet of Lewis Smalley, deed, should not be sold
for the payment of ono. third of the loopy, be,
queathed to the Petitioner (Elizabeth Etneir) by
the last will and testament of Lewis Sinallsy,
deed, or
,why the payment of said legacy should
not be enforced, and whereas the said citation was
returhed to the pies'ent Term, by the Sheriff ot'
said county, stating that the parties stained in said
writ, was not it. his ;milky irk. Whereupon, on
motion of William I'. Orbison, Mg., the Court
awarded an alias citation, on the said parties, and
directed the same to be published in ono paper
published in Huntingdon 'county. All pereens
interested are hereby notified to come into said
Court on Monday the 12th day of April next, and
shew rattan if any you have, and abide the order
and decree of said Court.
WAI. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Sherilnt 'Mike,
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 185'2.
To the heirs and legal representatives of PHILIP
SHULTZ, late of the borough of Hun
tingdon, deceased.
In pursuance of a writ of Partition or valuation
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon
county, I will hold an inquest to make partition
or Valuation of the real estate of which Philip
Shultz dec'd was seized, situate in Henderson
township, Huntingdon county, on the premises,
on Saturday the 27th day of March 1852, when
and where all persons interested may attend.
WM. B. ZEIGLEII, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office,
I luutingdon, Fob. 26, '52.-4t
_ Valuable Real Estate
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to Public
Sole,_ on the premises, on Saturday the 20th day
of March, 1852, the undivided interest (being
the one third) of Arabell Vandevander, a minor
child of Abraham Vandevander, late of Brady
township, dec'd. in the following real estate,
viz :
A certain plantation situate on both sides of
the Pennsylvania Canal, and of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road, about seven miles East of the borough
of 1 Inatiogdon, and two miles East of the Village
of Mill Creek, in Brady township,
bounded by
lands of Gen. James Irvin on the East, the Ju
niata river on the south, land of James Entrekin
on the west, and land of Andrew Wise, Oil the
north, containing about Two Hundre d Acres,
more or less, having thereon a two story log house
and kitchen, a large tramo barn, with stone sta
bling underneath, u waggon shed and corn cribs,
a stone spring house, a smoke and drying house,
a cider mill iind press, and other improvements.
About seventy acres of this land is cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, and a considerable
portion of the residue is well timbered.
_ .
TEEMS OF SALE—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on the confirmation of
the sale. One third thereof in one year thereaf
ter, with interest, and the remaining one thirst at
and immediately after the death of the widow of
said decd, the interest of which third payment to
be paid to the said widow, annually and regular
ly during her life, the whole to be secured by the
bonds mad mortgage of the purchaser. Sale to
commence at 1u o'clock A. AL of said day, at
tendance will be given by
JACOB MILLER, Guardian &c.
_ .
N.. 13. At the autos time and place, the inter
est of the undersigned, the widow and other heirs
of said dee'd. will he exposed to sale, upon the
terms above stated, and upon confirmation of the
said minors interest we will join with the said
Guardian in a Deed, convoying the whole of said
Feb. 26, 1852--ts.
Adniinistrator's Notice;
Estate of hi I'll KER tab of the borOttyh
of ,i/tirleyshura,
Letters Of administration have lien granted to
the undersigned, upon the estate of said dtat'il;
all persons knowing themselves re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
hoeing claims will present them properly authen
ticated for settlement.
Fob. 26, 1652,-6t.•
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon county, to ascertain
and repute the liens against the reel estate of
Jos. Parsons, late of Tell township, Huntingdon
county, deed, and to distribute the proceeds of
sale of the soil real estate to and among the lien
creditors of said dec'd, will attend for that pur
pose at his attire in the borough of Huntingdon;
on Sattwday the 27th day of .March next, when
:tug where all persons interested can attend.
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1852.
1 Ilarri2ll3 gromnd Out of White Wheat, (m
-__ ad. .4.6 .14
The undersigned will sell that tract of land sit
uate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands nf Martin Orlady, James Dir,
A. G. Curtin, John M'Cahan, and hind lately
owned by William Magill, containing
. • .. .
and allotv,mce, non. ii,tipied Lv John L. i;Vit'll:er
With one r,:ooe house, plastered in the in
side, with it fountain of pure, soft and very told
water running nt the door, one log bon, suitable
ftie it tenant !anise, tt squared log barn, with a
shittAie roof, a 1 ;,)0ds8w-ioili mei other buildings
thereon everted. Fifty 'or sixty nttesof suidland
tire 'leaved and under retire and food Ante
of cultivation and !wady 1111 the led:ince can bs,
cleared and cultivated. A'considerahletiortion of
the uncleared part is boom limit of es good qual
ity as can be foetid iit;tlte",uunty. The.tract else
cousins ! : good liniestune,quarry. s.uw4niii
Is turned by the .113 IA branch of Shone trcek E it
never tailing ,treant which is used sown miles
above to drive tireettwOod Fitrnace, and is about
one awl three fiittrtli miles from the main 'brunch
of Ktone, Creek, which is a navigable stream emp
tying iou tllc Janixta . nt Huntingdon. The prep-.
erty is sit he base of Stone Mountain,
which affords an unequalled range liar cattle.
There is timber enough on the property to 'pity
for it two or three titnes over. Au undoubted ti
tle will be given.
'l'erins to suit the purchaser.
Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1851
• .
• •
Birmingham Femal e Seminary. .
The liberal patronage which this School has
received in the pest, encourages the. proprietor
anil friends oftale, .eduaution, to,...cipect by
proper exertituKto ineke,it both a premeneot And
important Institution; and tio pains will by spar
ed to sustain its growing reputation:
Among other considerations which inspire hope
as to its future souse, the location is nut Itim
tik. 'Mite . ° gears actual experiment has To,
veloped a More philosophical, if not a truer reas
on for the existence of Birmingham than many
which have been ussigned—that it is the situation
fur in Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by
most romantic scenery—retired—heulthful—easy
of access and in itself a place where one might al
most grow wise in ,the study of Nature alone un
mocked by the worlo oTArt.
The school year is divided into two gessioVs. ,* f
twenty-two weeks each ; the summer term coin -
inencing the lust Tuesday in April, the winter
term the last Tuesday in October.
•. .
' Charges to date from tune o f entering, and no
deductions made for absence except iu case Of
Tuition $4,110 and $5,00 per quarter—boarding
$1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw
ing, &c., extra.
Rev. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., Principnl
Rev. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associate.
Jan. 15, 1852.
A persons. knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm of Dorsey 6. Maguire will please
call and have their
.several accounts satisfactorily
adjusted, without regard to persons. By attend
' ing to this notice will save further' trouble :and
expense. JAMES MAU mut
Huntingdon, Feb. 12, 1852.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
OTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inns
IN and Taverns within the county of Hunting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of
such Inns and Taverns that they, clap Weir Jos,
pectivc pars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or dealing out liquors On that day ; and
the licenseil such persons as shall disregard this
injUnction will be revoked foithwlllt agreeably to
the Act of Assembly in such Oise mode and pro,
vided upon the filet of inch violation coming to
the knowledge of the Court.
_ . _
- By the Court, 24th Jrni,..1852.
THEO. H. CREME!., Clerk
Feb. 12..1852.
Adniiiiistrator's Node&
. ,
Estate of GREENBEnItY DORSEY, late. of the
borough of Iluntingdon, dcc'd.
Letters of adipinistration having been granted
on the said estate by iNe,Register of Iluntingdon
county to the undersigned, all persons indebted
are hereby notified to snake immediate payinent,
and those havinr 'rlainis will bresent then! proper
ly authenticated hp: settlement.
Huntingdon, Feb. 12,
'ARAN. 5 Adners.
SHAD,. • '
Oct. 9, 1851.
Constantly on !thrid, Ei
for sale by
• J. PA LMER & Co,
Market street Wharf
• -
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.
. .
The undersigned is just opening another large
assortment of the above articles, at various prices,
and earnestly invites every body to call and ex
amine for themselves.
Waddles, Clucks, and Jewelry, carefully • and
promptly repaired, and warranted fur nue p.r.
Nov. 6, 16:11.—tf.
The gloat AtWINO, the blue Pacific, old the
Niagara •Folly all cotibint:(l tbiicthbr, Canna he
comparayrith Heaton Willot's sploricliflassort
meat ut Fait. AND WINTER .Lid0111).0pOTIOlt out
at liridgi:port, which they intend to sell cheap fur
cash or produce,
lifidgeport. Jan. 15, 1852.
Watch Repairing:
~ • • ,
Persons desirous to have their ntebbs repaired
in a neat and substantial manner, will do well by
leaving them at Ed. Snare's Watch Store, as lin
has secured the services of a workman, who, hav
ing worked in nil the principal cities of Europe
and America, is perfectly acquainted with every
brmich of the business, and he chatienyes this sec
tion of country to produce a superior.
All work warranted. Jan. 29, '52.
Gold Pens;
A very superior 1001' lituidees oelohNilcif Vold
Pens (silver eases) at Ed. tittare's Jewelry Store.
Jan. 29, 1852.
50 111 , s is. 1 , 1 1 , i)xr (i ii i iil , ;; , ,, , , i•eiveil ni3.1 m 113 , :r 2, 5a! 5e2. by
(TOPPER, Sugar. tes ; culnto, Ten, Cs!liger,
Popper, Cloves, cinuenioe, Allspice, loire,
1 co, Cigars; &A tt . , etti, fill' :sale 4t , ,the oeif
istore of Hirtt'l(Elt 4.1,P11.1141RT.
Y AMES (itiht and Petit:lie at the Oho*.